Yulia Abdulova her life after the death of her husband. Brief biography of Abdulov's wife Yulia Miloslavskaya

On Alexander Abdulov's birthday, his widow and friends will meet to remember the actor. And we remember the story of Alexander Gavriilovich’s last love. His wife Yulia is raising the actor’s only daughter Zhenya – the girl is already 10 years old. Her father, a national artist, passed away nine years ago. And now Yulia Abdulova constantly remembers her husband: “The best and strongest! Darling! Thank God that they remember and love! I haven’t seen such strength as Sasha had among those around him”...

About the first meeting

“Everywhere they say that Sasha first saw me at a film festival, but this is not so,” Yulia Abdulova said in an interview with Andrei Malakhov. - We met when we were flying in a common company to Kamchatka to fish, I was then with my ex-husband... For our first date, Sasha invited me to Odessa - after filming in St. Petersburg, he flew to Moscow, changed clothes and rushed to Odessa for one day, where we celebrated old New Year. Its director Lena was very angry then and said: “Why on earth are we flying to Odessa, who is there to break away for a day for her sake?”...

Julia's ex-husband was a smart, successful, handsome man. “But not mine—too cold, or something, but I’ve always lived by feelings...” Abdulova confessed. Even then, during the first meeting in a common company, the woman felt that the actor was a man of the same hot temperament as she was. After that very first meeting, Abdulov began calling, offering to meet, and escaped for one day to Odessa, where Yulia was vacationing. After that meeting, the woman flew to Moscow, packed her things and left her husband...

Yulia’s parents were worried about their daughter and did not immediately accept her relationship with the famous artist: dad didn’t even talk to her for several years. The accusations that the woman coveted a successful actor and his wealth surprised Yulia because she was from a wealthy family. The actor’s chosen one said that Abdulov, when they met, had a more modest standard of living than hers, and the mutual feelings, passion and intelligence of her future husband were more valuable to her than gifts.

About relationships

The couple spent four happy years together. Since Abdulov was a holiday man, he arranged surprises for his beloved woman. One day, on Yulia’s birthday, while on tour in Sochi (the woman accompanied him on his work trips), Alexander made an agreement with the owner of the water park and it was closed to visitors - the table was set and the actor arranged a candlelit celebration for his wife and their guests.

He gave gifts, looked after him beautifully, and the couple practically never separated. Yulia Abdulova admitted: “I was never alone in my life - I easily got carried away, easily got married, without thinking, then left. Everything that happened before Sasha was easy and simple for me. But with him it’s different, for real.”

...In one of the clinics in Tel Aviv, where Alexander Abdulov was examined, in the ward he celebrated his daughter’s birthday with friends and his wife - his wife was then six months old. Abdulov asked Alexander Oleinikov to bring stewed pork and black bread from Russia - so he feasted and decided to turn on the TV. There, at that moment, they were showing a football match between Lokomotiv and Spartak - the players took to the field wearing T-shirts with portraits of their favorite actor. Alexander Gavrilovich could not hold back his tears...

Almost 10 years have passed since that moment, this spring “Spartak” became the champion of Russia in football and on the grave of a devoted fan of the football club a flowerbed appeared with the inscription in red and white flowers “Sasha, we are champions!”

Alexander and Yulia Abdulov. Photo: Larisa Kudryavtseva (“Express newspaper”).

... Six months before the actor’s death in July, his daughter Zhenya was baptized - many guests gathered. “Sashka looked at me intently and said: “You are the little mistress of a big house,” Yulia Abdulova later recalled in an interview. And so it happened. The actor's widow is busy raising her daughter. Zhenya goes to school and attends many clubs. Yulia does not accept numerous filming offers - she agrees only to those projects in which Zhenya herself wants to participate. The girl starred in a music video and in the feature film “Love and Sax.”

“She is 100% dad. Zhenya looks so much like Sasha! If you look at the photographs of Sasha and Zhenya, you can immediately see whose daughter it is. Zhenya has good Abdul potential. She can't sit still, just like Sasha. Zhenechka is always on the move: she makes short films for her video channel, comes up with some stories, tells them, communicates and easily finds a common language with people,” Irina Dmitrakova, a friend of the Abdulov family, told the site. — Zhenya is a good, kind girl. She doesn't have any star fever. This is happiness. Yulia doesn’t attend social events, doesn’t promote herself on her husband’s name, that’s the beauty of Yulia.”

The whole life of Yulia Abudlova is subordinated to Zhenya, the widow’s personal life is not organized. A new meeting did not happen, and besides, it is quite difficult to find a second “100% man” like her – this is how Julia speaks about her husband.

About mom

Photo: “Tonight” frame, Channel One.

