Information about Pokemon and their evolution. What do Japanese Pokemon names mean?

Today we will talk about Pokemon CP in Pokemon GO - you will find out what it is and what it affects. You can also find the maximum CP for the Pokemon you are interested in.

The amazing world of Pokemon GO continues to captivate players in the real world. The first wave of catching Pokemon has passed, and now players are busy leveling up and evolving their “animals.” It is necessary to increase the level of your Pokemon in order to win future battles. The main characteristic of a Pokemon's power is the value of its CP and HP. Many have asked the question: “What is CP and what does this characteristic affect?”

What is a Pokemon's CP?

Combat Points (CP)- this is the fighting potential of a Pokemon, it is a summary characteristic of power, strength, attack, defense and trainer level. For each Pokemon, the maximum CP is different.

Based on the above, we can conclude - the higher the CP value, the stronger your animal. In general, Pokemon GO has changed the approach to determining Combat Points. In previous Pokémon game franchises, CP included split values ​​for Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed.

Full list of maximum CP

Foreign game resource GamePress prepared a list of maximum Combat Points for all Pokemon. The final SP values ​​were derived taking into account the high level trainer (40), as well as with full individual values. Most basic Pokemon (Zubat, Caterpie) have a max below 1000. Water type Magikarp has the lowest value of 262.70, while its evolution Gyarados is the 12th highest on the list at 2,688.89. Surprisingly Mew ranks third with 3,299.17, after the second strongest Dragonite - 3,500.06.

In general, here it is full list all Pokemon (starting from the first number in the Pokédex):

Collecting all the rare Pokemon is a fan's dream Pokemon games Go. Many people believe that this is impossible and that you cannot find all the rare Pokemon in your city alone. To a large extent this is true, but who knows, maybe Mew will fly onto your street.

Rare Pokemon does not mean unavailable. This is the name given only to those pocket monsters that are distinguished by great strength and agility, and therefore know how to hide well. In fact, in Pokemon Go, it is the developers who make Pokemon agile, based on their abilities. That is why the list will reflect the character of Pokemon from the popular animated series.

No longer rare, but noteworthy Pokemon

Without specifics, Kangaskhan can be classified as rare. There is no reliable information that anyone has caught the Kangaroo Pokemon. Slightly less rare Mister Mime and Porygon can be seen several times a month. Previously it was believed that Electabuzz and Magmar were also quite rare, but in the center big city they can be caught almost every day. As well as Jinx (she's not even in the center), Aerodactyl, Slowbro, Ponyta, Scyther and Pincer.

List of the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go

10. Dratini. Few people are interested in a dragon-like Pokemon with CP 983, because in a large metropolis it appears 10 times a day and is ineffective in battle. But its second form - Dragonair - is a real rarity. Few people managed to catch enough Dratini to evolve it into a second form, and even more so into a third. This is only possible by obtaining Dratini from a ten-kilometer egg along with big amount. The third form is the good postman Dragonite (3500 CP) - the dream of any trainer.

Rare Pokemon Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon

9. Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon. These forms of Eevee evolution are rare, but catching Eevee itself is not difficult (and the evolution costs only 25 candies). This Pokemon is optimally distributed across the city map; it can be found a little more often in the center. Evie entry level easy enough to catch. For level 100 and above, it is better to use berries and. The same applies to the forms of its evolution, although they are much more difficult to catch. There is no specific attachment of Pokemon to a place; they can even appear randomly near your house. The most of the three forms - water pokemon Vaporeon.

8. Lapras. This Pokemon is a Water and Ice type. A very wise and calm monster. Can read people's thoughts and communicate without words: his voice is heard in his head. In the game he has an impressive 2980 power points. Appears every few weeks without any connection to the location. An excellent defender. Copes with grass and earth-type Pokemon, as well as flying ones, in particular dragons.

7. Snorlax. A large, sleepy Pokémon that nevertheless has 3112 CP. During the month of observation, it appeared 3-4 times, both in the city center and in remote areas. His playing indicators are the most optimal, so he is effective both in defense and in attack. It is unlikely that you can purposefully find it, unless you stumble upon it by accident.

Today, in Russian-speaking countries, the animated series "Pokemon" is not particularly popular, because the demand for it has disappeared quite a long time ago. But about fifteen years ago there was a real boom: this anime was shown on TV, everyone bought magazines with these pocket monsters, toys, stickers and other things. All according to Pikachu and others, and in the minds of many people, Pokemon still occupy an important place and evoke a lot of pleasant memories and emotions. However, in Japan, the United States and several other countries, Pokemon are still something integral - new episodes about them are constantly being released, computer games and much more. Today, there are already more than seven hundred species of these creatures, and Russian-speaking fans only remember the song about “one hundred and fifty of them in total.” Therefore, now we will only consider those types of Pokemon that belong to the first generation, that is, those one hundred and fifty samples. And they will be considered from A to Z, or more precisely, from 1 to 150 in the order in which they are listed in the Pokédex.

