The love story of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan. Ksenia Sobchak's husband: the taming of the shrew They planned emigration, but not children

Maxim Vitorgan dedicated another post to Instagram for wife Ksenia Sobchak, in which he sang an ode to her, full of love and his, Maxim’s, trademark humor. According to the actor, in addition to the traditional advantages that are usually celebrated in beloved women, there is something special about Ksenia, namely: her total originality. Maxim illustrated this monologue with a video recording of Ksenia’s recent performance, who performed the ironic song “Unpopular” on “ New Factory stars" (authored by Viktor Drobysh).

Would you like me to tell you about what I admire about my wife? You do not want? So - listen! In addition to intelligence, beauty, sex, arms, legs, eyes, tenderness, devotion, determination, the ability to love and make friends, efficiency, courage turning into despair, caring, taste, the ability to cook cheesecakes and give birth to incredible children, it is an absolute impossibility to fit her into some of our (mere mortals) ideas about how it should be. And we demand that it comply and comply. She doesn't match. And we can only admire.

Our absurd and doomed (and therefore our irritation) attempts to fit it into some familiar concept, one or another, but at least some that our mind can master. And we demand that it comply and comply. Because otherwise we don’t understand how this happens in the end? And she still can’t get enough. She doesn't match. She climbs onto the fields, leans against the glass, stands under the arrow, walks along a passage that does not exist. And all this at the same time. And we can only admire and be indignant. “To each his own,” Maxim wrote on the Internet.

In a recent interview with, Ksenia spoke about her relationship with Maxim. According to Sobchak, her media image is very different from who she really is, especially at home.

I don't know how he managed to achieve this. Everything happens on its own. In principle, he is not a tough person, but I worry that I am doing something wrong, I always treat him carefully. Of course, this is very funny: in the minds of the majority, I am the head of the family, and my husband is a very gentle person, henpecked. But this is not true at all! Everyone who communicates closely with me knows: we live the way Maxim wants.

For example, I hate living outside the city. I'm a city dweller. A few years ago I bought an apartment. I thought we would stay there like that. To which Maxim said: if you want an apartment, let it be, but I still won’t stay there, because I love the countryside. And now we have been living in a house on Rublevka for three years. During this time, I managed to first renovate and then sell my apartment - because there was no point in it. And now I’m suffering: it’s a long way, it takes at least an hour to get to the city, there are always traffic jams in our direction. Complete inconvenience. I don't like this kind of life. And Maxim loves it. And in everyday life I am an obedient wife, a gentle girl, I accept everything, I do as he wants. This applies to a lot of things: rest, children, upbringing, behavior. If my husband doesn’t like how I dress, what I say, or where I speak, I immediately correct myself. “I have to always look back at him,” Ksenia said in an interview.

Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak met at the State Department show in 2011. Ksenia was its presenter, Maxim was invited to the studio as a hero and immediately won Ksenia’s attention. The couple’s romance developed at astronomical speed, and a few months after they met, Maxim proposed to Ksenia:

First I asked so as not to waste it. I'm on the safe side. I'm so embarrassed to tell you. I got down on one knee, handed over the ring...

Ksenia’s pregnancy became known in 2016. She officially confirmed this news in September at the New Wave competition in Sochi, and shortly before giving birth she posed nude for glossy magazine- to, as she explained, have a memorable photo shoot about this period of life. On November 18, 2016, Ksenia and Maxim became parents: their son Platon was born.

You can find out more about the love story of Ksenia and Maxim in the material “Star Romance” or first-hand - about family life Maxim Vitorgan told in an interview with HELLO!.

Maxim was born into the family of famous, if not legendary, Soviet actors Emmanuel Vitorgan and Alla Balter. Like all children of creative people, he early became acquainted with the theater backstage and his parents' close circle, which included actors, directors and just theatergoers.

Seeing his father and mother on stage, little Maxim understood from childhood that he also wanted to one day go on stage. But he didn’t want to study well at school. The subjects seemed too boring to the boy compared to real life.

After graduation, Maxim surprised no one by submitting documents to GITIS. It’s not difficult to guess that Vitorgan entered on the first try, having discovered remarkable acting abilities, apparently inherited from both parents.

Having entered, he seemed to be transformed. The activities that seemed uninteresting to him at school became for Maxim almost the meaning of life. He eagerly absorbed new knowledge and was immediately eager to try it out in practice.

Vitorgan swam in the newly discovered ocean of the theatrical world. He adored Gitis’ classes and tried not to miss a single premiere in the capital’s theaters. It was obvious that the young man had found himself.

He wanted to master cinema too. He went to auditions and was approved several times for minor roles in minor films, but in the early 90s things were really bad with this industry in the country.


