Vodonaeva and her child. Was Alena Vodonaeva’s child born to a surrogate mother? Personal life of Alena Vodonaeva

Recently, Alena Vodonaeva became the wife of musician Alexei Kosinus. The star's wedding was not without scandal, as were most of her novels. Alena loudly declared herself by becoming a participant in the Dom-2 project. The girl tried to build her love with Stepan Menshchikov, whom she dated for several years under the gun of television cameras. The romance was quite stormy - quarrels, fights, dramatic reconciliations. He made the couple one of the most popular contestants on the show. Despite Stepan and Alena’s love for fame, they could not last long in the relationship and broke up. Now Stepan periodically appears on screens, manages his own event agency and has scandals with his ex-wife.

Stepan Menshchikov and Alena Vodonaeva Photo: Social networks

Alena Vodonaeva’s next chosen one on the project was Roman Tertishny, better known as May Abrikosov. There was also drama and fighting in this relationship. If Alena managed to maintain her popularity even after she left the perimeter, then Roman, after his expulsion, preferred a quiet life in the village.

Alena’s first husband Alexey Malakeev was very different from Stepan and May. The calm, balanced young man was very popular with fans of the celebrity. When Alexey took Alena as his wife, their joy knew no bounds. But the idyll did not last long. Alena Vodonaeva announced that she was divorcing her husband because they have too different views on love and romance. Apparently, the star didn’t have enough fights and stormy reconciliations. After the divorce, Alena swore that she would never marry again, and her followers complained that she missed such an exceptional man. Now Alexey and Alena maintain friendly relations and are raising their son Bogdan together.

Alexey Malakeev and Alena Vodonaeva // Photo: Instagram

After the divorce, Alena returned to her favorite type of men - partygoers and playmakers. She was seen in the company of millionaire Arseny Sharov and Slava Panterov.

Then Alena Vodonaeva began a period when she dated men younger than herself. Among them were twenty-four-year-old real estate agency owner Yuri Ande and racer Artyom Markelov. If with Yuri there were words first about wedding, and then about betrayal, then the celebrity hung out with Artyom and parted peacefully.

Alena Vodonaeva and Artyom Markelov // Photo: Instagram

Fans of Alena Vodonaeva again heard serious discussions about the wedding from the lips of their idol when the star began dating tattoo artist Anton Korotkov. Gigabytes of sweet photos together, common plans for the future and a planned wedding ended with Alena’s philosophical posts on Instagram and reasoning about why she needs a man who lives at her expense, feeds her with promises and watches TV all day long.

Alena Vodonaeva and Anton Korotkov // Photo: Instagram

Alena Vodonaeva’s second husband Alexey Kosinus, like the first, stands apart among all her suitors. Alexey is handsome, an ardent supporter of a healthy lifestyle, he seems to earn money himself, but at the same time he loves parties and travel. Alena admitted that she had her eye on Alexey five years ago. However, it took her a long time to change her status from friend to bride.

Perhaps Alena finally managed to find the man of her dreams and with Alexey Kosinus she will be truly happy.

Alexey Malakeev, who will be discussed in this article, was not a public person before meeting TV presenter and fashion model Alena Vodonaeva. Little is known about his life and biography in general. This article provides all the available facts about this person that will help you figure out who Alexey Malakeev is.


Born in 1977. Graduated from the Economic Academy named after. Plekhanov, and also MSTU. Bauman. Incredible workaholic. He was the general director of Scanlight LLC and the general director of Energon 2000 LLC. As Alexei’s sister says, he had no luck with girls. He is a modest guy, girls often did not take him seriously. When he met Vodonaeva and introduced her to her family, the family did not like the extravagant bride, but no one tried to convince him of the wrong choice.

Meet Alena Vodonaeva

Alexei was introduced to the heroine of the reality show “Dom-2”, Alena Vodonaeva, by their mutual friend. The acquaintance took place at one of the parties. Alena and Alexey immediately liked each other. Vodonaeva admitted more than once in her interviews that she immediately saw her future husband in Alexei. In 2008, the couple formalized their relationship. The wedding was quiet and modest, only the closest people were present at the celebration. In 2010, Bogdan was born, the son of Alena and Alexey. This child was long awaited. The couple fought for a long time for the right to have children. Before Bogdan was born, Alexei’s wife had several pregnancies that ended in tragedy. At one time, Vodonaeva spent a lot of time in the hospital, under IVs.

