Menu 6 petal diet. Menu and recipes

In the article we discuss the 6 petals diet. We talk about the menu for every day, recipes for preparing dietary dishes, reviews and results. You will learn about contraindications for following this food system, how to properly exit it, and a list of permitted and prohibited foods.

The 6 petals diet is a nutrition system designed for rapid weight loss. It is also known as “Flower” and “Chamomile” due to the fact that it is visualized as a flower with 6 petals, each of which indicates a specific day of the diet.

Presumably this nutritional system was developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson (hence another name “Swedish diet”). Following this weight loss technique allows you to achieve amazing results. But there is one condition: you must strictly follow the described nutritional method.

The weight loss system is quite simple. It is based on a 6-day weight loss course based on 6 mono-diets. Each day of the diet (one petal) involves eating certain foods during the day:

  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • chicken meat;
  • cereals (cereals, porridge);
  • cottage cheese (fermented milk products);
  • fruit.

According to reviews and results, following a six-day diet allows you to lose from 2 to 6 kg, depending on the initial excess weight. This kind of rapid weight loss is most effective when used before special events or vacations, when you need to look good and have very little time for sports. But at the same time, you should understand that this diet gives a short-term effect if, after losing weight, you return to your previous diet and lifestyle.

When losing weight, you need to follow some rules so that the excess weight really goes away:

  • The main rule: eat only those foods that are indicated for consumption specifically on that day. Any deviation from the menu will lead to the lack of the desired result. And yes, sweets with tea are prohibited!
  • You cannot change the sequence of days of the diet. If today you are scheduled to have vegetables for the whole day, then eat them.
  • Eat small meals. There should be 4-5 meals a day, and the portion size should be small. It is forbidden to eat later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure water without gases per day. Green tea is also allowed, but without granulated sugar!
  • The products listed on the menu must be consumed fresh, steamed or grilled, or boiled. You can’t fry, as such dishes will negatively affect your weight.
  • Be sure to take a multivitamin to replenish nutrients in your body.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Swedish diet? The advantages are:

  • Fast weight loss.
  • Getting rid of swelling.
  • A simple and accessible menu - the average cost of food for all 6 days of the diet will be 1000-1500 rubles. It is not necessary to prepare exquisite and complex dishes while losing weight, because you can eat fresh foods.
  • Variety - the flower diet menu changes every day, so you won’t think about how tired you are of this or that food.
  • Elimination of waste, toxins and harmful substances from the body, thanks to the presence of fiber-rich foods in the diet.

The disadvantages of such a power system include:

  • Short-term results if immediately after the diet you return to your previous lifestyle and eating unhealthy foods.
  • A strict menu that eliminates the possibility of adjusting the diet.
  • Feeling hungry.
  • Only absolutely healthy people can adhere to such a nutritional system.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Possible deterioration in health, which manifests itself in the form of dizziness, impotence, nausea. If such symptoms appear, you must immediately stop losing weight.

What you can and cannot eat on a diet

On each day of the diet, you can only eat those foods and dishes that are allowed specifically for that day. If a certain product is not in the diet, then you cannot eat it, even despite a great desire. And a tip: if possible, remove excess food from the refrigerator so as not to be tempted to eat it.

What can you eat while dieting? Only those products that are indicated for consumption on certain days. For example, on a fermented milk day you can drink kefir and eat cottage cheese, but no fruits or meat at this time!

Prohibited products are:

  • Salt - helps retain excess fluid in the body.
  • Granulated sugar.
  • Sweets, confectionery and flour products, candies.
  • Any fried food.
  • Canned food.
  • Pickled foods.
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  • Butter.
  • Sauces, sour cream, mayonnaise, various dressings.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Coffee - you can drink no more than 1 mug per day, and the drink must be natural and without sugar. After coffee you should drink 2 mugs of clean water.

Diet menu

You can start losing weight any day of the week. It is enough to adhere to a strict menu, and to make this easier, draw a flower with 6 petals, then on each petal write the day of the diet and the foods allowed for consumption.

Well, are you ready to become slim? Then let's start the diet!

First petal: fish day

Losing weight begins with a fish day. You can often come across questions online about how to replace fish on the 6-petal diet. It cannot be replaced by anything, since the menu is strict and must be followed exactly.

If such a power system does not suit you, pay attention to the Kremlin one, and. In addition, if you ignore excess weight, this can lead to the development of obesity (more details in the articles, and).

During this day, you can eat both river and sea fish, which can be boiled, stewed, grilled or steamed. You cannot salt the fish, but it is permissible to use a small amount of ground dried ginger (read about the benefits of ginger for weight loss), red or black pepper, cumin or cinnamon. In this case, the permitted dose of spices is 1 tsp.

If desired, you can pour lemon juice over the fish both during and after cooking. But citrus pulp is forbidden to eat.

Sample menu for the day:

  • breakfast - 200 g of boiled fish, a mug of unsweetened green tea;
  • snack - 150 g of baked fish with herbs;
  • lunch - thick fish soup without vegetables, salt, potatoes and other ingredients;
  • afternoon snack - 200 g steamed fish;
  • dinner - 200 ml of fish broth or 200 g of boiled fish.

It is prohibited to abuse vegetable juices during a diet.

Second petal: vegetable day

On the second day of the diet, you can eat fresh, baked, boiled or steamed vegetables. It is not recommended to drink large amounts of vegetable juices; it is better to replace them with fresh vegetables. Also remember about the drinking regime, drink up to 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

It is undesirable to eat potatoes, corn and parsley root because they contain starch, which negatively affects the process of losing weight.

You can eat any amount of greens, and season vegetable salads with lemon juice.

Detailed menu:

  • breakfast - vegetable salad without oil, a mug of unsweetened green tea;
  • snack - 200 g of mashed potatoes with a small addition of water in which the potatoes were boiled, but without butter;
  • lunch - 150 ml of vegetable soup;
  • afternoon snack - 250 g of steamed vegetables;
  • dinner - a portion of stewed vegetables, green tea without sugar.

Third petal: chicken day

Chicken meat can be replaced with turkey, but keep in mind that any meat consumed must be skinless. If desired, you can marinate the meat in lemon juice.

You are allowed to eat no more than 0.8-1 kg of meat per day. If you wish, you can drink meat broth with the addition of a small amount of herbs throughout the day. It is important to remove the top layer of broth, which contains a large amount of fat.

Sample menu for the day:

  • breakfast - green tea without sugar, 250 g boiled chicken fillet without skin;
  • lunch - 300 g of baked chicken breast in foil, you can add a little seasoning if desired;
  • lunch - chicken broth with the addition of a small amount of herbs and permitted spices;
  • afternoon snack - 250 g grilled skinless chicken breast;
  • dinner - 200 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Fourth petal: cereal day

The allowed daily allowance of dry cereal is 200 g, while each serving takes 50 g of cereal to prepare. For this reason, it is recommended to prepare viscous porridges to make the dishes richer.

You can use the following cereals:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • Brown rice;
  • pearl barley

If desired, you can add permitted seasonings, with the exception of salt and sugar, as well as a couple of sprigs of herbs.

  • breakfast - porridge from sprouted wheat, boiled in water;
  • lunch - buckwheat porridge cooked in water;
  • lunch - unsweetened green tea;
  • afternoon snack - viscous oatmeal;
  • dinner - buckwheat porridge cooked in water with the addition of herbs.

Fifth petal: curd day

On this day it is allowed to eat and drink fermented milk products, but only those whose fat content does not exceed 5%. It is best to consume low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, and milk.

Many people who are losing weight give up on this day, since there are no hot dishes on the menu. The only consolation is a couple of mugs of green tea without sugar during the day.

If desired, you can eat greens, but not more than 50 g. Kefir can be mixed with cottage cheese, then add a pinch of cinnamon to the dish.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - green tea, 250 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • snack - 100 g of cottage cheese with the addition of 1 tbsp of milk of minimal fat content;
  • lunch - 250 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • afternoon snack - 150 ml kefir 0% fat;
  • dinner - 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.