Pokemon 1 to 18

As already mentioned, now there is simply an incredible amount of different Pokemon that are collected in the Pokédex from various cartoons, comics and computer games. However, it will be very difficult to consider all of them, and there is no particular point in this, since the Russian-speaking reader is unlikely to recognize any of the creatures following number 151. Therefore, the types of Pokemon that will be considered in this article belong to the first generation, and you should start with Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. These are three Pokemon that are starting, that is, the trainer can choose one of them as his first. Bulbasaur is a grass Pokémon and uses a bulb on its back in battle, Charmander is a fire-breathing salamander, and Squirtle is a kind of turtle that attacks with water. The first Pokemon can transform into Ivysaur and then Venusaur, revealing a bulb on its back, becoming larger in size and gaining new abilities, the second into Charmeleon and then Charizard, a real dragon, and the third into Wartortle and then Blastoise - a giant turtle with several water cannons on its shoulders. Next in the Pokédex are Caterpie, Metapod and Butterfree - three forms of Pokemon, the first of which is a caterpillar, the second is a cocoon, and the third is a butterfly. Another similar evolutionary set is Weedle, Kakuna and Beedrill. This time, the worm produces a cocoon, and then a powerful wasp. Well, don’t forget about the bird species of Pokemon: Pidgey, Pidgeotto and Pidget, which are among the most popular in the series.

Pokemon from 19 to 36

However, not all types of Pokemon have three evolutionary forms - many of them only evolve once. The most prominent example is the most famous Pokemon Pikachu, which can shock opponents with electricity. He can only transform into Raichu, a stronger version, however this did not happen in the anime as viewers thought Pikachu was too cute and didn't want him to get bigger and meaner. Ratatta the rat evolves into a more dangerous version of Raticate, the small bird Spearow into the huge Fearow, and the not-so-impressive Ekans into Erbok. Also worth noting are the transformations of Sandshru into Sandslash and Clefairy into Clefable. The last couple deserves special attention, since these are pink fairies with absolute pitch and a thin voice. They are considered to be practically the best in the world. Unlike pairs of evolution, there are even entire chains. For example, there are two genders of Pokemon - Nidoran. If it is a female, then it turns into Nidorina, and then into Nidoqueen. If it is a male, then it will evolve into Nidorino, and then into Nidoking - that’s how diverse Pokemon can be. It is difficult to describe all the species, but it is still possible, especially considering that they are all very interesting and attractive.

Pokemon 37 to 51

According to the Pokédex, next are Vulpix and Ninetales, the two forms of the fox Pokémon. After this you will find one of the cutest creatures in the world - Jigglypuff. He can hypnotize and put everyone to sleep with his wonderful voice and becomes even more dangerous when he transforms into Wigglytooth. You can see for yourself what varied powers Pokemon can have. All types are divided into some groups, such as grass, water or fire, but it is still worth noting that all Pokemon have their own unique features. For example, Zubat who then evolves into Golbat represents bat, which drinks the blood of its victim, and Pokémon such as Oddish cannot do anything special, but only gain their powers when they transform into their further forms - into in this case in Gloom and Vileplume. There are also those that, in both their initial and final form, are not useful in battle. For example, Paras and Parasect. Venonat, strange small animal, turns into Venomoth, and Diglett triples and becomes Dagtrio. The types of Pokemon and their evolution is a very interesting and vast topic that is very much loved by fans.

Pokemon 52 to 68

In no case should we forget about Meowth, the only creature that speaks human language. If we consider the types of Pokemon and their evolution, then special attention should be paid to Persian, the second form of Meowth. Next, Psyduck turns into Golduck, Monkey turns into Primep, and Growlet turns into Arcanine. Sometimes in the Pokédex there are still long chains of evolution, for example, Poliwag first turns into Poliwhirl and then into Poliwrat, Abra into Kadabra and Alakazama, and Machop into Machoke and Machamp. By the way, you can find all these creatures in popular fashion for Minecraft Pixelmon. The types of Pokemon are more than fully represented there, so if you consider yourself a fan of this universe and also love this famous game, then you should definitely try this modification.

