Raev dancer. Irina Pegova has a new romance with Evgeny Raev? What does Raev do? Photos? Diet from Irina Pegova

The juicy, busty blonde from the series “Masha in Law” Irina Pegova did not stay alone for long after her divorce from her husband.
The 37-year-old actress has managed to change several lovers over the past 5 years, and each of them was younger than her.
Irina separated from her actor husband Dmitry Orlov in 2011, while she received an apartment in Moscow and a house in Nizhny Novgorod region. The 44-year-old ex-husband received almost nothing from the jointly acquired property except memories of the difficult character of the artist. In one of his interviews, he admitted that Pegova often “terrorized” him. After difficult relationship With the actress, Dmitry found himself a modest nurse and with her, according to him, he rests his soul.
Pegova herself also fell into a new relationship. Very soon she was noticed in the arms of the star of the film “Legend No. 17” Sergei Kempo. The boyfriend, who was 7 years younger than his beloved, met Irina with flowers after performances and soon began to appear at her house. The actress introduced him to her daughter Tanya, and soon the three of them flew off to vacation in the Mediterranean Sea.

Raev photographed Irina against the backdrop of Parisian beauty

A couple in love against the backdrop of the most romantic building in the city - Notre Dame de Paris

But in 2015, the place of one young handsome man was taken by another - even younger. While participating in the show “Dancing with the Stars,” the artist met 22-year-old St. Petersburg dancer Evgeniy Raev. Their passion for the project was hard to miss. They themselves, despite going out together, did not confirm their relationship. Only recently, photographs from a vacation in Paris appeared on the pages of Irina Pegova’s social networks, in which the actress is photographed exclusively alone. And only a few friends of Evgeniy Raev could observe that the busty darling of the domestic audience was resting not alone, but with a young handsome man.

Frivolous tattoo speaks for itself

Unexpectedly for everyone, the fighter showed brilliant dancing skills

So that's what you are!

Monson brought the audience to tears

ATHLETE Jeff Monson, actively conquering Russian show business, danced his first ballroom dance in front of television cameras. Wearing a yellow and black suit, paired with 28-year-old actress Maria Smolnikova, the fighter performed a number inspired by the film “Beauty and the Beast”, and immediately became a favorite of the presenters and jury members. Even during the rehearsal, Monson’s performance touched the audience so much that many of those present could not hold back their tears and stood screaming. auditorium"Bravo".

The actress who played Katya Pushkareva shocked the audience with a brilliant stretch

Be born beautiful again

“Ugly” Nelly Uvarova returned to the screen after 10 years of seclusion

VIEWERS of the show “Dancing with the Stars” are in for a sensational event - 35-year-old actress Nelly Uvarova, who played the role of ugly Katya Pushkareva in the legendary TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful,” will appear on the floor. For 10 years nothing was heard about the main star of the TV series. Uvarova did not appear at social parties and did not delight fans with film roles, playing only in the theater. Little was known about the star’s personal life: the actress’s first husband was director Sergei Pikalov, whose marriage lasted until 2010. A year later, the celebrity married actor Alexander Grishin and a few months later gave birth to a daughter, Iya.
Having arranged her personal life, the actress decided to return to television screens. On the set of the new season of “Dancing,” Uvarova will appear in tandem with 22-year-old choreographer Evgeny Raev. The actress, who has always attracted fans with her rounded forms, has already demonstrated professional stretching in one of the first numbers on the floor: the star of the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” in a tight-fitting stewardess costume while dancing “Cha-cha-cha” easily did the splits to the applause of the audience hall

Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair! This news became a real sensation. Some associate the new image famous actress with a recent divorce from her husband Dmitry Orlov, someone is talking about Pegova’s new romance with dancer Evgeny Raev and, as a result, the woman’s desire to start everything “with clean slate" The personal life of Irina Pegova with all the twists and turns and scandals is in our material.

Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair: the actress talks about her new image

Photos of a prettier Irina Pegova in a swimsuit spread across the media at lightning speed. Beautiful, slender, with a sincere smile, charming dimples - the actress literally glows! How Irina Pegova lost weight - the girl talks about this without a hint of coquetry.

