Actress Vera Musatova personal life. Wives of star husbands

Name: Mikhailov Alexander

Age: 75 years old

Place of Birth: Olovyannisky district, Transbaikal region, RSFSR, USSR

Height: 191 cm

Activity: Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director and teacher. People's Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

The biography and personal life of actor Alexander Mikhailov (see photo below) had everything - popularity, two families, children from different marriages and an illegitimate child. Several generations of Russian television viewers and older people born in the USSR know this outstanding artist from the films:

  • "Love and pigeons";
  • "Snake catcher";
  • “Men” and many other works.

Stunning external characteristics, an innate sense of tact and tremendous acting talent made this handsome man a favorite of female audiences of all age categories. But it all didn’t start out so romantic...


The future performer of the role of a clumsy and simple-minded pigeon lover was born in 1944, in the Trans-Baikal District. The lack of means of subsistence complicated the life of the family - the difficult post-war years made their presence felt. The father and mother divorced after numerous domestic quarrels, so all the worries about the boy fell on the woman’s shoulders. Wanting to feed her growing child, the mother of the future celebrity was forced to change her place of residence several times and finally, the miniature family settled in Vladivostok.

Alexander Mikhailov, photo

This explains Alexander Yakovlevich’s love for the sea - since the seventh grade, the guy dreamed of working on ships plowing the endless expanses of the World Ocean. However, the young man growing up without a father could not get into the naval school. Therefore, I entered the craft, a course as a mechanic-repairer of marine vessels.

This gave the boy the opportunity, after graduation, to get a job on a fishing boat and challenge the northern waters - during two years of service, his ship visited the Japanese, Bering, and Okhotsk seas. The actor also recalls his impressions from visiting Alaska and Bristol Bay.

Love for theater and first family

By chance, a young employee of the Vladivostok fishing fleet ended up at a graduation performance of students from a local theater university. And I decided, at all costs, to enter the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute of Arts. This decision not only changed the personal life and biography of actor Alexander Mikhailov (see photo below), but also gave him a family - a wife and son.

Vera Musatova

For more than 10 years, the graduate of the theater course worked in provincial theaters. The texture of a tall, stately man turned out to be in demand in classical dramas - the first success came to Mikhailov after he brilliantly played the hero of Dostoevsky.

Success and divorce

The talented actor quickly gained popularity and soon moved to the capital at the invitation of the Ermolova Theater. The family did not live richly, but was famous in the acting community for its hospitality. Mikhailov’s theater colleague Vladimir Vasiliev and his beautiful wife often came here. Therefore, when a family friend died of a stroke, Oksana’s frequent visits to Mikhailov’s mother did not surprise anyone.

With his wife Oksana

It is worth noting that the parent has always been an authority for the adult Alexander Mikhailov - he has not forgotten how much effort it took for a single mother to put her son on his feet in the cold northern region. Therefore, the actor first confessed to her about his feelings for the young widow - as you know, the woman openly disliked the wife of her beloved and only son.

The daughter-in-law was very popular in cinema, she worked a lot, so her mother-in-law considered her an unsuitable match for actor Alexander Mikhailov. This opinion subsequently played an important role in the personal life and biography of a man who suddenly decided to erase 30 years of marriage and wanted to start a family and children with his new chosen one (see photo below).

The artist’s son from his first marriage could not forgive him for such a betrayal - he still does not communicate with his father and does not want to know anything about his life. The ex-wife, having recovered from the shock, plunged headlong into work.

New family

The couple registered their relationship in 2001, and Mikhailov adopted his chosen one’s child from his first marriage – son Vlad. And in 2002, the new wife gave the actor a child together - daughter Akilina. His wife works as a doctor, maybe that’s why the family has finally achieved the prosperity that the artist’s mother had dreamed of for so long.

In recent years, Mikhailov’s illegitimate daughter, Anastasia, has also made herself known. It turns out that the artist did not even suspect its existence for a long time. But the girl’s mother did not want to impose herself on her unfaithful lover and told about Anastasia’s biological parent, having learned that her daughter was going to study at a theater university. The artist himself did not renounce paternity and even officially gave her his last name.

What is the artist doing now?

Currently, actor Alexander Mikhailov, whose personal life and biography is full of passions and popularity, continues to be a sought-after performer in theater and cinema. He works a lot, is actively involved in social activities, but does not forget about his family and children (photos of the artist’s relatives can be seen below).

The artist is filmed for social activities

Russian folk songs and romances occupy a special place in the work of the famous artist - their mother once sang them to her beloved son. The artist did a great job collecting material from his native places, and in 1997 he presented his first solo program. Composer Evgeny Bednenko helped him prepare his performance.

Since that distant time, Mikhailov has not parted with the guitar, trying to participate not only in private musical performances, but also in numerous shows on television.

The active public position of Alexander Mikhailov deserves special attention. He is an ardent supporter of Russian nationalism and actively supports the policies of V.V. Putin. For this reason, the artist performed a lot in Crimea after the reunification of the peninsula with mainland Russia. The actor is a frequent guest in the self-proclaimed Ukrainian republics of the LPR and DPR, supporting the desire of Donbass residents for independence.