Pokemon 69 to 86

If we talk about Pokemon that are not particularly powerful in their first forms, then it is definitely worth noting the charming Bellsprout, which then evolves into the slightly more useful Vipinbel, and that into the powerful Victreebel. If you are interested in how many species will be considered in this article, then you should answer a simple question about whether you have watched the “Pokemon” series translated into Russian. All types (the pictures will only confirm this) will be familiar to you, since this article is about these first generation Pokemon. These include pairs Tentacul-Tentacruel, and triplets Geodude-Graveler-Golem, as well as famous horse Ponyta with her evolved Rapidash form. Also worth noting is Slowpoke, who managed to become the hero of Internet memes, as well as his next form, Slowbro. Many may have forgotten some Pokemon, such as Magnemite and Magneton, but it is much more likely that you remember Farfetchd, but rather its evolved forms - Doduo and Dodrio. We must not forget about little seal Sile, who eventually turns into Dewgong. In Minecraft, the types of Pokemon remain the same, so you can remember your youth and the popular anime series while playing your favorite game.

Pokemon 87 to 101

The best way to study all the species in the Pokemon series is with a list. It's best if it's a Pokédex list, as it will have all the information you need. You can find out that Grimer becomes Mack, Shelder turns into Cloyster, and Gastly transforms first into Haunter and then into Gengar. Pay attention to Onix - this Pokemon played important role, but was quickly forgotten, since at the time of broadcast it did not have any new form. Drowzee and Hypno, Voltorb and Electrode, Krabby and Kingler all evoke certain memories. I immediately want to remember absolutely all types of Pokemon, descriptions of their abilities, transformation and evolution.

Pokemon 102 to 151

Many more Pokemon were not mentioned: Koffing and Weezing from Team Rocket, a small Eevee that can transform into one of three possible forms- Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, as well as Mew and Mewtwo, are some of the most powerful Pokemon that are the central figures of the original series and If you want to remember your youth, then all these types of Pokemon are present in Pixelmon, so go study them in Minecraft.

Continuation of the series

Unfortunately, the continuation of "Pokemon" did not receive huge fame in Russian-speaking countries, so this work is known here only from the first season, but it was simply incredibly popular for many years. And if you want to know how it all ended, you can watch the rest of the seasons.

Computer games

Computer games, of which there are quite a few, give you a special opportunity. In them you can learn a lot of new things about the Pokemon themselves and their abilities, as well as get acquainted with those creatures that you never knew existed.

In every Pokemon lover there lives an energetic boy, Ash from Alabastia! There are simply no other assumptions. Go to the mirror and tell me what you want most? That's right: catch all the Pokémon Go! How can you catch them when you don’t even know how many varieties there are?

When all you saw was the familiar rat Rattata and the bird Pidgey flying everywhere. At the same time, at every step they say that the developers’ imagination simply knows no bounds, and they have introduced an unimaginable number of species into the game! Let's figure out how many Pokemon there are already, and about whom there are legends. How many Pokemon are there in total?

Facts that lie on the surface

To begin with, we will deal only with the facts of Pokemon Go (Pokemon Go), which will simply give us impetus for further thinking. In order not to be unfounded, you can independently find out the number of Pokemon available to you.

  • Go to the Pokemon Go game and open the menu by clicking on the pokeball.
  • At the top you will see the inscription Pokedex - click on this icon.
  • Now scroll down Pokemon Go and look at the last number.

In this case, you see only the number of Pokemon that are available to you at the current level! When you reach level 30, other cells will open for you. There will be 151 of them in total.

MISCONCEPTION: Many people go to the Pokemon Go menu and click on the Pikachu icon, where all the Pokemon you have caught are displayed (including all kinds of duplicates), and look at the marked data. It says there are 250 available, but these are not unique Pokemon, but those that you can carry with you!

What about evolutions?

Many of the Pokemon have the initial form of Pokemon Go, as well as several more stages of evolution. You can collect candies yourself and carry out the necessary manipulations so that the monster gains new uniform, and you can already catch certain type Pokemon. It is worth noting that not only all animals are listed in the Pokédex, but also their evolutionary stages. On this basis, we cut off another misconception about constantly “new” Pokemon.

Unraveling the tangle of rumors

In order not to mislead you, it is worth noting that from level 30 in Pokemon Go, 145 species of Pokemon will be available to you to catch, including evolved species. Then where did this mythical number “151” come from? Let's not forget about the legendary animals that no one has ever seen.

  • Articuno (Articuno) is a legendary ice bird, which is embodied in the emblem of the Mystics guild.
  • Zapdos is another legendary feathered creature that is the inspiration for the yellow team.
  • Moltres (Moltres) – A fire bird, which is " business card» Guild of Brave Pokemon Masters in red equipment.
  • Mewtwo (Mewtwo) - a Pokemon created thanks to genetic engineering. He knows absolutely no mercy and has a “cruel heart”!
  • Mew (Mew) - the initial stage of Mewtwo.

