Effective diet for 7 kg. Seven-day diets against extra pounds

7-day diets, actively used by pop and movie stars, allow you to return your body to its lost shape in a short period of time, allowing you to shine at an important event.

The effectiveness of dietary restrictions is due to the principle of autophagy, which activates cellular metabolic processes that force the body to obtain energy from its own reserves, thereby eliminating accumulated fat deposits in a short time.

A 7-day diet is effective (the minus of any strict dietary restriction is usually from 5 to 10 kg, depending on the initial body weight) - express weight loss, which allows you to quickly launch metabolic processes that contribute to the breakdown of accumulated mass.

The basis of all express diets is the need to strictly limit the usual diet to a certain set of foods, excluding quickly digested carbohydrates.

Rules for all fast diets:

  • complete removal of sugar and salt from the menu (including substitute);
  • strict adherence to the drinking regime established by the diet;
  • refusal of fatty foods, fast food, alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • the need for regular sports training, which accelerates the fat burning process.

Protein diet

The protein diet is considered one of the gentlest because it does not require severe dietary restrictions. The effectiveness of weight loss here lies in the complete exclusion of carbohydrate foods from the diet, replaced by protein foods.

In case of lack of energy, the body begins to process its own reserves, breaking down previously accumulated fat, which leads to rapid cleansing of the body and weight loss.

Pros of the diet:

  • varied menu;
  • lack of strong feelings of hunger;
  • rapid weight loss (up to 5 kg per week);
  • there is no need to strictly count calories;
  • low risk of regaining lost kilograms, since protein foods trigger increased metabolism;
  • the opportunity to achieve stunning results when combining nutrition with sports activities.

Contraindications for use

The protein diet, despite its excellent characteristics, is indicated only for healthy people who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. The diet should not be used for chronic dysfunction of the liver and pancreas, since an increase in protein foods increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

During a diet, even healthy people may experience:

  • digestive disorders;
  • depression caused by a lack of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • putrid odor from the mouth caused by the processing of fiber.

Diet by day

For 7 days you must eat in small portions (up to 6 times a day) and only with approved foods.

The daily diet should consist of:

Not allowed on a diet:

  • porridge, except buckwheat and unprocessed rice;
  • red berries, fruits;
  • potato;
  • any sweets, including sugar and its substitute;
  • smoked sausages and frankfurters;
  • bread (except toast in minimal quantities);
  • pasta;
  • butter

Possible diet:

1st day
  • protein soufflé;
  • Herb tea
2nd meal 250 ml biokefir
  • chicken broth with toasted bread;
  • grated carrots;
  • ginger drink
afternoon tea grapefruit
  • a piece of steamed salmon with squash caviar;
  • herbal herbal infusion
2nd day
  • organic yogurt;
  • toasted bread
2nd breakfast pear soufflé
  • puree soup from any vegetables with beef meatballs;
  • lingonberry juice
afternoon tea pineapple pieces
  • boiled skinless chicken drumstick with baked cabbage;
  • biokefir
3rd day
  • low-calorie curd mass with dried fruits;
  • biokefir
2nd breakfast grated apples with carrots
  • broth with hedgehogs from minced veal with rice;
  • chamomile tea
afternoon tea organic yogurt
  • baked veal with asparagus;
  • ginger tea
4th day
  • toast bread with tofu cheese;
  • organic yogurt
2nd breakfast pear
  • pureed onion soup with turkey and croutons;
  • lemon drink
afternoon tea pomelo
  • cabbage solyanka with pepper and chicken hearts;
  • herbal infusion
5th day
  • eggs boiled in a bag with cheese;
  • coffee without milk and sugar
2nd breakfast Orange
  • carrot soup with beef meatballs
  • ginger drink
afternoon tea organic yogurt
  • shrimp baked in lemon juice with vegetable stew;
6th day
  • low-fat curd mass with bio-yogurt;
2nd breakfast Any sour fruit
  • beef broth;
  • steamed veal zrazy;
  • pureed carrots
afternoon tea organic yogurt
  • brown rice pilaf with turkey;
7th day
  • buckwheat with dried fruits;
2nd breakfast
  • 250 ml biokefir
  • pureed zucchini soup with turkey meat;
  • lemon drink
afternoon tea peaches
  • boiled fish with vegetable stew;

Following a 7-day diet will allow you to lose up to 5 kg per week.

Kefir diet of Larisa Dolina

An effective 7-day diet (minus dietary restrictions, developed specifically for movie stars, ranging from 3 to 7 kg) presented by the famous singer Larisa Dolina is an emergency course aimed at cleansing the body through the daily consumption of biokefir.

This diet helps to quickly restore shape and remove accumulated waste and toxins, but requires very strict dietary restrictions. The essence of the diet is the daily consumption of at least 0.5 liters of biokefir (a low-calorie fermented milk product without any additives), combined with a certain set of foods. The list of meals cannot be changed at will.

To reduce the feeling of hunger, 30 minutes before meals you need to drink about 100 ml of herbal (chamomile, green, ginger) tea, which copes well with the feeling of hunger. Unlike other diets, Larisa Dolina's method limits daily water consumption to 0.5 ml.


Contraindications to the use of the singer’s diet are:

Since the diet is very low in calories and involves minimal protein consumption, it is advisable to practice it only after consulting a doctor. Within seven days you also need to be prepared for the appearance of general weakness.

The actress’s meals are distributed throughout the day and should not be changed at your own discretion. The permitted list of products is combined with biokefir (up to 0.5 per day), which is mandatory for the entire period except the last (7th day).


1. 400 gr. boiled (baked) potatoes
2. 450 ml sour cream (fat content up to 15%)
3. 450 gr. low-calorie cottage cheese
4. 500 gr. boiled (steamed) chicken meat without skin
5. 300 gr. carrots and 200 gr. apples
6. only biokefir
7. Only mineral water is allowed

Following a diet will allow you to lose 7 kg in a week.

Fruit and vegetable diet

An effective diet for 7 days (minus fruit and vegetable nutrition can be up to 6-7 kg per week) consisting exclusively of vegetables and fruit is considered very effective for quickly restoring body parameters. Such nutrition is considered tough and ideal for the summer-autumn harvest period, since it makes it quite inexpensive, but very productive.

The fruit-vegetable diet is very strict and difficult to implement, since it completely lacks protein and carbohydrate foods, as well as fats. Such nutrition can be carried out for no more than 7 days, since in the future the risk of carbohydrate-protein starvation of the body and deficiency of omega-3 and multivitamins increases.

The essence of the dietary diet is to compile a diet consisting only of fruit and vegetable foods, divided by days or periods of the day. During the diet, you should not salt or sweeten food. Water should be drunk in the amount of 1.5 liters per day (juice, tea, compote).

The diet should be composed only of low-starch vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, cabbage, beets). Starchy vegetables (potatoes, eggplants, pumpkin, peas) are allowed to be consumed only in limited quantities and after heat treatment.

Fruits you should give preference to:

  • apples;
  • plums;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • citrus;
  • pineapples

You can't eat only mangoes, bananas and grapes.


Only healthy people are allowed to adhere to a fruit and vegetable diet.

Low-calorie nutrition is strictly contraindicated:

  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • suffering from diabetes, allergic reactions, anemia.

During the diet, stool disturbances and bloating of the body may occur, which can be relieved with appropriate medications. Before starting the diet, the body should be prepared by doing a cleansing enema and taking absorbents.


The diet is prepared strictly by the hour. You can eat fruit for breakfast, afternoon snack and lunch. It is recommended to leave lunch and dinner for vegetable foods.

1st day
  • applesauce with dried apricots;
Lunch plums
  • squash puree soup;
  • grated carrots with olive oil;
Afternoon snack pears
Dinner stewed white cabbage
2nd day
  • apricot puree;
  • apple smoothie
Lunch peaches
  • salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs;
Afternoon snack apples
  • carrot casserole
3rd day
  • baked pear with dried fruits;
  • pineapple smoothie
Lunch peaches
  • sorrel cabbage soup;
  • berry uzvar
Afternoon snack plums
  • stew of zucchini, tomatoes and bell peppers;
4th day
Breakfast baked apple
Lunch fresh tomatoes
  • vegetarian pickle soup with sauerkraut;
afternoon tea peaches
  • mixed grilled vegetables;
5th day
  • grated carrots with apple, seasoned with olive oil;
Lunch Any fruit
  • cold beetroot soup;
  • berry juice
Afternoon snack fruit salad
  • the vinaigrette;
6th day
  • pear and apple puree with dried fruits;
Lunch Vegetable salad
  • onion soup with herbs;
  • lingonberry compote
Afternoon snack Peaches
  • baked eggplants with tomatoes and herbs;
7th day
  • plum puree;
Lunch Any fruit
  • vegetarian borsch;
Afternoon snack Fruits
  • baked potatoes with radishes;

When severe hunger occurs, it is allowed to include protein foods in the diet, including:

  • low-calorie fermented milk products;
  • hard cheeses;
  • cereals;
  • lean meats, skinless chicken and turkey;
  • seafood;
  • nuts;
  • dried toast bread.

Such food must be subjected to heat treatment and consumed no more than 150 grams for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Diet "7 cereals"

An effective diet for 7 days (the minus on a grain diet, subject to the nutritional conditions and rules for preparing cereals, should be from 5 to 7 kg) consisting of a variety of cereals will not only cleanse the body, but will also provide the cells with the nutrients and vitamins necessary for development.