“We have experienced too much of what a man and woman should not experience,” recalls Alena. And perhaps that’s why they quickly lost interest in each other.

Birth of Bogdan

After the birth of her child, Alena plunged headlong into family life - caring for the baby, waiting for her husband to return from work... But she soon realized that she wanted to work to provide for herself and her own child. Therefore, when Bogdan was only a few months old, Alena began actively participating in various shows and appearing on catwalks and magazine covers. She hosted various programs and even went to work in Mexico... Alexey Malakeev waited for her at home with his little son for several months.

Soon after her arrival from Mexico, Alena Vodonaeva and Alexey Malakeev broke up. The girl admits that her husband spent too much time on his work. She didn't get any attention. And fans of the extravagant TV personality are sure that Alena was simply bored in this relationship. The girl needed to be admired. To make it interesting, to have a storm of emotions... Workaholic Alexei Malakeev could not give her this. For him, work always came first.

In addition, Alexey and Alena grew up in completely different families and have different ideas about family relationships. It is important for Alena to spend all the time together, like her parents. And Alexei’s father could well have gone skiing with his son for a few days, leaving his wife and daughter at home.

Alexey Malakeev still remains a friend to Alena. They communicate well and through joint efforts raise little Bogdan. Vodonaeva has said more than once in interviews that she loves and respects Alexey Malakeev and has always remained a person close to her. Despite the fact that the couple separated, Alexey continues to help his wife and provide for the child after the divorce. He left Alena with a shared apartment, a car, and a decent amount of money. He paid for vacations and gave money for clothes. Yes, Alena could well provide for herself, but Alexey believes that the mother of his child should not need anything.

Personal Life of Alexey Malakeev

Now Alexey Malakeev has got a new girlfriend. They say that she and Alena are very similar in type. The ex-wife claims that she approves of Malakeev’s choice, and she does not at all object to the communication of their common son Bogdan with Alexei’s current bride.

