In what year was Bill Gates born? Bill Gates: Founder of Microsoft

The name Bill Gates is familiar to almost everyone, especially those who use Microsoft operating systems, because this man is considered their creator. But, in addition to the fact that Bill Gates is an extraordinary businessman, he also seems to be a very reasonable man who recently surprised the whole world with his approach to raising his own children.

Bill Gates is the richest businessman in the world according to Forbes

In 2015, Forbes magazine again summed up the results of the year and compiled its annual ranking. This list was headed for the 16th time by Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft Corporation.

More than one touching film could be made based on the life of Bill Gates. He did not do well at school and considered all subjects except mathematics unnecessary. For bad behavior, the boy was even referred to a psychiatrist for consultations.

But the guy had a good understanding of computers and programming. At the age of 13, Bill was already writing the simplest computer programs, and a couple of years later, together with friends, he managed to hack the program of one large corporation Seattle - Computer Center Corporation.

At the age of 17, together with Paul Allen, Gates founded his first company, which within a couple of months had $790 thousand in its account. And in 1975, the first Microsoft BASIC was created.

Personal life of a billionaire

Gates met his future wife, being already a very rich man. He flew to New York for a press briefing and there he met Melinda French, whom he married on January 1, 1994.

Melinda was born in Texas, large family an ordinary engineer. Bill Gates in his interviews is often surprised at how his chosen one was able to force him to marry her, because before meeting this girl he had an ambiguous attitude towards family ties. However, there is nothing strange about what Melinda found with a computer genius mutual language, after all, she once received a bachelor's degree in computer science.

In the 90s, Melinda joined the Microsoft team, and already in 1994 she became his wife wedding ceremony took place in Hawaii, after the wedding Melinda became a housewife. If we talk about how many children Bill Gates had in his marriage to this woman, then there will be three heirs to the multi-billion dollar fortune: two girls and one boy.

She is also widely known for her philanthropic work as the founder of the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.

Features of raising children

The “seasoned” Bill Gates has very specific children of his own. Providing for them for the rest of your life and even after your death is not the goal of the owner of a multimillion-dollar fortune. On the contrary, he understands that his main task is to teach his offspring to cope with all problems on their own, including financial ones.

Bill Gates' children should have learned the following truths while growing up. Firstly, a person must have adequate self-esteem. It's good to have dignity and self-respect, but to be respected by everyone else, you need to do something worthwhile in your life.

Secondly, nothing happens quickly, and after graduating from school or university you will have to work hard for many more years before you have your own limousine.

Thirdly, there is no such thing as bad work. Even working behind the McDonald's counter, you have the chance to make a dizzying career.

Bill Gates's daughters: biography. Jennifer

Little is known about Gates’ children in general and in general, because they are quite young.

In 1996, Bill Gates' eldest daughter was born. What is the name of the billionaire's first child? The parents named their first child Jennifer. In ancient times, the name means something like “white sorceress” or “bright spirit.”

Gates' eldest daughter turned 19 in 2015. But it is almost impossible to find mentions of the girl in the press. However, several years ago there was a very active discussion on the Internet about the fact that the lifestyle of Gates and his children could hardly be called modest (as the media likes to cover this issue). For his daughter, who was only 15 years old at the time, Gates easily rented a luxury house in Florida worth $600,000 a month.

It turned out that Jennifer was seriously involved in equestrian sports, and she wanted to take part in the festival, which was to be held in Palm Beach. To make Jen feel comfortable during this entire time, her father rented her a “royal” mansion. So Gates's strictness in raising children is most likely exaggerated.

Is Rachel Leigh Cook the daughter of Bill Gates?

IN Lately in different in social networks They post a photo of a pretty girl, captioned with a joke: they say that Gates’ daughter has become the best “product” that Microsoft has ever released. However, the real appearance of Bill Gates' daughter is far from the appearance of the pretty person whose image is being circulated on the Internet.

In fact, the photo shows Rachel Leigh Cook - star of the films "Texas Rangers" and "Dawson's Creek." And it is completely unclear who thought of marrying the famous American actress to the daughter of Bill Gates. Most likely it was a joke. But many Internet regulars still believe that the pretty blonde is real daughter billionaire.

Phoebe Gates: facts from life

Bill Gates' daughter Phoebe is the youngest child in the family. The girl was born in 2002 and this moment still remains a teenager. As is the case with other children of the billionaire, the girl’s biography is shrouded in a halo of mystery, and even getting her photographs is not an easy task: Bill Gates’ daughters lead a quiet and “closed” lifestyle to prying eyes.

Did Bill Gates really leave his children without an inheritance?

Bill Gates' daughters will not be able to enjoy their father's multimillion-dollar fortune. In 2015, at one of the conferences, Bill stated that his children would receive practically nothing after his death.

Of course, the media inflated this news by releasing a lot of articles under flashy headlines, saying that Gates left his children with nothing, forgetting to clarify one detail: the billionaire recently drew up a new will, according to which Bill Gates’s daughters, as well as his The only son, will still receive something, namely $10 million.

Any person on Earth would be very happy about such an inheritance: 10 million dollars is not a joke, but a very good starting capital. Also, on top of that, Gates will provide his children with the best education, which is also important for successful life. Children must earn all other material goods through their own labor, says Bill Gates. He also noted that multimillion-dollar fortunes bequeathed to people who did not earn them through their own labor become only a “disservice.” His children should know the value of money.

Gates picked up this approach to raising children. And in general, being “hardworking” and “smart” is now fashionable again. Apparently, the “time of fools” is over, since even millionaires want their children to be smart, independent and productive.

Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and thinker, creator of the system of individual psychology Alfred Adler said that successful people are driven through life by the desire for excellence.

