Universal reference book on English grammar (Textbooks). Review of the best books on English grammar: understanding and choosing

deep - deep deep er- deeper the deep est- The most deep
hard - heavy harder - harder the hardest - the heaviest
big -- big bigger - bigger the biggest - the biggest

Some disyllabic adjectives:
a) having stress on the second syllable and ending in +y, +er, +ow, +le, form degrees of comparison in the same way!

positive degree comparative superlative
simple - simple simple er- easier the simple est- simplest
polite - polite politer - more polite the politest - the most polite
sunny - sunny sunnier - sunnier the sunniest - the sunniest

2. Most disyllabic and polysyllabic adjectives (consisting of 3 syllables or more) form the comparative degree using words more - more And less - less
superlative degree- using words most - most, most And least - least.

positive degree comparative superlative
interesting - interesting
more interesting - more interesting the most interesting - the most interesting
less interesting - less interesting the least interesting - least interesting

3. Some adjectives form degrees of comparison from other roots (exceptions).

positive degree comparative superlative
good- good better- better the best- the best
bad - bad worse - worse the worst - the worst
much, many - a lot more - more the most - most of all
little - small, little less - less the least - least of all
far - distant farther - further the farthest - the farthest
further - further the furthest -- further

Constructions with the comparative degree of an adjective


I - I
you - you, you, you
he - he (about a person)
she - she (about a person)
it - he, she, it (not about a person)
we - we
they -- they

Objective case

me - me, me
him - his, him, them
her - her, her
it - his, him, her
us - us, us
you - to you, to you, you
them - them, them

Possessive pronouns Unit>

my - mine
your - yours, yours
his - him
her - her
its - his, her
our - ours
their -- their

mine - mine
his - him
hers - her
its - his, her
ours - ours
yours - yours, yours
theirs - theirs

Returnable ("mirror") Unit>

All pronouns are translated as: himself, himself, independently.
yourselves (yourself)

Pronoun it usually replaces a previously used singular noun that does not denote a person:
wind / dog / lake = it (= he / she / it).
The pronoun "you" in modern English is translated as you or you, that is, in the plural, no matter how it is translated into Russian (you, you, you).
-You are a student. You (you) are a student.
- You are student s. You are students.

Pronouns this / these; that / those Unit>

Pronouns this(this one) and that(that) have plural forms, respectively: these(these) and those(those). If these pronouns in a sentence serve as the subject, then when grammatically analyzing the sentence you need to look for the predicate in the corresponding number. In this case these usually translated - they.
- These people are Americans. These people are Americans.
-Do you know those people? Do you know those people?

Pronouns that / those also used as substitute words those nouns that were used earlier. The main sign of such use is the presence of a preposition (usually of) or a participle after that / those.
- The climate of Great Britain is much like that of the Baltic republics. The climate of Great Britain is very similar to the climate of the Baltic republics.
Word that can also be a relative pronoun or conjunction meaning "that/which/that" if it occurs before a subordinate clause.
- I know that you are going to Canada. I know that you are going to Canada.

The pronoun "it" has two main functions.
1. It may be as a substitute word, which replaces a previously used singular noun denoting an object or concept. In such cases, it is translated into Russian with the words “he / she / it”.
- This is a new map. It is very large. This new map. It's very big.
- Hello! It's me, Albert! (on the phone) Hello, this is Albert.

2. It can serve as a formal subject in impersonal sentences and cannot be translated into Russian.
Impersonal sentences with it:
a) evaluate any action
- It is important to know these facts. It's important to know these facts

b) indicate spatiotemporal relationships
- It is 5 km to the airport. The airport is 5 km away.
- It is 9 o"clock now. It is 9 o'clock.

c) point to weather and the state of the atmosphere
- It's cold. Cold.
- It is getting dark. It's getting dark.

Time English verb(active pledge - asset)

A brief explanation of all times.

Indefinite (= Simple) Time is indefinite or simple

1. Permanent repetitive, normal action - We live in Kiev. We live in Kyiv. - He works in a bank.
2. Any fact or well known the truth- The Earth goes round the Sun. The earth revolves around the sun.
3. For schedules(trains, planes, etc.) and programs. - The plane from Brussels arrives at 8:30.
4. For sports commentary, reviews And stories. - Peterson overtakes Williams and wins the race,
5. For the dacha instructions, recipes, explanations of where to go. (instead of the imperative mood) - You sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then you bake it. (Instead of: Sprinkle some cheese on the pizza...)

Present Indefinite (Simple)- present simple

Often with words: usually, often, always, sometimes, rarely, every day/week/month/year, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night, at the weekend, on Mondays, etc.

With words corresponding to he, she, it (he, she, it), the verb adds the ending +s (+es)
- I (you, we, they) ask.
- He (she, it) ask s

Negation: don't = don"t or does not = doesn't
- I don't ask
-He doe s n't ask.

Past Indefinite (Simple) - past simple

Indicates future action in the process of making it, i.e. unfinished long-term action.
Also used to express intentions perform an action in the future or that action in advance planned. It is also used as a polite form when serving customers (in hotels, cafes, banks, etc.)

He will be writing a letter to his friend at 5 o"clock tomorrow (from 5 to 6 on Sunday, when I come).
- How long will you be staying at our hotel? How long will you stay at our hotel?

Formed using will be + ing semantic verb forms

Perfect - perfect (perfect) tense

Shows an action completed before a certain moment ("point") in the present, past and future
Formed with the help of an auxiliary have + V 3(Participle II)

Present Perfect - present perfect

Often with the words: now, just now, recently, ever, never, stil,yet,already, today, this year, for, since etc., emphasizes “now, just now, recently, since”
-I have asked 3. I asked.

Negation: have not V 3

1. To express an action that has completed at the time of speech. Time of action not specified, what is important is the fact of the action being performed up to the present moment or its result.
- She has read this book. She read this book. (="She has a book read") (Action completed at the time of speaking.)
In this meaning, the Present Perfect is often used with adverbs
just- just now, already- already, yet- more, lately- recently, of late- V Lately, recently- recently.

The mail has just come 3 . The mail has just arrived.
- No has seen 3 many films lately. He has watched a lot of films lately.

2. To express an action that has completed, but the period of time (today, week, month, year, etc.) in which it occurred is still ongoing.
today- Today, this week- this week, this month- this month, this century y - in our century, etc.

I" ve smoked 3 4 cigarettes today. Today I smoked 3 cigarettes (the day is not over yet)
- She hasn't called 3 me this week. She hasn't called me this week (today is Saturday)

3. To express an action that began in the past and continues to the present.
-I have known 3 him all my life. I've known him all my life.
- No has not seen 3 his parents since January. He hasn't seen his parents since January.

Often used with adverbs: ever- some day, never- never.
- She has never been 3 to London. She has never been to London.
- Have you ever seen 3 this film? Have you ever seen this movie?

Past Perfect - past perfect

Often with the words: by 3 o"clock yesterday, when(= before) before, after, already, just, for, since, till/untill, by, by the time, never etc.

I had asked 3. I asked.