During the fruit day of the diet, there is a high probability of failure

Sixth petal: fruit day

After a 5-day absence of sweet foods from your diet, it is very difficult not to fall asleep on day 6 of the diet. After all, it is during this period that you can eat fruits, and if you consider that they contain sugar, then you should prepare for the fact that the temptation to stop the weight loss process will be great.

Fluctuations in blood sugar can cause extreme hunger. But the main thing here is to hold on and remember that you are already at the finish line.

On this day you cannot eat:

  • bananas;
  • dates;
  • figs;
  • dried fruits;
  • grape.

It is preferable to eat green apples. Allowed fruits can be used to make salads, bake in the oven, or eat fresh. But it is fresh fruits that bring special benefits.

Detailed menu for the day:

  • breakfast - a mug of unsweetened green tea, 200 g of strawberries;
  • lunch - 1 pear;
  • lunch - 1 apple, 3 plums;
  • afternoon snack - 2 kiwis, 1 orange;
  • dinner - 3 green apples.

Dish recipes

Below are recipes for dietary dishes.

Baked mackerel


  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • frozen mackerel - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • black pepper - 2 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Thaw the fish, cut off the head and remove all the entrails.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and place on the bottom of the baking sheet.
  3. Place fish on top, pepper, pour oil.
  4. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and pour it over the fish.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, then place the baking sheet in it for 35-40 minutes.

Baked chicken fillet


  • chicken fillet - 1 piece;
  • black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • lemon - 1 slice.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the fillet and dry.
  2. Rub the meat with pepper.
  3. Place the fillet on foil and place lemon on top.
  4. Wrap the foil and make 2-3 punctures in it using a toothpick.
  5. Place the pan in the oven for about an hour.

Which diet is better: 6 or 7 petals?

There is a type of petal diet for 7 days (details in the article). Its main difference from the 6-day weight loss system is the 7th (water) day, during which you are only allowed to drink water and you cannot eat anything.

The main advantage of such a diet is cleansing the body and “washing out” harmful substances from it. At the same time, following the 7-day nutrition system, you lose 0.5-1 kg more weight than during the 6-petal diet.

Which of these diets is better? It’s up to you to decide, based on how much excess weight you want to get rid of and whether you have the strength to last a week on a diet, or whether only 6 days of losing weight will be enough.

How often can you repeat?

Quitting the diet

The correct exit from the diet will allow you to maintain your weight loss results longer. After the diet, follow these rules:

  • Do not return to your previous diet and unhealthy foods immediately after stopping the diet. Try to stick to the principles as long as possible.
  • Eat small meals. Eat 4-5 small portions of food per day.
  • Eliminate or minimize the amount of salt you consume.
  • Try to avoid overeating.
  • Don't eat before bed. If you are very hungry, drink a glass of kefir.
  • Try to move more, play sports and take regular walks.


You cannot adhere to this weight loss system in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • the presence of chronic pathologies;
  • childhood.

The 6 Petals Diet was invented and popularized by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. In creating a unique technique, she was helped by many years of experience in studying world diets at Lund University, as well as knowledge of the peculiarities of female psychology.

Using the effect of visualizing the desired result, the Swedish doctor’s program has helped thousands of women losing weight in all countries of the world. All that a diet containing 6 petals requires is a menu for every day and a flower cut out of paper.

Description of the diet

The dietary course consists of six days, in each of which the diet includes a certain type of food. The sequence of monodays is strictly regulated and cannot be adjusted, because the previous day prepares the body for the next one.

Every day, the “six petals” mono-diet is guaranteed to rid the body of 600-700 g of fat accumulation. Of great interest is the fact that, in her methodology, A. Johansson used not only an unusual method of nutrition, but also elements of psychological influence.

Number all the petals or set them in order by day of the week, then write down on them the menu recommended for each day. At the end of the day, the nutritionist advises to tear off the “full” petal. This simple technique, according to the expert, has a good psychological stimulant, supports willpower and spirit, and helps you complete the diet until its completion without breakdowns.

The secret of effective weight loss from Anna Johansson is brilliantly simple: using the laws of human physiology known to medicine, she makes them work for the benefit of our losing weight.

How the diet works

The main principle used by the Swedish nutritionist is separate nutrition. Its benefits for the body are a scientifically proven fact that is beyond doubt among specialists. Food that is homogeneous in composition is easier and faster to digest, leaving no undigested residues that settle in the body in the form of fat depots. Consumption of products of the same name accelerates, promoting the complete absorption of nutrients. Thus, alternating 6 mono-diet days, we not only lose weight, but also heal our body.

Receiving fats, proteins and carbohydrates in food, our zealous body spends them, storing excess for a rainy day. By “feeding” him the same substances for 24 hours in a row, we force him to look into his bins to fill the “gaps” in nutrition and maintain the status quo of normal life.

By skillfully pumping up the metabolism with “protein” and “carbohydrate” days of mono-diets, we force our body to work for the benefit of losing weight.

Daily alternation of mono-diets does not give the body time to adapt to new nutritional conditions and again begin to stock up for future use. The rapid change of frames in the exciting series “6 Petals” forces him to spend not only everything he receives, but also spend his savings. The result of such efficiency is the most intensive breakdown of fats in the liver and subcutaneous tissue, and excess weight melts before our eyes.

6 petals diet menu for every day

Day one - fish day: any fish and fish fillet. Steam, boil, stew or bake. You can use fish broth. A variety of taste is achieved with spices, seasonings and herbs, a small amount of salt. On this day, the body consumes easily digestible protein and valuable dietary fats that are not prone to being deposited in fat depots.

Day two - vegetable: assorted vegetables - fresh, stewed, boiled, stewed, baked; all kinds of greens, herbs. Fresh vegetables. Use salt in minimal quantities. On this day, the body will not receive fat, and reserves will have to be used to digest plant carbohydrates.

Day three - chicken: chicken breast or fillet (skinless), low-fat chicken broth, herbs, salt, herbs. Not finding carbohydrates in this diet, the body synthesizes them from fat deposits.

Day four - cereal: The menu includes all types of porridge, sprouted grains, seeds, bran and grain breads. Options with kvass and herbs are possible.

Day five - cottage cheese: The main dish is low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and skim milk. Body cells are saturated with valuable amino acids and minerals, and the lack of carbohydrates is replenished from the “depot”.

Day six - fruity: a variety of fruits, fresh or baked. Fresh fruit without sugar. It is allowed to use spices such as cinnamon, coriander, vanilla, etc. This is the day of maximum weight loss.

The frequency of meals per day should not be less than three to four times.

You cannot decrease or increase the diet at your own discretion, change the alternation of days or the range of products.

During the entire course of the “6 petals” mono-diet, you need to drink a lot of liquid, including: regular purified water, still mineral water, green, black or herbal tea. A complete rejection of sugar, sweets, chocolate and bread is compensated by carbohydrate days. And the lack of fat will be more than compensated for by the fats in the fish menu. A minimum of salt is well tolerated against the background of seasonings and spices.

The daily menu might look like this:

1 day

Breakfast: boiled fish with spices

Lunch: fish fillet with herbs, baked in its own juice

Dinner: ear

Afternoon snack: steamed fish steak with seasonings

Dinner: boiled fish, lightly salted

Day 2

Breakfast: grated turnips or carrots

Lunch: mixed puree (green peas, broccoli, potatoes)

Dinner: vegetable stew mix with seasonings

Afternoon snack: whole steamed vegetables

Dinner: vegetable salad with seasonings

During the day - fresh vegetable.

Day 3

Breakfast: boiled chicken breast

Lunch: chicken fillet baked with spices

Dinner: white meat soup with herbs and roots

Afternoon snack: Grilled chicken without skin

Dinner: boiled chicken

During the day - broth from offal.

