Gold in here for registration. Why do they give free gold World of Tanks?

Don't know how to download gold in World of Tanks for free? In fact, there are many ways to do this, but you shouldn’t rush to everything - scammers are not asleep, and the chance of being scammed while trying to get gold for free is very high.

This selection contains only proven ways to earn gold in tanks. Free and completely legal.

Buy gold for tanks

If you are new to the game, then this information is for you, because the easiest way to get gold for World of Tanks- buy it. This can be done on hundreds of sites, but we recommend using the official one. Firstly, when buying gold from unverified resources, you pay a commission, and secondly, you risk running into scammers.

There you can get game currency for different games, including for World of Tanks. The service offers a lot of tasks, and they have different levels of difficulty: from simply installing an application to leveling up a character to a certain level.

This site also has a referral program. You invite friends using a special link, they complete tasks, and you additionally receive credits that can be exchanged for gold.

In fact, you can perform tasks of a different kind - completely unrelated to games. There are many sites with such tasks, for example, and the like. Here they make money on clicks, solving captchas, and questionnaires. They pay you for tasks in real money. And you can spend them on anything - including gold in tanks.

By the way, we have a whole selection of ways to make money, choose and find yours. Then your hobby will bring you profit - not only in the form of game gold, but also in the form of real money.

For World of Tanks gamers, there are several options to top up your game account. The choice depends on the preferences of the player himself and his gaming skills. If you are interested in the game process itself, then the most preferable way in this case would be to earn gold while completing game tasks. These tasks can be very different - from getting the maximum number of frags to causing the greatest damage to the enemy.

In order to use this method of earning gold, you need to follow these steps:

  • access third-party resources using Open ID from Wargaming;
  • subscribe to tasks;
  • Select a task of appropriate complexity from the list provided.

Rewards for completed tasks will be awarded on the same website. In order to convert them into gold, you need to exchange coins in your personal account, after which you can receive game currency in the “Gifts” section directly in World of Tanks.

Free gold

Novice gamers who have no gaming experience are wondering: how to quickly and easily earn gold in World of Tanks? This method really exists.

To use it, you need to perform actions in a certain sequence:

  • select a specialized resource and access it using your social media account;
  • select a task (this could be installing a special gaming browser, downloading MMO games, and others);
  • complete the task and receive credits for it, which are then converted into gold.

This option does not involve completing complex game tasks, so it is suitable even for a beginner.

Gold for playing time

Not every gamer can boast of impressive gaming results, but even without them, a lot of time is spent on the game. Maybe you didn’t know, but during this period you can also receive gold if you enter into the maximum a large number of fights! In order to convert these battles into gold, you just need to go to the game settings and tick the replay recordings.

The fact is that the site has interesting condition– every hour and two hours a random replay is awarded 5 gold. In addition, at 21:00 and 4:00 Moscow time, 100 gold is awarded as a jackpot.

And this condition cannot be ignored, especially since for this you only need to download maximum amount replays! This action will not even require the gamer to log in to the site, because the replay itself contains all the necessary information.

By using these methods, you will never encounter the problem of a zero game account. This means you can always upgrade existing tank or buy a new one, with which you can easily beat the strongest opponents and complete the most difficult game tasks.

World of Tanks is a free online action game. Anyone can download game client and become a participant in large-scale tank battles just half a minute after starting the game, trying out both legendary World War II vehicles and test prototypes that never left the testing grounds.

Perseverance and good game will allow you to upgrade to a car of any class and level without spending a penny on it. However, with the help of small financial investments - microtransactions - you have the opportunity to make your life in World of Tanks not only exciting, but also more comfortable. For real money, you will have access to a valuable game currency - gold, which will simplify your development in the game.

What does having gold give a player?

Premium account

A premium account is the most popular purchase among virtual tankers. Its presence will provide a 50% increase in credits and experience earned for each battle. This will save time spent on researching the desired combat vehicle in the development tree, and will also allow you to quickly accumulate credits for its purchase. You can purchase a premium account for a period from one day to two years.

Premium account gives:

  • 50% more experience for each battle;
  • 50% more credits for each battle.

Exchange for game credits

Sometimes, with researched tanks and modules, players do not have enough credits to purchase them. The first way out in such a situation is to fight a few more battles and gain a sufficient number of credits. The second is quick and convenient - convert gold into credits and immediately go to the store for new clothes.

Translation of experience

A car whose upgrade tree is completely open acquires elite status. This means that the experience accumulated on it can be converted into free experience using gold and used to upgrade any of the hundreds of tanks present in the game.

Premium tanks

Premium tanks - another one important element in the “food chain” of World of Tanks. These tanks are only available for gold. They exist in one unchangeable modification, and they do not have super-powerful guns and impenetrable armor, but they differ in the following:

  • a unique technique that does not need to be researched;
  • more credits for each battle;
  • 50% bonus to crew experience;
  • increased experience coefficient based on the results of the battle;
  • elite status, which makes it possible to convert earned combat experience into free experience from the first battle;
  • transfer of crew from the same type of equipment without fines or retraining;
  • possibility of accelerated crew training from the first battle.

