What cards are there in the mafia game? How to play Mafia

5. A notepad and pen for the presenter to write down card roles. This will make it easier for the host to conduct the game, especially if there are a lot of people gathered. But if the presenter has a notepad, you don’t need it.

Preparation in the game

Before the game begins, the host must have a list of cards playing in this game. The leader sits in a circle or stands, the main thing is that he can see the faces of all the players. Everyone closes their eyes and extends their palm forward, on which the presenter places the card, face down. Then the presenter announces: “Look at your roles!” Opening their eyes, everyone looks at the cards they got. You cannot show your card to anyone.

First "night"

The task of the host on the first night is to find out which player has which card. The task of the mafia is to get to know each other. The presenter announces: “Night is coming. The city falls asleep (everyone closes their eyes). The mafia wakes up and gets acquainted (those who got the mafia cards open their eyes and look at each other).” At this time, the presenter writes down the names of the mafias. Then the presenter calls the next card, for example, “the sheriff wakes up,” the sheriff needs to wake up. He doesn’t do anything on the first night, like everyone else (except for the mafia, who are getting acquainted), and wakes up only so that the host writes him down. This is done with all statuses. If there are several civilians, then they must be recorded at the end, when the statuses of the remaining players are known to the leader. By the method of exclusion, their statuses are already clear, so they don’t need to be woken up.

First day"

The presenter announces “The city has woken up.” Everyone wakes up and the discussion begins. The main topics of discussion on the first day: night rustles during the mafia's introduction to each other, and during everyone's acquaintance with the presenter. The city's task is to imprison the mafiosi on the first day. The task of the mafia is to do everything possible so that none of them are imprisoned. It often happens that the discussion on the first day is sluggish, or non-existent. In any case, each player needs to make a choice. The host asks the players: “Has everyone made their choice?” If no one answered no, then a vote is taken. The presenter calls the names of the players one by one (you can start with the player by left hand, the next day on the right), the rest raise their hands when they name the player they want to imprison. The player for whom the majority votes is eliminated from the game and shows his card. The city is falling asleep.

Second "night"

On the second night, the mafia wakes up and chooses a victim. Of course, this must be done silently. The presenter writes down who the mafia killed that night in his notebook. Then, in turn, all the acting roles (sheriff, doctor, etc.) wake up. Each role must fulfill its function (the sheriff needs to check the mafia, the doctor needs to save the player, etc.). The presenter can write down who is being saved by the doctor or prostitute, so that it is easier for him not to get confused. Only civilians do not wake up at night, because this role has no functions. After all the roles have fulfilled their functions, the city wakes up.

Second day"

Before the start of the second day, the presenter announces who the mafia group killed. If the player was saved by a doctor or prostitute, or an immortal player, then the presenter announces “The murder did not happen.” The discussion begins as on the first day. Then voting, landing the player, falling asleep in the city. Everything is like the first day
Then the third and subsequent “nights” pass as the second night described above, and the days as the second “day” described above, until the mafia shoots everyone or until civilians put all the mafiosi behind bars.

May occur controversial situation, when left, an equal number of civilians and mafia. In this case, you can: 1) Give the victory to the mafia 2) Declare a draw 3) Throw a coin or other lot.

Main roles in the card game Mafia

Sheriff. Waking up at night, he checks any player by pointing his finger at him. If the player turns out to be the mafia, then the presenter nods affirmatively to the sheriff. If the sheriff pointed to any other role, then the presenter nods negatively. The sheriff plays for civilians. His main task, after he recognized the mafia, is to make sure that civilians vote for it. If the sheriff guessed the mafia at night, then during the day you shouldn’t scream like a knife “Vasya mafia!!! I know for sure!!!" or “I’m the sheriff!!! I know for sure that Petya is not a mafia,” since other mafiosi may understand that you are the sheriff and will finish you off the next night. In some versions of the game, after the death of the sheriff, the game ends, and the victory is credited to the mafia

At night, the doctor, pointing at any player, saves him. If this player was killed by the mafia, then in the morning, the presenter will say that the murder did not happen. Important rule! If the doctor saved Vasya on the second night, then on the third night he cannot save Vasya a second time; he will have to save another. But on the fourth night you can save Vasya again, and so on through the night. This rule also applies to the doctor’s saving himself.