4 day

Breakfast: muesli made from wheat sprouts and seeds

Lunch: buckwheat

Dinner: boiled rice

Afternoon snack: oatmeal porridge with seeds

Dinner: flaxseed porridge with herbs

During the day - herbal teas, kvass.

5 day

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt

Lunch: curd mousse

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, 1% kefir

Afternoon snack: curd soufflé

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese

In between, a glass of milk or tea with milk is allowed.

Day 6

Breakfast: 2 yellow apples, a cup of coffee

Lunch: banana

Dinner: fruit grape-orange salad with vanilla

Afternoon snack: kiwi and pineapple smoothie with cinnamon

Dinner: 2 green apples

During the day - fresh fruit cocktail, herbal tea.

In general, the course of the “6 petals” mono-diet, despite the monotonous and meager diet, is easily accepted by the body. Of course, the psychological attitude plays an important role in this. It is quite possible that it is the homemade paper “six-flower” that supports, stimulates and helps fulfill your great desire - to lose weight.

The right way out of the diet

A gentle, gradual exit from the 6 petals diet consolidates its results and does not affect health and well-being. A smooth transition to the usual menu and caloric intake is facilitated by the fact that those losing weight using this system do not experience hunger.

The ideal exit option implies that all foods from the diet will remain on the menu, but without day restrictions. In combination with other products, such a diet will become the basis for further healthy eating. In the first week of release, fried and spicy foods, smoked and fatty foods are excluded.

Alcoholic and carbonated drinks are not allowed.


Lyudmila: The overall impression of Anna Johansson's six-day diet is impressive. But I have one personal complaint. I am categorically not happy with cottage cheese day, since I haven’t eaten cottage cheese since childhood. You can still eat it just once, but eating cottage cheese all day is real torture for me. In order not to leave the diet in full swing, I began to urgently consult with my friends. One of them was already losing weight by “six petals”, so she advised changing cottage cheese to yogurt (only in the natural “version”). That’s what I did - I bought natural yogurt without additives in the store. As a result, I lost as much as 4 kilograms in 6 days. By the way, thanks to “6 Petals” I bought a homemade yogurt maker. Now I treat myself and the whole family with delicious food, and much cheaper.

Julia: I lost 4 kg, but that was only by working out at the gym every day. And, to be honest, after leaving the diet, I gained those kilograms back. My opinion is that the diet is a bit harsh, and it is necessary to dilute it to a balanced diet - this way the result will be preserved and it will be easier to maintain weight. For example, protein days should be diluted with vegetables. And I was also very nervous all 6 days, maybe because I’m emotional by nature. I plan to sit on the “6 petals” again so that these 4 kilos go away. Against the background of daily fitness, this will not be difficult. Moreover, I decided to dilute my protein days with my favorite cabbage.

Diet FAQs

How many laps can you do?

The number of “diet circles” depends on the desires and capabilities of the person losing weight. Achieving your desired weight in 6 days opens the way to your usual diet. The persistence of the weight curve indicates the possibility of a “second round”, but not earlier than in a week. This is a sufficient period for the body to rest from dietary stress and restore normal metabolism.

How often can you repeat?

Nutritionists do not advise returning to petals earlier than after 3-4 months. Even better if it is an annual period of time. In both cases, the best way out is to develop good eating habits. A daily diet with vegetables, fruits, dairy products and dietary meat will itself regulate weight to a normal level. A daily caloric intake of 1500 to 1800 kcal will keep weight from unnecessary “comebacks”.

What can replace cottage cheese?

To begin with, you should try the combination of cottage cheese with garlic and herbs. If you are not satisfied with this taste, you will have to look for a replacement. Cottage cheese contains about 20% animal protein, so dairy products with a high protein content can replace it.

  • The best replacement is natural yogurt; it is perfectly digestible and is close to cottage cheese in protein content. Like cottage cheese, yogurt should be low-fat.
  • Another “replacement player” is low-fat Adyghe cheese, but its portion should be half as large (100 g).

How to cook fish?

Culinary tricks make the toughest menu tasty and appetizing.

  • fish balls are prepared from pollock, onion, parsley and dill. The finished minced meat is baked into balls on a baking sheet.
  • salmon baked with herbs. Salted and peppered fillet is baked in the oven, sprinkled with lemon juice
  • dorado in foil. The dressed carcass is stuffed with sprigs of parsley and dill, seasoned with spices and wrapped in foil. Cook for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Video - “Petal Diet”

Video - “How to lose weight with the 6 Petals Diet?”

Reviews about the 6 petals diet (17)

    I can’t say anything bad about this girl’s diet, but there’s nothing good either. Everyone's body is different, but mine is weak.

    I tried this diet. I liked the first 3 days, I was glad that it was so easy. But then things got worse.

    1- Cereal day 4, it would seem like porridge, what’s wrong? You remember your childhood and start eating cereal all day, it’s not tasty!

    What I had enough for was the first half of the day.

    2- I got tired of cottage cheese all day, it’s impossible to eat it all day.

    3- Fruit day, the easiest and most delicious for me. But, again, with my weak stomach it is impossible to eat apples all day. This is a blow to my body. And other fruits are expensive. I heard bananas are very high in calories.

    Conclusion: In my opinion, you just need to eat often, but not enough!!! Regular food. And it won’t affect your wallet, and everything will be fine with your body!!!

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    My husband and I tried the Six Petals diet. They lasted exactly six days. The results, of course, were visible for both of us, weight loss of up to 3 kg (though we don’t have any special problems with being overweight). But I warn you right away, this mono-diet is very complex and is not suitable for everyone. I felt best on chicken and grain days. Each day is dedicated to a specific food group, i.e. on chicken day you eat only chicken meat all day; in between meals you can drink plain water, tea without sugar or unsweetened compote. So, in the first two days, many experience dizziness, weakness and hunger. It is at the initial stage that excess moisture and toxins are removed from the body, and then the burning of fat deposits gradually begins. I recommend using a similar mono-diet for those who do not have serious health problems and no more than once every 1.5-2 months.

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    I love this diet and recommend it to all my friends. Of course, not everyone likes it. I tried a lot of different diets! The very last one turned out to be Six Petals. I liked the variety, every day you don’t eat the same thing, which makes you sick, but you eat different foods. Well, naturally, the result pleased me personally. I didn’t go hungry, I wasn’t angry with anyone, and I lost 2.5 kg in a week for the first time. Then I extended the mono-diet for another week and came to a weight that suits me. Now, if I feel like I’m gaining too much, I immediately go on Six Petals. By the way, I liked the idea with a drawn flower, on which it says what day it is: protein, grain, etc., and I was motivated to quickly tear off all the petals and see the result :)

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    At work, I am very lucky with my team; the girls and I try different diets and choose the best option. So I came across “Six Petals” and I want to say right away that I had the best result of 1.7 kilograms.

    The advantage of this diet is that the foods you need to eat are quite simple. It takes a minimum of time and money to comply with it. And I love all the products on the diet menu.

    And the biggest discovery for me was that the next week my husband decided to go gray on this diet, although he is against any “torture of the body.”

    So I’m waiting for his results and will definitely repeat this diet later, since not only the extra pounds have gone away, but my health has improved significantly, and all this without much effort.


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    I learned about this diet from a friend, she boasted that she was able to lose 5 kilograms in a month without exhausting herself with sports and hunger strikes. I decided to try it too. The diet seemed quite realistic to me, because if you stuck to it, you didn’t have to completely give up food, you just had to eat petals—eat certain foods on certain days. I sat on this diet for 4 rounds, lasting 1 week.

    The most difficult day for me was the vegetable day; I was constantly hungry. The most favorite and satisfying for me are fish and chicken days. I was able to lose 6 kilograms on six petals.

    I want to say that you should not despair if the result does not come immediately, you need to endure and then everything will definitely work out!

