Management of a construction company in 1s unf. Construction Enterprise Management Program

Read more Construction Company Management 8 “Construction Company Management 8” is an industry-specific automation solution operational management at small construction enterprises, developed on the basis of the standard configuration “1C: Management small company 8" (UNF). The program helps improve the efficiency of a construction company by providing owners and managers with a wide range of tools for business management, and employees with new opportunities for productive work. Software retains all the functionality of the standard configuration “1C: Management of a small company 8” and contains blocks of estimated pricing and scheduling necessary for maintaining management accounting in construction. “Construction Company Management 8” can be used for several companies and private entrepreneurs - independent or working within the same business.

Construction management


In addition, the implementation of the system contributed to the consolidation of accounting data from separate dependent divisions and ensured the transfer of information to the parent organization. 2007. Integrated system for Stroykompleks on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. The Stroykompleks group of companies together with the Dialog Information Technologies company successfully completed automation based on comprehensive solution"1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8".


The introduction of the system contributed to a significant increase in control over costs during the construction of facilities. Thanks to the operational accounting of current costs, the company was able to maintain a more flexible pricing policy.

The process of selling apartments has been improved. The Stroykompleks group of companies is one of the leading construction organizations in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Construction Management Program

Attention offers websites for construction organizations The website creation service is launching a new direction - creating turnkey websites for construction organizations. After creating the site, you will have access to it in the editor and you can make changes yourself, for example, changing the phone number.

It is possible to view a library of already created sites on construction topics. 2014. Latista - cloud-based construction management system 2014.
The industry solution of the KOMPAS ERP system is being implemented in a construction company. The PromEngineering company acquired licenses from the KOMPAS company to use the industry solution for construction organizations of the KOMPAS: Production Management subsystem. In January, test implementation of the purchased solution began.

Programs for construction companies. construction management systems

Accounting can be maintained in any currency.

  • Budget planning and pricing
  • Scheduling
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Supply and procurement
  • Warehouse and production
  • Cash
  • Property
  • Finance
  • Salary and personnel
  • Retail sales

Price: from 42,500 rub. More details 1C: Construction Contractor 4.0. Financial management The product is a specialized industry solution for automating financial planning, budgeting, accounting and tax accounting, traffic management Money and analysis of the financial and economic activities of the contracting construction organization.

Review of IT solutions for the construction industry

And at the same time, I have seen and know situations where people valued relationships and pulled out an enterprise in difficult times. People value Attention, no matter how trite it may sound.

2.2 Organization of production processes. (theory)2.2.1 Here we can and should talk about training both employees and management not only in accordance with the regulations and standards for SROs, but also advanced training courses, possibly additional education, subscribing to periodicals and even organizing automatic mailings for employees based on open and closed sources according to news and changes in the industry, according to their specialty. PS.You want fast and understandable document flow, but these are relative characteristics, not qualitative ones, because

It’s not clear what exactly you are putting into them.

For construction companies

The PromEngineering company was attracted by the fact that in this industry solution, the COMPASS company took into account all the specifics of construction business processes, which are very different from typical production management business processes, which is explained not only by industry characteristics, but also by state legislation governing this Kind of activity. As a result, the solution implements the maintenance of construction estimates (and the initial version can be imported from specialized software for calculating estimates in the ARPS format).
There is a procedure for automatically generating a calendar plan from budget lines. The following calendar plan reports have been implemented: “Schedule Schedule”, “Material Requirement Plan”, “Machinery and Mechanism Requirement Plan”, “Personnel Requirement Plan”. 2007.

Altius - construction management free download

Roszheldorstroy has automated its construction and installation trust VC "SoftBalance" has completed the project of implementing the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 system in one of the branches of the Roszheldorstroy company - Construction and installation trust No. 1. The project in SMT-1 is part of a large-scale project to automate the parent organization Roszheldorstroy, conceived with the goal of standardizing accounting in all regional branches. All subprojects use the developed configuration on the 1C:UPP 8 platform, and in each region the system is implemented by different executors. Within of this enterprise management and accounting of contract construction work were automated, features of accounting and tax accounting were implemented, payroll calculation and personnel records were automated.

Software for managing a construction company

We often hear that the main reason for this lies in the high profitability on average in the industry: after all, where there is still enough money, there cannot be serious interest in complex automation - and that, they say, interest will appear over time, when due to natural market processes An inevitable decline in prices and, consequently, profitability of the construction market will begin, when a situation arises in which only those who think best will survive. This view is usually contrasted with another: where there is enough money, strict accounting is all the more necessary to avoid corruption and prevent theft.

But still main reason Such a low level of automation in construction companies is specific to the industry: any construction company needs to automate too many areas of activity, and their close integration with each other is absolutely necessary.

Construction Enterprise Management Program

Price: from 4400 rub. More details 1C: Accounting for a construction organization The program is designed to automate the accounting and tax accounting of contractors, customers and investors in the construction industry.

The program is developed on the basis of the standard configuration "1C: Accounting 8", supports the full functionality of the configuration and all the advantages of the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8".

  • Accounting and tax accounting

Price: from 12,000 rub. More details Construction Manager 3.0 The software product is designed to automate the operational management accounting of construction companies performing the functions of a contractor.

The program allows you to maintain accounting at the enterprise, parallel to accounting, used exclusively within the enterprise and reflecting real business transactions.
The complexity of the product will allow a construction organization to work in a single information base, where in a single space the entire management of the organization can enter information without duplication, use the developments of one department in the interests of others, quickly receive diverse data and results about the facts of production and financial activities. The product can be used in the accounting department, tax department, financial department, production department, estimate department, logistics department, mechanization department, human resources department and other departments of a construction organization.
These are the specialists who isolate routine processes from emergency work and formalize them. These are specialists in QMS, standardization, labor protection, lawyers, etc., i.e. all those who can draw up, formalize and change the structure of the company (naturally in coordination with senior management), those who, together with the heads of departments/areas and management, monitor its illnesses, make adjustments, and also do not forget to introduce changes/innovations and abolish outdated principles . These are various kinds of instructions, orders, charters, labor and employment contracts, standards, etc. 2.1.2 Separately, I would like to say about the motivation of employees and the psychological climate in the team. I will be brief: processes left to chance lead to hidden conflicts resulting in motivation for the departure of valuable specialists.

"1C: Management
construction organization"
ERP solutions from 1C
for the General Director
Revision 1.3

"1C: Management
construction organization"
Industry solution "1C: Construction Management
organization" was created and developed by the company "1C" on the basis
standard ERP solution "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management".

Organizations using

...and over 800 others.

"1C:Enterprise 8"
in the ERP systems market
"1C: Construction Organization Management"

"1C:Enterprise 8" in the systems market
enterprise management
BAAN Others
2,4% 6,8%
Sail Others
2,8% 7,0%
Galaktika Others
Galaktika Others
Share of 1C solutions in the enterprise management systems market in Russia in monetary terms
in terms of 2010 results is 26%. Steady growth is recorded.
IDC* - has been working for 30 years, more than 700 analysts in 43 countries, in Russia since 1995.
IDC is a leading provider of trusted information to help Clients understand trends
technology and e-business and develop sound business strategies.

Affiliate network "1C"
Franchisees over
more than 220:
accounting 170,
managerial 120
more than 8000
TC - more than 2000,
Certificate Centers
training – 300
Educational establishments
more than 3600
production 600
construction 180
trade 350
budget 220
Certification Authorities
more than 330
1C solutions are distributed through a network of partner companies
in 600 cities of Russia and the CIS.
Of these, 1C is especially important: Franchisee - a network of enterprises that carry out
comprehensive services for automation of accounting and office work.