Bill Gates, the acknowledged father of the computer software industry, epitomizes Adler's portrait of the successful individual. USA Today writes that "Gates is a man who competes even to see who can throw the best party, but in business he is decisive, combative and ruthless." Inc. magazine describes Gates as a "restless ball of energy."

Bill Gates' success story is reminiscent of the American dream. Working hard, he achieved not only the prosperity of the company, but also the title of one of the richest people on earth. Now Gates's fortune is about 57 billion dollars. In the list of the richest people in the world for 2011, published annually by Forbes magazine, Bill Gates took second place, with a fortune of $ 56 billion. I suggest you read the biography of Bill Gates and find out the story of his success.

Biography of Bill Gates

Bill Gates' childhood and youth

And the success story of Bill Gates began in the city of Seattle, Washington, just over half a century ago. Date of birth Bill Gates is October 28, 1955. He was born to William Gates, a corporate lawyer, and Mary Maxwell Gates, a member of the board of directors of First Interstate Bank.

Bill Gates studied at the most exclusive school in Seattle. His parents expected him to follow in his father's footsteps and attend Harvard Law School. However, Gates did not excel in grammar, civics and other subjects that he considered trivial, and by the seventh grade he became interested in mathematics and dreamed of becoming a professor. In 1968, when Bill and his schoolmate Paul Allen were in middle school, school officials decided to buy computer time from the company General Electric. At that time, systems based on the DEC PDP-10 microarchitecture ruled the market.

This changed Bill's life. He and Allen became seriously interested, they even skipped classes to study all the available computer literature. At the same time, Bill wrote one of his first programs - a simple simulator that allowed you to play against a machine. The school management underestimated its students; the computer time purchased for the whole year was used up in a few weeks. Luckily, I got into Lakeside new student, whose father worked as the chief programmer at the Computer Center Corporation. New contract school allowed Gates and his comrades to continue their experiments.

Young hackers quickly figured out the intricacies of the machine, found vulnerabilities and began to cause trouble - they hacked the security, caused the system to crash several times, and changed the files in which information about the computer time used was recorded. Noticing this, the SSS suspended them from working with computers for several weeks.

Meanwhile, the company's business began to suffer from constant failures and weak security. Recalling the destructive activities of the computer scientists from Lakeside, the SSS invited them to identify flaws and security holes. In exchange, the company offered endless computer time. Of course, Bill and his comrades could not refuse. That’s when they went headlong into computers. The time of day lost its meaning; the guys hung out in the laboratory for hours. In addition to finding errors, they studied every material they could get their hands on about automated calculations and improved their skills.

In 1969, Computer Center Corporation began to have difficulties again, and in 1970 it declared itself bankrupt. Lakeside students lost jobs and access to computer time. There was nothing to do, I had to use my brains in a slightly different direction - to find a new place for self-realization. Fortunately, Paul Allen's father worked at the University of Washington at that time and had access to the computer center. The young programmers got down to business - looking for where they could apply their knowledge. The job itself came to them already in 1971, when the Information Sciences company hired guys to write a program that would create payrolls. In addition to unlimited computer time, employers agreed to pay developers every time their software makes a profit.

Another Gates project in school years became a program for scheduling classes. The loophole built into it constantly reassigned Bill to classes with the most beautiful girls. In the tenth grade, Bill no longer studied computer science, but taught it.

A group of small programmers regularly received orders. Bill Gates, he says, was the initiator: "I was the guy who said, 'Let's call the real world and offer to sell them something.' And the most interesting thing is that he actually found and sold it - for example, he developed a program for optimizing street traffic and sold it for $20,000. This is at 15 years old!

The parents were somewhat frightened by their son’s passion and, by a strong-willed decision, removed him from computer projects. For a whole year, Bill did not approach the subject of his passion; he read biographies of great people from Napoleon to Roosevelt. But by the age of seventeen, Gates received an offer to write a software package for the distribution of energy at the Bonneville Dam, which his parents no longer objected to working on. Behind annual work Gates received $30,000 for this project.

The last year of study at Lakeside brought Gates and Allen a new part-time job - TRW was faced with a bug that Bill and Paul had found in the Computer Center Corporation computer. However, this time they were given a task of a completely different level - to correct the mistake. It is believed that it was at TRW that Bill Gates began to develop his programming skills. It was then that they first started talking about creating a software company.

In 1973, Bill Gates entered Harvard University, intending to either follow in his father's footsteps or become a professor of mathematics. According to him, he was there in body, but not in soul. He spent most of his time at Harvard playing pinball, bridge, and poker. How many stories do we know when a child prodigy, under the influence of circumstances or the environment, over the years became the same as everyone else, but in relation to Bill Gates, this rule, fortunately, did not work. The focus on winning, the competitive spirit and the great desire to do better and more than others did not give him peace.

Gates's friend, Paul Allen, unexpectedly got a job at Honeywell in Boston, and he and Bill continued to spend all-night vigils writing programs. In 1974, Allen learned about the Altair 8800 personal computer created by MITS. Gates plucked up courage and offered the company that created this computer new language BASIC programming. He, of course, lied that the language was developed specifically for Altair, but the program worked literally the first time. This option suited the managers, who invited young people to work on writing programming languages.

Creation and development of Microsoft

In the same year, Bill Gates proposed creating a software development company and gave it the name Microsoft (the first version was spelled Micro-Soft). Despite hard work employees, the company initially experienced certain difficulties in distributing its products. The company did not have sufficient funds to hire good manager sales, so this function was performed by Bill Gates' mother.

Microsoft's first five customers went bankrupt, but the guys did not despair and returned to Seattle in 1979. That year, Bill Gates was expelled from the university for absenteeism and poor academic performance, but this fact did not greatly upset the would-be student, since he received an offer from IBM to create an operating system for the world's first personal computer.

