Holidays in Europe in winter where to go. The most inexpensive countries in Europe

If you are going to spend your winter holidays in Europe, then you are faced with a very difficult choice, because each country is interesting in its own way. In this article we will try to make it easier and tell you about the really best directions.

Ski holiday

Winter is a great time for those who are interested in skiing or are just planning to join it. There are a large number of different ski resorts in Europe, which differ in complexity, level of service and cost. If you are thinking about where to go in winter in Europe to ski or snowboard, then pay attention to:

  • the French Alps, which are famous for their beautiful trails, picturesque nature and excellent service. By February, the temperature in them rises from −5°C to −1°C;
  • ski resorts in Switzerland. They also delight with their landscapes and trails. In winter it is quite warm here, with an average temperature of about −5-6°C. It is especially good to relax in the city of St. Moritz, where an excellent sports infrastructure has been created;
  • resort villages of German Bavaria. It's great for skiing at the end of winter. The weather at this time becomes milder, but still quite snowy;
  • Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland and Slovakia. All of these countries have excellent ski resorts where you can have a great time.

But you shouldn’t visit the Scandinavian countries in winter: Norway, Finland, and Sweden are quite cold, although this can become an additional challenge for experienced tourists.

Holidays for the whole family

If you are deciding where to go on a winter holiday in Europe with your family, then you will have a huge choice of cities, and everyone has something to offer. You can start from financial expectations, since holidays in different European cities have different costs.

If you are looking for where to go on a budget in Europe in winter, then pay attention to Hungary, in particular Budapest. This is an amazingly beautiful city, with palaces, neo-Gothic architecture, parks and, of course, the Danube River. Ideal for a romantic trip.

Another accessible country is Slovakia, where you can have a great time in the Jasna ski resort. It is located in the low but very picturesque Tatra Mountains, with authentic European towns.

Prague is interesting at any time of the year, and for all categories of tourists. Be sure to visit Wenceslas Square, the Ancient Castle and many other attractions of this city. You can go to the Czech Republic both at Christmas and in February - at any time of the year you will find something to do.

In February, Venice hosts the famous Venice Carnival, which, without a doubt, can be called one of the most exciting events in Europe. Colorful masks, fantastic costumes, dancing and all kinds of entertainment - all this awaits you in Italy.

Vacation with children

If the question is urgent for you, where to go to Europe with a child in winter, then pay attention to the cities where the most famous Christmas events are held.

Route No. 1 – Christmas markets in Munich, where you can not only buy original souvenirs and gifts, but also just have a great time. More than 30 bazaars and various entertainment await you, including music shows, carriage rides, gingerbread treats, etc.

You can also visit the Lyon Festival of Lights, which has been held since 1643 in honor of the Virgin Mary. All buildings, monuments and parks in the city are illuminated and look simply magical.

Bruges hosts an ice sculpture festival in winter, which changes its theme every year. This show will be interesting for both children and adults.

If you want to organize a trip for your children to the real Santa Claus, pay attention to Rovaniemi in Finland. This is a unique region, which is interesting not only for its amazing nature, but also because Santa Claus lives there. What could be more interesting for a child than visiting his winter residence?

In general, it is worth noting that in every city in Europe you will find all kinds of entertainment for children, including water parks, entertainment centers, etc.

Vacation with friends

If you are choosing where to go in winter in Europe with friends, be sure to think about Amsterdam, which is no less interesting in winter. Canals, squares, nightclubs, museums - all this is open to you. The advantage is that in winter, especially in February, there are noticeably fewer tourists in the Netherlands.

However, such European capitals as London, Berlin, Rome and Paris await you at any time of the year - there will always be entertainment for every taste. Modern architecture, interesting museums, a large number of diverse cafes, clubs and restaurants, traditional fairs and, of course, sales annually attract thousands of tourists to these cities in winter.

An interesting option is a ferry trip through Scandinavia. You can see the fjords of Norway, visit Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen. This is also a good option if you're looking for cheap winter travel in Europe, as ferry ticket prices vary widely and are generally very affordable. They often offer discounts.

If you are looking for an adventure, then visit the city of Abisko, in the very north of Europe, in Sweden. You can watch the amazingly beautiful northern lights, ride a dog sled and visit an ice hotel where you can have great fun.

If you want to feel the atmosphere of Dracula's castle, then go to Romania in winter: lead-gray skies, snow, black tree branches, and, of course, medieval castles and architecture - all this awaits you in the cities of Brasov and Sighisoara.

Of course, these are not all cities; you can visit literally any city in Europe and find something interesting and unusual that will leave an impression for a long time.

Well, if you don’t plan to travel far, then you might be interested in an article about. Perhaps you will find answers to your questions in it.

Enjoy your travels!