Grains are considered complex carbohydrates that do not turn into fat deposits.

Daily consumption of cereals will allow you to:

The “7 cereals” diet consists of daily consumption of one type of cereal, cooked in a special way:

  • millet;
  • wheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • pearl barley;
  • buckwheat;
  • a mixture of various cereals.

Before cooking, the cereal must be thoroughly rinsed (3-4 times) and boiled in slightly salted water, without adding oil.

During the diet, you are allowed to supplement the following cereals:

  • low-starch vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets);
  • apples, pears, berries;
  • organic yogurt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • mineral water and green tea (at least 1 liter per day).

Before starting the diet, the body must be prepared by undergoing a cleansing enema, and before each meal you should drink at least 1 tbsp. water or herbal infusion to relieve hunger.


Diet contraindicated:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for gluten intolerance;
  • with anemia;
  • while waiting and feeding the baby;
  • teenagers under 18 years old


Diet for the week:

1st day Millet porridge. For breakfast and lunch, you can add bio-yogurt and dried fruits to your diet.
2nd day Wheat porridge with fruits. For lunch, a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, with herbs and vegetable oil is acceptable
3rd day Oatmeal with nuts, dried fruits and berries. Bioyogurt.
4th day Rice porridge with apples and pears. Low-fat cottage cheese.
5th day Pearl barley porridge with carrot puree. Vegetable salad with radishes.
6th day Buckwheat porridge with cottage cheese, yogurt, baked pears and apples
7th day
Breakfast Oatmeal with berries and nuts;
Dinner Vegetable salad with buckwheat;
Dinner Rice with cottage cheese and baked apples

Drinking diet

An effective minus of up to 10 kg, depending on the fat layer, can be obtained by following a strict “drinking” diet for 7 days, based on alternating drinking and nutritional days.

What can you drink during a drinking diet for 7 days?

The essence of this diet is to completely exclude from the diet:

  • confectionery, desserts, sugar;
  • fatty products (meat, poultry, slave);
  • canned food;
  • lemonade;
  • alcohol;
  • root vegetables rich in starch.
  • of bread;
  • pasta

Limited nutrition helps to thoroughly cleanse the body, but may be accompanied by severe hunger, especially in a person who is not accustomed to food restrictions.


The drinking express diet is not allowed for people suffering from:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (chronic or acute);
  • immune pathologies;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • endocrine dysfunctions, including diabetes mellitus.

Women who are expecting a child or breastfeeding, as well as teenagers under 18 years old, should not adhere to diets.

Sample menu for the week

The essence of the diet is to distribute food on certain days, combined with a fasting period:

1 day Any type of liquid is allowed:
  • water;
  • sugar free coffee;
  • bouillon
2nd day Vegetable. All food should be strictly from root vegetables. You can eat any vegetables except potatoes. It is advisable to eat salads with the addition of fresh or sauerkraut.
3rd day Unlimited drinking only
4th day Fruits. Any fruit except bananas. It is necessary to include pineapples and grapefruit (or pomelo) in your diet.
5th day Drinking only
6th day Protein food. You are allowed to eat boiled or baked chicken breast, yogurt and boiled eggs
7th day Quitting the diet
breakfast 2 boiled eggs or an omelette made from them
lunch Any fruit
dinner broth with chicken breast and buckwheat
afternoon tea fruits
dinner vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and parsley

The diet is considered very strict, but allows you to lose up to 10 kg in a week.

Atomic Diet

The effectiveness of the “atomic” diet is based on the principle of separating the consumption of carbohydrate and protein foods. A fairly easy-to-follow diet allows you to eat well without restricting your body in the necessary calories. The diet is based on activating the process of fat burning, which occurs in the case of separate consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods.

According to the rules of the “atomic” diet:

  • Sugar and confectionery products should be completely excluded from the diet;
  • All vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (grapes and bananas are not allowed) are considered changeable for consumption;
  • dinner is served 2-3 hours before going to bed;
  • It is allowed to introduce a diet of fresh juices, smoothies (on carbohydrate days), bio-yogurt and kefir (on protein days).


Fractional meals are contraindicated for persons suffering from:

  • dysfunctions of the digestive tract;
  • neuropsychological disorders;
  • problems with the thyroid gland

Any diets are also contraindicated for expectant and breastfeeding mothers, as well as adolescents at the stage of puberty.

Sample menu

The 7-day diet consists of:

  1. Protein days, allowing the consumption of lean types of meat, fish, poultry, seafood, eggs and cottage cheese.
  2. Carbohydrate days, allowing only fruit and vegetable foods.

Menu for 7 days of the week

1st day
Breakfast Cottage cheese with dried fruits and yogurt
Dinner Chicken broth with meatballs
Dinner Baked cod fillet
2nd day
  • applesauce;
  • stewed cabbage with onions and bell peppers;
  • blackberry juice
Dinner vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice
3rd day
  • steam egg white omelette;
  • biokefir
  • veal zrazy with rice;
  • steamed shrimp with sour cream sauce;
4th day
  • buckwheat porridge with apples;
  • vegetable smoothie
  • grilled mixed vegetables;
  • Apple juice
  • baked apples;
5th day
  • boiled eggs with tofu cheese;
  • yogurt
  • chicken pilaf with rice;
  • dried fruits compote
  • stewed chicken drumstick;
6th day
  • apple-carrot puree;
  • fresh berry
  • carrot casserole;
  • ginger tea
  • beet salad;
  • raspberry tea
7th day
  • pancakes with cottage cheese;
  • yogurt
  • chicken meatballs;
  • seafood;
  • kefir

At the end of the 7th day, you can gradually introduce protein dishes into the carbohydrate menu.

Grapefruit diet

Are you overweight and don't know how to lose weight quickly? Don't be upset! There is a fairly simple and affordable way to lose weight and lose weight - this is the grapefruit diet. The grapefruit diet is very simple and affordable, and the result speaks for itself - minus 5 kg per week.

Beneficial properties of grapefruit

Why is grapefruit the basis of this diet? It’s just that these fruits contain substances that help burn fat in the body faster and prevent new fat from being deposited. Grapefruit contains substances - enzymes that force our liver to burn accumulated fats faster.

In addition, grapefruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which will benefit our health and our skin. The grapefruit diet is very effective. But to achieve the desired result, which means getting rid of excess weight, you must strictly follow its rules.

During the diet, you must completely avoid salt, sugar, and spices. During the diet, you are allowed to eat only dietary meat - rabbit or poultry, lean fish. You should also not eat after 6 pm and drink a lot - at least two liters of clean water every day.

Approximate nutrition plan on the grapefruit diet

On the first day of the diet, you should eat half a grapefruit for breakfast or drink a cup of freshly prepared juice and eat a piece of ham or an egg.

For lunch on the first day, you can eat vegetable soup or a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with olive oil and eat another half of a grapefruit.

For dinner you can eat 100 grams of lean meat and you need to eat another half of a grapefruit.

The remaining six days of the diet are no different from the first. The main thing is moderation in food and eating grapefruit every day. You can prepare yourself a variety of salads, porridges with water, and at night you can drink a cup of low-fat kefir or green tea.

Please note that you should eat grapefruit with the partitions between the segments, since it is in these partitions that the maximum amount of enzymes that contribute to the burning of fats is found.

How soon should I expect results?

The effectiveness of short-term diets depends on the amount of body fat and sludge in the body. Severely overweight people with severe dietary restrictions can lose more than 10 kg in a week. Those who practice strict diets to quickly regain shape should be prepared to part with 5-7 kg.

An unpleasant bonus will be the rapid return of lost kilograms after completing emergency weight loss. To prevent undesirable effects, your daily diet should be based on a gentle diet, constantly practice reasonable physical exercise and avoid large amounts of fatty foods, fast food and confectionery.

Short-term diets are very effective, allowing you to lose 5 to 10 kg over a 7-day period, but are associated with a lot of unpleasant restrictions.

Despite the good results, you should not get carried away with emergency fasting, since along with the fat layer the body loses many useful substances, which invariably provokes bowel dysfunction, digestive problems, poor health and loss of strength.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about effective seven-day diets

A very effective diet. -10 kg per week:

Fast diets are increasingly gaining popularity. Thanks to such diets, you can get rid of 5 kg in a week without harm to your health. Nutritionists have developed a special hearty menu that will allow you to remove extra pounds without creating a stressful situation for the body. The essence of fast diets is to consume one ingredient throughout the entire period or reduce the calorie content of the components. The main thing is to get out of the diet gradually and continue to adhere to proper nutrition so that the excess weight does not return again.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

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    Principles of express diets

    Express diets are suitable for both women and men. The menu for losing weight at home should consist of protein foods and carbohydrates, and ingredients containing fat should be kept to a minimum.

    Such fast diets are divided into three groups:

    1. 1. Mono-diets. It is suggested to consume only one product during the entire period.
    2. 2. Calorie deficit diets. The calorie intake is sharply reduced, the daily diet is designed for 1000–1200 kcal.
    3. 3. Diets that promote chemical processes. They are somewhat similar to mono-diets, the only difference is that one day you are allowed to eat one product, and the next - another product.