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    I have always been somewhat wary of mono-diets, but then a friend recommended the “6 petals” diet, a kind of six-flowered flower))) I’ll immediately make a reservation that the determining factor was that this diet was invented by a doctor, and not popular rumor))

    Well, what can I say? I bravely went on a diet, without particularly starving. As a result, I said goodbye to 4 kg and 3 cm in my waist, which is generally a good result))

    The “6 petals” diet is ideal for those who want to quickly get rid of a couple of extra kg and a couple of cm from the waist. Well, for those who want to say goodbye to 4-5 kg ​​forever, I would advise you to seriously reconsider your eating habits and try separate meals.

    I wish everyone who is losing weight good luck))

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    I went on this diet twice, the results were not bad: each time I lost 2 kg.
    I have tried a lot of different diets, and this is one of the best results. The diet itself is quite easy to tolerate, most likely due to the fact that the menu for every day is different, so you don’t have time to get bored. True, I also had minor breakdowns - I could eat candy with tea (giving up sweets is the hardest thing), but not often.
    My health did not deteriorate during the diet - there was no weakness or dizziness, but I didn’t overdo it with physical exercise, I just twirled a hula hoop and, as with any other diet, took vitamins.
    I don’t go on it often, but I plan to repeat this diet before the New Year!

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    I tried this diet and, to be honest, I was extremely dissatisfied.

    The first reason I can name is extreme nutritional imbalance - this is a mockery of the body! By the end of the sixth day, it felt like a paver had driven over me. The second reason is related to the first - loss of strength, there is no need to clarify anything here, just a banal weakness: I didn’t even have the strength to go for a walk in the park, not to mention my favorite workouts. And thirdly, my weight loss was minimal, and very soon, when I switched to my usual food, the weight returned with interest.

    Therefore, my summary will be short: a diet for those who want to ruin their metabolism and burn muscle, not fat.

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    I read this diet on the Internet and decided that I could definitely handle it. And, indeed, everything went surprisingly easily.
    Day 1 did not cause any problems - I simply adore fish, I ate fish soup and baked trout.
    Day 2 I devoured my favorite broccoli and salad with cucumbers and tomatoes.
    Day 3 - baked chicken.
    Day 4 - since I love oatmeal, I ate it for breakfast and lunch, and made bulgur for dinner - also a very tasty cereal.
    Day 5 was the hardest, because I don’t like cottage cheese at all, so I ate diet yoghurts and kefir.
    Well, day 6 - apples, oranges and pears. The result is that I lost 3.5 kg and somehow lost weight overall. At least the sides didn’t hang out of the jeans))

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    Great diet. I never wished that I started with her. I used to be afraid of diets, I thought that they could disrupt digestion. But in six petals, all the products are very well selected.

    I liked the cottage cheese and fruit days; on these days I was especially hungry. I don’t even know why, maybe because I’m not used to eating such light food. I took different fruits and ate them with pleasure. I especially liked cutting them into a salad.

    It is very important not to deny yourself water during the diet. I tried to drink a lot. I used to drink two to four glasses a day. During the diet, I noticed that I began to drink much more. And I think it's for the better.

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    A work colleague invited me to an anniversary party. I started trying on outfits and came to the conclusion that I urgently needed to lose weight, and only had a week. I started surfing the Internet and settled on “six petals.”
    First of all, this diet attracted me with its unusual name, and the ingredients are quite edible. For some reason, the most difficult day for me was the cereal day. I won’t say that I don’t like porridge, but something went a little hard.
    Otherwise, everything is just wonderful, and most importantly, no feeling of hunger. I didn’t weigh myself during the diet, so I don’t know exactly how much I lost, but the result was amazing - the dress fit just right.

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    I like this diet, I tried different ones but without success. She is very simple and pleasant. The nutritionist carefully selected everything, and you won’t get bored by eating different foods. The food is varied, there is enough vitamins.

    A practical diet that you can easily introduce to your family, because eating this way is a pleasure. You don’t gain weight, your health improves from eating light and appetizing food.

    Most of all, I liked the cottage cheese and fish day. Probably because I like sweet cottage cheese and fish soup. A. Johansson is great, I always have treasured petals hanging on my magnet.

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    The 6 petals diet also did not go unnoticed by me. And I am glad that at one time this diet was recommended to me. I can say that it is very easy to sit on it, I don’t feel like eating at all, there is no discomfort or tension. But I slightly modified this diet. My days were spent on fruits, fresh and stewed vegetables, cottage cheese, cereal porridges! The result is simply amazing. The weight goes away steadily and quickly, the waist becomes slimmer, and the skin becomes clearer. I liked it very much. But during the diet I took Omega 3 and different vitamins. This is also very important to avoid vitamin deficiency. By the way, this diet also really helped my mother lose weight.

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    Initially, when I was going to go on this diet, I didn’t really believe in it, because in just six days it would take my waistline to return to normal. But it turned out that I was wrong.

    The most important thing that needs to be taken into account is strict adherence to the days that alternate with each other and in no case finish eating what is left from yesterday or not start eating what is supposed to be eaten tomorrow.

    I was able to withstand it and my waist actually decreased by five centimeters. For a six-day diet, I think this is a very good result, which is sometimes difficult to achieve even with longer diets.

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    Girls, I have tried this diet several times and I can say that the results are very impressive. In one day, almost a kilogram of weight is lost, most likely this is excess fluid, but this is also not bad. Only since I don’t eat meat and fish, I tried to do vegetable, fruit, cereal, dairy days, and also added a day with freshly squeezed juices, the sensations are amazing, the figure is transformed before our eyes. On my own behalf, I would like to advise that if you decide to go on this diet, then take some vitamins, this is very important so as not to harm the body.

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    I was on this diet. It didn't suit me! Now I will explain why:

    1) I am very indifferent to meat (fish and poultry as well). The body doesn’t want to eat these foods and that’s it! Therefore, days 1 and 3 were very difficult for me.

    2) I like milk, but not cottage cheese. This day was also hard!

    The rest of the days went fine. No problems or breakdowns. Only in the end, after the diet, my stomach hurt and I gained those kilos back. It's a pity!

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    The first three days of the diet flew by unnoticed, and the result was noticeable almost immediately. Then it became more difficult, but I still stood it until the end and didn’t break down. And then I tried to stick to proper nutrition. The result, of course, was obvious. Minus five kilograms, but... But there was also dizziness, headache, loss of strength, irritation. And the weight came back quite quickly.

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What is the essence of the diet? How to conduct it correctly, how to plan your diet by day, what dishes and foods can you eat? Features of the “6 petals” diet, sample menu for every day, reviews, before and after results, and other details.

You may ask, “What kind of strange diet is this?” Other diets have purely “dietary” and “food” names, but this method of losing weight really looks like some kind of magical flower that grants wishes, like in a fairy tale. And you will be partly right, because this diet helps you lose more than one kilogram in just a week. Briefly about the diet:

  • Duration - 6 days;
  • How much will it cost? — about 1500 rubles;
  • How often can it be used? - approximately once a year;
  • Is it possible for everyone? — not for breastfeeding, pregnant women, or those with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Its other name is the flower diet, and this method was developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johanson, who believes that the body, without receiving the necessary substances for just a few days, can very quickly lose several kilos. It's simple: every day has its own mono-diet. Moreover, the sequence must be observed.

Thanks to research by nutritionists, it was possible to find out that if you eat according to this plan, fat goes away very quickly. The intake of ONLY protein and carbohydrates separately causes fats to quickly break down, since proteins and carbohydrates do not mix. Simply put, such “monotony” forces the body to use its own reserves. And since there are enough of the two necessary components, it easily breaks down fats. You've probably already read what such mono-weight loss options can lead to. Let us remind you: the body quickly gets used to monotony and adapts to the system. However, this is not the case with the “6 petals” diet and its detailed menu for every day. Reviews from thousands of happy women who have lost weight indicate that the body does not have time to get used to it and burns its reserves.

