Interview. Svetlana Abramova: presenter who changes lives

The 30-year-old physicist could not resist the charming Svetlana: her chiseled figure...

For the sake of Svetlana Abramova, her boyfriend Anton left his wife and little daughter

Last Saturday, Channel One launched a new season of the popular television project “10 Years Younger.” Fans of the show watch with curiosity how eminent dentist, plastic surgeon, beauty stylist and image maker, led by presenter Svetlana ABRAMOVA, help Russian women start a new life. This time, 28-year-old Sveta will be dispensing advice in a new status: last spring, the TV presenter introduced her fiancé Anton to the public, and in the summer the couple acquired a family nest and began talking about marriage and children. “Wonderful news!” - you will think. We thought so too, until we found out the details of this love story.

Not only viewers, but also colleagues look up to the stylish, bright, positive and successful Sveta Abramova. The TV presenter is criticized only for “poking” the elderly participants of the “10 Years Younger” program. Sveta herself believes that communication on equal terms erases age boundaries and helps mature ladies feel like girls.

And indeed, Abramova’s heroines, who are often old enough to be her mother, surprisingly easily find a common language with her and even initiate her into personal secrets. But it turns out that Svetlana herself has more than enough such secrets.

...and a sharp tongue drive SHKURENKO crazy

Slavic polygamy

Having graduated from the Faculty of Law in her native St. Petersburg, our heroine realized long ago: all these codes and laws are not for her. In her heart she always gravitated towards publicity and, probably, that’s why in her last year she dared to take part in a university beauty contest. And she won!

Abramova began to be interviewed, in one of which Sveta admitted that she would like to try herself as a TV presenter. Journalists invited her to study the “professional kitchen” from the inside and invited her to the studio. At first, Abramova worked there as an assistant editor, and then she believed in herself so much that she went to Moscow to conquer federal channels.

The first broadcasts of Svetlana, who was hired to replace the suddenly resigned sports news presenter on REN TV, turned out to be extremely unsuccessful. The girl stammered, made mistakes in accents, confused last names and looked scared in the frame. Viewers demanded that the unprofessional be removed from the screen. The criticism upset her so much that Abramova even turned to a psychologist.

On the sidelines of the television center they whispered that an influential patron helped pave the path to fame for the TV presenter. Knowledgeable people claim that Sveta met Nikita at the very beginning of her creative career - right after graduating from television school.

Be that as it may, at one point her career took off sharply: on REN TV, the beauty was entrusted with hosting a program about cultural events in the capital, “Coming Out.”

True, that same Nikita immediately admitted to Abramova that he was hopelessly married, but Abramova was not embarrassed by this. The girl, without any embarrassment, told her friends about breathtaking dates on the roof of a high-rise building, romantic trips abroad and luxurious gifts that her lover showered her with.

Did he promise me that he would get a divorce? Of course yes,” Svetlana once confessed. - But one day Nikita called and asked to pick up a parcel at the station. There were books about the formation of Rus', the strength of Russian women and... the so-called Slavic polygamy. I felt dizzy. I suddenly began to understand what Nikita was driving at, and firmly decided to talk to him.

But Sveta didn’t have time to do this - her patron’s wife called her. Olga sobbed into the phone, talked about her second son, whom she had just given birth to, and begged her young rival to retreat.

I couldn’t understand how he could do this to me, to Olya, to the children. “I didn’t understand how to atone for my guilt before this woman,” Abramova recalled this period of her life. “I dialed Ole and asked her to forgive me, if possible, and promised that I would never appear in her life again.

You say: well, the girl stumbled - who doesn’t? The main thing is that I realized my mistake, I realized that you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. That's how it is. But very little time passed, and Sveta stepped on the same rake.

Anton with his now ex-wife Valeria

Treason as a gift

For almost a year now, Abramova’s Instagram has been replete with photos of her with a handsome guy with a strong chin. But only in March, the TV presenter admitted to one glossy publication that her current boyfriend is 30-year-old physicist Anton and they have been together since the summer of 2013.

According to her, they met by chance in one of the St. Petersburg cafes. Anton came to the Northern capital on business (he himself is a Muscovite), but when he saw Sveta, he could not pass by the table where she was sitting with her friend. Word after word, date after date, and soon their fleeting acquaintance grew into a whirlwind romance. First in two cities, and then the lovers decided to finally reunite and got a cozy apartment on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg.