    Short-term diets are strict and do not tolerate failure. One unplanned snack on a prohibited product can stop the whole process. If a mono-diet is chosen for weight loss, then you need to choose a nourishing and low-calorie product. The best option is cereals, apples, lean meat, kefir with low fat content.

    Principles of fast diets:

    1. 1. You need to drink 2 liters of filtered water without gas per day.
    2. 2. The portion should be small, and meals should be fractional.
    3. 3. Equal intervals should be taken between meals.
    4. 4. Before going on an express diet, you need to have a fasting day or at least eat a low-calorie vegetable salad for dinner.

    You cannot combine intense physical activity with fast diets. This can lead to a deterioration in general condition, weakness, and health problems.

    For better results, it is better to combine the diet with light exercise (morning exercises, walking or cycling), massage and cosmetic procedures (wraps, skin scrubbing).


    For a week, you need to consume fresh kefir without any additives or flavor enhancers. The basic rules are as follows:

    1. 1. Meals should be fractional, and food should be consumed at equal intervals of time.
    2. 2. Kefir should be chosen with low fat content (1%) or low-fat.
    3. 3. During the week, it is prohibited to consume salt and sugar.
    4. 4. In addition to kefir, your diet can include unsweetened fruits (mainly apples and pears), non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions), chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, and still mineral water.

    An approximate menu for the week is shown in the table:





    Green apples (fresh or baked)

    Chicken meat (baked or boiled without oil and salt)

    Wednesday (fasting day)

    Still water

    1 l

    Allowed vegetables

    Allowed fruits


    Sunday (fasting day)

    Still water


    The egg diet is not strict; you can lose weight on it without harm to your health. The bottom line is that a person consumes protein foods with a minimum amount of fat during the week. Due to the fact that there are no quickly digestible carbohydrates on the menu, the body begins to waste its reserves. As a result, you can get rid of 3–5 kg in 7 days.

    Before you go on an egg diet, you need to learn the basic rules:

    1. 1. You should not eat foods containing fat (even sunflower oil).
    2. 2. We must give up salt, sugar and their substitutes.
    3. 3. It is necessary to provide three meals without snacks.
    4. 4. It is not recommended to change the composition of meals at your discretion.
    5. 5. If eggs are replaced with meat or fish, then their weight should be no more than 250 grams.
    6. 6. Dairy and fermented milk products should be chosen with minimal fat content.
    7. 7. For drinks, give preference to green and herbal tea, natural black coffee without additives.

    A sample menu for the egg diet looks like this:

    Day of the week

    Meal time

    List of dishes


    Grapefruit – 200 g

    Eggs – 100 g

    Skim milk – 250 g

    Low fat yogurt – 200 g

    Boiled chicken fillet – 250 g

    Steamed chicken fillet – 250 g

    Eggs – 100 g

    Apple -150 g

    Water with lemon – 240 g

    Eggs – 50 g

    Stewed fish – 180 g

    Unsweetened fruit – 150 g

    Eggs – 150 g

    Eggs – 100 g

    Fresh orange – 250 g

    Beef with vegetables, baked in the oven – 250 g

    Eggs – 150 g

    Omelet – 200 g

    Steamed beef – 250 g

    Orange -150 g

    Egg – 100 g

    Kiwi -200 g

    Eggs – 100 g

    Salad with carrots and cabbage – 250 g

    Grapefruit – 200 g

    Boiled carrots – 150 g

    Stewed fish – 180 g

    Orange – 200 g

    Low fat yogurt – 250 g

    Apple – 150 g

    Eggs -100 g

    Unsweetened fruit – 200 g

    Vinaigrette without oil and potatoes – 250 g


    Eggs – 100 g

    Stewed vegetables – 250 g

    Boiled chicken fillet – 250 g

    Unsweetened fruit – 200 g

    Kefir – 250 g


    Losing weight with this diet will allow you to remove toxins and waste from the body, lose a few extra pounds, and tighten your skin. The carbohydrates contained in the cereal will provide the necessary energy, and kefir will create a feeling of satiety.

    Basic rules of the buckwheat-kefir diet:

    1. 1. Per day you are allowed to eat porridge from 250 g of buckwheat and drink 1 glass of kefir.
    2. 2. During this period, salt and sugar should be completely eliminated from the diet.
    3. 3. The components can be combined at one time or alternated.
    4. 4. The daily diet should be divided into 6 meals.
    5. 5. You can drink water between meals.
    6. 6. You are allowed to eat a tomato, carrot or cucumber once a day.
    7. 7. To prevent the porridge from seeming bland, you can add a little soy sauce, parsley or celery to it.

    In order for buckwheat to retain all its nutrients, it should be poured with boiling water in the evening - in a 1:1 ratio. By morning the healthy porridge will be ready.

    1000 calorie per day diet

    This diet is considered quite easy and does not require expensive products or preparation of complex dishes. When following such a diet, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. 1. Avoid crackers, chips, fast food, and sweet carbonated water.
    2. 2. Drink a lot of clean water, as well as fruit drinks or compotes.
    3. 3. Food consumption must be divided into 5 meals every 3 hours.
    4. 4. One serving should be no more than 300 grams.
    5. 5. Half an hour before meals, drink one glass of water.
    6. 6. Reduce salt intake to a minimum.
    7. 7. Replace sugar with natural honey.
    8. 8. Eliminate high-calorie and fatty foods (baked goods, sweets, sweets, sausages, smoked foods).
    9. 9. Refuse processed foods.

    If a teenager follows such a diet, then additional rules should be followed:

    1. 1. Be sure to have a hearty breakfast.
    2. 2. Replace milk chocolate with dark chocolate.
    3. 3. Consume sweets before 12 noon.
    4. 4. Eat more fresh vegetables.

    The diet for the lazy involves the presence of permitted and prohibited foods, a list of which is given in the following table:




    Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup)

    Sweets (sweets, cakes, pastries)


    White bread

    Unsweetened fruits and berries

    Sweet fruits (grapes, banana)

    Vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, asparagus)


    Polished rice

    Cereals (unpolished rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal)

    Instant porridge

    Fermented milk and low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese)

    Sweet sparkling water

    Dried fruits



    Whole grain bread

    Fast food

    Pure water, green tea

    Crackers, chips

    The diet on the 1000 kcal per day diet is divided into three parts, each of which is approximately 300 kilocalories. If you feel hungry in between, you can drink a glass of low-calorie kefir or eat one unsweetened fruit (several berries). For drinks, it is better to choose herbal or green tea; sometimes in the morning you can indulge in a cup of coffee without sugar.

    An approximate menu that will allow you to lose 5 kg in a week is given below:

    Day of the week



    Weight, g


    Cornmeal and Blueberry Muffins

    Borscht with meat

    Cucumber salad

    Tuna and spinach salad

    Green smoothie

    Chicken bouillon

    Vegetable stew with meat

    Cabbage and carrot salad

    Steamed fish

    Yogurt parfait

    Cream of mushroom soup

    Fish cutlet

    Steamed vegetables

    Pumpkin casserole

    Italian style scrambled eggs and ham

    Cod fillet with vegetables

    Chicken fillet pastrami

    Diet pancakes

    Vegetarian pasta

    Seafood salad

    Spinach and broccoli sandwich

    A fresh vegetable salad

    Turkey meat baked in the oven

    Zucchini Casserole



    Boiled beans

    Fish baked in the oven

    Beet salad

    Boiled chicken fillet


    Although the menu consists of accessible and inexpensive products, this does not prevent the dish from being tasty and healthy. Some recipes are presented below.

    Green smoothie

    To prepare this healthy drink you will need:

    1. 1. Spinach leaves - 2 cups.
    2. 2. Low-fat yogurt or kefir – 200 g.
    3. 3. Pear – 1 pc.
    4. 4. Grapes – 15 pcs.
    5. 5. Avocado – ½ pc.
    6. 6. Lime juice - half a teaspoon.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Cut the pear and avocado into small pieces.
    2. 2. Finely chop the spinach leaves.
    3. 3. Place everything in a blender and blend until smooth. You can serve with a few ice cubes.

    Yogurt parfait


    1. 1. Any wild berries or grapes – 200 g.
    2. 2. Banana – ½ pc.
    3. 3. Muesli – 100 g.
    4. 4. Coconut flakes or nuts – 20 g.
    5. 5. Yogurt 1% – 250 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Cut the banana into small cubes.
    2. 2. Place berries on the bottom of a cup and pour over yogurt.
    3. 3. Add a layer of granola with banana and yogurt.
    4. 4. Sprinkle coconut or nuts on top.

    Spinach and broccoli sandwich

    1. 1. Bran or whole grain bread – 2 pieces.
    2. 2. Cream cheese with low fat content - 2 tbsp. l.
    3. 3. Spinach leaves – 30 g.
    4. 4. Broccoli – 100 g.
    5. 5. Greens - a bunch.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Heat cream cheese in the microwave until soft.
    2. 2. Mix it with finely chopped spinach and broccoli.
    3. 3. Add spices.
    4. 4. Place the resulting filling between two pieces of bread and fry for 2 minutes on both sides in a non-stick frying pan.

