Nita Kuzmina before and after surgery. Nita Kuzmina: silicone as a remedy for depression

For anyone who actively followed the developments in the “Holidays in Mexico” project, the name of the outrageous brunette, Nita Kuzmina, says a lot. Before and after plastic surgery, her appearance amazes many fans. After operations, from an ordinary girl she turned into a bright, burning brunette with expressive eyes, plump lips and a chiseled waist.

Nita Kuzmina was born in the Russian capital in November 1992. Her unusual appearance, which is not typical for girls of a clear Slavic type, is explained by the origin of her parents: her mother is Russian, and her father is from India.

At school she was not an exemplary student and was not particularly passionate about subjects. The parents were loyal to the girl’s whims and constantly spoiled her. Constantly changing hair color, piercings, changes in clothing styles - all this was typical for Nita. She was constantly searching for herself, at different times even turning to emo and goth culture.

Personal life of a star and career before plastic surgery

In 2014, she received a diploma of completed higher education with a degree in Psychology., having studied through correspondence courses. The first platform on which Nita began promoting herself was her own Youtube channel. By making videos about makeup and hairstyles, she gradually gained popularity.

At the same time, the girl registered on the well-known Instagram network and posted photos and videos online with tips on self-care. The exotic beauty gained real fame after filming the project “Vacations in Mexico”. She didn’t last very long on the show, but thanks to her bright, shocking behavior she became quite popular.

Nita Kuzmina, before and after plastic surgery, has changed quite a lot and, judging by the number of photos with bouquets of flowers on social networks, is popular among men. However, the girl is not used to commenting on her personal life. In 2009 and 2014, she tried to find a groom on the popular show “Let's Get Married”, but both times she failed to find a worthy candidate.

What operations did Nita Kuzmina perform?

The exotic, bright appearance did not completely suit the girl. In a personal interview, Nita does not deny that she used the services of plastic surgery: “If you are a media person, then fans will still compare you with before and after photos, so there is no need to lie.”

Operations that Nita Kuzmina resorted to:

  1. Change in breast volume.
  2. Rhinoplasty.
  3. Veneers.
  4. Removing Bish's lumps.
  5. Lip augmentation.

The zygomatic and chin areas may also have undergone changes. According to experts, such changes in the shape of the face may be associated with the natural process of losing weight.

The girl was naturally lucky with her figure, and with the help of regular visits to the gym and massages she managed to achieve chiseled shape. According to Nita herself, she did not resort to operations to change her shape. According to average estimates, the famous girl spent at least 700 thousand rubles on all plastic interventions.


Modern canons of beauty have set a new trend towards changes in appearance. Nose surgery is quite popular among Instagram stars. Nita Kuzmina is no exception, because her wide nose and massive tip, given by nature, in no way corresponded to the ideals of beauty.

Having chosen one of the famous metropolitan plastic surgeons, she decided to undergo surgery: now her nose looks much thinner and more graceful. After the operation, her Indian origin is now not so obvious.

In what direction has the star’s appearance changed after nose correction?

In order not to look worse than top bloggers, Nita Kuzmina decided to undergo rhinoplasty. The large nose was subject to strong correction - now it is thin and neat. The girl now looks more sophisticated, because against the background of her nose, her naturally large eyes have begun to stand out significantly.

After the work of an experienced surgeon, the girl’s face was radically transformed: the wide bridge of her nose was replaced by a thinner one, and the tip of her nose became neatly shaped. Now, according to the star herself, her goal has been achieved - it is the eyes and lips that stand out attractively on the face.

Facial plastic surgery

The neat shape of the chin, the clearly defined shape of the cheekbones, and the clear cervical-chin angle on Nita Kuzmina’s face have long been the main topic of discussion. There were rumors about endoscopic lifting and liposuction, which helped remove the additional volume in Nita's face.

Nita Kuzmina before and after plastic surgery

Nita Kuzmina (before plastic surgery and after the girl changed dramatically) by nature had a plump face and rounded cheeks, which she inherited from her Hindu father.