"1C: Construction Organization Management"

"1C: Management
construction organization"
"1C: Construction Organization Management" - comprehensive
ERP class information system covering the main
management and accounting contours of a construction enterprise. The solution allows you to organize
a unified information system for managing the activities of the enterprise:
- Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators;
- Enterprise resource planning;
- Management:
construction projects;
fixed assets, construction equipment and mechanisms;
personnel, including payroll;
relationships with customers and suppliers;
warehouse (stocks);
and other business processes of a construction organization.

Operating activities
Unified information and management
system built on the basis
"1C: Construction Organization Management"
Treasury Department
RFID, scales
construction projects
operation of facilities
Portfolio management
projects and projects
Fixed assets
Vehicle management and
construction machines
WEB client

Information and material flows
in construction industry

Planning. Interconnected Plans

Based on planning of various parameters
construction projects plans are being formed:
Project cost planning
Project price
Movement plan
Construction scheduling
Calendar plan
Updated plan
construction portfolio
Production planning
Production plan
Updated production plan
Material procurement planning
Procurement schedule
Updated procurement plan

Information flows
V unified system management
System information support
about construction and installation work
about the project
about materials
about construction
about customers,
and suppliers
Cost control
by objects
Integrated Management
construction and installation
works (construction and installation work).
Portfolio management
and construction projects.
Increased transparency
controllability and efficiency
construction production.
Organization of a single
management system
Construction management

Construction production management


Construction production control

Package of reporting and analytical documentation

Managing relationships with customers and suppliers

Effective work with customers and suppliers - one
one of the key factors for increasing profitability and reliability
construction business in a highly competitive environment.
"1C: Construction Organization Management" allows you to:
record all interactions with customers - from the first contact
until the project is closed;
receive prompt information about the “quality” of customers;
record the range of tender participants, the stages of its implementation and the result;
Don’t miss important meetings with customers.
You can:
obtain contact information of suppliers at any time;
see the entire history of relationships with suppliers, planned
and actual transactions, meetings, letters, calls;
control the work of managers.
As a result, you stop depending on the “notebook entries” of managers, attitudes
communications with customers become the property of the company, and not of specific employees.

Compliance of accounting methodology with Russian legislation

Accounting capabilities built into the system
and tax accounting are designed to ensure the most complete compliance
both Russian legislation and the needs of real
Automation in 1C: Construction Organization Management
accounting delivered to a high technological level:
accounting for various taxation systems;
possibility of flexible configuration of the chart of accounts
without reconfiguration;
assignment directly in invoice correspondence documents;
generation of transactions according to the document;
cost accounting for construction projects;
accounting of construction contracts (PBU 2/2008);
complex VAT accounting;
and other possibilities.

Accounting according to international
standards (IFRS)
If an enterprise sets itself the task of exiting
to international markets or increasing investment
attractiveness - the application of IFRS is an important factor
in solving this problem.

preparation of reporting according to IFRS standards;
translation (transfer) of most of the accounts (postings) from the subsystem
parallel accounting for Russian and international standards
for individual areas;
carrying out own regulatory documents, as well as introducing
adjusting entries in “manual” mode.
Ensuring financial transparency and auditability of all transactions, drawing up
corporate financial statements and formation of corporate
responsibility is a step towards new standards of doing business.

"1C: Consolidation"
Vertical integration "1C: Construction Management
organization" with the product "1C: Consolidation" allows
create management systems for construction holdings
and financial and industrial groups.
1C: Consolidation
Central Federal District 1
Business 1
CFO 2.1
Accounting unit 1
Central Federal District 2
Business 2
Central Federal District 3
Business 3
CFO 2.2
Accounting unit 2
CFO 2.3
Accounting unit 3
1C:Construction organization management
Central Federal District - center of financial responsibility

from "1C: Document Flow"
Using the 1C:Construction Management solution
organization" with the product "1C: Document Flow" allows
effectively accumulate knowledge and technology of the enterprise,
provide employees with access to information.

from "1C: Document Flow"
"1C: Document Flow" allows you to:
provide employees with remote access to contracts and
working documentation at a convenient time;
regulate the activities of each employee;
coordinate documents on business processes;
create an electronic archive of the enterprise.

Technological advantages of the product: scalability and performance

Use as a platform
systems "1C:Enterprise 8.2"
provides effective work And
reliable storage of information during work
a large number of users.
Modern three-level architecture
system ensures maintaining high
productivity with significant
increasing load on the system
and volumes of processed data.
It also allows you to increase throughput
ability by increasing power
equipment used,
no modification costs
or replacing the used application

Technological advantages of the product.
Construction of territorial
distributed systems
Universal data exchange mechanism in XML format
designed both to create a territorial
distributed systems based on "1C:Enterprise 8",
and for organizing data exchange with others
information systems. Moreover, in one application
the solution can create several independent circuits
exchange with various systems. Not only is it supported
classical structure of distributed systems
(star type), but also more complex multi-level structures
"snowflake" type.
Possibility of building on the basis of “1C: Construction Organization Management”
solutions for enterprises of a network or holding structure, allowing
effectively manage your business and see the big picture, with the necessary
for decision making with efficiency.

Controlling and indicator analysis
activity of the enterprise
"1C: Construction Organization Management"

Internal control

Making a profit, rational organization of money
flows and an effective administrative structure are
critical elements of economic
solvency of the enterprise.
"1C: Construction Organization Management" provides:
compliance with legal requirements;
data in the information system is characterized by reliability
and accessibility for inspection;
conditions are created for internal control, a transparent
financial environment;
the level of internal corporate trust is growing;
the level of risks is reduced.
The solution creates added value in strategic management.

Assessment of key indicators
enterprise performance
By business efficiency we mean the profit ratio
and costs incurred. Specialized tool
"Performance Monitor" is focused on operational
assessment of key performance indicators of the enterprise:
covering the entire business with one
timely detection
deviations from the plan, negative
dynamics, growth points;
clarification of the provided
using preset
set of more than 60
performance indicators;
development of new indicators
setting up multiple options
activity report,
by areas of responsibility.

Monitoring and evaluating the work of managers

"1C:Construction Organization Management"
allows you to evaluate and compare work
managers based on various indicators.
For example:
attracting new customers;
supplier retention rate;
execution of the supply budget;
according to the completeness of filling out the contact database
percentage of calendar work completed;
fulfilled contractual obligations
and the profit generated.
These estimates can be used to construct
objective system of personnel motivation,
reflecting the specifics of the tasks being solved
various categories managers.

Analytical balance
Forecast of results of financial and economic activities
enterprises in the report
"Aggregated analytical balance":
actual performance indicators
enterprises (“look into the past”);
analysis of the effectiveness of adopted
decisions based on planned
data (“future assessment”).

Financial ratios
Calculation of indicators describing the current structure
funds and sources of financing of the enterprise,
its operating activities:
profit report
and losses;
turnover analysis
assets and liabilities;
profitability analysis
and profitability of FHD;
efficiency analysis
use of capital.

Creation of competitive
business benefits
"1C: Construction Organization Management"

Expected effect from implementing the system
planning and management of construction production
based on "1C: Construction Organization Management"
Planning, transparency, efficiency, completeness
and reliability of data on construction production
▪ reduction of construction and installation costs by up to 10%,
▪ reduction of operating costs up to 25%,
▪ reduction of planning time by 2 times,
▪ reduction in material costs up to 15%,
▪ reduction in accounting costs up to 2 times,
▪ increasing budget discipline to 25%,
▪ increase in cash turnover up to 5%.
* Based on press releases and implemented solutions “1C: Construction Organization Management”

The main activity of a construction organization is construction and installation work. From the point of view of project management, the construction of an object falls under the category of “project implementation”, when it is necessary to build a unique unit (be it a residential building, a business center or an industrial workshop) within a limited time frame (there is a planned construction period). The "Construction Production Management" subsystem is a construction project management system that takes into account the specifics of the industry and the peculiarities of national construction experience as much as possible.