For millions of Russian viewers, Alexander Mikhailov has for many years remained the embodiment of a real Russian man - stately, handsome, with a broad soul and a heart of gold. Many films with his participation were included in the Golden Fund of Soviet cinema, but the most beloved for thirty-five years remains “Love and Doves” - a touching and hilariously funny story of a village boy Vasya Kuzyakin, which happened to him at a Black Sea resort.

Childhood and adolescence

The future actor was born on October 5, 1944 in the village of Tsugon, on whose territory the oldest Buddhist monastery in Transbaikalia is located. According to legend, Genghis Khan spent his early childhood in these places, so Alexander considers himself a fellow countryman of the great commander.

In official documents, the village of Olovyannaya, which is located fourteen kilometers from Tsugon, is indicated as Mikhailov’s place of birth. Alexander’s mother, Stepanida Naumovna, worked there as a laundress. Father, Yakov Baranov, taught at the FZU (school for training qualified workers).

The family lived very poorly, huddled in a tiny former Buddhist cell, almost a dugout, without electricity or basic amenities. But the worst thing was hunger - during the war, Mikhailov’s older sister Albina died from exhaustion, and Alexander himself survived largely thanks to his Buryat neighbor Nadya, who fed him milk. The boy was forced to collect the remains of tooth powder from garbage dumps to protect himself from scurvy, and his favorite delicacies were sweet roots that he found in the steppe.

When Alexander was four years old, his parents separated. The mother moved with her son to a village with the telling name Steppe, where she got a job as a laundress at a military unit and as a laborer on the railway. Despite working hard twenty hours a day, she found time to have a heart-to-heart talk with her son, and sometimes she took out her balalaika and sang soulful old songs. The woman and her son were given a small dugout, which had previously housed a morgue, and a year later they were given better housing.

Mikhailov rarely met his father, mostly in adulthood. He tried several times to find out the reason for his parents’ divorce, but neither mom nor dad wanted to talk about a sore subject and so they took this secret with them to the grave.

In the third grade, Sasha came across a reproduction of Aivazovsky’s painting “The Ninth Wave,” published in one of the magazines. This picture so captured the imagination of the boy, who yearned for the stormy rivers of Tsugon, that he hung it above his bed and could look at it for hours without stopping. His favorite book at that time was Jack London’s novel “Martin Eden,” and his best friend was a sailor neighbor who, after being written off ashore, moved to their village and walked the streets in a naval uniform.

The creative path of Alexander Mikhailov

By the end of the fourth grade, Mikhailov firmly decided to connect his life with the sea and wrote to the Nakhimov School. They sent him an invitation, and the boy, realizing that his mother would not let him go, fled to Leningrad secretly from her. At the nearest station he was taken off the train and returned to his father's house, where his mother soundly spanked the fugitive with a towel.

To distract her son from thoughts about the sea, she bought him a two-row Tula accordion, but after studying for a month, Sasha exchanged a sailor’s cap for it from a neighbor. Even the Smena camera, the dream of every post-war boy, could not make Alexander change his dream - he exchanged it for a vest and began to beg his mother to allow him to join the naval corps.

By the end of the seventh grade, Stepanida Naumovna gave up and moved to Vladivostok with her son. Sasha was not accepted into the nautical school because of his young age, so the boy entered a vocational school, where he acquired the specialty “Steel Structure Mechanic”. After graduation, he got a job as a mechanic on a fishing boat, where he spent two years.

Alexander had to part with the sea at the urgent request of his mother - in 1965, four fishing trawlers sank in the Barents Sea due to heavy icing, killing 75 people. Mikhailov miraculously escaped death, and his mother tearfully begged him not to go to sea anymore.

The beginning of a creative journey

Having landed ashore, Alexander pondered for some time what he should do next, until he accidentally ended up at the graduation performance of graduates of the theater institute. It was “Ivanov” based on the Chekhov play of the same name, one of the main roles in the production was played by Valery Priyomykhov. What was happening on stage amazed Mikhailov so much that he did not sleep all night, reliving new emotions for him.

In the morning, our hero had already firmly decided for himself that he would study the acting profession. Despite the fact that the recruitment had already been completed, the young man still begged to be accepted into the theater department of the Far Eastern Institute of Arts. At first, Mikhailov was very tense and shy and could not loosen up. He was not expelled only thanks to teacher Vera Nikolaevna Sundukova, who was able to discern powerful creative potential in Alexander.

Theater and music

In 1969, Mikhailov graduated with honors and was invited to the Primorsky Drama Theater in Vladivostok to play the role of Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. The debut turned out to be so successful that Alexander was immediately offered the role of Prince Myshkin in the play “The Idiot”. A year later, the promising actor was invited to the Saratov Drama Theater, where he served for ten years. Alexander played in five performances and was an understudy for the famous Oleg Yankovsky when he was on the set.

In 1979, Mikhailov was invited to the Moscow Ermolova Theater; five years later he moved to the Maly Theater, to which he devoted twenty years of his life. He took part in the plays “Vanyushin’s Children”, “The Seagull”, “Cyrano de Bergerac”, played Ivan the Terrible in the production of the play of the same name by Alexei Tolstoy.