Nitu’s appearance is bright and makes her stand out from others, so she decided to change the natural contours of her face. The procedure for removing Bisha's lumps helped her with this, thanks to which her cheekbones became more defined.

The selection before the operation, as can be seen from the photographs, had a heavier, rounded shape. Now he has become neat and lifted, which, according to experts, is impossible to achieve without the intervention of a plastic surgeon even with significant weight loss.

How did the facial surgery go?

In a plump girl with large facial features, as Nita was before, it is quite difficult to recognize a modern bright model with plump lips, outlined angular cheekbones, and a hollow in the neck. The scandalous participant in the show “Holidays in Mexico” is not ashamed of her changes and speaks quite openly about plastic interventions, thanks to which she became ideal for herself.

To maintain youth and maintain skin elasticity, Nita resorted to a contouring procedure, and then told her subscribers about easy chin correction using injections.

Thanks to the delicate and careful work of a famous plastic surgeon, she received results that she really liked. Nita notes that this was facilitated not only by the experience of the surgeon, but also by strict adherence to postoperative recommendations.

Lip surgery

Naturally beautiful, plump lips are common to all Indians, but Nita wanted to emphasize her genetic data. Therefore, she decided to correct other parts of her face - to enlarge her lips. For this purpose, fillers filled with hyaluronic acid were used.

She does this procedure regularly to maintain the shape of her lips and give them volume. Nita is not ashamed of the fact that she constantly visits the cosmetologist’s office and quite often shares fresh photographs directly from the office on her blog.

Showing a photo of herself and her brother, Nita notes that her lips have not changed much. The girl slightly emphasizes their natural beauty, and prefers to completely ignore criticism of her appearance.

Breast augmentation

Nita Kuzmina, before and after plastic surgery, was greatly transformed; the dramatic changes are especially noticeable in photographs from photo shoots in a swimsuit and underwear. Paying attention to her early photos, you can see that her breasts have increased from a natural size two to a size four.

This result cannot be achieved through training in the gym, so the girl does not even hide plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

After Nita began to be recognized and invited to photo shoots, she achieved good results in losing weight, and her breasts noticeably increased in volume. Many people think that she went too far with the size, because on her fragile body her breasts began to look huge.

Nita herself believes that in order to achieve ideal parameters, what she needed was breast enlargement, which she successfully achieved with the help of the famous plastic surgeon Svetlana Dmitrievna Ryzhova.

The girl is not shy about showing off her open cleavage and bikini at her candid photo shoots, but on the contrary, she puts the photos on public display. During the operation, Nita was given implants of at least 350 ml in each breast, which, according to her doctor, is quite suitable for girls of such a fragile build.

Liposuction and buttock surgery

The flamboyant participant in the “Holidays in Mexico” project has a seductive figure. According to Nita herself, she achieved her curvaceous buttocks thanks to regular hard training in the gym and diet. However, vigilant fans are still inclined to believe that the matter could not have happened without plastic surgery.

Judging by the rather thin waist that the girl acquired not so long ago, fat from the waist area could have been transferred to the buttocks area. With this operation, excess fat is pumped out and filtered, after which it can be used to increase volume in other areas of the body. No matter how she achieves her appetizing figure, her figure attracts the gaze of many fans.

Dental correction of teeth

It seemed to Nita Kuzmina that the changes in her appearance and figure were not enough to achieve the ideal of beauty, and she decided to transform her smile. Her flawless snow-white teeth are the result of a good dentist's work. The aesthetics of the teeth was restored thanks to ultra-thin overlays on the teeth - veneers.

To maintain the perfection of her teeth, the girl regularly visits the dental office and does not hide it at all. She chose the shade for veneers BL2 herself, although many fans believe that this snow-white color looks unnatural on her face.

How has the star's figure changed during her popularity?

Producers and well-known media personalities noticed a girl of unusual appearance after she returned from Mexico, where she took part in the filming of the project. Invitations to photograph for various magazines and websites began to bring her fame.