    Italian style scrambled eggs and ham


    1. 1. Tomato – 1 pc.
    2. 2. Eggs – 2 pcs.
    3. 3. Spinach -30 g.
    4. 4. Sweet pepper – 50 g.
    5. 5. Onion – 1 pc.
    6. 6. Garlic – 2 cloves.
    7. 7. Low-fat cheese – 50 g.
    8. 8. Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon.
    9. 9. Herbs and salt to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Cut the tomato into slices, pepper and onion into cubes or thin strips.
    2. 2. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press.
    3. 3. Lightly fry the onion in a frying pan, add pepper, tomato and garlic.
    4. 4. Beat two eggs and sprinkle cheese on top.
    5. 5. Fry until done.

    Chicken fillet pastrami

    For preparation you will need:

    1. 1. Chicken fillet – 550 g.
    2. 2. Salt – 20 g.
    3. 3. Water – 900 g.
    4. 4. Lemon juice – 20 g.
    5. 5. Spices.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Mix salt with water and soak the chicken in this solution for 2 hours.
    2. 2. Then coat the fillet with lemon juice and spices and wrap in foil. Leave for several hours.
    3. 3. After the specified time, place the dish with chicken in a preheated oven to a temperature of 250 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.
    4. 4. Without opening the oven, wait until it cools completely.


    This diet combines a monoration and a sharp reduction in the calorie content of the product. This allows you to lose up to 5 kg in a week. The daily amount of food should be divided into 5 parts, each day there is only one component, without adding sugar or salt. This weight loss technique can be followed once every two months:

    In order for the achieved result to be maintained without the return of extra pounds, you should exit the diet gradually, gradually increasing portions every day.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Alsou, Larisa Dolina, Nicole Kidman - all these star women have successfully lost weight and look great. Do you want the same? Choose one of 31 menu options that suits you and lose 7 kg!

The goal of losing seven kilograms is usually set by people who are far from obese, those whose excess weight brings more aesthetic discomfort than a real threat to health. But the closer the figure is to the ideal, the more difficult it is to achieve the desired shape. Therefore, when choosing a diet that promises minus 7 kg, you should not delude yourself with quick results, but sensibly assess yourself and the needs of your body. And remember that no emergency weight loss methods are worth hungry fainting and undermined metabolism.

In 7 days

Rapid results with a minimum of effort - this is probably the motto of most express diets. After all, why develop an individual diet, draw up a training schedule and generally go to them, if you can quickly and painlessly get rid of a kilogram a day. But the point is that it won’t be painless. A strong feeling of hunger and poor health cause frequent breakdowns and do not motivate long-term maintenance of achieved success.

Express diets may be useful, but only as an emergency measure, which should not be used regularly. It is better to perceive the reasons for observing them as an alarming sign and think about your eating behavior.


Eating the popular citrus fruit helps you lose weight and lose 7 kg by saturating your body with ascorbic acid. But in excessive quantities, orange can also cause harm: aggravate gastrointestinal problems, damage tooth enamel and provoke an increase in blood sugar levels. Let's hope this doesn't happen in a week. After all, every day someone losing weight will have to eat a kilogram of fruit, diluting the mono-menu with only two boiled eggs and 2 liters of clean water.


According to the basics of color therapy, orange is a source of energy, vigor, activity and other life-affirming qualities. Perhaps the authors of the carrot method also believe in this, since only a good mood and inexhaustible optimism will help you maintain such a diet for 7 days.

Light vegetable soups and salads with carrots, drinking yogurt and unsweetened fruits are unlikely to satisfy hunger for a long time and saturate the body with an acceptable amount of nutrients, but if you need to urgently lose 7 kilograms of weight and cleanse the intestines, such a diet will come in handy.

The daily menu includes 6 meals

  • Breakfast - a glass of natural yogurt (vitalact, acidophilus milk or kefir).
  • Snack - salad of red cabbage, carrots and green apple, dressed with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
  • Lunch - carrot soup.
  • Afternoon snack - fruit salad with carrots.
  • Dinner - baked vegetables (carrots, beets, bell peppers, cauliflower).
  • Evening snack - a glass of kefir.

On shrimp and apples

The diet offers a monotonous, but tasty and nutritious diet: green apples and shrimp.

Seafood should be consumed only boiled, without sauces and with a minimum amount of salt. Free portion sizes and an unlimited number of meals will prevent a person losing weight from starving, but to effectively lose 7 kg, your appetite will still have to be contained within some framework. Moreover, this will not be difficult to do, since shrimp are a valuable source of protein, apples are fiber, and these elements perfectly saturate without overloading the body with fast carbohydrates and saturated fats.

A nice bonus for some may be a couple of glasses of dry white wine, which you can drink at least every day. But it is important to choose a grape drink of proper quality without adding chemical substitutes and alcohol.


The diet is extremely simple and ascetic: the daily diet consists of brown rice and a honey drink. The daily calorie content of this extremely unbalanced diet rarely exceeds 800 kcal, so sticking to it for more than 7 days is strictly not recommended.

Rice is prepared without salt and spices, from a glass of dry grains. The finished porridge must be divided into 5 doses and consumed throughout the day at regular intervals. Brown rice can be replaced with red, black or wild rice - the result of minus 7 kg will not suffer from this, and the higher content of useful elements will slightly soften the hypovitamin diet.

The honey drink is prepared from one teaspoon of sweet bee product and a glass of lukewarm water. It is important to choose natural honey that has not been subjected to heat treatment and does not contain impurities. Drink one glass of the drink three times a day.

You cannot dilute honey in water at a temperature above 40°C - this not only kills all beneficial substances, but also contributes to the formation of toxic compounds.

This diet for losing 7 kg helps remove excess fluid and a small amount of fat from the body, making the body look slimmer. The main thing then is not to gain weight quickly.


The weekly weight loss method is based on the consumption of buckwheat and fermented milk products, as well as a small amount of vegetables and dried fruits.

Particular attention is paid to the drinking regime: any liquids, including kefir, must be drunk 30 minutes before meals.

In order to bring the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals into the body of a person losing weight, buckwheat is not boiled, but steamed: pour boiling water overnight in a ratio of 1:2.5 and wrap the dishes in a towel. To prepare porridge, it is advisable to take green, unfried cereals, which retain much more useful substances than the fried cereal that many are accustomed to.

You should not use a popular online recipe for raw buckwheat soaked overnight in kefir, even despite the assurances of some “experts” about the exceptional benefits of this dish. Cereals that have not been subjected to heat treatment are not absorbed by the body and will do more harm than good to the gastrointestinal tract.

To get rid of 7 kilograms, you must strictly adhere to a weekly nutrition plan. Buckwheat porridge is eaten every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner in addition to:

  • a glass of low-fat kefir or natural drinking yogurt (for breakfast 4 days, lunch 1, 3 and 6 days, dinner 6 days);
  • apple, grapefruit or kiwi (at lunch on days 2, 5 and 6);
  • dried fruits (for breakfast on days 3, 5 and 7);
  • vegetable salad (at lunch on days 4 and 7);
  • 100 g of cottage cheese (lunch on day 5);
  • 100 g boiled chicken fillet (lunch 7 days).

In addition, once a week you are allowed to drink a glass of decoction of dried fruits and fresh vegetables, and three times - 200 ml of freshly squeezed fruit juice.


Millet is considered one of the healthiest cereals due to its content of B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum and zinc. The daily intake of millet (1 cup or about 200 g of dry cereal) will supply the body with 23 g of protein, 6.6 g of fat and 133 g of carbohydrates, but that’s all. To lose weight by 7 kg, apart from millet porridge cooked in water, with the addition of a small amount of unrefined flaxseed oil, the person losing weight is not allowed any more food.

Once during the entire period of the millet diet, you can slightly diversify the diet by reducing the amount of porridge by half, compensating for this by adding fresh vegetables.

On a mono-diet, you are allowed to drink green and chamomile tea, and, of course, clean water without gas.

On Hercules

On a diet of tasty and healthy oatmeal, you can lose a kilogram of weight a day, just stock up on persistence and oatmeal - you will need quite a bit of both for a week.

The flakes included in the diet menu are not fast-cooking. It will take about 20 minutes to prepare them and this is exactly what you need for a healthy diet, since rolled oatmeal or similar types of oatmeal have lower and retain more nutrients than a product that does not require cooking.

Fat-burning nutrition in the first three days will consist only of lean porridge without milk, sweeteners and fat. The daily consumption rate of dry flakes is 250–300 g, in finished form this is approximately 2 times more. Starting from the fourth day and until the end of the week, the menu can be diversified with a green apple and 200 ml of kefir 0-1%.


The daily ration of the cottage cheese diet for weight loss of 7 kg consists of only one and a half liters of low-fat kefir and 300 g of cottage cheese. The products should be divided into 6 doses and consumed in turn half a liter of kefir and 100 g of cottage cheese.

It is worth recalling the dangers of such nutrition due to the acute lack of nutrients, vital vitamins, micro- and macroelements and a pronounced calorie deficit. In addition, this weight loss system is contraindicated for people with kidney disease and intolerance to dairy products.


A strict diet plan, popular in Europe for people weighing 100+, which is also used by slimmer people who are losing weight if they need to quickly lose weight.

The skinny diet for losing 7 kg, like all express weight loss methods, can adversely affect your health and even become dangerous if you follow its extreme rules for a longer period of time.

And the rules of the diet are extremely simple: you must strictly adhere to the given nutrition plan, and after seven days the body will say goodbye to the same number of kilograms, but it is not a fact that all of them will be extra.

