Secrets of Marilyn Monroe's charm. Marilyn Monroe without makeup: what was hidden behind the star's appearance What was hidden behind the stage image of a movie star

Marilyn's photo now remains for ladies an example of how the very woman who can seduce even the president should look.

Marilyn's makeup secrets:

All the widely known photographs of her are flawless. But, of course, they do not reveal to the public the most important secret - what Marilyn Monroe was like without makeup. Perhaps it was not without reason that the woman desperately tried all her life to hide her original appearance, always showing it in a better way than nature destined for her.

Those rare shots in which the film star is depicted in her natural form can unpleasantly surprise almost all fans. As it turned out, these are the photos that depict the most ordinary woman, who would probably be best suited by the unflattering definition of “average.” No expressive facial features, very unremarkable eyes, whitish eyebrows, ordinary cheeks.

In such shots, the young lady looks plump, a little awkward and very ordinary. It seemed that in America itself it was possible to find a lot of ladies who would be more beautiful than her. But no, fate’s choice fell on that actress.

Marilyn often used facial skin whitening methods, which you can read about

  1. Platinum blonde. They say that becoming a blonde was the decision that determined Marilyn's career in cinema. With the unruly, curly chocolate-colored hair that Monroe had before her Hollywood days, she was, although beautiful, more of an inconspicuous girl than the sex bomb she became with her platinum hair color. Hairdresser Pearl Porterfield bleached her hair the old fashioned way, with simple hydrogen peroxide, and after that Marilyn never thought about returning to her natural shade. And why? Blonde Monroe was truly stunning.
  2. “Own” aroma. Perfume was an integral part of Marilyn Monroe's style. One of the actress’s famous aphorisms indicates that Monroe was scented even at night: “What do I wear to bed? Why, of course, I’m wearing a couple of drops of Chanel No. 5.” This legendary composition of the French House was fully consistent with the no less legendary Marilyn. She was convinced that “there are no women who do not love perfume, but there are women who have not found their scent.”
  3. Consciousness of one's own femininity. Femininity was given to Marilyn by nature, she appreciated it and tried to emphasize it in every possible way. “I definitely feel like a woman and I enjoy it,” Monroe said. — Femininity gives rise to true beauty. A woman’s attractiveness is strong only when it is natural and spontaneous.” This belief helped her live in a world “ruled by men.”
  4. "Protein" breakfast. The actress did not forget about the importance of breakfast, which, as we know, should be substantial. In the mornings, Marilyn ate without frills, but not mediocre. She heated the milk and mixed two raw eggs with it using a fork. This protein boost allowed her to keep herself in shape.

Makeup in the style of Marilyn Monroe

  1. Radiant skin. Marilyn had an amazing secret for radiant skin - the whole point is that the actress categorically refused to remove the light “fluff” on her cheeks and cheekbones. She claimed that under the studio lights they gave the skin a subtle, soft glow. In addition, moisturizing creams (Erno Laszlo Active pHelityl Cream or Nivea) helped her keep her skin in its best condition.
  2. Red lips. Still haven't found the perfect red lipstick? Try to choose a shade that is as close as possible to what Marilyn “wore.” Red lips have always been the highlight of Marilyn Monroe's style. Thanks to her, it has become a classic for fair-haired girls to complement their makeup with scarlet lipstick. It should have a glossy shine on your lips, like Marilyn's, to make you look truly luxurious.
  3. Long eyelashes. “Women have only two weapons: mascara and tears. But we can’t use them at the same time.” Remember this famous saying by Marilyn? The languid, “velvet” look from under Marilyn’s long and fluffy eyelashes had a truly magical effect. Not only did she tint her eyelashes with mascara, but she also wore false eyelashes—her favorites were from Glorene of Hollywood.
  4. "Cat" look. It wasn’t just her marvelous eyelashes that helped her create the effect of a “cat-like” look. Marilyn also always lined her eyes with a pencil - she drew arrows with a sharp “tail” with a thin line at the edge of the eyelash. To do this, she used not only black, which is usually combined with bright red lips, but also brown for a “softer” eye makeup.
  5. Smile. Among the many advantages of Marilyn’s appearance is a dazzling smile, as they say, “a million dollars.” The star said: “Smile, because life is a beautiful thing and there is so much to smile about.” And it's hard to argue with that. By the way, in order to keep her smile snow-white, Marilyn used baking soda when brushing her teeth. This simple technique gave rise to a boom in teeth whitening: viewers, seeing Marilyn’s disarming smile on the screens, dreamed of the same one.