The guys even shared their plans for the future with reporters: they say that their wedding is just around the corner, which means that the kids will be starting soon. But neither Sveta nor her chosen one said a word about the fact that Anton already has a family and a child.

This Abramova is a pike who has set her sights on someone else’s husband! - Diana Romanova, a relative of Anton’s wife Valeria Shkurenko, is indignant. - Lera and Anton lived together for 12 years, four years ago they had a wonderful daughter. Everything was fine: we traveled often, lived in abundance. Anton is from a wealthy family and graduated from Moscow State University in 2007. He worked as a project coordinator in the electronics field, and then rose to the rank of general director of the representative office of a large European company in Russia. Of course, he is often sent on business trips, including abroad. Lera is also a difficult girl; she now holds a high position in the children's fashion industry. So for a long time she had no idea that her husband was cuckolding her with this TV presenter.

Although, as Diana assures, Anton has already committed a similar sin: when Lera was pregnant, the faithful had an affair on the side, but came to his senses in time. Valeria found the strength to forgive her husband for his first betrayal. Moreover, he literally lay at her feet and swore that he would never betray her again. True, the girl decided to play it safe and agreed to take her husband back on the condition that he signs a marriage contract.

Lera seemed to have a presentiment that Anton would take up his old ways, continues Romanova. “She began to notice something was wrong about a year ago: her husband began to take better care of himself, regularly visited the gym and solarium, and began to go on business trips more often. However, since he, as before, carried his girls in his arms - gave expensive gifts, arranged surprises, Lera did not attach much importance to this. But in vain! Anton pretended that he was leaving on business, and he rushed to Abramova. And so he fooled Lera for a very long time. Until she came across a magazine, on the pages of which her glamorous hubby showed off with a TV presenter. This was exactly before March 8th. Nice gift, isn't it? Just imagine the shock she experienced!

Katya GERSHUNI, Sergei BLOKHIN, Oleg KONNIKOV, Evgeniy ZHUK and Svetlana ABRAMOVA in the program “10 years younger” teach women to be beautiful and happy, despite everyday troubles

Court and case

Lera did not throw a tantrum and sort things out, but simply filed for divorce. They say, frightened by his wife’s reaction, Anton tried to save the marriage again, but Valeria was adamant.

By the way, Anton’s parents are also horrified by their son’s prank, but, alas, they could not influence him,” Diana sighs. - As a result, the Shkurenkos got divorced in June. The trial lasted several months, as a result of which Lera practically left her husband without pants: according to the marriage contract, he guaranteed full maintenance for his wife and daughter. Now Antosha gives his entire salary to his ex-family, and he lives at the expense of his mistress-host. He also lost his apartment - Anton’s parents gave it to their ex-daughter-in-law and granddaughter, so at the moment Shkurenko lives in St. Petersburg with Abramova. This isn't the first time she's ruined someone else's family. Is it possible to keep such a lady on the main channel of the country, and even in a program where unfortunate women turn for help? What kind of trust in her as a presenter can we talk about now?

Hasn't this happened to you? When the ground is under your feet, butterflies in your stomach, when you thought, and he says? When you are absolutely sure that this feeling is the same, that you definitely cannot love anyone as much as him. And he, kissing you on the lips and eyes, swears that he feels exactly the same.

It’s a wild rarity - such a connection, because it’s as if you’ve always known each other, it doesn’t just happen, it’s fate. He just didn’t wait for you for a little while, stopped believing and now he’s married. But he’s unhappy in this marriage, and you can’t breathe without each other.

Sound familiar? When you encounter this for the first time, it seems that you are the only one in the world who experiences such emotions. That this is what you have - REAL. But, alas, all the stories have already been told, and romances with married men end the same way. Unfortunately.

Svetlana Abramova, the host of the “10 Years Younger” program on Channel One, admitted for the first time that she once almost took a man away from his family. And she frankly described for the readers of Woman’s Day what she was experiencing and experiencing. This is exactly the case when it is worth taking into account someone else's mistake.