In 2004, Mikhailov left the theater to realize his accumulated creative ideas. Back in 1997, he made his debut as a singer; together with composer Evgeny Bednenko, over the course of several years he compiled the concert program “Enchanted Wanderers,” with which he traveled to Russian cities. At the same time, he participated in enterprises and taught acting to students of theater universities. At the same time, he never remained aloof from the political processes taking place in Russia and did not hesitate to express his civic position.

Alexander Mikhailov and Taisiya Povaliy – The bird cherry tree is swaying under the window

Mikhailov took to heart the events taking place in Ukraine in recent years. He supported President Putin’s position regarding Crimea and Donbass and for this he was included in the list of persons prohibited from entering Ukraine. Alexander Yakovlevich repeatedly visited the DPR and LPR with creative evenings and spoke to the residents of Transnistria.

Film roles

If the theater gave Mikhailov the necessary experience and skill, then the cinema gave him wide fame and boundless popular love. The actor began acting in 1973, his debut work was the role of welding foreman Alexei Uglov in the social drama “This is Stronger than Me.” Alexander Yakovlevich coped with the task perfectly, especially since he was familiar with the profession of a welder firsthand. After this, Mikhailov began to be actively invited to other films, and by the end of the 70s he starred in ten films.

A striking event in the creative biography of our hero was his work in the biographical film “White Snow of Russia” (1980), where he was entrusted with the role of the legendary Russian chess player Alexander Alekhine. After the premiere of the film, Mikhailov was invited to the Maly Theater, he moved to Moscow and found himself at the epicenter of the country's cultural life.

In 1981, the film “Men” was released, where Mikhailov played miner Pavel Zubov, who adopted three children of his deceased bride. After the death of their mother, the boys were supposed to be sent to a boarding school, but Pavel could not allow this and took with him to the North not only his own daughter, about whom he knew nothing before, but also her two brothers from unknown fathers. The film captivated Soviet viewers with its depth and sincerity, and Mikhailov became the personification of a real Russian man with a broad soul and a tender, trembling heart.

On the screen, he played himself and never once sacrificed his life principles for the sake of the role. That is why all his heroes are characterized by qualities that are so highly valued by the Russian people - nobility, devotion, kindness and mercy. In addition, over time, Mikhailov revealed himself as an excellent comedic actor; an example of this is his role in the film “Lonely are provided with a hostel” with Natalya Gundareva.

And, of course, the most beloved film of the Soviet era, “Love and Doves” by Vladimir Menshov, which for more than 35 years has been forcing viewers to drop everything and sit in front of the screens. The premiere of the film took place in January 1985, the film was immediately dismantled for quotes, and some viewers immediately bought tickets for the next showing after watching it.

Mikhailov almost drowned during the filming - falling into icy water, he became entangled in his suit, and the tie wrapped around his neck began to choke him like a noose.

Perhaps this was the only unpleasant moment, and the rest of the filming process was accompanied only by laughter, fun and an incredible amount of jokes, pranks and improvisations, the pleasure of working with Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nina Doroshina and Sergei Yursky. Alexander Yakovlevich talks about the film with great pleasure at his creative evenings, and does not hide the fact that “Love and Doves” is his favorite film work. By the way, the actor’s son Kostya starred in the film; he played Vasily Kuzyakin as a child.

Also noteworthy is the deep character role of Mikhailov in the crime drama “Zmeelov” (1985). The hero faces a difficult moral choice, and, refusing to give up his life principles, dies in a fight with hired killers.

Personal life of Alexander Mikhailov

Alexander met his first wife, Vera Musatova, in Vladivostok, while still a student at the theater department. Vera studied at the music department, and Mikhailov, having encountered the girl several times in the institute corridors, fell madly in love with her.

In addition, Musatova turned out to be an enviable bride - her father was a naval admiral, and when the young people got married, he provided significant support to the newly-made family. But Alexander’s mother did not like her daughter-in-law, and even the birth of baby Konstantin (1969) did not melt the ice in the relationship between Vera and Stepanida Naumovna.

The couple lived together for more than thirty years. Their son Kostya was fond of breakdancing in his youth and even became the USSR champion in this outlandish dance for those years, then graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and directing courses at VGIK, and now works as a television and radio presenter.

In 2003, Mikhailov left his family for Oksana Vasilyeva, the widow of his close friend and theater colleague Ermolova. Her husband, actor Vladimir Vasiliev, died of a stroke in 1993, and Mikhailov, as a family friend, considered it his duty to support Oksana in difficult times. After some time, a romantic relationship began between them, and the actor began to live in two families. Vera guessed about her husband’s affair, but did not expect that the matter would end in divorce.

A few years earlier, she had already experienced something similar - Alexander started an affair with a young actress Olga Kuznetsova, who gave birth to his daughter Anastasia (1991). Then their marriage was saved by Mikhailov’s mother, who, despite her hostility towards her daughter-in-law, forced her son to end the affair. However, this time everything turned out exactly the opposite - Oksana managed to make friends with Stepanida Naumovna, looked after her when Alexander went on tour, and made her her ally.