“Firstly, the volume of what you eat should be equal to the size of your fist... The second rule: you need to eat slowly. If you don't rush, you will catch the moment when you are full. Ideally, lunch should take an hour. And third: very important role water plays, drowning out the false feeling of hunger. Are you hungry? Drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes - it’s quite possible that when your stomach is filled with liquid, your appetite will go back to sleep.”

Diet from Irina Pegova

Morning: For breakfast, eat any cheese (hard, soft - it doesn’t matter) with whole grain bread or a bun without yeast. You can also eat some cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes. A sandwich with red fish is also allowed.

Noon: For a second breakfast, a healthy snack of dried fruits, nuts or fresh fruits is suitable.

Day: cold or warm salad of vegetables, shrimp or lean beef without mayonnaise.

Evening: boiled or steamed (air grilled) meat or fish with a side dish of vegetable salad.

And just recently, Russian film star Irina Pegova was the standard of Slavic beauty - “blood and milk.” She adored dresses, which brought her even closer to the popularized image of the Russian beauty. Today's Pegova is a brave and self-confident woman, a kind of cat for whom men are akin to her favorite toy, a mouse. Let's compare Irina Pegova before and after a radical change of image.

Photo of Irina Pegova before losing weight

Irina Pegova in a swimsuit, photo after losing weight

Although, according to the actress herself, she had never suffered from a lack of male attention before, but after Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair, her fans increased significantly. In addition, as the project “Dancing with the Stars” showed, the girl dances no worse than she plays on stage. Together with Andrei Kozlovsky, the artist became the winner of the project. And dancing, as you know, also helps maintain ideal forms.

Sorrows and joys: the personal life of Irina Pegova

First great love actresses - actor and director Dmitry Orlov. It seemed that here he was, the hero of her novel. They met at a film festival in Warsaw. As Irina herself claims, it was love at first sight. Beautiful courtship, then the registry office, then the long-awaited child - the couple had a daughter, Tatyana. But then, like thunder among clear skies- Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov are getting divorced! The actress was very restrained in her comments on this matter... unlike her ex-husband, who did not hide his emotions and did not choose expressions when talking about family life with Pegova.

« I felt untalented, helpless, a loser incapable of anything. Then I realized that this was how the woman I loved assessed me...She looked at me like I was an insignificant personI tried to adjust, convince, force, break or break myself, start all over again, and so on. It was a whole complex of attempts. But nothing helped. That's why we decided to get a divorce."

In the photo Irina Pegova with her ex-husband Dmitry Orlov and daughter

8 happy years ended so ingloriously married life acting couple. Today there are persistent rumors that the ex-spouses cannot divide the child and property. The actress herself still does not comment on Orlov’s words, but, apparently, Irina Pegova’s personal life is slowly getting better. At first, the actress was credited with an affair with Andrei Kozlovsky, a partner in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. How can one not believe in the passion and feelings flowing over the edge while watching the passionate tango performed by them!

Irina Pegova and Andrei Kozlovsky on the project “Dancing with the Stars”

But these rumors were never confirmed. Although, you must admit, the couple would be very beautiful!

Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev

Then it was time to discuss the sensitive topic of “Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev together.” Another dancer from a top-rated TV program managed to win the favor of the star of the film “The Walk.” And even the age difference does not bother this couple at all: Pegova is 15 years older than Raev! The actress and dancer are seen together every now and then: either at the premiere of a film, or just while out for a walk. Each time the couple reverently holds hands and does not take their eyes off each other.

Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev

However, Irina Pegova herself today does not comment in any way on the rumors about the novels that are attributed to her. She still calls the main person in her life her daughter Tatyana, who, by the way, not long ago made her debut in the new film by Alexei Uchitel. The same one with whom Irina Pegova once began her long career in cinema. The actress starred in “The Walk,” which brought her all-Russian fame and the love of millions of viewers.

Irina Pegova and daughter Tanya

Irina Pegova (still from the film “Walk”)

Irina Pegova's husband and children: Is there happiness?