Crew training

When you buy a tank, you hire a crew who will have to drive the vehicle, load guns, shoot at enemies and transmit their coordinates to allies. The effectiveness of your steel horse depends on the crew. You can choose tankers who have completed accelerated courses for free (50% proficiency in the main specialty), or hire tank school graduates for credits (75%). With the help of gold, you can invite a crew that has graduated from the tank academy and has mastered the main specialty 100%, which means that your tank will be as effective as possible from the very first battle.

Additional slots in the Hangar

Each virtual tanker has a spacious hangar that can accommodate up to six combat units. What to do when all the places are occupied by your favorite vehicles, but you really want to expand your tank fleet? Use gold to buy additional parking spaces so you can place more steel recruits in them.

Crew retraining

Each crew member is specially trained for a specific tank. If you want to assign it to another tank, you will have to retrain it. To do this, click on the “Training” tab in the tanker’s Personal File and select the desired retraining course. The regimental school and accelerated courses will help retrain crew members to new technology, but with a percentage loss of his professional experience. You can train a tanker for another armored vehicle without losing experience by choosing tank academy courses - in this case, the tanker will undergo retraining for a new tank, retaining all the experience earned.

Expansion of the Barracks

For in-game gold, you can always expand the Barracks by providing more more space for crew members.

Equipment dismantling

Equipment is an additional device for tanks with certain advantages, but at a high cost. Fixed equipment is marked in the game with a lock icon. However, for 10 it can be dismantled, which means it will not be destroyed. You will be able to put the dismantled equipment on another tank.

Replacement of crew documents

When hiring tankers, you don’t know what names life has given them. Someone, for example, may be extremely upset by a gunner named Mazyuk. To fix this, go to the “Documents” section in the tanker’s personal file and change his last name to a more attractive one.


Camouflages are divided into three groups: winter, summer and desert, all of the same price. One camouflage from each group can be installed on one tank. Before the battle, depending on the type of map, the tank is automatically equipped with the required camouflage, which has practical value - it gives a bonus to camouflage.


Players can replace standard identification marks (Soviet stars, German crosses, etc.) with other emblems. There are several dozen emblems to choose from in five categories:

  • "Animals";
  • "Flags and coats of arms";
  • "Combat";
  • "Other";
  • "Special".

Depending on the design on combat vehicle You can apply one or two emblems.


There are several dozen inscriptions to choose from for each of the nations represented in the game. If the inscription on foreign language, you can view its translation by hovering your mouse over it. Depending on the design, one or two inscriptions can be applied to the combat vehicle.

Creation of a clan

Clan wars are already in full swing. Dozens share the Global World map of Tanks on zones of influence, territories that became the object of fierce tank battles. Gather your squad and take part in the tank redistribution of the world, creating your own tank empire.

Changing your username

If for some reason you no longer like your username or you simply came up with a more suitable game name for yourself and want to be called that way in World of Tanks, you can use the “Change Username” function, available for in-game gold.

I think that each of us has encountered the fact that when we need to retrain the crew, change equipment or transfer experience, there may not be gold in the account, but we don’t want to donate or it’s not possible. In this article I will talk about ways to get free (or almost free) WoT game gold. All the methods below to get a couple of extra coins have been tested by me personally.

For completing tests you are given internal currency, for which you can buy goodies in tanks and many other games. It is possible to raise a relatively good amount of gold. I'm glad that there is a division of competitions according to WN8 level. That is, outright extras will not fight against a crustacean with 158 WN8. There are restrictions on the number of battles. In theory, you can make a lot of money on this service by simply playing randomly and logging in 1-2 times a day to select the next task to complete. By the way, quests are now also available, for example, play 10+ battles with a win rate of 55%.
The only sad thing is that a month of premium in tanks, like 2500, costs 11,250 coins, and for free competitions (without an entry fee) you can get a maximum of 150-200 coins. At the same time, for tasks in the entrance fee you can raise 400-500 coins, and for tasks where you need their premium account, you can easily get 800+ coins. Another thing is that this is an additional donation, but I would like to do without it.
I’m currently studying this portal myself and haven’t posted anything yet, so if anyone is interested, join us, we’ll work together to earn random money for gold

Complete tasks in the style of “install an application on your phone and run it” or “install the game and complete 5-6 levels”, and receive CoinsUP currency for this. It can be exchanged for various goodies in more than 200 games, including our beloved WoT. Personally, I think this method of getting gold is very good for those who have a lot of free time. These are mainly schoolchildren, students and those who spend several hours on public transport to get to work. In an hour on the road, I managed to raise 186 credits, that is, about 84.
The current rate is 2.2 credits = 1. Moreover, very often for simple tasks give 50-60 credits. Withdrawal is available from 40, that is, 88 credits.