2 September 2010, 15:28

Just a week ago, Alena Vodonaeva became a mother: the TV presenter herself was the first to tell on her blog that on August 23 she gave birth to a healthy son, Bogdan. The “House-2” star kept her pregnancy in the strictest confidence: Vodonaeva hid her “interesting situation” until the very end, not appearing in public and not telling her friends and the press about it. And now, while the happy mother is accepting congratulations, passions have begun to boil on the Internet, looking very much like the script of a Mexican TV series. On the forum of the TV project “Dom-2” on the TNT channel, fans of the popular program are seriously discussing the version that Alena did not give birth to her child herself - allegedly a surrogate mother did it for her. Having announced the birth of her son, the TV presenter boasted on her blog: what a great time I had with the paparazzi - not one of them took a picture of me with my belly! “Despite all the gossip and rumors surrounding my pregnancy, I managed not to appear anywhere during these 9 months,” Alena wrote. “Not a single paparazzi caught me with a belly and not a single journalist officially received secret information, although my phone number They interrupted Anna and tried to find out the secret in various cunning ways. The expectant mother is in labor - Alena took this photo literally on the eve of giving birth As it now turns out, such super-secrecy backfired on the TV presenter: the star’s fans are sincerely perplexed - why was it so hiding and not reporting the good news until the last moment? And was the star actually pregnant? In recent months, Alena has not appeared at parties, but she regularly posted her photos on the Internet.
True, in all the photographs the expectant mother is shot either from the waist up or with her belly covered with bags, flowers, soft toys, etc. At the same time, Alena regularly went to shops and restaurants. And literally the day before giving birth, she posted a photo of herself on the Internet, in which she was photographed standing next to a store of a famous brand of underwear, covering her waist with a bag of the same brand. And the girl doesn’t have any grandiose belly. - A surrogate mother gave birth to Vodonaeva! This is 100%,” writes one of the fans of “House-2” on the forum, hinting at some mysterious source of information, “Why not honestly admit it, like Alena Apina, or at least sit quietly and raise a surrogate baby, without making it farcical events? No, she needs to be visible and write with swagger that, it turns out, she fooled everyone and was pregnant, although on her blog she constantly made THICK hints about her supposedly interesting situation... Vodonaeva suffers from chronic miscarriage due to chlamydia (about chlamydia she let it slip in her diary, which was published as a book). All of her pregnancies were ectopic and ended in miscarriages. There is not a single person who has seen her with a belly. In all the photos she bashfully covers up her lack of belly with a bag or something else. Although false bellies exist, she apparently felt uncomfortable with them. - Lena didn’t give birth! Her previous pregnancy was ectopic, with a miscarriage,” another fan of the TV presenter joins the discussion. “Any woman with a miscarriage, if suddenly a normal pregnancy occurs, spends almost the entire pregnancy preserved.” And certainly a week before the expected birth, she is placed in advance in the maternity hospital for observation. Lena, on the other hand, spent her entire “strange” supposed pregnancy without a belly shopping and spent her time promoting herself on the internet. VODONAEVA is eight months pregnant - photo taken in July at Alena’s birthday party And indeed, on the birthday of her baby, August 23, Alena visited her blog at least twice, updating it with new entries - which is at least strange for a woman who is about to have a caesarean section. And on the eve of the birth, the TV presenter completely baffled her fans by leaving a strange entry in LiveJournal - they say, I’m trying to persuade the doctors to perform a caesarean section on me a week earlier, so that my son will be born according to the horoscope not as a Virgo, but as a Leo: - The doctor says that she will be healthy Virgo, than sick Leo,” writes the TV presenter, “But damn, the difference is only a week!” She says the babies that reach early may develop breathing problems. Do you know anything about this? Experienced mothers immediately groaned - is it really possible to risk the health of your unborn baby for the sake of some whim with a horoscope? Especially if the previous pregnancy ended tragically? But if you don’t give birth yourself, but a surrogate mother does it for you, then you can take a risk. Alena and her husband had been dreaming about a baby for a long time - but it didn’t work out the first time. In April 2008, Vodonaeva underwent surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy: then doctors told her that the fetus was outside the uterus and had no chance of surviving. The child must die so as not to destroy the mother. Neither Alena, who dreamed of becoming a mother, nor her future husband, entrepreneur Alexey Malokanov, expected such a sad outcome. “I was at the center, and now I’m just waiting for the test result,” Alena said then with tears in her eyes. - I don’t remember exactly what it’s called... This is when during an ectopic pregnancy the fetus is sent for diagnostics... Not a hint of a belly - the photo was taken in July at Alena’s birthday party It is quite logical that, fearing for the unborn baby and not wanting to take risks a second time, Alena and her husband could find a surrogate mother for their unborn child, fans of the TV presenter insist. However, among fans of “House-2” there are many who consider the version with a surrogate pregnancy to be complete nonsense.
And the fact that Vodonaeva did not talk about her motherhood is considered quite natural: they say, suddenly the child would be jinxed. In addition, many Hollywood mothers also do not reveal the secret of their pregnancy until the very end - this is now in fashion with them. Alena herself is now not interested in rumors - she is completely absorbed in caring for the newborn, whom she diminutively calls “baby Bo.” As the TV presenter writes on her blog, the father-in-law came up with the name Bogdan for the child two weeks before the birth. During pregnancy, the expectant mother gained 15 kilograms, ten of which, according to her, she has already lost - and this in just the first week! And Alena also bought her son a huge teddy bear: “The idea is this: once a week, take a photo of him next to the bear, until he’s five years old.” And then edit a video from slides where he grows and outgrows the bear. Take note! Now it looks very cute and Bogdan is so small next to Teddy...

15 September 2014, 20:46

One of the most desirable and famous Russian girls, despite a break in her career, is still on everyone’s lips. Today, the ups and downs of the star’s personal life worry the public no less than during the time of her participation in the most high-profile television projects of federal channels. Today, she no longer lives for show and opens up less and less on social networks, driving her millions of fans crazy with curiosity. Followers on Instagram vainly bombard the idol with questions about her ex-husband, divorce, current boyfriend, betrayal of her director Ilya Dybov and plans for the future. In a frank interview with SUPER, Alena Vodonaeva shares her most intimate secrets for the first time.

What recent life milestones are most important to you, besides the baby, of course? What happened to you that you can highlight ?

This will probably sound strange, but I have never thought about any life milestones at all. Besides the child, an important stage in my life is a divorce, which I am incredibly happy about. There was a whirlwind in my head, some events began to happen to me that I like more than the time when I had a family life. Although, probably, you can’t say that, and all wives, housewives and all women in general should not follow this example because family is the most important thing. I came to the realization that I was more of a loner.

Was this a step before divorce?!