The actress was married once - to a “colleague” Dmitry Orlov. A marriage of 8 years - by artistic standards this is a very long time - could not withstand the temperament of both spouses and cracked. During life together Irina Pegova's husband and the actress herself managed to significantly improve their financial situation by acquiring nice apartment in the center of Moscow and a large country house. Now, judging by media reports, the spouses face a lengthy procedure for dividing their jointly acquired property. And it seemed that this family idyll will last forever!

ex a happy family Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov

But with the divorce and Orlov’s unflattering statements about his ex-wife the matter is not over. Soon, the ex-husband accused Pegova of stealing money. Allegedly, the actress, contrary to the agreements, secretly withdrew 7 million rubles from the spouses’ joint account, which, according to Orlov, was due to him during the divorce. And then the actor decided to seek sole custody of his common daughter through the court. But in both cases, the judicial system was on the side of the artist - she retained the right to raise a child. According to the law, most of the property acquired during the marriage went to her.

Irina Pegova with her ex-husband

Now Dmitry Orlov is often seen in the company of new girlfriends: either the actress Polya Polyakova, or even a completely unknown blonde. This is probably how he decided to heal his mental wounds after his “difficult, unbearable” marriage with Pegova.

(photo 12)Pegova's ex-husband Dmitry Orlov with a new girlfriend

Dmitry Orlov and Polya Polyakova

And not so long ago there was news that ex-husband Irina Pegova married actress Ksenia Entelis! But, as it turned out later, the wedding was not real, but on-screen. In the new film, Orlov and Entelis play a couple in love, who, according to all the laws of the genre, ultimately go to the altar.

Dmitry Orlov and Ksenia Entelis

Despite all the family discord and tense relations between parents, the daughter of Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov, Tatyana, is growing up both smart and beautiful. Mom never ceases to rejoice at the new successes of her little princess. Despite young age, the girl has already tried her hand at ballet, rhythmic gymnastics and even... in taewondo! True, I have settled on music school for now - Tatyana is learning to play the piano. And also mother and daughter - best friends who love to fool around and share their most intimate things with each other.

In the photo Irina Pegova with her daughter

    Such conversations began after they were seen together on two different social events. And maybe this is nothing more than ordinary PR, because now Russia is coming new movie with Irina called - Raya Knows.

    He is twenty-two years old and she is thirty-six. And in fact, Raev has been living in America for a long time and he has no plans to return to Russia. And he works there very successfully. And he knows Irina from the show Dancing with the Stars, where, by the way, he was looking at another actress, and these are not Irina’s balls.

    tana76 has a very good photograph of dancer Evgeniy Raev. I found photographs of 37-year-old Irina Pegova and 22-year-old Evgeniy Raev, who no longer hide their relationship. They have a 15-year difference, but Irina doesn’t see anything wrong with that, especially since she has now lost weight and looks very good.

    The Dancing with the Stars project leads to meeting people different professions, and their novels.

    So, recently it became known about another romance - between 37-year-old Irina Pegova and 22-year-old dancer Evgeny Raev.

    It is difficult to say how serious their relationship is, because Evgeniy works successfully in the USA and does not intend to return to Russia in the near future.

    However, Irina and Evgeniy often appear together at various events, and they say that she introduced her boyfriend to her 9-year-old daughter.

    How interesting it was for many to see actress Irina Pegova and dancer Evgeniy Raev present together sweetly holding hands at one of the social events. Then everyone immediately remembered the actress’s age and the fact that she was divorced.

    I think that Irina Pegova was able to charm such a young, rather handsome young man with her beauty and smile. And after all, in the show where the actress participated, she was paired with another partner, Andrei Kozlovsky. And Evgeniy danced together with actress Agnia Ditkovskite.

    Evgeniy himself is a twenty-two-year-old professional dancer and choreographer. For a long time worked in the USA and is considering continuing his dance career there.

    As is usually the case in dance shows, both on the ice and on the floor, partnership leads to romance. This almost happened in the case of Irina Pegova and dancer Evgeniy Raev. They took part in the television project Dancing with the Stars, although they danced with different partners, but, as we see, they noticed each other. And now the romance happened. Irina is 37 years old. Zhenya is only 22. But the age difference of 15 years does not bother anyone.