However, Bill Gates was forced to refuse IBM, since at that time he did not have the development to create an OS. Therefore, the head of Microsoft was forced to recommend that IBM turn to its competitor, Digital Research, for help, which would subsequently receive the task of developing the OS.

Meanwhile, Microsoft, making time work for itself, buys the “raw” 86-DOS operating system for $50,000 from Seattle Computer and invites OS creator Tim Patterson to work. Bill Gates' company significantly improved 86-DOS, and soon MS-DOS was released, which Microsoft offered as an OS for the IBM PC, thereby beating Digital Research. In September 1980, IBM entered into a comprehensive contract with Microsoft. This contract was destined to change the history of the industry personal computers. Both IBM and Microsoft were winners. The controversial question is who won more. Gates’s main competitor, Digital Research, changed the direction of their business and no longer participated in the competition (you can see how events developed in the biographical film “Pirates of Silicon Valley”).

In 1981, Microsoft became a corporation, the management of which was shared by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. In the same year, IBM introduced its PC with the 16-bit operating system MS-DOS 1.0. In addition, the computer software includes other Microsoft products - BASIC, COBOL, Pascal and others.

During this period it begins to develop rapidly. The company's first representative offices appear in Europe and the UK. In 1982, Gates convinced IBM management that MS-DOS should be sold under license to other computer manufacturers, thereby competing with Apple, which by that time was selling its computers based on its own OS.

Microsoft then thought about creating an operating system based on the graphical interface that Apple already had at its disposal by that time. But first, Microsoft is testing GUI capabilities in its Word and Excel programs, which were designed specifically for Apple Macintosh computers.

In 1983, Microsoft created the Mouse (mouse) to more conveniently enter data into a computer with a graphical interface. In the same year, the corporation introduced a text editor for MS-DOS. In addition, Bill Gates' company announces Windows an extension of the operating system for MS-DOS in the form of a universal operating environment for graphical application programs.

In 1986, Microsoft shares went on public sale. During the day, their value on the exchange increases from 22 to 28 dollars. In March 1990, the company announced dividends on shares, and shareholders were able to receive one more share as a gift.

Microsoft by far dominates the industry - it owns 44 percent of the profits of the entire software market. This hinders the growth of their closest competitors. In 1991, Mitch Kapor, founder of rival Lotus, told reporters: “The revolution is over. Bill Gates won. The current software industry is the Kingdom of the Dead.”

People magazine considers Gates the embodiment of a true innovative entrepreneur. He says, “Gates is to programming what Edison is to the light bulb: part innovator, part entrepreneur, part salesman, but always a genius.” Playboy, to all its praises for Gates, added a story in 1991 in which Microsoft is mentioned as the savior of the programming industry. “DOS's role as a unified component on most PCs has helped solidify the United States' position as the epicenter of the global software industry.” And Forbes magazine in April 1991 put a photo of Gates on the cover and asked the question: “Can anyone stop him?”

In 1993, the number of registered Microsoft Windows users was 25 million. Thus, Windows becomes the world's most popular GUI operating system. Microsoft also produces Windows NT, a line of operating systems designed for workstations and servers.

Two years later, Windows 95 was launched into production. The excitement that accompanied the sale of Windows 95 was so great that even people who did not have a computer stood in line for this operating system. In January 1996, 25 million copies of Windows 95 were sold.

In 1996-97, Microsoft introduced the next generations of Windows NT (4.0 and 5.0), which were significantly improved compared to the first version of this software.

In 1998, Windows 98 was released, which was no different in appearance from Windows 95, with the exception of improved internal functions. Then Windows 2000 comes out, this program, according to many users, is Microsoft's best corporate OS.

Other achievements of Bill Gates

In 2001, Microsoft's new operating system, Windows XP, went on sale, which was popular with users and is today the most popular operating system in the world. By the end of 2006, the number of copies of Windows XP sold was 538 million.

In 2004, Gates became an Investor when he linked his financial interests with the famous Warren Buffett. They jointly founded Berkshire Hathaway. It is a company that combines funds from Geico (auto insurance), Benjamin Moore (paints) and Fruit of the Loom (textiles). At one time, Gates acquired a stake in Bothell, a biotechnology company. Just like his corporation is a kind of fund in which the whole world invests.

Six years after the introduction of Windows XP, the next generation of Microsoft operating systems - Windows Vista and a new version Microsoft Office 2007 office suite.

On 2 March 2005, the British Foreign Office announced that Gates would receive the title of Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, for his contributions to UK businesses and his efforts to reduce global poverty. This is an analogue of a knighthood, which can only be received by a citizen of the United Kingdom, giving the right to be called “Sir”.

In June 2007, 34 years after entering Harvard, Bill Gates will receive a diploma from this educational institution. The management of one of the most prestigious universities in the world decided to give those who left at will Gates received a diploma for his special services in 1975.

Gates' departure from Microsoft

At the beginning of January 2008, at the opening of the Consumer Electronics Show, the head of Microsoft Corporation announced (this statement was called the main event of CES-2008!) that he was leaving Microsoft in July. Gates said that he intends to get closely involved in managing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a charitable foundation created in 2000 together with his wife. main goal which is to support projects in the fields of education and healthcare. With the money of this fund, a vaccine against AIDS is being developed, assistance programs are being created, including medical, developing countries and their starving populations, many resources are spent on educational and scientific initiatives.

Gates' critics, however, point out that percentage Gates spends much less on philanthropy than is customary among wealthy people. In addition, part of his donations is used to buy computers for schools, and the money allocated includes the cost of purchasing Windows and Office, that is, it is sent back to Microsoft.