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Abdulova lives in the Ivanovo region and always looks forward to visiting her daughter-in-law and granddaughter Zhenya.

– I have always been proud of Sasha. Because, really, he is very good, kind, and will give his last,” she said in an interview with the “Tonight” program. - I never said that it was with my health... At the hospital I asked to come home on New Year’s Eve, I apparently felt that I was going to say goodbye. Standing by the window, I approached: “Sasha, what are you looking at there?” “Mom, the car should come. I feel so bad, my heart is beating, but the medications are left in the hospital, I need to go take them.” The nanny comes down from the second floor with Zhenya, Sasha took her in his arms, kisses her, and I think to myself: “Lord! This is the last kiss”... And he loved Yulia very much. We accepted her into our family, she is good. My granddaughter is now in first place, she came with Yulia, ran around, and said that she liked it here. Zhenya, dear, dear girl, I love you madly, please come.

Yulia Abdulova says that she has established a wonderful relationship with Sasha’s mother. After the death of Alexander Abdulov's brother Robert, Lyudmila Alexandrovna lives with his wife Alya. Yulia visits her mother-in-law together with Zhenya, sometimes accompanied by the daughter of the actor’s middle brother. Everyone notes how little Zhenya looks like her grandmother - not only in appearance, but also the girl’s character is the same - imperious, firm.

About life

After the death of her husband, Yulia Abdulova was forced to sell all the jewelry that her husband gave her. But after she entered into inheritance rights, the financial problems were resolved. This is what she said in one interview. And in another she also said that Alexander Abudlov’s friends at that time allocated a certain amount for him and Zhenya to live on.

The widow admitted that the actor did not save money “for a rainy day” - he lived for his own pleasure, and after touring with an enterprise in the regions, he could rent a yacht with his own money and arrange a holiday for his colleagues. When gathering guests, he never offered to chip in, he paid for everything himself.

“Sasha’s salary was increased 2 years before his death, he received four and a half thousand dollars at the theater...” the actor’s widow, Yulia Abdulova, said in an interview. — Sasha wasn’t much of a businessman. Even on the films that he himself made, he did not earn a penny; as I understand it, he made films for his own pleasure. It was difficult to call them business projects. Sasha, of course, thought to make money from this, but something didn’t work out. He worked a lot: in the theater from morning to evening, at night he wrote scripts, thought about how to make a film... He rarely refused to film. For example, once it was inconvenient for him to refuse a director he knew when he invited him to shoot some picture; Abdulov was promised only one and a half thousand dollars for the work.”

Abdulov helped both friends and strangers - he did a lot of charity work.

After the death of her husband, Yulia took up astrology and graduated from the Pavel Globa Institute - this hobby helped her distract herself.

The last wife of Alexander Abdulov was a woman 23 years younger than the actor himself. She shared moments of joy and illness with him, and also gave birth to Alexander’s only natural child.

Yulia Meshina has been accustomed to living in abundance since childhood

Abdulov's future wife was born into a fairly wealthy family. Her father, Nikolai Veniaminovich, owned a hotel in Paris, and her uncle was the director of a plant in Nikolaev. The girl’s entire childhood and adolescence were spent in roses, because the family did not limit itself in anything. But everything comes to an end, and in the early 90s, prosperity collapsed: the uncle was arrested, and the father was forced to quickly divorce his wife and flee the country, otherwise he would face a decent prison sentence on charges of embezzling $37 million. Yulia does not like to remember these years; apparently she still has severe psychological trauma. After graduating from school, Yulia entered Odessa University and completely immersed herself in student life. At the age of 17, she fell in love and quickly married an 18-year-old guy. It must be said that the young man was promising at that time: he was starting to run his own business and was from a wealthy family. But this marriage did not last long. Julia wanted children, she even became pregnant, but her husband did not share her opinion, and youth took its toll: he wanted partying and fun. Yulia could not survive the betrayal and literally ran away from her problems to Moscow.

Yulia Meshina turned men's heads

The prominent girl was successful with men. Among her fans and lovers were producer Igor Markov, businessman Shabtai Kalmanovich, Sergei Trofimov (Trofim). All these were fleeting romances, and the girl decided to start a serious relationship only with her second husband, the son of the general director of the ITAR-TASS agency, Alexander Ignatenko. Julia met Abdulov by chance. It was at a party with mutual friends. Then the actor’s future wife was married, and practically did not pay attention to other men. They found themselves at the same table, started talking and immediately fell in love. The lovers hid their romance from prying eyes, and only after Meshina’s official divorce did notes begin to appear in the press about the actor’s close relationship with his new passion.