    Evgeny Raev is known as a choreographer from St. Petersburg. The truth in Lately spends a lot of time in the USA. According to him, there are all opportunities to grow professionally. No matter how location interferes with the romance.

    Irina Pegova lived in marriage for 8 years with actor Dmitry Orlov. Everyone thought the marriage was perfect. But things didn’t work out here either. The couple has a daughter who has already appeared in a film with her mother.

    After her divorce from Dmitry, Irina is actively searching and was spotted with 22-year-old dancer Evgeny Raev.

    The popular TV project Dancing with the Stars on the Russia-1 channel has already become the beginning of several love relationship. The latest issue is especially rich in this. Thus, the weddings of Agnia Kuznetsova and Maxim Petrov, Valeria Gai Germanika and Vadim Lyubushkin have already taken place. But now the winners of the show, actress Irina Pegova and dancer Evgeny Raev, have stopped hiding their romance. Despite the age difference of 15 years and long rumors about their romance, Irina and Evgeniy appear together at various social events. Irina has already introduced her daughter to her new boyfriend.

    Irina Pegova - famous Russian actress made no official statements regarding her affair with Evgeniy Raev. Evgeniy and Irina participated in the same dance project, with other partners; they simply maintained their relationship after the project. Even if they are friendly

    Recently it became known on the networks about a new romance between 37-year-old Irina Pegova and 22-year-old dancer Evgeny Raev.

    The couple met on the show Dancing with the Stars.

    Irina has already introduced Evgeniy to her daughter (the girl is 9 years old).

    Irina and Evgeniy themselves did not give any comments about their relationship.

    Evgeny Raev is an athlete and choreographer from St. Petersburg. Evgeniy is a multiple winner and tournament medalist different levels, up to international, in Latin American dances.

    Recently, Evgeniy has been living and working in the USA, and intends to continue working there.

The show "Dancing with the Stars" has long gained universal love and wild popularity among our viewers. Naturally, it was thanks to this project that so many hitherto unknown, or known, but only in certain circles, names of professional dancers were discovered. Among the latest discoveries is Evgeniy Raev. On the project he performed in tandem with Agnia Ditkovskite. There is nothing strange in the fact that, having received star status, a dancer must be prepared for the sometimes even somewhat exaggerated interest of viewers and fans in his person. Personal life of Evgeniy Raev Now - tasty and for journalists. It is worth noting that the young dancer himself does not seek to divulge the details of his privacy or something beyond the scope of his work.

The biography of Evgeniy Raev is not very long at the moment (which is understandable, since he is only 22 years old), but it is quite rich. He is originally from St. Petersburg. The dancer specializes in ballroom dancing. For some time he successfully represented our country at various competitions and shows; Evgeniy Raev’s biography includes many awards and prizes, including after victories at the world championships. His partner in Russia was Vladlena Baranova. Today, Evgeny Raev is not just an award-winning dancer, but also a choreographer. However, he is not going to stop there. Therefore, he has been living and training in America for several years. By the way, his immediate plans after the completion of the television project “Dancing with the Stars” included returning to the country great opportunities For further work over your dancing skills under the supervision of eminent foreign choreographers. However, will he carry out his plans now?

And this very “now” is connected precisely with the personal life of Evgeniy Raev. A couple of months ago, at the beginning of June, the guy was spotted with another participant in the same project, and also Russian film star Irina Pegova. Moreover, the whole appearance of the couple and how tenderly they held hands throughout the entire event did not leave the slightest reason for doubt - the actress and the dancer glow with very definite tender feelings towards each other.

Of course, think about the duration of this novel or about upcoming wedding It's still too early. But the mere fact that Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev appeared openly in public speaks, at a minimum, about the seriousness of their relationship. After all, as you know, the actress until that moment was not particularly willing to demonstrate her personal life, especially after her divorce from Dmitry Orlov in 2011, which was quite stormy. Let us remember that Irina Pegova’s daughter Tatyana is growing up. Who knows? Perhaps Evgeny Raev will become just the man next to whom the troubles in the actress’s personal life will end, and we will soon witness another star wedding between an actress and a choreographer (there is definitely one example already - actress Ekaterina Volkova and her choreographer husband Andrei Karpov).