Prokhindiada-2 (1994)

After graduating from GITIS in 1993, Maxim Vitorgan got a job in the troupe of the capital's Youth Theater. There he played his first bright roles and received good reviews from critics. Soon young artist lured to Lenkom.

It was followed by the Oleg Tabakov Theater, then the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov... but Maxim’s most fruitful collaboration happened with the Quartet I theater. The famous foursome even wrote a special role for Vitorgan in the production of Radio Day. He became DJ Max - a hero whom the whole country would later recognize - because the play was being filmed.

The comedies “Radio Day”, followed by “Election Day”, will become cult and bring the younger Vitorgan unprecedented fame. His new job with “Quartet I” took place in 2010 - he played a small but bright, charming and homerically funny role of Romeo in the comedy “What Men Talk About.” But the second part of the movie did not turn out to be as sparkling.

But the previous roles were enough to establish himself as a talented comedian. After appearing on screens with Quartet I, Maxim was increasingly offered suitable scripts, and he increasingly began to agree.

However, Vitorgan is still considered more of a theater artist, often appears on stage, and also began to try himself as a director in the “Other Theater”. There, Maxim Emmanuilovich staged several performances, including “The Cat,” which the audience awarded with a special prize. For this production, Maxim received the “Director of the Year: New Wave” award.


Loves - loves not (2014)

The loving Vitorgan’s first deep feeling happened while working at the Youth Theater. He fell in love with a colleague, actress Victoria Verberg. She says that she was nine years older than “this tall young man with green eyes” when they suddenly became friends.

Victoria was doing renovations in her apartment and constantly needed help from one of the men. Maxim volunteered to help, and one day stayed overnight. From that day on, they did not part for ten years. The relationship was never officially registered, but soon Polina was born, and four years later Danya.

The parting was not particularly good: Maxim left his wife for his second wife Natalya, who works as a marketer and has nothing to do with theater and cinema. And Victoria explains: despite the fact that she was offended by Maxim, she understood that she and her husband had long become close relatives, and this was not at all the relationship that should exist between lovers.

Now they eldest daughter Polina has already graduated from GITIS and works at the Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT), and Maxim and his new wife Ksenia Sobchak are friends with the actor’s first wife. Victoria and Maxim wisely decided that their conflicts did not concern their children. In any case, they should receive love and care from both parents.

And Maxim lived with his second wife for only a short time. Nothing is known about these relationships, as well as about Natalya herself, who apparently deliberately tries not to advertise her marriage.


How the most talked about novel of 2013 began is unknown. Only Victoria and the eldest daughter Maxim, as well as Sobchak’s mother, were aware of the development of the relationship between the actor and the TV star. The media suggest that the relationship began “on the barricades”: both Ksenia and Maxim support the political opposition and could well have communicated during the events on Bolotnaya.

They had a quiet wedding. Even relatives, having gathered at the premiere of the film in which Vitorgan played, and the subsequent party, did not suspect that they were invited to a wedding. Only there Ksenia and Maxim showed them wedding rings and admitted that they got married.

Soon information about the event penetrated into the media. The gossips immediately began to build happy couple intrigues. They say that Vitorgan has already been married several times, and this marriage will probably be fleeting for him.

But Ksenia and Maxim kept their personal lives under lock and key. In one of his interviews, Maxim admitted that happiness is a rather boring thing if you look at it through someone else’s eyes. According to the artist, they live quietly, spend a lot of time together and truly love each other.

Another shock for fans was Ksenia’s pregnancy, which many considered childfree after the famous scandal. But on November 18, 2016, the lovers had a long-awaited and long-awaited son, Plato.

Now Vitorgan continues to act, go on stage and work as a director, and sometimes posts funny and sweet photo reports of his family life - to the delight of his fans.

Rumors about this couple appear as often as Sobchak changes dresses... Vitorgan, laughing, calls himself “henpecked,” and Ksenia is glad that she had the opportunity to end up in such an “intelligent family.” We asked our expert, author of numerology courses Olga Pertseva, to comment on their relationship.

Neither Ksyusha nor Maxim like to give interviews about personal matters. Fans can only guess about the couple’s affairs from the funny videos that Ksyusha occasionally indulges her subscribers with and jokes on Vitorgan’s Instagram.

At the same time, numerologist Olga Pertseva is sure that there is a change of roles in the couple.