For Abdulov, Yulia became more than just a hobby. In her he felt a kinship of souls. For a long time, the actor did not want to commit himself to strong relationships with women, because, as he himself admitted, there was only one love in his life - Irina Alferova. Julia and Alexander got married in 2006. The wedding took place quietly, among friends. A year later, the couple had a daughter, Zhenya. After Abdulov’s death, Yulia practically withdrew into herself; they say that she almost drank herself to death, but her friends came to the woman’s aid in time. She has difficult relationships with Alexander’s mother and brother, but for the sake of her daughter, Yulia strives to hush up conflict situations as quickly as possible and maintain the warmth of love for her husband.

Yulia Abdulova became interested in astrology

The secret has always attracted Julia. She has such strong energy that she often anticipates events. For example, she often dreams of Alexander, she talks to him, feels the presence of his soul. In addition, even before the birth of the child, Julia became interested in astrology. She, together with Abdulov, used the numbers to select the auspicious day for the birth of the baby. Zhenya's name was carefully calculated. According to Yulia, astrology is one of the paths that leads a person to faith, although the Orthodox Church denies any interference in fate. Considering that Alexander was a believer, Julia wants to discover this side of life for herself and get closer to her husband’s soul. Perhaps this is exactly what Abdulov asks for when he appears to her in her dreams.

January 3 will mark a year since the death of Alexander ABDULOV. The country has lost a wonderful actor. And his loved ones were left without a caring son, a loving husband and father. Standing at the last line, Alexander Gavrilovich remained optimistic. He did not write a will, believing that writing it would mean surrendering without fighting a terrible disease. Relatives had to resolve the issue of inheritance worth almost $5 million. Alas, as often happens, the fortune was not divided without problems.

Before the death of Alexander Abdulov, his entire large family - wife, daughter, mother and brother and daughter-in-law - lived in an estate in Vnukovo near Moscow. Here, on 25 acres, there is a spacious two-story house with an attic. In it, the actor was happy with his wife Yulia and daughter Zhenechka. On the territory there is a well-kept garden and a swimming pool. A little further away there is another building: a solid but modest country house. Alexander Gavrilovich built it especially for his mother. She recently turned 87 years old. She feels better in nature than in noisy, polluted Moscow. Of course, Lyudmila Alexandrovna would have found a place in a big house. But an elderly person needs peace and quiet. Yes, she herself did not want to embarrass her son with her presence, because he loved noisy companies and was a hospitable host. Together with his mother, the eldest, 67-year-old brother of the actor Robert and his wife settled in the house.

Travel by consent

The country mansion is the main part of Abdulov's inheritance. A year ago, experts estimated the late actor’s property in Vnukovo at approximately $3 million. The question of who should live in the mansion and how to divide it became the main one for Alexander Gavrilovich’s relatives after his death. Four people applied for it - the actor’s widow Julia, young daughter Evgenia, mother and older brother. We decided to find out what went to whom in the end.

Where do you live with your daughter - in Moscow or outside the city? - we asked Yulia on the phone.

Where else should we live, of course, at the dacha, in Vnukovo,” the widow answered with some challenge in her voice.

As it turned out, a year after the death of Alexander Gavrilovich, in Vnukov’s estate, outwardly everything is still the same as during his life. Yulia is in charge of the mansion, and Lyudmila Aleksandrovna and her son are in charge of the country house. But this neighborhood will not last long. The division of property did not proceed without complications. Fortunately, the matter did not come to court - they agreed peacefully. The only owner of the estate in Vnukovo was Yulia.

Relatives offered me to buy out their share,” the artist’s widow told Express Gazeta.

According to her, there was no talk of installments: the actor’s mother and brother offered her to pay the money as quickly as possible.

The question was: everything at once. Well, not immediately, but over a period of time they received everything. Of course, I could not help but agree to their terms. The relatives received a lot of money, they are happy: they all bought apartments for themselves,” Yulia explained the situation.

The actor's mother recently left the hospital. We called her too to find out how she was feeling. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna complained that her health was not good.

While I live in a house next to the mansion, my son Robert and my eldest daughter-in-law are still with me,” she clarified. - We haven’t bought an apartment yet, but we are planning to. As soon as we find a suitable option, I will leave here with my son.

Yulia did not disclose the amount that had to be collected to buy out her relatives’ shares. But, based on the price of the house, we can assume that she had to pay about $1.5 million. We asked how she managed to get the necessary amount.

My friend Sashin helped me raise money... in general, his friends,” Yulia spoke vaguely, refusing to name names.

How will you pay off your debts? - we were horrified.

Well, that’s my problem,” the widow stopped the conversation.

Maintaining a large country house is not easy - you need a lot of money. A nanny is still caring for her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter Zhenechka. On what means does Yulia manage to exist despite the fact that she had to borrow a colossal amount is a mystery. The actor's widow told us that she doesn't work anywhere. But she did not work before her marriage, although she has a legal education.