Negation: had not V 3

Indicates an action completed up to a certain point in the past or before the start of another action in the past.
- No had finished 3 his work when I came (by 3 o'clock yesterday, before she arrived home). He finished (already finished) his work when I arrived (yesterday at 3 o'clock, before she arrived home).
- They went home after they had finished 3 their work. They went home after finishing work.

Formed using had + V 3(Participle II)

Future Perfect - future perfect

Unit> Words "beacons": by 3 o'clock tomorrow, before, by then, by the time, untill/till.
-I will have asked 3 by 10 o'clock. I'll ask by 10 o'clock.

Negation: will not haveV 3

Indicates an action that will end at some point in the future or before starting another action in the future.

He will have finished 3 his work when I come (by 3 o"clock tomorrow, by the time you come back). He will finish his work by the time I come (tomorrow by 3 o'clock, by the time you come back).

Formed using: will have + V 3 (Participle II)

Perfect Continuous - perfect continuous

Present Perfect Сontinuouse - present perfect continuous

Unit> performs an action that started some time ago and still ongoing or just ended. Same for expression irritation, dissatisfaction, anger.

Often with the words: for, since, how long, recently, all morning/day/week/ year etc.

It has been raining since 8 o"clock. It has been raining (has been raining) since 8 o'clock.
- We have been watching TV all day. We watch TV all day long.
- Someone has been giving away our secrets. Someone is giving away our secrets (dissatisfaction)

Formed: have been + ing
Negation: have not been + ing

Past Perfect Сontinuouse - past perfect continuous

Emphasizes the duration of an action that began and ended in the past before the beginning of another action or moment in the past. That is, a certain context is required (a point in the past)

I had been look ing for a job for six months before I found one I liked. I was looking for a job for 6 months before I found the one I liked.
- Yesterday I had to go to work by bus. I had been wait ing for a bus for half an hour. I was very angry with it! Yesterday I had to go to work by bus. I waited for him for half an hour. I got very angry.

Formed: had been + ing
Negation: had not been + ing

Future Perfect Сontinuouse - future perfect continuous

Shows the duration of an action until some point in the future. We need a context, a situation (point) in the future up to which the action will take place.

Next year I will have been work ing for this company for 10 years. Next year (anniversary), I will work in this company for 10 years.
- By the time we arrived in Kiev, we will have been driving for 7 hours. By the time we arrive in Kyiv, we will be on the road for 7 hours.

Formed: will have been + ing
Negation: will not have been + ing

Any foreign language is formed according to personal laws, and the grammatical structure of each language has own characteristics, characteristic only to him. The grammar of English and Russian languages ​​have some similarities, but they also have many different features. The similarities of the rules make it easier to learn a foreign language, but the differences create some difficulties in learning it. It follows from this that it is the distinctive features that need to be learned. The best English grammar reference books

Grammar is a huge section: verb, sentence, noun, article, gender, stress - all these are components of grammar. This section studies the features of the formation and application of all these units in oral and written speech. Studying this chapter is the most important aspect of learning English. Without knowing the basics of grammar, full communication is impossible.

Knowledge in itself vocabulary does not mean that you know a foreign language, since words are just the building material of speech. They become significant instruments precisely at the moment when this composition falls into grammatical conditions. To construct or create something from words, you need to be able to arrange them in the correct order, change the endings, conjugate them correctly, etc.

This discipline takes as a basis what is common, which is the core of the transformation of phrases into a linear series, and puts forward laws and rules from it. It, like the basic lexical fund, is extremely stable. It is created over many years by the speakers themselves, and it develops through the improvement and deployment of the central elements of a functioning existing language.

It is impossible to learn all the laws and rules, and it is not necessary. It is important to know the basic provisions, and if a controversial situation arises, you can simply look at a textbook or book, which today can be downloaded for free from the Internet in a convenient pdf format. Linguistic reference books provide a complete understanding of all the laws of speech.

The compilers or authors of textbooks have done a great job of identifying these very rules and presenting them in such a way that any beginner can understand them. Such books contain a wealth of experience from hundreds of linguists, researchers and teachers. In good textbooks, basic information for clarity of various language interactions is presented with examples, in the form of tables, with translation, especially important points are additionally commented on.

Therefore, when choosing English grammar reference books, pay attention to the presence of the listed components if you want your studying to be as easy and simple as possible. You can download and use free books in electronic pdf format for self-study, when doing practical assignments, homework, or to prepare for exams, tests and tests.

They will be especially useful for tutors, foreign language teachers, graduates, applicants and students who study remotely or by correspondence, since such textbooks concentrate basic materials, structures and topics on English grammar, which will be very important for beginners.

I will list the best, in my opinion, English grammar reference books, which can be freely downloaded from our website in one pdf file:

School grammar course rules

The textbook by Milovidov V. A. is ideal for preparing schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam or an oral exam in English. Here are collected all the basic laws of English grammar, which students study from grades 5 to 11 in general education institutions. The book touches on all aspects of language - from the alphabet and morphology to syntax and punctuation.

The author examined in detail all parts of speech, tenses and forms, voices and moods, indirect and direct forms, laws of sentence construction, etc. The guide for beginners has passed a strict test and complies with the new educational GOST for teaching foreign languages. In general, I highly recommend it to graduates and applicants.

Cambridge English Grammar

Originally an electronic tutorial from teachers at the prestigious University of Cambridge. The textbook has only 112 pages with the most full list all the rules of English grammar. Adapted specifically for Russian speakers who want to learn British. Practical exercises are also included. The program window can be scaled up and down.

The Russian-language thematic index will help you easily navigate through the pages of the textbook, so you can quickly find the rule you need. All explanations in the book are also given in Russian, the manual contains many examples and examples of completing tasks, thanks to which the student learns not only to understand the language, but to freely express his opinion in English.


A brief selection of the main grammatical rules of English from Ermolaev N.V. Very convenient, concise, clear, short and clear. All material is presented in tables, with accompanying comments and explanations. A system of following words and definitions in sentences is given, examples are given. A handy table demonstrates the use of articles and prepositions.

Types of questions, types of sentences, verbs, pronouns, tenses, forms, nouns, adverbs, etc. are covered, all in just 16 pages. I think you will appreciate Ermolaev’s collection and will use this cheat sheet when you have doubts about the use of any word.

If you study or teach English, good English grammar book can play decisive role in language learning.

The choice of textbooks on English grammar today is striking in the variety of authors, publishers and affordable prices. It would seem that anyone who speaks English decided to share their observations, how to learn English grammar.

People do not invent languages ​​by writing grammars, they write grammars by observing the tacit, largely unconscious, rules that people seem to be applying when they speak. Yet once a book exists, and especially once it is employed in schoolrooms, people feel that the rules are not just descriptions of how people do talk, but prescriptions for how they should talk.

People don't invent languages ​​by writing grammar books; they write grammar books by observing the nonverbal, and largely unconscious, rules that people seem to use when speaking. But, as soon as the textbook is written and used in class, we notice that grammatical rules are not a description of conversation, but a prescription for how to speak.

Does it exist perfect English grammar textbook, which will be useful to anyone interested in grammar explanations and rules? What selection criteria should you use when choosing a grammar reference book?