It was then that Nita decided to adjust her appearance. The girl wanted to get rid of her overly rounded shape and began to actively lose weight through diets. Having lost quite a lot of weight, she was still not satisfied with her parameters and decided to work hard at training in the gym. A balanced diet and protein also helped her achieve her desired parameters.

Continuing her studies, the girl decided to have breast augmentation to achieve ideal body proportions. After acquiring the coveted fourth size, Nita decided to stop with the results achieved. Now her toned, rounded shape attracts the gaze of many of her fans and admirers.

Nita Kuzmina's career after reincarnation

At the beginning of her career as a famous model, the girl understood that revealing outfits and provocative makeup could not bring her popularity and fame. In addition to actively losing weight and changing her hair color from light to dark, Nita decided to seek the help of plastic surgeons. Plastic surgery helped the girl become even more popular.

She actively participates in various photo shoots, presenting:

  • Beauty Salons;
  • well-known brand companies;
  • luxury underwear.

Her measurements and bright appearance marked the beginning of the development of her modeling career.

In addition to being a model, the girl provides escort services, accompanying wealthy men at important events.

Kuzmina clarifies that the escort occurs without the provision of intimate services. This kind of work brings Nita a very decent income.

Secrets of a star

Nita Kuzmina, before and after plastic surgery, underwent amazing changes in appearance. However, by nature she cannot be called unremarkable, since the girl has mixed genetics from a Russian mother and father from India. She has natural bright facial features: beautiful big eyes, moderately full lips, dark velvety skin.

The girl carefully monitors her appearance and shares her personal beauty secrets:

Nita Kuzmina, judging by the photographs before and after plastic surgery, surprises many fans with the scale of the transformation. From a plump girl she turned into a sultry brunette with seductive facial features and outstanding curves of her figure.

Plastic surgery helped her on her way to gaining popularity: she quite often participates in various photo shoots, not hesitating to demonstrate her figure advantages.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about Nita Kuzmina

Interview with Nita Kuzmina:

Every year you can increasingly see real models among participants in various shows. Often they manage to make themselves known and gain nationwide popularity. One of the most popular models and show business stars of recent years is Nita Kuzmina. We will tell you in this article how she came to fame, as well as what Nita Kuzmina looked like before and after plastic surgery.


  1. Nita Kuzmina was born in Moscow on November 10, 1992. It is noteworthy that her father was not Russian, but Indian. This is what influenced her specific appearance and incredible flexibility.
  2. Often as a child she visited India to see her many relatives. For Nita, this was a second homeland, which she loved no less than Russia.
  3. As the girl herself admits, in those years she was an incredibly capricious and spoiled child. The girl regularly pestered her parents and begged them for this or that thing.
  4. And often she succeeded, since they followed their daughter’s lead. But over the years, their relationship normalized. Now they maintain exclusively friendly relations and see each other regularly.
  5. Then, like all normal children, Nita attended high school, from which she graduated without any special distinctions. This was followed by college studies. The girl dreamed of becoming a psychologist, but as her studies progressed, she became disillusioned with this line of work and decided to connect her life with the fashion industry.
  6. In those years, she also succumbed to the popularity of various subcultural movements. She was not afraid to experiment with her own appearance: she dyed her hair, got piercings, etc.

The arrival of success

  • Even then, the ambitious Nita Kuzmina dreamed of fame. To do this, she decided to try her hand at television. Despite the fact that she did not have much work experience, thanks to her charisma and charm;
  • she easily got a place in the now popular reality show “Vacations in Mexico. It was thanks to this project that Nita was eventually able to become famous throughout the country;
  • Nita stood out among other project participants not only due to her attractive appearance, but also to her eccentric behavior. Initially, Kuzmina tried to build a relationship with Jackson;
  • who was a stripper. Everything would be fine, but the girl did not hesitate to reveal all the juiciest details of her intimate life. She also behaved extremely defiantly, which allowed her to become the most prominent personality of the project;
  • but ultimately this relationship came to an end. The girl does not like to remember that period of time, since she was seriously disappointed in Jackson, who turned out to be not at all who he said he was;

Model business

Despite the active discussion of the girl online and popularity on television, she did not stay on the project for very long. But this was enough to get an excellent contract at a modeling agency.