Since the end of June 2008, Gates has stepped away from active management of Microsoft. He transferred his powers to CEO Steve Ballmer, while simultaneously expanding the area of ​​responsibility of Craig Mundy and Ray Ozzie. It is this “troika” that now determines the company’s course. Despite this, Bill Gates does not break with the company for good. He remains Chairman of the Board of Directors (but without executive powers), and also remains the largest (8.7% of Microsoft shares) shareholder of the corporation.

After resigning from Microsoft, Bill Gates founded his third company "bgC3" stands for Bill Gates Company Three (Bill Gates' third company). In the registration certificate, bgC3 is positioned as a “research (scientific) center.” bgC3 is not a commercial company and will not engage in venture capital investments. In accordance with regulatory documents, bgC3 is engaged in the provision of scientific and technological services, works in the field of analytics and research, and also creates and develops software and hardware.

Despite Gates' departure, Microsoft continues to develop new products. For example, on October 22, 2009, Windows 7 went on sale, which is the successor to Windows Vista, but has better functionality. As of March 2011, sales of the Windows 7 operating system in the world reached 300 million units!!!

Personal qualities of Bill Gates

One of the most important features Bill Gates's character is the ability to recognize the talent and intelligence of another person. “I don’t hire fools,” he claims. Sometimes Gates himself conducts an interview with an applicant for a vacant position and, if necessary, personally calls and persuades the right person. Despite the fact that Bill Gates values ​​his time very much, he understands that the most important thing in business is intellectual capital. His team is a team of the best minds, the strongest programmers. Highly qualified specialists are the real wealth of Microsoft. In the language of management theory, Bill Gates is the first intellectual property capitalist.

The desire to be first always and everywhere, to do anything better than others - this quality has been inherent in Bill Gates since childhood. And it bore fruit - dominance in the global computer industry market! Needless to say, more than 80% of all personal computers have Microsoft software installed - this is an undeniable success. But Bill Gates seems to be indifferent to him: “Success is a bad teacher. He makes smart people think they can't lose."

Pragmatism in literally everything and hard work are another feature of this person. Work, work and work again - this attitude is the core of the brainchild of Bill Gates. He considers rest a sign of weakness, so he works long hours every day, because he is convinced that if you stand in one place, the value of what you have achieved very quickly comes to zero. Where, where, and in the world of computers this is most noticeable. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you have mastered new program, which means it is already outdated. This is for us, ordinary users, but what can we say about the creators?!

Bill Gates's family and hobbies

Gates is known as a strong family man - in 1994 he married Melinda French, who became Melinda Gates, in 1996 they had a daughter, Jennifer, a son, Rory, in 1999, and a daughter, Phoebe, in 2002. Bill first met Melinda in 1987, at some Microsoft press briefing in New York. She, as it turned out, had been working in his company for a long time. Melinda left the service, marrying the “master”. Now they live in a luxurious house near Seattle (Microsoft headquarters is also located in the Seattle suburb of Redmond), the land and property taxes on which are about a million dollars a year.

The house is stuffed with various kinds of electronics. It is located on the shores of Lake Washington and has an area of ​​40 thousand square feet. The cost of the house is 40 million dollars. The “House of the Future” consists of three interconnected pavilions made of glass and pine wood. On the hill there is a garage for 30 cars. In the corner of the garage there is a museum “Mustang” - the first car of the boy Bill. The first pavilion is mainly for entertaining guests. The reception hall overlooks the Olympic Mountains across Lake Washington. A good three dozen monitors make up a flat screen that covers the entire wall of the hall. A visitor to the “house of the future” receives an electronic pin in which his “preferences” are encoded - movies, paintings, music, television shows. The system “recognizes” your tastes and remembers them during your first visit to the house.

The central pavilion is a library (for which Gates purchased a number of various cultural assets, including the collection of works by Leonardo da Vinci “Codex Leicester”. Since 2003, it has been exhibited at the Seattle Art Museum). A giant dome with wooden inlays hangs over the hall. There is a trampoline next to the library. Gates loves to jump on it, believing that jumping on a trampoline, as well as rocking in a chair, helps to concentrate his thoughts. “House of the Future” has a swimming pool that smoothly turns into a Japanese bath. Some nights Gates comes here to relax with his wife Melinda. There is also a trout lake nearby. When construction began on the house, Gates settled on an austere architectural style. But, having married, he made concessions to the softer Melinda. First of all, concrete was sacrificed to her elegant taste. Architects and builders rebelled, but resigned themselves. The mistress of the present reigned in the “house of the future.”

What programmer doesn't like driving fast?! Gates is a reckless driver. At first he had a Porsche 911, which he drove through the deserts of New Mexico. Paul Allen even had to rescue him from prison, where he was sent for a speeding violation. Gates then bought a Porsche 930 Turbo, which he dubbed “the rocket.” Then came the Mercedes, Jaguar Hove, Porsche Carrera Cabriolet 964, and finally the -959, for which he paid 380 thousand dollars, but which he could not import to America: the car did not meet US environmental standards . In her absence, Gates “made do” with a Ferrari 348, which he soon ruined while driving in the dunes. Despite all this, Gates never used seat belts.

Bill Gates reads a lot and also enjoys playing golf and bridge.

Books by Bill Gates

    Few people know that Gates is also a writer. In 1995, Bill Gates wrote the book “The Road Ahead”, in which he outlined his views on the direction in which society is moving in connection with the development of information technology. The book was co-written by Nathan Myhrvold, vice president of Microsoft, and journalist Peter Rinearson. For seven weeks, The Road to the Future was number one on the New York Times bestseller list. The book was published in the United States by Viking and spent a total of 18 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. "The Road to the Future" has been published in more than 20 countries. Over 400,000 copies were sold in China alone.