He began not tritely:

“Girl, can I treat you to ice cream? There is nothing better than ice cream in winter. After all, you, like me, it seems to me, see the world a little differently. I'm Nikita".

To say that I experienced a feeling of euphoria, inspiration, inspiration was not enough. This amazing man seemed to lift me up for a few seconds and leave me to listen to his question in the air.

“Svetlana,” I answered. It took me a while to clear the fog from my head and pull myself together.

We chatted half the night. Nikita immediately said that he had been married “for a long time and unsuccessfully,” that he was opening his own business in St. Petersburg, that he wanted to move, and that he had never met such a harmonious combination of the capital and Northern Venice in one woman. I listened, listened, absorbed like a sponge everything he said, and repeated to myself: “Married, married, married...”

Then we walked around sleepy, cold St. Petersburg, listened to a violinist half-dead either from the north wind or from alcohol on the Kissing Bridge and discussed poetry, politics, and culture. It seemed to me that this could not happen.

And then Nikita walked me to the car and asked if he could call me. I said that I couldn’t afford to communicate with a man who had already started a family...

“Please answer the question: can I or can’t I? Let me decide the rest myself.”

I nodded barely and went home. As is usual with young ladies, I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I thought, I mentally asked questions. I tried to understand the degree of “dysfunction” of his family. And by the morning I firmly decided that I would trust the supreme, as I like to say, cosmic forces, and come what may. Recklessly, of course, perhaps even a little fatal, but I’m used to trusting myself.

About a week has passed. I began to forget about my unusual acquaintance, got carried away with filming, life returned to the usual high-speed rhythm, communication, and flights. Until one special day. This morning I woke up to a phone call.

“Svetlana, good morning, they asked me to give you something, can I stop by?” I gave my address, and 15 minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. There was a large box on the threshold of the apartment - and not a single soul nearby, no one to whom I could ask a question.

I brought the box into the house and, after pouring coffee, decided to find out what was hidden inside. And there are 10 more smaller boxes. Opening the last one, I saw a mobile phone. Unusual, I thought. Who? For what? My thoughts were interrupted by a call.

“Sveta, hello, this is Nikita. I finally decided to call. When will you be in St. Petersburg? See you? It’s very important for me to stay with you a little longer.” Of course I agreed.

Nikita and I started seeing each other. Walk, discuss philosophy, travel, love - whatever. “We just communicate, spend time together,” I told my friends and convinced either them or myself. The girls, to be honest, were clutching their heads, listening to the stories and worrying that Nikita would completely fool me. I didn’t understand their excitement, but three months had already passed and we hadn’t even kissed.

Meanwhile, spring was beginning in St. Petersburg...

“Good morning, Svetlana! I have one offer, but you have to trust me, it's a slippery business. Agree?"

“Otherwise!” I have long been ready to be surprised with my unusual friend.

Nikita led me to the roof of an old St. Petersburg house. It was raining. I don’t know how he managed it, but around the chimney, from which smoke was pouring out, a tent was built and candles were burning. We were greeted by a French mime. I didn’t believe that this was happening in the 21st century. It was warm. I felt warm next to him. He joked, we laughed, argued, flirted with each other, danced. At some point, in a split second, he kissed me.

Thus began the greatest madness of my life.

We started dating. Did he promise me that he would get a divorce? Of course yes. Did I doubt the correctness of our relationship? The answer is again yes. Could I resist? It was impossible.

Nikita was not just a romantic, he was a romantic in love. He was the man who was making the best romantic movie of his life. He filled my days completely, he was generous, he was a great dreamer, and I was in love. You know, once, knowing my love for pirates, he even filmed my kidnapping from a boat he rented, so that he could later save me like a hero. He knew that I adore “Scarlet Sails,” and the rescue ship cut through the mouth of the Neva precisely under sails of this color. Everything was so fabulous.

And one day Nikita called me and asked me to pick up a parcel at the station. There were books by a Russian author who talked about the formation of Rus', about the great white race, about the strength of the Russian woman, about her nature, about life in the community... And the so-called Slavic polygamy. The idea that was instilled was that the more women who love him are next to a man, the more strength he has to create. The author quite logically stated that in modern Russia this tradition, if not flourishing, then still exists to this day.