Marilyn Monroe: figure parameters

  1. Feminine forms. Marilyn was never close to the classic model parameters: her weight at different times ranged from 53 to 66 kilograms, and Marilyn Monroe's body type was always feminine - with a lush bust and expressive curve of the hips. The actress did not strive for thinness - it would definitely deprive her of her sexuality - and was sure: “Girls who think they are fat because they are not a size zero should know that in fact they are beautiful, and society is ugly.”
  2. A little sport. Marilyn needed various types of activities not to lose weight (as we already know, the actress was proud of her curves), but to keep her figure in good shape. For this purpose, she chose running, yoga, and sometimes rode horseback. But she didn’t resort to grueling workouts - again, she didn’t need to be thin.
  3. No to prejudice.“Imperfections are beautiful,” Marilyn adhered to this opinion, although she herself seems to many to be an ideal. But one cannot but agree with her words: what many consider imperfection in a person actually makes him unique, not like the rest. This is the beauty that nature gives to people.


Marilyn Monroe: clothing style

  1. The ability to show the advantages of a figure. “The body is meant to be seen, not hidden under clothing,” said Marilyn. The actress, of course, did not follow this “dogma” literally, but the star always emphasized the beauty of her figure in the most skillful way. Dresses with tight silhouettes and deep necklines allowed her to show herself in all her glory and delight her fans.

The legend of world cinema, the dazzling blonde Marilyn Monroe, suffered from self-doubt all her life and spent her entire life trying to overcome her complexes. This is confirmed by all her chroniclers.

Monroe received serious support from the German Jew Natasha Leitess, who taught Monroe acting.

From 1948 to 1955, Monroe and Lytess were in a lesbian relationship and even lived together for a couple of years. In 1962, shortly before her death, Natasha Lytess made notes in which she described in detail her acquaintance with the future movie star.

Lytess and Monroe met in 1946. Still very young, Monroe did not know how to present herself at all, she was awkward and uptight. And because of this, she didn’t make an impression at all.


In her youth, Monroe was completely unimpressive. Charisma and fame came to her later

“She was afraid of everything,” Natasha Lytess recalled. According to the teacher, the future great actress and object of desire for men all over the world was in desperate need of care and affection. Among Monroe’s oddities, the teacher noted the habit of walking naked all day long.

Photo: "Evening Moscow"

Monroe hated sex. But I was always desperate for support

Monroe never considered herself beautiful and sexy. Over time, she learned to keep her fears and complexes secret. But she always carefully watched how she dressed, made up, and moved - according to Monroe, without all this she was simply nothing. And she had nothing but the body that everyone craved.
The paradox is that according to Lytess, Monroe hated sex and everything connected with it. She also hated compliments in the style of “you are so sexy”, which were given to her, trying to flatter her.

Marilyn Monroe, 1950s.

To successfully film, Marilyn needed constant support - to the point that Natasha always had to hold her hand during filming.
Monroe always asked that Lytess be as close to her as possible. If the shooting conditions allowed and Natasha was not included in the frame.


To successfully act, Marilyn needed constant support

“If only Monroe’s head was in the frame, I could hold her hand to give her courage,” the teacher recalled.
Lytess also claimed that she had to save Monroe when she swallowed pills.

“I found her in bed, terribly pale and lethargic. And it wasn't pretense. When asked what happened, Marilyn replied: “Nothing.” Her mouth was full of some kind of rubbish. I was so scared that I hit her. The doctor later said that Marilyn swallowed 16 tablets. It was a lethal dose."


Marilyn - a legend of world cinema

Among Monroe's partners there were very big names - Dietrich and Barbara Stanwyck, Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra, John and Robert Kennedy.