In 1996, when Microsoft was refocused on Internet technologies, Gates made significant adjustments to the book. The second edition reflected the idea that the emergence of interactive networks - important milestone in the history of human development. The second edition of the book, published in paperback, also became a bestseller.

In 1999, Bill Gates wrote a book (“Business at the Speed ​​of Thought”), which shows how information Technology can solve business problems in a completely new way. This book, co-authored with Collins Hemingway, has been released in 25 languages ​​and sold in more than 60 countries. Business at the Speed ​​of Thought received critical acclaim and was listed on the New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and bestseller lists. By the way, he was one of the first to offer the world ideas for the formation of lean logistics. It is curious that Bill’s book was published in 25 languages ​​of the world, which is how he became known even in places where his company’s products were not even used.

Much has been written and rewritten about the investor and the rich man himself. There are at least a hundred publications in official sources that can be called reference books on the biography of this person. Perhaps Bill is not the only one who did not escape compromising facts from his biography, described by various meticulous journalists, but it was he who walked his own path with heroic fortitude, not paying attention to public clowns. "Janet Lowe. Bill Gates Speaks” - this book became one of the most published in the last century. It evaluates the idea of ​​Bill's personality as a bright individual who influences the world in a scary concept. In his work they discovered almost devilish escapades, and in Billet himself the beginnings of the idea of ​​​​destructing the world.

Not long ago a film was made about Bill Gates. It was called “Bill Gates: How an Eccentric Changed the World.” And as you might guess, it tells the story of the childhood, growing up and business journey of Bill Gates, a man who will forever go down in history. There is another film, “Pirates of Silicon Valley,” but it is dedicated not so much to Bill Gates, but to all those who stood at the origins of IT technologies: Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Jobs, etc.

Whatever may be said about Gates, it is impossible not to acknowledge his influence. He is famous, he is famous, this world needs him more than the world needs him - that’s for sure.


Secrets of success , which Bill Gates developed for himself. They are:

1. Study your competitors. Gates has made it a daily morning ritual to visit his competitors' websites.

2. Be decisive. The main quality of a manager is to face even the worst news with courage. Keep cool and then any problem will be solved faster. Always try to hear the bad news first, then the good news.

3. Focus on the Internet. He is the future. In the coming years, only two types of companies will remain: those who are online and those who are done doing business.

4. Don't pay attention to success. He is deceptive and changeable. Having achieved one goal, don’t sit still, immediately start working on a new one. Competitors are not sitting idly by.

5. Create conditions for development. The goal of an experienced leader is to create a good working environment for his subordinates. They reciprocate.

6. Get started today. If you are not satisfied with something at work, create your own business. Bill Gates started a business in a garage. Spend time only on what is truly interesting to you.

7. Think. Take a break from your usual environment several times a year to think about solving the problems that have accumulated.

8. Be afraid to fail. Doubt the correctness of your actions before committing them, and then draw conclusions.

9. Rely on new technologies. Electronic information capable of performing miracles.

10. Break away from the crowd. She doesn't always go in the right direction. Always choose your own development path.

And now rules for life:

1. Life is unfair - get used to it!

2. The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. Life will require you to finish things BEFORE you feel confident.

3. You won't make $60,000 a year right out of school. You don't become a vice president of a company with a satellite phone in your car before you make money from them.

4. Do you think that the teacher is too demanding? Wait until you become the boss.

5. Serve hamburgers below your dignity. Your grandparents used a different word for handing out cutlets - they called it Opportunity.

6. If you get into a puddle, it’s not your parents’ fault, don’t whine, learn from your mistakes.

7. Before you were born, your parents were not as boring as they are now. They became them by paying your bills, washing your clothes, and listening to you talk about your loved one. So before you start saving the world from your parents’ generation, clean out the toilet in your own room.

8. Your school may have done away with the division between leaders and losers, but life has NOT. Some schools don't give bad grades and give you as many attempts as you need to get the answer right. This has NOTHING to do with real life.

9. Life is not divided into semesters. You won't have summer holidays and there are few employers who are interested in you FINDING YOURSELF. Search at your own expense!

10. Television is NOT real life. In reality, people usually have to go to work rather than sit at a cafe table.

11. Be courteous to nerds and nerds. It is possible that you will soon work for one of them.

Microsoft founder on challenge, success, mistakes and management:

The world doesn't care about your sense of self or self-respect. The world expects you to achieve something before it considers your self-worth.

We tell people that if no one laughs at one of their ideas, they might not be creative enough.

I have a white board and a set of colored markers, which are great for brainstorming with colleagues and just alone.

Smart people should be able to understand the problem if they have enough facts.

I approach business as a challenge, a need to solve a problem.

It bothers me when young people say they don't want to go to college because I didn't graduate. Firstly, I received a fairly good education, although I did not wait to receive my degree. Secondly, the world is becoming more complex, specialized and competitive every year, higher education now it is as important as schoolwork used to be.

I don't waste time regretting the past. I have made my choice, and in order to cope with my responsibilities in the best possible way, I simply do not have to doubt. Don’t think: God, what a great doctor I would be, what a tennis player, a playboy, a poker player. The key to prosperity is firmness and forethought in one’s work.

Don't make the same decision twice. Instead, spend more time and energy making a firm decision the first time.

I like to walk on the edge of a knife. This is how you often find high performance.

Success is a bad teacher. He's dizzy. He's unreliable. A business plan or the latest technology - the height of perfection today - can be just as hopelessly outdated tomorrow.

Business is a good game. Lots of competition and few rules. The account is maintained with money.