Mafia. At night, she points at one of the players and kills him. During the day he tries not to give himself away.

Civilian. Functionless role. Doesn't do anything at night. Only during the day does a resident discuss with the city who should be imprisoned.

Additional roles

Detective. Waking up at night, the detective chooses whether to check on someone like the sheriff, or simply kill him. In order to silently make it clear to the presenter what the detective wants to do, it is necessary to agree in advance on gestures that will indicate a murder and which will indicate a check on the player. The simplest example: if the detective puts forward thumb, then he checks, if the index finger then kills. Or the host can simply ask the detective, “Do you want to kill?” (if the detective agrees, he nods “yes”), “Do you want to check?” (nods “no”)

Killer. Waking up, he decides who he will hunt for. The presenter lists the roles in order. When the presenter pronounces the role that the killer wants to hunt, the killer nods his head. For example, a killer decided to hunt for a doctor. Now his task is to find a doctor, checking one player a night. If the killer finds him, the doctor dies.

Werewolf. At the very beginning of the game, the werewolf has no function. But when one of the mafia is killed, then the next night, the werewolf turns into the mafia and begins to fully perform its functions.

Advocate. Mafia sheriff. All functions are the same as those of the sheriff, with only one difference - the lawyer plays for the mafia.

Judge. When a city votes, sometimes it turns out that there is an equal number of votes for the imprisonment of several players. In this case, “daytime sleep” occurs. Everyone closes their eyes, and the judge wakes up and decides who to kill between the few who have equal votes. Then everyone wakes up and the presenter announces the verdict. If a judge is killed, and there is a problem with an equal number of votes, then it can be decided by lot.

Immortal. This player cannot be killed at night.

Kamikaze. If the kamikaze is killed, he has the right to take any other player with him.

Fanatic. When he wakes up, he chooses his favorite; it can be any player. When a pet dies or is sent to prison. The fanatic wakes up and begins killing one player at a time.

Bodyguard. Saves one player at night. If this particular player is killed, then the bodyguard dies in his place. If a doctor saves a bodyguard at night, he does not die.

Prostitute. At night, he takes one player with him to the brothel. If this particular player is killed that night, then he does not die. If a prostitute is killed, then both the prostitute and the player she chose die. If one of them is chosen by the doctor, he remains alive, the other dies.

Sergeant. Deputy sheriff. He wakes up with him and looks to see who he is checking. When the sheriff is killed, become the sheriff himself.

Mafia. Card game.
Mafia - team psychological turn-based role-playing game with a detective plot.
Plot: Residents of the city, exhausted from the rampant mafia, decide to put every single mafioso in prison. In response, the mafia declares war until the complete destruction of all decent citizens.

Rules of the game

To play you will need special cards. You can also play with a regular deck if you agree in advance which pictures mean what. In a simplified (classic) game you will need mafia cards and civilians - townspeople. In more expanded versions of the game, there may be other characters, such as a commissioner, a doctor, a fallen woman (mistress), a sheriff, a maniac, a lawyer...

  • Before the start of the game, players are dealt cards face down. It is then that it is determined who will play for whom. There are exactly as many cards in the deck as there are participants in the game. The leader of the game is determined either using a card, or the person who wants to is chosen in advance.

You can print these maps for free on our website.

  • When opening your card, it is advisable not to show emotions. Very often, novice players are overjoyed when they see that they are the mafia - they become very easy to identify. It’s more correct to look at the card and immediately put it in your pocket or on the table, face down, so that no one can see.