We already had a strange relationship by that time. To be honest, I never voiced this at all. I'm the first to tell you about this. When I gave an interview about my personal life to one very famous family magazine, I cheated a little. My husband Alexei and I stopped living together when the child was just over a year old. They just didn’t want to advertise it because we didn’t understand how our future relationship would develop and we were very worried. Breaking up a family is never easy. We went to family psychologists and tried to save the relationship until the very end. We have simply experienced too much of what a man and woman should not experience. We had no romance at all. We really wanted to have children, so, probably, there was some kind of struggle in our family, and when all this happened, we simply lost interest in each other.

Was it your conscious decision to go for a divorce, exactly yours, Alena? Watching your personal stories, it seems to me that you are a catwoman that no one can contain.

Alexey had a hard time with me. He probably wanted me to work less when the baby was born. I remember these feelings. Bogdan was four months old when I went on air. Anfisa Chekhova and I hosted the reality show “Good Night, Guys,” plus I didn’t hire a nanny for a year, that was my principled position. Therefore, when you don’t sleep at night and work during the day, you become not a woman, but a machine unit that your man is unlikely to like. Apparently, for me at that moment, work and self-development came first, which is why I so easily let go of my family. I never regret anything. I’m very glad that Alexey and I let each other go, we didn’t fight at all, we approached this in a completely balanced and reasonable manner and have been friends throughout this entire time. We know absolutely everything about each other and our personal lives. He tells me about all his mistresses, I tell him something. Although, to be honest, Alexey reacted rather strangely to my current serious relationship. Apparently, something went wrong with him.

How did he understand that this was a serious relationship and not just an affair?

Because all relations with him have completely ceased. Even after the divorce, we continued to have a relationship between a man and a woman. We were an odd couple. When I got into a serious relationship this year, I said that I fell in love with another person.

How did you understand that this was Yuri Ande - the same person? I remember that you had a short affair with the “local Ryan Gosling” - party boy Slava Panterov.

This all happens suddenly. Love is that state that covers you where you don’t expect it. Isa and I went to work in St. Petersburg, all week we spent the whole week filming for various magazines and hosting events. And so it turned out that I met a person with whom I began a relationship. Not some kind of romance, but a relationship.

Is he younger than you?

Yes, for eight years.

Do you feel the age difference in some things?

Not at all. For me, the age difference is strange when I see a not very handsome, gray-haired man together with a beautiful young girl with cleavage, legs and lips. This difference confuses me. And when people meet, they have the same interests, chemistry, physics and everything else, when everything is harmonious in this union and when he is a man to the core, and the woman suits him perfectly - this cannot be embarrassing.

Alena, I will return to my previous question. It seems to me that your feminine strength and your energy overwhelm you so much that sometimes men cannot stand it and you yourself then lose interest in them.

I lose interest very quickly. I'm very free. I'm a loner and always have been. In any case, I’m a woman, I fall in love and I have natural desires - to become a mother, to become a wife, but somehow it didn’t last long for me. For five years.

Would you like to get married and have another child?

Yes, I would like to get married and have another child.

What is it about your man?

It must be interesting to be with a person. For example, I’m not interested in being with most men at all; I have a lot of friends. There are very few men who could hold a woman like me; sometimes it was easier for me to be alone.

Don’t you want to move to St. Petersburg, since you often write about it on Instagram?

I thought about it a lot, but I love Moscow. After living in St. Petersburg for a little time, I realized that I couldn’t move there forever.

Do you believe in long-distance relationships?

I believe that if this is love, otherwise they fall apart. When it is love, people come together at some time and build a life not at a distance.

Do a wedding and a stamp in your passport mean something? Or is it just a beautiful party for loved ones, a confident cobblestone and a guarantee of the future?

Of course, a wedding is just a party. And I’m not sure that I want a second wedding, and a stamp in a passport in our country is not some kind of social protection for a woman. For example, we lived in Sicily with our son for three months, when he was not yet a year old, and friends told us that in Italy men get married very late. Until the age of 40, they date women for 10 years, because in a divorce in Italy, the woman receives everything from her husband. Here, everything is different: there are so many stories where the wives of very rich people were left with nothing. Probably, when a woman is married, it gives her some kind of protection. After the divorce, I didn’t take anything from Alexey, we are friends. Probably, living in Moscow, you need to be somehow more cunning. Somehow I had to think about the prospects, but I married for love. And during the divorce she said that I was able to support myself. He pays for a nanny and gives a purely symbolic amount for raising his son. Many people say that he helps me, but no, he doesn’t.

But he gave me an apartment.

