Learn Armenian language. How to learn Armenian quickly

Russian-Armenian phrasebook

Harutyunyan G.S.
Moscow, "Tolmach", 2007

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Russian-Armenian phrasebook

Short course of Armenian language

Authors: A.S. Gharibyan, J.A. Gharibyan
Publisher: "Luys" Yerevan - 1965
The first part of the Armenian language course contains phonetics, the second - the basics of Armenian morphology, the third - word formation, the fourth - the syntax of the modern Armenian language and reading materials, the fifth part - Armenian-Russian dictionary.

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Short course of Armenian language


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Self-teacher of the Armenian language

The tutorial consists of introduction, introductory phonetic And main courses including 15 lessons. The introduction gives general information about the Armenian language and writing. The introductory phonetics course contains the alphabet, general information about the sound composition of the Armenian language and five lessons that are devoted to phonetics. Particular attention is paid to teaching sounds characteristic of the Armenian language and absent in Russian. The main course (lessons 6-15) contains grammar material, texts for developing skills oral speech, to familiarize yourself with Armenia and its culture, literary texts, comments, information on word formation and exercises to consolidate the lesson material. Lessons are built on the principle of gradually increasing the complexity of lexical and grammatical material. To facilitate learning, a comparison with the Russian language is provided, and Special attention on the correspondences and differences between the phonetic and grammatical structure of the two languages.

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Armenian self-teacher - Parnasyan

Self-teacher of the Armenian language.

This publication represents the first part "Armenian language self-teacher" for the reader.
It should be noted that its wide range practical application- it is designed for those who want to study independently Armenian language, and for specialists preparing to master the profession of translator.
The lesson-by-lesson construction of the “Self-Teacher” is determined by the basic principle that forms the basis of our teaching of the Armenian language: from observing the facts of the language to their comprehension and then, through repeated repetition and gradual complication, to the development of skills and abilities in different types speech activity.
Each lesson consists of text material, equipped with a dictionary-interpretation of individual words, lexical and grammatical commentary and exercises based on a mutually reinforcing, “key” principle.
New lexical and grammatical material is introduced into the text through models of sentences and phrases, comprehended, and then reinforced in exercises. The exercises cover the lexical and grammatical material of this lesson, as well as material from previous lessons that requires reinforcement.

Armenia is a state that is a republic. It is located in Transcaucasia. The people who live there speak Armenian. The latter is part of the Indo-European language family. Some tourists coming to this hospitable country note that its inhabitants are distinguished by their unity. They speak their native language among themselves, but also interweave Russian words into their speech.

How to quickly learn Armenian at home?

What is required to learn Armenian?

Often people learn the language of a country when they are planning to move there. permanent place residence or have planned a tourist trip. Sometimes this is required by work that requires contact with foreign partners. To learn Armenian you will need:

· a textbook containing information on theory (rules) and practice (exercises);

· Armenian dictionaries and phrase books containing frequently used words and expressions;

· books in this language (necessary for those who decide to become familiar with all the speech nuances of the people);

· videos in Armenian (special lessons that show the correct pronunciation of letters and words).

If you actively use all of the above, then the question of how to learn Armenian will disappear by itself. This way you can become closer to a foreign culture. Over time, an understanding of all the subtleties of the speech of Armenians will come. You will be able to freely speak and read books in this language, visit any establishment in the country, without worrying about not being able to convey your thoughts to other people.

How to learn Armenian from scratch yourself?

Motivation is important when learning Armenian. People who have to study in a specific country, where there is nothing to do without knowing the language, are especially focused on a positive result. It is more difficult for those who do this for themselves, but they must strictly follow certain instructions:

1. First, decide what form of language you need to master. When you need to write in Armenian and translate from it, study the grammar carefully. Do the exercises and test yourself.