Civilians (citizens)- they play only during the day; they can execute one of the players at this time of day. Until the end of the game they do not know which player is playing for whom.
Mafia- during the day they pretend to be civilians, at night they kill the smartest citizen. All Mafiosi know each other.
Lover (Fallen Woman, Girl)- plays for civilians, at night he can save one of the players by spending the night with him.
Doctor (Doctor)- plays for civilians, heals the sick at night, does not know for sure which player is playing for whom, so he can save the mafia from death.
Commissioner (Detective, Sheriff)- Plays for civilians, at night he tries to kill the mafia on his own. If he hits a citizen, the leader informs everyone that the commissioner missed. If he shoots at night and hits the mafia, the presenter declares one of the mafia killed.

Game plan

The host announces the first day of the game.

The first day.

The players get to know each other. You can invent fictitious names and professions for yourself. On the first day, some conclusions can already be drawn from the behavior of the players.
Poorly hidden joy, displeasure, ostentatious calm - all this can be the key to solving who the mafia really is. But no discussions are allowed on this day.

First night.

The presenter says: “Night has come.”
After the host announces the night, the players close their eyes or put on special masks.
The presenter says: “The mafia has woken up.”
After these words, the players who received the “mafia” cards open their eyes and greet each other. This should be done extremely carefully, since any movement can give away the players.
The presenter announces: “The mafia has fallen asleep.”
"Mafia" closes its eyes.

Second day.

The presenter announces: “The day has come. All residents of the city woke up"
Civilians wake up and decide which of them is the mafia. Mafiosi also take part in the discussion, posing as peaceful townspeople and trying to transfer suspicion to innocent players. Several suspects are selected, one of whom is eventually executed, and the player is eliminated from the game by showing his card before dying.

Night two.

Sample plan for the night: Lover, Mafia, Doctor, Commissioner - everyone wakes up and falls asleep in turn, doing their nightly business.

It looks something like this:
The presenter announces: “Night has come. all the residents fall asleep"
If you are playing with the “Fallen Woman” card, the leader announces it first.
Host: “The mistress wakes up.” The mistress must choose a player with whom she will spend the night, and therefore, whom the mafia cannot kill.
Host: “The mafia is waking up.” The mafia opens its eyes. This night they must get rid of the most intelligent and dangerous civilian. Maintaining complete silence, the mafiosi, after consulting, choose the first victim and gesture to the leader.
Presenter: “The mafia killed a man. The mafia is falling asleep."
Presenter: “The doctor is waking up.” The player with the doctor card wakes up and points to the leader the player he wants to cure - save from death.
Presenter: “The doctor is falling asleep.”
Presenter: “The Commissioner is waking up.” The player with the commissioner card opens his eyes and points to the supposed player, who he assumes is the real mafia.
Presenter: “The commissioner shoots and misses because he is aiming at a civilian.” (If the commissioner had pointed to the Mafia, the presenter would have announced the death of the mafioso.)
Presenter: “Everyone is falling asleep.”

Day three.

Presenter: “The third day has come. Everyone wakes up. The mafia killed Vasya Pupkin. The doctor cured Petya Sidorov, who was already healthy” or “The mafia tried to kill a civilian, but the doctor cured him.”
The players again continue to find out and discuss who turned down the dark path and is the mafia. At the end of the day, a verdict is reached and one player is executed.

This continues day after day until one of the camps wins.

And a way of positive communication, and a show, and a comic struggle for survival. It develops observation, intuition, communication skills, and can help you see hidden meaning and motives for the behavior of others and oneself. Typically, the rules of the Mafia game change depending on the company or club, and there is no single unbreakable template according to which all meetings take place. To have an interesting evening, you don’t need any special preparation, skills, or significant financial expenses.

This is a living process, the essence of which is determined by the participants themselves. He is interesting precisely because of his emotions, mood, and some intrigue of a detective investigation. There are only recommendatory classical rules of the game “Mafia”, which determine the essence of all meetings.