Vera was having a hard time breaking up with her husband; her son Kostya also could not forgive his father for his betrayal for a long time and did not speak to him for almost ten years. Now the relationship between them has improved, Konstantin communicates with his father and his half-sisters Nastya and Miroslava (Mikhailova’s youngest daughter, born in 2002), as well as with Vladislav Vasilyev, Oksana’s son from her first marriage.

Alexander Mikhailov now

In recent years, you rarely see Alexander Yakovlevich on the screen - he is not interested in roles in low-grade TV series and bloody crime action films, and there are not so many truly worthwhile projects.

However, in 2019, the premiere of the 4-episode military drama “One Hundred Days of Freedom” took place, in which the actor played the main role as an elderly political prisoner back in 2017. 10 years ago he was accused of counter-revolutionary activities, and now he has been released. Three days after this, the city was occupied by the Germans, who invited the man to cooperate with them. The actor was accompanied on the set by the young actress Sofya Sinitsyna.

With his new musical and poetic program “Ecology of the Soul,” which includes folk songs and romances, Mikhailov tours a lot around the country. He also teaches at VGIK and is the president of three festivals: Russian cinema in Spain, the Trans-Baikal Film Festival and the “Countrymen” folk art festival. The latter is especially dear to him, because its founder was the Mikhail Evdokimov Foundation, a close friend of Alexander Mikhailov.

Alexander Mikhailov, whose biography is filled with career successes, life difficulties and personal ups and downs, is known to viewers from the legendary film “Love and Doves”. Undoubtedly, there were other bright roles in the actor’s filmography, but the charming Vasily Kuzyakin is the most recognizable character. How old was Alexander Mikhailov in 2014? And what achievements in his life can he be proud of?

Childhood and youth

Mikhailov Alexander Yakovlevich is far from being the darling of fate. He was born in the Trans-Baikal Territory during the war years (1944) - during a period of famine and devastation. The actor's parents divorced, and all worries about the boy fell on the shoulders of his mother. They moved several times: first to the village of Tsugolsky Datsan in the Buryat Autonomous Okrug, then to the Steppe station, and a little later they left for Vladivostok.

His mother instilled in little Sasha a love of catchy Russian ditties and folk songs. But the future actor, like a real romantic, dreamed of sea voyages and was preparing to become a sailor. He was not accepted into the school and had to become a mechanic.

But Alexander was not going to give up his dream, so after completing his craft, he finally got a job on a fishing boat. During two years of naval service, Mikhailov plied the Bering, Japanese, and Okhotsk seas. And he even visited the coast of Alaska, as well as Bristol Bay.

But one day the guy watched one of the productions of Chekhov’s play in the theater, and he had a new dream - to perform on stage.

Theater career

1969 is the year when Alexander Mikhailov graduated from the theater department of the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute of Arts. The young man’s biography began to develop in a completely different direction - he found his calling.

The actor's first place of service was the Primorsky Regional Drama Theater. By the way, he immediately began playing leading roles there - Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment, Prince Myshkin in The Idiot. Then Alexander went to work at the Saratov Drama Theater, where he worked for 10 years. In 1980, he finally decides to leave for Moscow. Mikhailov was already 36 years old at that time.

But the risk was justified, and the actor was accepted into the Moscow Drama Theater. M. N. Ermolova. And in 1985 he moved to the Maly Theater, where he worked until 2004.


It so happened that Alexander Mikhailov, whose biography is filled with interesting events, played more roles in cinema than on the theater stage. He began acting back in 1973: his first role was the foreman of the welding team, Alexei Uglov, who turned out to be a participant in a classic love triangle (the social drama “It’s Stronger than Me”).

In 1974, the film “You Can Still Make It” was released, in which Mikhailov again played one of the main roles - the builder Vlasov. Then Alexander Yakovlevich embodied the image of Igor Ivanovsky on the screen in the film Until Dawn, and in 1975 he received the role of engineer Boris Rudayev in the production drama You Will Find It in Battle.

The main roles fell on Mikhailov - one after another. He was equally good in melodramas, dramas, and comedies. The reason for this is a variety of life experiences that helped in working on diverse projects.

Movie "Men"

The film "Men", released in 1982, was directed by Iskra Babic. This touching picture tells the story of how miner Pavel Zubov decides to adopt not only his own daughter, about whom he knew nothing for a long time, but also her two brothers, who were born from a complete stranger. Alexander Mikhailov, or rather his acting, became the highlight of the film. It remains to be seen whether the film would have received such recognition in the 80s if not for Mikhailov’s participation in it.

Meanwhile, Alexander did not immediately agree to filming. After reading the script written by Valentin Dyachenko, the actor thought that the story looked implausible. But Dyachenko personally met with Mikhailov and told him that the plot was based on a situation that he had to personally experience.

In 1982, the film took second place among the leaders of the Soviet box office. Leonid Brezhnev himself got acquainted with the film and personally gave the order to pay a bonus to Alexander Mikhailov in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

The legendary painting “Love and Doves”

“Love and Doves” is the twenty-sixth film in which Alexander Mikhailov starred. Again, the plot is based on a real story that took place in the city of Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region.