20 Best Life Quotes by Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe is one of the few actresses whose existence changed the development of cinema, fashion and show business. She played a very important role in the lives of American women and changed the way men think about women. She proved that femininity is the highest achievement of the weaker sex and its strongest weapon. Marilyn was known, known and will always be known, and her witty and wise sayings will be quoted for a very long time.

In memory of the great actress and model, “Moskvichka” has prepared 20 of the best quotes from Marilyn Monroe ().

On camera, the actress always looked cheerful and confident. But in life everything was exactly the opposite

Marilyn Monroe: death suits her

On August 5, 1962, at the golden “Balzac age” of 36, Norma Jeane Mortenson, who once took the stage name Marilyn Monroe, died of an overdose of sleeping pills. At 4:25 a.m., Monroe's personal physician, Hyman Engelberg, calls the Los Angeles police to report the death of his patient. The police arrive to find Monroe lying naked in bed, face down on the pillow. On the floor near the bed there is an empty package of sleeping pills, on the night table there are fourteen vials of barbiturates.

It is not without reason that Marilyn Monroe is considered a cult figure of the 20th century: this woman excited the minds of many men, aroused the furious envy of women, and her charm seems to have been beyond the reach of only the cold stones on the coast of Los Angeles, where Norma was born on June 1, 1926 Gene Baker.

Norma's childhood was not easy: her biological father is unknown, her mother had mental disorders, which led her to a psychiatric hospital, and Norma to foster families, where she spent most of her childhood and youth.

Norma easily overcame all these vicissitudes of fate - wandering between families, early marriage due to the need for housing (one of the families that sheltered Norma moved, but there was no place for an adopted child in the new house) and low-paying work. Her life changed a lot after a photo shoot at the factory, where her modeling career began.

Initially, Norma Jeane had not very good parameters - red hair with small curls and a wide nose, she dressed simply - like all women of that time. But she was distinguished from everyone else by her charisma, which gave her attractiveness and inner charm. Then only the camera of photographer David Conover was able to reflect the true essence of Norma Jeane - sexuality mixed with childishness and spontaneity. The twinkle in Norma’s eyes could not help but charm first thousands and then millions of men.

Marilyn's beautiful transformation

Speaking about Marilyn's charm, one cannot fail to take into account the fact that not only she worked hard on herself, but also master image makers. After she settled in cinema, the requirements for her appearance changed - filming in films is not photographs for a calendar, and therefore external data began to be assessed according to other parameters.

At first, Norma was given another, more sonorous name - Marilyn Monroe. She then dyed her hair platinum, which made her look brighter, softer and sexier. After the fiery red curls and sparkling gaze, Marilyn’s touching beauty began to look more status-conscious: basically, the cameras recorded two of Marilyn’s looks – either the arrogant and languid one, which is inherent in real queens, or the innocent-naive one.

Following the advice of experts, Marilyn decided on more drastic changes - plastic surgery:

  • her chin was enlarged a little;
  • cheekbones made more pronounced;
  • made the eyelids wider.

As a result, the face gained relief and even greater charm.

Work on yourself

Despite the efforts of stylists, image makers and surgeons, Marilyn had to invest a lot of her own energy to change:

  1. Every day she did gymnastics, which allowed her to present her body correctly, and then Marilyn learned a new gait, which became her calling card.
  2. She also developed makeup that further emphasized her beauty: today many makeup artists are trying to replicate it, but it has never suited even a very beautiful model as perfectly as Marilyn.
  3. Marilyn was learning to speak - her roommate said that at the beginning of her career, Marilyn was constantly talking, learning to express her thoughts correctly and beautifully. She paid special attention to the manner of speaking, and this as a result gave her the ability to speak with aspiration.
  4. Of course, Marilyn worked on her style - she chose the main range of colors and certain styles. Here she acted very strategically and correctly, but it is unknown whether she thought of it herself, or this was the advice of stylists.
Marilyn Monroe's wardrobe

Speaking about the manner of dressing, it is necessary to distinguish between Marilyn’s stage and everyday images, despite the fact that sometimes they were practically no different in meaning.