Menu by day

  • 1st: pasteurized milk no more than 1.5% fat - 1 packet.
  • 2nd: low-fat cottage cheese - 1 pack and 4 glasses (200 ml each) of juice without additional sweeteners.
  • 3rd: you can only drink still water.
  • 4th: boiled potatoes (preferably young) without salt and oil - 4 pieces, juice (pomegranate, citrus or apple) - 4 glasses.
  • 5th: medium-sized green apples - 5 pieces.
  • 6th: poultry meat without fat and skin - 200 g, juice - 4 cups.
  • 7th: kefir with a fat content not exceeding 1% - 1 packet.


The intriguing name of the diet is probably due to the rapid loss of kilograms, which, as if by magic, disappear from the most problematic areas. But this only happens in fairy tales, and you shouldn’t count on easy and unburdensome weight loss in a short time. Followers of the 15-pound weight-loss diet will have to go through hunger, irritability and, possibly, poor health on the way to slimness. And for those who are not deterred by this, it’s time to get acquainted with the menu.

The nutritional plan on the magic diet is strict and does not allow indulgences in the form of junk food and high-calorie “benefits”, but is based only on a few “correct” foods: eggs, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is important to choose dairy products with the lowest percentage of fat content, only boil eggs, and only consume vegetables and fruits that are not starchy and low in sugar.

The nutrition plan provides for three meals a day, or rather two, since a person losing weight is not allowed anything other than a cup of tea or coffee for breakfast. Lunch and dinner for each day of the diet is as follows:

  • 30 g cheese + 2 eggs, 150 g fresh vegetables;
  • egg + apple, egg;
  • 100 g cottage cheese, 150 g vegetables;
  • egg + 10 plums (can be replaced with the same amount of prunes), egg;
  • 150 g carrots and cabbage (you can choose one), egg;
  • 2 fruits (orange or apple), a glass of any low-fat fermented milk drink;
  • 40 g cheese + apple or orange, 2 eggs.


There is an opinion that the described weight loss technique is popular among the Swedes, one of the slimmer nations according to WHO statistics. The diet here is based on fish, dairy products, grains and vegetables, and strictly prohibits the consumption of alcohol, refined baked goods and other foods that are unhealthy.

To lose weight on the Swedish diet, you don’t need to count calories and develop an individual menu; you just need to stick to a given diet plan.


  • Buckwheat steamed in the evening, a glass of low-fat milk.
  • Vegetable salad (tomatoes, bell peppers, green onions) with cheese.
  • Salad of 100g boiled beets and a teaspoon of 15% sour cream, 3 boiled or baked potatoes, whole grain toast.
  • Buckwheat with milk.
  • A small portion of boiled fish with a side dish of potatoes and fresh vegetables.
  • Salad of cabbage, onion and chicken egg, dressed with olive oil.
  • Cheese on rye toast and 200 ml of milk with a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Chicken meat, leafy greens and a glass of apple juice.
  • Mashed potatoes with milk, sandwich with cheese.
  • Porridge and half a glass of drinking yoghurt without additives.
  • Fish with 2 tomatoes and an onion.
  • A glass of kefir and 2 apples.
  • Boiled or steamed buckwheat, kefir or yogurt (200 ml).
  • Buckwheat soup.
  • Boiled chicken or turkey, vegetable salad.
  • Buckwheat with milk.
  • Potatoes stewed with poultry (low-fat) -350 g, orange and apple.
  • Rice porridge and salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.


  • 100 g of boiled rice and a glass of milk.
  • Fish, 2 potatoes and 2 citrus fruits.
  • A lean meat chop, a slice of rye bread, an apple and a cup of green tea.


The colorful food system fully reflects the culinary and religious traditions of India:

  • prohibits the consumption of animal products (except milk);
  • replete with spices and spices (especially curry);
  • mainly consists of rice, vegetables, fruits, milk and vegetable protein;
  • encourages a culture of cooking.

The absence of animal protein, which, according to religious Hindus, absorbs the pain and suffering of the animal and is a minus to the karma of a meat eater, for seven days will not harm the person losing weight, but will help to evaluate the taste of plant proteins and their effect on one’s own body.

Indian spices can kindle the fire of digestion and cleanse the human body. One of their main components - turmeric - is famous for its benefits for losing weight, increasing defenses and normalizing metabolic processes.

Milk, revered by Hindus as the food of love, causes digestive problems for some people due to poor digestibility of the milk sugar, lactose. You can avoid bloating and other troubles by trying to drink warm milk with a pinch of cinnamon.

Followers of Ayurveda make the process of cooking a special ritual, performed in calmness and only with positive thoughts in the head. They believe that in this way they can charge dishes with positive energy and nourish their loved ones with it. How effective this is in reality and whether it is possible to lose 7 kilograms can be checked during the week of the Indian menu.

The diet of each day consists of three meals with an interval of 5–6 hours. The last meal should be no later than 1.5–2 hours before bedtime. The milk on the menu can be consumed between meals on an empty stomach - this way it has a better chance of being absorbed normally. If the body does not accept it very well, you can replace milk with natural yogurt or kefir.


  1. Banana with milk.
  2. Half a large grapefruit (or a whole small fruit), tea with added milk.
  3. A couple of tangerines or 10 kumquats, milk.
  4. Salad of two cucumbers, herbs and a teaspoon of olive oil, black tea.
  5. Two chicken eggs, milk.
  6. Two small oranges and a handful of nuts.
  7. Tomato and sweet pepper salad with olive oil.
  1. Three tablespoons of boiled brown rice, a little vegetable stew (tomatoes, eggplants and sweet peppers with curry).
  2. Six tablespoons of boiled rice with curry, milk.
  3. Five spoons of rice, black tea with cinnamon.
  4. Two boiled potatoes, tea with milk.
  5. Poached asparagus or green beans, tea.
  6. Six spoons of rice porridge, milk.
  7. Seven spoons of rice with milk.
  1. A portion of vegetable stew (as for lunch on the first day), tea.
  2. Lunch on the second day, tea.
  3. Lunch on the third day, two tangerines.
  4. Two apples and one carrot, cut into strips and seasoned with lemon juice.
  5. Five tablespoons of rice porridge, a couple of tangerines, tea.
  6. Rice and milk soup.
  7. Grapefruit and banana.

Despite the variety of menus, the Indian diet for losing 7 kg weight offers meager and nutrient-unbalanced portions, so you should consult a specialist before using it.

Diet Petal

The weight loss technique was developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson and is widely known as “6 petals”.

The diet menu includes different food groups, but within a single day you are allowed to eat only one category of food, for example, exclusively vegetables or fish. This way, the body suffers less from a lack of important biologically active substances, and the consciousness is not so tense and does not resist restrictions as much as when observing a long-term mono-diet.

A psychological technique also adds to the effectiveness of weight loss to minus 7 kg: visualization of a six-day cycle in the image of a flower with petals symbolizing its stages:

  1. Fish -0.5 kg of cod, hake, pike perch or dorado.
  2. Vegetable - 1.5 kg of vegetables, raw, baked or boiled.
  3. Chicken - 0.5 kg of white meat without skin.
  4. Grain - 200 g of dry whole grains (buckwheat, oats, barley, wheat) and 100 g of whole grain bread.
  5. Dairy - 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. Fruit - fresh or baked fruits in unlimited quantities (except grapes and bananas).

Food can be salted to taste, natural spices and lemon juice can be added. Frying in oil is prohibited.

The common version of the “Petal” nutrition system includes a seventh stage, which consolidates the effect obtained and involves the consumption of easily digestible low-calorie foods.

Kiwi diet

The green, refreshing fruit is very useful for weight loss: it contains a number of valuable minerals and vitamins, improves health, strengthens the body, normalizes metabolic processes, and, what is equally important, pleases with its taste and low calorie content.

To quickly lose weight by 7 kg, you need to plan your menu yourself, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. The calorie content of daily food should not exceed 1200 kcal.
  2. You should include 1 kg of kiwi in your diet every day.
  3. In addition to kiwi, 0.5 kg of other products are consumed daily, which may include meat, grains, dairy products, vegetables and herbs.
  4. Food should be low in fat, prepared without adding oil.

An approximate daily meal plan looks like this:

  • Breakfast - oatmeal with pieces of fruit.
  • Snack - several kiwi fruits.
  • Lunch - a slice of turkey fillet baked with fruit.
  • Afternoon snack - fresh vegetable salad, kiwi.
  • Dinner - a few pieces of low-fat cheese and the remaining kiwi.

In 10 days

Ten-day diets for losing weight by 7 kg are not far from their weekly counterparts, with the exception of some “liberties” that make losing weight more comfortable, but do not deprive the process of hidden risks.


The diet promises to cleanse the intestines and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time - to save its followers from 7 kg of weight.

The diet of those losing weight for 10 days will consist of vegetable broth, fruits, fermented milk products, vegetables and grains. To increase nutritional value, you can sometimes add a little pumpkin seeds to them. Fats and chemical seasonings should be excluded.

The broth, which is used on a diet almost every day, is prepared from 400 g of a vegetable mixture, including cabbage, carrots, celery, herbs and one and a half liters of clean water.

The menu provided by the cleansing technique is scheduled for 5 days, after which the cycle repeats again.