It is impossible to learn a foreign language in 2-3 lessons. because there are a lot of subtleties here. How to quickly learn the Armenian language on your own - this question can only be answered armed with teaching aids. To learn the Armenian language from scratch, you first have to take the alphabet and memorize it. Next, having elementary representations about letters, you can move on to studying the simplest words. Usually a person starts with vocabulary, which will help him describe himself, his profession and age. Then it comes down to studying the numbers. Special aids will also be needed here. Moreover, it is better to choose those educational materials that present information in an easy, playful way. In this case, it will be much easier to learn it. After the first 2-3 lessons, lessons begin on forming sentences and using conjunctions. With the help of such manuals, a person not only gets acquainted with Armenian words, but learns to speak correctly.

The easiest way to learn Armenian at home is through film practice. You can easily find famous ones on the Internet hollywood movies in Armenian with Russian subtitles. Having an idea of ​​the pronunciation of Armenian words and the peculiarities of the local alphabet, a person will now learn to perceive the peculiarities of the dialect by ear. In the future, subtitles will be able to be disabled. Trying to assimilate what is happening on the screen, hearing only foreign speech. Also, if a person is confident in his own abilities, he can turn on subtitles in Armenian, thus training the relationship between a word and its audio pronunciation. It is believed that this teaching method helps to master the language from several sides at once: by listening, by reading, by helping to understand the nuances of sentence formation. At the same time, you can train your English by turning on the appropriate subtitles for a film in Armenian.

Another way to master a new language is to read books in Armenian. Moreover, you need to take interesting ones works of art that will captivate a person with their plot. At first it will be difficult to read, and with the help of a dictionary a person will master a maximum of 1 page per day. However, gradually the brain will get used to assimilate information on foreign language, and reading will be much easier. In the margins, you can record the translation of complex or unfamiliar words so as not to get confused in the plot in the future. A person can also keep his own dictionary, writing down figures of speech that he encounters for the first time. Such reading of foreign literature trains a person’s memory, helps him master all the nuances of spelling and sentence construction. On the Internet you can download not only novels, but also short stories in the Armenian language, with which you can begin your in-depth acquaintance with the dialect.

Books, special applications, films and courses for learning Armenian - there really are many ways to master this dialect. However, communication with the carrier continues to be considered the most effective of them. A person can meet an Armenian online, explain the situation to him and ask him to conduct a dialogue exclusively in his native language. You can communicate in person, while asking your interlocutor to speak more slowly. Thanks to personal communication with a native speaker, a person better understands the nuances of pronunciation of words and construction of sentences. Moreover, such a dialogue puts him in stressful situation, because you need to maintain communication, which means you will have to recall everything you have learned. Typically, 1-2 months of communication with a native speaker gives more results than courses and studying literature in a foreign language combined. Gradually, a person will begin to speak Armenian so quickly that he will be able to communicate with native speakers at their pace.

This book is intended for self-study Armenian
language. It is designed for a wide range of people who speak Russian, not
presupposes special linguistic training, but takes into account knowledge
Russian grammar in the scope of the secondary school curriculum.
The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce the Armenian alphabet, sound
composition and basics of grammar of the Armenian language, introduce lexical
at a minimum, teach how to read and translate simple texts without a dictionary, and with
vocabulary - and more complex ones, develop basic skills in constructing
correct oral speech, i.e. learn to speak Armenian.
The self-instruction manual consists of an introduction, introductory phonetic and basic courses,
including 15 lessons.
The introduction provides general information about the Armenian language and writing.
The introductory phonetic course contains the alphabet, general information about sound
composition of the Armenian language and five lessons, which are mainly devoted to phonetics.
They will introduce you to the peculiarities of pronunciation of Armenian sounds and words, their
spelling and with regular alternations of sounds. Special attention
is devoted to teaching sounds characteristic of the Armenian language and
missing in Russian. To facilitate the assimilation of material when
comparison of Armenian sounds with Russian ones are not taken into account
minor differences in their pronunciation. Description of the sounds of Armenian
languages ​​other than Russian are given in comparison with their similar
sounding Russian sounds. The authors consider this method more fruitful,
how detailed description exact pronunciation of these sounds, which for persons is not
familiar with phonetics, would be incomprehensible and would deprive them of the opportunity even
Pronounce Armenian words approximately correctly. Here you
You will also get acquainted with the peculiarities of Armenian syllable formation and stress,
knowledge of which is necessary for assimilation correct pronunciation words, and with
features of Armenian punctuation.
Phonetics lessons also contain lexical material, which
transcription and translation are given, and grammar is introduced
material. This phonetic course structure gives you the opportunity to
After completing the phonetics course, master a minimum vocabulary, understand and
compose elementary sentences, read and translate simple
The main course (lessons 6-15) contains grammar material, texts
to develop oral speech skills, to get acquainted with Armenia and its
culture, literary texts, comments, information on
word formation and exercises to reinforce lesson material.
Lessons are built on the principle of gradually increasing the complexity of vocabulary and
grammatical material. To make learning easier, here is
comparison with the Russian language, with special attention paid to
correspondences and differences between the phonetic and grammatical structure of the two
The self-instruction manual comes with texts for reading with vocabulary
grammatical comments to them, samples of declension, conjugation and
participial forms, table of letter designations of numerals, key to
lesson exercises, Armenian-Russian and Russian-Armenian dictionaries.
The Armenian-Russian dictionary contains all the words of the lessons, their transcription and
grammatical characteristics. Russian-Armenian dictionary contains
only those words that are necessary to complete the exercises.
The lesson material offered to you is designed for a year of study, but this period
may be shortened or increased. With systematic training you
You will be able to fully understand this material.