Unfortunately, these pokemon pokemon Go (Pokemon Go) is currently not available. There are rumors that they will be introduced as “prizes” for certain tasks or competitions between guilds. Therefore, you should now think about whose side you need to choose!

Types of existing Pokemon

There are a total of 18 specialized types into which Pokemon are divided. Knowing the type of your Pokemon you can find out about its weaknesses and strengths and attacks. All types are divided into 9 unique and 9 physical.

Depending on their type, monsters are found in appropriate places on the map.

The Pokemon master just needs to know about everyone and then he will have a chance to catch them all!

Physical types include:

  • Common - found everywhere.
  • Flying - open areas, large park areas and suburban areas.
  • Combat – large stadiums, sports shops and gyms.
  • Earthen - most often found in fields and off-road.
  • Ghosts – live in the “dead zone”.
  • Poisonous - found in swampy areas.
  • Insects are the eternal neighbors of flying Pokemon.
  • Steel – large buildings, railways.
  • Stone - mountains, rocks, quarries and large asphalt areas.

TO special types should include:

  • Wizards - habitat: religious places and monuments.
  • Grassy – lawns and anywhere where you can find a lot of grass.
  • Water - pools, rivers, reservoirs and even large fountains.
  • Fiery - dry and hot places, including the beach.
  • Electrical – near industrial areas.
  • Dragons are places of significant historical value.
  • Dark ones - you can often find them in the cinema hall.
  • Psychedelic - oddly enough, they love to visit green areas.
  • Icy – snowy areas, ice or high-rise glass buildings.

Now you have all the information to hit the road and become the best master Pokemon of all time! Catch everyone and win in the exciting Pokemon Go game. How many Pokemon did you count?

List of Rare Pokemon Pokemon GO

3.7 (74.29%) 14 votes

Owners of iPhones and smartphones running Google Android may claim that they play Pokemon GO only because they enjoy traveling around their area and meeting new people who are also passionate about the game. But in truth, many people play Pokemon GO to add another creature to their collection. Catching rare Pokemon is a fetish for many players, forcing them to venture beyond their neighborhoods and scour the city in search of them.

Created just for mobile devices, Pokemon GO uses augmented reality features paired with sensors to give players the feeling that the creatures are actually walking next to them. It's still quite early to say, but the mechanics of the appearance of some rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO are becoming clear.

Rare Pokemon Pokemon GO

Let us immediately note that the term “rare Pokemon” is now very ambiguous. What may appear to be so-called Rare Pokemon in the area where you live may be quite common in another area. Niantic has programmed the game logic in such a way that it is truly tied to geolocation data. For example: pokemon water type are located in areas where there is a lot of water nearby. The list of rare Pokemon in one area may be completely different from the list in another.

This list is based on information from thousands of users around the world using the Poke Assistant portal. They are listed from most rare to least.


This list only includes a few rare Pokemon, but there are many more in general. WITH full list can be found on the previously mentioned website (changes dynamically).

Based on the logic of the Pokemon GO game, there is no method that would 100% guarantee you will find a rare Pokemon that is not in your collection. The steps that will be proposed below only increase the chances of finding such rarok.

  • First, let's understand where you should look for rare Pokemon. If you refer to The Silph Road (an organization of world trainers who tested the game in beta),there are so-called “Nests”(nests). In these locations, rare Pokemon spawn much more often. Players usually spread information about nests through social media(as you understand, foreign). But, unfortunately, there is no one complete source that would contain a list of all nests with rare pokemon Worldwide. The optimal solution in this situation would be to re-pass through the places where you have already found a rare creature. Could this be a nest?
  • Try using Lure Modules (lures) and Incense (incense) to increase the number of spawning creatures in parks and PokeStops.
  • Also pay attention to the eggs you received from PokeStops. Some of them may well be named rarki inside. Use the incubator that is given to all players at the beginning of the game to grow your egg. The more distance you need to go to grow, the greater the chance of getting a rare Pokemon. There is a specific table of Pokémon rarity based on distance.
  • In addition to territorial dependence, there is also a clock dependence. Take into account the 12-hour cycle, depending on which different Pokemon spawn at different spots (the so-called daily cycle).
  • A dependence related to the player’s level was discovered. From about level 8, the number of rarok that appear near the player increases.
  • There are codes to get rare Pokemon. As a rule, they are sometimes sent out to members of the "Pokémon Trainers Club".
  • Players have discovered another interesting feature- sometimes effects in the form of golden leaves appeared on the map, which supposedly pointed to the path to a rare Pokemon. To trust it or not is everyone's business. But it’s better not to lose vigilance.
Approximate table of distances for receiving Pokemon

If you still have questions or suggestions regarding this list of rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO, we will be glad to hear in the comments.

Finally, here's a video of Pokemon GO in reverse.