I felt dizzy. I suddenly began to understand what Nikita was driving at, and firmly decided to talk to him.

But I didn’t have time. Olya called me. His wife.

We talked for a long time, she said that she loved him, that she also read these books, that two months ago she gave birth to his second son. She cried and said that she couldn’t do this anymore, that she didn’t blame me for anything, that if this was love, then she would never get in the way, she was just very tired, she just wanted peace. I had no words.

There were no words or feelings. It seemed to me that I was not there either. I suddenly realized that with his monstrous, inhuman lies, Nikita had destroyed everything that I had so protected in my world. I couldn’t understand how he could do this to me, to us, to Olya, to the children. I didn’t understand at what point my mind stopped showing any signs of life. I didn’t understand how to atone for my guilt to this woman on the other end of the phone. And most importantly, I didn’t understand

Perhaps my story will be useful to someone. For me, I dare to hope, it will be the last with a minus sign, with the salty aftertaste of heartache.

I'm not sure that learning from other people's mistakes is possible. But nevertheless, I would like to give a few tips to the girls. First of all, try not to deviate from your beliefs, no matter how much you want to. There are some general truths, like “you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune” and so on, but I preferred “if you really want to, then you can.”

Secondly, trust people. But trust only those in whom you are confident, understanding that from the outside, sometimes you really know better. My close friends tried several times to open my eyes, but I thought that I didn’t need their advice, that no one knew what was happening between two people. Alas, sometimes this is not the case.

And finally, thirdly, the most important thing - take care of your heart, you have only one and you should not open it until you can tell the person “I trust you” - say sincerely, from the heart, being sure that when you say these words in your story, there are no blank spots, unsaidness, ambiguity or contradictions left outside the brackets.

Svetlana Abramova. Born on July 2, 1987 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian TV presenter.

According to Svetlana, since childhood she dreamed of becoming an actress and loved everything related to the stage.

From an early age I got used to making all decisions myself and being responsible for them.

After graduating from school, she chose between journalism, law and theater school. Svetlana considered that she was too serious a girl for theater and applied to the law - “Putin” - faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Therefore, her first education is legal.

While studying at the university, she participated in beauty contests. In 2007 she became the winner of the Miss SPSU beauty contest. And in 2008 she reached the finals of the “Beauty of Russia” and “Miss Moscow” competitions.

All this time she worked not only on her education, but also improved her body: “From the third year of institute, she began to participate in beauty contests. And although not everyone there is “90-60-90”, there are thin ones and plump ones, in my head I kept thinking: “I need to lose weight!” It seems to me that many girls with curves think the same way. I, as they say, have a heavy bone. What the scale shows does not always correlate with my appearance. At 171 centimeters tall and 50 kilograms, I look painfully thin." In the end, I chose the optimal balance between weight and height.

Her craving for creativity finally took over and Svetlana moved to Moscow, where she found a teacher in speech techniques, who taught her all the intricacies of the TV presenter profession.

In 2008 she graduated from the Higher National School of Television and Radio.

Since 2009, Svetlana Abramova, the presenter of the REN TV channel, started with sports news and press reviews.

In 2011 she began hosting the program "The publication" on REN TV about the main cultural events of the capital.

In the program “10 Years Younger,” experts are trying to transform the main character. First, a survey is conducted on the street; passers-by are asked how old the heroine looks. From this the arithmetic mean is derived. Then a whole team of specialists, consisting of a plastic surgeon, dentist, stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser, decide what procedures the heroine needs. Plastic surgery, Botox, laser eye surgery - professionals in their field will take on the work and reshape the heroines’ faces and bodies.

"Ask yourself, how many times do you live? Only in what you love can you achieve success. Listen exclusively to yourself, only you know what you really need. Surround yourself with like-minded people, those who believe in and support you. A person is capable of achieving any goal, the main thing is - desire, motivation and support. Remember, you are unique, believe in yourself", says Svetlana Abramova.

Svetlana Abramova's height: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Svetlana Abramova:

He is in a relationship with Anton Shkurenko, he is a physicist. As Svetlana said, they met, as Svetlana clarified, on July 13 in a cafe in her native St. Petersburg.