Maxim and Ksenia

“Ksyusha is drawn to relationships and family. Moreover, it just so happens that she is madly in love with her husband. It was not by chance that I chose this epithet “crazy,” because a strong energy dependence is obvious here, one of the most durable and painful,” Pertseva shares. - Maxim has a lot of energy by nature. And Ksenia simply got hooked on his energy and is ready to forgive a lot, take on herself, change, adapt, but be with him. The fear of losing a donor is so great that Ksenia, being mercantile, is ready to forgive her husband’s extravagance. That's why Maxim can lower a large amount without feeling any remorse. Moreover, if she mentions this, there is a risk that her husband will leave. Most likely, he blackmailed her into breaking up more than once.”

Ksenia is hooked on Maxim’s energy and is ready to forgive a lot, adapt, but be with him

The numerologist is sure that it is possible to make from Vitorgan good family man and a loving father, but not a breadwinner.

“He enjoys spending time with his son, mostly because it's easier on his responsibilities. There is no burden as a family breadwinner.”

Maxim with his son Plato

Let us remember that Vitorgan and Sobchak met five years ago on the street where they participated in a rally. The acquaintance did not continue... Or rather, it did, but only a year later. Ksenia was worried about breaking up with the oppositionist Ilya Yashin, and Maxim lent his shoulder in time and began to conquer her.

“And he conquered,” she admitted after a while. “I was fascinated by Maxim’s nobility and saw in him all the qualities that I was looking for in a man.”

Vitorgan, in turn, was struck by the huge difference between the established image of Sobchak and the real her.

“When I realized this, I was stunned. She’s completely different now,” said the actor.

Both carefully hid the romance that developed. Only once did journalists manage to photograph them together at the airport, but both turned the coincidence into a joke.

And a few months later, Ksenia and Maxim became husband and wife.

The wedding ceremony took place on February 1, 2013, and it turned out to be a surprise for the guests. Everyone who came to the Fitil cinema that day was sure that they were invited to the premiere of a new film with the participation of Vitorgan.

All the media, without exception, write, and one fast food chain is promoting itself due to this news, offering a lot of money for its version of the name. While the media is going crazy, ELLE remembered how the star couple's happiness began.

The secret of their romance

Vitorgan and Sobchak met five years ago on the street where they participated in a rally. The acquaintance did not continue... or rather, it did, but only a year later. Ksenia was then experiencing an affair (apparently, with oppositionist Ilya Yashin), and Maxim began to conquer her. “And he conquered,” she admitted after a while. Later, Ksenia will say that she was fascinated by Maxim’s nobility and saw in him all the qualities that she was looking for in a man. Vitorgan, in turn, was struck by the huge difference between the established image of Sobchak and the real her. “When I realized this, I was stunned. I don’t know another person who could realize himself so much and do so much to change. She’s completely different now,” said the actor.

Their fledgling romance was so carefully hidden that when the couple was seen together - at the airport, from where both were flying to St. Petersburg - they decided that this was nothing more than friendly communication. However, two months later, Maxim and Ksenia became husband and wife. The wedding ceremony took place on February 1, 2013, and it turned out to be a surprise for the guests. Everyone who came to the Fitil cinema that day was sure that they were invited to the premiere of a new film with the participation of Vitorgan. The film screening turned into a wedding with all the attendants, that is, with Ksenia Sobchak in the bride’s dress and veil.

We influence each other

The event, as they say, blew up the Internet, but at first the newly-made spouses avoided questions about family life and generally tried not to demonstrate their feelings in public. Then it burst. “At the same time, I’ll tell you honestly, dinner takes quite a lot of time. Maxim does not recognize potatoes from bags, so I have to peel them myself. But that's a good thing. I can sit calmly on a stool, watch the peels fall into a bucket, and think about business,” Sobchak began to make such revelations, albeit humorous (and there is still some truth in every joke), in her columns. Then the public and the press began to notice the mutual influence of the spouses: Maxim noticeably changed in appearance, lost weight, began to dress more interestingly, Ksenia softened her opinion on a number of points. “I’m changing, now there’s a “we”, and I shouldn’t remain the hooligan I was before. Here Maxim is smarter than me, as it should be in a family. And I’m a fool,” she said bluntly. However, Sobchak was clearly disingenuous. “Ksyusha and I sometimes argue very harshly and for a long time, breaking the word “worldview” into separate fragments. But this is not my conversation with her as a man with a woman - this is my conversation with interesting person“,” Vitorgan admitted.