The role of Vasya Kuzyakin in the film could be played by Yuri Kuznetsov (TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”), who successfully did this on the stage of the Omsk Theater. But the actor was busy, and the director of the film, Vladimir Menshov, except Alexander Mikhailov, did not want to see anyone else in the image of the comical Kuzyakin.

Alexander Mikhailov, whose biography and career were rapidly developing at that time, was very busy, but agreed to filming. His co-star in the film, Nina Doroshina, played the role of Nadya Kuzyakina at the Sovremennik Theater, so she began filming already well prepared. And so a wonderful on-screen duet was born, which ensured the film a stunning success.

And although the film did not earn any special awards or prizes, it firmly entered the hearts of television viewers and took an honorable place in the list of classics of Soviet cinema.

Drama "Snake Catcher"

In 1985, Alexander Mikhailov again appeared on the screens in the crime drama “Snakecatcher”.

Mikhailov's hero is Pavel Shorokhov, a man who decided to join the fight against shadow trade. After serving his sentence in a colony, Pavel returns to Moscow and immediately finds himself in the thick of criminal events and showdowns. He begins to conduct his own investigations and fight economic criminals to the best of his ability. As a result, Shorokhov, who crossed the path of the “trading” mafia, is killed in one of the street skirmishes.

Together with Mikhailov, such Soviet cinema stars as Natalya Belokhvostikova, Leonid Markov, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Lyubov Polishchuk and others played in this film. The film received mixed reviews from critics. No one doubted the acting, but the script and director's work were criticized.

However, the film still arouses interest among viewers and is often broadcast on television channels.

Melodrama “Bless the Woman”

“Bless the Woman” is a melodrama filmed by Stanislav Govorukhin in 2003. Actor Alexander Mikhailov played the role of sailor Yurlov in this film.

The character of Mikhailov appears in the life of the forty-year-old main character after many years of ordeal and misfortune. Yurlov is a middle-aged positive character who is ready to give an exhausted woman everything that she was deprived of: a strong family, protection and support.

“Bless the Woman” is Mikhailov’s fifty-first film work. He was almost 59 when he made this film.

The film by Stanislav Govorukhin earned several prizes at various festivals. Alexander Mikhailov received the Audience Award at the Vladivostok Film Festival “Pacific Meridian” for his role as Yurlov.

Feature film "Poddubny"

Actor Alexander Mikhailov, despite his age, actively continues to act in films. Several films with his participation are released every year. Mikhailov’s latest work is a role in the biographical drama “Poddubny”, directed by Gleb Orlov.

In this film, the actor plays Maxim Ivanovich - the principled, even slightly cruel father of the main character - wrestler Ivan Poddubny. The family lives in the Poltava province at the end of the 19th century. Maxim Ivanovich raises his son in strictness. It is Mikhailov’s character who teaches Ivan never to run away from a fight, not to complain and to solve his problems on his own.

He, of course, does not support his son’s decision to start a circus career. Because of this, Mikhailov’s hero breaks off any contact with Ivan Poddubny for many years. As a stubborn and principled person, he hides his love for his son deep, deep inside. However, he secretly rejoices at his son’s success and collects all the photos and articles from newspapers dedicated to him.

The film was released on the occasion of the anniversary of Alexander Mikhailov: in 2014 he turned 70 years old.

Mikhailov and musical art

The energetic Alexander Mikhailov (the actor’s photo is a clear confirmation that he still looks great and is ready to continue working) has another hobby in addition to his main job. This hobby is music, namely ancient romances and Russian folk songs.

In 1997, the actor collaborated with composer Evgeny Bednenko and compiled an entire concert program in which he performed as a vocalist. Evgeny Bednenko, Alexander Mikhailov and the Chorus group played a number of concerts on the stage of the Maly Theater, the Ermolova Theater, and also toured Russia.

In 2008, Bednenko and Mikhailov released a CD, which included compositions from the touring repertoire.

The musical creativity of Alexander Mikhailov was warmly received by the public, so the actor still performs at various evenings and concert venues, accompanying his own singing by playing the guitar.

Public position

Alexander Mikhailov, whose photo used to adorn only posters, has for some time been mentioned in chronicles describing social and political movements in Russia.

Back in 2005, the actor became a member of the Union of the Russian People. The ideology of this organization echoes clericalism, monarchism and populism.

In 2006, Mikhailov, together with Mikhail Evdokimov, headed the Interregional Public Foundation, which is engaged in introducing people to the cultural and spiritual heritage of Russia, supporting sports, etc.

In 2012, Alexander Mikhailov became a member of the Public Chamber belonging to the Central Federal District.

Also in 2012, the actor took part in the November march of Russian nationalists, for which he was counted among their ranks.

In Ukraine, Mikhailov is persona non grata due to the fact that he toured with concerts in the territory of the unrecognized LPR and DPR.

Actor Alexander Mikhailov - personal life

Mikhailov is one of those men who only become more attractive over the years. That is why his personal life is an interesting topic for discussion in the press and on television. The actor was married several times. So, the wives of Alexander Mikhailov - who are they?