Subsystem capabilities:

    work schedules for a large number of construction projects. Review of all construction projects in terms of organization and project.

    several scenarios for executing one project to select the most optimal one.

    calendar plans using classical methods.

    both top-down and bottom-up.

    planned construction cost.

    direct performers - employees of the organization to carry out the planned work.

    work templates, groups of work or entire projects to simplify data entry.

    accounting for the actual implementation of work on the calendar plan (formation of KS-2).

    needs and requests for material and technical resources.

    actual materials consumed, in terms of work and the entire construction project.

    information about work plans in graphical form, both in a Gantt chart and in a network diagram.

    schedules of resource work in the context of work and construction site.

    schedules for the use of materials in work in the context of work and construction site.

    weekly and daily work schedules for any period of time.

    a report on the implementation of the work schedule with an analysis of progress and forecasting the timing of further work.

    resource optimization, which in some cases can significantly reduce construction time.

    labor flow schedule.

    construction schedules based on estimates and projects carried out in other similar software products.

Driving vehicles and construction machines

The subsystem implements the following functions:

  • Filling out applications for the use of machines and mechanisms, tracking the status of the application.
  • Automatic generation of the following waybills and their printing: Waybill for a passenger car (Form No. 3); Waybill for a special vehicle (Form No. 3 special); Waybill for a passenger taxi (Form No. 4); Truck waybill (Form No. 4-p); Truck waybill (Form No. 4-c); Bus waybill (Form No. 6); Bus waybill non-public use(Form No. 6 special); Construction vehicle waybill (Form No. ESM-2).
  • Automatic generation of a report on the operation of a tower crane (Form "ESM-1").
  • Calculation of normalized fuel consumption.
  • Calculation of machine (mechanism) output using various parameters.
  • Accounting for fuels and lubricants and spare parts.
  • Placing orders for servicing machines and mechanisms, tracking the status of order fulfillment.
  • Planning of technical maintenance and repairs of machines (mechanisms), drawing up schedules Maintenance and repairs.
  • Accounting for maintenance and repair of machines (mechanisms).
  • Accumulation and storage of information about a machine (mechanism) and the history of its (its) use.
  • Accumulation and storage of information about installed components and assemblies.
  • Accumulation and storage of information about registration documents of cars (mechanisms) and drivers (drivers).

Financial management

The financial management subsystem is focused on a comprehensive solution to the problems of planning, monitoring and accounting for income and expenses; it allows the enterprise to effectively use its own funds and attracted investments, and improve the manageability of the business as a whole. The implemented mechanisms optimize the ones used financial instruments By making the company's work transparent for internal and external audits, they increase the investment attractiveness of the business.

The functionality of the subsystem provides solutions to a wide range of tasks of the financial service, planning and economic departments, and accounting.


The subsystem implements the following functions:

  • planning the activities and resources of the enterprise for any period in the context of scenarios, financial responsibility centers (FRC), projects, residual and turnover indicators, additional analytics (items, counterparties, ...);
  • monitoring of actual execution in terms of completed planning;
  • preparation of summary reports based on monitoring results;
  • the financial analysis;
  • analysis of cash availability;
  • analysis of deviations of planned and actual data.

Cash management

The treasury subsystem contains the functions necessary for effective cash flow management and control over payments made:

  • multi-currency accounting of cash flows and balances;
  • registration of planned receipts and expenditures of funds;
  • reserving funds for upcoming payments in current accounts and cash registers;
  • placement of funds in expected incoming payments;
  • formation of a payment calendar;
  • registration of all necessary primary documents;
  • integration with bank client systems;
  • the ability to post (manually or automatically) the amount of a payment document across several agreements and transactions.

Settlement management

The settlement management subsystem is used in the financial, supply and sales structures of the enterprise, allowing you to optimize the financial risks of the enterprise and the need for working capital.

The change over time in forecasted (deferred) and actual debt is analyzed. Deferred debt arises when events such as a purchase order or transfer of inventory items for commission, an application for receiving funds, and other similar ones are reflected in the system. The actual debt is associated with settlement operations and moments of transfer of ownership rights.

The main purpose of the mutual settlements subsystem:

  • recording the debt of the counterparty to the company and the company to the counterparty;
  • accounting for the causes of debt;
  • support for various methods of debt accounting (under contracts, transactions, and individual business transactions);
  • analysis of the current state of debt and the history of its changes.


Accounting is maintained in accordance with Russian legislation in all areas of accounting, including:

  • accounting of materials in construction - acts for write-off M-29, material report, uninvoiced deliveries, deviation distribution system;
  • industry-wide system for collecting costs of main production (in-house and subcontracted work), auxiliary production, costs of operating construction machinery and mechanisms, overhead costs;
  • accounting for the execution of KS-3 work, accounting for the acquisition of subcontractor work, accounting for the services of the general contractor and customer services;
  • accounting of intra-company settlements in branch structures for a wide range of operations;
  • specialized reports on settlements with customers and subcontractors for work performed;
  • industry accounting of fixed assets, depreciation;
  • accounting of financial results of activities in the context of construction projects;
  • the possibility of comprehensive accounting of the facts of economic activity of diversified companies - areas of industrial production, capital construction, operation of construction equipment;
  • accounting of material assets;
  • bank and cash transactions;
  • currency operations;
  • calculations with accountable persons;
  • settlements with personnel regarding wages;
  • calculations with the budget.

Supports accounting in a single information database for several legal entities. To consolidate data from geographically distributed structures - branch organizations and groups of companies, the configuration can be used in conjunction with the 1C: Consolidation solution.

High degree automation of formation accounting entries predetermined by the description of ready-to-use primary documents by type of business transaction.

The quality of accounting is controlled by a specialized report "Analysis of the state of accounting", which allows you to control complex operations and promptly determine where (before the document) unwanted deviations occur.

The relevance of regulated reporting forms is supported by the possibility of automatic updating via the Internet.

Tax accounting

Tax accounting for income tax in the configuration is carried out independently of accounting. Business transactions are reflected in parallel in accounting and tax accounting. The basis for accounting and tax accounting are divided Charts of Accounts, which have a “mirror” encoding. For accounting and tax accounting purposes, it is permissible to use independent methods for assessing inventories when writing off, methods for calculating depreciation, etc. The quality of tax accounting is controlled by the report "Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax", which allows you to visually control the values ​​of tax components (NU, VR, PR), a breakdown of the data is given in specialized reports. The formation of the Income Tax Declaration is ensured.

Accounting for value added tax (VAT) is implemented in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, maintaining “complex” VAT is supported in the application of different VAT rates (0%, 10%, 18%, without VAT), separate accounting by type activities. The Purchase Book and Sales Book are formed.

The configuration contains all declaration forms for other taxes (transport tax, property tax, etc.) and statistical reporting forms for completion.

Share building

Shared construction is a type of construction in which construction and investment companies attract funds from shareholders (investors) for the construction (creation) of real estate. Upon completion of construction, housing in a new building or the building itself becomes, respectively, the private or shared property of shareholders (investors).

The "Shared Construction" subsystem automates the accounting of shares and mutual settlements with investors, shareholders, and the accounting of shared construction agreements.

Functionality of the subsystem:

  • Accounting for shares.
  • Accounting for contracts with shareholders (investors).
  • Storage of information under the contract.
  • Accounting for the cost of the construction project and its shares.
  • Accounting for payments under contracts.
  • Monitoring and control of investments under investment agreements.
  • Control of repayment of payments under shared construction agreements.
  • Generating reports.

Facilities management

Management of a specific, physically, legally and functionally existing income-generating property constitutes the main stage of the life cycle of a property. It must ensure that the functional properties of the object are not reduced, as well as its profitability.

The subsystem "Facility Operation Management" allows you to keep track of mutual settlements when renting non-residential real estate. The possibility of accounting for mutual settlements for housing and communal services in homeowners' associations, housing construction cooperatives, garage construction cooperatives, cottage villages, etc. has also been implemented.