It later turned out that at the time of their acquaintance Anton was married to a girl named Valeria, with whom he lived for 12 years and had a daughter.

“This Abramova is a pike who has set her sights on someone else’s husband!” Diana Romanova, a relative of Anton’s ex-wife, told reporters. As Romanova said, due to the specifics of his work, Anton often went on business trips, and upon his return he presented his girls with various expensive gifts and attention. Therefore, Valeria had no idea for a long time that her husband was in a relationship with another woman. According to Romanova, Anton pretended that he was leaving on business, while he rushed to his eminent mistress: “And so he powdered Lera’s brains for a very long time. Until she caught her eye on a magazine, on the pages of which her glamorous hubby showed off with TV presenter. It was right before March 8th. A good gift, right? Just imagine what a shock she experienced!"

At the same time, Anton and his ex-wife had a marriage contract. In June 2016, he divorced Valeria and, according to media reports, his ex-wife robbed him completely. “Antosha gives his entire salary to his ex-family, and he lives at the expense of his mistress-host. He also lost his apartment - Anton’s parents gave it to their ex-daughter-in-law and granddaughter, so at the moment Shkurenko lives in St. Petersburg with Abramova,” Diana Romanova reported.

In December 2016, Svetlana Abramova announced that she and Anton were going to get married: “Anton proposed completely unexpectedly for me. And only then we realized that we met on the night of the 13th to the 14th three and a half years ago. Anton did not want to tie this event to holidays and dates; according to his idea, it should have become a separate event. But it turned out again symbolically, as everything in our relationship coincides and develops by itself, as if someone above is guiding us, and we can only listen to our hearts.”

In July 2017 in one of the prestigious hotels in Barvikha.

Svetlana Abramova and Anton Shkurenko - wedding

A wonderful Russian TV presenter, who can be seen every day on the REN-TV channel, Svetlana Abramova comes from St. Petersburg. She spent her childhood and youth in the Northern Capital. Here she received her higher education at St. Petersburg State University, where she studied at the Faculty of Law, here she won first place in a beauty contest and here her television career began. Having finally realized that her recognition was on television, Svetlana abandoned her career as a lawyer and decided to devote herself entirely to television. To do this, she, already having one education behind her, went to study at the Higher National School of Radio and TV. At the same time, she continued to participate in beauty contests. Her bright appearance and natural grace allowed her to receive several titles. She became a finalist in the Miss Moscow and Beauty of Russia competitions, as well as the winner of Miss St. Petersburg State University. After graduating from television school, Sveta got a job as a TV presenter on the REN-TV channel. At first she led sports news, and then also a press review. Always smart and elegantly dressed, in a good mood and with a sparkle in her eyes, Svetlana in a short time became the favorite of a huge number of Russian television viewers. They began to admire her, they began to follow her as an example. The young presenter worked hard and hard, trying not just to improve her skill, but to make it perfect. And a worthy reward for this was the offer received from the channel’s management to host the TV program “Coming Out.”

Thanks to her, Svetlana Abramova became known to a wide audience of television viewers. The young presenter began to be recognized on the streets. She even had her own fan club. But Svetlana did not stop there. She came up with the idea of ​​creating her own show. And this idea was brought to life after she shared it with the producers of Channel 1. And in 2015, it began broadcasting a new show called “10 Years Younger,” the author and host of which is Svetlana Abramova. The essence of this television project is that random passers-by are asked to evaluate the appearance of the participants and name their age, after which they undergo a complete transformation, as a result of which they look and feel several years younger. Svetlana Abramova devotes a huge amount of time and effort to her show, but at the same time she continues to come up with something new, creative, which she keeps secret for now. In addition, she is often invited to be the host of various kinds of shows and concert programs, both on Channel 1 and on REN TV. And this is not surprising, because Svetlana Abramova is a favorite of TV viewers. She also acts as a host at private parties and corporate events, leading weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations. Svetlana Abramova knows very well the entire cultural life of the capital. No wonder she was its columnist for many years. She behaves very well on stage and feels confident in front of the television cameras. She always looks good and is in a great mood. Little is known about the personal life of the wonderful presenter; she prefers not to talk about it.

