Mystical coincidences in the life of Galina Bob. The star of the TV series “Deffchonki” Galina Bob refuses to vaccinate her children About childhood jealousy

1 year ago

This year, Galina Bob became a mother for the second time, began filming the sixth season of “Deffchonok” and recorded new song"Sweet things." In an interview with BeautyHack, the actress and singer spoke about childbirth with her husband, childhood jealousy and filming with her family.

About motherhood

On April 25, I became a mother for the second time; Sergei (Sergei Koryagin, director of the TV series “Deffchonki” - ed.) and I had a son, Andrei. Previously, it seemed to me that it was impossible to love someone so much, but with the advent of children, I feel that love literally doubles.

With the advent of Andrey, I learned that you can sleep for three hours and pretend that you are getting enough sleep; wash your hair in two minutes, and run to the nearest store in five; You can also go without eating for a long time and still survive.

I realized that no two children are the same. For example, Andryusha experiences colic, but we didn’t experience this with Leva. At the same time, our eldest can sleep peacefully while the youngest screams. But Andrei cannot sleep, even if Leva speaks in a whisper. And my husband and I actually learned to walk on air at this time.

About childhood jealousy

Leva constantly tries to kiss and hug younger brother, asks to be held in his arms, the first one flies to give him a pacifier when Andryusha cries. But I feel there is jealousy between them. main reason: I weaned Leva the day Andryusha was born. Right in the maternity hospital we had a festive transfer of my mother’s breast to my brother. The first two months, when I was feeding the youngest, Leva immediately tried to climb onto my lap, he also wanted to be close. At such moments you need to “break apart” into two.

In general, I realized: in order to give the same amount of attention and love to both children, you just need to turn yourself inside out.

At the same time, we understand that you won’t get far on “susi-pusi” alone, so if Leo is mischievous, we explain to him in a stern tone why this cannot be done. After all, we are raising boys.

About childbirth with my husband

We experienced most of the contractions in the car in a 9-point traffic jam, when we were driving to the other end of Moscow to the maternity hospital. Sergei drove me as best he could: along the “oncoming traffic”, sidewalks, managing to swear at other drivers who did not understand what was happening in our car. Between contractions, I filmed Stories for Instagram ( @galabob), and my husband couldn’t understand what was happening to me: am I in pain or am I having fun?

I was afraid to give birth both the first and second time. But there’s nothing to worry about with my husband!

During childbirth, he cheered me up, calmed me down, put a cold towel to my temples, and even took photographs. During the birth we had time to laugh and cry. I remember how, shortly before Leva’s birth, I turned my head and saw that my husband was filming the whole process on his phone. It was very funny! And then we cried... together. I saw Sergei’s tears and could no longer hold back myself. This is all very touching.

About recovery after childbirth

After my first birth, I quickly lost weight. Four months later, for the filming of “Deffchonok”, she was thinner than before pregnancy. Now the weight is coming off longer and harder. But for now I can’t go to sports, otherwise I’ll sleep less than three hours. I joke that now children and “Deffchonki” are my sport. I believe that massage saves my body from fatigue and everything else! After giving birth, I managed to go to 10 sessions in Moscow and 10 sessions on vacation in Turkey.

Usually after childbirth, hair begins to fall out and nails deteriorate. For me, on the contrary, everything is growing by leaps and bounds. I can't get enough of strong, long nails.

For hair care I use products from the American brand Hempz: shampoo and conditioner from the Original series. They are gluten-free and paraben-free, but contain 100% hemp oil. The creators of the brand add it to all hair and body products.

About your favorite products

I always carry Eau Thermale thermal water with me. I really love La Roche-Posay products for their super hydration. Except thermal water I regularly use Active C Yeux cream for the skin around the eyes and Rosaliac UV Legere emulsion with SPF 15. The latter masks redness and evens out the complexion.

If I'm not working, I do minimal makeup: Vivienne Sabo foundation (it's almost invisible on the skin), mascara and eyebrow gel (eyebrows are already half the battle!). I apply balm to my lips. For example, Carmex. My favorite shadows right now are in the Nude’tude palette from The Balm.

About filming and motherhood

When we were filming the fifth season of Little Girls, Leva was 4 months old. And we started filming the sixth season with 4-month-old Andryusha. I wonder what will happen next (laughs)!