Today we will talk about well-known grammar manuals by domestic and foreign authors, and we will tell you how to choose English grammar textbook, which you will definitely need.

How to choose a good grammar textbook for self-study

First, you should figure out what level of language proficiency you have.

You may ask, which one? English grammar textbook best? Of course, the choice of textbook largely depends on your preferences, goals and level. However, methodological requirements for a grammar textbook, its content and structure play an important role.

Reference books, textbooks, manuals and collections of exercises on English grammar

Before purchasing, try to answer the question: Why do you need a grammar book? The answer to this question will help you save not only time, but also effort and money.

For a more detailed acquaintance with the rules (= theory), various English grammar reference books. Such manuals explain the rules in detail and provide a large number of examples. Exercise, as a rule, may be absent or present in small quantities.

Collections of exercises on English grammar are built slightly differently. Their goal is to practice the rules in the form of various exercises or language tasks. In such textbooks, a minimum amount of theory is usually presented in the form of brief explanations, supporting tables and diagrams.

On a note!

Modern textbooks on English grammar consist of two parts: theory and practice. Both parts can be included in one book or published in separate editions.

Whatever the structure of the book, the basic requirements for a grammar textbook, which both students and teachers unanimously repeat, are the following:

  • compliance with the student’s language level;
  • accessibility and completeness of presentation;
  • following the principles from simple to complex;
  • modernity of language material;
  • availability of reference tables, diagrams and answers for self-test;
  • reasonable price and print quality.

As you can see, good grammar book must meet a sufficiently large list of criteria to be useful and enjoyable for English learners.

What is the best English grammar textbook?

Learning a foreign language requires the student to regularly carefully study language grammatical material. Remember that even the best grammar book- it is just a tool to achieve a goal with which the process of learning and mastering English becomes interesting and effective.

It is believed that the use of numerous grammar reference books will allow one to acquire a deeper and more comprehensive knowledge of English grammar.

But there is also a significant disadvantage. If you want, multiple rules from different textbooks can lead to a complete misunderstanding of the theory, and, accordingly, to the inability to use grammatical phenomena in speech correctly.

List of the best grammar textbooks

Name Author, publisher Level Year of issue
English language: simply about complex things. Practical course Leventhal V.I.
Beginner 1993
All rules of the English language Sergey Matveev
for schoolchildren 2015
All English grammar in tables G. P. Shalaeva
(Philological Society "WORD")
Beginner 2004
English grammar Kobrina N.A.
Intermediate 1999
English grammar Kaushanskaya V.
(Iris Press)
Intermediate 2008
English grammar. Collection of exercises Barashkova E.A.
(Exam, Moscow)
Elementary 2016
Grammar. Collection of exercises Golitsynsky Yu.B.
Beginner 2011
Practical English Grammar Kachalova K.N. Izrailevich E.E.
From Beginner to Upper-Intermediate 2003
A Practical English Grammar A. J. Thomson, A. V. Martinet
(Oxford University Press)
For intermediate and post-intermediate 2011
Active Grammar Fiona Davis, Wayne Rimmer
3 books (Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced) 2011
Active Grammar Practice Louis Fidge
(Learners Publishing)
6 books (Starter-Pre-Intermediate) 2005
Advanced Language practice Michael Vince
(MacMillan Publishing)
Advanced 2003
Basic Grammar Betty Azar
(Longman - 2nd edition), (Pearson Education - 3d edition)
Beginner 2002, 2006
Business Grammar Builder Paul Emmerson
Upper Intermediate 2010
Hewings Martin
(Cambridge University Press)
Advanced 2009
Developing Grammar In Context Mark Nettle, Diana Hopkins
(Cambridge University Press)
Intermediate 2003
Developing grammar in context Michael Vince, Simon Clarke
(Macmillan ELT)
3 books (Intermediate, Advanced, Essential) 2007, 2008
Elementary Language Practice Vince Michael
Elementary 2010
English: An Essential Grammar Gerald Nelson, Routledge
(London and New York)
Pre-Intermediate 2001, 2011
English Grammar in Use Raymond Murphy
(Cambridge University Press)
4 editions (Intermediate and Advanced) 1994, 2004, 2012
English Grammar Practice L.G. Alexander
Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate 1998, 2000
English Grammar Practice intermediate Self Study Edition L.G. ALexander
(Longman Press)
Intermediate 2001
English Grammar Workbook for Dummies Geraldine Woods
(Wiley Publishing, Inc.)
Beginner 2006
First Certificate Skills: Use of English Mark Harrison
(Oxford University Press)
Intermediate 2004
Focus on Advanced English CAE: Grammar Practice Richard Walton
Upper-Intermediate 1999
Focus on grammar Jay Maurer
(Longman Pearson)
5 books
(1 - Introductory, 2 - Basic, 3 - Intermediate, 4 - Hi-Intermediate, 4 - Advanced)
Fun With Grammar Suzanne W. Woodward
(Prentice Hall Regents)
Beginner and Intermediate 1997
Betty Azar
(Longman Press)
Intermediate 2003
Grammar for English Language Martin Parrott
(Cambridge University Press)
All levels 2010
Grammar for Teachers: A Guide to American English for native and non-native speakers Andrea DeCapua
Upper-Intermediate 2008
Grammar Friends Tim Ward and Eileen Flannigan
(Oxford University Press)
6 books (Beginner to Elementary) 2009
Grammar Lab Kenna Bourke
(Oxford University Press)
3 books (Beginner to Intermediate) 2010
Grammar Plus Roy Kingsbury
3 books
(Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate)
Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students John Eastwood, Norman Coe, Mark Harrison, Ken Paterson
(Oxford University Press)
3 books
Grammar Spectrum K. Paterson
(Oxford University Press)
3 books
(Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate)
Grammar Time Sandy Jervis and Maria Carling
(Longman Pearson)
5 books (for pupils) 2002, 2008
Grammar With Laughter George Woolard
(Language Teaching Publications)
Intermediate 1999
Grammarway Jenny Dooley & Virginia Evans
(Express Publishing)
4 books (Beginner) 1999-2004
Just Enough English Grammar Illustrated Gabriele Stobbe
(McGraw-Hill Education)
Beginner 2007
Language In Use Doff Adrian, Adrian Doff, Christopher Jones
(Cambridge University Press)
4 books
(Beginner, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-intermediate)
1999, 2000
Oxford - Basic English Usage Michael Swan
(Oxford University Press)
Beginner 1995
Oxford Living Grammar Ken Paterson, Mark Harrison, and Norman Coe
(Oxford University Press)
4 books
(Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate)
Oxford practice grammar George Yule
(Oxford University Press)
Advanced 2006
Oxford Practice Grammar with Answers John Eastwood; George Yule; Norman Coe, Mark Harrison, Ken Paterson
(Oxford University Press)
3 books
(Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)
Practical English Usage Michael Swan
(Oxford University Press)
Intermediate to Advanced 2005
Round Up Virginia Evans, Prysyazhnyuk, Pilipchenko
(Longman Pearson)
7 books
(From Beginner to Upper-Intermediate)
Superbook: English Grammar from Jokes and Cartoons / English grammar based on jokes and cartoons Alexander Gerasimenko
For adults 2008
Test It, Fix It. English Grammar Kenna Bourke
(Oxford University Press)
3 books
(Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-intermediate)
The Good Grammar Book Michael Swan, Catherine Walter
(Oxford University Press)
Beginner and Intermediate 2009
The Verbals Drozdova T.Yu.
Intermediate 2008
Timesaver Grammar Activities Jane Rollason
Pre-Intermediate – Intermediate 2008
Timesaver Visual Grammar Mark Fletcher, Richard Munns
Elementary-Intermediate 2004
Top 10 Great Grammar for Great Writing Keith S. Folse
(Thomson Heinle)
Intermediate 2008

Don’t forget that to begin with, you need: in a textbook of the appropriate level you will be able to find words you already know in examples, and not waste time translating them. Moreover, grammar rules for dummies are written in simple language and with a minimum of terminology.