Master the Armenian language with simple, helpful video lessons.

This video course is an effective material for learning the Armenian language. The means of control together create all the prerequisites for effective learning of the Armenian language. If you want to learn this language, then the course will help you with this. After all, information received not only with the eyes, but also with the ears, in the aggregate, is most remembered and best absorbed.

001. Dialogues. Who is this? What is this?
002. Dialogues. What is this? Something?
003. Dialogues. Give
004. Dialogues. I have a book. I do not have a book.
005. Dialogues. What is he doing?
006. Dialogues. Weather.
007. Dialogues. Whose bag is this?
008. Dialogues. I have two hands.
009. Dialogues. Where is this book? What color is this book?
010. Dialogues. This is my apartment.
011. Dialogues. These are buckets.
012. Dialogues. What colour... ?
013. Dialogues. That's my cat.
014. Dialogues. Show me your ball.
015. Dialogues. Where is the bookstore?
016. Dialogues. Can you read?
017. Dialogues. Where's mom?
018. Dialogues. Where's the bag?
019. Dialogues. Where are my shoes?
020. Dialogues. Where's the bird?
021. Dialogues. Parrot Anahit is smart.
022. Dialogues. Why did Suren come?
023. Dialogues. Whose photo is this?
024. Dialogues. I draw with my pencil.
025. Dialogues. This is our lesson today.
026. Dialogues. My name is..., what's yours?
027. Dialogues. What are you drawing?
028. Dialogues. I see Armen. I do not see him.
029. Dialogues. The sea is beautiful.
030. Dialogues. Hello, what will you do?
031. Dialogues. Good morning How old are you?
032. Dialogues. Who is this?
033. Dialogues. My father is a hunter.
034. Dialogues. Its my father. He's an architect.
035. Dialogues. Armen is reading. Sona, sing
036. Dialogues. One two Three...
037. Dialogues. How many pens do you have?
038. Dialogues. Have you brought your books and dictionaries?
039. Dialogues. I am sick.
040. Dialogues. This is my room.
041. Dialogues. Artak, where are you?
042. Dialogues. Which mountain is the highest?
043. Dialogues. You walk slowly.
044. Dialogues. Do you like to drive?
045. Dialogues. Your eyes are beautiful.
046. Dialogues. I study at University.
047. Dialogues. Last summer.
048. Dialogues. Excuse me, whose hat is this?
049. Dialogues. Meet...
050. Dialogues. Is everyone here?
051. Dialogues. Is Mrs. Nward at home?
052. Dialogues. What's happened?
053. Dialogues. Have you heard about Aram?
054. Dialogues. I was born...
055. Dialogues. Have you been to Armenia?
056. Dialogues. Tell me something please
057. Dialogues. How old are you, grandpa?
058. Dialogues. How many years have we not seen each other...
059. Dialogues. No one came.
060. Dialogues. Which beautiful autumn, is not it?
061. Dialogues. How did you pass your exams?
062. Dialogues. Why are you crying?
063. Dialogues. What's wrong with your heart?
064. Dialogues. Who do you want to become?
065. Dialogues. We will have guests.
066. Dialogues. I want to buy...
067. Dialogues. Will you read this book?
068. Dialogues. I was born... I study... I work...
069. Dialogues. We learn verb conjugation.