We are together on the set. While I work, the children spend time with nannies. Andryusha is now on breastfeeding, so every two hours we have a lunch break. Leva really enjoys filming! He enjoys the filming process. He sits with his dad on the playback, watches his mom work, and has already managed to get to know everyone. Now we are working outdoors by the pond, a lot fresh air- ideal for children!

By the way, this season Leva plays my son in the series. Initially, I was against it, because for a child this is a full-time job, they will constantly be required to do something from him on camera. But the entire film crew convinced me. We have real emotions in the frame, Leva turned out to be very obedient, works the scenes well, understands everything. I was really proud of him!

I am very lucky that I feel at home at work and can be here with my children and husband.

I don’t even have time to miss them or, conversely, get tired enough to want to run to the spa or for a pedicure. Even if I’m going somewhere, I’ll have to take Andryusha and the nanny with me, because the two-hour rule works everywhere for us. If I need to relax, I can just leave the house alone and get some air. But this happens extremely rarely. Now I am delighted with my status as a “young mother”.

About vacation with two children

Vacationing with two children is a real challenge! When we go somewhere, we take a nanny with us so that we can at least sunbathe a little, sleep and eat. During my last trip to Turkey, the nanny was a real lifesaver. I even managed to swim in the sea!

Leva and I were in Penza and Saratov (our relatives live there), Latvia, Greece, and Turkey. And Andryusha has already traveled several times: at two months he flew for the first time on an airplane, at three months he was in Turkey.

If you ask what is the first thing I recommend moms take on a trip, I would say: a first aid kit!

On Instagram I told how Leva fell ill with the virus Coxsackie. Thermometers, antipyretics, antiviral suppositories, allergy medications. Be sure to take all this just in case!

About music

Music has always lived in me. I sang at holidays, in the shower, at karaoke. It was a dream that I was afraid to touch. I think we needed someone who would say, “Come on!” Let's break this show business!" (laughs). My husband became such a person for me.

I understand that you need to give yourself 100% to music or not do it at all. Of course, I choose the first option. This may be my big risky move, but I believe that everything will work out. We have big plans!

Interview and text: Yulia Kozoliy

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The future actress was born and raised in Penza. Soon after her birth, her parents started a small business in Poland, from where they brought their daughter small gifts in the form of popular imported chocolate bars. In an interview, Galina says that the next visit of mom and dad from another country has always been a little happiness and the girl still associates it with the taste of Snickers and Mars.

A little older Galya was sent to a sports dance school, which really captivated the child. Before finishing secondary education, she became the European champion, and then the world champion in this event. And when the girl had her matriculation certificate in her hands, she was invited to Germany to teach jive and cha-cha-cha to young dancers.

Returning from there, Galina went to Moscow and entered the Russian State University physical education at the Faculty of Sports Dance. But her mother always wanted to see her talented daughter on the stage, and not on the floor. She believed that Galina’s artistry was enough to build a career as a real actress.

After studying several courses in physical education at the university, Bob, who had sincerely believed all her life that she would always do only dancing, suddenly became bored. And in New Year's Eve made a wish: “May I dream about what I should do!” Gala had a dream in which she was an actress.

The girl analyzed own desires and abilities and realized that my mother was right: it makes sense to try a completely new profession for myself. She applied to several theater schools, but failed the exams without much preparation.


The girl returned home and missed a whole year, during which she did not worry or mess around. She set herself the goal of becoming an actress. In the spring, unexpectedly for everyone, she suddenly left for Moscow and entered VGIK.

Back in 2007, while studying at the institute, she was invited to the Stanislavsky Theater for the role that all young actresses dream of: the girl played Juliet in the student production of Romeo & Juliet. In her third year, the prominent student was entrusted with another coveted role - Margarita in The Master and Margarita on the stage of the same theater. And by the last year of the institute she was involved in the third play - “A Glass of Water”.

For her Juliet, Galina Bob received the Tamara Makarova Prize. And for his role in the graduation performance “Be healthy, schoolboy!” collected a whole bunch of awards - “Best Actress” at International festival VGIK, a special prize from the Russian Film Actors Guild and the Golden Leaf - again in the Leading Actress category.