Julia also refused to talk about how the other part of the property left after her husband’s death was divided. We have already written that in the name of Alexander Gavrilovich, in addition to the house in Vnukovo, two Moscow apartments were registered - one with an area of ​​115 square meters. m, the other - 78 sq. m (see article “Widow's Share”). A year ago, the first cost about $1 million, the second - about $700 thousand. In addition, the actor owned real estate in Fergana, Uzbekistan, where he spent his childhood. This housing is much cheaper than in the capital - $6 - 8 thousand. Experts valued the actor’s good hunting lodge in Valdai at $20 - 25 thousand. Abdulov also had an impressive fleet of vehicles: two Volkswagens worth a total of about $143 thousand and a van donated by friends for $73 thousand.

However, the main thing is that his large family was unable to live in the same way as during the actor’s life. Alexander Gavrilovich’s mother will have to move to stuffy Moscow. But this can be understood: Yulia is only 33 years old, she is young and beautiful. A loving husband, alas, cannot be returned. But when the mental wound heals, she will need to arrange her life.

Higher and higher

Julia carefully hides the details of her biography. Apparently, due to a lack of information, some publications dubbed her Miloslavskaya. And only readers of Express Gazeta know that in fact the maiden name of Abdulov’s wife is Meshina. We were the only ones who managed to find out that Yulia was born in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev and grew up in a very wealthy family. Her uncle Vitaly Meshin led the Nikolaev Alumina Refinery for 14 years, and her father, Nikolai Veniaminovich, held key positions at the same enterprise (see the article “Alexander Gavrilovich’s Beloved Woman”).

In the late 90s, Yulina’s family seemed to be haunted by an evil fate. Her uncle was arrested on suspicion of embezzling $37 million. However, two months later, due to lack of evidence and poor health, Vitaly was released. Nikolai managed to avoid criminal prosecution altogether. Having divorced Yulina’s mother, he went to Africa and organized a company there that supplied bauxite to the same Nikolaev Alumina Refinery. Meanwhile, Yulia and her mother moved to Ukhta. There she graduated from school and studied to be a lawyer. Afterwards she managed to move to Moscow. Her cousin Ksenia, the daughter of Vitaly Meshina, lived in the capital. Girls of the same age had been friends since childhood. Ksenia helped Yulia acquire the necessary connections and introduced her to high society. There were rumors that she was not giving up having affairs with famous producers, musicians and actors. Ill-wishers privately reproached the girl for commercialism. They say she dreams of achieving popularity through famous patrons.

Yulia also didn’t tell anyone about her first husband and how she met Abdulov. It was only leaked to the press that her businessman husband Alexey Ignatenko, to his misfortune, introduced her to the actor. One of Ignatenko’s acquaintances told us interesting details about the first marriage of Abdulov’s widow.

Lesha was far from the last groom. You couldn’t call him rich, his business was not large, but thanks to his father, he occupied a fairly high position in society, says Anna (she asked that her last name not be used). - Yulia’s first husband was the son of the general director of the ITAR-TASS agency Vitaly Ignatenko.

That year Lesha’s mother became seriously ill,” says Anna. - He lived with her at the dacha. One day my mother suggested inviting friends to a barbecue. Lesha was glad that she was feeling better and invited his mother’s friends. Yulia Meshina came with one of them. And a week later my mother died. Julia offered to help with organizing the funeral and memorial service. That’s how Lesha got used to it. After some time, his father said to him: “Look how good, beautiful and caring the girl is next to you. What else should I look for? Marry her". Lesha felt lonely after the death of his mother and listened to his father’s advice.

The wedding took place for 500 people.

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, smart, charming and successful. She is a beauty that successfully complements him in everything. The difference of ten years was almost not felt; Yulia was a practical girl beyond her years.

“Alas, they didn’t live together long, it seems like two or three years,” Anna continues. - Lesha dreamed of a strong family and children. But it didn’t work out... Thanks to his father’s acquaintances, Alexey became his own man among the artists. At one of the film festivals, he introduced his wife to his friend, Alexander Abdulov. Julia knows how to make an impression...

Death is on the heels

This leap year has become a year of great losses for Yulia Meshina. The death of her husband Alexander Abdulov, of course, is the most difficult loss. But she was only the first.

On May 26, her first husband Alexey Ignatenko also died suddenly at the Central Clinical Hospital. He didn’t have cancer like Abdulov, but his lungs also failed him.

Lesha was bothered by a strong cough; he could not recover from a cold in Turkey, where he was vacationing for the May holidays, says Anna. - He had to go to the Central Clinical Hospital. Doctors suspected pneumonia.