In this article we will dwell more than once on English grammar textbooks for beginners and advanced.

Textbooks on English grammar: in Russian or Oxford, Cambridge?

An undeniable advantage that grammar books in English have is their presentation. modern material in English.

It’s good that today in the world of online stores you can get almost any book, regardless of who its author is and where it was published.

The Internet is literally teeming with requests “Download English grammar textbook for free”. Today we will not talk about copyrights, which are violated everywhere in the hope of finding the most ideal English grammar textbook. Let's leave this question to your conscience and your discretion.

The main thing is that everyone who studies and teaches English has a choice: to study using textbooks by domestic authors or to give preference to authentic manuals.

Books on English grammar in Russian

Books on English grammar in Russian written by our compatriots who themselves studied English, and therefore know what difficulties you may encounter.

Books on English grammar in Russian have a number of advantages:

  • the rules are given in Russian, your native language, which makes them much easier to understand and remember;
  • the ability to compare the grammatical realities of two languages: English and Russian;
  • relatively low cost of domestic textbooks;
  • Availability in printed form in almost any bookstore; upon purchase, you can leaf through this textbook and decide whether you need it.

Among the disadvantages, one should highlight the inauthenticity of these publications (the books were written by people for whom English is not their native language), sometimes outdated information and a large number of typos in the text are found.

The best grammar textbooks in Russian

One of the most popular books by domestic authors is considered “Practical Grammar” by Kachalova K.N. The textbook “Practical Grammar” consists of two volumes: first the voluminous theoretical part is presented, exercises with keys follow at the end of the second book.

Practical grammar of the English language Kachalova K.N. Izrailevich E.E. download

The textbook has also proven itself well among teachers. "English language. Grammar. Collection of exercises” Yu.B. Golitsynsky, which contains a huge number of exercises for entry-level and above. A big advantage of this textbook is the presence of exercises for Russian-English translation, however, not all students like the same type of exercises.

Textbook Grammar Golitsynsky Yu.B. download

Benefit "English Grammar" (author N.A. Kobrina) is an excellent reference book that meticulously describes all the phenomena of English grammar that have no analogues in the Russian language. The author recommends consolidating the material covered by doing exercises, which, unfortunately, are not in the book itself. The book is written in English with many examples from British and American literature.

Kobrina English grammar download

Books on English grammar in English

Books on grammar by English-speaking authors written by native speakers, so the main advantage is the reliability of the data that is present in the textbook. This is especially true for publishers such as Oxford University Press or Cambridge University, which publish specialized literature for English learners and teachers.

Other advantages of English grammar books are:

  • modern and high-quality language material;
  • complete immersion in the language, all explanations and assignments are given in English;
  • a variety of aids depending on the level of language proficiency and learning goals;
  • availability of additional materials for the textbook (teacher's book, workbook, audio, etc.).

Among the English-language authors, the textbook should be highlighted “Oxford Practice Grammar” by John Eastwood and multi-level benefits Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use”. Both books introduce the rules through illustrated dialogues with a bit of explanation, followed by exercises that refer to the rules themselves.

Perhaps there is only one drawback of foreign textbooks - the high cost of textbooks. In addition, it is not always possible to immediately buy the book you are interested in: they are sold in certified language centers, and sometimes they are brought to order from a warehouse.

Cost of English grammar textbooks

Typically, the most inexpensive textbooks edited by domestic publishers are published with a small number of pages and in soft cover.

The most expensive textbooks are books on English grammar published in the UK or USA. The publishing houses of Oxford and Cambridge universities are widely known.

The lesser-known printing houses Pearson Longman, Penguin Random House and Macmillan are no worse in quality of grammatical material.

Prices for original textbooks from foreign publishers start at $40 for a textbook and $25 for a workbook.

On a note:

The price of a grammar textbook varies from 100 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the quality of the printed edition, the popularity of the author and the demand for the book.

More economical option- buy used books. The main condition is that the pages should not be filled out by the previous owner.

Well, the cheapest books, of course, are publicly available on the Internet, which you can download and print. Unfortunately, the quality of scanned books leaves much to be desired, which cannot be said about electronic versions of grammar textbooks.

English grammar textbooks for beginners

If you are a beginner “user” of a foreign language, then we provide you the best grammar textbooks for beginners.

We decided to look in more detail at foreign publications so that you can learn more about the advantages that Oxford and Cambridge grammar textbooks have.

Essential Grammar in Use (Raymond Murphy)

Any lesson in “Murphy” takes only two pages: on the left - theory, on the right - practical exercises

Grammar textbook “Essential Grammar in Use” Raymond Murphy's book is so popular that it has been reprinted several times. Many students and teachers have long included it in the list of the most universal textbooks on English grammar.

The author of the textbook is Raymond Murphy. Raymond Murphy), a teacher from the USA with extensive experience teaching people with different levels of language proficiency. He created a handbook that is convenient and not overloaded with unnecessary information, which is perfect for self-study.

There are actually two books in this series: “red” by Murphy ( Essential Grammar in Use) and “blue” Murphy ( English Grammar in Use). The books got their names based on the color of the cover. Red Murphy is for levels Elementary and Pre-Intermediate, and blue Murphy is recommended for the Intermediate level.

Each of the books in this series includes more than 100 lessons (2 pages each) on various grammar topics, from simple to more complex. Illustrated explanations accurately convey the meaning of the rules, and the language of explanations is concise and understandable even for beginners.

After each section, the publisher offers a series of exercises to consolidate and test the understood theoretical material.

The latest 4th edition pleased with the voice-over of dialogues and interactive exercises on the CD, which is sold with the textbook.

Surely Murphy's textbook Essential Grammar in Use” will delight everyone who strives to learn grammar with a minimum of effort.

Basic English Grammar

The grammar in the Basic English Grammar textbook is presented in the best traditions of the communicative approach.

"Azar Grammar Series"is a classic series of textbooks on English grammar, which enjoys well-deserved popularity in many countries around the world.