Currently, the main capabilities of the subsystem are:

  • Calculation of accruals for housing payments and utilities at rates and tariffs, taking into account benefits, social norms and subsidies.
  • Accounting and payment for all types of services.
  • Accounting and calculation for general territorial, general apartment and individual metering devices.
  • Printing notices and receipts for rent payments.
  • Accounting for payments for housing and communal services.
  • Adjustment of payment for utilities already provided.
  • Accounting for rental objects.
  • Accounting for lease agreements (conclusion, additional agreement, extension, termination).
  • Calculation of rent.
  • Calculation of payments for consumed utility resources.
  • Calculation of the volume of utility resources consumed by tenants and directly by the landlord, both according to meter readings and in proportion to the occupied area.
  • Generation of reporting data.

Accounting according to international standards

The subsystem includes a separate Chart of Accounts in accordance with IFRS, which can be customized by the user, and provides:

  • translation (transfer) of most of the accounts (entries) from the accounting subsystem (RAS) according to rules that can be flexibly configured by the user;
  • parallel accounting according to Russian and international standards in those areas where the differences between Russian standards and IFRS requirements are significant (for example, accounting for fixed assets, intangible assets);
  • Carrying out your own regulatory documents (for example, accrual of expenses, accounting for reserves, accounting for asset impairment and a number of others), as well as making adjusting entries in a “manual” mode.

The capabilities of the subsystem allow:

  • minimize the labor intensity of accounting according to IFRS through the use of Russian accounting data;
  • compare data from Russian accounting and accounting under IFRS, facilitating data reconciliation before preparing financial statements under IFRS.

The subsystem can also be configured for accounting and financial reporting in accordance with foreign standards, including US GAAP.

Personnel Management

Employees of the HR department, labor organization and employment department and accounting department can use the personnel management subsystem in a single information space for daily work.

The subsystem is designed for information support personnel policy company and automation of settlements with personnel. The subsystem's capabilities include:

  • personnel needs planning;
  • maintaining the organization's staffing table;
  • planning employment and vacation schedules for employees;
  • solving problems of providing business with personnel - selection, questioning and assessment;
  • personnel records and personnel analysis;
  • analysis of the level and causes of staff turnover;
  • maintaining regulated document flow;
  • calculation of wages for company employees;
  • automatic calculation of charges, deductions, taxes and contributions regulated by law.

Based on the accumulated data about employees, you can build a variety of reports: lists of employees, personnel analysis, vacation reports (vacation schedules, use of vacations and execution of the vacation schedule), etc.

The subsystem of regulated personnel document flow allows you to automate personnel operations in accordance with current regulatory documents:

  • conclusion and management employment contracts with every employee of the organization;
  • formation of approved labor forms;
  • personalized accounting for the Pension Fund;
  • maintaining military records.

Salary calculation

An important aspect of business management is the construction of a system of motivation for workers, focused on increasing the volume of products produced with the appropriate level of quality, providing for the interest of personnel in advanced training. To implement staff motivation strategies, tariff and piece-rate wage systems are often used; a payroll calculation subsystem is designed to accurately calculate accruals in accordance with accepted rules.

The subsystem allows you to automate the entire complex of settlements with personnel, starting from entering documents on actual production, payment of sick leave and vacations, up to the generation of documents for payment of wages and reporting to state supervisory authorities.

The results of payroll calculations are reflected in management, accounting, and tax accounting with the required degree of detail:

  • reflection of the results of calculating managerial salaries in management accounting;
  • reflection of the results of calculating regulated wages in accounting;
  • reflection of the results of calculating regulated wages as expenses taken into account for the purposes of calculating income tax (single tax).

Industrial production management

One of the most effective ways to reduce costs in production is to build and optimize a production plan. This allows the enterprise to reduce the level of downtime of equipment and highly qualified specialists, reduce the lead time of orders, avoid disruptions to the sales plan due to overload of production resources, optimize the movement of materials and warehouse balances, and make the production process transparent and manageable.

The production management subsystem is designed to plan production processes and material flows in production, reflect the processes of the enterprise's production activities and build a normative production management system.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by employees of the planning and economic department, production shops, production dispatch department and other production departments.

The production planning mechanisms implemented in the "Production Management" subsystem provide:

  • scenario planning to develop various options for production strategy or take into account possible changes in the operating conditions of the enterprise;
  • rolling planning, expanding the planning horizon as the next planning periods approach;
  • project planning production;
  • fixation of planned data from changes (according to scenarios and periods);
  • integration with the budgeting subsystem.

Production planning

The subsystem is designed for medium- and long-term production planning and resource requirements, as well as for conducting plan-fact analysis of the execution of production plans. When planning production, it is possible to take into account many parameters, control feasibility and track the implementation of the plan at various stages in several sections simultaneously:

  • by departments and managers;
  • by projects and subprojects;
  • by key resources;
  • by product groups and individual product units.

Formation of an enlarged production plan

  • Based on the sales plans generated in the “Sales Management” subsystem, the estimated production volumes are generated by product groups (and, if necessary, individual product items).
  • Differences between enlarged and refined plans, a package of planned shift-daily tasks, and actual production data are identified.
  • Production assignments are generated, their execution is monitored, and production backlogs are assessed.

Resource planning

  • It is possible to generate tables of consumption and availability of main (key) types of resources in the production of item groups and individual types of items.
  • The integrated production plan is monitored for compliance with limiting factors, for example, the consolidated availability of main (key) types of resources.
  • Records are kept of the availability of key resources.

Shift planning production

The subsystem is intended for planning production in the short term in the context of individual product items, as well as for conducting a plan-fact analysis of the execution of production plans by the production dispatch department. In this subsystem, a detailed shift schedule of production and consumption is formed, and its feasibility is assessed taking into account the planned resource load:

  • planning taking into account the availability of capacity in planning sub-periods and changes in the summary duration of operations along the technological tree. In case of insufficient capacity in subperiods, planned operations are transferred to subperiods with available free capacity;
  • formation of a detailed production and operations schedule;
  • planning "on top" of existing production and operations plans or complete re-planning;
  • the ability to plan operations for geographically remote units;
  • planning taking into account transportation time between warehouses and departments.

Formation of a shift production plan

  • Formation of a production plan, refined to individual product items with the calculation of exact production times.
  • Determination of break points for explosion procedures in the production technology tree for all products planned in the “assembly to order” mode.
  • Formation of a schedule for loading production capacity and production needs for raw materials and components.
  • Formation of a final assembly schedule with clarification of production dates.

Determining available resource capacity

  • Maintaining a list of work centers and technological operations.
  • Support for availability calendars of individual work centers and input of resource availability according to these calendars.
  • Combining work centers into groups with setting priorities for planning.
  • Calculation of work center loads during the determination of the material requirements schedule.

Execution control

  • Formation of a schedule of production needs.
  • Formation of production assignments, shift and daily assignments.
  • Plan-actual analysis of production progress, control and analysis of deviations.

Product data management

Standardization of product composition allows you to control the write-off of materials into production (limit cards), plan production costs, analyze discrepancies between planned and actual costs and identify their causes.

Setting a route (technological) map allows you to plan the production chain of multi-product products, at each stage assessing its feasibility, taking into account the load of equipment and the availability of resources necessary for production.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by the chief engineer and employees working in the departments of the chief designer and chief technologist.

As part of production management, the function of accounting for standard costs of materials during production and analysis of deviations from standards has been implemented. Material consumption standards are laid down in product manufacturing specifications.

The standard composition of products is used:

  • when analyzing deviations from standards to control product quality;
  • for calculating costs - as a basis for the distribution of indirect costs.

For shift planning purposes, all technological process can be represented as a set of sequences of operations. This set sets the route map for the production of products. Each operation can be characterized by its own set of material needs at the input and a set of products at the output.