No, this is not true: we bought the apartment we are currently renovating in together and registered it for the child. My husband and I had some kind of strange marriage, we didn’t gain anything, we spent all our energy on our children, on our health, it was some kind of struggle. When Lesha left, I looked at the apartment and realized that we hadn’t bought anything together, not even a TV, and we parted easily, with a pure heart. It’s very easy for me now, I’m independent from the man who was my husband.

You just said that you are far from material things, but still I remember your diaries on Mail.ru and your page on Instagram. I noticed that before you were absolutely obsessed with clothes - shoes, bags, but now, I see, you have let it go.

They even released my shoes, especially since I never had any “obsessions” for diamonds or cars. I’ve been driving my car for three years now, the diamonds are in my boxes, I’m indifferent to them. As for shoes, I was ready to buy them for any money, but now shoes have begun to let me go. Over time, interest in material things is completely lost. I don’t like shopping, I’d rather lie at home and read a book than go to Fashion Hight Out with friends. I rarely go anywhere, I don’t like social events, parties. Many former participants of “House-2” are now embarrassed that they were once on the project, aren’t you embarrassed that there was this project in your life, and do you look are you him now?

I am not ashamed of anything I have done in my life. Unlike many participants, I went for a reason, but wrote my thesis on reality TV, which I defended with flying colors, but it turned out that I didn’t really fall in love: under the cameras you no longer understand what you’re doing, because The boundaries of reality are blurred. The boys and I have deceived ourselves more than once. The project helped me a lot, even in helping me look at myself. Before leaving the project, I watched the episodes with myself and was horrified. The producer of Dom-2, with whom I am very friendly, showed them to me and said: “What is this? Is this how women talk? Then my transformation began and I began to study literature about women, go to trainings for ladies and uproot myself as a Tyumen crime journalist, who had worked all his life with men in the editorial office and arrived at Dom-2 in the same state.

But, nevertheless, you had a scandalous image, a crazy rating, and it seems to me that no one overshadowed you on this project.

I don’t even watch episodes of “House-2” now. Only when I come to my friend’s “clearing” and she has a whole wall of monitors there, I see what is happening on the project now. I don’t know how many thousands of people passed through Dom-2 during the 10 years of its existence. But you can count the people who have achieved something on the finger of one hand. This cannot be tied to the fact that this is “Dom-2”; Zhanna Friske is also alone. You can be in any super-popular company, but it depends on you what kind of start you take and who you become. Vodonaeva, Buzova, Bonya - who else can you read news about now? I don’t know any more names of the new participant, except those that I knew in my 20s. It all depends on a person’s desire to achieve something, and even the three of us have different desires. I can’t even say what I am and what I need, it seems to me that my fans and subscribers know me better.

Do you communicate with anyone from this “golden” cast of “Dom-2”

No one at all, but if we see each other, we say hello and are happy to see each other. The only one I communicate with is Ksyusha Borodina, because we live in neighboring houses and have been friends for many years. I don't like to maintain contact with the past, especially with something as vivid as this reality show.

Have you seen the news that Nastya Dashko tried on a wedding dress in the colony where she is serving time?

No, do you already have news on your website?

Yes, sure.

I'll go and have a look today, it's crazy.

Has anyone’s life after “House-2” surprised you?

No one was surprised, no one made any special impression. Probably only Nastya Dashko, who for some reason went to prison again.

You write huge scary posts on Instagram all the time, sometimes it gives you goosebumps. There are worries and threats. When you re-read them, are you not afraid that you just bared yourself in front of everyone?

In fact, I very rarely expose myself in front of everyone and my Instagram is five to ten percent of what I feel and happens in my life. I am quite open with my readers if I want to say something. Before Instgaram, I had a blog on Mail.ru, and in principle I always wrote about my feelings and emotions. When I write these posts, I receive letters from women and girls in the mail thanking me for my statements, they ask me to conduct trainings for women. My audience is female, but Aiza has younger girls, and I have older girls, and I’m not embarrassed or afraid to be frank in front of them. Sometimes, re-reading some of my posts, I get scared of something and simply delete them, or after a month I simply change my mind, and I have the right to do so. I realized that you should never say “never”, it’s so stupid.

Alena, do you now have a PR director, after that unpleasant story with Ilya Dybov?