To put it simply, by the middle of the first day your fat layers will “lose” volume, since the body needs ALL useful substances every day. In the morning, for example, the body will be full of fish and will expect other food. The next meal of fish will practically cease to be absorbed, and the necessary substances will be taken from the most accessible place - subcutaneous fats.

In addition, it is especially important for weight loss to alternate between proteins and carbohydrates, as prescribed in the system. Proteins-carbohydrates-proteins-carbohydrates-proteins-carbohydrates, and fats - only “subcutaneous”). Do not change the order under any circumstances!

Every day is a mono-diet that stimulates the body to speed up metabolism. Separate nutrition is the basis of this method. The intestines work well and quickly get rid of toxins.

Every day you have your own food, so the diet is very easy. And it can’t just be just chicken or just broccoli. The chemical composition of the product should be the same throughout the entire 24-hour episode. You can bake, boil, stew this product, add salt and spices. The days should be like this:

  • 1st - fish, about 0.5 kg;
  • 2nd - vegetable, up to 1500g per day;
  • 3rd - chicken, about 0.5 kg;
  • 4th - cereal (0.2 kg of cereal, 0.1 kg of rye bread);
  • 5th - curd, about 0.5 kg;
  • 6th - fruit - up to 1.5 kg.

Who can follow the “6 petals” diet?

The approximate menu for every day of this method of losing weight is quite varied and does not have any special restrictions, and the results are truly impressive. If you are allergic to tomatoes, use another vegetable, that’s all! If you are desperate to find your diet, believe me, it is the “six petals” that you will stop at! Prepare your favorite dishes and enjoy the food, because it SHOULD BE TASTY, not just healthy. According to reviews of the “6 petals” diet, 0.5-1 kg per day, starting from the first day, and this is not the limit! In two weeks you can lose up to 10kg, and that’s quite a lot, isn’t it?

If you don't tolerate hunger well, this method is definitely for you! The body will not be able to “have time to get hungry”; you just need to be patient a little. And for motivation, make a large flower with six petals, and write the desired results on each.

Contraindications to the diet

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • problems with the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • renal and genital diseases;
  • viral infections;
  • diseases for which “their own diets” are prescribed.

What can you eat?

So, you already know what this weight loss method is - the “6 petals” diet. Details and foods that you can eat during these six days:

Fish for 1 day - trout, salmon, any type of white fish. Of course, it’s better to keep the fat content to 3.9%, but if it’s more, it’s okay, the main thing is not to fry it. Hake, tilapia, lemonema, flounder, pike perch, cod, whiting, as well as pink salmon, carp, mackerel, herring, eel, and all types of sturgeon are suitable. In general, fish is a storehouse of useful substances. It is well digestible, tasty, and also affects metabolism. Fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic), vitamins D, A, and iodine. It is better to use sea fish, because... it has more benefits.

Vegetables of the 2nd day are preferably raw, and some boiled/baked/steamed. Sweet peppers, carrots, cucumbers, white and Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, beets, eggplant, zucchini, radishes, asparagus, onions, all types of greens, as well as sorrel, spinach, and celery are suitable. But it is better to use a minimum of potatoes in dishes. You can add lemon juice, mustard, and various spices to salads.

Chicken on day 3 - it is best to use chicken fillet or other chicken meat without fat. Some allow the use of lean veal, turkey fillet, and beef tenderloin. In principle, you can afford it for variety, the main thing is that you follow the protein regime.

Cereals. On day 4 of the diet, you can eat buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet, brown rice, rye or bran bread, grain bread, bran. Be careful - white rice is prohibited, corn grits are undesirable. In order to preserve the beneficial substances in buckwheat, brown rice or oatmeal, it is better not to cook them, but to fill them with warm water overnight. By morning, the cereal will have swollen enough and will be ready to eat.

Day 5 - cottage cheese. You are allowed to consume up to 300 ml of low-fat kefir. You can also add cheeses to the table (Gaude, Ricotta, Arla, Adygei, Feta varieties), feta cheese, and tofu. Don't forget about natural yoghurts and milk.

Day No. 6 is fruity, it will certainly be an “outlet” after a 5-day grueling diet). You can eat almost any fruit and berries. Fruits: pears, apples, plums, pineapple(!), kiwi, pomegranate, all citrus fruits (except bananas). Berries - Watermelon, cherries, currants, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, lingonberries, etc. Approximately half the diet should be berries, half fruits. It is good to eat an apple not raw, but baked, as it stimulates the appetite in its raw form.

Detailed menu of the 6 petals diet. Daily diet for losing weight

Let's take a closer look at what to eat, what to cook and when. Let's say you want to start losing weight in a traditional way from the beginning of the week. So, here is a version of the “6 petals” diet, a sample menu for every day, the reviews of which are the most positive:

Monday - Day No. 1 - fish day

Prepare yourself in advance the required amount of fresh fish for the fish day of the “6 petals” diet. If you have ice cream, leave it to defrost overnight. In the morning, prepare some and put the rest in the refrigerator. In general, it is better to cook food immediately before use. If you want to take something with you to work for lunch, take what you prepared in the morning. If your menu includes cutlets or meatballs, then the minced meat can be made in advance in the evening. In a simple way - spread 0.5 kg of fish over the day. So what could it be?

  • Breakfast. Red Chum salmon in a steamer (150g), seasoned with your favorite spices. You can add a few grains of salt. Water without gas;
  • Dinner. 2 steamed pollock or hake cutlets (200g). Green tea with ginger without sugar;
  • Dinner. 2 pieces of boiled salmon (150g). Add a little salt and spices to the cooking water. Green tea.

Interesting Facts. Fish is a special dietary product that should never be neglected. It is well absorbed, contains only useful substances, and, most importantly for us, “does not turn into fat.” Fish day in the Six Petals diet is considered to “put the body to sleep.” The latter does not even suspect that a week-long mono-diet shake-up awaits him. As a rule, at this stage the body is well saturated and “silent” in terms of hunger.

Tuesday - Day No. 2 - vegetable day of the 6 petals diet

On this day, proteins and carbohydrates are strictly prohibited (meaning sugar, flour, etc.). Only vegetables in any form! If you have a choice, turn it towards “healthy” foods - spinach, bell peppers, onions or green onions, carrots, beets. If you have a neutral attitude towards potatoes, exclude them altogether, because, as you know, they do not contribute much to weight loss due to the large amount of starch in the composition. You can eat up to 1500g of vegetables. If you have noticed before that a certain vegetable slows down your metabolism, give it up for the duration of the diet. So,

  • Breakfast. Salad of cucumber and tomato with parsley, seasoned with spices (250g). Without salt. Green tea;
  • Dinner. Spinach stewed in water with the addition of bell peppers, onions, eggplants and carrots (500g). And literally a couple of grains of salt. Use a non-stick frying pan, simmer WITHOUT oil;
  • Dinner. Broccoli soup, cabbage, bell pepper and carrot salad, seasoned with red pepper.

Interesting Facts. Vegetables are quite low in calories and not only do not add weight, but also force the body to use internal energy resources for digestion, i.e. your own fats. In addition, vegetables are a kind of “broom” that cleanses the intestines, and this is so necessary after a “protein” day. The body begins to adapt to your regime, so if you continued to eat only fiber, it would store fats with a vengeance. However, tomorrow we will not eat vegetables, but protein again. And while the body gets used to it, it will burn more than one hundred kilocalories of its own.

Wednesday - Day No. 3 - Chicken meat

Finally, the meat eaters will say). This day will definitely give you the strength to continue your diet further. It is best to use chicken fillet as a raw material, so to speak. But other parts of the chicken will be tasty, but we recommend removing the skin first. And under no circumstances should you use fried chicken in the 6 Petals Diet! Sample menu for each day of the protein day:

  • Breakfast. Boiled fillet in water with a few grains of salt and spices (150g). It is known that if you boil it and immediately take it out, the meat will be a little tough. Boil it, turn it off, and let it sit for half an hour. It becomes more tender! Add green tea without sugar to the chicken;
  • Dinner. Chicken breast baked in foil (200g). Pre-marinate it with garlic, spices, and a drop of soy sauce. Water with a drop of lemon;
  • Dinner. 2 chicken thighs without skin and fat, steamed (150g). You can also marinate them first. Green tea without sugar.