Cryptocurrency mining program GLDFY. (closed)

Promo code: GLD1RU7Y7 (gives several levels from the start)

While you are at work or sleeping, your computer earns gold in WoT. This happens due to cryptocurrency mining. Of course, mining yourself, carefully choosing a currency, should be much more profitable, but as a small bun that gives 60-100 gold per day (on a computer that is already about 4 years old) it will definitely not be superfluous. If you have more modern hardware, then the “exhaust” will be much greater. The video card is especially important, since the main calculations are carried out on it. It is possible to use several computers at once for calculations.

The result from the screenshot was achieved on the video card NVidia GeForce GTX770 and Intel processor Core i7 4770k in about a day. At the same time, I turned off calculations on the GPU while playing tanks and lowered the mining priority to minimum, and raised the priority of tanks to maximum. As a result, there was no drop in FPS.

The guys from CoinsUP developed this thing, so it is possible to withdraw what you have mined not only in WoT gold, but also in their credits and from there transfer it to other games.

There is a referral program in the "bring a friend" style.

WG Cashback. (closed)

Cashback service from Wargaming. There are very nice offers. Just make purchases at partner stores and get in-game gold for it. The only negative is that the gold can take up to a month to go to your account. Very often there are promotions that apply to the first registration in a partner project, for example, for the first purchase on ebay they now give more than 2000.

From my own experience:

Considering that I would have made these purchases anyway, we get a pretty nice bonus

WoT debit card from AlfaBank.

Cashback on all gold purchases. There are exceptions. Quite pleasant conditions if you don’t want to donate directly to the game or cashback in the form of gold in WoT suits you. For 490 rubles per year we have:

There is also a premium card with service for 3990 rubles per year. But I don’t see much point in it. If anyone is interested, you can read the terms and conditions using the link given above.

There are similar maps for WoT Blitz and for WoWS.

The downside is that the application for analytics of purchases and displaying the amount of gold that will be credited to the account has been abandoned (no updates for about a year). For example, on Android 7.0, the pin code entry screen is displayed with a white background and white letters, which complicates the authorization procedure. And Wargaming has nothing to do with it this time, since the Sense application belongs to Alfa Bank.

Instead of a conclusion

It seems to me that from the list that I have given here, everyone can find something for themselves to farm gold in tanks. It’s clear that all services earn more from you than you do from them, and it will be very nice to have some small bonus from them. I think that if you wish, you can farm in this way both for premium and for various cars in the hangar, without investing your hard-earned money into the game. Unless in the case of mining, electricity bills will increase slightly

Have something to say? Did you like any of the methods mentioned in this article? Write a comment. You can also drop proven resources there, from which you can also earn in-game WoT gold.

There are several ways to earn gold in the World of Tanks game. In the future, you can use it to get a premium account, buy a new tank and other privileges in the game. The amount of gold that one player can receive depends only on himself.

How to earn gold in World of tanks - method 1

  • To receive bullion, you must follow certain instructions: go to the game website; authorize through one of social networks; Choose whatever you like from the list provided; complete the selected task; receive credit for a completed mission; exchange it for gold in the game “World of tanks”.
  • You can earn gold for completing tasks. This method is the most difficult, but quite effective.
  • This method involves completing tasks that have nothing to do with the game itself. Credits of different sizes will be awarded for them.
  • The tasks can be completely different, for example, you will need to install some browser or game on your personal computer.
  • Gold will be credited within 5 minutes. The minimum number of credits that can be withdrawn at the same time is 140 bonuses.

How to earn gold in World of tanks - method 2

This method is considered the simplest of all presented. Within its framework, you only need to play “World of tanks” and follow the instructions for obtaining gold:

  • go to the game website;
  • subscribe to combat missions by logging in via Open ID from Wargaming and decide on one of the promotions;
  • During the game, all incoming tasks must be completed;
  • withdraw gold through Personal Area in the “Coin Exchange” section;
  • go to the game website again;
  • go to the “Gifts” section;
  • receive gold.

The list is updated regularly, tasks are found different levels difficulties. For each completed item you can get gold. The minimum number of bars for withdrawal should be 100 pieces.

How to earn gold in World of tanks - method 3

This method is also quite simple. The resulting volume of gold bars will directly depend on the number of battles held. To get gold, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • enter the game settings;
  • check the box next to the option to record replays;
  • go to the gaming site;
  • click on the “Download replay” button, which is located in the upper right corner;
  • download the replay.

It is possible to withdraw gold in quantities ranging from 125 bars. Withdrawals are carried out automatically, but only once a week, every Tuesday. Therefore, on the one hand, this method is very good, but on the other, it is not entirely convenient.

Receipt of gold also needs to be confirmed on the game website; it will come as a bonus. The bullion sender will be JackpotWOT.