He died in the hospital from a heart attack.

A parallel involuntarily suggests itself here. This is what Yulia said about how Alexander Gavrilovich died:

On the last evening, his friend came to us and had a drink... It was two o'clock in the morning. And then - the heart. Breathing spasm.

Alexey Ignatenko was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, next to his mother. (Abdulov is also buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. - V.K., M.S.). It’s an incredible pity... He was so young, energetic, and promising,” adds Olga, another friend of Alexei. - We, of course, have no right to condemn anyone, but Lesha’s friends said that his health was undermined by his betrayal and his wife’s departure. However, Alexei’s colleagues at the State Duma newspaper, which he headed some time before his death, believe that the cause of death was different. Shortly before the sad events, funding for the publication ceased, and the editors associated Ignatenko’s death with the fact that he was very worried about problems at work.

A month after the death of Alexei Ignatenko, in early July, Vitaly Meshin, Yulia’s uncle, died of a heart attack. To this series of deaths among Yulia’s close people, one more can be added - four years ago, Ksenia, the same cousin with whom they conquered Moscow together, died of cancer.

Discord with Yarmolnik

In May, when Abdulov’s 55th birthday was celebrated, friends and relatives said that on the anniversary of the actor’s death, a monument would be erected on his grave instead of a cross.

Is the monument ready? - first we asked this question to Leonid Yarmolnik, one of Abdulov’s closest friends.

“You have to ask Yulia,” he puzzled us. “I think everything is going according to plan,” Leonid Isaakovich continued, revealing his complete ignorance.

There will be no monument for the anniversary,” the widow said. - It’s better to install it in the spring, just in time for your birthday. Now this is impossible for many reasons - technical in the first place.

It seemed that Yarmolnik stopped communicating with Yulia, although during Abdulov’s life they were on good terms.

We couldn’t help but inquire about the fate of Abdulov’s last, unfinished film, which he shot based on Alexei Tolstoy’s novel “The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin.” The producer of this film was Yarmolnik.

“I will never finish filming, and neither Sasha nor I had such an idea,” he said sharply. - Nobody will do it like him. Therefore, we must leave the material as it is. This will be the best memory of Sasha.

The widow has a different point of view on this matter:

The project is not closed. There are people who want to continue it. But this must be a person who thinks in tune with Sasha, who will have the same spark, the same courage and excitement. I think it will appear soon.

Love is like in the movies

The romance between Abdulov and Meshina lasted four years. At first, Julia hid her relationship from her husband, Alexey Ignatenko. But devoted fans of Alexander Gavrilovich too often noticed their idol in the company of a pretty brunette. Alexander and Yulia were seen either in a boarding house on the Black Sea shore or in the hotel lobby of another provincial town where Abdulov’s entreprise was touring. The actor stubbornly introduced his companion, who, by the way, turned out to be 22 years younger than him, as his niece, but no one believed him.

Finally, in February 2006, at the Spirit of Fire film festival in Khanty-Mansiysk, where Abdulov was vice-president, he decided to show his cards and declared Yulia his official girlfriend. The lovers stayed in the same room at the hotel, skied and snowmobiled, hunted, and took a steam bath. And on March 21 of the following year, 2007, good news appeared: Julia gave birth to Abdulov’s daughter! Alas, the happiness was destroyed by the illness and death of the actor.

The granddaughter is the spitting image of her paternal grandmother, just a copy of her! And Yulia had to pay for her love for Abdulov with her relationship with her parents...

Alexander Abdulov is an icon of Soviet cinema. He starred in many films that eventually became cinema classics. Just look at “Carnival”, “An Ordinary Miracle”, “The Most Charming and Attractive”. He won the hearts of all women of that time.

In 2008, the beloved People's Artist Alexander Abdulov passed away. Here on Earth he has many loving and beloved people left. And among the closest ones are my mother, wife Yulia and daughter Zhenya. Julia became the actor’s last love, perhaps the strongest and brightest. To this day, his wife remembers Alexander Gavriilovich with constant tenderness and admiration.

His wife Yulia is raising the actor’s only daughter Zhenya – the girl is already 10 years old. Her father, a national artist, passed away nine years ago. And now Yulia Abdulova constantly remembers her husband: “The best and strongest! Darling! Thank God that they remember and love! I haven’t seen such strength as Sasha had among those around him”...

Sasha and Yulia met when they were flying in a common company to Kamchatka for fishing. Just like that, unromantic and even prosaic in some ways. And for the first date we flew to Odessa when Alexander had a break between filming in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They agreed in character and temperament - both passionate and open.