Galina collaborated with the Stanislavsky Theater until 2011, but after graduation she was officially enrolled in the troupe of another theater - the Mossovet. There she revealed herself as a comedian.

Movie star

Deffchonki (2012−2015)

Although general public Bob began to recognize her only after the sitcom “Deffchonki”; ​​her film biography began even earlier than the theatrical one. In 2006, she made her debut in the film biography of Eldar Ryazanov “Anderson. Life without love." She starred in a short episode, her character didn’t even have a name. But the girl liked the experience of working on the set, and she realized that she wanted to continue her career in this direction too.

In “Trace” and “Artist” Galina again got very short roles. The first notable critic is the city journalist Olga Stern from Village History. The next successful film in which Bob starred was Zoya. There the actress played the sister main character Alexandru.

In 2011, she seemed to have become in demand - five films in a year is a good number for an aspiring actress, but there was still no breakthrough. Perhaps participation in the comedy project “Women’s League” added to Gala’s popularity.

A year later, the producers and director of a new series for an entertainment channel were looking for one of the main characters. In her interview, Galina says that there were legends about the new filming in theater Moscow. It was believed that the director of “Deffchonok” Sergei Koryagin for the role of Masha Bobylkina had already looked at everyone who at least somehow fit the type. But he refused everyone. At this time, Galina caught his eye in the role of some charming fool.

Left no choice

Zoya (2010)

Sergei will later tell you that he didn’t really like her as an actress. But something in Bob’s image resonated with his Masha, making the actress and the character related. She was invited to the casting. Doubting Koryagin did not give a positive answer, still comparing Galina with other applicants, and she went to these auditions as if it were work.

When it was time to start filming, and the main character was still missing, Bob received a call with an affirmative answer. At the next auditions, she had to play along with one of the other characters. At the pavilion I asked a nervous girl what role she had come to audition for. It turned out that she was also going to play Masha! “But I’ve already been cast for this role!” - Galina answered innocently. The actress left the casting, and the director then had an unpleasant conversation with her casting director.

But the fact is: Bob left him no choice. And only during filming did she show that fate had worked out correctly. Galina's portrayal of the touching and charming Masha Bobylkina was perfect.

Begged for a wedding

Galina Bob with her son Lev, TASS/Klementieva Elizaveta

Even during the auditions, she realized that the director liked her, but knew that he was unlikely to compromise his professional ethics and offer her a role if she was not worthy of it. But after the start of filming, everything fell into place: she organically joined the series, it was time to think about her personal life.

The actress says that she and Sergei had an affair in reverse: usually it all starts with a candy-bouquet period, and only after the first euphoria does the couple get used to it through disputes and claims. They, on the contrary, are in their first year life together they sorted things out, argued and found fault with each other. But the more time passed, the more compromises appeared in their life together, the warmer and purer the relationship became, the closer the lovers became.

Galina really wanted to marry her beloved. As Sergei says in an interview, she constantly talked about the wedding. As if as a joke, or maybe not, she asked when he would finally marry her? But the man was in no hurry.

Meanwhile, filming of the series was in full swing. In one of the episodes, Masha finds out that she is pregnant and presents a test with two strips to her beloved in a case. A couple of weeks after filming this episode, the girl repeated the trick at home and with real test. The plot of the series turned out to be prophetic.

Koryagin was happy about the news, but still was in no hurry to get married. Galya had already come to terms with the idea that she would first become a mother and then a wife when he invited her to celebrate New Year to Penza, to visit the actress’s dad. There, as the chimes struck, the man got down on one knee and presented Galina with a ring, at the same time asking her dad for permission to get married. Galina says that that night was very touching: she cried with happiness, it seems even dad shed a stingy tear.

Today the couple is happily married, raising a growing son, Lev, and little Andrei, who was born in April 2017. As an actress, Galina took a break in 2016 to spend some time with her family, but a year later she returned to the sixth season of the series “Deffchonki.” Her eldest son Leva plays the role of Masha Bobylkina’s child in the sitcom.