The series consists of 3 books:

  • Basic English Grammar- First level ( beginner). Aimed at visual learners with numerous illustrations and diagrams. For auditory learners, it will be a plus to have audio for the textbook. Additional goodies: a booklet with tests and a book for the teacher.
  • Fundamentals Of English Grammar- average level ( intermediate). The textbook is especially good for its tables and diagrams; they help you remember and assimilate a large amount of material at once. A huge number of examples will help you understand the use of grammatical structures in speech.
  • Understanding And Using English Grammar- advanced level ( advanced). There is an audio for the textbook and a workbook. The third edition differs from the previous ones in that it places greater emphasis on the communicative aspect of the English language in its American version.

Studying grammar from textbooks Azar Grammar Series takes place in close connection with the development of writing, reading and speaking skills. The textbook will be an excellent addition to the main one, and sometimes can replace it.

Active Grammar

Textbooks Active Grammar Levels 1,2,3 contain a large number of exercises to practice and test grammatical skills

Cambridge University Press has once again pleased us with its selection of grammar books for different levels. The textbook was published in 2011, but the relevant and interesting material pleases readers to this day.

Active Grammar Levels 1,2,3 was originally announced for teenagers. The book contains a large number of colorful illustrations: on the covers there are children, inside there are comics, legends and contexts on history, geography and other subjects that are usually found in schools.

However, the presentation of grammatical material in Active Grammar 1-3 is quite suitable for adults with a variety of levels. Written by Fiona Davis and Fine Rimmer Fiona Davis, Wayne Rimmer) assume the following calibration of benefits by level:

  • Active Grammar 1 certification levels A1-A2 ( beginner- elementary)
  • Active Grammar 2 certification levels B1-B2 ( pre-intermediate - intermediate)
  • Active Grammar 3 certification levels C1-C2 ( upper-intermediate - advanced)

Active Grammar Level 1 covers all the grammar taught at elementary levels, and gives complete, comprehensive information to answer any question you may have.

The advantages of the book are undoubtedly the clarity and simplicity of explanation of the rules through informative texts and presentations, the presence of practical recommendations and a large number of exercises for consolidation. The exercises are also suitable for students preparing for exams Cambridge ESOL .

All books in the Active Grammar series contain a lot of additional materials for viewing (section My test!), as well as tests for self-control. At the end of the book there are answers, vocabulary and reference tables.

Fascinating texts on geography, history and science include facts about the modern world, which allows you to expand your horizons and, along with grammar, improve your active vocabulary.

Oxford Practice Grammar Basic

Oxford Practice Grammar Basic is an excellent all-in-one grammar guide for beginners.

Books of the series Oxford Practice Grammar(authors Norman Coe, Mark Harrison, Ken Paterson) is sometimes often confused with the publication of the same name Oxford Practice Grammar John Eastwood (eng. John Eastwood), but these are completely different books.

Eastwood's Grammar Guide is intended for intermediate students, while Oxford Practice Grammar series consists of three books:

  • (beginner- elementary)
  • Oxford Practice Grammar Intermediate (pre-intermediate-intermediate)
  • Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced (upper-intermediate-advanced)

Benefit Oxford Practice Grammar Basic You will certainly be pleased with the brevity and accessibility of the explanations. The book presents all the necessary grammatical structures for those who have just started learning English or are preparing to take it.

The rules are given in context in the form of illustrated dialogues, color diagrams and tables. Funny illustrations enliven the textbook, giving it a truly English charm.

Carefully selected exercises usually take 1-2 pages and are presented in order from simple to complex. In the textbook Oxford Practice Grammar Basic There is also a system of intermediate tests that will help you track your progress yourself.

At the end of the manual there is quite a large amount of additional materials: a short grammar reference, control testing on topics, keys, table of contents.

The CD was a nice bonus for the textbook. Practice-Plus with interactive listening, reading, writing exercises and quizzes. It is worth noting that on the disc you will not find the usual grammar exercises, but you will certainly see how grammar works in speech.

Textbook Oxford Practice Grammar Basic Definitely worth trying in class or for independent study.

English grammar. Textbooks for intermediate level

If everything is more or less clear with books on English grammar for beginners (they contain a huge number of illustrations and diagrams), then grammar textbooks for Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels should be deprived of such advantages. Or not?

Let's take a closer look at which grammar textbooks are suitable for intermediate level.

Round-up 3, 4

Each Round-Up textbook is designed for a specific level with tasks different types difficulties.

Grammar Textbook Series Round-Up represented by six books for levels from beginner before upper-intermediate. This textbook, edited by Virginia Evans, has many grammar tables, colorful illustrations and practice tasks.

There are quite a lot of pictures and funny drawings in the textbook. Round-Up any level, which allows visual learners to remember information better, children to “grasp” new material, and adults to take a little break from daily worries and, with childlike ease, immerse themselves in the fascinating world of a foreign language.

Each subsequent textbook in the series Round-Up provides students with an in-depth and varied understanding of grammar. Textbooks Round-Up developed taking into account the age characteristics of students, as well as different learning styles.

The main advantage of books for levels pre-intermediate and intermediate (Round-Up 3, 4) is a detailed presentation of grammatical material with numerous examples of use.

The exercises are very varied. Of course, there are standard opening brackets and filling in the blanks, but there are also exercises aimed at training grammatical rules in everyday situations. Their number is large and you won’t get bored from the monotony!

An interesting fact is that some topics overlap in the next level textbook, but always contain more detailed information or an in-depth dive into the topic being studied. This gives students the opportunity to improve previously acquired knowledge.

In addition, I would like to note the presence of excellent reference material at the end of the textbook (phrasal verbs, prepositions, word formation). All books in this series are accompanied by a teacher's book.

Despite the fact that Round-Up 1 and 2 books were designed more for children and teenagers (they contain a huge number of bright illustrations), textbooks Round-Up 3, 4 will delight adults with the seriousness of the material presented.


In the Grammaway textbook you can find review material after every five sections

This grammatical edition is also edited by Virginia Evans and is similar to the previous textbook Round-up in the order in which the material is supplied. The difference is that Grammaway benefits are more suitable for middle school students.

Textbook Grammarway 1-4 from Express Publishing presented in four books:

  • Grammarway 1(for level Beginner)
  • Grammarway 2(for level Elementary)
  • Grammarway 3(for level Pre-Intermediate)
  • Grammarway 4(for level Intermediate)

The rules duplicate each other in all books; there are only gradually more of them. The book is written in English, but the material is presented clearly and accessible.

In this textbook you will find all the main points of English grammar, which is studied in grades 5-11: the tense system, modal verbs, passive voice, countable/uncountable nouns, all types of questions, etc.

In the textbook Grammarway 3 there are many exercises for practicing grammar in oral speech and in writing. After every five sections there are materials for review on the topics covered. At the end of the book there are great communication games that few people know about. The manual also includes a teacher's book with methodological recommendations and keys.

Textbook "Grammarway" presents himself as "self-study", i.e. for independent studies. With a certain level of preparation, of course, you can use this textbook as a simulator, but without preparation it is better not to take on this textbook yourself - it will still be more correct if the teacher explains at least some of the basics.

Grammar Spectrum

Grammar textbook Grammar Spectrum 1,2,3 is one of the few that offers fun communicative grammar activities

Spectrum English Textbook by Sandra Costinette and Donald Bird Sandra Costinett, Donald R. H. Byrd) is practically unknown to a wide audience, but the addition to it, Grammar Spectrum, turned out to be more in demand and popular.

Grammar Book Series Grammar Spectrum 1,2,3 consists of three books: for basic, pre-intermediate and sufficient levels.

Each book can be used as a reference and a full-fledged grammar textbook or as a supplement to a textbook of the same level.

The structure of the Grammar Spectrum books is somewhat similar to the more famous Murphy textbook, except that it does not contain illustrated pictures when introducing the rules.

Explanations are given briefly in the form of reference diagrams and a large number of examples. The exercises, although they take up one to one and a half pages, are quite comprehensive and thoughtful.

The main advantage of the textbook Grammar Spectrum 2 is consistent with the curriculum of most communication textbooks in English, be it English Files, Speakout or English Results.

At the end of the book there are a number of goodies for students: tables of times and a short set of rules for their education, exit tests and keys.

Focus on Grammar Intermediate

Focus on Grammar is rightfully considered one of the best grammar textbooks.

Textbook Focus on Grammar from Longman is, without a doubt, the best English grammar course. It consists of 5 books for all levels:

  • Focus on Grammar 1(Introductory)
  • Focus on Grammar 2(Basic)
  • Focus on Grammar 3(Intermediate)
  • Focus on Grammar 4(Hi-Intermediate)
  • Focus on Grammar 4(Advanced)

The series has already gone through four editions, which indicates its versatility and recognition from students and teachers.

Focus on Grammar is a living, integrated textbook built in the best traditions of the communicative approach. It contains various exercises not only on grammar, but also on listening, reading and writing.

For level Pre-Intermediate textbook materials are suitable Focus on Grammar 2, 3. Each of these manuals contains 2 textbooks: a student book with an audio CD and a workbook with keys. Book for teachers ( Teacher's Manual) with answers to Student Book is also present.

The theory in the textbook is presented in the form of clear presentations and diagrams, followed by exercises to understand the rules and tasks to practice grammatical skills.

The workbook contains a huge number of additional exercises, so you can be sure that you will spend more than one week studying.

To track learning progress, an impressive collection of diagnostic and control tests with answers is provided for teachers, and for students - interactive disk for students. The latest edition even added a test generator, which significantly individualizes the learning process and makes the teacher’s work easier.

At the end of the book for students you can see multi-page applications (from formations of tenses to rules for the formation of word forms), a list of grammatical terms, tests with keys.

Self-instruction manual on English grammar for Advanced level

So, you are already an advanced language user! However, this is not a reason to complete your training and not improve further. Grammar is a delicate matter: the more you know, the less you seem to know.

To feel like a real English pro, don't forget to check out the following at your leisure. grammar textbooks for Upper-Intermediate and Advanced levels and to prepare for international exams IELTS, CAE, CPE.

Cambridge Grammar for IELTS

The most undeniable advantage of the Cambridge Grammar for IELTS textbook is the presence of listening tasks.

Grammar tutorial Cambridge Grammar for IELTS was written by two famous English authors: Diana Hopkins and Pauline Coolen (eng. Diana Hopkins, Pauline Cullen). This grammar textbook is an indispensable assistant at levels Upper-Intermediate and Advanced .

The book has everything for those planning to take an international exam: an overview of the grammatical minimum for IELTS test, numerous exercises to practice it, tasks to develop listening and reading skills.

An introduction to the grammatical topic is given through small communicative tasks, which allows you to initially “feel” the grammatical phenomenon. The theory itself is presented in a simple way in clear language and is replete with a large number of examples that immediately catch the eye.

Answers and audio tracks are provided at the end of the book, so you don't have to wonder if you answered correctly. For using the book in lessons with a teacher, there is also a version without keys.

The textbook includes IELTS tasks from both modules ( Academic and General), which makes it almost universal when preparing for this exam.

Advanced Grammar in Use

The Advanced Grammar in Use textbook is rich in grammar rules

Many people mistakenly attribute the textbook Advanced Grammar in Use(Cambridge Publishing House) to the previously mentioned Raymond Murphy.

Indeed, this textbook is similar in structure to Murphy's Red and Blue. In the book, grammar material is divided into 120 chapters, each of which takes up two pages: rules on the left, and practice exercises on the right. Illustrated explanations have replaced diagrams and sketches.

Self-instruction manual Advanced Grammar in Use, and this is how its author Martin Hewins characterizes it, is designed for students with a high level of language ( Upper-Intermediate and above), so in it you will not find rules on how it is formed or what it is.

The theoretical material is presented very concisely and intensively; the size of one page is clearly not enough to present it completely. Therefore, the author highlighted additional section at the end of the textbook called Grammar Reminder and reiterated the important key points.

There are not so many exercises in the manual, and even the “Additional exercises” section will not help you with thorough processing of voluminous information. Among the tasks, self-control exercises prevail (find a mistake, correct a sentence, etc.), which should please students planning to take international exams. FCE, IELTS exams.

A nice bonus that few people who pick up the book for the first time know about is the learning planner. Study Planner). By taking this test yourself, you can see what problem areas you have by checking your answers against the keys. The textbook will tell you where to look for the information you are interested in.

In general, the textbook is rich in grammatical rules, which are described very carefully, with all the pitfalls and exceptions. If you are already an advanced user of the language and want to work on complex grammatical material, then Advanced Grammar in Use for you!

Grammar Scan

In Michael Swan's Grammar Scan textbook you won't find explanations or rules, only English grammar tests.

Grammar Scan (Diagnostic Tests for Practical English Usage)- an interesting guide that differs from most textbooks and reference books on English grammar.

If you are already familiar with the books of this author, you will have noticed that everything that Michael Swan does, he does with high quality. His new three-level grammar course ( Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced) has received multiple awards and is a best-selling textbook.

Grammar Scan Guide is primarily a collection of tests for the textbook Practical English Usage (published in 2005), which will help you understand where to move next. The collection contains various tasks by level: Upper-Intermediate(29 tests), Advanced(29 tests) and Expert(30 tests).

A huge advantage of these tests is the connection with the grammar reference book: what you read about in the textbook Practical English Usage, can be checked in a test, and vice versa, the test will help identify gaps in knowledge.

Rest assured, each test is aimed at in-depth testing in each grammatical topic: be it adjectives, articles or. The tests themselves are incredibly varied and will not leave you indifferent. There are clues at the end of the tutorial so you can test yourself.

Grammar Scan can be used both for self-control and in class lessons to diagnose learning outcomes

Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency

The Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency textbook is perfectly structured: it includes both theory and practice. But its special value lies in the training tests for SAE and CPE.

Textbook Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency Martin Hewings is considered one of the best grammar books for advanced levels. This book provides the necessary amount of grammar that is tested in exams SAE and CPE.

Each of the 25 sections consists of several parts: an introduction to the topic through listening to audio, an explanation of grammatical phenomena and exercises for practicing and checking.

At the end of each section there is always a test with exam tasks similar to those you will encounter when taking the SAE and CPE. Screening tests may include a reading module, a listening module (sometimes alternating), a grammar test and a creative task ( writing)

In the book Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency The problem areas are wonderfully presented; in the theoretical part they are highlighted with a “!” By paying attention to them, you can avoid mistakes in the exam. The rules themselves are given in great detail, but in simple language, and with typical British precision. It is also very valuable to have numerous examples of academic vocabulary on typical exam topics.

Keys, a grammar guide and transcripts of audio recordings for three CDs are all included. The simplicity with which it is made textbook "Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency", is in no way compatible with the seriousness of the information that is in this directory.

Book "Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency" can be used not only in preparation for exams, but also as a desk reference if your level Upper-Intermediate or Advanced .

The best English textbooks for children

It is believed that children learn foreign languages ​​faster and better, so introducing them to learning English from childhood is very good idea. But, if you’ve read the article, you know that you need to explain grammar to a child completely differently than to an adult.

What grammar books for children Is it worth purchasing to interest a child?

Grammar Friends

The Grammar Friends grammar textbook with an interactive CD-ROM for elementary grades (ages 6 to 12 years) provides an opportunity to practice English grammar skills and improve English language proficiency

Manual for schoolchildren Grammar Friends (Oxford University Press, 2009) is a textbook with which children will definitely find mutual language with English grammar!

The author of these books is Tim Ward. Tim Ward), who was tasked with developing an additional grammar course for his favorite series of textbooks Family and Friends 1-7(author Naomi Simmons). And he did it simply brilliantly!

Step-by-step grammar presentations in Grammar Friends 1-7 present the education, use and content of the structures in such a way that even a beginner can easily understand and remember what they read.

Exposure to familiar contexts and situations using basic vocabulary allows students to focus on learning grammar rules.

Sections for repetition of material provide additional practice, which allows you to consolidate the acquired knowledge on the covered topic. There is also a disk containing additional exercises and tests for even more independent practice at home.

Main features of Grammar Friends 1-7:

  • a clear step-by-step explanation of grammar for primary schoolchildren and a detailed elaboration of the acquired knowledge;
  • effective study of the grammatical structure of language in various contexts, using the example of everyday life situations;
  • this manual can be confidently combined with other benefits;
  • sections for consolidating acquired knowledge and additional practice;
  • additional exercises and test tasks on an interactive CD-ROM to motivate, inspire students, and develop independence!;
  • The teacher's book contains teaching materials, including answers and tests.

Textbook Grammar Friends helps to gain confidence in the knowledge acquired, written exercises that move from easier to more difficult provide reinforcement of students' knowledge.

Picture grammar for children

Colorful illustrations in the textbook Picture grammar for children starter will not let your child get bored and he will want to return to this textbook again

Picture Grammar for Children from the publisher Macmillan is a lively and vibrant series of textbooks of 5 books for beginners. The textbook is fun and easy to use, and makes learning easy and relaxed, even when used alongside any other course.

The grammar is presented in an original and engaging way, with plenty of vocabulary-rich topic spreads, followed by a variety of skill-building exercises. The game aspect, which is important when teaching children, is fully present in the textbook.

Key features of Picture Grammar for Children are:

  • Vocabulary and grammar are introduced side by side in meaningful contexts;
  • Highly illustrated topic sections are carefully selected to reflect student interests;
  • there is a balance between exercises that the student does under the supervision of the teacher and those that allow students to use the language creatively;
  • sections for self-control provide an opportunity to consolidate knowledge and its further application;
  • Students can work through textbook sections in order or in any order they choose.

Textbook Picture grammar for children The child will definitely like it. Despite the fact that the tasks are formulated in English, you should not worry that the child may not understand what he needs to do.

The colorful illustrations in the textbook will not let your child get bored and he will want to return to this textbook again and again.

Grammar Goals

The Grammar Goals textbook has examples of exam tasks that will help you better prepare for PET

Grammar Goals from Macmillan ELT is a new six-level English grammar course for children aged 6 to 12 years.

Excellent illustrations, simple and clear explanations of grammatical phenomena, interesting examples selected taking into account the age characteristics and interests of students, and a variety of exercises turn learning grammar into an exciting activity!

Benefit for each level Grammar Goals 1-6 is divided into 10 sections and involves not only the grammatical side of the language, but also regional studies and simply interesting for children. This textbook also has examples of exam tasks and will teach your child to write emails, articles and even resumes according to the rules.

The tasks in each section are presented at three levels of difficulty Bronze, Silver and Gold, which not only increases student motivation, but also contributes to the development of such universal learning activities as planning, reflection, self-control and self-assessment.

First three levels Grammar Goals 1,2,3 can serve as an effective additional grammar aid to any primary school course, levels 4–6 can be used as an additional aid in grades 5–7.

Main features of the Grammar Goals textbook:

  • a carefully constructed system of exercises is ideal for working in groups with students of different levels;
  • exam-type tasks allow you to use the manual as an initial stage of preparation for final certification at school or for international level exams Starter–B1 ;
  • the format of the tasks promotes the development of critical thinking and meta-subject skills;
  • special attention is paid to the development of skills in writing, namely the ability to write electronic message, story, personal letter, write a description, etc.;
  • The CD-ROM for each textbook contains 50 additional interactive exercises; The CD-ROM for the level 1–4 textbooks includes a picture dictionary.

Rest assured, textbook Grammar Goals with its logical sequence of tasks, it will be an excellent assistant in English lessons in the wilds of English grammar.

The Grammar Lab

The three-level textbook "The Grammar Lab" contains unique illustrations by children's artist Corky Pavel

Course "The Grammar Lab"(Oxford University Press), designed for learning English as a foreign language for children aged nine to twelve years.

The textbook covers elementary and intermediate levels, and consists of three books. By Kenna Burke Kenna Bourke) considers both possibilities of its use: in the classroom during lessons with a teacher and independently. Each student book is accompanied by a teacher book.

However The Grammar Lab 1-3 is not a full-fledged textbook, it only supplements the grammar with more detailed examples, explanations and exercises. You can use the sections of the book in any order, depending on the topic that interests you.

Attractive characters and their funny dialogues easily attract children. Beautiful illustrations by children's artist Corky Pavel make the books attractive and funny.

Main characteristics of The Grammar Lab textbook:

  • Each chapter covers a different grammar topic;
  • Teaches grammar rules in short, easy steps;
  • Each stage is followed by simple exercises;
  • Availability of footnotes and exercises for repetition;
  • Lots of written and oral exercises, with the ability to write directly in the textbook;
  • All vocabulary is used in context.

To decide whether this textbook is right for you, you need to work with it for a month. And perhaps it is precisely The Grammar Lab will be the best grammar book for you.

Download the best books for learning English on your own

If you plan to study with an e-book, then the best option is to download a digital copy.

Modern publishing houses have already realized that it is impossible to fight Internet piracy, so they have long digitized their the best grammar books in .pdf format and post them online for downloading for a low fee.

The quality of digitized textbooks is ideal, which cannot be said about scanned books, but the benefits are the same. If you wish, you can always print the manual and work with it as with a regular textbook.

Some still prefer a digital version of their favorite book so that it is always at hand anywhere. We have already written about where you can read books online in an article, and today we will tell you about sites where you can download English grammar textbooks without registration.


On the Alleng.me website you can download English grammar textbooks and other fiction in English.

On the website Alleng.me you can find grammar books and not only.

This resource has a huge database of English language textbooks, ranging from textbooks for children to manuals for preparing for international exams.

In order to download the textbook you do not need to register.


You can download grammar textbooks on the Ego4u website without registration

The English-language resource Ego4u offers not only grammar books without registration, but also interactive English exercises.

English Grammar Online provides you with materials for successfully mastering the English language. On the left you can select the category you need and practice.

In the Grammar section you can find and download some types of textbooks. The site is also interesting because it provides you with a dictionary so that you do not need to open other resources.


We tried to choose for you the best English grammar textbooks, of course, this is not a finite list! Remember that grammar is the most important aspect in learning English.

It takes a lot of time to master it, and a good textbook or reference book will be a good assistant in this difficult task.

In the following articles we will tell you which sites you can use to practice your knowledge of English grammar and where to prepare for taking international exams.

In contact with

Unlike most reference literature publications, this book can be recommended as universal reference book grammar in English. It is presented as basic, so and complicated grammar, the interference of the Russian language when studying English is taken into account, typical errors.

A Universal Guide to English Grammar

Directory intended for a wide range of English language learners, compiled in Russian, examples provided translation.Recommended those entering universities, studying English in schools, colleges, universities and on one's own. Can also be used by teachers and lecturers as methodical allowance.

The purpose of this directory- present and explain in an accessible form the essential morphological and syntactic features of the grammatical structure modern English necessary for practical mastery of it. The reference book includes the following sections: Morphology; Syntax; Spelling rules; Punctuation rules; Application.

The book can be recommended as a universal reference book on English grammar

In chapter " Morphology» provides a description of such parts of speech as a noun, adjective, verb and its non-finite forms, pronoun, numeral, adverb, conjunction, interjection, preposition.
In chapter " Syntax» a description is given of the structures of simple and complex sentences, indirect speech and the basic rules of punctuation.

In chapter " Spelling rules» the rules for spelling verbs in the past tense, in the third person singular of the present tense, with endings and others are given spelling rules.

It has complicated grammar and takes into account the interference of the Russian language when learning English.

Unlike most reference books, this book can be recommended as a universal reference book on English grammar. It presents both basic and advanced grammar, takes into account the interference of the Russian language when learning English, and provides and comments on typical errors.

Directory designed for a wide range of English language learners, compiled in Russian, examples are provided with translation. It is recommended for those entering universities, studying English at schools, colleges, universities and independently. Can also be used by teachers and instructors as a teaching aid

Hello, friends and readers of my blog!

For the umpteenth time I hear or read the phrase: “I started learning English, please recommend a book on English grammar!” I hasten to disappoint you - British scientists have calculated that if we simply read the names of all textbooks on the English language, it will take us about 150 years of our lives. And even people who study English will not be able to master so much. Okay, just kidding)).

Seriously, today I will tell you about the most popular literature today dedicated to teaching English, and we will try to choose the best books on English grammar and note their advantages and disadvantages.

It is clear that all this is purely individual, and everyone who wants to learn English has their own passions, goals and objectives. Some people like it when the material is presented without unnecessary details, some, on the contrary, prefer an in-depth study of various phenomena and nuances, while for others, provide visual aids with an abundance of diagrams, tables and illustrations.


Two textbooks Raymond Murphy: English Grammar in Use And Essential Grammar in Use are extremely popular both in our country and abroad. The theoretical part is well structured and supported by illustrative examples and exercises. The most important advantage These textbooks tell about complex things in simple language, without going into detail.

In my opinion, they are perfect for both beginners and more advanced Intermediate students who do not like to understand the intricacies of grammatical rules. For teapots The red book is intended - I would say it is a “must have” for everyone who begins to master the jungle of English grammar. The reviews that the Internet is teeming with testify to how many fans this author has. I'm also one of them, by the way. I recommend!

Textbook Martin Hugins Advanced Grammar in Use continues the glorious work of Murphy, however, it is intended for those who already have the Intermediate level behind them. The theory there is presented very richly and comprehensively, but the exercises are not very good - in my opinion, they are simply not enough to consolidate such a huge amount of theoretical material.

Practical English grammar with exercises and keys
K. Kachalova, E. Izrailevich .

Of all the English grammar textbooks written in Russian, this is perhaps the best. All the rules and subtleties are outlined accessible language. Although, the practical exercises presented in it are a little monotonous. The publication has been repeatedly supplemented with new and useful material, errors have been corrected. Perfect for those who decide to learn English grammar on their own and are not yet ready to comprehend the basics of theory in English.


Have you served in the army? I don’t)), but from the stories of my cousins ​​I know that they don’t really bother with explanations, and all theoretical gaps are compensated for by practice “to the point of automatism.” Golitsynsky , apparently, decided to act with his reader in a similar way. We're talking about his book English language. Grammar. Collection of exercises .

The theoretical part is given concisely, but with practical exercises full order. You will remember any rule by doing a lot of exercises to reinforce it. In general, I recommend working out the practical part using this textbook, regardless of which book you are learning the theory from.

Another useful tutorial - An English Grammar. Morphology. Syntax. Kobrina, Korneeva, Osovskaya, Guzeeva.

This textbook is for very advanced and confident students of English. There is a lot of subtle theory and descriptions of various grammatical nuances. It will be useful for teachers and students with in-depth study of the language.


Textbook English Grammar: Reference and Practice written by Russian authors T. Yu. Drozdova, A. I. Berestova, V. G. Mailova , but all explanations are given in English.

This textbook is intended for high school students and students. The grammar in it is not presented in an abstruse way, however, there are a number of disadvantages in covering specific topics. Suitable for those who are just starting their journey of conquering linguistic peaks. Numerous and clear tables present in this textbook- its main advantage.

Round-up from the author Virginia Evans is a whole series of grammar aids. It is intended primarily for children, but adults will also be pleased to read such a colorful publication.

For parents, it will serve as auxiliary literature that can be used to study at home with their children. The series is represented by seven excellent, richly illustrated textbooks from level zero (the easiest) to level six (the most difficult).

Clearly and logically presented information, detailed explanations of English grammar, lots of tables and wonderful exercises. If you want to master English grammar step by step, from simple to complex, this option is yours!

What would I like to say in conclusion? Do not get hung up on any one author; it is quite possible that some rules will be more clearly presented for you in some other textbook. You can buy yourself 2 textbooks, which together will be able to fully perform their functions. You will be able to combine your classes - study theory from one book, and practice practice from another.

If you don’t particularly like textbooks, then there is another alternative - online grammar course from LinguaLeo. It's really interesting and effective! Everything is done step by step and with good practice. And most importantly, you can try it in practice before buying.

At self-study language, maintain a reasonable balance: learn the language itself, and not numerous rules about the language. Leave this joy to teachers and individual inquisitive minds.

That's all for today. Thank you for reading the article to the end.

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Bye everyone! Take care of yourself!