Cost management and costing

The cost management subsystem is designed to account for the actual costs of the enterprise and calculate the cost of production.

Main functions of the subsystem:

  • accounting of actual costs of the reporting period in the required sections in value and physical terms;
  • operational quantitative accounting of materials in work in progress (WIP);
  • accounting of actual balances of work in progress at the end of the reporting period;
  • accounting for defects in production and warehouses;
  • calculation of the actual cost of production for the period of main and by-products (semi-finished products, defects) - incomplete and full production costs and the actual full cost of sales of products, incl. calculation of the cost of production from processors;
  • calculation of the cost of production within a month according to release documents - at direct costs or at planned cost;
  • accounting for processing of customer-supplied raw materials;
  • calculation of the actual value of work in progress balances at the end of the reporting period;
  • provision of data (reports) on the procedure for generating cost;
  • providing data on the structure of production costs to assess deviations from specified standards.

Fixed assets management

The subsystem allows you to automate all typical operations of accounting for fixed assets:

  • acceptance for accounting;
  • change of state;
  • depreciation calculation;
  • changing the parameters and methods of reflecting depreciation costs;
  • accounting for actual production of fixed assets;
  • completion and disassembly, relocation, modernization, decommissioning and sale of OS.

A wide range of depreciation calculation methods are supported. The subsystem allows you to obtain detailed information about the condition of fixed assets, analyze the degree of their wear and monitor the implementation of equipment maintenance work.

Sales management

The use of the subsystem by the commercial director, sales department employees and warehouse workers will improve the efficiency of their activities.

The sales management subsystem provides end-to-end automation of the sales process of products and goods at a manufacturing enterprise, in wholesale and retail trade. The subsystem includes tools for planning and controlling sales and allows you to solve problems of managing customer orders. Various schemes for the sale of products and goods are supported - from a warehouse and to order, sale on credit or by prepayment, sale of goods accepted on commission, transfer for sale to a commission agent, etc.

The subsystem is designed for planning:

  • sales volumes in physical and value terms, including based on sales data for previous periods, information on current warehouse balances and customer orders received for the planning period;
  • selling prices, including based on information about the current prices of the company and competitors;
  • cost of sales, taking into account information on supplier prices, planned or actual cost of production for a certain period.

Sales planning can be carried out both for the enterprise as a whole, and for divisions or groups of divisions, for individual products and product groups, for certain categories of customers (by region, by type of activity, etc.). The subsystem ensures the consolidation of individual plans into a consolidated sales plan for the enterprise.

To monitor the implementation of developed plans, the system provides developed tools for comparative analysis of data on planned and actual sales.

Planning can be carried out with time granularity from a day to a year, which allows you to:

  • move from strategic plans to operational ones, while maintaining information about the indicators established at each stage of planning;
  • carry out planning both taking into account and without taking into account seasonal fluctuations in demand.

The order management functionality implemented in the system allows you to optimally place customer orders and reflect them in the production program in accordance with the company's order fulfillment strategy and work patterns (work from warehouse, to order).

All stages of the order and its adjustments are recorded in the system with relevant documents. The manager can at any time:

  • get full information about the progress of the order;
  • track the history of relationships with clients and suppliers;
  • evaluate the efficiency and reliability of working with counterparties.

Using analytical reports built into the program, the manager can receive information about the payment of customer orders, the placement of orders in production and the progress of their implementation, and the distribution of orders to suppliers to ensure customer orders.

Pricing mechanisms allow the commercial director and head of the sales department to determine and implement the pricing policy of the enterprise in accordance with available analytical data on supply and demand in the market.

Main functionality of the subsystem:

  • construction of various pricing and discount schemes;
  • formation of selling prices taking into account the planned cost of production and profit margins;
  • monitoring compliance by company employees with the established pricing policy;
  • storing information about competitors' prices;
  • storage of information about suppliers' prices, automatic updating of purchase prices;
  • comparison of the enterprise's selling prices with the prices of suppliers and competitors.

Procurement management

To ensure the quality of manufactured products, ensure a continuous supply of materials to production and fulfill orders in accordance with planned deadlines without exceeding the planned cost, an important task is the effective management of procurement of goods and materials.

The subsystem provides managers responsible for supply with the information necessary for timely decision-making on replenishment of inventories, to reduce procurement costs and clearly organize interaction with suppliers.

Among the features that the subsystem provides:

  • operational planning of purchases based on sales plans, production plans and unfulfilled customer orders;
  • placing orders with suppliers and monitoring their execution;
  • registration and analysis of the fulfillment of additional conditions under contracts with fixed product items, volumes and delivery times;
  • support for various schemes for receiving goods from suppliers, including acceptance for sale and receipt of customer-supplied raw materials and materials;
  • registration of uninvoiced deliveries using warehouse orders;
  • analysis of warehouse and production needs for goods, finished products and materials;
  • end-to-end analysis and establishment of relationships between customer orders and orders to suppliers;
  • analysis of the consequences that may result from failure to fulfill orders by suppliers (which customer order may be disrupted by short delivery of goods or materials);
  • procurement planning taking into account the predicted level of warehouse stocks and reserved inventory items in warehouses;
  • selection of optimal suppliers of goods based on their reliability, delivery history, criteria for urgency of order execution, proposed delivery conditions, territorial or other arbitrary characteristics and automatic generation of orders for them;
  • drawing up delivery schedules and payment schedules.

Warehouse (inventory) management

The use of a warehouse (inventory) management subsystem allows you to effectively organize warehousing and increase the productivity of warehouse workers, employees of supply and sales structures, and also provides prompt and detailed information to the commercial director of the enterprise.

The system implements detailed operational accounting of materials, products and goods in warehouses, and ensures full control of inventories of goods and materials at the enterprise. All warehouse operations are recorded using appropriate documents. The subsystem allows:

  • manage inventory balances in various units of measurement in multiple warehouses;
  • keep separate records of your own goods, goods accepted and transferred for sale, and returnable packaging;
  • monitor and record serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates;
  • control the correct write-off of serial numbers and goods with certain expiration dates and certificates;
  • set arbitrary batch characteristics (color, size, etc.) and keep batch records by warehouse;
  • take into account the customs declaration and country of origin;
  • complete and disassemble inventory items;
  • carry out the functions of order accounting and inventory reservation.

Information is available on the state of warehouse stocks in any analytical sections with high detail: to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.), or to the level of serial numbers and expiration dates of goods. It is possible to obtain cost estimates of warehouse stocks at cost and potential sales volumes at selling prices.

Retail Management and Connectivity commercial equipment

For manufacturing businesses that have their own stores and retail outlets, the configuration includes retail management capabilities. Retail trade can be carried out from any of the warehouses - wholesale, retail or manual outlet. Goods in non-automated retail outlets are accounted for at fixed retail prices. The ability to connect trade equipment has been implemented: scanners, data collection terminals, buyer displays, electronic scales, cash registers in the “fiscal registrar”, “off-line” and “on-line” modes. The system allows you to evaluate the cost of inventories at retail prices, compare volumes and profitability of sales in different stores (outlets), and monitor the correctness of revenue from stores and outlets.

Customer and Supplier Relationship Management

The functionality of the subsystem allows you to manage relationships with buyers, suppliers, subcontractors and any other counterparties. These opportunities may be in demand by the commercial director, marketing director, employees of marketing, sales and supply departments.

The subsystem "Management of relationships with customers and suppliers" allows the enterprise to:

  • store complete contact information for contractors and their employees, as well as store the history of interaction with them;
  • register information about suppliers: terms of delivery of goods, reliability, deadlines for fulfilling orders, range and prices of supplied goods and materials;
  • automatically notify users about upcoming contacts with counterparties, remind about birthdays of contact persons;
  • plan your work time and control the work plans of their subordinates;
  • analyze unfinished and plan upcoming transactions with customers and potential clients;
  • use a personalized approach to the needs and requirements of each client;
  • register each request from a potential buyer and subsequently analyze the percentage of customer acquisition;
  • quickly monitor the status of planned contacts and transactions;
  • conduct an integrated ABC(XYZ) analysis of customer relationships;
  • analyze the reasons for failure to fulfill customer orders and the volume of closed orders;
  • analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaigns based on customer requests.