Suppose you added two years to my life with the condition that I go to business school. I don't think I could have done anything better. Look at these shelves, are there any books on business? Alas. We don't need them.

I think running a business is easy. Profit. Losses. Take sales, subtract costs and get big positive number. Pure mathematics.

Generating income is the most fragile thing in the world. No matter how good your product is, you are always only eighteen months away from failure.

One thing I know for sure. I won't leave much money to my heirs. I think it will be better for them.

Even now, essentially, I am not interested in the amount of money. If I could choose between work and wealth, I would choose work. I'm much more excited about leading a team of thousands of talented people than having a bank account.

In a sense, a little blindness is necessary when taking risks.

You need a strong team because an average team produces average results, no matter how well you manage it.

The most important quality of a good manager is the determination to face any bad news head-on, to seek meetings with it yourself, and not to bury your head in the sand.

In my opinion, the more attractive the environment, the fewer people are working.

In today's information society, the main Natural resources- human intelligence, experience and leadership.

In a fast-paced industry, the successful companies are those that can pick out the key trends and actually add something valuable to them.

We can afford to make a couple of mistakes and we can't afford not to try.

Greetings! There won't be a long introduction today. I just want to once again write about a person I sincerely admire. I don’t think anyone needs to explain who Bill Gates is.

I once saw a funny comment under one of the articles dedicated to the founder of Microsoft. Something like “Lucky guy, he made so much money on his Windows. You don’t have to work at the post office all your life for pennies.” It was just luck! Neither add nor subtract.

So, Bill Gates: biography, interesting facts and advice from the richest man in the world.

Bill Gates was born 62 years ago in Seattle, America. The family was considered quite prosperous: the father was a lawyer, the mother was a school teacher and a member of the university board. As an adult, Bill Gates often emphasized that his parents always encouraged his desire to think and debate.

As a teenager, Bill, like many his age, began to demonstratively conflict with others: both at school and at home. The psychologist advised “not to force the child to obey and traditional behavior.”

Parents stopped “pressuring” and transferred Billy to the elite private school Lakeside - with an emphasis on mathematics. In the late 60s, the future founder of Microsoft first “met” the computer and fell in love with it at first sight. Antediluvian computers occupied entire rooms and were terribly “stupid.” But Bill and his school friend Paul Allen spent the whole weekend near these “monsters.” Sometimes staying up until the morning.

Where did the future billionaire start? As usual, with nonsense and nonsense. At the age of 13, Gates wrote his first program (a game of tic-tac-toe). But at 15 - a program for traffic control (and received $20,000 for it).

At age 17, the Bonneville Dam energy distribution program had already earned him $30,000.

The predictable admission to Harvard did not make Bill happy. He became interested in playing poker and did not know what to do with himself. But in 1975 everything changed dramatically.

Paul Allen brought Gates a magazine with a photo of the world's first computer for the mass market on the cover.


The competition for such a “tidbit” was crazy. And we had to act very, very quickly. The friends worked like crazy day and night. And not in vain - the first presentation in BASIC was quite successful.

In 1975, friends leave Harvard and create the legendary Microsoft. It doesn’t take long for a company to become mega-successful. Sometimes business founders were so tired that they fell asleep during a meeting with clients. And Microsoft's first five customers went bankrupt.

In 1979, friends received profitable proposition from IBM. But Bill was forced to refuse and recommend a direct competitor, Digital Research. At that time, Microsoft did not have ready-made developments to create an operating system.

How did it happen that the order from IBM finally went to Bill Gates? While Digital Research was developing a new operating system, Microsoft bought the raw operating system from Seattle Computer and hired its creator, Tim Patterson.

After modification, MS-DOS was born, which Bill Gates proposed to IBM, one step ahead of its competitor Digital Research.

In September 1980, Microsoft and IBM finally reached a contract. A contract that changed the personal computing industry for decades.

How did Microsoft take over the software market?

Microsoft's history is impressive. In the 80s, the company grew at a crazy pace. Bill Gates opens branches in the UK and Europe. In 1982, he proposed to IBM management to sell MS-DOS to PC manufacturers under license.

What else has he created? In 1983, Microsoft offered consumers a mouse and a text editor for MS-DOS. In the same year, Bill Gates announced a universal OS for graphics applications.

In 1986, Microsoft shares were “thrown out” to the open market. On the very first day, their price increases from $22 to 28.

In the early 90s, Bill Gates' company already received 44% of the profits of the entire software market. In April 1991, Forbes magazine featured a photo of the Microsoft founder on its cover with the provocative caption: “Can anyone stop him?”

In 1993, Windows was officially recognized as the world's most popular GUI operating system. The number of its registered users exceeded 25 million. Each subsequent version of Windows (95, 98 and 2000) caused another surge of excitement. And it made Bill Gates several billion richer.

Today Microsoft is a giant corporation with about 100,000 employees and branches in 100 countries.

Since mid-2008, the richest man in the world has stepped away from active management of the company. But he still strives to be the first always and in everything.

Bill Gates Rules

You should only learn from those who have achieved success in life. Here are five tips from Bill Gates that he often shares in interviews and public appearances at colleges and universities.

  1. No one cares about your self-esteem. Society evaluates only specific achievements.
  2. Life is unfair - get used to it.
  3. If something doesn't work out for you, don't blame your parents. Change your attitude towards failure and learn from your mistakes. And stop whining. Before criticizing your parents, take an objective look at yourself.
  4. Movies and TV series don't show real life. In reality, you won't sit all day in a cafe and chat with friends, like in the TV series "Friends".
  5. Do you think that the teacher is too harsh towards you? Wait until you have a boss.

Back in 1995, Bill Gates was recognized as the richest man in the world. At that time, his fortune was estimated at almost $13 billion. Since then, Bill Gates has not left the top lines of the ranking of the world's “richest”.