Tourists traditionally associate Europe with summer holidays, both beach and excursion. Some people come here in winter, but mostly to go skiing to the mountain resorts. Few people know that the southern regions of Europe are quite suitable for excursion holidays in winter. Winters here are mild, often there is no snow at all, temperatures range from +5 to +15 degrees and, in general, the weather is more like our autumn weather. We bring to your attention an overview of places in Europe that, in our opinion, are worth visiting in winter. There are much fewer tourists during the off-season, which means sightseeing will be much easier. Read about how to save on entrance tickets to Europe's top attractions here: A relaxing excursion holiday, a mild climate without the excruciating heat of the summer months, and as a result, a sea of ​​new impressions and sensations. So, where to go in winter?

Option number 1: Rome and its surroundings in winter

The eternal city of Rome is beautiful at any time of the year, but you will agree that without crowds of tourists you are more likely to appreciate the grandeur of this city. The Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, the Vatican - in the summer months, all these places of worship are usually dotted with tourists, and the queues stretch for many meters in front. In addition, in summer temperatures sometimes go off scale, which does not add to the charm of the city. In Rome in winter, free from traffic jams and queues, you can easily experience the entire cultural program of the city. In December and January, it is mostly sunny and dry here, the temperature stays between +10 and +11. Snow is an extremely rare occurrence; there are rains, but usually they are short-lived.

But in February it is better to stock up on a raincoat. The temperature in February is still relatively warm, but the amount of precipitation is significantly increasing, so an umbrella, and sometimes a raincoat, will not be superfluous. Italy is a fairly long country, which means that weather conditions vary. To the north of Rome the amount of precipitation and cold days increases, to the south it decreases proportionally. This means that such wonderful places as Naples with its unique historical heritage, Pompeii, an excursion to Vesuvius, Amalfitana and other southern provinces will pleasantly surprise you with sunshine and a warm maritime climate. Read about how to travel by train in Europe here: In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Rome is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>


Serge Vincent/flickr

Option number 2: Sicily in winter

Sicily is the southernmost part of Italy, and even in winter the climate here is favorable for travelers. The island's mafia heritage is a thing of the past; today it is a paradise resort with many attractions, both architectural and natural. The Etna volcano alone is worth it! The weather ranges from +8 to +15 degrees, sunny days interspersed with light short rains. Overcast skies mainly occur in mountainous areas, while dry weather prevails in cities and on the coast. Snow falls only in the mountains. Both in January and especially in February, there are more sunny days, the length of the day increases, which is conducive to excursion tourism and relaxing holidays in the mountains. Sicily in winter is truly a pleasant place to travel. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Sicily is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Giuseppe Giacoppo/flickr

Option number 3: Malta in winter

Malta is geographically located close to Sicily and has a similar climate. December is the most suitable month to travel to Malta. There is usually no cold weather here until Christmas. The temperature ranges from +10 to +18 degrees. In Malta, winter weather is dominated by sunny weather with occasional short showers. In January-February it becomes cooler, the temperature stays at +10, it rains more often, but they are also interspersed with sunny days. In general, we can say that winter in Malta is mild, warmer here than in any other part of Europe.

In-the-know tourists come to Malta in winter to see the unique architecture of the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino with their own eyes, as well as to enjoy the natural attractions without the crowds of beach tourists. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Malta is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>


Josef Grunig/flickr

Option number 4: Andalusia in winter

Andalusia is an authentic region of Spain, where, like no other place in Europe, the beauties of the Christian and Eastern worlds alternate. The Moorish heritage is very noticeable here, and the architecture will unmistakably indicate the past of this place. The region is not so far from the coast of Africa, which means that the climate here in summer is hot, dry, and sultry. Only die-hard lovers of hot weather will be able to feel like fish in water here. For others, there is also a way out - to come in winter, when the climate is mild and sunny, and the temperature stays around +15, +20 degrees. Agree, the weather is ideal for a leisurely walk through the narrow streets of Seville or through the labyrinths of Granada's Alhambra.

The region of Andalusia itself is heterogeneous and is divided into several parts. The Costa del Sol is dominated by modern buildings, many hotels, it is a full-fledged modern resort with fashionable hotel complexes, restaurants, cafes, the elite of many countries come here, incl. and our compatriots. Costa de la Luz is a historical area. There are also beautiful sandy beaches marked with blue flags, but the emphasis is on visiting such ancient and beautiful cities as Cadiz, Jerez and others.