How to play Mafia. Basic principles

The logical card game "Mafia", the rules of which are very simple, is based on a simple plot about a gang of insidious criminals who kill one person every night, and civilians who are tired of this. A real war begins, where the main enemies are the brave Sheriff and the Chief Mafioso.

In the classic “Mafia” the number of participants is strictly 10, but now few people adhere to this canon. True, if there are fewer people, it becomes uninteresting to play. When there is a very large crowd of people, from 20 people, all discussions are excessively drawn out, and it is difficult for the presenter to make sure that everyone follows the established rules of the “Mafia” game. You need to understand the cards before you start. You need to calculate how many people will participate and prepare a deck based on the number of players. The ratio of Civilians to Mafia is approximately 3 to 1. They usually use special cards for this game, but you can also take ordinary ones, having decided on their value in advance.

"Night of Destiny"

When the Mafia board game begins, the rules of the game require the distribution of roles. The presenter says: “The city is falling asleep. The night of fate is coming." This is a sign for all players to close their eyes or wear a special blindfold. Each participant is invited to draw his own card from the common deck, which will determine the player’s future status. You cannot show it to other participants, nor can you reveal your role. Then the first, calmest day begins. Everyone “wakes up” and gets to know each other and their new role.

Description of classic cards and roles

  • Mafia. Any cards of black (Spades, Clubs) suit. The task of this gang is to eliminate all civilians. At night they do their dark work, and during the day they pretend to be civilians.
  • Leader, or Mafia Boss. Ace of spades or king. His goal is to remove the Commissioner, or Sheriff. To do this, at night he asks the host to open one player’s card in order to identify the enemy.
  • Civilians. Any card of red (Diamonds, Hearts) suit. Their goal is to identify and eliminate all members of the mafia during the day's discussion.
  • Commissioner, or Sheriff. Ace of diamonds or king. May be armed or not. At night after the mafia, he can “kill” one participant or ask the host to reveal his status.

In the classic version, these are all characters, but each club has its own “Mafia” game. The rules may be supplemented. To make the action even more interesting, new roles are added that give more possibilities for communication.

Some additional cards and characters

  • Doctor. Queen of Hearts or Diamonds. At night after the mafia, he can “heal” a “killed” player. All actions of the mafia against the participant indicated by the Doctor are canceled.
  • Maniac, or Lone Gunman. Joker. Plays for himself. Wins if there is only one left among the Civilians.
  • Prostitute, or Prostitute. Queen of Spades. At night, he chooses a “client” from among the players and does not allow him to complete the assigned task. All actions of the Mafia, Commissioner, Doctor or Maniac are canceled if Putana points to him.

Dating night

Everyone "falls asleep." According to the host’s remark “The Mafia wakes up to get acquainted,” all participants with “black” cards, except for the Prostitute, open their eyes. If this is the classic Mafia board game, the rules of the game on that one night allow the gang members to agree on which residents they will kill next. Subsequently, they will not be able to remove the bandage at night. All communication is carried out with very careful gestures so that neighboring players do not notice anything or become suspicious.

The first day

Everyone is “waking up”. The discussion begins. The goal is to identify the main suspects of belonging to a criminal group. Participants put forward their assumptions, arguments - truthful or not - and name a citizen whom it is desirable to remove. The basic rules of the game “Mafia” (in the classic version) do not allow more than a minute for each line. After an open general vote, the players “execute” the caller greatest number participant's suspicions.

Night one and subsequent

It is on this night that the insidious “Mafia” will commit its first “crime.” The presenter takes turns waking up all the characters active at that time.

If there is a Putana in the game, she wakes up first and chooses a “client” who becomes powerless for that night.

Gang members awaken (unless this is a classic game of Mafia, the rules of which prohibit everyone from removing their bandages). The criminals point to the “victim” with gestures. According to the canonical version, the Leader begins to count to 10. Each number means a specific participant. Mafiosi give a thumbs up when they hear the "victim's" number. If at least one member of the gang does not vote, the “murder” will not take place: the rules of the game “Mafia” state that the “villains” missed.