The first day

  • Breakfast - whole grain oat porridge.
  • Lunch - broth, fresh cabbage salad, ginger tea.
  • Afternoon snack - freshly squeezed carrot juice without pulp.
  • Dinner - half a glass of natural yogurt, an apple, broth, ginger tea.

To prepare ginger tea, you need to pour a teaspoon of grated ginger root into 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. If desired, you can add a slice of lemon to your tea.

  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with the addition of fresh vegetables, a glass of kefir or other fermented milk drink.
  • Lunch - boiled potatoes with broth and cucumbers.
  • Afternoon snack - compote of pears and apples.
  • Dinner - fruit salad with pumpkin seeds, herbal tea.
  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with broth.
  • Lunch - brown rice porridge, compote, grated raw carrots, sprinkled with olive oil.
  • Afternoon snack - a cup of fresh berries.
  • Dinner - vegetable soup with oatmeal, cucumber and cabbage salad.


  • Breakfast - salad of dates, nuts, pears and rice, kefir.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with rice, some dried apricots.
  • Afternoon snack - a handful of apricots.
  • Dinner - buckwheat-vegetable soup, tomatoes.
  • Breakfast - steamed rice, ginger tea.
  • Lunch - soup with cabbage and green beans.
  • Afternoon snack - vegetable broth.
  • Dinner - rice with a side dish of vegetable stew, ginger tea.

Lovers of hearty vegetable salad will love this diet, at least in the first days. But then even they can reconsider their gastronomic preferences, since a 10-day mono-diet can permanently discourage the desire to eat boiled vegetables and beans.

The diet is good as a winter analogue to diets with a lot of fresh “summer” vegetables.

The essence of this option for losing 7 kg is the relatively free use of vinaigrette (no more than 1 kg per day), prepared in a light dietary version: a minimum of potatoes, beans and butter, a maximum of beets, carrots and cucumbers (you can add sauerkraut - a valuable source ascorbic acid).

The advantage in terms of weight loss here, in addition to the low calorie content and beneficial ingredients, is the monotony of the menu. Gourmets get bored of eating the same food and over time their portions naturally decrease.


Due to their high calorie content, nuts are often excluded from the diet of those losing weight, and this is completely unreasonable. These filling, nutritious fruits are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals valuable for supporting the body during a stress-induced calorie deficit. In addition, moderate consumption of nuts can reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and protect against sugar surges.

The nut diet menu consists of two repeating five-day cycles and promises a weight of 7 kilograms.

The daily set of products, in addition to 50 g of your favorite nuts (preferably their mixes), includes: 100 g of lean fish, poultry and low-fat milk (can be baked or fermented), one tomato and cucumber. The specified amount of food can be distributed at your discretion, but the most successful would be a combination of meat or fish with vegetables, and nuts with dairy products. This way you can avoid acute hunger throughout the day without overloading your stomach with excess protein consumption.


This diet for losing weight by 7 kg involves free consumption of wheat porridge (Artek, Poltavskaya, but it is best to give preference to whole grain wheat groats) and a limited amount of fermented milk drinks, vegetables, and non-calorie fruits.

  • Breakfast - porridge and a glass of low-fat yogurt without filler.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with wheat cereal (with water, without frying or potatoes).
  • Afternoon snack - orange.
  • Dinner - a cup of fresh berries, porridge, a glass of kefir.


The fermented milk product obtained by fermenting milk with Bulgarian bacillus has an exceptional effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improves human health in general. The acidic environment of the product and the presence of beneficial bacteria suppress putrefactive processes in the intestines, normalize its microflora, as a result of which the skin is cleansed and metabolic processes are activated. Yogurt is also rich in calcium, B vitamins, phosphorus and cobalt, perfectly refreshing and helps suppress hunger.

  1. Boil a liter of milk and cool to 35°C (ultra-pasteurized milk can simply be heated).
  2. Pour boiling water over the utensils used for cooking (thermos, saucepan or yogurt maker, tablespoon).
  3. Pour the starter into the milk and stir well.
  4. Wrap the dishes and place in a warm place for 6–8 hours (set the appropriate cooking time on the yogurt maker).

During the yogurt diet for weight loss by 7 kg, every day you need to eat 600 g of yogurt, a glass 40 minutes before the main meals, of which there should be three:

  1. Breakfast - fruit jelly without sugar, diet marshmallows or marmalade (no more than 100 g), tea.
  2. Lunch - okroshka with kefir (without potatoes, with boiled lean meat instead of sausage), cabbage salad, natural diluted juice.
  3. Dinner - steamed asparagus or green beans, juice with water.

In addition, you can have a snack between lunch and dinner in the form of a light vegetable salad without oil or a couple of fruits.

In 2 weeks

Losing 7 kg in 14 days is a result that is still far from the standards prescribed by nutritionists. But with rare use of such techniques, serious threats to the body should not arise.

Angel Diet

They say that this diet was developed by Charles Passler for one of the Victoria's Secret Angels, Adriana Lima, who needed to regain her shape after pregnancy. Whether this is true or not - one can only guess, but it is reliably known that the angel diet helps to lose 7 kg in less than 2 weeks (13 days), bringing the figures of its followers closer to the imaginary angelic ideal.

The diet of the angelic food system involves 4 meals (breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner), the content and volume of which are scheduled for 7 days. For the remaining 6 days, the menu is repeated from days 1 to 6.

For breakfast, almost consistently (except for days 5 and 7 of the weekly cycle), a cup of coffee without milk, cream or sweeteners is drunk. In addition, on days 2, 3 and 4, a dried slice of whole grain bread is added to the drink. On the 5th day, you can have grated raw carrots seasoned with lemon juice for breakfast, and on the 7th day, you can only drink a cup of black tea in the morning.

Snacks for seven days

  1. Apple.
  2. Apple.
  3. A small glass of natural yoghurt.
  4. A small handful of nuts without salt and sugar.
  5. Banana.
  6. Yogurt + banana.
  7. Banana.

Lunch on the Angel Diet (except for the first day) is a real protein bomb, including lean meat or fish.

  1. Hard-boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs., tomato salad, leafy vegetables and two boiled potatoes.
  2. Grilled beef steak, vegetables (tomato and green salad), a cup of green tea.
  3. Steak with greens and a glass of fresh fruit.
  4. Same beef + leafy greens and green tea.
  5. Grilled fish, tomato and coffee.
  6. A couple of chicken fillets, greens and natural coffee.
  7. Beef with a side dish of leafy greens.

Dinner continues to please meat eaters, but not every day, meaning alternating a juicy steak with other protein products.

  1. Grilled steak, greens.
  2. A bowl of soup.
  3. A couple of eggs with two slices of ham.
  4. See previous version.
  5. Beef steak with leafy green salad, 200 ml fresh juice.
  6. Dinner on the 5th day, but without juice.
  7. A piece of hard cheese and herbs.


The diet pleases with a balanced diet, moderate calorie content and a delicious menu in the Greek style.

Following the Greek weight loss system is pleasant and easy, the main thing is to adhere to the established nutritional plan, which consists of a three-day cycle repeated throughout the entire period.

The first day's menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast - whole grain toast, toasted in a frying pan drizzled with olive oil, a slice of soaked cheese, black coffee.
  • Lunch - lean grilled chicken, pepper and red onion salad.
  • Dinner - low-fat steamed fish, herbal tea.
  • Snacks (2.5–3 hours after breakfast and lunch) - a glass of natural yogurt with a drop of honey, a sandwich with cheese and green tea.

Food plan for the second day of the diet:

  • Breakfast - Caprese salad, black coffee.
  • Lunch - kefir soup with potatoes, cucumber and herbs.
  • Dinner - zucchini stewed with tomatoes, green tea.
  • Snacks - tomato, plate of Greek salad.

Third day diet:

  • Breakfast - 200 g of Greek yogurt, coffee.
  • Lunch - fish baked on a bed of leeks, fresh tomatoes.
  • Dinner - reduced fat moussaka casserole.
  • Snacks - salad of cucumber, green onions with olive oil, slices of tomato and cheese, wrapped in unleavened flatbread.


As the name implies, this diet for losing 7 kilograms is based on the consumption of cereals and sprouted grains, which can be combined with fresh vegetables and dairy products. The daily diet may look like this:

  • Breakfast - 100 g of whole grain oatmeal.
  • Lunch - salad of kelp, bell pepper, cucumbers and 2 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat.
  • Afternoon snack - 200 ml fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner - tomatoes, leafy greens and 2-3 tbsp. l. grains

Salads should not be dressed with oil or mayonnaise. To vary their taste, you can add a little low-salt soy sauce, balsamic vinegar or lemon juice.

Although sprouted grains can now be purchased in many supermarkets and health food stores, it is better to prepare them yourself. The fact is that the quality of the grains may suffer due to improper storage or irregularities in the germination process, and an incredibly healthy product risks becoming dangerous.

Cooking sprouted grains will take up to 3 days, so you should do this in advance. To do this, place a handful of dry and clean cereals in a glass or enamel bowl in a thin layer, preferably in one row, and fill with clean water so that it barely covers them. To protect from dust and external contaminants, the grains should be covered with gauze. After 10 hours, the liquid should be drained, the grains should be washed and filled with fresh water. Repeat the procedure until small light sprouts appear from them, from 2 mm in length, but not more than 1 cm, since in this case the biological value of the product is significantly reduced. Ready grains should be stored in the cold for about 5 days and eaten 50 g per day.