Customer segmentation using integrated ABC(XYZ) analysis allows you to automatically separate customers:

  • into classes depending on the client’s share in the company’s revenue or profit: important (A-class), medium importance (B-class), low importance (C-class);
  • by status: potential, one-time, permanent, lost;
  • according to the regularity of purchases: stable (X-class), irregular (Y-class), occasional (Z-class).

The results of such analysis help to optimally distribute efforts and organize the work of employees responsible for sales and customer service.

Monitoring and evaluating the work of managers

The configuration allows management (commercial director, head of the sales department, head of the marketing department) to evaluate and compare the work of managers responsible for sales and customer service on a number of indicators:

  • by sales volumes and profit generated;
  • by customer retention rate;
  • by the number of completed orders;
  • by the number of contacts with customers;
  • by completely filling out the database with contact information.

These assessments can be used to build an objective system of personnel motivation, reflecting the specifics of the tasks solved by various categories of managers.

Integrated email tools

Tools for working with e-mail are integrated into a single information space of the system. As a result, the processing of electronic correspondence is carried out in close connection with other business processes of the enterprise:

  • registration of correspondence, appointment of executors and control of execution, maintaining a history of correspondence for each counterparty;
  • creating both individual and “public” (group) email addresses and limiting access to them for different groups of users;
  • import contact information from common mail clients;
  • automatic sending of letters upon the occurrence of planned events (for example, payment reminders);
  • organization of email distribution - groups of addresses for distribution can be formed either manually or automatically according to user-specified criteria (for example, by region, type of activity of counterparties, positions of contact persons, etc.).

Monitoring and analysis of enterprise activities

The effectiveness of management, efficiency and quality of decisions made by enterprise managers largely depends on how effectively they can use data on various aspects of the enterprise’s activities accumulated in information systems.

Powerful and flexible system reports allows you to quickly analyze and continuously monitor all aspects of production and trading activities enterprises. Among the main features of the system:

  • intelligent tools for automatically generating reports that do not require programming;
  • design in style spreadsheets;
  • Pivot tables;
  • linear, hierarchical and cross-reports;
  • group support;
  • decoding of individual report elements (drill-down);
  • business graphics.

Information can be obtained in any sections with the required detail. The user can independently set (customize) the level of detail, grouping parameters and criteria for selecting data in reports in accordance with the specifics of the tasks being solved. Such individual settings (in fact, custom reports created by the user) can be saved for future use.

Modern business methods, convenient and visual information analysis tools implemented in the system make the program an effective tool for solving pressing management issues. The specialized tool "Performance Monitor" is focused on the rapid assessment of key performance indicators of an enterprise:

  • coverage of the entire business “at one glance”;
  • timely identification of deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, growth points;
  • clarification of the information provided;
  • use of a predefined set of more than 60 performance indicators;
  • development of new performance indicators;
  • setting up several report options by type of activity and area of ​​responsibility.

Technological advantages

Using the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 system as a platform ensures efficient operation and reliable storage of information when a large number of users work.

The modern three-level system architecture ensures that high performance is maintained despite a significant increase in the system load and volumes of processed data, and also allows you to increase throughput by increasing the power of the equipment used, without the costs associated with modifying or replacing the application solution used.

A new client application has been implemented on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform - a thin client: it can connect via the http or https protocols, while all business logic is implemented on the server. Remote departments can, using a thin client, connect via the Internet and work with the information base in on-line mode. Increases safety and speed of work.

A new client application has been implemented on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform - the Web client: it does not require installation of any components on the user's computer, and allows the use of Windows and Linux operating systems on user workstations. Does not require administration on user computers. Provides quick access to the information base for “mobile” employees.

A special operating mode for client applications has been implemented - low connection speed mode (for example, when working via GPRS, dialup). You can work anywhere where there is no permanent Internet connection.

In managed application mode, the interface is not “drawn”, but “described”. The developer defines only the general layout of the command interface and the general layout of the forms. The platform uses this description when building an interface for a specific user, taking into account various factors:

  • user rights;
  • features of a specific implementation;
  • settings made by the user himself.

It is possible to build an individual interface for each user.

The mechanism of functional options has been implemented. They allow you to enable/disable the necessary functional parts of the configuration without changing the application solution itself. You can customize the interface for each role, taking into account user preferences.

Scalability and performance

Using the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures efficient operation and reliable storage of information when hundreds of users work. The modern three-level system architecture ensures that high performance is maintained despite a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data. High fault tolerance is achieved through server cluster redundancy, and performance optimization is achieved through dynamic load balancing between clusters. The use of DBMS from world leaders (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows you to build high-performance and reliable information systems.

Construction of geographically distributed systems

The universal mechanism for data exchange in XML format is intended for creating geographically distributed systems based on 1C:Enterprise 8 and organizing data exchange with other information systems. In one application solution, several independent exchange schemes with different systems can be created. Not only the classic structure of distributed systems (the “star” type) is supported, but also more complex multi-level structures of the “snowflake” type.

It is possible to build a solution based on "1C:Construction Organization Management" for enterprises of a network or holding structure, which allows you to effectively manage the business and see the "big picture" with what is necessary for adoption management decisions efficiency.

Development of integration tools

Provides integration with external programs domestic and foreign developers (for example, technological preparation of production, the client-bank system) and equipment (for example, instrumentation or warehouse data collection terminals) based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols supported by the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform ".

When developing the configuration, both modern methods of managing a construction organization (project management, etc.) and the experience of successful automation of construction organizations accumulated by 1C and the partner community were taken into account. Specialists from the companies "IMPULS-IVTS" (setting tasks and testing the construction production management subsystem) and "Ericos TsSP" (regulatory bases of the estimate subsystem) participated in the design and development of the configuration.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Modules have been added to the UNF functionality for accounting in construction: Estimated pricing Schedule planning for new version technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2" is a ready-made industry solution for automation of small construction enterprises, developed on the basis of 1C: Management of a small company 8 (UNF) Management of a construction company 8

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Areas of application of the system Directorate Planning and economic department Information and analytical department Administrative and economic department Supply department ( logistical software) The program can be used by the following divisions and services of construction companies: Technical support service Sales department Marketing department IT service Personnel service Warehouses Accounting

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Integrated ready-made solution for automation of small construction companies In a single information base: estimate planning and pricing calendar planning database of clients, contracts, contact persons banking and cash transactions settlements with counterparties, personnel, sales budget, inventories, procurement performance of work, provision of services, production of products personnel management and payroll income and expenses, profits and losses, property financial planning (budgeting) monitor of the manager and key indicators retail sales and connection of external equipment PLANNING ANALYSIS CONTROL ACCOUNTING The program can be used for several construction companies and private entrepreneurs - independent or working within the same business. Accounting can be maintained in any currency

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Benefits for owners and managers of construction companies Real benefits from automation in just a few weeks. Management of a construction company 8 can be quickly put into operation, and when the scale of business increases, approaches to management or organization of work, it can be quickly reconfigured. All necessary data in a single information database. The program replaces dozens of tables, documents and reports, “remembers” each customer, prices, discounts, orders, obligations, contracts. Information for decision-making is always at hand. Work production schedules; Estimates of construction projects and work; Income and expenses, profits and losses on construction projects; Settlements with construction customers and material suppliers; Flow of funds; State of objects; Sales dynamics and analysis; and other management reports.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Benefits for owners and managers of construction companies Wide opportunities for activity planning. Planning of sales, staffing costs, requirements for materials and work, financial planning (budgeting), etc. Everything's under control. Maintaining work schedules, supplies of materials, and employee tasks provides the possibility of operational control. Increased labor productivity through automation of routine operations, quick and convenient preparation of information for decision-making at different levels of management. The program interface makes it easy to learn for beginners and high speed for experienced users. The program does not require knowledge of accounting and tax accounting. Access to information from anywhere in the world – via the Internet