The Sheriff wakes up. If he is armed, he points to the player who needs to be “removed”; if not, he asks to secretly reveal his status. Having finished his investigation, he falls asleep.

The Lone Gunner is the last to eliminate his “victim.” His task in the game is to stay “alive” himself and remove all peaceful townspeople. Based on complex tactical considerations, he chooses the player who hinders him the most.

The Doctor is the last to open his eyes and tries to “save” one player. If this is a “victim” of a Maniac, Mafia, or an alleged criminal killed by the Commissioner, his mission for that night is considered completed.

Second day

The city is waking up. The first “killed” appeared. They must leave the city, but they are given the right of will, last word. These are the rules of the Mafia game. With cards everything is a little more complicated. Most often, they are discovered immediately after the “tragedy,” but according to the canons of the game, their status must remain secret until the very end.

They try to identify criminals by their behavior. Perhaps someone heard a suspicious rustling at night, someone thought the overly defiant or, on the contrary, quiet demeanor of one of the players was strange. As on the previous day, the fate of the supposed villain is decided by a vote.


All day and night events are repeated until one of the teams wins completely. Civilians will gain the upper hand if they manage to eliminate all the "mafiosi". The “villains” win if their number is equal to the number of ordinary citizens.

The simple rules of the game “Mafia” allow even those who have just learned about the existence of this exciting entertainment to get involved in the process almost instantly. Just reading the text, it is quite difficult to understand the essence of the game. To understand everything, you must definitely take part in the fun.

Residents of the city, weakened by the rampant mafia, decide to put every single mafioso in prison. In response, the mafia declares war until all the townspeople are completely destroyed.

The game Mafia is a team turn-based role-playing game with a detective plot. The optimal number of players is 8-15 people.

Download and print the desktop card game Mafia:

Preparing for the game:

Print 20 cards for the game Mafia:

Presenter - 1
Civilian - 12
Mafia - 3
Commissioner - 1
Doctor - 1
Mistress - 1
Maniac - 1

Rules and course of the game Mafia:

Cards are dealt face down to the participants in the game.

When receiving a card, you need to look at it unnoticed by your neighbors and put it in your pocket.

Those who received the “Civilians” cards form a team of “honest city residents” who are unfamiliar with each other.

Players with “Mafia” cards are the “mafia” team and a special player “commissar” (you can play without him).

“Leader” card – determines the leader (you don’t have to distribute it if someone initially volunteered to lead the game).
The gameplay is divided into two phases - "day and night".

When the presenter announces in the city night phase, all players close their eyes and “sleep”. On the first night, the host allows the mafia to open their eyes and remember their associates - to “get to know each other.” It is necessary to get acquainted as carefully and silently as possible. After which the mafia “falls asleep”, and the presenter demands the commissioner to wake up. Thus, the presenter becomes aware of who is who.
By advertisement phases of the day All residents wake up. During the day, the players discuss which of them might be involved in the mafia. At the end of the discussion, the host announces an open vote for going to prison. The most suspicious resident who dialed larger number votes - goes to jail (leaves the game), and the presenter reveals his card and announces the game status.

Then comes the “night” phase. At night, the mafia wakes up, silently (with gestures) confers and “kills” one of the surviving townspeople, showing the leader who exactly. The player is considered killed during the night if all mafia members agree. At night, the mafia must agree who they actually take out of the game with their shot.

Morning. The presenter announces: “The mafia chose its victim and fell asleep. The commissioner woke up.” The commissioner wakes up and chooses who to check. Only one player can be checked. The presenter silently nods: “Yes, mafia,” or waves naked: “No, honest.” If the commissioner is killed that night, even before checking him, the presenter shows crossed arms - this means that the commissioner has been killed. The commissioner checks the players who cause him the most suspicion.