The interior of the region is the driest and hottest, so exploring this part of Andalusia is best done in the off-season. And you can see a lot here: here is the famous Seville, Cordoba, Granada and many small, but no less remarkable towns. Another part of Andalusia, the Sierra Nevada, is a mountainous area where snow falls and the temperature sometimes drops below 0 degrees. In winter, the cost of hotel accommodation in Andalusia is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Hernán Piñera/flickr

Option #5: Algarve in winter

The Algarve is the southernmost resort of Portugal, famous for its unique coastal landscapes of red and yellow shades. The sandy beaches here are protected by rocks, so the Algarve enjoys sunny, windless weather all year round. Most of January and February in the region are sunny, temperatures warm up to +17, precipitation is unlikely. December is generally considered the driest month of the year. In addition to the unique coastline, the Algarve's towns deserve attention as they preserve the unique atmosphere of the region. It is worth visiting, for example, both Faro and Lagos. From here it is worth going to the famous Cape San Vincent. In winter, the cost of hotel accommodation in the Algarve is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Luis Ascenso/flickr

Option #6: Athens in winter

Athens, being the center of Greek civilization, is very popular among tourists who love history, because this city, like no other, is imbued with this very history. It's no secret that summer Athens is flooded with tourists, the streets are scorching hot and dry. In winter, the climate here is mild and conducive to long walks. December is a warm but rainy month, the temperature stays around +10. In January-February there is less precipitation, and all of it is in the form of rain. Snow falls here extremely rarely. In general, the weather alternates between bright sunshine and short showers. For an excursion holiday, the temperature is comfortable, not hot or cold, there are significantly fewer tourists, which means there is a chance to get to the main attractions without exhausting queues. In addition, interesting events and festivals are held here in winter. Read about public transport in Europe here: In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Athens is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Léa-Ly Roussel/flickr

Option #7: Split, Dubrovnik in winter

Winters here are humid and warm, in contrast to the dry summers. And there is always something to see, because the cities of the Mediterranean coast of Croatia are historical places that have suffered a lot over the centuries, but have their own charm and still attract tourists. Winter temperatures range from +10 to +15 degrees. On the coast, winter is warm, windless, and snowless. A small amount of snow may fall in the central regions of the country. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Split and Dubrovnik is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Tejvan Pettinge/flickr

Option number 8: Montenegro in winter

Montenegro is a relatively small country, and its climate does not vary too much from city to city, so it makes sense to say that throughout the mysterious country of Montenegro, winter is mild and warm, there are many sunny days, windless and snowless on the coast and little snowfall in mountains Many people come to Montenegro in winter to ride in the mountains, but it’s also worth going on excursions to coastal cities, because at this time of year there are significantly fewer tourists, and historical streets, cozy restaurants and bars are at your disposal. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Montenegro is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Dmitry Kalinin/flickr

Option #9: Canary Islands in winter

The islands that belong to Spain, but are located at a distance from it, are more similar in climate to Africa than to Europe, and this is not surprising, because the Canaries and Africa are located at the same latitude! It’s warm and sunny here all year round, and the swimming season never ends, it’s just some kind of paradise! The air temperature, even in the winter months, stays around +23, +25 degrees. You will only need outerwear if you are going to the mountains. On the coast you can easily sunbathe and swim. In addition, the island offers an extensive excursion program, and the mild, warm climate will only contribute to pleasant walks among the extraordinary landscapes of the island, more similar to the landscapes of other planets than to earthly landscapes. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in the Canary Islands is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Francesco Crippa/flickr

As you can see, Europe is favorable for walking and relaxing even in winter, you just need to know the places. In most of southern Europe, the climate is mild and pleasant, and there are fewer tourists than in the spring and summer. Europe is diverse, and some people prefer ski resorts somewhere in the Alps, others prefer Christmas markets in Munich or Prague, but we wanted to show you that the winter months are also suitable for excursion holidays, this is the period when you can see a lot of that in the summer is obscured by the ubiquitous tourists. In this regard, answers to the question: “Where to go in winter?” There’s a lot, you just have to choose the direction you’re interested in!

Practical and eventful travels to you!

The Algarve is a region on the southern coast of Portugal. In winter you can't swim here, but during the day you can easily walk around in a short-sleeved shirt. Check out Marinha Beach, where you'll see steep cliffs and rocks jutting out of the water. Visit the city of Albufeira where you will find many white buildings and British pubs with seating available. Don't forget to stop by Sagres to see the fortress and lighthouse at Cape Sao Vicente.

2. Amsterdam (Holland)

If you live in the north, you may find Amsterdam warm. Start your trip with a walk through the city center, take a ride on a closed boat along the famous canals, and visit the festival of light, which takes place here in December and January. Once you're cold, check out famous museums and then head to cozy cafes.

3. Sicily

In winter, the temperature on the plain ranges from 15 to 18 degrees Celsius. This is a good time to see many of the city's attractions without the crowds of tourists that abound in the summer. Stroll through the narrow streets of Syracuse, visit the old churches of Palermo, and climb the famous volcano Etna.