Horrible story, I didn’t even know that I could work with a person who was stealing my money behind my back. I don’t even know what the amount is, because when Zhenya Papuanaishvili and I started “Dancing with the Stars,” I simply stopped following the financial history, I had no time for it. I slept for 4 hours and we spent the night in this dance school, and for 4 months I didn’t keep track of what was going on with my advertising contracts. He could sell me for 500-600 thousand in some advertising story, and then people called and said: “Where is Alena? We were planning a shoot and we’ve already transferred the money.” He deceived a lot of people, I found out that Ilya took money for some event, but I knew nothing about it. As soon as I found out everything, I fired him, of course. I didn’t sue him, the only thing I demanded from him was not to work with people on our behalf. Then I personally told him that if he still did something on my behalf, he would feel bad, that I didn’t need to compensate for anything, I said that he was just a rat, and that if I found out that he had deceived someone, then he will regret it. Even though I divorced my husband, his security service, if necessary, will protect me from people like Ilya Dybov. I hope that normal people will simply not cooperate with him. Borodina and I later told how he fooled her, he cheated a lot of people.

But he was allowed into your house.

He had the keys to my apartment, where I live with my child. He was a close friend, a member of the family. Ilya Dybov is my only betrayal in life, my friend met him, he was a close and dear person whom I loved, and I was very upset about this story.

He didn't explain his behavior in any way?

No way at all, he’s that kind of person. And I couldn’t make a post on Instagram for 4 months; my hand couldn’t write this text. Until it turned out that he deceived me with contracts worth millions. He signed a contract with a ski suit company, the face of which I was supposed to become, people paid for it all, bought business class tickets for me and Ilya, waited for us in the city for the shoot, and Ilya told them: “We missed the plane and will arrive tomorrow.” . After 2 days, these people realized that they had been deceived, they contacted my brother’s wife, who is now taking care of my affairs, and then we realized that this post must be made, because it could deceive many more. I had to advertise on Instagram to all the people he scammed. I myself wanted to do this, found the maximum number of people he deceived and did for free what he took money from them for.

You don't know what his fate is now?

I would really like to hope that he is doing well, but I heard that many people have filed a lawsuit against him and are looking for him. It seems to me that he would be calmer in prison, because many people are against him. If he goes to prison, then perhaps with Anastasia Dashko. It would be great for him to sit and think. He always said that he was spiritually developed, and there was a perfect place for meditation and other things.

What are you excited about in the new television season?

This is a secret, at the end of September there will be a new very interesting project, this is not ice, not towers. You will never guess, wait until September. I'm afraid it's scary: in 10 days training starts again. I’m incredibly interested in this, for this I even returned to Moscow, but I’m so used to living in St. Petersburg. I allowed myself too many vacations; due to falling in love, I went on vacation since February and did nothing but love, I was like an amorous crow. Now, before kindergarten, before September 1, I returned to Moscow, and then maybe I’ll fly to Aiza in Bali.

On super.ru there is a video with an interview. Can't post it here

Son Bogdan was born to Vodonaeva in 2010 - she was then married to businessman Alexei Malakeev. Their union was short-lived. In fact, they lived together for only two years, although they officially divorced only in 2013. Since then, Alena has been raising her son herself. Vodonaeva recently described how she does this in detail.

Don't spoil!

Commandment number one in Vodonaeva’s parental arsenal. Apparently, the harsh Siberian upbringing has an effect: Alena is from Tyumen.

I'm not spoiling! From spoiled boys, to whom everything is allowed and at the first request of which all desires are fulfilled, infantile, weak-willed, irresponsible ... (a euphemism meaning people who behave selfishly and immorally simply because they can) grow up! “Who don’t really know how to do anything and are only suitable for whims, whining, crazy self-love and a relaxed lifestyle,” says Alena.

No, Alena never got ready to get married. And she even broke up with her fiance, whom she had been dating for a year and a half.

“There will be no wedding,” she wrote on her microblog on Instagram. - I just understood and felt the limit. I was mistaken. I have already said that I am tired of stupidity, emptiness, jealousy and my independence. But what’s more surprising is that I never expected to go through copper pipes with this man.”

But troubles in his personal life do not mean that the boy should be deprived of his father.

We try to eat somewhere once a month, the three of us (with Bogdan’s father. - WDay note). So that Bogdan can see and feel that he always has two parents nearby who are friends and communicate well,” Alena shared.

And this is also wonderful - after all, looking at his parents, the boy creates a model of his future family. When a child sees that mom and dad have a great relationship, even if they don’t live together, it’s wonderful.