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), On the new version of the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2" The program "Management of a construction company 8" was developed on the platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2", which provides high flexibility, customizability, scalability, productivity, ergonomics of applied solutions work in thin and web client modes work for users via the Internet, including via low-speed communication channels The web client works in Microsoft Internet Explorer browser versions 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0, as well as Mozilla Firefox version 3 The 1C:Enterprise 8 platform supports working with various DBMSs - file mode, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database 1C:Enterprise 8 provides the ability to use open source software to operate the server and database

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Quick commissioning. Due to this, a “quick start” is ensured. The program is not overloaded with unnecessary features, it implements the most necessary for accounting, control, analysis and planning in construction. The built-in “Quick Start” system will help you quickly configure the program to the specifics of organizing management and accounting in the company and get to work right away. Configuration is carried out in user mode by placing “checkboxes”. For example, if the company plans to carry out financial planning (budgeting), you can enable the corresponding functionality with literally one click of the mouse button. The program's "desktop" contains a visual navigation diagram that helps you navigate the system, provides convenient data entry and quick receipt of reports. To use the program, you do not need to know accounting and tax accounting.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing The subsystem is designed for drawing up estimates using the resource method* and calculating the cost of construction projects based on in-house prices. *To prepare estimates based on regulatory frameworks, it is recommended to use the software product "1C: Estimate"

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Functionality: Instant control of profitability as a whole for the construction project and for individual stages and works: Simultaneous creation of two estimates: estimates for the customer and cost estimates for production;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Maintaining in-house prices for the production of work, both for the customer - estimate data, and for production cost data; The ability to automate the determination of prices for a resource based on links to price sources and markup factors;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Functions for reflecting subcontracted work as performed in-house

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Possibility of displaying estimated data both for the entire volume as a whole and for a unit of volume of a position;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Possibility of setting various “surcharges” and discounts on the total amount of the estimate for the customer using conversion factors;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Creation and printing of the following reporting forms: Act KS-2; Certificates KS-3; Forms M-29

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Estimated pricing Possibility of creating a calendar plan based on estimates. In this case, the estimate items are translated into calendar plan activities, and the connections between the estimate items are translated into connections between activities.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Scheduling The subsystem is designed to calculate the timing of work, planning resources and the cost of work in relation to the calendar.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Scheduling The ability to display reports on scheduling in the form of tables or in the form of Gantt charts in three versions: 1. For production and the customer at the same time - for the purpose of comparing calendar plans; 2.Only data for production; 3.Only data for the customer.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Scheduling Ability to selectively reflect data, determining whether the resource is included in the customer schedule, the production schedule, or both schedules; Show subcontracted work in the calendar plan to the customer as performed in-house;

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Cash Accounting Accounting for the movement of non-cash and cash funds - in bank accounts and at cash desks Preparation of documents - payment orders, cash orders, advance reports, payroll statements Interaction with client-bank programs "Control Control of cash balances in cash registers and on current accounts Analysis Analysis of cash flows - in the context of sources of receipt and directions of expenditure of cash flow items Planning Payment calendar - operational planning of receipts and expenditures, support for the process of determining the priority of payments Formation of a cash flow budget - to get an idea of ​​the overall need for funds and their rational use

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Mutual settlements Accounting Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers, suppliers and contractors, budget, personnel, accountable persons, other counterparties Control Control of debt balances and advances for settlements with buyers and customers, suppliers and contractors, budget, personnel, accountable persons Analysis Analysis of the structure and terms of debt - total debt, overdue and by debt terms Planning Planning receipt of payment from buyers and customers and payments to suppliers and contractors

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Sales Accounting Maintaining a database of clients, contracts, contact persons, events Registration of customer orders and work orders Combining orders into projects Registration and storage of product range Maintaining a price list Accounting for various types of discounts and markups Accounting for sales of goods – from a warehouse and on order, on credit and by prepayment, sale of goods accepted for commission, transfer for sale to a commission agent, in the context of clients Retail sales and connection of external equipment Preparation of documents - invoices, invoices, invoices, etc. Reservation goods for customer orders Control Monitoring the supply of goods to the buyer's order Monitoring the implementation of sales plans by department, responsibility, and product Monitoring the implementation of shipment schedules for customer orders Analysis Analysis of sales by customer, order, product, department and person in charge Comparative analysis of data on planned and actual sales Planning Sales planning - in physical and value terms, both for the enterprise as a whole and by divisions Sales planning for individual product items Formation of goods shipment schedules Planning of income from sales - to form a profit and loss budget

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Services Accounting Maintaining a database of clients, contracts, contact persons, events Accounting for various types of discounts and markups Maintaining a price list Registration of customer orders and work orders Accounting for services provided Formation of tasks for employees to provide services Registration of time used for the provision of services Control Monitoring the completion of tasks by employees Identification of deviations from planned schedules Analysis Analysis of services provided by clients, orders Planning Formation of schedules for the provision of services Formation of tasks for employees to provide services

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Works Accounting Maintaining a database of clients, contracts, contact persons, events Accounting for various types of discounts and markups Maintaining a price list Registration of customer orders and work orders Formation of tasks for employees to perform work Registration of time used to complete work Accounting for direct and indirect costs of work performed by cost items Calculation of the actual cost of work Control Tracking the completion of tasks by employees Identification of deviations from planned schedules Analysis Analysis of work performed by clients, orders Planning Formation of work schedules

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Production Accounting Accounting for production according to the “to warehouse” or “to order” model Storage of specifications for the manufacture of products - on the material composition of products and technological operations Registration of orders for production, accounting for the release of products and semi-finished products Transfer of products and semi-finished products between departments, within the technological cycle Transfer of products and semi-finished products to a warehouse for subsequent sale or storage Accounting for direct and indirect costs for the production of products and semi-finished products by cost items Calculation of the actual cost of products and semi-finished products Control Control of the need for materials Control of the implementation of piecework orders by performers Analysis Analysis of the fulfillment of production orders Analysis of the implementation of piecework orders Planning Formation of a production schedule Formation of production orders Formation of piecework orders for performers Calculation of inventory requirements Planning of direct and indirect costs

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Inventory and Purchasing Control Control of stock balances in storage locations Control of unsupplied needs for inventories Tracking the execution of orders by suppliers (open orders to suppliers) Control of stocks received from third parties Control of stocks transferred to third parties Analysis Analysis of order execution by suppliers Analysis of purchases by suppliers, orders, items Planning Calculation of inventory requirements Formation of delivery schedules Reservation of stocks for orders in warehouses and in production and purchase orders Accounting Accounting for enterprise inventories, including in various units of measurement, by location storage, characteristics and batches Maintaining a database of suppliers, contracts, contact persons, events Registration of orders to suppliers Accounting for purchases by suppliers, orders, items Preparation of documents - invoice and delivery note, movement, inventory, etc. Accounting for the receipt of inventories according to various schemes - purchase, incl. by an accountable person, acceptance for sale, processing, storage Calculation of the cost of write-off of inventories using the FIFO and “average” method Accounting for additional acquisition costs - delivery, unloading, storage, etc.