Speculation and truth

Gradually the public got used to this star family, and, despite their constant presence in the media sphere, the media did not bother Vitorgan and Sobchak, did not provoke scandals and gossip. Perhaps Maxim’s even character contributed to this, but perhaps everything is simpler - Vitorgan and Sobchak did not give reason for gossip. Until finally such a reason arose, as they say, naturally. In the summer, one of the influential media reported about Ksenia’s pregnancy in a report on an event at the Tretyakov Gallery. A couple of days later, Sobchak hosted an awards ceremony for one of the St. Petersburg magazines, where the topic of her pregnancy arose again - however, without confirmation and in the form of jokes. And off we go. The snowball of speculation grew exponentially until Sobchak confirmed these same speculations. This happened at the New Wave competition in Sochi. As part of the opening of the event, Ksenia, leading the ceremony together with Sergei Lazarev, complained that “no dress will help hide it.” According to Sobchak, she has already found “her Pokemon, and he gave me this gift.” In response, Lazarev addressed the audience with an offer to congratulate expectant mother, and the audience reacted with thunderous applause.

“On the verge of divorce,” say psychics, adding that this breakup will be louder. What to expect from perhaps the most eccentric celebrity couple.

When in 2013 they presented the public with a fait accompli - congratulations, we are married - few took it seriously. The most popular girl countries with a solid background high-profile novels and he is an actor with two divorces under his belt. Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan seemed not just different, but people from parallel universes. For the fifth year now, Ksenia and Maxim have been proving that they passed the compatibility test successfully.

“If you ask, I will leave you an apartment”

Bookmakers began accepting bets on the divorce of Sobchak and Vitorgan from the very first days of their family life. Being a master of provocations, Ksenia herself was not averse to adding fuel to the fire. And in one of the first interviews, she immediately dotted the i’s. To Vitorgan’s playful question about the division of property after a divorce, she answered: “If you ask, I will leave you an apartment.” And she honestly promised not to use the possible separation for PR purposes, not to give a single interview about this and not to publish sad posts on Instagram.

Family life changed both of them. Friends of the star couple note that under the influence of the always calm Maxim, Ksenia became kinder and softer towards others. Vitorgan himself, from a “modest artist”, became the star that everyone is talking about. However, the fame that he gained “together with his wife” is still difficult for him.

And, often, it even becomes the cause of family squabbles. The fact is that Vitorgan is a straightforward person. He will neither communicate nor greet a person if he is not pleasant to him. Which, of course, offends Ksenia. After all, almost all of Maxim’s important informants are like this. “I am learning to be silent meaningfully. - Vitorgan admits. “True, my wife says that I’m a scoundrel, because my weight is always clear from my facial expression.”

However, Vitorgan has his own, disarming approach to his wife.

A man should not compete with a woman in anything, says Maxim. “He should put her on a pedestal.” And let her stand there, on a pedestal, so beautiful, clean, well-groomed. This doesn’t change anything in life, but the knowledge that she is on a pedestal is very important for a woman.”

Ksenia herself has a different opinion on this matter. And she is ready to forgive her husband everything not for concessions. And for his attitude towards their son Plato.

Ksenia Sobchak - “You cannot admit to cheating on your husband”

By the way, the motherhood of the former “chocolate blonde” also managed to make a lot of noise. There were rumors in circles that Ksenia gave birth to her son not from her husband, but from the husband of one famous singer. In support, they cited the facts that the baby is completely different from the dad and that Sobchak herself officially has a free hand when it comes to cheating. What she herself admitted in one of her interviews: “Firstly, you should never admit to cheating on your husband. And vice versa, he taught me this too. He says: “If someday, somewhere, you cheat on me, then please don’t tell me anything. I say: “What, just like that?” He told me: “Yes, just like that, don’t talk, lie to the last.” Here I even have an indulgence..."

Spiteful critics, however, had to wipe their noses. Plato really became... an exact copy grandfathers. Ksenia Sobchak’s mother Lyudmila Narusova told reporters about this. “He’s at an age when a child changes very quickly. There's nothing in it from me yet. Plato took a lot from his grandfather, Emmanuel Gedeonovich Vitorgan. “In general, the grandson is growing up, making us and his parents happy.” — shared the former senator.

Ksenia and Maxim try not to abuse the help of their grandparents and cope with the baby themselves. Thanks to his parents, Plato, who will turn one in November, has become a real traveler and athlete. The stars regularly share their son’s successes on their social network. Passion to physical exercise in the Sobchak-Vitorgan family it is now family. With diets and workouts, Ksenia is struggling with the kilograms remaining after childbirth. And Vitorgan himself, over the years of family life, has turned into a fit and prominent man: “The situation young father obliges..."

“With the birth of a child, a scale appears on which you can clearly see how time passes. - Maxim argues. “My son will only be 10 years old, and I will already be 54. And when he graduates from school, I will be 60. And this confuses me.” They say that Sobchak and Vitorgan are already thinking about having a second child. If Vitorgan and Sobchak don’t divorce, of course...