During the day the host announces who was killed during the night. This player leaves the game, his card (“status”) is shown to all residents.
Information about the events that took place is used by the surviving players to discuss the next “conviction”! The game continues until the complete victory of one of the teams, when the opponents are completely either imprisoned or killed...
To add more intrigue, new characters have been added to the extended version of the game: Maniac, Doctor and Lover.

Maniac - speaks for himself, killing one of the city's residents every night. Wakes up at night after the mafia. He can only win if there is only one left.

A doctor can save one of the city’s residents from death. The last one to wake up. The presenter shows who is killed, and he, at his choice, either revives the killed person or not. Wakes up at night after a maniac. He can also “heal” himself, but no more than twice.

Mistress - spends the night with one of the residents of the town, while preventing him from performing his special function. For example, maybe pointing at a member of the mafia and preventing them from shooting. Treat civilians.

Have a pleasant experience!

1) Preparing for the game

A leader is selected, usually one of the experienced players. Then you need to decide which characters and modifications will be in the game. This directly depends on the number of players participating. To get maximum interest, we recommend playing with the lineups listed below, but perhaps you will find more interesting combinations for your company.

▪ 3-5 players: one mafia, a doctor, a prostitute, the rest are civilians. It is advisable to play with the modifications “Without a leader” and “Game with a drug addict”. Don't add extra. characters.
▪ 6-8 players: two mafias, a doctor, a prostitute, a commissioner, and the rest of the civilians. Modifications and extras characters as desired.
▪ 9-10 players: three mafias, a doctor, a prostitute, a commissioner, and the rest of the civilians. Modifications and extras characters as desired.
▪ 11-14 players: four mafias, a doctor, a prostitute, a commissioner, and the rest of the civilians. Modifications and extras characters as desired.
▪ 13 or more players: mafia (calculate its number by dividing the number of players by three), doctor, prostitute, commissar, the rest are civilians. Modifications and extras characters as desired.

Having decided on the cast of characters, they are mixed and distributed so that no one sees other people's roles.

2) Night

The host announces the onset of night, everyone must close their eyes. Next, the presenter announces the characters’ moves in the order indicated below. The named character opens his eyes and performs actions corresponding to his role, after which he falls asleep again.

Order of moves at night:
1. Mafia
2. Doctor
3. Prostitute
4. Commissioner
Note: add. characters go to the queue indicated in their description.
After all the characters have fulfilled their role, the presenter announces the onset of morning.

3) Morning

Everyone opens their eyes. The presenter announces who did not survive this night. At the same time, he does not tell any details about what happened at night (who was treated, who was shot at, who was checked, etc.). Dead players are eliminated from the game without their roles being announced.

4) Day

The presenter announces the trial. The players begin to exchange information: what was heard at night, how the mood of the players changed during the night, and any other facts justifying or blaming other players. The conversation can proceed in any way: to convince others that you are right, honest and dishonest arguments, both true and false information, are used. When everyone has expressed their opinion, the preliminary voting can begin.
Every surviving player is required to vote. You cannot vote against two or more players at once. After the preliminary vote, the accused try to justify themselves and everyone begins to challenge each other's votes. When the players have no more arguments left, they can proceed to the final vote. It is not necessary to vote against the same players in the final vote. You cannot change your vote based on the final vote. The player against whom the majority votes goes to prison and is eliminated from the game without announcing his role. In a situation where the votes are equally divided, it is considered a “vote drain.” It plays into the hands of the mafia, but sometimes it makes sense to be.
Night falls again. The game continues until the last eliminated mafioso says that there is no more mafia in the game, and civilians have won, or until only mafiosi remain in the game.