Nita’s advantage was that she had experience working as a model even before the project. Considering the girl’s parameters, it is not surprising that she repeatedly took part in all kinds of photo shoots and enjoyed success among the largest companies.

The biography and personal life of Nita Kuzmina was of little interest to anyone before she took part in the well-known reality show “Vacations in Mexico.” Now photos of her before plastic surgery have leaked onto the Internet, which are amazing. The girl turned from an ugly girl into a real dark-haired “Barbie”. It is useless to deny the presence of plastic surgery here - it was there. The question is, is it successful or not?

Nita Kuzmina was born on November 10, 1992 in Moscow in the family of a housewife and a businessman. Her parents are still together and happily married. Many people notice that the girl is very similar to the Indian actress Aishwarya Rai. And this is no wonder, because her father is a purebred Indian originally from New Delhi. When she was little, Nita often visited her father’s homeland and saw her ancestors there; she understands the Hindi language well. As a child, she idolized that country. But, having recently returned there, I saw its dirt, poverty, hungry and angry inhabitants and was surprised at how I had not noticed this in childhood.

Little is known about her family and childhood. But judging by the photo of young Nita, she was a difficult teenager. She considered herself a member of the goth culture and participated in half-naked amateur photo shoots. Before participating in reality shows and working in modeling agencies, the girl made her living only as an escort. Nita does not deny this and is not ashamed of this fact, emphasizing that escort girls do not provide intimate services. Moreover, she still provides escort services, but with VIP status.


The girl does not deny that she resorted to surgical interventions. And the comparison of photographs of Nita Kuzmina before and after plastic surgery is too eloquent - these are two different people.

So what manipulations were performed?

  • Breast augmentation. Comparing the photos, you can see how the second size suddenly increased to the fourth, despite the fact that the girl lost weight. Sometimes she is accused of going too far with her size. On her fragile body after losing weight, her breasts look huge.
  • Rhinoplasty. Before plastic surgery, Nita Kuzmina had a rather large nose with a drooping tip. The new nose greatly transformed the girl—her naturally large eyes immediately began to stand out on her face. Most of her subscribers believe that she should have stopped there.
  • Veneers. The way her teeth suddenly became smooth and white indicates the installation of veneers. The work was done efficiently, but the color of her teeth is unnaturally white, not everyone likes this. As she herself admitted, this is color number BL2.
  • Lips. Before plastic surgery, Nita Kuzmina had far from small lips, but this was not enough for her, so she further enlarged them with hyaluronic acid injections. But even here the girl comes across accusations that she has gone too far.
  • Removing Bish's lumps. Nowadays, pronounced cheekbones are in trend. Bisha's lumps are small bags of fat that are found in the cheeks of every person and give the face roundness. If they are removed, the cheekbones will immediately become defined and the face will become more sculpted. This operation, perhaps, only benefited her appearance, because before plastic surgery, Nita Kuzmina had a too round face.

Rumor has it that in addition to the above, she injected fillers into her cheekbone and chin areas. But natural weight loss could have given her additional sculpture to her face. It’s hard to say, because all the changes, both natural and unnatural, occurred almost simultaneously. According to rough estimates, she spent at least 700 thousand rubles on her “tuning”. This amount is small, but not small for the Russian average person.

There are also rumors about her ideal figure that liposuction and the insertion of implants into the buttocks helped her achieve such lines. But all this can be easily achieved through sports and massages. In the photo, her buttocks are very similar to natural ones, although rounded. Needless to say, the girl was naturally lucky with her figure, plus she worked on it in the gym.

Personal life

Nita tries to hide everything related to her personal life from the public. But her relationship with Mikhail Terekhin still became known. Rumor has it that it was Nita who caused the separation of Mikhail and popular TV presenter Ksenia Borodina.

