A very powerful mantra of the fifth dimension. Mantra of the fifth dimension thea Lemuria - the civilization where I was once born

The Gates of the Fifth Dimension have opened and Golden Prana has emerged from them, which will help harmonize your life, you just need to call it correctly. The mantra of the fifth dimension will become a conductor of the most positive energy of this World into your life. Learn it by heart, use it every day. You can repeat it to yourself during meditation, sing it, listen to it at work and at home.

This symbolic song has no restrictions on its use, but there are some rituals that must be performed. Feel how your life is changing, because the Divine Light of Knowledge has descended on you. Harmony in the soul means harmony in life. The mantra exists to help those in need. Be sure to use it every day, teach it to the people you care about. Simple and short, the mantra has an amazing positive effect on everyday processes and on the body as a whole.

The meaning of the mantra

The mantra has been known since ancient times. Its meaning is very simple, and at the same time philosophical. Sacred energy or Golden Prana, which is called TEA in Sanskrit, is available to every person who knows how to call it. When he pronounces a mantra, he activates special air vibrations. By repeating it 108 times a day, a person excites space by opening the door. Through it he gains full access to the energy of Golden Prana. The text is simple:


The fifth dimension, which is opened by the mantra thea, is the focus of positive energy. It will give you not only new strength, but knowledge itself. Gradually the right path opens up, and doubts go away.

A person begins not only to look at objects, but also to see their essence, and this can be very useful. When you read the mantra, imagine a golden wave of energy around you - inhale it, enjoy it. Let problems and worries go away with every breath, and let your consciousness expand.

Meditation and mantra tea

The mantra itself is short and consists of a set of sound codes. You can:

  • Learn by heart and repeat during meditation.
  • Watch a video about how Buddhist practitioners do this.
  • Enable recording on your player or computer.

It is truly magical - this has been proven by thousands of people whom the mantra has helped change. They all say the same thing - after just a few days of regular meditation, the body began to work differently than before:

  • The pain is gone.
  • The skin has become much better.
  • Getting up in the morning is easy and pleasant.
  • The taste of food has become richer.
  • Relations have normalized.
  • The world around has become brighter, more expressive.
  • The work started to go better.
  • Money came into life.
  • People find love or restore relationships even after several years of separation.

Sit in silence, peace, close your eyes, start repeating the mantra. As many times as you want is nice. The ideal number is 108, but it’s not always possible to reach it right away.

To avoid confusion, use Buddhist rosary beads, there are 108 of them in one bundle. For more effective meditation, add gold color. This could be candles, gold jewelry, drapery in front of you, or special gold-colored clothing.

An amazing effect awaits the one who pronounces it 108 times a day. Try it - it's easy. The kindest and most positive mantra will open its arms to those who believe in it, devote time, think and undergo meditation. You can sing, listen or watch a video - it makes no difference. The influence of these sounds on human life and the body has already been proven by scientists. You will feel better and the Golden energy of Prana will descend on you.

All the knowledge of the Universe is available to you

You are “immortal gods” created in the image of your Creator without any limitations. This is exactly how you lived your earthly life for hundreds of thousands of years in your distant past. You, as divine beings, did not know any hardships. All knowledge emanating from the universal mind was available to you by the natural right of your birth. As a collective civilization you have greatly abused these privileges.

Get your powers

As humanity began to abuse these divine gifts, they began to diminish in proportion to the extent of the abuse. These gifts, my friends, can be rediscovered and preserved “only” when the original level of awareness, unconditional love, harmony, right use of will, right use of power and divine wisdom is maintained in consciousness, feelings and actions.

Returning a person to integrity.

During the sinking of both major continents and the loss of most of the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, the Father/Mother God decreed that the only way to return humanity to wholeness and pristine God consciousness was to reduce the threefold life flame to 1/16 of an inch. Humanity was unable to continue to abuse the power and energies of God as before. Since then, my dear ones, you have used only two strands of DNA and a microscopic particle of the original threefold life flame pulsating in your hearts.