Interesting Facts. Chicken is a dietary product useful for such substances as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin D. At this stage, the body will lack carbohydrates, which it will use from its own reserves, i.e. fat Try to put as little salt as possible in your dishes; the ideal option is without it at all. The fact is that salt retains water in the body, and at this stage this is very undesirable. So, a few grains for taste, as well as good seasonings. Oil is strictly prohibited!

Thursday - Day No. 4 - Cereals

The cereal day of the “6 petals” diet is most effective, according to reviews on the Internet, on Bulgur cereal, but oatmeal, buckwheat and brown rice are also good. You can add sesame nuts (just a little!) and spices to your diet. In general, this day is one of the hardest. Hold on! Think about your diet for this day in advance. Remember, dry cereals and other ingredients should not exceed 200g per day!

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal or steamed bran. Green tea;
  • Dinner. Boiled brown rice. You can add a drop of soy sauce to make your diet more fun. Cereal bread. Water without gas;
  • Dinner. Steamed buckwheat seasoned with sesame seeds. Green tea without sugar.

Interesting Facts. If there is an alternative to rice, use it! The fact is that rice contains a lot of gluten, which, unfortunately, does not contribute to weight loss. Of course, brown rice does not compare with white rice in terms of the amount of gluten, but still... In addition, sugar and honey, and any sweeteners are prohibited.

Friday - Day No. 4 - Cottage cheese

This day should be easier than the previous one. The intake of protein into the body gives strength, so to speak. There is just a little left until the end of the “6 petals” diet. Curd day means cottage cheese and kefir (no more than 500g per day). So…

  • Breakfast. 150g half-fat cottage cheese. Green tea without sugar;
  • Dinner. Baked cheesecakes 200g. Water without gas;
  • Dinner. 150g low-fat kefir.

Saturday – Day No. 5 – Fruit

So, the milestone has arrived! You practically passed this test, you will agree that it was not so difficult, right? On this day you can eat up to 1.5 kg of absolutely ANY fruit. Your stomach will almost always be full, but fruits do not provide complete satiety, so look - you are not far from overeating). Joke). Over the previous five days, your stomach has “stretched” and you won’t be asking for much. So, we offer:

  • Breakfast. 200g strawberries. Green tea;
  • Dinner. 300-400g - apples (preferably baked), pears, cherries, strawberries, watermelon);
  • Dinner. Currants, blackberries, gooseberries.

Tip: Before each meal, drink a glass of water at room temperature. Never cold! In general, it is not recommended to eat cold food and water - they are not digested, and in their unprocessed form they “settle” in the intestines, provoking putrefactive processes in it. Warm water will wash the stomach and intestines before eating.

Cons of the diet

Yes, yes, they exist. Before you start, be sure to check out the disadvantages of the Six Petals Diet:

Doctors believe that the body should not lose weight quickly, since fat burning goes along with the loss of skin elasticity, a decrease in the thickness of the intestines, and muscle components. To avoid this, think in advance about how you will care for your skin, hair, and nails. And also be sure to do physical exercise.

The “6 petals” diet circles are perceived positively only in the first week. The second one will be more difficult, and for women over 40, for example, it will be more difficult to lose weight due to increased fatigue. To avoid this, take vitamins, of course, after consulting with your doctor.

Low-quality products can greatly spoil the reputation of the “6 petals” diet. The results you want depend directly on this. For example, sea sprat is significantly inferior to a piece of salmon, and store-bought cottage cheese is inferior to homemade cottage cheese.

The 6 petals diet is a complex combination of various daily mono-diets. An unusual, bright, “flowery” nutrition system, developed by nutritionist Anna Johansson from Sweden, is designed to help not only lose weight, but also create a pleasant, positive atmosphere and an excellent emotional state when losing weight. The magical “six-flowered flower,” according to the author of the diet, with multi-colored petals and inscriptions of the days of the permitted product, symbolizes the desire, dreams and aspirations of the person losing weight.

Description of the diet

Monotonous mono-diets that last for long weeks, or even months, lead to exhaustion due to a lack of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins. Adding physical activity to this, the person losing weight feels that the only desire is not a good mood = good health, but a wild desire to take a horizontal position and... sleep, lie down, sleep again. The essence of the one-component “6 petals” weight loss technique distinguishes it from others:

  • optimal balanced alternation mono menu petals: protein and carbohydrate dishes, foods with a small portion of healthy amino acids and unsaturated fats;
  • psychological support and color emotional release by creating your own “weight loss flower” with petals 6 days diet. By tearing off a petal at the end of the day, you assert yourself, rejoicing at the results of weight loss;
  • Having received positive reviews from nutritionists, the six petals diet lasts less than a week, and the recommended frequency of repetition is no more than 1 time per month.

Combined into a single nutrition system, one-component diets have better effectiveness during the first day of use. The “6 petals” diet is built on the principle of replacing protein days with carbohydrate ones, when the body does not have time to adapt to accumulating a certain type of food “for difficult times”, while spending energy received from food or using up previously accumulated reserves of subcutaneous fat.

The sequence of mono diet petals was not chosen by chance: by enriching the body with fatty amino acids through the fish menu, the next day you replenish glucose reserves with vegetable delicacies. Chicken meat will maintain muscle tone, and carbohydrates from cereal porridges will normalize energy balance. Cottage cheese of the next petal of the diet will restore mineral reserves, and fruit delicacies will launch metabolic processes.

Sequence alternation of petals diet is designed for 6 days:

  1. Fish petal. Choose any fish you like. Finished weight – 300-500 grams. Usha or fish aspic is allowed.
  2. vegetable petal. All vegetables are allowed without exception, regardless of starch content.
  3. Chicken petal. For the diet, chicken fillet without skin is suitable, with a total weight of half a kilo of the finished product at the output. It is allowed to use broth or soup with herbs and chicken.
  4. cereal petal. The low glycemic index of cereals gives a feeling of fullness, stimulating digestion. Bran will be useful. It’s good to add flax, sesame, and sunflower seeds to the “6 petals” diet menu.
  5. Curd petal. Saturates the body with calcium, and proteins maintain muscle tone, stimulating the consumption of fat reserves.
  6. fruit petal. Saturates the body with essential sugars and carbohydrates.

Basic rules 6 petals

In order for the effectiveness of the petal diet to be fully revealed, and for you to successfully lose 2-3 kg in 6 days (petals), adhere to the rules of the weight loss method:

  • One petal – one type of product. Do not add carbohydrates to protein foods, no matter how hungry/tasty you are.
  • Follow a strict sequence of alternating types of food. Do not swap carbohydrate or protein days of the 6 Petals Diet.
  • While on the diet, you should not drink alcohol or carbonated drinks.
  • Extinguish the feeling of hunger that arises on the petal diet between main meals with herbal tinctures and teas without sugar.
  • The maximum amount of protein food consumption per petal is 0.5 kg; cereals – 200 g (dry); carbohydrates – 1.5 kg.

Detailed menu for every day

The sample menu “6 petals” includes a mono diet with natural seasonings added to dishes, a small amount of salt and a drop of vegetable oil. Alternating protein and carbohydrate days of the diet helps the body effectively burn both the calories consumed from food and the excess fat “staying” on the waist, tummy and butt.

Fish(the first in a series of 6 days of diet) petal involves consuming no more than 500 g of fish. Hake or pollock in the form of steamed meatballs are suitable for breakfast. You can cook fish soup with pieces of fresh pike perch and dill for lunch. Fish baked on the grill or in the oven is the perfect way to end the day.

For vegetable petal, the second in a series of 6 days of mono diet, the approximate menu is as follows: breakfast - fresh vegetable salad, coffee; snack – vegetable smoothie (bell pepper, tomatoes, parsley sprig, celery); soup for lunch; for dinner - stew with herbs and mushrooms.