On stage, Marilyn wore dresses that emphasized her sexuality. For example, in the film “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” she appeared in a hot pink long dress with a huge bow, when congratulating Kennedy - in a tight shiny dress with a white fur stole, in the film “Some Like It Hot” in a translucent beige dress, and in the film “The Seven Year Itch” in a dress with a fluttering skirt, which was the last straw of Marilyn’s husband’s patience.

On stage she was a queen and dressed like a king - with chic, brilliance and sexual frankness.

In everyday life, the diva dressed simply, but tastefully: in her wardrobe there were a lot of plain, simple sweaters of different colors - such clothes did not overshadow or distract attention from Marilyn’s beauty.

She also loved sundresses, which created the image of a simple country girl, but her appearance compensated for this image - platinum curls and red lipstick did not give even a hint that Marilyn was a simpleton.

If on stage she decorated herself with huge bracelets and, then in ordinary life she wore a minimum of jewelry.

Anyone who thinks that Marilyn only wore sexy clothes is mistaken - she could also be seen in

Sveta19ss 03/21/2016 at 21:34

Contradictory nature, you can’t say anything... Having once put her beautiful body up for sale, she subsequently drove herself into a corner. And there is nothing to be surprised about. And there is no point in being offended by the whole world for not appreciating the actress’s intelligence and dramatic talent.
An ambitious desire to become the first lady, but at the same time appear half naked and half drunk at an official celebration...
For some reason, I have a hard time imagining how she would crawl along the hood of a car to pick up a piece of the crushed skull of her wounded husband, as Jacqueline Kennedy courageously did........
Marilyn is a cocktail of external attractiveness, mental complexes, exorbitant ambitions... and touching naivety.

NanaKamatsu 03/21/2016 at 21:43

She did not have an affair with Kennedy, this is not true, you can read this in both Spotto and Taraborrelli. Plus, she never got very drunk, the reason she could look like that was the terrible mixture of drugs that the doctors injected her with, lovingly calling it a “vitamin cocktail.” You judge her very superficially.

Sveta19ss 03/21/2016 at 22:47

Well, you know better))) if you judge by the books of individual authors. There are a great many similar books, with opposite content and still bringing considerable income to the authors. But besides this, there are also documentaries with interviews from people who knew Marilyn. I somehow got used to trusting logic. This is what I advise you to do, even if your sympathy for a certain person is limitless.
By the way, there is not a word about an affair with Kennedy in my commentary, so don’t make it up. It was about the desire to become the first lady. Although it would be stupid to deny the relationship between Kennedy and Monroe.
Before you fanatically talk about the high morality of your favorite, watch a fragment of the presentation of the Golden Globe to her (preferably in the original, when the announcer notes that out of excitement Marilyn did not calculate the dose of champagne and could not get up on stage to present the statuette on her own). Maybe she also washed down the pills with carrot juice and not champagne?)))
Honestly, I answered you only because I am familiar with your posts on other films and topics. But nevertheless, I regret my time talking with blind fanatics.