"Bruises have never stopped me"

Photo: Pavel Tantserev

As a child, GALINA BOB dreamed of connecting her life with dancing, but at one point she changed her plans and thought about a career as an actress. Fortune was on her side: Galya entered VGIK, and a little later became a winner of several prestigious awards established for students of theater universities. Today her wide smile and expressive eyes familiar to almost every TV viewer - she was made famous by the series “Deffchonki”, the third season of which recently started on TNT.

We met Galya at the Golitsyn Pond in Gorky Park. The girl posed for the photographer, laughed cheerfully and chatted casually with all members of our team, attracting the attention of passers-by. The holidays are in full swing, so most park visitors are... work time- schoolchildren and students. “Look, this is Bobylych,” whispered the girls who stopped by the pond, pointing their finger at Galina. The actress who played Masha Bobylkina in the TV series “Deffchonki” is starting to get used to this reaction: “The other day I returned from Saratov, went to see my sister. At first, of course, I was shocked by the close attention to my person. One girl even burst into tears when she saw me... There were also pleasant moments: the store gave us a discount. And another evening I wanted fast food. The fast food restaurant was already closing, but the cashiers, recognizing me, decided that they could close later...”

Galya, did you ever think that people would react to you this way?
Of course not! I devoted thirteen years to dancing and took first places in various competitions. That is, such a concept as audience love has been familiar to me since childhood. But TV is TV. Roughly speaking, once you get into it, you acquire a completely different kind of fame. In fact, I always feel a little weird and often blush when people ask me to take a photo with them. But, I won’t lie, it’s incredibly pleasant.

Surely someone caused you the same awe as you do now in teenagers.
(Smiles.) I remember Sergei Penkin came to us in Penza. This was the first a famous person, with whom I was lucky enough to communicate. He even gave me a tube of his glitter and gave me an autograph. I will never forget this. It’s just a pity that I didn’t take a photo with him - then there were no phones with cameras, which are now always at hand.

Your parents sent you to dance general development or did you hope that this would become your life’s work?
Mom wanted me to grow up feminine, so that I could have good body. Dancing develops coordination and body plasticity; in addition, it great way learn to control or, conversely, throw out your emotions. The first year I was literally dragged to classes by my hair. Maybe because I couldn’t do anything at all - I was not a fragile girl, not very agile. One day, a dance coach came into our locker room and asked loudly in front of all the parents: “Galya Bob - whose child is this?” My mother stood up. The trainer continued: “Why did you even bring her here? Don’t you understand what she can’t do!” Mom replied: “My daughter is talented. You'll see, she'll become a star!" From that day on, my mother began to go to all the classes: she taught the movements so that she could repeat them with me at home... The first successes appeared. Soon I couldn’t imagine my life without dancing. The worst punishment was when my parents said, “You won’t go to class!”

At the age of 17 you moved from Penza to Moscow. You, like many others, had Napoleonic plans?
No. Everything happened spontaneously: we consulted with my parents, decided that I should go to study in Moscow, got into the car and drove off. Here I entered Russian University physical culture at the ballroom dancing department.

At the very beginning of the conversation, you said that you took first place in competitions. Did your professional successes add confidence to your character?
No, on the contrary. I have always been dissatisfied with myself, very demanding of myself. In general, I'm a terrible Samoyed. Of course, I know how to enjoy my successes, but I never forget that there is always something that still needs to be worked on.

There are people who believe that any means are suitable to achieve a goal. Are you one of them?
Hard to say. But I will definitely never go over my head and break into a closed door. There are plenty of other doors that I’ll try to open a little: what if I like it there?! ( Smiling.) And God is taking me away from something altogether, I feel it. In general, I am a person of mood, my actions can be completely unpredictable. I'm shocked by myself.

Are you in a “guilty” mood that you suddenly decided to quit dancing and become an actress?
My mother dreamed of me becoming an actress. She often asked me to think about entering a theater institute, since I live in Moscow. But I didn’t think about it at all, because I was sure: I would dance, as they say, until the end of my days. But for my mother’s sake, I went on tours to several theater universities. I talk about her so much... I don't know who I would have become if it weren't for her. She passed away two years ago... (Pauses.) Honestly, then I did everything not to do it. And exactly a year later, on New Year’s Eve, I made a wish: let me dream about what I should do in the coming year. I had a dream, in it I was an actress...