Get started chicken petal diet "6 petals" with light meat mousse with seasonings and a cup of green tea. For lunch there is broth, and dinner is “diversified” with grilled chicken breast.

Breakfast on the fourth cereal Petal diet for 6 days includes oatmeal, steamed in the evening, rosehip decoction. For lunch, eat bran cakes. In the evening, serve buckwheat porridge or ordinary buckwheat porridge for dinner.

Curd, get ready to tear off the fifth petal of the diet by preparing a casserole with cottage cheese and kefir for breakfast. Lunch – dessert with vanilla and cinnamon. Dinner – steamed cheesecakes, tea. The total volume of cottage cheese is 500 g per day.

Fruit Breakfast of the last, sixth petal of the diet, start with fruit salad. Fresh fruits retain the maximum amount of nutrients, so all day eat your choice (no more than 1.5 kg) of watermelons, berries, kiwi, citrus fruits, pears, peaches. For dinner, make baked apples with pumpkin and cinnamon.

Recipes for a six-day diet

A variety of foods rich in slowly digestible carbohydrates and protein provides a rich menu choice. The monocomponent composition of the dishes of each petal will not get boring if you cook not ordinary boiled fish or a whole steamed breast, but, using your imagination, create a culinary masterpiece based on one product.

For fish petal diet you can cook:

Recipe 1. Grilled red fish with Provencal or Italian herbs.

To do this, you will need a piece of food foil, in which you first marinate the fish in a mixture of olive oil (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (1 teaspoon). Brush the steak well on both sides. Wrap in foil and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then unwrap the foil and place the fish on the grill. Bake until done. The steak for the first day of the “6 petals” diet is ready!

Recipe 2. Mackerel stuffed with dill

Buy a gutted fish carcass without a head, dry frozen. Finely chop the dill. Lightly salt the mackerel, stuff the belly with herbs and wrap in foil or place in a double boiler. The cooking time for the fish petal diet is 10-15 minutes steamed or 30 minutes in the oven.

Recipe 3. Chicken broth

Get ready to tear off third out of 6 petal magic flower diet? Chicken m Enrich the menu with broth with pieces of meat, dill, fennel root and green onions. Marinated half a chicken breast in a tablespoon of soy sauce, curry after grilling will attract you with its aroma and juicy taste.

Recipe 4. Curd dessert

Curd, diversify the penultimate day of the “6 petals” diet with a delicious curd dessert with vanilla and cinnamon. Beat with a blender a glass of natural yogurt, 400 g of cottage cheese, season with a cinnamon stick and vanilla. Delicate, airy curd cream will be an exquisite delicacy on the fifth day of the “6 petals” diet.

What foods can and cannot be eaten

The allowed components of the 6 Petals Flower Diet are:

  • Products prescribed by a certain petal: vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken fillet without skin, cottage cheese, cereal porridge.
  • Herbs, natural spices - without restrictions.
  • On carbohydrate days ((petals) - cereal and vegetable - you can include 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in your diet.
  • It is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese, trying to avoid cottage cheese products, sweet cheese masses, and cottage cheese desserts. It is good to supplement the petal menu with milk or kefir or natural yogurt (300 ml).
  • On protein days, you are allowed to eat chicken broth or fish soup.
  • Fruits or vegetables on the “6 petals” diet go well with fresh juices or vegetable smoothies.
  • Drink more water (up to two liters) per day, drinking in small portions (100 ml).
  • “6 petals” involves drinking green tea, coffee without sugar, natural compotes (fruit day), herbal infusions and preparations.
  • Candies, chocolate, cakes and other sweets.
  • Sugar and sweeteners.
  • Products containing preservatives and food additives.
  • Bakery products based on premium flour.
  • Butter, sour cream and other high-fat dairy products.
  • Other products not included in the main diet menu.


Any mono-diet, even a relatively balanced one, like “6 petals,” can provoke an exacerbation of chronic or systemic diseases. Therefore, when deciding to change your diet, reduce calorie intake, find out the side effects, and consult with your doctor. Categorically contraindicated 6 petals diet:

  • During pregnancy.
  • Nursing mothers.
  • If you have allergic reactions to any of the products.
  • If you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, for which preventive nutrition is indicated.
  • Any diseases , requiring special therapeutic nutrition or adherence to a certain eating regimen, for example, diabetes.
  • For endocrine disorders.

Rules for quitting the petal diet

Maintaining the weight achieved on the Six Petals Diet is a long and important process. Here are some tips from Anna Johansson for those who have successfully torn off 6 petals of one-ingredient nutrition:

  1. After completing the 6-petal diet, try to follow the principles of separate nutrition, continuing to take protein and carbohydrate foods independently of each other.
  2. Don't forget about polyunsaturated fats - the body needs them.
  3. Don't indulge in cakes, buns and other masterpieces from pastry shops and cafes.
  4. The calorie content of the daily diet should be no more than 2000 kcal with physical activity and 1800 kcal without it.

Weight loss results - before and after photos

Do you want to fit into your favorite low-waisted jeans, or do you have a long-awaited going out, and the “little black dress” has become small in the literal sense of the word? The 6 petals flower diet will help you lose a couple of kilograms in a short time, put your body in order, and charge you with vivacity and energy. This weight loss system gives excellent results - up to 0.5-0.8 kg per day. This is confirmed by reviews and results of women and girls losing weight with detailed photo reports before and after the super diet.

The diet with such a beautiful and even romantic name “6 petals” is perfect for those people who do not want to limit themselves in the amount of food they consume, but at the same time want to achieve quick and noticeable results.

This technique is officially recognized by the Association of Dietitians. According to the results of voluntary trials in which 15 people took part, the six-petal diet had a positive effect not only on the health indicators of those losing weight, but also on their overall well-being. At the same time, most participants in this trial lost weight by 500-800 grams per day.

The essence and main features of the “6 petals” diet

The six-petal diet from nutritionist Anna Johansson from Sweden is based on the concept of separate nutrition, which, according to the author, ensures its fairly high effectiveness. Six petals are a kind of symbol of six mono-diets, which a person losing weight must follow one after another strictly in the sequence recommended by a Swedish nutritionist for six days. That is, each individual mono-diet lasts 24 hours, during which a person should eat only foods identical in biochemical composition, belonging to one of the following groups:

  • fish and some types of seafood (, octopus and);
  • vegetables;
  • chicken;
  • cereals;
  • fruits.

Why the number “6” appears in the name of the diet is understandable, but what do the petals have to do with it? The fact is that the author of the method, in order to maintain the “fighting spirit” of her losing weight followers, came up with the following psychological trick. Before starting the diet, Anna recommends making a flower with six petals with your own hands, on which the name of each mono-diet should be written. It should be placed in a visible place, or alternatively, attached near a wall calendar. By tearing off a petal from a flower every day, those losing weight will be better aware that they “lasted one day” and there is very little left. Thanks to this simple trick, according to the author and according to reviews of people who have already lost weight using this method, the diet is much easier to tolerate.

Key Features of the Six Petal Diet:

  • It is necessary to eat often, but in small portions, so as not to overload the digestive system. However, it is worth noting that the author does not limit the number of meals and portion sizes;
  • It is recommended to consume food slowly, chewing carefully and enjoying every bite;
  • You should drink clean water or tea, it is advisable to give preference. The amount of liquid consumed is not limited, however, it is not recommended to consume it in large volumes during meals so as not to disrupt the digestive process;
  • You need to completely eliminate sugar and sugar-containing products from your diet;
  • consumption of salt, natural spices and seasonings, herbs is allowed;
  • An important role is played by adherence to a strict sequence of mono-diets in the order proposed by the author:
    • 1st day (fish)– only fish and some types of seafood are consumed;
    • Day 2 (vegetable)– the diet contains only vegetables;
    • Day 3 (chicken)– eating exclusively chicken;
    • Day 4 (cereal)– the menu consists only of cereal porridges;
    • Day 5 (curd)– the diet contains only cottage cheese;
    • Day 6 (fruit)– you can eat only fruits, but in any quantity.