One day Nita made a shocking statement that she was bisexual. That is, sexually she is attracted to both men and women. But she was not noticed in relationships with women. Apparently, the brunette’s heart is now free. As Nita herself admitted, she loves it when a man is smart and intelligent, but a little rude and cold when communicating with her. She prefers girls who are masculine and have short hair, but she still gives preference to men.

"Holidays in Mexico"

Participation in the second season of the popular reality show on the Friday TV channel made her truly famous among Russian celebrities. Nita participated in the project under the name Gupta. She chose a slightly scandalous line of behavior: she answered impudently and behaved arrogantly. It didn’t matter to her in what way they talked about her, the main thing was what they said.

Nita was unable to build a relationship, as the concept of the show dictates. But she firmly established herself on the Internet, which had a positive impact on her career. Men, often quite wealthy and influential, began to pay attention to her. Nita was always happy about such attention.

Model career

Nita Kuzmina became much more successful in the modeling business after plastic surgery. In her case, the investment was pointless. She is too short for a career as a catwalk model - 165 cm. But she starred a lot in advertising and music videos. She earns decent money and completely supports herself. At the beginning of 2018, her Instagram profile had more than 1.6 million followers. This means that she can easily place ads there for 50 thousand rubles per post, and maybe more, which is also a very good income.

Attitude to plastic

Nita herself believes that there is nothing wrong with plastic surgery, she simply “refined” her face and body, bringing it to perfection. At one point, she realized that she was haunted by complexes and something needed to be done about them. Another hair dyeing did not help, and then she decided to make drastic changes, which she does not regret.

It has now become fashionable to react aggressively to suspicions of plastic surgery. Nita doesn’t deny anything; she constantly posts her visits to the cosmetologist online as if it were something everyday. But she always warns the girls that her positive experience was possible only because she followed all the doctor’s instructions. But Kuzmina reacts aggressively to criticism of her appearance after operations, because she considers herself ideal.

Nita Kuzmina before and after plastic surgery on the site.

Our life consists of everyday little things that in one way or another affect our well-being, mood and productivity. I didn’t get enough sleep - my head hurts; I drank coffee to improve the situation and cheer up - but I became irritable. I really want to foresee everything, but I just can’t. Moreover, everyone around, as usual, gives advice: gluten in bread - don’t go near it, it will kill you; A chocolate bar in your pocket is a direct path to tooth loss. We collect the most popular questions about health, nutrition, diseases and give answers to them that will allow you to better understand what is good for your health.

Show business is a separate world in which PR occupies one of the central places. Moreover, PR does not necessarily have to create a positive image of a star. Sometimes scandals with a touch of negative characteristics fuel the interest of the public and fans more than positive characteristics.

This is how our TV and Internet are designed, that a scandal has become a measure of interest in a person, program or channel. This is actively used by everyone who wants to become famous very quickly.

Before we talk about Nita Kuzmina as an escort, let’s remember who escorts are. With the advent of a new generation of businessmen, such a profession as an escort appeared. In other words, the rich and successful want to surround themselves with the most attractive and the best always and everywhere. At any event, they want to see cute faces, slender figures and an appropriate appearance. Not every girl was endowed by nature with all these qualities from birth. Some people have to actively work on their appearance. To do this, you need to go to the gym and pump up your muscles, buy only expensive cosmetics, and go to beauty salons to get a flawless macchiah. Buy clothes from haute couture. Only after achieving an ideal result can you count on the role of an escort. But, if a few decades ago such a set of physical data was quite enough, today another important characteristic has been added - the presence of intelligence. Brainless beauties are not popular today.

In order to constantly maintain their image, escort girls charge a considerable price for their services.

The channel has a TV show with some spice. This is Mexico Vacation 2.

The spice of the program is that the participants boldly pose in the nude and you can even see some very explicit scenes. The style of such a program can be debated, but it is precisely because of this frankness that it has gained a certain popularity among viewers. One of the participants in the TV show was Nita Kuzmina.