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Personnel management and payroll accounting Calculation of managerial salaries Maintaining types of accruals and deductions Accounting for working time (timesheets) Calculation of wages for time-based and piecework wage systems Registration of piecework orders Setting up algorithms (formulas) for calculating accruals and deductions using accounting data (for example, sales volumes), Formation of payrolls for the payment of wages and advances Personnel records - registration of hiring, personnel transfer, dismissal of personnel, including for part-time workers Recording information about employees, information about working conditions Issuance work assignments Control Control of settlements with personnel Control of task execution Control of piecework orders Analysis Analysis of the completion of work assignments Analysis of the time spent by employees on completing work Analysis of the implementation of piecework orders Plan-fact analysis of personnel work Planning Formation of staffing Planning of employee workload Planning of labor costs The program implements accounting only for managerial salaries. It is recommended to calculate regulated wages and calculate regulated taxes and contributions using the programs "1C: Accounting 8" or "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8".

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Property Accounting Accounting for the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets and other types of their receipt Accounting for the disposal of property as a result of sale or liquidation Accrual of depreciation Assignment of depreciation to costs or expenses Control Carrying out an inventory Control of the availability, cost and depreciation of property Planning Capital investment planning

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Income and expenses, profits and losses Accounting Accounting for income and expenses - by lines of activity, orders, divisions, items of income and expenses Accounting for overhead and business expenses by items of expenses, orders, lines of activity and divisions Calculation of actual costs products sold, work, distribution of indirect costs Control Profit and loss report (financial result) Analysis Analysis of financial results in the context of areas of activity, divisions, customer orders Planning Planning of income, expenses, financial results of activities Planning of direct and indirect costs Formation of a budget for income and expenses

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Management balance sheet The software product allows you to create a management balance sheet, which contains the following information: the financial condition of the enterprise, the structure of its assets, liabilities, the state of equity capital

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Manager's Monitor Special sets of reports "Manager's Monitor" and "Monitors of Key Indicators" allow you to quickly and conveniently obtain the most important information on the main areas of the enterprise's activities, timely identify points of growth or negative dynamics Manager's Monitor In the "Monitor" manager" summarizes the following indicators: Cash balances in the accounts and cash registers of the enterprise Accounts receivable - total, overdue and by debt terms Accounts payable - total, overdue and by terms Profits and losses Overdue obligations for the shipment of goods and provision of services Overdue obligations for the supply of goods and provision of services

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Monitors of key performance indicators The program includes four monitors: general performance indicators, cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable General indicators activity The monitor includes the following indicators: sales, income and expenses, condition working capital(cash, inventories and accounts receivable) Cash The monitor provides information on balances and cash flows by item, for the period Payments to customers Detailed information on balances and dynamics of accounts receivable for the period, including overdue debt and debt by maturity Payments to suppliers The monitor provides detailed information on the balances and dynamics of accounts payable for the period, including overdue debt and debt by maturity

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495) , Financial planning(budgeting) In terms of financial planning (budgeting), the program allows you to: create a cash flow budget to get an idea of ​​the overall need for funds and their rational use; carry out planning of direct and indirect costs; plan income, expenses, financial results and financial condition of the enterprise. The financial plan consists of the following parts: initial balances for the planned period, direct cost budget, indirect cost budget, cash flow budget, income and expense budget, others elective surgeries Based on the entered planning data, three main budgets are formed: cash flow budget, profit and loss budget and forecast balance. Financial planning allows you to record the financial goals of the enterprise and achieve the effective use of resources to achieve these goals

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Data exchange with "1C: Accounting 8" The possibility of sharing the program with "1C: Accounting 8" is provided. The data exchange mechanism with "1C: Accounting 8" allows you to automatically download the directories and reference books necessary for maintaining regulated accounting documents from "1C: Management of a small company 8" into the accounting program, and vice versa - download from "1C: Accounting 8" the information necessary for management accounting. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Buy “Management of a construction company 8” NamePrice, rub. Management of a construction company 8. The main delivery includes 1C: Management of a small company and the 1C: Enterprise platform Management of a construction company 8. Addition to 1C: Management of a small company Management of a construction company 8, client license for 1 worker. place 3850 Management of a construction company 8, client license for 5 workers. Management of a construction company 8 places, client license for 10 workers. seats 34000

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), Support for registered users Support for registered users is carried out within the framework of the Information technological support(ITS), which includes: program updates access to the knowledge base of the 1C technical support department 1C consultation line services via a special ITS telephone number and e-mail on monthly ITS disks - updates, recommendations for setting up and operating the program, materials on accounting and taxation, unique reference books on basic taxes and fees and much more, service engineer services and other services - depending on the type of ITS. During the first 6 months after the purchase of “Management of a construction company 8” * - information and technological support is provided free of charge (the cost of support is included in the price of the product ). At the end of this period, it is proposed to sign up for one of the types of paid subscriptions) costing from 550 rubles. per month, depending on the selected type of ITS) *Main supply

G. Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh. 161 A, tel: (495), To obtain terminal access to the demonstration base of the program Management of a construction company 8, you must send a request by e-mail: Online demonstration of the program

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Additional information The product can be obtained from Yauza Soft Systems LLC: by phone (495); by email: and also at

1C:Construction organization management

Article: 4601546038647

"1C:Construction organization management 8" is a software product for complex automation of construction. The product is designed for full automation of various participants in the construction process throughout the entire cycle of processes - financial management, production and resource management, personnel management, etc.

When developing the configuration, both modern methods of managing a construction organization (project management, etc.) and the experience of successful automation of construction organizations accumulated by 1C and the partner community were taken into account. Specialists in setting tasks and testing the construction production management subsystem as well as the regulatory framework of the estimate subsystem participated in the design and development of the configuration).

Delivers to all cities of Russia. Delivery and installation within the city is carried out completely For free. Delivery " Prof"versions of 1C software products are produced free throughout Russia!

  • Delivery for orders over RUB 3,000. For free
  • Up to 10 km from the Ring Road650 rub.
  • 11-20 km from the Ring Road1000 rub.
  • 21-50 km from the Ring Road By agreement
  • More than 55 km from the Ring Road By agreement.

Office hours (pickup): Mon-Fri: 9.30-19.00.

Delivery schedule: Mon-Fri: 10.00-19.00; Sat-Sun: By agreement.

Payment method (for individuals and legal entities):

  • Cash(for delivery by courier or self-pickup) Payment at the time of receipt of the goods.
  • Cashless payments(Bank transfers) Webmoney payment, bank cards- for individuals.

Purchase terms

  • The invoice issued is valid for a month.
  • After paying the invoice you will receive the goods within 1-2 days for standard solutions and 3-5 days of industry solutions 1C.

After payment, you can use our free shipping around the city, and installation of the software product by our specialists, absolutely free.

Description of 1C:Construction organization management

To implement the integrated solution "1C: Construction Organization Management 8" you must contact the Construction Competence Centers.

We draw the attention of franchisees that to master the functionality of the new application solution and train personnel of partner companies, a special software product has been released - "1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization. NFR". The software product is not intended for sale to end users and is sold only to partners of the 1C company who have the status of 1C: Franchisee.

Partners of the 1C company, fulfilling the terms of the Agreement for the distribution and implementation of products of the 1C:Enterprise 8.0 software system and having at least one employee on staff who has successfully passed the 1C: Specialist in technology platform 8.0 exam or any other application solution of the 1C software system :Enterprise 8" can purchase the NFR version of 1C:Enterprise 8 Management of a construction organization.

Applications from partners for the purchase of 1C:Enterprise 8.0. NFRs are accepted electronically. You can submit your application by filling out the form in the partner technical support section.

Exclusive rights to the configuration "1C: Construction Organization Management" belong to the 1C company. Most of the configuration is open for reading and modification; a smaller part of the code is closed and protected by a hardware protection key. The USB version of the protection key is used; for multi-user licenses, the USB network version of the key is used. If it is necessary to modify the configuration and make changes to the closed program code, registered users should send a request to the address of the company developer indicated in the product registration card.

At the time of buying 1C Enterprise 8 Management of a construction organization delivery and installation is carried out free of charge within the ring roads of the cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod.