1. Explicit disclosure of one’s role is prohibited. You can only try to convince people that you are this or that character, although open games are not interesting, moreover, you risk being quickly killed.
2. Retired players must silently observe the game process and not show their emotions to those still playing.
3. The presenter should not obviously address the acting characters at night, thereby giving them away. You should always speak in one direction, or, on the contrary, randomly change the direction of your head.
4. Create comfortable conditions for all players to operate unhindered at night.
5. The point of the game is not in winning, but in the process: by spying at night, you ruin the game for yourself and others.
6. It is welcomed when the presenter does not dryly announce the characters’ moves, but verbally plays out what is happening, setting the mood of the game.


It should be clear that most modifications, add. characters and statuses cannot be used in the game at the same time, otherwise the status content of the party will exceed a certain limit of psychological sensitivity, after which the thread of the game will be lost, its psychologism will disappear. And “Mafia” as a team psychological game You can’t lose one of your foundations. But still, many modifications are worth trying.

"Openly". Eliminated players show their card. You can also agree that the presenter will talk about all the details of the night (who was treated, who was shot at, etc.).

Without a leader. This modification is useful if there are not many people with you, but you still want to play. A game in which the presenter, like everyone else, gets a role, falls asleep at night and votes during the day. At the same time, the presenter still announces the order of moves at night and controls the voting process. Pointers are required to play. Anything can serve as pointers (toothpicks, forks, matches, etc.), but it is important that everyone has the same pointers. Before the night, all players place one hand so that any other player can easily reach it. At night, the characters touch their targets with a pointer, and the target, in turn, remembers who interacted with it. When morning comes, everyone says whether he is alive or dead, without giving any details. After the first player leaves the game, he can become the leader.

For an extra hand. At the preparation stage, it is necessary to take one more role than the number of players, distribute it, and put the remaining role aside so that no one sees it. The modification creates additional intrigue in the game. There must be at least two mafiosi in such a game.

Game with a drug addict. A game in which there may not be a mafia. Be sure to play with the modification “without a leader” and “with an extra hand” (but with one mafioso). At night everything happens as usual. If none of the players in the morning says that he died, then the player who was not shot by the mafia, but was treated by the doctor, understands that there is no mafia in the game (otherwise there would be victims) and becomes a drug addict. No one except him knows whether there is a mafia in the game or a drug addict has appeared. You can become a drug addict only on the first morning; all subsequent single treatments by the doctor do not turn people into drug addicts. The addict stops doing his job former role, and from now on will wake up instead of the mafia, and act in its turn. All the victims of the drug addict die, just like the victims of the mafia. The doctor continues to treat according to all the rules, regardless of whether he is killed by a drug addict or the mafia. The goal of the drug addict is to kill the doctor, who in turn must carefully hide. The drug addict will lose if he or the doctor is sent to prison. The goal of civilians is to guess as quickly as possible whether there is a mafia in the game or a drug addict has appeared and imprison the killer. In this modification, the drug addict and the doctor are required to reveal their card after being eliminated from the game.

Name in blood. After declaring the player dead, he names the alleged killer. This vote counts towards the final vote. There is no need to leave your name in blood.

Mayor of the city. On the first morning, players choose the mayor of the city. The mayor's vote is equal to two votes. If the mayor is killed or imprisoned, a new mayor is elected. If the votes are divided when electing a mayor, the elections are postponed to the next morning.

Blind mafia. Modification for experienced players. Mafiosi agree on who to kill exclusively during the day using secret signs and gestures. You cannot play with the “without a leader” modification. The mafia only wakes up on the first night. The facilitator gives them time to get to know each other and agree on plans. On all subsequent nights on their turn, the mafia does not open its eyes, the host names all the players in order and the mafia raises its hand to kill or not (you can only raise your hand once). The one for whom more hands raised by mafioso, considered killed by mafia. If the mafia votes are evenly divided, then the murder does not occur.

Three-way game. A game that has one more mafia group"Yakuza." Either “Mafia” or “Yakuza” or “Civilians” can win. Taking special roles into the game is encouraged. You cannot take more than one special role for each group.

On our website www.skvirl.ru you can see other modifications, additional characters, specialized roles and many interesting information about the game "Mafia".