In Abdulov, Yulia found something that was not in her first husband. However, at the time of the first date she was still married. And then, without further ado, she packed her things and left. She had to pay dearly for her love: her parents did not immediately accept their daughter’s choice, her father did not even speak to her for several years.

They lived together for 4 happy years. Alexander Abdulov often arranged surprises for his wife: he would arrange a birthday party in a water park, or he would prepare some unusual gift. Julia herself admitted later that only next to him did she feel truly loved.

Julia remembers how they were examined in one of the clinics in Tel Aviv. Alexander Gavriilovich asked producer Alexander Oleinikov to bring him stewed meat and black bread from Russia, and then turned on the Lokomotiv-Spartak match in the ward.

When he saw that the players took to the field wearing T-shirts with his photo, he could not hold back his tears. He had six months to live when Zhenya was baptized. Many guests came and Abdulov said to his wife, taking a moment: “You are the little mistress of a big house.” Now the girl has become a real outlet for her mother; she devotes all her strength to her upbringing.

Yulia is both happy and sad to look at her daughter: “She is one hundred percent dad. Zhenya looks so much like Sasha! If you look at the photographs of Sasha and Zhenya, you can immediately see whose daughter it is.” Julia herself avoids parties and social life, and does not strive to arrange her personal life. She says that, if you look objectively, she will never meet another “real man” like her.

"KP" continues to publish interesting stories from the life of a wonderful actor

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The image of a male knight, which Alexander Abdulov has embodied all these years on stage and in films, still awes the fair half of our country. Thousands of women are still in love with the actor to this day. Komsomolskaya Pravda joins them in wishing Alexander Gavrilovich strength and courage. But the girl Natasha from Fergana was the first to win Abdulov’s heart, which we learned about after visiting the actor’s homeland (see previous publications in the issues of “KP” dated and October 10).

Because of Natasha he ran away from home

In Fergana, almost all of her classmates were in love with young Sasha Abdulov. Of course, he sang Beatles songs so well with a guitar. Moreover, despite his hooligan character, Alexander behaved like a real gentleman in relation to the girls and never offended them. They themselves made dates for him, invited him to the cinema, to dance.

For the first time, Alexander truly fell in love at the age of 14 - with classmate Natalya Nesmeyanova. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, although sometimes the lovers fought.

After such quarrels, Sasha often asked us to call Natasha and tell her how good he is and that they urgently need to make peace,” Abdulov’s childhood friend Rustam Madaliev told KP. - He was always very worried about their scandals. Once Sashka had a serious quarrel with Natasha and even ran away from home. Spent the night on the sports ground. And we fed Sasha with sandwiches that his mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna prepared

- And what happened later when Abdulov entered GITIS and left for Moscow?