070. Dialogues. How much do apples cost?
071. Dialogues. What will you do?
072. Dialogues. When will you come?
073. Dialogues. I'll go to London.
074. Dialogues. Book Shop.
075. Dialogues. Matenadaran.
076. Dialogues. In a clothing store.
077. Dialogues. We will go.
078. Dialogues. Sorry, I'm lost.
079. Dialogues. Theater.
080. Dialogues. Birthday.
081. Dialogues. Grocery.
082. Dialogues. Salon.
083. Dialogues. Where have you been in Armenia?
084. Dialogues. Do you like modern music?
085. Dialogues. Breakfast lunch dinner.
086. Dialogues. My day.
087. Dialogues. Movie.
088. Dialogues. I'm waiting...
089. Dialogues. This is a squirrel. This is a bird.
090. Dialogues. We have a new house.
091. Dialogues. Flowers.
092. Dialogues. Who broke the glass?
093. Dialogues. Hello Mane, what are you doing?
094. Dialogues. Can you solve this problem?
095. Dialogues. You see a tree.
096. Dialogues. I invite you to lunch.
097. Dialogues. The vacuum cleaner is damaged.
098. Dialogues. An apple from an apple tree... (sayings)
099. Dialogues. Tell about yourself.
100. Dialogues. Why are you excited?
101. Dialogues. I'm looking for a job.
102. Dialogues. How do you spend your free days?
103. Dialogues. What kind of music do you prefer?
104. Dialogues. At the hotel.
105. Dialogues. Who's knocking on the door?
106. Dialogues. The TV is broken.
107. Dialogues. He is a famous climber.
108. Dialogues. What's going on here?
109. Dialogues. Family.
110. Dialogues. In the cafe.
111. Dialogues. I lost my dog.
112. Dialogues. Do we know each other?
113. Dialogues. I want to learn.
114. Dialogues. What to wear?
115. Dialogues. In a jewelry store.
116. Dialogues. He has three pairs of glasses.
117. Dialogues. We are preparing barbecue.
118. Dialogues. At the doctor's.
119. Dialogues. Let's go to the post office.
120. Dialogues. At the restaurant.
121. Dialogues. Musical instruments.
122. Dialogues. Grandma, why do we have two eyes?
123. Dialogues. In the forest.
124. Dialogues. Free time.
125. Dialogues. Anahit is back, I'm fascinated by her.
126. Dialogues. I want to talk to you.
127. Dialogues. Very hot.
128. Dialogues. Repair.
129. Dialogues. Lilith is seven years old and can read.
130. Dialogues. How to get to the square?
131. Dialogues. At the flower shop.
132. Dialogues. Shall we make a nest?
133. Dialogues. What time is it now?
134. Dialogues. What news is there?
135. Dialogues. Do you love me?
136. Dialogues. I want you to come.
137. Dialogues. I wish you happiness.
138. Dialogues. Will you help me?
139. Dialogues. I have to go to the store.
140. Dialogues. New Years is soon.
141. Dialogues. Where did you vacation in the summer?
142. Dialogues. At the doctor's.
143. Dialogues. What do the newspapers write about?
144. Dialogues. Do you speak Armenian?
145. Dialogues. Phone conversation.
146. Dialogues. I received a letter.
147. Dialogues. Defense of the thesis.
148. Dialogues. I'm reading a textbook on the history of Armenia.
149. Dialogues. What date is today? What time is it now?
150. Dialogues. Armenian is one of most ancient language peace.
151-158. Slide film "The Mechanics of Happiness". Mechanics of happiness. Part 1-8