Sprouted soft wheat, rye, corn, and green buckwheat are suitable for the diet. In this case, it is necessary to choose unprocessed grains grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.


Sources of “good” cholesterol, the protein most digestible by the human body, retinol, B vitamins, cobalt, selenium and other biologically active components can also help in the process of weight loss. On the way to slimness, in the next 2 weeks, chicken eggs will save you from hunger and such troubles as dry skin, brittle hair and burning muscle mass. The supplement, in the form of vegetables, meat, fish and grapefruit, will stimulate the intestines and make the diet of the person losing weight more balanced.

Menu by day

  • Day 1: 6 eggs, 2 grapefruits, a tomato, a portion of vinaigrette, a couple of cups of chamomile tea, coffee.
  • 2nd: 4 eggs, 2 grapefruits, tomato, celery, cucumber, leafy greens, chicken fillet, coffee.
  • 3rd: 6 eggs, grapefruit, spinach, cabbage, boiled beets, low-fat cottage cheese, tea, coffee.
  • 4th: 4 eggs, spinach, grapefruit, lean steamed fish, a small plate of vinaigrette without oil, coffee, tea.
  • 5th: repeat the previous diet.
  • 6th: 2 eggs, grapefruit, fruit salad, tomato, cucumber, celery, leafy greens, steak, coffee.
  • 7th: 2 eggs, grapefruit, tomato, a portion of boiled chicken, fresh cabbage, carrots, coffee.

A serving means 130 g of meat (fish) and 250 g of salad.

After a week, repeat the menu.

Per month

30 days is a realistic period for losing weight by 7 kilograms without risk to health. During this period, you can normalize your figure and reconsider your eating habits without hunger or conducting dubious experiments on the body. For this just arm yourself with patience and follow simple recommendations:

  1. Consume at least 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of dry weight (initial weight - 7 kg).
  2. Limit high-carbohydrate foods: sugar in all its forms, high-calorie fruits, potatoes, baked goods made from white flour.
  3. Avoid adding fat to your meals and choose only lean foods; unsaturated fats can be obtained from nuts and seeds.
  4. Remove mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces with added sugar and fat from your diet.
  5. Avoid alcohol.
  6. Consume the bulk of carbohydrates from whole grain porridge and plant fiber.
  7. Cook without oil (steamed, grilled, dry frying pan, oven or boiling water).
  8. Monitor the portion size - no more than 300 g of vegetables, 200 g of porridge or 120 g of meat at one time (when combining products, the amount of products should be reduced, for example, 150 g of porridge + 50 g of meat, etc.).
  9. Avoid “piecemeal eating” - eat, strictly adhering to the assigned personal schedule.
  10. Increase physical activity - visit the gym 2-3 times or go for a run (preferably both), and whenever possible, try to move more.
  11. Eat a light protein meal, such as an egg or a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, no later than 1.5–2 hours before bedtime.
  12. Drink enough fluid, but without fanaticism, since its excess does no less harm than its deficiency.

Sample daily menu

  • Breakfast - an omelet of two eggs and three tablespoons of milk, an orange, coffee.
  • Lunch - chicken cream soup, fresh tomatoes, whole grain toast.
  • Afternoon snack - a cup of cottage cheese and 5 pieces of dried apricots.
  • Dinner - fish with sliced ​​vegetables, green tea.
  • Before bed - a glass of yogurt with a teaspoon of flax seeds.

Diets of stars and celebrities for losing 7 kg weight

Bright appearance and incomparable figure adorns many stars of foreign and domestic show business. And this is not surprising, because it is their direct duty to delight and inspire their admirers. Some people are helped by successful genetics to stay in shape, others by constant and strict self-control, others by planned diets, which millions of girls striving for stellar standards want to know about.

Alicia Silverstone

The American actress and fashion model periodically resorts to a low-fat diet with a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates. At the same time, Alicia Silverstone does not accept the consumption of animal meat and chooses plant and dairy products as sources of protein.

Her menu during the weight loss period is as follows.

The first day

  • Breakfast - 70 g of whole grains, boiled or, ideally, sprouted (can be replaced with hearty and healthy oat bran), a glass of low-fat milk, 170 ml of fresh grapefruit juice half and half with water.
  • Lunch - 100 g of boiled beans, chickpeas, lentils or soybeans, 170 g of fresh vegetable salad without high-calorie dressings.
  • Afternoon snack - 2 vegetarian pies with rice, 2 tsp. confiture or jam.
  • Dinner - tofu fried in a dry frying pan (115 g) with a handful of mushrooms and green beans, a side dish of 200 g of crumbly rice porridge.

Second day

  • Breakfast - 2-3 oat pancakes without sugar, 100 g strawberries.
  • Lunch - an ear of boiled corn with chili sauce, 200 g of fresh fruit.
  • Afternoon snack - 150 g of sherbet and a couple of plums.
  • Dinner - 1/4 Margherita pizza with whole grain flour base and 300 g of fresh vegetable mix.

Day three

  • Breakfast - 2 rye toasts with soy cream.
  • Lunch - a slice of wholemeal bread, 200 g of vegetable stew (without potatoes).
  • Afternoon snack - a glass of natural yoghurt and 100 g of fresh strawberries.
  • Dinner - bell peppers stuffed with corn and brown rice, 200 g of steamed broccoli.

Repeat the 3-day cycle 3 more times.

In two weeks of such a diet, you can not only say goodbye to 7 kg of excess weight, but also try on a vegetarian diet.


The singer occasionally resorts to an extreme diet of chocolate, which loses seven kilograms in a week. They say that Latin American diva Jennifer Lopez also chooses to lose weight on healthy delicacies, but she probably does this extremely rarely. The fact is that the chocolate diet, although it provides the body with a certain amount of nutrients, is essentially a hunger strike.

You are allowed to eat no more than a bar of chocolate per day, which should be divided into 4 doses. However, you won’t be able to enjoy a piece of black sweetness with coffee or tea - any liquid can be consumed no earlier than two hours after and half an hour before the “meal”.

Anastasia Zharinova

The diet of a participant in the show “Top Model in Russian” allows you to lose 7 kg in 10 days. The girl herself adhered to this diet twice as long, thanks to which she was able to restore the slimness lost after childbirth. But a three-week course is fraught with disruptions in the body’s functioning, so extending the more gentle ten-day option is not recommended.

The menu is based primarily on protein products, which can be supplemented with green apples and tomato juice.

Authorized products:

  • chicken breast;
  • eggs;
  • apples;
  • tomato juice.

All this can be washed down only with clean non-carbonated water and tea without sugar.

Chicken fillet and eggs should be exclusively boiled and should be eaten without sauces or dressings.

An approximate daily diet looks like this:

  • Breakfast - 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 2 green apples.
  • Lunch - 0.5 kg of chicken meat.
  • Dinner - 0.5 kg breast and 2 eggs.

A quarter of an hour before lunch and dinner, drink a glass of tomato juice; snacks in the form of green apples are also acceptable. But the last meal should not be later than 20:00.

Larisa Dolina

The famous singer once shocked her fans and lost 25 kg, prompting millions of women to follow her example. Her diet became one of the most popular in the post-Soviet space many years ago and now does not lose its relevance among those who want to lose 7 kg in 7 days.

To achieve rapid and effective weight loss, you must adhere to a strict and meager diet. Every day, except the last, you need to drink half a liter of low-fat kefir, and also eat:

  • 0.4 kg of potatoes, cooked without salt;
  • 0.2 kg 15% sour cream;
  • 0.2 kg cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 kg of lean boiled chicken without added salt;
  • 1 kg of apples or 0.5 kg of carrots or 0.3 kg of prunes;
  • 0.5 l of kefir.

On the last, seventh day of the diet, you should not consume anything other than 1 liter of pure still water.

Nicole Kidman

The actress owes her slim and toned figure not so much to genetics as to her vigilant control of her eating behavior and the implementation of two-week programs with the help of which she manages to say goodbye to 7 kilograms of excess weight.

The main plumbing occurs in the first week, while the second “finishes off” the remaining fat and consolidates the result.

The rules of the diet are extremely simple - it is enough to strictly adhere to the weekly menu, repeating it for the last 7 days.

For breakfast from days 1 to 6, black coffee without sweeteners is drunk (on days 2, 3 and 6 it can be supplemented with a cracker); on the 7th day coffee is replaced with tea.

Lunch by day

  1. 2 boiled eggs, fresh tomatoes and spinach.
  2. A piece of boiled meat.
  3. Celery root fried in vegetable oil, 1 tomato and low-calorie fruit.
  4. A piece of hard cheese, a cup of grated raw carrots and a chicken egg.
  5. Boiled or baked low-fat fish.
  6. Chicken fillet and lettuce.
  7. A piece of meat the size of a palm, a piece of fruit.
  1. Meat and leafy greens.
  2. Low-fat ham, kefir.
  3. 2 large raw carrots and 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs, hard cheese.
  4. Large plate of fruit salad.
  5. 2 large carrots.
  6. 2 eggs.
  7. Fish and vegetable platter.