Was there enough sleep to change your plans and go to VGIK?
Yes. Of course, I entered all theater universities. VGIK was the last on my list, since applicants who “failed” with admission to VGIK said: “You don’t have to bother! There is a competition of 450 people per place. The course is being recruited by Alexander Sergeevich Lenkov - scary man, he needs either beautiful or funny. You don’t fit these criteria!” But I knew that my dream was prophetic, I was sure that I would act. And she went: a tight skirt, high-heeled boots... In general, that day, out of a hundred people, only two were selected - me and Timur Oragvelidze, who became my best friend.

Those who studied at theater universities say that everything student years it's like you're living in another dimension. This is true?
Oh yeah! The actors are all a little alien. It was an absolutely amazing four years. I was accommodated in a dormitory at VGIK, all students acting department took up the whole floor - it was cool! We lived as one family and celebrated all holidays together. There were many funny and curious incidents. I remember we were rehearsing our graduation performance “Be healthy, schoolboy!” (by the way, we are still playing it at the Bulgakov House museum-theater; the production recently turned seven years old). So, the plot of the play is related to war, so the guys and I decided to play a real “war game”, like children do: with sticks, mops, screams, sounds simulating gunshots... ( Laughs.) Classes were already over, and we were chasing each other like crazy with these sticks. The lights were turned off... and we were still running around! Then the guards joined our game - they begged us to calm down. In the end, they threatened to lock the doors and leave us overnight in the institute building. Actually, that's what they did. We had to get out through the pipe. It’s good that it was only the second floor... And once again, on the eve of the skill exam, Timur and I were rehearsing a plastic sketch. I decided that I just needed to fall beautifully! And I fell, breaking both my arms. I spent a whole month with both hands in plasters.

Horror! Did you paint on plaster?
No. But the situations were different. For example, guys from other faculties thought that I had been rehearsing some role for a whole month, for which I was wearing a cast. Basically everyone was very caring. My neighbor, Lena Solomina, and I got up an hour earlier than expected so that she had time to dress me too: she pulled on my tights, laced my shoes, brushed my teeth... And Yaroslav Zhalnin ( executor leading role in the film “Gagarin. First in space" - Approx. OK!), whom I was dating at the time, washed my hair, spoon-fed me and carefully accompanied me to the toilet!

While studying at VGIK, did you have any thoughts that acting was not your thing?
Never! But at first it was not easy. For the first two months of school, I just sat in the back rows. Everyone was doing some kind of sketches, and I just watched. As a result, a teacher came up to me and said: “Tick, if you continue to sit out, we will be forced to expel you.” I got scared and decided that I urgently needed to prepare some material. A little later, I showed everyone a tear-jerking sketch called “ Desert Island“... The guys started making fun of me, and my master Alexander Sergeevich Lenkov was the only one who supported me. He said such kind words that my wings instantly grew. Thank him very much! I am sure that this day was the starting point of my acting career.

Galya, what other words make you happy?
I always attach to words great importance, although I know that this is not worth doing. I worry if people say something bad to me. When they make comments, I start working with double zeal. I am sincerely happy if they praise me. This is probably why I cry very often and laugh no less often. Of course, like any girl, I am pleased to hear words of love! When they say “I love you,” how can that not inspire you?

Is there someone in your life who tells you this?
Of course there is, but let’s not talk about it for now.

You give the impression of a sincere and open girl. Has your openness ever bothered you?
It gets in the way and gets in the way, but sometimes it helps. People who are hypocritical do not communicate with me, but people who are as direct and open as me are easy to talk to.

Galya, you play in the theater and act in films, but most viewers know you for your role as Masha Bobylkina in the TV series “Deffchonki” on TNT. In one of the episodes, your heroine moved in with her young man Zvonareva and began to indulge him in everything, bringing food to bed... Do you love just as fanatically or do you still try not to completely dissolve in a person?
(Smiles.) Complex issue. Of course, when you love a person, you try to do absolutely everything for him. Probably, to some extent, like Masha, I am fanatical in my love, I understand that sometimes I even overdo it... And it seems like I need to stop myself, but it doesn’t always work out! And if we talk about my heroine, then in the third season all her efforts and fanaticism will pay off - Zvonarev really loves her... And this is very cool!