Meditation session – Journey to past lives

Lemuria - the civilization where I was once born

Your path back to wholeness has been long and difficult. Know that this was the only way God could save you.

All other attempts by the Creator to bring you back to wholeness were unsuccessful, and your free will to abuse the energies of God was treated with full respect. Now there is a ray of hope on the horizon. A significant percentage of humanity has gained wisdom and knowledge through exploration of their isolation. Now, in the context of your free will, you have proven your desire to return to wholeness. With great love and trust, your Creator awaited your return and the day when He could restore you to your original abilities.

The path of return.

The time of your redemption is near, and everything that you seem to have lost will be restored to you. It was never completely lost. Your divinity cannot be taken away from you, it is your true nature. It was only hidden from you so that you could gain lessons and experiences that would develop the knowledge of divinity for all. You left home only to begin the journey of return, and now you stand on the threshold of a majestic and glorious reunion with all that you are.
Aurelia Louise Jones

Universal Mantra of Fifth Dimensional Magic


You must chant this mantra at least 12 times. This is a fifth dimensional mantra.
When you sing it, your consciousness expands and allows you to fully open and accept new levels and dimensions of your Divine Being and Cosmic Life.

This Sacred Mantra is Universal. You can use it for any purpose - healing, cleansing space, creating additional energy of free time, concentration of the Violet Flame, liberation from something, transferring energy and thoughts at a distance, tantra, blessing, consecration of food.
It can be used before creativity, any work, anything.

Using this mantra will make everything you do ten times more effective.

Moreover, every time you sing it you expand your internal and external boundaries, make them permeable and literally create a fifth dimension inside and around you. Each time you pronounce the words of this mantra, you call upon the Focus of the Golden Flame on the Earth and the energy of TEA - Golden Pollen, which, during your chanting, begins to rapidly accumulate in the space of the Earth in all open portals of consciousness. Each time you chant this mantra, the influx of Golden Pollen and Golden Light to the Earth will increase. It is important to accumulate and develop the momentum of the Golden Pollen of Grace and Prosperity on Earth.

Now this is your universal energy of Creation of anything and Divine Wealth. The more TEA accumulates in you and your consciousness, in your personal individual momentum of life, the more Wealth, Jewels and Gifts you can not only receive, but also independently create from the Magical Energy of TEA.

Every time you engage in Creativity, Good Magic and Magic, your consciousness also releases TEA energy.

You can ask me all questions

Through the open portal of the Great Gate of the Fifth Dimension, Golden Pollen descends to Earth - a completely unique and precious Divine Energy of the Universe. This is crystallized Light, Honey Prana, the Energy of Universal Magic and Sorcery. This is the Sacred energy of the Upper Worlds - alive and aware, Its Name is TEA.

In order for all boundaries of the third dimension to be completely and irreversibly dissolved, you need to devote a few minutes every day to interacting with TEA Energy.
Meditate on Golden Pollen. It pours onto the Earth in a generous stream, showering everything around. The air sparkles, and the rainbow is multifacetedly crushed in the Crystals of Light of the Magic TEA.

So that your dreams and desires begin to come true easily and quickly, so that all your long-formed Divine Intentions are finally fully activated, so that the world is filled with the energy of Miracle, Celebration and Magic, allow the energy of TEA - the Golden Pollen of your awareness to pass into your world, through you.

Golden pollen pours out of the open Heavenly Gates and showers everything around, people, the Earth, water, your clothes, animals, plants. It pours out wherever you are present, it even pours from your ceiling.

This is the Magic of the Fifth Dimension and it fills everything around.

Create an attitude for yourself - as soon as you remember the Magical Energy of TEA, the space inside and around you begins to be filled with this energy. Magic and Miracles become possible and visible.
Fill your world every day. This is the Presence of Inspiration and Supreme Divine Charm.

This is the Golden Pollen of Blessing.
Bless Her by mentally showering all those you love and honor. This is the Energy of Highest Gratitude. Now use not only words, but also TEA, and Give Thanks, creating its image and light in space. Shower those whom you want to THANK, for TEA is the energy of GRACE and THANKS. Crystallized Light, which is very close to embodiment on Earth.

To meditate and bring TEA into life and form on Earth, use a lot of the Golden Color in your creativity, clothing and jewelry, for TEA is the Energy of the Sacred Golden Age of the Universe.
Use golden glitter for your meditations, sprinkle and adorn yourself during your practices and Service as Goddesses and Gods.
Imagine how you inhale Golden Pollen, absorb it, it has a pleasant sweet taste of Amrita and the Aroma of the Divine Gardens of Moria. Create a New Picture of the World, create a Golden Page in your Sacred Book of Life.

Every time you meditate on the Sacred Energy of TEA, it will come to you in a new wave of miracles and fill your life. Every time you open your Heart and Consciousness to the passage of the Golden Pollen of Blessing, it showers the entire planet with Crystals of Love and Light. She showers children, lovers and lovers, animals and birds, plants, mountains and rivers and your atmosphere begins to shine.

The Earth becomes the Golden Planet of the Sun. TEA descends into the world, and the third dimension turns into the five-dimensional space of your United Soul of the World. Golden Rain and Golden Snow rain down from the sky, and all obstacles recede before TEA - the Royal Goddess of Magic.

In previous messages, we conveyed the Magic Mantra of TEA to earthlings.






You must chant this mantra at least 12 times.

This is a fifth dimensional mantra. When you sing it, your consciousness expands and allows you to fully open and accept new levels and dimensions of your Divine Being and Cosmic Life.

This Sacred Mantra is Universal.
You can use it for any purpose - healing, cleansing space, creating additional energy of free time, concentration of the Violet Flame, liberation from something, transferring energy and thoughts at a distance, tantra, blessing, consecration of food. It can be used before creativity, any work, anything. Using this mantra will make everything you do ten times more effective.

Moreover, every time you sing it you expand your internal and external boundaries, make them permeable and literally create a fifth dimension inside and around you.
Each time you pronounce the words of this mantra, you call upon the Focus of the Golden Flame on the Earth and the energy of TEA - Golden Pollen, which, during your chanting, begins to rapidly accumulate in the space of the Earth in all open portals of consciousness.
Each time you chant this mantra, the influx of Golden Pollen and Golden Light to the Earth will increase. It is important to accumulate and develop the momentum of the Golden Pollen of Grace and Prosperity on Earth.

Now this is your universal energy of Creation of anything and Divine Wealth.
The more TEA accumulates in you and your consciousness, in your personal individual momentum of life, the more Wealth, Jewels and Gifts you can not only receive, but also independently create from the Magical Energy of TEA.

Every time you engage in Creativity, Good Magic and Magic, your consciousness also releases TEA energy.

Magic Circle of Wishes Fulfillment

This small, simple practice will help you get a little comfortable and learn how to control reality in the state of the Fifth Dimension.

1) Choose a place and time so that no one will disturb you.
Draw a circle on the floor with chalk so large that you can sit in the center of the circle. The space of the Magic Circle is your space of the Fifth Dimension, in which all your desires and dreams come true.

2) Light a candle (preferably gold or purple, but any can be used), and place this candle in the Magic Circle in front of you.

3) If you have Gold Glitter or something like that, sprinkle it on the space inside your Circle. Or do it mentally.

4) Sit in the center of the Circle on a chair or on the floor. And meditate. Unleash the full flow of your imagination.

Mentally or vocally call upon the Violet Flame and spin the mighty Mega-Cyclone of the Violet Flame in the Magic Circle of your Fifth Dimension. Let it rotate at enormous cosmic speed inside and around you.

Now meditate and fill your Circle with Golden Pollen - Sacred Energy of Magic - TEA.

Chant the Fifth Dimension mantra. - 12 times






After this, put the program of your Intention into the Cyclone of the Violet Flame, and watch how your images take shape, your consciousness, united with the Consciousness of the Violet Flame, seems to mold them from Golden Pollen.

While in the radiant and warm space of Golden Pollen, dream and meditate as much as you want.
In your magic Circle, time goes nowhere. It expands into the eternal sphere of life HERE and NOW. Here, allow yourself absolutely everything, everything you desire, everything you dreamed of as a child or are dreaming of now. Everything that seems small, unimportant or even absurd.

5) When you finish your Magic session, thank the TEA and the Violet Flame without leaving the Circle, erase its line. This will be a sign and symbol for your consciousness that the boundaries are erased and the Magic Space of the Fifth Dimension is spreading to everything around.

6) Partially record your desire or intention that you worked on in the space of the Circle. Draw or describe it in words on a piece of paper. This will make it easier for your consciousness to project what you want for you.

It is possible that you will only need to do all these details in physical space at first.
When your consciousness fully opens to your own Divine Fifth Dimensionality, you will learn to create the Magic Circle of Desire Fulfillment instantly, by effort of Will and Thought (visualizing).

Another opportunity that the Magic Mantra gives is the development of space-time of the fifth dimension.

1. Five lines of the mantra must be chanted at least 12 times every day in order to tune your consciousness to adapt to the new mode of existence.

The next stage of working with the fifth dimension mantra is the following practice, which contributes to the embodiment of the Fifth Dimension in consciousness, as well as in the space and time of the three-dimensional Earth:

2. After you have chanted the TEA mantra 12 times, begin to chant each line of the mantra 12 times separately, one after the other.
This will allow the energy of the Fifth Dimension to enter more fully and, as it were, expand and develop the mirror portals of time and space of the third dimension.






OM NAMO ELO GATE - 12 rub.

3. After this, begin to chant each word of the mantra 12 times, chanting the entire mantra sequentially.

This is the initial course of Cubic Development of Space and Time from the third dimension to the fifth.

COBET Tara-Love: in order not to lose count and not be distracted, make a rosary from 12 beads.

You can chant the mantra more than 12 times, any number of repetitions, 12 is the required minimum for the mantra to take effect.
A kind of Inclusion.

This course is enough for now.
As you adapt, we will impart to you the following practical knowledge for your training in the space and time of your Divine Multidimensionality.

The mantra develops space and time, but most importantly, it develops and sharpens the power and energy of your Intention.

To use the Universal Magical Power of the Mantra to achieve your goal, first announce out loud your intention, what you are launching the powerful action of the mantra for, and begin to chant it, directing your Spiritual Power into your intention.

For example:

In the Name of the I Am Presence here and now I Command the contraction, strengthening and concentration of the Violet Flame. (Hereinafter, the Mantra of the Fifth Dimension).

In the name of the I Am Presence I cleanse this space. (hereinafter referred to as Mantra.)

In the name of the I Am Presence I call upon the energy of abundance. (hereinafter referred to as Mantra.)

In the name of the I Am Presence I heal my body (hereinafter referred to as the Mantra.)

In the Name of the I Am Presence, in the Name of the I Am That I Am, by the Power of my Intention, I harmonize and transform this situation ___ (describe) (hereinafter referred to as the Mantra).

Every time you use the Fifth Dimension Mantra to accomplish something, do not forget to concentrate your attention on the Magic Energy of Golden Pollen for at least a few minutes.
Imbued with Magic, saturate your consciousness, Soul, Heart and Body with Higher Magic and Miracles. Create with TEA every day. Live with her.

Coexist. The Fifth Dimension is your WORLD. And this is just the beginning.

In Truth - The Journey Is Just Beginning!


Angels of the Golden Ray, Guardians of the Sacred Energy of TEA Golden Pollen, Archangel Zadkiel and Angels of Joy.







You must chant this mantra at least 12 times. This is a fifth dimensional mantra. When you sing it, your consciousness expands and allows you to fully open and accept new levels and dimensions of your Divine Being and Cosmic Life.

This Sacred Mantra is Universal. You can use it for any purpose - healing, cleansing space, creating additional energy of free time, concentration of the Violet Flame, liberation from something, transferring energy and thoughts at a distance, tantra, blessing, consecration of food. It can be used before creativity, any work, anything.
Using this mantra will make everything you do ten times more effective.

Moreover, every time you sing it you expand your internal and external boundaries, make them permeable and literally create a fifth dimension inside and around you. Each time you pronounce the words of this mantra, you call upon the Focus of the Golden Flame on the Earth and the energy of TEA - Golden Pollen, which, during your singing, begins to rapidly accumulate in the space of the Earth in all open portals of consciousness. Each time you chant this mantra, the influx of Golden Pollen and Golden Light to the Earth will increase. It is important to accumulate and develop the momentum of the Golden Pollen of Grace and Prosperity on Earth.

Now this is your universal energy of Creation of anything and Divine Wealth. The more TEA accumulates in you and your consciousness, in your personal individual momentum of life, the more Wealth, Jewels and Gifts you can not only receive, but also independently create from the Magical Energy of TEA.

Every time you engage in Creativity, Good Magic and Magic, your consciousness also releases TEA energy.

2. Forms of preparation for the transition

When preparing for the Transition, the main task must be solved - the preparation of all four bodies. This work requires a lot of effort and energy expenditure. The main thing here is a change in nutrition towards plant foods, control over emotions and the practice of adapting all bodies to the energy of the fifth dimension. What does it mean? We must learn to perceive ourselves already in the fifth dimension.

This can be done by reading affirmations:






This must be done every day and, regardless of the preparedness of the cells, gain the energy of the fifth dimension. The result will not be long in coming - you will soon notice a change in the cellular state of the skin. Old, outdated cells will begin to fall off abundantly, and energetically you will feel a surge of strength. I recommend reading before starting all practices.

A call for a general raising of vibrations:

“In the name of I AM THAT I AM, with the permission of the Lords of Karma of the Earth, under the guidance of Sanat Kumara and the Ascended Masters, under the protection of Archangel Michael and his legion of angels, I turn to my Higher Essence, my Golden Angel and ask to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to the level that is allowed to me at this stage of development of my consciousness. I ask you to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to a level that will benefit the development of my soul, the souls of those people and Entities that surround me, for the benefit of all Space and for the benefit of the evolution of planet Earth. I thank all the Higher Powers for their help. I ask Archangel Raphael to heal all my bodies and fill the healed places with the Light of the color that will help in the healing of my bodies. With an open Heart, I accept the assistance provided and thank the Lords of Karma of the Earth for the permission given to the Ascended Forces of Light to help me and all non-ascended humanity, as well as all Beings walking along the ladder of evolution, for the benefit of the entire planet Earth. I accept the changes occurring in my bodies and consciously direct the Light of God coming through me to those places where it is needed. Let it be so!"

I recommend doing this practice every day, there will be no excess here. This will help you energetically prepare yourself for new vibrations. The prayer “minimum load on all organs” also works well; I will give it at the end. In general, you don’t need to keep a large set of prayers and meditations in your daily arsenal, you need to choose the necessary ones and read them, I would even say create - mindfulness and prayer should go side by side.

Energy is greatly influenced by our diet. Everyone knows that a person will switch to plant foods and take energy from the environment, but this should not be done through force, it should become an internal need of a person. Although you should try to wean yourself off meat food now. I won’t say anything specifically about nutrition, what you read is quite enough.

You can dwell on emotions, this is a very important point. Emotions in our lives affect everything, and even events not related to health depend on our emotions. Therefore, we constantly remember this and use the cleansing mantra:

Any negative thought, obsessive frightening situation, scenario, desire to take revenge, respond with force. We say: This is not my thought (situation). I bless it, release it and let it go with Love.

All the people I met or talked to on the phone today (date), even for a short time, all the situations I was involved in today I BLESS, RELEASE AND LET GO WITH LOVE.

Thus, by controlling emotions, we will be able to change our real life and prepare ourselves for the Transition. The existing practices will be effective if they are applied consciously, affecting the deep layers of the Soul. Otherwise, if your feelings do not respond, changes will occur only on the outer layers, and therefore the preparation will not be effective.

Through the Great Gate of the Fifth Dimension, Golden Pollen falls to the Earth. This is the unique Divine Energy of the Universe, Honey Prana, the Sacred energy of the Upper Worlds, the Energy of Universal Magic and Sorcery - whose name is TEA. If you want to dissolve the boundaries of the third dimension, you must begin to work daily with the energy of thea, which allows you to do the mantra of the fifth (5) dimension called thea.

Why do you need to work with thea energy? How will it help in everyday life? She'll just change it. Cardinally and irrevocably. And only for the better.

Your wishes will come true. Your possibilities will become limitless. Your strength and energy will become powerful. Your world will be filled with joy, happiness and magic.

Is this really not enough to start reading this mantra? After all, you will only spend a couple of minutes a day on this. But what your every day will become now, you can’t even imagine it now!

The Magic of the Fifth Dimension

Any mantra creates an installation, including the Fifth Dimension, the mention of which in itself begins to change the world, making magic and miracles visible and possible.

TEA fills every day of a person with the Presence of Inspiration and the Supreme Divine Charm, sprinkling the head with the Golden Pollen of Blessing of the one who reads the mantra and those whom the reader loves and honors.

For meditation to be effective and practice to be effective, it must not only be carried out regularly, but also be accompanied by additional attributes, which include the Golden Color. There should be a lot of gold. These can be decorative elements of the room, the color of clothing, accessories. Also, during meditation, you can even sprinkle gold sparkles on your head, symbolizing the Golden Pollen of the Universe.

During the ritual, imagine how you inhale Golden Pollen, how it is absorbed into your body and brain, penetrating through them into Life and creating a New World with the Golden Pages of the Book of Life.

During the ritual, your whole life will begin to shine, the planet will become golden, and thea will descend into the world, turning the third dimension into the fifth-dimensional space of your Soul. Thea is the Royal Goddess of Magic, before whom all obstacles recede.

And here is the text of the TEA mantra:


By chanting this mantra you will expand your consciousness and completely open to a new level of life, preparing to become a Divine Being living a Cosmic Life.

This mantra is universal. It can be used for any purpose - healing, cleansing space, creating additional energy of free time, concentrating the Violet Flame, liberation from something, transferring energy and thoughts at a distance, tantra, blessing, consecration of food. The mantra can be read before creativity or before starting any work. This mantra will make anything tens, and sometimes hundreds of times more effective!

The mantra is chanted daily at least 12 times, maximum 108 times

At the same time, during practice, you will be able to expand the internal and external boundaries of your consciousness and body, making them permeable and literally creating a fifth dimension within and around you. Each time you pronounce the text of the mantra, you will call upon the Focus of the Golden Flame to the Earth along with the TEA energy - Golden Pollen, which accumulates during reading in the space of the Earth and in all open portals of your consciousness. With each subsequent practice, the influx of Golden Pollen and Golden Light to the Earth will be even stronger than before. You need to accumulate and develop the maximum of Golden Pollen of Grace, which will allow you to receive and independently create Wealth, Jewels, and Gifts.

Magic Circle of Wishes Fulfillment

With this small and simple practice, you will get a little comfortable and learn to manage reality in the state of the Fifth Dimension.

Start the ritual by choosing a place and time for it. The main thing is that no one should disturb you and nothing should distract you! Draw a circle on the floor with white chalk so large that you can sit comfortably in it. The entire space that is in the circle is your space of the Fifth Dimension, it is in it that your dreams and desires will come true.

After drawing a circle, light a gold or purple candle and place it in front of you within the circle. Sprinkle the space inside the circle with gold glitter. If there is none, then you need to do it mentally - visualization is a powerful thing and you should be able to use it to your own advantage.

Now you can sit in the center of the circle and begin to meditate, revealing yourself and your soul with the help of your imagination, mentally calling on the Violet Flame and spinning in the Magic Circle the great Mega Cyclone of the Violet Flame, which should rotate at enormous Cosmic speed not only inside you, but also around .

As you continue to meditate, you must fill the Circle with Golden Pollen, which is the Sacred Energy of Magic, called TEA.

Now you need to read the mantra of the Fifth Dimension, and then put the program of your intention into the Cyclone of the Violet Flame, and watch the images acquire forms when your consciousness becomes one with the Consciousness of the Violet Flame.

While in the circle of radiance and warmth, one must continue to meditate and dream. You can do this as much as time and desire allow. In the magic Circle, time does not rush or pass, expanding to the eternal sphere of life HERE and NOW. At this moment, you can afford anything and everything you want, dream about, even if previously it seemed petty or absurd.

Having finished the Magic session, you must, without leaving the Circle, thank the TEA and the Violet Flame, and then erase the line, thus erasing the boundaries and spreading the Magic Space of the Fifth Dimension to everything around.

At the end of the ritual, you need to partially record your desires or intentions, on which you have done such painstaking work in the center of the circle. This is quite simple to do - write it down or draw it on a piece of paper. This will be a projection of what you want.

All the steps described above are needed at first. Over time, you will learn to control your fifth-dimensionality and create a Magic Circle of Desire Fulfillment only through the effort of your own Will and Thought.

And one more thing - the mantra must be chanted at least 12 times daily, preferably 108 times, since this number is also magical and symbolic.

Every time you perform a ritual with the Sacred Energy of TEA, it will cover you with a new wave of miracles and fill your life with happiness. By opening your heart and Consciousness to the passage of the Golden Pollen of Blessing, you shower the entire planet with Love and Light - children, lovers, animals, birds, plants, rivers, mountains - EVERYTHING! At the same time, your soul becomes one with this ALL! In this way, boundaries disappear, and with them obstacles, and you find yourself in the fifth dimension, where life is beautiful and full of happiness. Isn't this what each of us strives for?..

The mystery of correct reading of the mantra

A mantra in Eastern philosophy is not a simple set of sounds or syllables. This is not a song or a poem. This is a vibrational sound message from the Universe, giving a certain sign. Depending on the semantic meaning with which you send your message, there will be an expected response. If something is not going well in life, or a streak of failure has begun, it’s time to turn to the wisdom of the ancients. Any failure or problem forces us to concentrate on it. As a result, it turns out that we cherish negative emotions, unable to tear ourselves away from them, because we think that we are looking for a way out of the situation. But as a result, we attract even more negative energy to ourselves. The circle closes and the situation only gets worse. What do mantras have to do with it, you say? They have enormous power, but, most importantly, you need to understand how to read mantras correctly.

Types of mantras

There are several interpretations of the translation of “mantra” from Sanskrit. Some of them are: tool of the mind, liberation of thought or reasoning. In any case, reading it involves freeing the mind from worldly vanity and negative energy. By merging with the deity you are addressing, you free your subconscious from the causes of your problems and thoughts about them. In this way, all the negative influence of your thoughts is erased. And only then, like on a blank sheet of paper, a new future appears that you can realize. It’s simple, if you want to build something new, remove the old one.

Rules for reading mantras

The desire you put into reading can be directed to various areas of your life. This includes a way out of poverty, improved health, career growth, and a change in family status. There are mantras aimed at improving overall well-being. The reading rules will largely depend on what you want to achieve. If mantras have planetary significance, there are special ways to read them. In order to carry out the ritual correctly, you need to clearly define your understanding of your desires. It must be clearly formulated in your mind. Try to visualize it. By the way, the method of visualization, which is very popular in psychology, also came to us from the east. It is an integral part of yoga.

Rules for reading mantras

  1. You must understand which deity you are addressing, since the mantra involves penetration into this image. If we are talking about celestial bodies, you should see an object of light, or imagine its glow, trying to let the rays penetrate you.
  2. The tempo of the sound should be calm, measured, the sound volume can be quiet, at the level of a whisper, loudly, and silent. It is believed that only initiates can read mantras mentally. If it is read during meditation, it is usually in a full voice. You must understand that in our time of global busyness, sometimes you have to read mantras even in public transport. If such reading enlightens you and helps you relax your mind and consciousness, practice this option as well. True, it will only allow you to relieve aggression, dissatisfaction, and tune in to a positive attitude towards life. It is unlikely that you will achieve greater results.
  3. The sound can only be interrupted by a short change of inhalation and exhalation. Try to put emphasis on the last syllable.
  4. Create vibration as you exhale and inhale. Close your lips completely, as if stretching them with a tube. Each syllable should sound clear and consistent.
  5. Read the mantra regularly. With occasional reading, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.
  6. Do not forget that the goal of your work is to change the state of consciousness, or, more correctly, to release the subconscious. During the execution process, a state of peace and detachment must be achieved. Mantra is the happiness of liberating the mind and soul. If, while reading, you allow the thoughts that come to take over your consciousness, you are doing wrong. Even very serious and significant thoughts should be driven out of your head. Just relaxation and concentration.
  7. If you read the mantra in inappropriate conditions, or do not have the opportunity to count the number of repetitions, do this for 15–20 minutes. Provided that it is read more to calm your emotions, it is possible to read it any number of times in multiples of 9. When reading occurs during meditation, do it at least 108 times. If you have a rosary on hand, count the number by sorting the seeds. In no case should you step over the “measure” - the largest bead. It is believed that the rotation or counting of the bones is the rotation of the wheel of “Samsara”, or rebirth. Thus, in Buddhism and Judaism, reincarnation is defined. Therefore, having reached the “measure”, go back.

These are the most general rules, but there are some nuances associated with reading special mantras.

Special mantras

When reading a mantra directed towards a night luminary, you should turn towards it. If it's cloudy and you can't see the moon, imagine a full moon. As you stretch your hands toward the light, try to convince yourself that the rays of light are penetrating through your fingertips, penetrating deeper and deeper. After some time, you are completely filled with light, which breaks through the physical shell and envelops you in an aura. It is advisable to recite the mantra outside so that your feet touch the ground. Thus, the light energy will remain with you, and the dark energy will be consigned to the ground. There are many lunar mantras. They all read differently. Some only on the full moon, and some every night. It all depends on the choice.

Mantras are often read while performing asanas. For example, such solar messages.


is read in the pranmanasana pose, giving oneself completely to the greeting of the Sun.


we stretch ourselves towards the shining luminary in the hasta uttanasana asana.


Turning your face towards the radiance of the luminary, we take the pose of Ashva Sanchalanasana and read the mantra.


The golden egg mantra is read in the bhujangasana pose.


prayer for illumination of the rays of the luminary, read in parvatasana.

By taking an asana and reading a mantra in it, you simultaneously improve your physical and subtle body. Just as asana is the yoga of the sheath, so mantra is the yoga of the soul.

Where to start reading the mantra

If you are just starting practice, in order to understand how to read mantras correctly, start with simple syllables. JSC UM. In this case, the longest sound should be M. First read it as you exhale, but then as you inhale. To do this, imagine that you are drawing in clear and clean air. Then alternate reading while exhaling and inhaling. Practice the correct execution and only then move on to more complex mantras. With the same reading, you should begin the practice of silent, mental performance. The most difficult thing in this case is to achieve mental vibration. When you hear the sound of your voice, it is much easier to release the vibrational sound. The guideline for the correctness of mental execution will be the feeling of rustling.

At the very beginning of the practice of meditation and mantra reading, it is better not to overload yourself, and perform the reading from a minimum number of times. Let this be from 9 to 18 times.

Next, start any meditation by reading the AUM mantra 3 times. It is advisable, therefore, to finish reading. At the beginning of your path to enlightenment, try reading mantras before bed. At this moment it is easiest to relax. In addition, when falling asleep, it is advisable to clear your consciousness of all the negative energy that has accumulated throughout the day and tune in to the positive of the next day.