- He came to her when he was already in his first year at GITIS. He appeared all dressed up, with a bouquet of flowers. “Guys,” he says, “I’m going on a date with Natasha. Check out my suit and shirt." He really looked stunning, but his sandals didn't look right with his new suit. I remember the whole house was looking for other shoes for him. It was difficult to find, its size is huge. He went to see her. He came gloomy. He seemed to invite her with him, but she refused to go. Since then they have not seen each other again. According to Abdulov's neighbors and classmates, Natalya Nesmeyanova and her family left Fergana in the early 90s for Moscow. According to one version, she now lives in the Moscow region with her parents and son, whom she is raising alone. She never married. According to another version, Natasha seemed to have left Moscow somewhere abroad. True, no one could confirm this for sure: neither Natasha’s friends nor relatives were left in Fergana. Abdulov’s greatest love, as the actor himself admitted more than once, was actress Irina Alferova. In the 70s, this couple was considered the standard of beauty. According to Alferova’s memoirs, she fell in love with Alexander at first sight. The young actress just entered the threshold of Lenkom and saw on stage the play “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta,” in which Abdulov shone. “I like men like Gray in Scarlet Sails,” Alferova recently recalled in an interview. - Capable of surprising, giving a dream, anticipating desires. Such a person turned out to be Sasha Abdulov. Irina Alferova is the femme fatale in Abdulov’s life. After divorcing her, the actor vowed that he would never marry again. On the Lenkom tour in Yerevan, Alexander proposed to Irina. She jokingly told the loving Romeo that if you carry me in your arms across the entire park, I will answer. He did it. And Irina, without hesitation for a second, agreed to marry him. Together, this beautiful couple raised a charming girl, Ksenia, Alferova’s daughter from her first husband. To this day, despite her parents’ divorce, Ksenia Alferova considers Alexander Gavrilovich her father. He gave his second wife an apartment Abdulov parted with Irina Alferova on good terms. Without scandals and mutual reproaches. They say that Irina and Alexander were both very jealous, which could not have a positive effect on their marriage. He left Irina and his daughter an apartment and huddled in Lenkomov’s dressing room for a very long time. After breaking up with Alferova, according to the actor’s friends, Abdulov vowed not to marry again. - Sasha said that he already has a wife before God - Irina Alferova - and there will not be another! “He and Ira are married,” say close friends of the artist. Many years after his divorce from Irina, Sasha, as a matter of principle, did not put a stamp in his passport certifying their breakup. Abdulov lived in a civil marriage for eight years with the beautiful ballerina Galya. According to rumors, this is why Abdulov never reached the registry office with his common-law wife, young ballerina Galina Lobanova, with whom he lived for eight years. - I have never cheated on the women I love. It’s just that our relationship with Galya has exhausted itself,” Abdulov once admitted in an interview with KP. By the way, having left Galina, Abdulov, like a true knight, left her everything he had: a car and an apartment in Moscow. Alexander Gavrilovich’s current wife, 31-year-old brunette Yulia Miloslavskaya, knew Abdulov while she was his friend’s wife. At first they hid their romance, and Abdulov laughed it off: they say, Yulechka is my niece. But a year ago, the artist officially declared Yulia his wife. And recently she gave birth to his daughter Evgenia. Abdulov, as friends say, dotes on her. After all, this is his first child. Alexander Gavrilovich’s current wife, Yulia Miloslavskaya, gave birth to the artist’s long-awaited daughter, Zhenechka. This marriage has already passed the test of strength. Julia did not leave her husband's side during his treatment in Israel. And now the Abdulov family, together with little Zhenechka, lives outside the city, at a dacha in Vnukovo. Doctors recommended the actor to spend more time in nature. Before meeting his current wife Yulia, Alexander Abdulov also had a vivid affair with journalist Larisa Steinman. The beautiful blonde captured the heart of the most famous hero-lover during an interview. For several years Larisa was next to Abdulov. After breaking up with the famous actor, Steinman wrote a book about her beloved man and called it “Genius.” Despite the fact that each of them already has their own personal life, Larisa shared with KP that she sincerely worries about the fate of Alexander Gavrilovich. “Honestly, I have no doubt that Sasha will overcome everything,” says Larisa. - I believe that everything will work out. Journalist Larisa Steinman admits that Abdulov can make any woman who is next to him happy. You see, Sasha always lived so powerfully: he did not spare himself at all, he was always at work, on the set, in the theater. He is such a strong person that literally with the power of his thoughts, his powerful will, he can stop the growth of cancer cells. All he has to do is want it! I am absolutely sure of this! It seems to me that everything is only in his hands. I think that Abdulov will surprise us all. You see, he watches the fuss around him from the outside. He is great for behaving without hysterics and calmly accepting his illness. Sasha now looks like Clint Eastwood: a calm, slender, handsome and much wiser cowboy. - He liked to repeat that when I appear somewhere, the rest of the ladies become gray mice. Abdulov also said that he is never bored with me. I was such a headache for him that he had no time to be bored or sad. I generally have a special relationship with him. I don’t perceive Abdulov as an ordinary person. It is rather something from the category of “obvious-incredible”. He is a genius! And what is happening to him now is just another task that higher powers have set for him. And Sasha can handle it himself. I remember how Sasha went to an Israeli clinic for the first time. Abdulov had problems with his legs - thrombophlebitis. I was very worried about this, I thought that he would have a difficult operation. In general, I prepared for the worst. But the Israeli doctors said that there was no need for surgery, only the pressure in the legs needed to be maintained. -Are you talking to him now?

I do not know for sure. I heard that they seemed to be communicating on the phone. Sometimes they corresponded.

- And Alexander Gavrilovich never saw Natasha again?

He came to her when he was already in his first year at GITIS. He appeared all dressed up, with a bouquet of flowers. “Guys,” he says, “I’m going on a date with Natasha. Check out my suit and shirt." He really looked stunning, but his sandals didn't look right with his new suit. I remember the whole house was looking for other shoes for him. It was difficult to find, its size is huge. He went to see her. He came gloomy. He seemed to invite her with him, but she refused to go. Since then they have not seen each other again.

According to Abdulov’s neighbors and classmates, Natalya Nesmeyanova and her family left Fergana in the early 90s for Moscow. According to one version, she now lives in the Moscow region with her parents and son, whom she is raising alone. She never married. According to another version, Natasha seemed to have left Moscow somewhere abroad. True, no one could confirm this for sure: neither Natasha’s friends nor relatives were left in Fergana.

I carried Irina Alferova in my arms

Abdulov’s greatest love, as the actor himself admitted more than once, was actress Irina Alferova. In the 70s, this couple was considered the standard of beauty.