Maya Plisetskaya

To maintain an ideal figure, the legendary ballerina was guided by a simple rule: “eat less and move more.” But sometimes she also had to introduce temporary food restrictions into her life in the form of a two-week diet based on the consumption of grains, fruits, vegetables and fish.

Permitted list of products:

  • lentils;
  • oats;
  • pearl barley;
  • cabbage (all types);
  • dietary fruits (apples, pineapples, kiwi, grapefruits);
  • non-starchy vegetables;
  • some low-fat fish.

There are no clear instructions for calculating portion sizes, but it is advisable to eat no more than 200 g of boiled cereal or 100–150 g of fish at a time. You can eat a little more fresh plant food.

Sample daily menu

  • Breakfast - oatmeal with water.
  • Lunch - soup from permitted vegetables, light salad without oil (you can season with lemon juice).
  • Dinner - a piece of boiled fish, 100 g of pearl barley porridge, fresh assorted vegetables.

Between main meals, it is permissible to have snacks consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits.


The singer practices macrobiotic nutrition on an ongoing basis. She avoids foods with strong Yin and Yang energy, which, according to the creators and followers of the diet, the following foods have:

  • sweets, including berries and fruits;
  • meat, fish, eggs;
  • milk and products made from it;
  • alcohol;
  • fats, including vegetable fats;
  • food processed with chemicals;
  • refined products.

Cooking also matters - it should be minimal, and ideally absent altogether.

In general, the emphasis is on grains. In different diet options they range from 40% (gentle) to 100% (monastic). In second place are vegetables - they should be about 30% in the diet. The rest: soups.

Traditional food balance:

  • 60% cereals;
  • 30% vegetables;
  • 10% soups.

For those who cannot imagine their diet without animal proteins, there are adapted macrobiotic nutrition schemes. The ratio of cereals, vegetables, soups and poultry (fish) in them looks like this: 40 (50): 30: 10: 20 (10).

But, despite the promised therapeutic effect of the diet, statistics indicate the opposite: among adherents of macrobiotics there are often patients with scurvy, iron deficiency anemia, and rickets. In children, in general, such nutrition can provoke a stop in growth and psychomotor development. Therefore, you should not follow Madonna’s example and make a macrobiotic diet a way of life, but trying to lose 7 kg in 14 days with its help is not so risky.

To lose weight and get inspired by the idea of ​​macrobiotics, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  1. Eat very slowly, chewing each piece of food about 40 times.
  2. Include brown rice, millet, oats, wheat, and sprouted grains in the cereal category.
  3. From vegetables, choose those that historically grew in nearby areas.
  4. Prepare soups only from approved products.
  5. If heat treatment of food is unavoidable, then this should be done over an open fire or, in extreme cases, on a gas stove.

Losing five kilograms in seven days is quite possible. In order to achieve your goal, it is enough to find the most suitable diet for yourself in the proposed list. A week is a fairly comfortable period. Getting yourself in order in just a week is absolutely easy. Even the most impatient can survive on a reduced ration of an effective diet for a short period of time. The weekly diet is effective. And very popular among those who need to quickly lose weight for a certain celebration or on the eve of an event.

This article presents the most effective types of diets. Often, following the menu of any of them, even the most unrestrained people lose up to five kilograms of excess weight in seven days. Choosing diets for quick weight loss, you should pay attention to those that give you the best results.

When planning to lose weight in just a week, you need to take into account that these programs can negatively affect the human body - the diet is not always safe. Increased nervousness, insomnia, and poor health are possible. All negative emotions and irritability are directly related to dietary restrictions. Express weight loss can cause general weakness and rapid fatigue. Exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible. That is why, before choosing the most effective diet option, it is important to consult a doctor about possible contraindications.

If everything is in order, you can choose which fast diet is suitable. The proposed weekly menus will help you lose excess weight and also cleanse your body of toxins. They all work differently. However, by adhering to any of them, after 3 days it will be noticeable how the volumes will decrease and the kilograms will gradually begin to “melt away”.

5 main benefits of the 7-day diet:

  1. Availability. Any diet involves the use of available food products. Weekly diet includes that minimum of food that does not make you full, but allows you to lose weight and maintain strength for the marathon.
  2. Swiftness. Each diet is effective and easy. The result is stunning. The extra pounds go away quickly.
  3. Efficiency. In just seven days you can lose 5-7 kilograms. If you exit the weekly diet correctly, the weight will be fixed. Subsequently, it will not be difficult to maintain a proper diet.
  4. Completeness. Some types of seven-day effective carbohydrate diets. They are designed for eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits. This diet is considered a complete healthy diet. Vegetarians are often slim people.
  5. Utility. In such a short period of time there will not be much harm to the body. If the diet is based on healthy and tasty food in reasonable quantities, then the benefits for the body are obvious.

Diet for 7 days: types, menu

Lead: Here are the best seven-day diets. Among them there are also extreme species. It is quite possible to resist the temptation to eat something tasty in 7 days. Start losing weight, but first choose the most suitable diet option for yourself.

The principles of the diets presented below are simple. Each of them is good in its own way. You should choose the one that will be the simplest for you regarding the food preference. It’s hard to say which one is the best – everyone is individual.

List of homemade diets for 7 days:

Fruit and vegetable diet.

This strong diet is designed for rapid weight loss in 7 days. Vegetable oil can be added to vegetable salads. You can eat vegetables raw, baked and boiled. You can do a purely fruit or vegetable day. The only fruits you should not eat are bananas and grapes. Eat everything else in as much quantity as you want, but no later than six in the evening. One day a week should be drinking. Compote made from dried fruit without sugar is allowed.

Kefir diet.

The name fully corresponds to the diet. The main food product is low-fat kefir. You can drink up to 1500 ml of kefir per day. It is allowed to add 100-400 grams of some low-calorie product to it daily. For example, 1st day - cucumbers, 2nd - baked potatoes without salt, 3rd - apples, 4th - carrots, 5th - strawberries, 6th - baked apples, 7th - low-fat cottage cheese. Despite the apparent “raznosol”, this emergency diet is considered the most strict and ascetic. At the same time, it is quite possible to lose from five to seven kilograms of excess weight.

Buckwheat diet.

Her recipe is simple: eat buckwheat without salt; after 18:00 you can eat low-fat kefir. Detailed diet: all dried fruits are allowed, except raisins, yogurt, honey. In the morning - porridge, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt. For lunch, porridge with fresh cabbage and cucumber salad, no more than 150 g of boiled chicken, also without salt. For dinner – buckwheat with vegetables. A powerful fiber-based diet, in addition to rapid weight loss, effectively cleanses the intestines and liver.

Oat diet.

A mono-diet involves eating oatmeal without salt and sugar. Prunes, apples, kefir, and yogurt are allowed. Only pure natural oatmeal is allowed - no flakes or additives. In a week, according to reviews, you can get rid of not only five, but also six to seven extra kilos.

Japanese diet.

Guarantees that the lost kilograms will not return. There are no clear instructions. It is forbidden to eat sweet, smoked, flour, fatty and salty foods. Those who withstood it for 7 days lost 5-7 kilograms per week. You need to eat everything without salt. Fish, poultry - boiled or steamed. More vegetable salads, tomato juice, rye crackers, boiled eggs.

All diets are powerful, after losing kilograms, taste preferences should change. Each diet is accompanied by drinking one and a half to two liters of plain water daily. Now, having familiarized yourself with each of the diets, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

7 Day Diet: Best Results

Trying to lose a few extra pounds, many people used 7-day diets. As a result, their figures changed greatly. Striving for stellar standards, lose weight too! Find out right now what results were achieved thanks to the presented weight loss techniques.

In a short time, those losing weight managed to get rid of several extra pounds. The minimum result with diets for 7 days is minus 5 kilograms. The maximum is minus 7. Those who prefer the Japanese diet claim that it is a real lifeline for women.

Others prefer kefir, which is called the Larisa Dolina diet. Very often, the oat and kefir diet is used by those who control their weight. Having reached the desired weight, do an oat or kefir fasting day. A fruit and vegetable diet restores metabolic processes in the body, and with sufficiently rapid weight loss, it prevents sagging skin.

The buckwheat diet, in addition to allowing you to lose 5 kg in a week, will be effective for those who have problems with the biliary tract and liver. Quick and effective techniques have helped many people become slim and beautiful. However, on the Internet there are also quite negative reviews that say that 5 kg actually went away in a week, but then 2-3 returned. This is due to the fact that people begin to binge on food and abuse alcohol and sweets. If you don't do this, the weight will be fixed.

There is also a sports diet designed for a week. She teaches you to eat small meals. By sticking to it, you can lose weight well and learn how to cook delicious, healthy food. Physical activity can be in the form of brisk walking or exercise equipment.

Diet for 7 days: way out

Everyone should know about the right way out at the end of the diet. You can’t immediately rush to your usual food. The first day's menu should include 1-2 boiled eggs, light vegetable soup, fish or chicken broth, and a light salad for dinner. Take fruits as snacks. Remember: all methods cannot be used more than twice a year.

It is important to subsequently calculate calories for the day. It is clear that there are holidays and events - sometimes you can afford excess. But in order to consolidate the results and maintain your figure in shape, it is important to limit your previous usual diet. Food products should be low-calorie. If you follow these simple rules, then even a 40-year-old woman can look 20.

Watch the video in which we asked the strangest questions to a nutritionist:
