The name Lyuba in different languages ​​of the world. Love: the meaning of the name, character and fate of the girl

It is this issue that we will devote today’s article. It should be noted that Slavic girls began to be given this name a very long time ago. And there is an assumption that it came to us from Ancient Greece, where representatives of the fairer sex were called Agapia, that is, love. But this is just one version. After all, today there are many other assumptions about where this name came from. It should also be noted that different girls who are named this way also have completely different character traits.

Is Lyubov a Russian name?

According to one version, this name was borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, where it came from Ancient Greece. What does the name Love mean? In this case, such a name symbolizes a great and bright feeling that absolutely every person wants to comprehend. Moreover, upon hearing this name, people involuntarily begin to smile at little Lyubochka.

Girl's childhood

Having found out what Love means, it should be noted that such a name makes little girls friendly and loved by everyone. She doesn’t have to make much effort to attract the attention of people around her at the right moment and win them over. Outwardly, such girls are charming, playful and already a little flirtatious in childhood. In her relationship with her mother and father, Lyubochka is kind and compassionate. However, these qualities are only superficial.

A girl named Lyubov is flexible and can give in in conflict situations, but only to a certain limit. At school, such a child does not study very well, as he cannot concentrate on a specific task. Bad grades do not spoil the girl’s mood, since she feels that her future position in society does not depend on them.

While still a schoolgirl, Lyuba tries to visit beauty salons, do her makeup, hairstyles and choose beautiful outfits. As for household chores, housekeeping only causes boredom for her.

Choice of profession

A girl named Lyubov tries to choose a profession that will not be associated with high responsibility, as well as the need to make very important and serious decisions. The work of such representatives of the fair sex should be leisurely, requiring painstaking and thoroughness. An ideal option for Lyubov would be a position as a pharmacist, librarian, manicurist, etc. However, it should be noted that girls born in the spring or summer months are often sociable and artistic. In this case, they are recommended to turn their attention to working in insurance and advertising companies.

Personal life

The female name Love speaks for itself. After all, such a representative of the fair sex is surrounded by fans from a very young age. Many men offer their hand and heart to her - and this makes it much more difficult to choose a life partner. Often, to do it right, Lyuba turns to fortune tellers and horoscopes. Such women continue to have an increased interest in them until adulthood. Moreover, very often they try to treat their loved ones with unconventional methods. Such activities fuel Lyuba’s thoughts that she is an extraordinary person. But this fact can negatively affect the relationship with your husband.

Although such women are charming, playful and sexy, they also have a strong will, a strong, sharp mind and ambition. They really enjoy winning discussions or doing well at work. Hence their conflicting character, which quite often interferes with their personal life. Moreover, for such a woman, public worship has absolutely no meaning. The main thing for her is the recognition of one and only person, who will be her chosen one.

As a rule, the first marriages of such girls are fragile. However, kind and charming by nature, Lyubochka does not remain alone for long. Moreover, the stress they endure makes them flexible and loyal.

As adults, such women are quite economical and will do everything to ensure that their man happily returns home. At the same time, Love can be extremely jealous, although it carefully hides it.

Choosing a Husband

You learned about what the name Love means a little higher. In this section I would like to tell you exactly how a girl with such a sensual name conquers men’s hearts.

Lyuba is so charming and sweet that she can quickly win someone over. When communicating with the opposite sex, she is easy-going and does not think at all about what she will say in the next minute. After all, Lyubochkas, especially the “spring” ones, are artistic and have an enviable sense of humor.

It should be noted that such girls prefer to communicate only with highly intelligent young people. After all, with them they learn to be just as smart and successful.

Most often, Lyubas marry a military man or a man who serves in the security forces. After marriage and the birth of children, the main value of such women becomes the well-being of the family. But often Lyubov puts off household chores for work, which brings her a lot of income. After all, having material wealth, she feels protected and independent of anyone.

Lyuba devotes a lot of time to herself, first of all, and only then to her children and husband. This quality of her character, as well as her excessive love to “chat” with her friends, very often leads to conflict situations in the family.

The most successful marriage for such women is with Yuri, Victor, Gennady, Konstantin or Gleb. As for complex and confusing relationships, they can arise with Stanislav, Boris, Ruslan, Igor or Ignat.


What does the name Love mean? Although we gave the answer above, it is worth noting once again that women who are given this name fully justify it - they love themselves, and they are loved too. They are truly very sensitive, loved by everyone and literally adored by the people around them. But it's not that simple. After all, if the presented characteristic of the name Lyubov positions such girls as romantic, gentle and affectionate, then outwardly they look exactly the opposite. After all, even at a young age, Lyubochka strives to dress beautifully and put on makeup. Most often, such women choose not a light and romantic style, but the image of a femme fatale, even a vamp. To do this, they purchase only fashionable and figure-flattering clothes in bright colors. As for makeup, it is very important for Lyubov. She will never appear in society without makeup.

Features of Luba

The kindness and charm of such women are combined with self-focus, regularity, melancholy and subordination to natural rhythms. In addition, Love is capable of self-sacrifice. Her unobtrusive desire for justice and truth very often makes her cruel.

Suitable middle names and derived names

The following patronymics are ideal for this name: Sergeevna, Anatolyevna, Valerievna, Igorevna, Naumovna, Aleksandrovna, Alekseevna, Petrovna, Pavlovna, Andreevna, etc. It should be especially noted that Lyubov has the largest number of derived names. These include such as Lyubava, Lyubakha, Lyubanya, Lyubasha, Lyusya, Lyubusya, Busya, Lyubusha, etc. These are the derivatives that parents use at home in relation to their little girls. As for public life, very often Love is simply called Any or Lyubochka.

Name day

According to the Christian calendar, Lyuba's name day is celebrated on September 30. After all, it was on this day that the holy martyr Lyubov, together with her sisters Nadezhda and Vera, were beheaded in front of the eyes of their own mother after long and painful torture for the faith of Christ.

Other information

Most often, girls born under the sign of Libra are given this name. After all, it is “autumn” Love that grows into a purposeful person with a great sense of humor. Thanks to these qualities, Lyubas quickly climb the career ladder and occupy leadership positions. In addition, women born in September or October can become good lawyers or economists. But for all its intelligence, “autumn” Love can be envious and is not averse to gossiping or discussing the appearance of a new employee.

Luba's planet is Saturn, her talisman or amulet stone is lapis lazuli. The dark blue color brings her success in business and personal life. The auspicious tree for Love is the linden, and the cherished plant is the lovage. As for the patron of this name, it is the praying mantis.

Love is a popular Russian name that has Greek roots of origin. Like many other Greek names, the name Lyubov came into the Russian language along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Rus'. However, this name is unusual. When transferred from another language, the name Love was transferred not phonetically, but in meaning. In Greek, the name Love (Ἀγάπη/Agape) and the word love are also identical. Linguists call this transfer from one language to another - tracing. That is The meaning of the name Lyubov is "love". The names Vera and Nadezhda were also transferred. These three names are associated with the three sister martyrs - Faith, Nadezhda and Love, who suffered for the Christian faith in the second century AD. However, this principle of transfer did not affect the name of their mother Sophia, which in Greek means “wisdom”. This name was transferred using the phonetic method familiar to us.

Meaning of the name Love for a girl

Girls named Lyubov grow up as kind and sociable children. They are quite emotional, although they like to flirt and appear modest. Little Lyuba loves to help her parents, but this help is not free. Lyuba considers praise obligatory for any good deed. For her, this is this kind of deal, I work - you praise.

Lyuba doesn't like studying. She has a hard time concentrating and has difficulty maintaining attention. Although, of course, there are exceptions among the owners of this beautiful name. At the same time, you cannot call the girl stupid. Lyuba has excellent intellectual abilities, but unfortunately, studying is rarely among her priorities.

Lyuba’s health is good, but as usual, she also has a weak point. The weak point of health named Love is the nervous system. Lyuba has a hard time withstanding stressful situations, so it is advisable for her to avoid them in every possible way.

Short name Love

Lyuba, Lyubanya, Lyubakha, Lyubka, Lyubchik.

Diminutive pet names

Lyubochka, Lyubonka, Lyubushka, Lyubava, Lyubasha, Lyubusya, Lucy.

Name Love for international passport- LUBOV, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Love into other languages

in Serbian - Žuba
in Slovenian - Ljuba, Ljubinka
in Ukrainian - Lyubov
in Croatian - Ljubana, Ljubica
in Czech - Ljuba, Ljubica

Name Love according to church(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Love.

Characteristics of the name Love

For bearers of the name Lyubov, the characteristic features can be called quite pronounced selfishness and determination. She often neglects relationships with others when achieving her goals. At the same time, Love is characterized by the manifestation of melancholy and some fatigue. She doesn't like people, but she likes to be the center of attention, so she likes noisy parties. Lyubov has almost no close friends, but he has more than enough friends to have fun.

Love does not find itself in work. He works with enthusiasm, but only for money. For her, work and pleasure lie on different planes. Quiet work is more suitable for her; she has a hard time withstanding sudden changes in the work environment. All this does not make Lyubov a bad worker. If her goals include earning money, then such perseverance and efficiency can be achieved from few others. Successful in the profession of commodity expert, accountant, etc.

In family relationships, Love becomes softer and more giving. It is in the family that she learns to listen to loved ones and is attentive to their interests. Laba loves children very much, but tries to seem strict. Usually this doesn't work out very well. She is a good housewife, although she does not enjoy household chores.

The secret of the name Love

The secret of the name Love can be called her ability to manipulate people. She can use the people around her in a variety of ways to achieve her goals. Quite a lot of people on their path Love disappoint with this approach to life.

Another secret of Lyuba can be called her tendency to conflict situations. She is a good companion for relaxation, but as soon as your interests collide in any small detail, expect trouble.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

Totem animal- Mantis.

Name color- Dark blue.

Tree- Linden.

Plant- Lovage.

Stone- Lapis lazuli.

Wise people say that a person’s life depends on many factors, including the name given at birth. This article will talk about what the name Love means and why such women are special.

Origin of the name

How did this name appear in the vastness of our homeland? It came from the Greek language, where it has the same meaning as ours - a bright and pure feeling of love. It came to the territory of Rus' back in the days of the formation of Christianity, but it could have had a different interpretation. So, girls were often called not only Lyubs, but also Lyubavs.

A little history

What is the history of the name Love? It is worth mentioning that such women celebrate their name day on September 30th. However, in addition to Love, they also remember Vera and Nadezhda, her martyred sisters. The girls were still teenagers when on this day they were tortured and beheaded in front of their mother Sofia for their persistent and unshakable faith. That is why girls with such names are always strong in soul and body. It is almost impossible to lead them astray from the chosen, intended path.


When considering the meaning of the name Love, at the very beginning you need to talk about what such girls will be like at a young age. So, these babies are friendly, smiling, and well-mannered. Many children always gather around them, as they radiate kindness and warmth. Lovers are sociable, love those around them and always try to interest them. These girls are flirty and love attention. However, in controversial situations they are almost always ready to give in. Lyuba can also sacrifice her interests, but if issues important to her are touched upon, she will stand behind them with a wall. Girls with this name do not strive to be excellent students and are not too upset when they receive bad marks. At the same time, Lyubas very early begin to monitor their appearance and select outfits. This becomes the main thing for them in adolescence. As children, they do not strive to help their parents around the house. But they still prefer work that is time-consuming and painstaking.

Positive Character Traits

The female name Love gives its owner both positive and negative character traits. Right now I would like to talk about the positive aspects of such ladies.

  1. Strong will. Such women are not influenced by outsiders and always have their own clear opinion on any matter.
  2. Reliability. Lyuba will never betray. She is a very faithful and reliable life partner. In addition, she helps not only family and friends, but even strangers, without demanding anything in return.
  3. Sociability and cheerfulness. Such women will never complain to anyone about their problems. Outwardly, they do not show excitement or negative emotions. However, there is another side to the issue. Often in their hearts they think and feel completely differently from how they present it to others.
  4. Cordiality. The Lyubas are hospitable hostesses. They love to invite friends and comrades home, giving them a lavish reception. However, all this is most often done in order to show off one’s financial situation.
  5. Flirtatiousness and charm. Lovers can attract the attention of others for a long time. They tell good and interesting stories and almost always look beautiful. Thanks to this, people are drawn to them.

Negative character traits

What negative character traits does Lyubov (Russian name - Lyubava) have?

  1. Selfishness. If this is not so noticeable in childhood, then in adulthood Lyubas most often put their own interests above the desires and demands of others.
  2. Relaxation in communication with the opposite sex. From a very young age, Lyuba is confident that all men should be at her feet. She often communicates with them too frivolously and uninhibitedly. From the outside it most often looks ugly.
  3. Talkativeness. It's rare that Lyubov has a best friend. Most often, the circle of communication is limited to a warm, cheerful company, where you can have a good rest, but not speak out. Few people let Lyuba get closer to them, because she absolutely does not know how to keep her mouth shut.
  4. Coldness and detachment. If in the company of her friends Lyuba is cheerful and cheerful, then at home she is most often cold and distant. Most often, household members do not understand this and are offended.

Career and work life

What else is interesting about the meaning of the name Love? So, it is worth saying that Lyuba is no different in her enormous intelligence and special abilities. She most likely will not be a discoverer or a scientist. But since she is very careful and attentive to her work responsibilities, there are never any complaints against her in the workplace. She does not stand out in front of her superiors, either in a good or bad sense.

Lyuba is a diligent girl, which is why she can be trusted with any painstaking work. She can be a manicurist, cosmetologist, archivist, librarian. She also works well with numbers, so she can be an accountant, financier, banker, or cashier without fear.

In addition, Lyuba is an excellent actress in real life. But this profession will suit her well. She knows how to transform herself in a minute, giving people what they want to see and hear. So the acting field is definitely for her.

Hobbies and interests

What else needs to be said when considering the meaning of the name Love? What hobbies might such women have? As mentioned above, they are very concerned about their appearance. So they can learn everything about beauty for themselves: they themselves learn manicure and makeup. It becomes their passion and hobby. At the same time, girls with this name try to improve their abilities in order to reach even greater heights. If we talk about other hobbies, they can engage in embroidery, beadwork, i.e., things that require time and attention. Lyubas are often drawn to the ground. They can start a small vegetable garden or start growing house plants.

Family and feelings

The Slavic name Lyubov already speaks for itself. From a very early age, such women try to be in the circle of men, attracting their attention and flirting with them. Lyuba has many fans and suitors at different ages. However, she is in no hurry to start a serious relationship, because she likes everyone’s adoration. When choosing a life partner, ladies with this name are most often guided not by feelings, but by profit. That is why their first marriages are most often unsuccessful. Later, Love tries to listen more to her inner voice, choosing a man with her heart. Over time, such women become more flexible and calm. They are very strict with children, but fair. However, babies are most often drawn more to their father than to their mother.

Intimate relationships

What else is interesting about the meaning of the name Love? So, we need to say a few words about the sexuality of such women. Lovers are very selective in partners and will not enter into close relationships with someone they don’t love. But still, in adult life, such a lady will gravitate towards a strong and powerful representative of the opposite sex. She will also be an actress in bed. She often subconsciously feels what her chosen one wants and fulfills all his whims. That's why she's always welcome. She is also very passionate and loves sex. But not every man can give her pleasure.

Name compatibility

It is clear what the name Love means and what such women are like in life. But I would also like to say a few words about what kind of men are suitable for them.

  1. A successful marriage will be with Victor, Alexander, Grigory, Alexey, Gleb, Yuri.
  2. Relationships will be difficult with Sergei, Roman and Daniil.
  3. Lyuba should not connect her life with Boris, Ruslan, Igor and Stanislav.

First and middle name

What else is interesting about the characteristics of the name Love? We can say a few words about what middle names are best suited for these ladies:

  1. Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Alekseevna. These women are strict and have a strong character. However, they are compliant and flexible. They often trust people too much, for which they are punished by fate. Divorce among such Lovers is an extremely rare occurrence. They are faithful life partners; they choose a partner early, while still at school. Mostly they have sons.
  2. Alexandrovna, Borisovna, Pavlovna, Kirillovna. Such women are leaders in life. They must be first in at least one area of ​​life - at work, at home or among friends. Most often she marries a calm man who does not interfere with her management and housekeeping. Often holds prestigious positions or studies at a good university. Which, however, does not bring her pleasure. Finds an outlet in the arrangement of everyday life.
  3. Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Romanovna, Konstantinovna, Egorovna. These are “hot” women who have a quick temper. They can lose their temper, and a second later they already regret it. However, they behave the same way in bed, which turns out to be only a plus there. They have an easy-going character and get along with people who forgive their impulsiveness.
  4. Antonovna, Leonidovna, Igorevna, Olegovna, Semyonovna. These are very cheerful and energetic ladies. They can gain authority and trust in a short time. Good-natured and flexible. However, at the same time, they are amorous and gullible. Such women rarely have one marriage; most often they change men several times during their lives.
  5. Anatolyevna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna, Stepanovna. These are very persistent and stubborn women. In addition, conflicts and hot temper. At the same time, they are very active and energetic, and cannot tolerate slowness and sluggishness. The work “burns” in their hands, so their superiors value them very much. However, such women almost never occupy high positions (and do not strive for this). In relation to their spouse they are jealous and demanding.

Translation of the name Love: in German - Leuba. In Greek the name sounds like Agape. It is not translated into other languages, it is written in transliteration - Liubov.

  • Stone: lapis lazuli.
  • Name color: dark blue.
  • Patron: praying mantis.
  • Favorable plant: lovage, linden.
  • Happy time of year: autumn.
  • Lucky day: Friday.

In villages the name Lyuba is found more often than in cities. And although it was not included in the top ten for several centuries, it never completely fell out of use.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Love.

What does the name Love mean?

The name Love means beloved (glory)

Meaning of the name Love for life

A woman named Lyubov is pretty, charming, cheerful and flirtatious. She knows how to dress beautifully, never forgets about makeup, and knows how to present herself favorably. She is good-natured and friendly, but does not like to take on any responsibility; she even chooses a profession that does not oblige her to do so. Tries not to take anything to heart. This woman is very artistic, life for her is a big stage on which she constantly plays some role. Lyuba usually has many fans; but for a long time she does not take them seriously, behaves arrogantly, demonstrates her superiority. A woman named Lyubov is in no hurry to get married; she has no problems in this regard - she always has someone to choose from. In the end, she usually settles on a serious person, because she intuitively understands that she needs a reliable back and a strong shoulder. And it’s even better if the husband is also a managerial person, because she herself becomes like that, and not always, only after the birth of a child. Household chores tire her. Love is very jealous, constantly tormenting itself, suspecting the infidelity of its spouse, but never tells anyone about it. In intimate relationships, a woman named Lyubov is reserved; her husband does not always manage to awaken passion in her; it often seems that this woman is generally indifferent to sex. But sometimes, already in her mature years, Lyuba meets a man who is able to completely liberate her. Then no arguments that the family is a sacred matter can influence her; she begins a new life. This woman is a wonderful mother, she builds relationships with her children on equal terms, respects their opinions, and takes into account their desires.

Meaning of the name Love for sex

She is selective in sex and will not enter into a close relationship with an unloved person. “July” Lyubov is very sensitive, it seems that she is unlucky in her personal life. A woman named Lyubov treats sex calmly, looking for a meaningful man. In intimate relationships, she acts like a professional actress: she can assure her partner that only and dreams of intimacy with him, to bring him to the highest degree of pleasure, while remaining indifferent. "December" Love, on the contrary, is too temperamental. A woman named Love likes to have sex, she completely surrenders to her shock, receiving great pleasure from a simultaneous orgasm She is insatiable in love, not every man can satisfy her.

The character and fate of the name Lyubov, taking into account the patronymic

Name Love and patronymic....

Lyubov Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna has a fairly strong character, but shows willpower only in cases of extreme necessity. She is flexible and compliant as long as a normal, measured life goes on. But if someone tries to take advantage of her kindness, considers her a simpleton, she will quickly put him in his place. She is very trusting with close people, sometimes even naive, but with strangers she is careful and keeps her distance for a long time. Lyuba is modest, attentive, unobtrusive. He knows how to control himself and never enters into conflict. Vain, strives to be in the forefront. Most often she marries a person who is reliable and has been tested many times, whom she has known almost since school. Becomes a faithful and devoted friend to her husband. For such Lyuba, divorce is extremely rare, family life is developing quite successfully, although, most likely, she will never learn to receive the highest pleasure from sex. Her sons are born.

Name Love and patronymic....

Lyubov Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Fedorovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna- a powerful woman striving for leadership. She simply needs to always have someone subordinate, someone to lead: brothers and sisters, girlfriends, work colleagues, lovers, husband. She is trying to marry a calm man who would allow her to rule in the family and would meekly agree to be under her thumb. Otherwise, the marriage quickly ends in divorce. Such Love does not know how to give in to anything. But she has enough energy, assertiveness and stubbornness for two: she will do everything to put her husband in a fighting mood, force him to write a dissertation, achieve success in the professional field, and make a good career. Having not realized himself in intimate relationships, he directs all his extraordinary temperament to arranging his life, serious upbringing and education of his sons, whom he certainly places in prestigious colleges, and then in institutes.

Name Love and patronymic....

Lyubov Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna easily excitable, can unexpectedly explode over a trifle, but knows how to express her dissatisfaction in a humorous form. He has innate acting skills. She rarely gets really angry, since she generally has an easy character. Being, like all Lyubas, a leader by nature, she can willingly cede the leading role in the family to her husband and will not quarrel with him because of this. Such Lyuba’s family is always friendly and strong. This woman gets along well with her husband’s parents and can even live in the same house with them. However, this is usually not necessary: ​​Lyuba will do everything so that her life partner becomes a boss, a leader, so that they are provided with a separate apartment. Such Lyuba has a son first, then a daughter.

Name Love and patronymic....

Lyubov Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna charming, cheerful, energetic. Easy to communicate. Requires increased attention to himself, knows how to gain authority and trust of others. She is smart, quick-witted, but does not tolerate ridicule and criticism. At the same time, she is flexible, good-natured and sensitive to the grief of others. In matters of principle, he will always insist on his own. Amorous, gullible. She gets married early, but she always has only one marriage. Her marriage is usually not very successful, but she values ​​​​her family and takes care of it with all her might. Very moderate in temperament, most often remains undisclosed sexually, but, like a professional actress, she is able to assure her husband that she receives complete satisfaction from intimacy with him. Sons are born.

Name Love and patronymic....

Lyubov Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna stubborn, persistent, obsessive, selfish. Powerful, loves to lead, to be first everywhere. Conflict-bearing, quick-tempered, but not at all vindictive. She herself is very energetic, lively, and does not tolerate sluggish people. She is confident in herself and does not take into account the opinions of others. This Lyuba is very sexy, and she doesn’t need to pretend to be temperamental. She frankly likes sex, and even before marriage she has many partners, trying them on for the role of a spouse. The “December” ones suit her best - the rest are not so easy to satisfy. In marriage, such Love is jealous and vigilant, easily removes rivals from the road, while resorting to intrigue and various tricks - it can easily slander, humiliate a woman, and is ready to do anything just to get her out of the way. And yet, this Lyuba’s first marriage often breaks up. She often gives birth to daughters.

Numerology of the name Love

If the character is generally good, then it does not matter if there are some shortcomings in him.

Charles Louis Montesquieu

The meaning of the name Love is a tracing paper from the Greek. the words "Agape" ("Love").

Memorial Day: 30.09.

Personality. Copper penny of the treasury.

Characteristics of the name Love by letters:

L - the need for affection, love, tenderness;

Yu - fixation on certain moments;

B - the desire to distinguish oneself, to accomplish a feat;

O - mission;

B - patronage of higher powers, Zeus;

b - softness of character, compliance.

What does the name Love mean according to numerology:

LOVE = 452733 = 6 (Venus).

The purpose of a person’s life with the name Love is determined by the planet of love, harmony, friendliness, and interaction of elements.

What does the name Love mean in astrology:

4-5 (Mercury - Jupiter) - control of the mind over emotions, abstract thinking;

5-2 (Jupiter - Moon) - kindness, sympathy for people, idealism, honesty, justice, good luck in business;

2-7 (Moon - Saturn) - fruitful solitude, common sense, responsibility, tact, but also conservatism, caution;

7-3 (Saturn - Mars) - extroverted path of development;

3 (Mars) - the point is deepened: flaunting strength, will;

6-3 (Venus - Mars) - harmony in relationships with the opposite sex, sociability, generosity.

Karmic lessons of the name Love:

8 (Uranus) - frivolity in accounting matters;

9 (Neptune) - it is necessary to learn to use the rich potential of the individual, to overcome problems with ambition.

Characteristics of the name Love, taking into account analysis

Love is optimistic, purposeful, has a strong character, reacts quickly to situations, words, is independent, has an excellent memory, and is gentle. But she is stingy, quick-tempered, has a penchant for mystery, strives for spiritual matters, is religious (in moderation), and smart. He chooses a profession that is associated with dexterity, scrupulousness, and independence. He can become a good pharmacist and accompanist.

Soft, gentle, indifferent to sex. It is popular with men. Marriages are usually not very stable. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Boris, Lavrentiy, Yuri, Victor, Vladislav, Maxim, Veniamin, Nikolai.

The origin and meaning of the name Love is related to the ancient Greek name Agape, which translates as “Love”. According to this belief, a girl named Agape had two sisters - Elpis and Pistis, whose names are translated "Hope" and "Faith". Therefore, in a similar way, the names Nadezhda and Vera appeared in the Russian language. For the baptism of children, the name Love was not used before XVIII century, even though it was present in the calendar. The meaning of the name Love is literal - beloved, born in love or born with love.

The first interest in the meaning of the name Lyubov began to appear during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Most often, this name was given to children from the nobility. The name reached the peak of its popularity in the 50s and 60s XX century, but now its demand is actively declining. According to the ancient Greek interpretation, it becomes clear what the name Love means, exactly that bright feeling with which it is immediately associated.


The meaning of the name Love for a girl is goodwill and smiling. This child is always well mannered. He is able to gather many other children around him. Because little Lyubasha radiates warmth and kindness, she always has many friends. Lyubas are always sociable girls who love to be surrounded by friends and acquaintances. They always try to interest and attract new people into their circle of friends. This is explained by the fact that in the meaning of the name Love there is a thirst for attention and a certain amount of coquetry. Girls named Lyuba have no conflicts at all; in controversial situations they are always ready to make concessions, even against their own interests. But if the dispute raises issues that are truly worthwhile and important to her, Love will defend her point of view to the last.

The meaning of the name Love for a girl and the fate of the baby did not endow her with the ability to be an excellent student at school. They are not too concerned or interested in the learning process. At the same time, the girls are not too upset even when they receive bad marks. But from an early age, Lyuba begins to pay attention to her appearance and spends a long time showing off in front of the mirror. The desire to have a good appearance as a teenager becomes a priority for Lyuba.

Lyuba in her youth

She has a normal relationship with her parents; she is in no hurry to help them around the house. At first glance, it may seem that in her relationship with her mom and dad, Lyuba shows a huge amount of kindness and pity. But then it turns out that such feelings are only superficial.

Lyubov Aksenova

You should know that the name Love means great charm even in childhood. She is endowed with artistic talents, loves to shine and delight people. Praise and attention from others are very important to her; she needs to feel that she is loved and capable of arousing interest. Therefore, when choosing a model of behavior, she is not afraid and is not embarrassed to look funny and even ridiculous. But usually this style of behavior is typical for her, since she adheres to the image of a little princess.

Despite the fact that Lyuba has no desire to study, she still has the ability and natural predisposition to study. She has a sharp mind and a tenacious memory, she can literally convey the words of teachers, but she does not always interpret them correctly, giving them her own meaning. The meaning of the female name Love has a characteristic feature - laziness. The girl herself selects subjects at school that are not important to her and, in her opinion, will not be needed in the future, and simply ignores them. It is important for parents to create a favorable atmosphere for the self-development of their child and provide Lyuba with the opportunity to engage in creativity. In the future, her natural childish artistry may develop into professional activity.

Business and career

Love - the meaning of the name, the character and fate of this girl are associated with the desire for independence from an early age. While she is little, she wants to get complete freedom from her parents, and when she gets married, from her husband. Love is not a girl who can be an ordinary housewife. For her, being at home within four walls without constant occupation is real torture. She needs constant communication and satisfaction of her own ambitions. A bright personality and individuality ensure that all her aspirations are aimed at realization in life.

The meaning of the name Love allows a girl to choose a profession suitable for herself from a huge list. Lyuba is a talented person in everything. The fields of science and art, production and law, and pedagogy may suit her. Any industry that Love decides to devote herself to can easily submit to a girl, since she is talented and competent in everything.

You should also know what the name Lyubov means: an excellent organizer and manager. It is easy for her to make difficult decisions and take responsibility. The difficulties and obstacles that arise along the way cannot break her. This is a person with a tough core and a stable psyche, so Lyuba is ideally suited for the role of a leader. She will never let her subordinates down, will not give up and will not give up.

Lyuba can try to develop her personal business. In this endeavor, she can also expect success. This is explained by the fact that this girl’s character has all the necessary traits for the successful development of an entrepreneur and achieving success.

Whatever field of activity Love chooses, it will constantly improve, grow emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually.

It is also worth noting that Lyuba likes to do long and painstaking work. She takes her job responsibilities seriously if she is not a boss, but a performer. As an employee, she is never complained about by her superiors, but she does not hear praise from management either. It just doesn’t stand out in any way, either for bad or good achievements. Thanks to her natural perseverance, she can be a librarian, cosmetologist, manicurist, or archivist. She has a special relationship with numbers, so she can become a financier, banker, cashier, accountant. But still, the direct meaning of the name Lyubov is her calling to be an actress.

Personal life

The name Love, the meaning of the name and the fate of this girl are connected with the countless number of fans who have surrounded her from a young age. Love can hear a lot of marriage proposals throughout its life, so it is usually difficult for her to decide on the choice of a life partner. Lyuba often shifts responsibility for such an act to horoscopes or turns to fortune-tellers. Indeed, the meaning of the name Love gives the girl an increased interest in the occult sciences, which lasts for quite a long time. She has a predisposition to try to treat her family, loved ones and others in unconventional ways. This is explained by the fact that Lyuba herself is not a completely standard person. More precisely, she likes to count that way. It is this opinion about yourself that can provoke problems with your husband.

It is also worth knowing that the name Love means strong will and ambition, which are usually inherent in men. In addition to natural charm, Lyuba is also endowed with sexuality and playfulness. Excessive looseness of a girl can negatively affect her reputation.

A girl's first marriage is not always happy, and the marriage is not always lasting. But the girl’s charm and kindness cannot go unnoticed for long. Therefore, Lyuba is not left to suffer alone and quickly finds a new chosen one. A special character trait is the development of complaisance. Due to unsuccessful marriages and stress, Lyuba automatically becomes a faithful and flexible wife to her new husband. With age, love understands that the comfort and coziness of home is just as important as self-realization. Therefore, she turns into a good housewife and sincerely tries to please her husband, to make his return home joyful and pleasant. By nature, Love is a very jealous woman, but she tries to carefully hide this quality.


The meaning of the name Love and the character of this woman can be described in two words - frantic and fatal. Only one feeling can push her to commit crazy acts - this is love. This is really what makes her lose her head. Otherwise, she is a discreet and attractive woman with extraordinary abilities and composure. Love has strong energy with a strong character in a soft shell of kindness and sincerity. Usually, a pretty appearance hides a girl’s erudition and life wisdom. She endures difficulties and various unfavorable circumstances in life.

Iron willpower and strength of character are the traits that Lyuba retains throughout her life, from childhood. Despite the woman’s sociability, there is a chill and a bit of detachment in her demeanor. This girl cannot be called an open person. Even her closest people don’t know her completely. It is definitely worth noting such a trait of Lyuba as the ability to control herself, regardless of the events unfolding around her. She does not show her weakness to people, does not fall into hysterics, and always remains polite and friendly. Her own interests come first. . Therefore, among the negative traits of the name one can single out selfishness that is noticeable to loved ones.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Love and its meaning in astrology:

  • planet - Saturn;
  • zodiac constellation – Libra;
  • the right time of year is summer;
  • favorable day of the week is Friday;
  • lucky color - blue and light blue;
  • totem animal - praying mantis. The insect is the embodiment of cunning and resourcefulness, therefore Love can perfectly navigate in any situation in life and bend to it;
  • A favorable plant is linden, which is considered a symbol of love and fidelity. This tree is a talisman for love and a protector from the evil eye and evil spirits. Therefore, Lyuba’s linden tree should always be treated with respect; it should not be sawed or broken;
  • talisman stone – lapis lazuli. For Lyuba it is a symbol of power and success. Thanks to its magical properties, the stone relieves its owner from bad thoughts, allows her to gain inner freedom, and also treats nervous disorders and migraines.
Lapis lazuli (stone)


By meaning, the name Love has favorable compatibility with Victor, Alexey, Anatoly, Bogdan, Boris, Valentin, Vyacheslav, Vladimir, Gleb, Grigory, German, Dmitry, Denis, Zakhar, Egor, Makar, Maxim, Mikhail, Matvey, Nikolai, Pavel, Roman, Timur, Timofey, Yuri, Ian, Trofim, Philip, Stepan, Sergey. With men who are so called, she can have the most lasting marriage.

Lyuba has poor compatibility with Anton, Arthur, Vladislav, Georgy, Yaroslav, Stanislav, Savely, Platon, Oleg, Naum, Demyan.