He is still considered an expert on many issues. Bill Gates is asked about cryptocurrency, the future of the IT sector and oil prices. By the way, he also came up with original way note-taking. More precisely, he modified Cornell's method. Gates divides the sheet into several squares, in each of which he writes down thoughts connected by the same logic.

This amazing man is also a husband and father of three children, a writer, a philanthropist, co-chairman of a charitable foundation and a member of the board of directors of Berkshire Hathaway.

How much does he earn per minute? In 2015, Bill Gates received $3.25 billion. It turns out that every minute the legendary founder of Microsoft becomes $6,600 richer. At the current dollar exchange rate in Russia, this is almost 400,000 rubles. At the same time, Bill Gates is practically an ascetic in everyday life. And he often repeats that money is not the main thing for him...

The wave started again... Bill Gates is a genius.. Gates is great.. From post to post video"Think about yourself..." “I created a corporation almost from scratch... at the age of 31 I became a billionaire...” How was it really?

“Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father, William Gates II, is a lawyer. Mr. Gates' mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher..."

The baby was born into the family of a modest lawyer and a school teacher... He studied and worked a lot... Thanks to his genius, he became the richest man on planet Earth and transformed the world.

How was it really?

Bill Gates or William Henry Gates III - it already sounds, doesn’t it? — was born on October 28, 1955, not in an ordinary family, but in a family with rich traditions in business, politics and public service. The Gates family enjoys great weight and authority in Seattle, and throughout the state of Washington. His great-grandfather was a state legislator and mayor of Seattle, maternal grandfather - Vice President of the US National Bank, father - William Henry Gates II (William Henry Gates II) - a famous and very rich lawyer, and mother - Mary Maxwell Gates (Mary Maxwell Gates) - the first woman - a member of the board of directors of First Interstate Bancorp, a member of the board of directors of Pacific Northwest Bell, U.S. West Inc. and KIRO-TV in Seattle, President national council Is United Way International not bad for a simple school teacher?

Until about the age of eleven, Billy grew up as a mischievous tomboy. In the private school class he was known as a clueless playwright. The performance did not correspond in any way to the child’s hypothetical talents. It never occurred to him to follow the example of his exemplary older sister Christy. Even the trouble-free method of financial incentives for academic achievement, proven by many generations, did not help - brother and sister could count on 25 cents for each positive grade. The current situation did not suit the Gates family, respected in Seattle, who were proud of their traditions and roots. I even had to see a psychiatrist.

When Gates was 13 years old, his parents, deciding to introduce their son to the circle of the elite, transferred him to the private privileged school Lakeside School. And it was in 1968 that the administration of this Seattle Lakeside school decided to introduce its students to the new technology and language of computers. The price of a computer at that time was far beyond the school budget, so the school decided to rent “computer time” from a computer owned by some corporation. With the help of a teletype, he could be contacted over telephone lines. To implement this plan, the school director turned to the parents' committee with a request to raise money to buy a teletype and help pay for computer time. The committee's coffers had to be relieved by $3,000 so that each school class could learn to use a nearby PDP-10 (DEC) minicomputer owned by General Electric.

Gates' first venture was founded with Paul Allen back in 1972. The company was called Traf-O-Data and it had only two employees - Paul Allen and Bill Gates. Within this office for the City of Seattle(as we guess, there were no problems with receiving the order?) a control program was written traffic for a system based on the Intel 8008 microprocessor. Traf-O-Data earned twenty thousand dollars from this, but the business did not go any further and the shop was closed.

Gates graduated from high school in 1973, and following family tradition , entered Harvard study to become a lawyer.

In July 1975, a partnership called “Micro-Soft” (Microcomputer Software) was organized in Albuquerque (New Mexico). On November 26, 1976, Microsoft was incorporated.

In late 1976, a dispute arose between Microsoft and MITS successor company Pertec over the “Basic” software. Gates without hesitation turned to his father for advice on this matter. William Henry Jr. was happy to help. He himself gave several wise advice, assured Bill that his company would win the case and found a capable attorney in Albuquerque to represent Microsoft.
The process lasted six months and an arbitrator was eventually appointed to decide the matter. This was good news and meant that the case would soon be over - a normal legal process could take several years. In December 1977 Microsoft won the case. The referee was very harsh on Pertec and Ed Roberts. He called the situation “an extreme case of commercial piracy” and ruled that MITS had the right to use BASIC, and Microsoft had the right to sell it at its discretion.

According to Steve Wood, after 1977 Microsoft never had financial problems again. This is despite the fact that Microsoft's first five customers went bankrupt and Bill Gates and Paul Allen returned to Seattle in 1979 (that year Bill Gates was expelled from the university for absenteeism and poor academic performance).

And here the mother of our young genius comes into play. She was the chairman of the executive committee at United Way International, along with two very influential leaders of the computer market monster IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) John Opel and John Akers (John Opel, president since 1981, then John Akers, president since 1985 .). They decided " help the boy get up” (look at the obituary of the death of the mother of a genius in The New York Times), and at the same time make money yourself. Into the unknown Microsoft company An offer was received from the IT giant IBM to develop an operating system for the first personal computer.

Of course, as with BASIC, Gates did not develop the OS. He simply bought the QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) system created by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products (SCP) for $50,000, changed the name to MS-DOS and sold the license to IBM, asking to retain the copyright to Microsoft .

And IBM agreed! (surprising, right?) She bought a license for MS-DOS and made a deal an unusual agreement for that time, under which Microsoft continues to be the owner of the system and IBM pays them every time it sells a computer with MS-DOS installed.
Thus was born the concept of proprietary software, although up to this time the usual practice was for software to be given away for free, since the computers themselves were very expensive and additional costs were undesirable.