The first wife of the Soviet cinema star was a classmate at the theater institute, Vera Musatova. She was with the actor for many years. She gave birth to his son Konstantin, and decided to move with Mikhailov to Moscow. While Alexander was establishing his theatrical career, Musatova was lucky enough to get a job at Goskino.

The couple divorced after living together for about forty years. During this time, son Konstantin had already managed to study at the Moscow Art Theater on the course of Oleg Tabakov and begin a directing career on radio. After his parents' breakup, he does not communicate with his father.

Alexander Mikhailov, whose personal life is always visible, did not comment on the divorce from his wife. And after a while he married again.

Oksana Mikhailova - wife of Alexander Mikhailov

In the 2000s, when the actor was already well over 55, he again married a woman who was 23 years younger than him. This mysterious lady turned out to be Oksana Vasilyeva.

Oksana was previously married to actor Vladimir Vasiliev. But her husband died. Alexander Mikhailov, whose personal life was already difficult, not only married the widow, but also adopted her son from his first marriage. When the actor was already approaching 60, Oksana gave birth to his daughter, Akilina.

Mikhailov claims that everything is wonderful in his new family, and he and his wife have a lot in common. It turned out that before his marriage, Alexander communicated with Oksana for 25 years, but exclusively in a friendly manner. The affair began only after the death of her husband.

Another fact from the actor’s biography amazed his fans. More recently, it was discovered that Mikhailov also has an illegitimate daughter, Anastasia. At the moment, she is already graduating from VGIK and also plans to pursue an acting career. Alexander refuses to disclose the name of Anastasia’s mother. But he recognized his daughter and even gave her his last name.

The play and the film live because the plot is typical for Russia,” the author of the play, Vladimir GURKIN, told KP. - People come up to me in different parts of the country: “How do you know this story about our village?” I gave the main characters the characters of my parents, although the plot is not from their lives. I also added pigeons - I bred them myself in my youth. Vladimir Menshov became a co-author of the script, which he modestly kept silent about in the credits.

After the film “The Hoax” I was offered to shoot school films, after “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” - melodramas. I didn't want to repeat myself. And when I watched Gurkin’s play in Sovremennik, I caught myself laughing, crying and thinking about the nature of love,” director Vladimir Menshov admitted to KP. - After the performance I said: “That’s it, I found a story for the picture.” By the way, the real Nadya from Cheremkhov, after the film’s release, was offended by Gurkin not because he made her name public, but because the neighbors found out that she gave birth to her fourth child at the age of 50. And this was considered indecent back then...

About samples

Actor Boris Smorchkov, who played Tosya’s husband in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” was nominated for the role of Vasily. But Alexander Mikhailov was more convincing. Lyubov Polishchuk, who was suitable for Nadya’s age, auditioned for his partner. The director feared that Nina Doroshina was already fed up with the role of Nadya after three years of playing in Sovremennik. But he still chose her. And she lived up to expectations - she played with passion and in a new way. Doroshina recalls that at first she was shy about her partner - after all, she is 10 years older than Mikhailov!

It was necessary to play lovers, but from the outside it was immediately obvious that I was much older than him,” recalls Doroshina. - But then I calmed down. They aged Mikhailov so much that sometimes it seemed to me: he’s older than me!

Natalya Kustinskaya's audition for the role of Raisa Zakharovna, who takes the main character away from the family, was rejected by the artistic council. But Lyudmila Gurchenko was approved immediately. The Kuzyakins' neighbor Uncle Mitya, a good-natured drunkard, was superbly played by Sergei Yursky. Although he might not have made it into the picture. The actor, along with his wife, actress Natalya Tenyakova, and their 10-year-old daughter, were vacationing on the Black Sea. Sergey Yurievich recalls:

The second director, Vladimir Kuchinsky, arrived and began to persuade. We didn't want to interrupt our family vacation. But Kuchinsky showed such persistence that I agreed. And we went to beautiful lands, but dark with the memory of Stalin’s camps and executions...

Menshov wanted to film the places in the play. We traveled all over the Irkutsk region.

The places near Irkutsk, which were technically convenient for us, did not look like Siberia,” said director of photography Yuri Nevsky. - Small forests, rickety houses, poverty and devastation... But near Petrozavodsk we found the wonderful town of Medvezhyegorsk on the shore of Lake Onega.

Best of the day

For filming, we rented a yard from one of the families. On the site there was only a box house made of planks. Yasyukevich built an extension to it - a veranda with a porch, a wooden flooring - a dance floor, a slope along which Uncle Mitya runs away from his wife, built a dovecote, and a woodpile. Chickens and geese were allowed into the yard, a vegetable garden was dug up, and potatoes were planted. Then the owners begged to leave the buildings to them, but the conditions of Soviet film production demanded that everything be destroyed so that someone would not profit...

Love affair at work

There is this shot in the film: Mikhailov’s hero, a proud vacationer, packed in a suit, leaves the house and... falls into the sea, from which he emerges as a bather in swimming trunks.

They filmed it in one shot - Mikhailov fell into the water, where divers undressed him right under the water. During one of the takes, they were in a hurry and... almost strangled the artist with a swollen tie. They didn’t understand that Mikhailov was jerking his arms and legs not in order to quickly take off his clothes, but because he was suffocating! The artist emerged with difficulty, having drunk heavily.

Mikhailov recalls that the erotic scenes with Lyudmila Gurchenko, whom he was embarrassed and afraid of, were difficult for him. However, later, as they say, the actors became so accustomed to the characters that an office romance broke out between them on the set. After filming, the relationship between Mikhailov and Gurchenko faded away, they remained friends.

It was killer for the actors to portray the heat in autumn in cold 14-degree water! Filming took place in November. Lyusya Gurchenko, who fears the cold most of all in her life, was terrified of diving. But she still conducts a whole dialogue in the water! Then all the extras in this icy water depicted the beach. Towards the end of filming, after the command “Stop, it’s filmed!” he dived in to share the common misfortune. This water just burned me! - Menshov recalled.

About the costumes

We made the costumes for the actors very lovingly,” says costume designer Natalya Moneva. - I saw Nadya’s clothes in the scene on the pier in real life. This, when a raincoat is worn over a calico dress, with sweatpants and shoes peeking out from underneath, is called “cabbage.”

Before the scene of Nadya’s fight with Raisa Zakharovna, Doroshina asked to give her some object so that she could twirl it in her hands. This is how Raisa Zakharovna’s pink beret appeared, from which Nadya tears off a pom-pom. But there was nothing like it on sale. I knitted it overnight.

I had to suffer with Mikhailov. Everything fit him well, but it was necessary to show that the man was from the village, not a dandy. The suit was made in a large size, put it on - it still looks normal. In the scene of Vasily’s return to the family, when he takes off his belt to punish his son, it was necessary for the trousers to instantly fall off. But the trousers, even though they were size 58, stubbornly refused to fall off. I had to tie weights to them.

The actors wore suits and went to dinner. On the second day of filming, Yursky and Tenyakova were not allowed into the hotel restaurant. The guard rudely stated: “This is not for you! Go eat in the trash.” The couple began to explain that they were actors. Security called the police. Later, when the situation became clearer, Sergei Yursky gave a concert at the police station...

Feathered artists

Trained pigeons were bought for the painting. The scene where the pigeons drink water from Vasya's mouth involves five white circus pigeons. But we didn’t get any beautiful shots of pigeons playing in the air. Cameraman Yuri Nevsky filmed these scenes in winter Moscow in the attic of a sixteen-story building, where an enthusiast built a dovecote.

About censorship

The footage was criticized by the acceptance committee.

Menshov was required to remove scenes with drinking. Like, an anti-alcohol campaign is starting, and on the screen Soviet people are drinking! But Menshov refused to cut up the scenes with the participation of Sergei Yursky.

“After my categorical refusal, I was removed from the film. They appointed another director to re-edit. That director made one out of two episodes, but the bosses didn’t like his version. “I was returned to the picture,” said Menshov.

And yet, censorship cut out Raisa Zakharovna’s monologue about esotericism. They also cut out a gag with a man - he approached the can of beer left by Uncle Mitya and drank six mugs in one gulp. By the way, the artist turned out to be a teetotaler, and he felt ill. Meanwhile, beer was obtained through the regional party committee!


The actor’s young wife Oksana: “Sasha and I fought not FOR our love, but WITH love, but she won!”

Mikhailov met his first wife Vera Musatova at the institute. For three months, without knowing each other, they hung their coats side by side on the same hanger. When he finally saw the owner of the coat, he was amazed at her beauty. In 1968 they got married, and a year later their son Konstantin was born. At first, the couple lived in perfect harmony, but then troubles began in the family. “Well-wishers” began to tell the wife about her husband’s hobbies. Alexander left home, then returned... But later he admitted to Vera that he could not overcome his feeling.

His love turned out to be the doctor Oksana, 23 years younger than him. Mikhailov left everything he had acquired in his first marriage to Vera and married Oksana. When their daughter was born (she was named Aquilina according to the Orthodox calendar), he turned 58 years old! We called Mikhailov.

Today everything is fine in my family. Our daughter is wonderful,” Alexander Yakovlevich told KP. - An amazing story - Oksana and I were born on the same day and in the same month, but there are 23 years between us. And another interesting thing: after three generations she returned her original surname - Mikhailova. It turned out that her ancestors were Mikhailovs! And when we met her, she was Vasilyeva (by her husband. - Ed.). But then Mikhailov met her on the way! Here's the story...

We called Oksana, who for the first time agreed to tell KP her personal story.

- Oksana, you are a young wife...

Yes, I’m not young at all! And we have known Alexander Yakovlevich for 25 years!

We met in the common company of actors of the Ermolova Theater. My first future husband, actor Vladimir Vasiliev, worked in the same theater with Mikhailov.

I met Sasha when I was not yet married. There was interest because we have birthdays on the same day. And this nuance sparked discussion... Then I married Vasiliev and gave birth to a son. When we met, Sasha with her wife, me with my husband, we were always very happy with each other. There was some kind of sympathy, but in no case was it making plans for the future or anything like that. Because I had a wonderful husband. And when my grief happened - my husband died, he had a stroke... It’s just that Sasha was one of the first to call. Then somehow it happened unnoticed and they needed help from me. Sasha’s mother did not communicate with his first wife. Sasha was leaving for some long-distance tour. It was necessary to come, bring something, prepare something. He asked me. And somehow it gradually happened...

- His mother really liked you...

Yes. Unfortunately, the first wife did not find a common language with her. And when I came, she asked: when will you get married? I didn’t know how to answer. Maybe she united us.

- Mikhailov was married at that time. Apparently his relationship with his wife was difficult?

The relationship has been difficult for a long time. He’s just a very responsible person, and his sense of duty is highly developed. It's soft. And his first wife is very businesslike and tough. He apparently lacked some kind of outlet.

- When did you feel that Alexander Yakovlevich was courting you?

It somehow happened by itself. Probably, if there had been some kind of courtship, I would have been scared right away. Everything was somehow imperceptible, so harmonious that I don’t know how it happened. You just see your person. One will think, the other will say what the other is thinking. Some of these things cannot be explained. That's it - once! - that's all.

- He was married. Did this bother you?

It cannot be said that anyone interfered with anything. It was just really painful - both mine and his - that this happened. No one wanted to hurt her in the first place. It hurt that she was suffering. Because we understood how it was for her. That’s why we didn’t have this: how great everything is, and the grass won’t grow! I would really like to be able to communicate with her now and always help her in some way. But this is now her decision. If she goes for it, she will find friends here.

And then Sasha and I tried to overcome our feeling. They tried to tear everything apart, several times. But nothing worked. Still, there was some kind of incomprehensible attraction.

- How did you try to tear it?

Just like that, they cut you alive! And it was very painful. And there were tears, and that was it. You understand that it seems like it’s impossible. But, on the other hand, what happened happened. What to do now?

- Did you fight for happiness?

I didn't fight for him. How? I have no right to fight if a person has a family. On the contrary, I said, that’s it, this can’t happen. Rather, we fought not for love, but with love. But she defeated us! What to do if it still drags? Well, you can’t live without this person!

We tried to push each other away and separated. The separation was painful. But... Sasha came to me. We couldn't live without each other...

- Did he marry you after the birth of your daughter?

Yes. Marriage registration was necessary to formalize the daughter. And so he and I had already lived together for a year before the birth of the child, before registration. And after the stamp appeared in the passport, nothing changed in our relationship.

- Were you jealous of his wife?

Probably to the situation. There was some kind of jealousy.

- Has something changed with the birth of your common daughter? Was this a planned child or did it just happen?

It was a long-awaited child! Our creation is red!

- Did Alexander Yakovlevich go crazy with happiness when his daughter was born?

You know, he somehow met his daughter, got used to her... And not right away: “I love her, I can’t!” We are Libras according to the horoscope. And we both love harmony, some kind of balance in everything. Everything needs to be balanced... So that there is peace and quiet. After forty, I no longer want storms. I want everything to be calmer, more gentle, without harshness!

- How do you prefer to spend your free time - turn on TV, music?

No, we are with books... (smiles). We love to read. Oh, we must be boring characters for you! (Laughs.)

- From what! Apparently, you complement each other. You seemed like an optimist to me. But Alexander Yakovlevich evokes the feeling that he is an introvert.

Yes you are right. I'm cheerful. He is a closed person, deep. But he's not boring at all! No! He is amazing, he is so interesting and great every second. I don’t even know who gives more to whom. Probably, after all, he is for me. Due to experience.

We feel good together. When he is not home for half an hour, I already feel some discomfort - half is missing! And he talks about the same thing. And we talk on the phone all the time. And we love to be together, close.

- They say you are economical, he is not.

A woman should be a housewife. And if a man is economical, then he is no longer a man, in my opinion.

- Did he find warmth in you?

Or maybe this is just called love?!

- Does your husband consult with you on creativity?

Naturally. We are aware of each other's affairs. We have the production center of Alexander Mikhailov. I'm the general director there. We are organizing some creative meetings. Sasha sings. The discs have been released. I can't say that I'm a housewife. You can die from boredom!

- In material terms, do you live freely or is it not easy?

Of course it's not easy. He is not an oligarch to live freely. Moreover, Alexander Yakovlevich has now become a teacher at VGIK. A professorial position here pays 15 thousand a month. Filming is rare... But crisis or no crisis, we always celebrate birthdays. Let's sit with friends. There will be a creative evening at the House of Cinema. Thank you for your congratulations!

Call to ex-wife Vera Musatova

- Do you maintain relations with Alexander Mikhailov?

Very sometimes and fragmentary. I'm not married now. I have one marriage. It’s customary in our family - everyone has the same marriage. Both my parents and all my ancestors... Both women and men never had any divorces or remarriages. I had such a problem. But I’m not going to get married a second time.

- What are you doing now?

I head the press service of the major international film festival “Kinoshock”, which is held in Anapa. The whole country knows me!

Natasha 09.01.2010 09:51:34

Alexander Mikhailov is a wonderful actor, a master of his craft. An attractive personality, an idol. Thank you for having such brilliant professionals. Health, longevity and deep bow to you!