NanaKamatsu 03/22/2016 at 00:02

Sveta19ss 03/22/2016 at 11:35

But the fact of the matter is that a lot of money is still being made on the name of this film star.
For example, in addition to Spotto and Taraborrelli with their version of the star’s death and their views on her life, there are also Joanna Light (a very interesting point of view), American writers Jay Margolis, Marilyn’s biographer, who conducted his own investigation for many years, as well as Richard Baskin, etc. and so on.
Whatever Marilyn is, she is, first of all, a living person with her own victories and failures, and therefore there is no point in either her deification or cruel criticism.
But if you read all these author-biographers, who almost always refer to some reliable sources, then you can come to a dead end from the amount of contradictory information.
As for the controversial story, you can simply type the phrase “Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy” into a search engine and you will be presented with many documentaries with comments from friends, girlfriends and simply close people of the star. And everyone has their own view and their own opinion. And how many books and articles have been written and rewritten on the topic of the famous love triangle.....
One day I wandered into the forum, and there was just a dance on Kennedy’s bones. Fans savored the details of his death and wanted him to burn in hell for the desecration of the honor of their favorite....... It was terrible to read.
So, having sifted through a bunch of different information at one time, I tried to resort to simple logic.
Firstly, the circumstances and customs of that time, when a beautiful girl without a proper education, but with a great desire and childhood dreams of cinema, could make a career in this field - this is a certain image and .... bed jungle through which it was necessary push through. Everything that moved had to be appeased. There are a lot of beauties, but you can count the number of film studios on one hand.....But this cannot be done without losses. Is your psyche breaking down and where can you get the strength to take a step towards a more serious stage?
Secondly, the state of euphoria from success, once experienced, constantly makes itself felt and abandoning it in order to break the old stereotype and take a step in a new direction with an unpredictable result is almost impossible.
The man finds himself backed into a corner.....
There is a desire to change your life, but you no longer have the strength to take practical steps and fight. So there are metamorphoses in behavior, mental anguish, mistakes, self-flagellation and... mistakes again. “I want” alone won’t get you far.
For example, congratulating the president on his birthday... What was that? Was it really an attempt to show oneself to the world in a new role or was it just another whim that finally crossed out all plans for a great future?.....
So it turns out to be a continuous lump of contradictions, and with all my sympathy for this woman, I cannot and do not want to see her only in the role of a victim of circumstances. Moreover, she was not really stupid...

NanaKamatsu 03/23/2016 at 17:45

But wait, I don't think she's an angel. I know she was selling herself. That she had a strong craving for exhibitionism, for shocking, which can explain her choice of a “naked” dress. I know that, no matter what, she liked the attention, even if she was treated only as a sex symbol. When she tried to change her life, she didn't try to quit drugs, and when she was pregnant either. Personally, I see this as the reason for her failures. But on the other hand, drug addicts sometimes cannot quit even with the support of family and loving people, but no one supported Marilyn.
But she was a very kind person, that’s a fact. Did you know that she continued to communicate with the children of DiMaggio and Miller even after breaking up with them, that she was involved in charity work, but never advertised it, that she was very generous and kind with friends, did not spare the last money for them, she took care of to his unlucky mother, after all. When, after a long friendship, she decided to break up with Natasha Lytess, she first demanded that the studio keep her job with decent pay (since she was only kept at that time because she worked with Marilyn). You see, I was offended by the derogatory way you wrote about her desire to become the first lady and then about the pieces of her skull. Why do you think she wouldn't crawl on the hood? Because she didn't care about the people close to her? So you are very wrong. I repeat, I don’t think that she is an angel, but in my opinion, she didn’t deserve such words either. Of course, compared to Jacqueline, she looks vulgar, perhaps undignified and ridiculous in her supposed desire to be the first lady, but compare what kind of childhood and youth did Jacqueline have, what kind of education did she receive, and what did Monroe have? These women, by the will of fate, went through completely different life paths and at some point they crossed paths, but why compare them? Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was certainly an interesting, elegant, strong and respectable woman. But so did Marilyn.
Look, I just explained why I wrote under your comment, because I see our topic has gone a little in the other direction)
And regarding the love triangle with Kennedy, I read what you recommended and other books, and even got into the declassified FBI files))) it’s clear that nothing is clear)) and yet there is actual evidence of a serious or more or less long-term relationship not with them, someone said something and that was it. This may or may not be true. But it’s really hard for me to believe that she could blackmail them by revealing their affair and demand that they leave their wives in order to marry her. She just never told reporters about her personal life, did not complain about her husbands or lovers. And she never wanted to get married, the first time her aunt insisted, the second time DiMaggio’s ardent love overcame her uncertainty about them as a couple, and Miller actually announced the wedding to the media even before he proposed to her, so there’s no choice didn't leave it. And then bam, she got stuck in marriage. Well, maybe because Kennedy. We'll never know the truth here)