09.10.2017 |

The favorite of millions, Irina Pegova, arouses keen interest among viewers and, of course, most want to know about her fans and family, as well as details of the actress’s personal life.

Love story and Irina’s husband – Dmitry Orlov

This couple, which formed while studying at GITIS, was written about as the strongest and most romantic. Pegova's charismatic husband Dmitry and charming Irina were popular. After getting married in 2005, they made plans, even purchased a plot of land in Vyksa and built a house, which Pegova’s husband boasted about, posting photographs on social networks.

In 2006, the couple had a daughter, who was named Tatyana.

Their happiness was built on the shore beautiful river And dense forest. But their rear was also covered from Moscow - Oleg Tabakov helped them purchase an apartment at a minimal price.

Irina and Dmitry Orlov

It seemed that everything was heading towards continuing the calm family life. The actress, whose happy personal life was evidenced by photos with her husband, announced a breakup. Like a bolt from the blue, the couple officially divorced in 2012.

The process was accompanied by a lot of reproaches and barbs. Dmitry blamed his wife and mother-in-law for the breakup, and Pegov for the problems in his husband’s personal life. Fortunately, after a while the passions subsided, and the daughter stopped witnessing stupid accusations.

Family and daughter of Irina Pegova

Creativity, the desire to be first, to overcome obstacles - Irina Pegova learned all this from her parents. Father – Sergei Zakharovich, athlete, ski coach. At one time, he achieved high results and was among the best skiers. Mom worked all her life metallurgical plant, enjoyed well-deserved respect. Irina’s family always maintained comfort, peace and harmonious relationships.

One day, my mother took her daughter to a music school and enrolled Irina in a violin class. The girl also diligently practiced skiing, horseback riding, fencing, and ice skating with other children. All this was useful to her in the future, in her main hobby - acting. After the divorce, Irina dedicated her life to the child, as evidenced by photos from her Instagram.

She appears in public arm in arm with her beloved daughter Tatyana, who has grown up and now looks like her father Dmitry. Considering the fact that a popular mother is involved in many films, plays, and tours, her parents are the main assistants in raising her daughter.

Tatyana even managed to star in one of the films directed by Alexei Uchitel, but no matter how hard Irina Pegova tried to convince her daughter, the girl did not like the work.

The star mother agreed with her daughter’s opinion that acting is not her calling, but at the same time, she is sure that the girl will also show herself in the creative profession. In the photo where Pegova poses with her daughter, the mother’s features appearing in the child are clearly visible.

Who knows, maybe in a couple of years she will grace the cover of a magazine or be the heroine of an exciting TV series.

Men in Irina's personal life

For some time after breaking up with Dmitry, the actress came to her senses. It seemed to some that she decided to pay attention to her beloved, to gather her thoughts. But one evening, curious journalists found out that the girl had a young man who was meeting her after the performances.

The actress’s affair with choreographer Evgeniy Raev

This was Pegova’s partner, Evgeny Raev, who participated with her in one of the seasons of the popular show “Dancing with the Stars.” A spark immediately flashed between Raev and the diligent student, and they repeatedly appeared in public together.

In the same competition, the actress’s main stage partner was Andrei Kozlovsky, a famous dancer and showman.

Andrei remembers his partner only with warmth, claiming that she has a great degree of responsibility. Then Irina again experienced a period of loneliness.

Irina and Sergey Kempo

It was at this time that she completely changed her appearance, lost weight, cut her hair and seduced men with fiery curls and styling. It was then that Sergei Kempo appeared, an aspiring actor 7 years younger than our heroine. Apparently this affected the short duration of a serious relationship, as it seemed from the outside.

Kempo came to visit Pegova, talked with her daughter, Dmitry knew about him and was happy for his ex-wife.

The fact that the connection is deep could be understood from the page on the social network, where Sergei Kempo and Irina Pegova posted photos on vacation, at a party, and at home. Maximalism and youthful impulses were often a reason for quarrels, as a result of which the actress decided to end the relationship.

Irina Pegova’s personal life is now closed “with seven locks.” She tries not to reveal her secrets and keeps an intriguing pause. And fans wait and hope that they will be the first to know about the affairs of the heart of their favorite actress.