According to Alferova’s memoirs, she fell in love with Alexander at first sight.

The young actress had just entered the Lenkom theater and saw on stage the play “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta,” in which Abdulov shone.

I like men like Gray in Scarlet Sails,” Alferova recently recalled in an interview. - Capable of surprising, giving a dream, anticipating desires. Such a person turned out to be Sasha Abdulov.

On the Lenkom tour in Yerevan, Alexander proposed to Irina. She jokingly told the loving Romeo that if you carry me in your arms across the entire park, I will answer.

He did it. And Irina, without hesitation for a second, agreed to marry him.

Together, this beautiful couple raised a charming girl, Ksenia, Alferova’s daughter from her first husband. To this day, despite her parents’ divorce, Ksenia Alferova considers Alexander Gavrilovich her father.

He gave his second wife an apartment

Abdulov parted with Irina Alferova on good terms. Without scandals and mutual reproaches.

They say that Irina and Alexander were both very jealous, which could not have a positive effect on their marriage. He left Irina and his daughter an apartment and huddled in Lenkomov’s dressing room for a very long time.

After breaking up with Alferova, according to the actor’s friends, Abdulov vowed not to marry again.

Sasha said that he already has a wife before God - Irina Alferova - and there will not be another! “He and Ira are married,” say close friends of the artist.

Many years after his divorce from Irina, Sasha, as a matter of principle, did not put a stamp in his passport certifying their breakup.

According to rumors, this is why Abdulov never reached the registry office with his common-law wife, young ballerina Galina Lobanova, with whom he lived for eight years.

I have never cheated on the women I love. It’s just that our relationship with Galya has exhausted itself,” Abdulov once admitted in an interview with KP.

By the way, having left Galina, Abdulov, like a true knight, left her everything he had: a car and an apartment in Moscow.

For Yulia's sake he broke his “vow of celibacy”

Alexander Gavrilovich’s current wife, 31-year-old brunette Yulia Miloslavskaya, knew Abdulov while she was his friend’s wife.

At first they hid their romance, and Abdulov laughed it off: they say, Yulechka is my niece. But a year ago, the artist officially declared Yulia his wife. And recently she gave birth to his daughter Evgenia. Abdulov, as friends say, dotes on her. After all, this is his first child.

This marriage has already passed the test of strength. Julia did not leave her husband’s side during his treatment in Israel. And now the Abdulov family, together with little Zhenechka, lives outside the city, at a dacha in Vnukovo. Doctors recommended the actor to spend more time in nature.

Abdulov's ex-girlfriend Larisa Steinman: Sasha will definitely pull through

Before meeting his current wife Yulia, Alexander Abdulov also had a vivid affair with journalist Larisa Steinman.

The beautiful blonde captured the heart of the most famous hero-lover during an interview. For several years Larisa was next to Abdulov. After breaking up with the famous actor, Steinman wrote a book about her beloved man and called it “Genius.”

Despite the fact that each of them already has their own personal life, Larisa shared with KP that she sincerely worries about the fate of Alexander Gavrilovich.

Honestly, I have no doubt that Sasha will overcome everything,” says Larisa. - I believe that everything will work out.

You see, Sasha always lived so powerfully: he did not spare himself at all, he was always at work, on the set, in the theater.

He is such a strong person that literally with the power of his thoughts, his powerful will, he can stop the growth of cancer cells. All he has to do is want it! I am absolutely sure of this! It seems to me that everything is only in his hands.

I think that Abdulov will surprise us all. You see, he watches the fuss around him from the outside. He is great for behaving without hysterics and calmly accepting his illness.

Sasha now looks like Clint Eastwood: a calm, slender, handsome and much wiser cowboy.

- Larisa, what’s the brightest compliment you’ve heard from Abdulov?

He liked to repeat that when I appear somewhere, the other ladies become gray mice. Abdulov also said that he is never bored with me.

I was such a headache for him that he had no time to be bored or sad. I generally have a special relationship with him. I don’t perceive Abdulov as an ordinary person. It is rather something from the category of “obvious-incredible”. He is a genius!

And what is happening to him now is just another task that higher powers have set for him. And Sasha can handle it himself.

I remember how Sasha went to an Israeli clinic for the first time. Abdulov had problems with his legs - thrombophlebitis. I was very worried about this, I thought that he would have a difficult operation. In general, I prepared for the worst. But the Israeli doctors said that there was no need for surgery, only the pressure in the legs needed to be maintained.

-Are you talking to him now?

No. But, to be honest, I remember with pleasure absolutely all the moments that I experienced with him. It was an amazing saga. I am very grateful to him for the fact that he, like Pygmalion, revealed me not only as a woman, but also gave me a lot as a person.