Qdos became DOS, then Windows 1.0-3.11 (this OS was developed by Microsoft, although the ideas were stolen from Apple), and ultimately the crooked Windows line died on Windows Millenium. The long-term Windows NT (hereinafter 2000/XP/Vista/Win7) appeared on the scene, in which much was also stolen from competitors, in particular from OS/2 from IBM.

In 1986, Microsoft shares went public for the first time, and Bill Gates became fabulously rich overnight.

So where is the genius of Bill Gates? Who would he be without his dad's connections among lawyers and his mother's connections among business sharks? And where is the “Cinderella”, who achieved everything himself solely with his brains?

29.10.2015 23:45

On October 28, 2015, Bill Gates, a world-famous American entrepreneur and philanthropist, public figure and one of the founders of Microsoft turned 60 years old.

In the period from 1996 to 2007, as well as in 2009 and 2015 -

Bill Gates was named the richest person on the planet by Forbes magazine.

Photo. Bill Gates

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, into a family involved in business, politics and social causes.

His great-grandfather was a state legislator and mayor, his grandfather was a vice president of the National Bank, and his father was a lawyer.

Photo. Bill Gates as a child

Bill is the middle child in the family: he has an older sister, Christy, and a younger sister, Libby.

Photo. Bill Gates with his sisters

Since childhood, Bill was an ambitious boy and distinguished himself from others by his intelligence and competitiveness. These qualities helped him achieve high results in his chosen profession.

Teachers and classmates considered him the most smart child At school.

When Bill's parents learned of his outstanding performance in school, they decided to send him to a private school known for its stressful academic environment. This was the most important decision in the boy’s life, because it was then that he first became acquainted with computers.

Photo. Bill Gates at school

In 1968, being people deeply interested in computers, Bill Gates and his friends created the “Programmers Group”.

In 1973, Bill entered Harvard University, one of the best universities in America.

He enrolled in the standard freshman courses, with one exception: he also enrolled in the toughest math course at Harvard. Even though he showed good results, this course was not at all interesting to him. At night he spent a lot of time at the computer, which is why he constantly slept during classes.

Just a year later, Gates was expelled from Harvard.

Photo. Bill Gates in his youth

After that, together with Paul Allen, he created Microsoft.

The company's slogan: “A computer for every home, Microsoft software for every computer.”

Photo. Paul Allen and Bill Gates in their youth

Bill Gates is a visionary and works hard to achieve his goals. He believes that it was his high intelligence and hard work that led him to the success he has achieved.

He doesn't believe in luck or God's grace.

Microsoft is a significant competitor to other software companies, and its founder will continue to challenge these companies for the rest of his life.

Photo. Bill Gates

Personal life

He first met his future wife at a Microsoft press briefing in New York. Melinda had already worked for his company for several years.

Photo. Bill Gates with his wife Melinda

Bill and Melinda have three children - Jennifer Katharine, Rory John and Phoebe Adele.

Photo. Bill Gates with family

In 1994, the world's largest charitable foundation– Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The main goal of this fund is to support and improve the healthcare system, as well as overcome hunger in poor countries. The fund's funds were allocated to a program for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, to fight malaria, to projects for immunizing children in India and Africa, and other initiatives.

Photo. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda in Africa

Rules of life of one of the richest and successful people on the planet:

1. Life is unfair - deal with it!

2. People don't care about your self-esteem. You have to force yourself to do something else BEFORE you are completely confident.

3. You won't make $60k a year right out of school. You won't have a fast car or the latest cell phone until you earn money for them yourself.

4. If you think your teacher is too tough, then you have not yet gotten a job and have not met your boss.

5. Serving food in a restaurant is not beneath your dignity. Our ancestors called it differently - a good opportunity.

6. If you screw up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't complain, but learn from your mistakes.

8. Perhaps at your school students are divided into excellent students and poor students, but in life everything is completely different. Some schools no longer give bad grades, but give as many opportunities as possible to give the correct answer. This doesn't have the slightest resemblance to real life.

9. Work life cannot be divided into semesters. You don’t have summer holidays, and few employers will wait for you to find yourself in this life. Do it yourself and on time.

10. Television is far from real life. In real life, people have to leave gatherings with friends in a cafe and go to work.

11. Be polite to nerds. You may have to work for one of them in the future.

Photo. Bill Gates

10 facts about Bill Gates that you might not know:

1. He told his university teachers that he would become a millionaire by the age of 30. However, at the age of 31, he was already a billionaire.

2. Upon entering the university, he received 1590 points for the test out of 1600 possible.

Photo. Bill Gates in his youth

3. Bill Gates promised to give 95% of his fortune to charity rather than leaving it to his children as an inheritance.

4. At the moment, the amount of money he has given to charity is $28 billion.

5. In 1977, Gates was arrested in New Mexico for driving without a driver's license and running a red light.

Photo. Young Bill Gates in the police

6. Gates does not speak any foreign language.

He regrets this more than anything in his life.

7. Although Gates never graduated from Harvard, the university awarded him an honorary doctorate in 2007.

Photo. Bill Gates receives his doctorate at Harvard

8. Bill Gates is an avid reader and art connoisseur.

He equipped a huge library at his home. As for the passion for fine arts, then in 1998 Gates paid $36 million to have Winslow Homer’s “Lost on the Grand Banks” in his collection.

Photo. Winslow Homer's painting "Lost on the Grand Banks".

9. Bill Gates has always had a passion for fast cars.

10. Tennis is one of Gates’ favorite hobbies.

Photo. Bill Gates at a tennis tournament

Prepared based on materials from open foreign sources.