Nita was attracted by her unusual appearance. Genes had an effect, because our heroine’s father is Indian. Hence the attractive oval face and thick, resinous hair. Like most young women, Nita decided to take advantage of her natural beauty and bet on it. True, it could not have happened without cosmetic plastic surgery. Even beauties are not always satisfied with their appearance.

To stir up interest in her personality, the girl immediately stunned everyone with the revelation that she was bisexual. But she added that she believes in love and hopes to meet her one and only. Nita complains that nowadays business and money have become priorities that take up all their free time. It is impossible to build real relationships without spending precious time on them, but there is simply no time at the moment, so the relationship is not going well. All contacts are short-term.

The girl appears in music videos, works as a fashion model, participates in TV shows and does much more. That is, with an amazingly attractive appearance and intelligent mind, Nita is included in the category of expensive escorts. Not every businessman can afford her accompaniment.

It seems to me that lately Nita has been trying to seize the moment and squeeze everything she can at the moment out of her appearance. With her entire appearance, she no longer demonstrates natural beauty, but the wonders of plasticity. Sometimes it seems to me that in a little while they will start advertising plastic surgeons and clinics in her videos. Some of her works are on the verge of a foul. While she is at the height of her fame, she would not waste time on more serious projects.

Among the many beauties smiling from screens and displays, “stars of the first magnitude” sometimes flash out. This is how the star of Nita Kuzmina, the favorite of the new generation, suddenly lit up. Unique photogenicity and unique character have become the key to the success of the model and TV presenter.

How it all began

The fame of any model is tied to external beauty. Mixed blood flows in Nita Kuzmina’s veins. The daughter of a Russian mother and an Indian father, she received from nature the best genetic traits of both nations. A bright face with regular features reminds her fans of the heroines of their favorite Indian films. A chiseled figure meets the best standards of the Russian modeling business.

Nita was raised under the influence of two cultures. She spent her childhood in Moscow, but visited her family in India every year. Her paternal name is Gupta. Fans note the unusual plasticity of the girl’s movements, characteristic of Indian women.

In communication, Nita is an ordinary Russian girl. Her school childhood was the same as that of millions of our girls. She was a good student, but in high school she began to gravitate toward “bad friends.” As a teenager, Nita was interested in the emo and punk movement.

After school, the girl tried herself in several fields - she studied at college, tried to master the profession of a psychologist. The most successful were the first steps in a modeling career. The owners of modeling agencies liked the girl’s appearance, but most importantly, her beauty was perfectly reflected in her photographs. Nita felt the spirit of the fashion industry and realized that she needed to move in this direction.

Nita Kuzmina in TV shows

Fame came to the beauty after participating in the unusual project “Vacations in Mexico.” To get into the show, you had to go through a difficult casting and prove your psychological strength and ability to communicate with people. Nita was chosen and she went to a villa in exotic Mexico. There she had to live and communicate with 11 strangers every day.

The point of the tough psychological game was to find your romantic partner among the participants. Those who remained “loners” left the show. Many viewers liked Nita Kuzmina. In addition to her amazing appearance, she demonstrated strength of character, the ability to behave with dignity at the right moment, to throw out passion, to start an intrigue. It was then that Nita gained an army of admirers. TV viewers watched an extraordinary girl for 5 weeks. Then she had to leave the project.

But the first step has been taken. Nita gained popularity; video clip directors and fashion agency owners became interested in her. Nita did not stop there. She appeared in two more famous television shows - “Elevator” and “Let's Get Married!” In “Elevator,” Nita, appearing as a seductive blonde, deliberately shocked the audience. Twice participating in “Let's Get Married!”, the model seriously interested not only the audience, but the on-screen “grooms.”

TV shows became a career start for Nita Kuzmina. After them, the girl was noticed by prestigious modeling agencies and began to be invited to appear in advertisements and video clips.

Nita's creativity

Natural beauty allowed Nita to participate in modeling photo shoots in her early youth. But with the acquisition of all-Russian popularity, the girl became in demand among designers. She was invited to advertise beauty salons and luxury jewelry.

Nita demonstrated openwork and tight-knit dresses that were unusual for a young girl. The ideal figure allowed the girl to specialize in demonstrating expensive underwear. Billboards in major Russian cities feature the charming brunette in samples of Savage's fall 2014 collection.

Nita is actively looking for herself in show business. She worked as a DJ in nightclubs in Moscow and Vladivostok, and starred in video clips for the musical groups “USB”, “After light”, and the rap artist Syava. The model also created her own music video.

Popularity needs to be constantly warmed up. Nita works tirelessly in this direction. She maintains a personal video blog in which she teaches representatives of the fair sex the rules of caring for their appearance, choosing perfumes, and demonstrates techniques for successful make-up. Nita's channel has collected more than 100 thousand subscribers.

"No secrets"

In one of the “Let's Get Married” programs, Kuzmina was very embarrassed when the editors talked about her past. Some of the young model’s piquant moments are unpleasant to remember, but she speaks about others publicly.

So, the girl does not hide the fact that, like (Timati’s child’s mother), she worked at Queens Palace, an elite modeling agency in the capital. Here Nita combined participation in prestigious photo shoots with work as an escort model. But the girl believes that accompanying significant people to high-society banquets does not characterize her negatively.

Candid photographs are another “dark spot” in the model’s biography. She posted them on the erotic website Imagetwist, and created an entire photo series in the style of “50 Shades of Gray” with the famous showman Terekhin. Experts say that Nita’s photographs are distinguished by their highly artistic execution; their sensuality does not go beyond generally accepted boundaries.

Nita loves to artificially stir up the public's interest. For example, she said many times in interviews that she accepts close relationships with both men and women. But the public is unaware of any noticeable romances between the model and girls. Her admirers are always accomplished, popular men.

The extravagant image that Nita has created for herself in the media excites the imagination. Many people make a fetish out of a girl, others dislike and condemn her. Both are interested in facts from her daily life, little secrets.

The most important indicators for a model – height and weight – were discussed many times in reviews of Nita’s video blog, on forums, and on social networks. . The girl herself says she is 165 cm tall and weighs 46 kg. A business card at a fashion bank states the numbers 165/45. Nita is indeed very slim, although, by her own admission, she does not diet. The model does not allow herself only flour, and limits sweets. Flexibility of the waist is achieved through regular exercise in the gym.

The tattoos with which Nita decorated her dark skin arouse curiosity. The space from the chest to the top of the panties is covered with a complex tattoo - an exotic green branch with scarlet flowers. The image not only emphasizes the slimness of the waist. Fans see in it a certain sacred meaning, a connection with Indian culture. Twin cherries on the buttock carry an erotic message.

Detractors attribute to Nita Kuzmina countless operations to change her appearance. The girl does not deny that she slightly changed the shape of her breasts, lifting them and enlarging them a little. She herself posted before and after photos online. There is information about lip augmentation, especially the upper one. In addition, Nita changed her hair color and length several times. Recently, the model has been diligently maintaining an oriental image, emphasizing Indian facial features with special makeup techniques.

On the famous Instagram ( icon-instagram/nita_kuzmina) The model's page gathers a huge number of admirers. Nita managed to stand on a par with such celebrities as. The girl admits that she cannot live a day without photo shoots, and every day she posts new pictures online. They attract visitors with subtle eroticism, mysterious depth, and graceful movements of the girl.

Nita Kuzmina knows how to correctly present the beauty given to her by nature and plastic surgeons. She actively sought popularity using her innate talents. The girl continues to work on herself - she studies at the institute, tries herself as a TV presenter, and dreams of becoming a big movie actress. Fans sincerely wish her to become a show business star of the first magnitude.

In our opinion, Nita Kuzmina is an excellent example of a girl who set a goal for herself and achieved it. We wish Nita creative success and will follow her career.