Russian presenters who can be booked at ProConcert for a holiday are charming, interesting people whose performance is a pleasure to watch. A wedding, birthday or anniversary will go like clockwork if you invite such a great host as Svetlana Abramova through us. We know Svetlana Abramova as a creative person who will “get” the audience gathered for the holiday into full swing, offering adequate entertainment for different age groups. The star will direct the event in the right fun and friendly direction, fill the pauses and find a common language with the guests in the hall. The price (fee) for Svetlana Abramov is completely justified.

Miss SPSU 1997, a talented TV presenter, an experienced lawyer - this girl can be described endlessly with all sorts of epithets. Abramova Svetlana is not just a beauty, she is a true standard of modernity. Men admire her, women want to be like her. Now she is at the peak of her popularity, but how much effort did she have to put in to rise to this Olympus?

short biography

The Russian beauty was born on July 2, 1987 in the northern capital of the Russian Federation - the city of St. Petersburg. Few people know how Svetlana Abramova spent her childhood. The biography of her family is also unknown to anyone. In interviews, she never talks about her parents and close relatives. Only once did she mention that as a child, thoughts about creativity and the big stage never occurred to her. She was more interested in analytical sciences.

At the age of 20, she graduated from St. Petersburg State University and became a qualified lawyer. She worked in her chosen profession quite a bit, and realized that she had taken the wrong and uninteresting path. The young beauty decided to change her life. This time she was attracted to the profession of a TV presenter. In 2008, she graduated from the Higher School of Theater and Television.


Abramova Svetlana first appeared on television in 2009. She broadcast sports news on the REN TV channel. A beautiful and bright woman simply could not be ignored. Two years later, she became the host of the “Coming Out” program. Since then, from her lips, viewers began to learn what events will soon take place in Moscow, where it is better to go on a date and what places should not be visited. She also gave short reviews of past parties.

At the end of 2014, before the New Year holidays, the young presenter decides to resign from the REN TV channel. But she was not without work for long; at the end of March 2015, the viewer again saw her in the TV show “10 Years Younger.” Svetlana Abramova helps girls with ordinary appearance become real socialites. A number of specialists work on their images: makeup artists, dentists, cosmetologists, stylists, hairdressers and many others.

Now the girl is at the peak of her popularity, but no one knows that it was very difficult for her to break into television. The producers did not take her seriously, believing that she had little experience. The young beauty went through all the difficulties, but was able to fulfill her dream.

About ugly girls

Svetlana Abramova is a presenter who spends a lot of time with girls whose appearance does not fit into fashion standards. She will have to communicate with them and sometimes even act as a psychologist. Over the course of a year and a half on Channel One, Abramova concluded: most women neglect their appearance only because they feel unnecessary and unhappy, but love can work wonders, for the sake of men they make sacrifices and turn into real princesses.

Personal life

Svetlana Abramova, whose biography remains a secret, still does not hide information about her personal life. She tells everyone about her boyfriend and posts photos with him on social networks.

The beauty's chosen one was a physicist named Antom. The man is two years older than his girlfriend. The couple declares that they are each other's soul mates. Abramova Svetlana has repeatedly asserted that Anton is the man in whom she sees her future husband. He is sensitive, understanding, but at the same time daring. The couple went through all the difficult tests for them, namely addiction, quarrels and meeting their parents. Now all that’s left to do is wait for new photos of the lovers to appear on the Internet, but in the status of husband and wife.


If you pay attention to the list of the most talented and beautiful TV presenters on Channel One, then, undoubtedly, Abramova will be on it. Svetlana devoted many years and effort to her beloved profession, leaving absolutely no time for her personal life. She will soon be thirty years old and has no children yet. However, she dreams of their appearance and says that she is already mentally ready to become a mother. She repeatedly told reporters that she would have a daughter first. And she will do everything to make her baby the happiest in the world. Future husband Anton fully supports the dreams of his chosen one.

Svetlana Abramova won the title “Miss Beauty” while still a student. Ten years have passed since that moment, and her appearance still proves that she got what she deserved. She is bright, sexy, talented, charming, her smile is charming! Men dream of meeting her and never tire of showering her with compliments. It would seem that such a girl must have a bad character. But, despite her star status, she is easy to communicate, sensitive and very sentimental. A sad movie or a sad story read always brings her to tears.