How do you usually spend free time?
(Thinking.) If you asked this question to my beloved, he would laugh and answer it right away... All my free time I go to doctors. No, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just a terrible panicker, a hypochondriac. It's already funny!

Besides doctors, what else are you interested in?
(Smiles.) I love to ride a bike. Last year I bought rollers, but, unfortunately, I haven’t tried them yet - I don’t have the time. I love the sauna, hammam and massage... Last summer we went to Turkey, where every day we played beach volleyball with the guys. I really fell in love with this sport. I walked around with my hands wrapped in bandages because they were all covered in bruises. But bruises never stopped me.

November 17, 2017

Actress Galina Bob has two sons - Lev and Andrey. In her microblog, she often talks about her experience of motherhood.

Photo: Instagram

It is known that society has long been divided into two camps: “for” and “against” vaccinations. Many young mothers are against vaccinating their children and believe that vaccinations can only ruin the health of their babies.

I also decided to address this topic in my microblog. She admitted that she does not vaccinate her sons and explained why. According to the actress, she is in favor of vaccination, but every time she simply cannot take her children to the doctor.

“I am a mother who is “FOR” vaccinations; I still haven’t had them for my children! They only “label” those that are done in the maternity hospital. Every time Leva and I took tests before vaccination and the doctors gave us the go-ahead, the next day or right on the same day, he got sick, caught a cold or caught a virus. And, of course, everything was postponed! And this happens to this day! It’s exactly the same situation with Andryusha! As soon as we got ready, and, lo and behold, otitis media. Some doctors swear, they can’t understand why we don’t do them!? I would be glad, but it doesn’t work out. I’ve already started to think that these are signs, that maybe it’s not worth it? Maybe we can’t even think about it, otherwise the children will get sick again,” Galina shared.

Fans' opinions were again divided. Some people support Bob and believe that children do not need vaccinations, while others take a more traditional view and prefer not to skip vaccinations.

The star of the TV series “Deffchonki” Galina Bob shared a touching story about how her mother helped her develop determination through classes ballroom dancing.

Before becoming an actress, Galina Bob long time I was a professional ballroom dancer. A few years ago, viewers could even watch her not only in a comedy sitcom, but also as a participant in the show “Dancing.” In her micro-blog, Galina decided to remember how difficult it was for her to practice as a child, and also told how her mother helped her fall in love with dancing and cultivate determination in herself. “Why did you bring your daughter to dance? She can't! Don’t waste time, don’t torture your child!” said the coach! In front of all the other mothers! It was so humiliating and embarrassing! But THIS is exactly what gave birth to my mother’s desire to make her daughter the best!

Bob recalls how her mother did not let her give up and helped her learn the movements in every possible way, sparing neither effort nor time. She memorized choreography to repeat at home with her daughter, cut out traces from paper to repeat dance steps, and always patiently explained anything she didn’t understand. For all this, the actress expresses deep gratitude to her mother. Her story is an excellent example of how, with due diligence and support from family, you can achieve what seemed unattainable. “And, a year later, my mother was able to make me love dancing! I can no longer imagine my life without them! Penza was proud of me, the coaches put all their strength and knowledge into our couple! I became the champion of our region and more! We were even the best in Russia when I turned 12. In general, these were wonderful 13 years of my life! Thanks to my MOM’s faith.”

Galina's fans were impressed by her story and rushed to express support for the actress's mother. “There are no former dancers! Music always calls to them!” "Which Touching story and an example to mothers of how to believe in their children!” “The most talented and purposeful people are those in whom mother poured her soul.” “There are no words. I'm delighted with your mom! She is so purposeful and, as it turns out, so are you. I wish everyone had such faith in victory!” In addition, in the comments, Galina shared that she also decided to become an actress thanks to her mother’s support and faith. “I also quit dancing at my mother’s suggestion to “become an actress.” I whined that I didn’t want to, that it wasn’t mine, that dancing was my love and my limit! But mom knew that there was no limit. Now I'm an actress! And this is my life, this is what I breathe! And Mom was right. Once again!

Now, many years later, Galina is still working hard. For example, she recently worked so hard that she left the set in shoe covers. **** We eat Olivier, watch melodramas, choose a dress - everything about the New Year 2018!