Sveta19ss 03/23/2016 at 20:08

My words in the first post are my opinion and it is not for the delight of anyone’s ears, but also not for the purpose of humiliation. Being the first lady or trying on this role are different things, that’s why I drew an analogy of behavior in an extreme situation, perhaps harshly, but there was no other way.
As for the rest, we will find out the truth sooner or later) It’s just that the time has not come yet. And the theme of all sorts of fairy tales about blackmail is so that people buy a book with the next “sensation”.
The author can only give direction for thought, throw a hint between the lines before starting to confuse the tracks, but never put the final point. Everyone wants to live and eat, and also make the most of a bright and scandalous brand.
There are very sensible thoughts in these works, but they are turned inside out.....deliberately or through ignorance - time will tell.
If you're interested, watch another movie (I'll give you the title in a private message). You can read the book “Jacqueline Kennedy. A Life Told by Herself” (2014) so ​​as not to claim that there was no romance between Monroe and Kennedy.
Not everything is so simple in this world, and sometimes the recklessness of some public people, even if they are charming and attractive, becomes a trump card for evil geniuses...

There is always a choice. If I didn't want to marry Arthur Miller, I wouldn't. Yes, I would lose a piece of fame and some opportunities, but at the same time I would retain self-respect. And I would feel like a person, not a thing.
She wanted to have children, but at the same time she did not give up alcohol (her favorite champagne) and drugs.
She wanted to be loved, but at the same time she easily started new romances in front of Joe DiMaggio, who remained devoted to her even after death....
She loved to flirt and win male attention, not paying attention to broken families and the number of lovers... For her, sex is like cleaning shoes (her own expression), but at the same time she hoped for a man's strong shoulder, protection and fidelity... .
She slept with other people's husbands, but at the same time did not feel resentment or envy towards their wives...
Innocent people waited for hours for her to appear on the movie set and endured her struggle with fears...., countless takes were made even for those actors who did everything well, but had the misfortune of being in the frame with her....

And yet SHE was a kind person (but where is the line?) and vulnerable....(a monstrous mixture, but it’s true)

sweeten 05/31/2016 at 07:15

In my opinion, Marilyn deserves respect that having grown up in terrible conditions in foster families without parents, she was able to make her way in Hollywood through all the beautiful actresses of whom there are 20,000 for one role in Hollywood and rise to the level of the President of America, and this in her 60s. Kennedy is like Bill Clinton - if it weren't for the sex scandal, what would have happened?

If Marilyn already had three or two husbands, then why did she need a president, in the sense that in America this is a temporary term, for 4 years or even 8 years. She thinks she would find herself a rich husband with such fame. In Russia, besides the president, there are no other men for Russian women (since politicians in Russia suppress all other men, let’s take even Khodorkovsky), and in America, look how many cool, well-promoted men, businessmen or athletes, then in our time she was dating some kind of Afro - an American rapper like Kardashian or an athlete Ronaldo or a businessman Zuckerberg and would be no worse than the president (she would be in the newspapers every day), that is, at that time there were a lot of cool men who were written about in the newspapers constantly in America - then why should she live according to rules and rituals and being the first lady - where she had to do only what she was told and live for show for the country - when she could do what she wanted and have fun as she wanted and so on with her lot of money and her fame.. The President lives for society, and she could live for herself! I lived as I wanted and there was no stress and no responsibility like the president’s wife and her husband!

Apparently she wanted to promote herself against the backdrop of the president, and that’s why she was killed in the 60s. You also need to know the boundaries, she was maybe one of the mistresses, so she didn’t have any special significance for the president, so she got him with her scandals in his name. She just had to use all of America that was already at her feet and leave behind the man who no longer wanted her. Nowadays, even for making a comment about the president, everyone on the Internet can block you, or it will even be worse - that is, you had to understand what she can and cannot do! We had a scandal in America that a boy wore a T-shirt with the president, so everyone quickly blocked him on the Internet, they say he was doing PR on the name of the president, which he did not approve of - and then Marilyn showed that they had a relationship so clearly and the president simply didn’t like it , since he apparently didn’t want her to promote herself in his name. Even in our time you can’t write anything so easily, but here it was the 60s. It is obvious that such scandals will attract a lot of attention, so in America any secret services do not allow this, just like in Russia. They will only allow it if in reality the president has already given permission. )