Prohibited foods on the “6 petals” diet

The six-petal diet involves completely eliminating the following types of foods from the diet:

  1. Baking of any kind (except whole grain bread).
  2. Confectionery.
  3. Sweets (not fruit), chocolate and any other sugar-containing products.
  4. Any types of oil.
  5. Smoked products, preservatives and semi-finished products.
  6. Coffee drinks, soda, compotes, juices (freshly squeezed juices are allowed on the sixth day of the diet).
  7. Other food groups not included in the diet menu.

Allowed foods of the “6 petals” diet, menu for every day

It is important to understand that all menu ingredients must be of high quality, fresh and properly processed to prevent food poisoning.

First day the entire diet should consist of fish and seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels, octopus). It is also allowed to consume fatty fish. It should be boiled or baked. Dishes can be seasoned with salt, herbs or natural spices and seasonings. With the help of such a “protein hit” at the beginning of the diet, the process of intensive fat breakdown is launched in the body, and excess weight is quickly lost.

Meal option on day 1 of the diet:

  • Breakfast– boiled fillet with added salt and seasonings.
  • Lunch– fish baked in foil. Salt and herbs are used as seasoning.
  • Dinner- rich fish soup made from fish, shrimp meat and rapana meat. Vegetables or other ingredients are prohibited.
  • Afternoon snack– spicy fish cooked in a double boiler.
  • Dinner– boiled low-fat fish with a minimum amount of salt.
  • Between meals– unsweetened green tea or herbal decoction.

On the second day diets can only be consumed exclusively vegetables, but they can be present on the menu in any form: steamed, boiled, stewed or raw. It should be remembered that all dishes, including vegetables, are prepared without adding any oil.

Meal option on day 2 of the diet:

  • Breakfast– a stew of a mixture of vegetables stewed in their own juice with the addition of herbs and salt.
  • Lunch– vegetables baked in foil (carrots, potatoes).
  • Dinner– potatoes cooked in a steamer and stewed cabbage.
  • Afternoon snack– mashed potatoes without adding oil and chopped vegetables (tomato, cucumber, paprika).
  • Dinner- steamed, with herbs.
  • Between meals– unsweetened green tea, freshly squeezed vegetable juices or vegetable smoothies mixed using a blender.

On the third day diet menu for losing weight may only include chicken meat prepared in various ways. Of course, the amount of chicken consumed is not limited, which completely eliminates the possibility of feeling hungry.

Meal option on day 3 of the petal diet:

  • Tomorrow k – boiled
  • Lunch– chicken fillet baked in a sleeve with the addition of natural seasonings and a minimum amount of salt.
  • Dinner– rich chicken soup with meat and herbs.
  • Afternoon snack– grilled chicken (without skin).
  • Dinner– chicken breast, boiled in slightly salted water.
  • Between meals– unsweetened herbal drink, light chicken broth.

On the fourth day In the petal diet, only grains can be present in the diet, during the preparation of which it is also allowed to add salt, herbs, natural spices and seasonings.

Meal option on day 4 of the diet:

  • Breakfast- porridge made from water.
  • Lunch- salted porridge.
  • Dinner– “Hercules” porridge with the addition of nuts (up to 5 tablespoons).
  • Afternoon snack- brown rice porridge.
  • Dinner– barley porridge with herbs, cooked in water.
  • Between meals– herbal drink or green tea without sugar.

On the fifth day diet, you can only eat cottage cheese without any additions. The only thing the author of the method allows you to diversify your diet at this stage is a small amount of low-fat milk - no more than one glass per day.

Meal option on day 5 of the diet:

  • Breakfast– without any additives.
  • Lunch– slightly salted cottage cheese.
  • Dinner- cottage cheese with a small amount of milk.
  • Afternoon snack– cottage cheese without adding anything.
  • Dinner– low-fat cottage cheese with 1-2 tablespoons of milk.
  • Between meals– unsweetened tea in any quantity, milk.

In the last, sixth Diet day Anna Johansson's followers have the opportunity to treat themselves to an unlimited amount of fruit. They can be prepared in any way, but it is most beneficial to consume them raw, after properly processing them.

Meal option on day 6 of the diet:

  • Breakfast- two whole apples.
  • Lunch– .
  • Dinner- and two kiwis.
  • Afternoon snack– bunch.
  • Dinner- two whole apples.
  • Between meals– juices squeezed from fresh fruits, herbal drink or green tea, compote without sweeteners.

Advantages and disadvantages of the “6 petals” diet

The main advantages of the petal diet include::

  1. High efficiency. In six days of following all the recommendations of this technique, you can lose up to 4 - 5 kilograms of excess weight.
  2. Ease of diet tolerance. Most women who lose weight using this method spoke positively about the fact that it is quite easy to follow the regime, and it does not cause psychological dissonance, which is usually inherent in almost any mono-diet.
  3. No constant feeling of hunger, which is a very common concern during most diets.

Important!It is worth adding that leaving the “6 petals” diet does not require any special preparation, however, in the first few days it is advisable not to include fried, smoked and fatty foods in your diet (which, in principle, you can completely refuse), and Do not drink alcoholic or carbonated soft drinks.

It is important to know that the “6 petals” diet is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy;
  • mothers who are breastfeeding;
  • people suffering from kidney diseases.

The main disadvantages of the petal diet and its effect on the body:

  1. The need for frequent fractional meals with special foods. Dieting takes up a lot of time, which working people usually have problems with. This technique is more designed for unemployed people and those who can freely manage their time.
  2. Increased load on all internal organs and human systems. Any mono-diet is a kind of stress for the body, since nature does not provide that a person can get all the vitamins and other useful microelements he needs from any one product. Unfortunately, this is not possible, and therefore such diets are completely unnatural. Consequently, with the “6 petals” diet, the body, even for a short time, receives some substances in excess, but may not receive other microelements necessary for its functioning at all. Such an imbalance negatively affects the functioning of its organs and systems.
  3. Not every person can withstand the monotony of the menu. If, for example, someone who is losing weight does not like chicken meat, but needs to eat it all day, then the likelihood of a breakdown increases. This diet is built without taking into account individual needs and preferences, which reduces its comfort.
  4. This technique is developed based on the concept of separate nutrition, which supposedly has certain advantages. However, scientists already have many arguments against the fact that separate meals can bring any benefits at all for those who want to lose weight.
  5. The Six-Petal Diet does not solve the main cause of excess fat tissue. As you know, excess weight is mostly the result of the fact that a person consumes more calories than he spends during the day, and, as a rule, such excess intake of calories into the body is regular due to poor eating habits and a person’s sedentary lifestyle. The petal diet helps to get rid of excess weight, but not the reasons for its appearance. As a result, after finishing the diet, the kilograms quickly lost will return just as quickly if you do not change your attitude towards food and physical activity. It turns out that a person losing weight tortures his body for the sake of a short-term effect.

It is worth adding that, according to most experts, you should lose extra pounds using methods that are based on direct control of the calorie intake (for example, a calorie diet). Such diets help eliminate the main cause of excess weight – hypercaloric nutrition.

To top it off, we present the results of randomized clinical trials to which a diet developed based on the principles of separate nutrition was subjected. Overweight patients were divided into two groups. For six weeks they ate the same foods. The only difference in their diet was that one group ate a separate diet, and the second consumed the same amount of calories through a regular balanced diet. As a result of the tests, it turned out that both groups lost an equal amount of extra pounds, a biochemical blood test also did not show any differences, and the patients decreased in waist and hip volumes approximately equally. As a result, the scientists came to the unequivocal conclusion that in the process of losing excess weight, separate meals do not play any special role, since patients in both groups managed to lose excess pounds only by reducing the calorie content of the menu.