4. Cyprus

Cyprus has 340 sunny days a year. This is a good place for an off-season holiday. The number of tourists in winter is five to six times less than in summer. Here you can look at the ruins of the ancient cities of Kourion and Paphos. Or just walk along the island's promenades, ride a bike or ski from Troodos Mountain.

5. Barcelona

In the winter months, the weather here is comfortable for walking - 10–15 degrees Celsius, sometimes it rains, but more often the sun shines. Tourists go to the beach to sunbathe, and some go surfing. The queues to famous attractions are small - this is a good time to walk through Park Güell, visit the Sagrada Familia, and explore the famous houses of Antoni Gaudi. And in January and February there is a sales season.

6. Mallorca

During the winter months, the weather outside is 11–13 degrees Celsius. It is worth visiting the villages of Deia, Fornalucci and Valldemossa, where you will find picturesque landscapes, artists' houses, cobbled streets, old monasteries. Do you want some fun? You go to Palma - this is the largest port city of the island. Hotel prices will be 1.5–2 times lower than in summer.

7. Iceland

There is a better chance of seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland in winter than in summer. Many streams also freeze, causing crystal caves to form. A must-see is the Blue Lagoon, a natural hot water pool. It is also worth coming to the Thingvellir Valley, where the descendants of the Vikings lived, and now there is a lake and waterfalls. The nature of the island is unique.

8. Switzerland

The ski season is in full swing here. The trip will be expensive, but you will be able to immerse yourself in the romantic atmosphere of the ski resorts of Zermatt, Verbier, St. Moritz and others. Don't forget about the beautiful Swiss cities: Geneva, Zurich, Lausanne, Basel and Bern.

9. Porto

Porto is one of the most picturesque cities in Europe, its historical center is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Be sure to visit the local restaurants, which serve generous portions of seafood, meat, side dishes and vegetables. You definitely won't miss the local Port Wine Museum, the 75-meter Clérigos Tower and one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, Livraria.

10. Copenhagen

Copenhagen is vibrant at any time of the year. In local cafes you can try traditional fish sandwiches - smørrebrød, local pastries and perfectly roasted coffee. Be sure to check out the Hans Christian Andersen Museum, the National Museum of Denmark and the hippie town of Christiania.

The list of places to visit in Europe in winter may vary. It all depends on the tastes of travelers. For example, lovers of snowfalls and real harsh winters should go to the northern countries. Those who want to relax under the warm sun should think about the Mediterranean countries. A real Christmas atmosphere prevails in central European countries.

So, a list of possible places to visit in winter might look like this:

Rovaniemi city in Finland

This town brings together the most common Christmas and New Year's performances of people. And all because this place is the birthplace of Santa Claus. A fairy-tale character lives in a cave near which there is a lot of snow. A nearby deer makes you think that Santa Claus is a real wizard who annually delivers gifts to children around the world. There is a museum in Rovaniemi that is worth a visit to learn about all the complexities and delights of the life of the local population. It is better to stock up on warm clothes, since the air temperature rarely rises above zero.

Abisko, Sweden

This is the most remote place where trains reach. Those who love harsh winters will truly appreciate these snow-covered regions. But romance is also present here. The thing is that the sun may not rise for several weeks, so the northern lights are a very common occurrence here. In addition, there is a national park in Abisko where you can walk in a dog sled or on your own on skis. Experienced travelers recommend staying near Kiruna, where the famous ice hotel is located.

Athens, Greece.

This place is ideal to visit in winter, as there is no influx of tourists, so you can safely take photos near the Parthenon. In addition, there is no extreme heat and high prices either. There will be no better time to explore ancient sights. But you should remember that in winter it is quite difficult to find housing.

Copenhagen, Denmark

This is the city where the great writer Hans Christian Andersen composed his masterpieces. But to soak up the local atmosphere, you need to visit one of the many bars to watch the snow fall outside. In the center of Copenhagen there is the Tivoli amusement park, where you can taste local wine and see fabulous illuminations. You should visit the Noma restaurant, which is considered the best in the city. Therefore, you should make reservations in advance. But a meal in such a place is the best gift for a loved one.

Budapest, Hungary

In Budapest there is Városliget Park, where there is a huge ice skating rink, which is undoubtedly worth a visit for the whole family. The best way to spend an evening is in pubs, which are located in old abandoned premises.

Where to go in winter in Europe on a budget?

Türkiye is considered one of the most acceptable winter holiday options for a budget tourist. The prices here are humane, and the service is no different from that at expensive resorts. The cost of a trip for two for 4 nights will fluctuate around $790. But you can choose the all-inclusive option for a week. Then the price of the tour will increase slightly to $920 for two. This is quite democratic, given the list of services provided by Turkish hotels. The most popular places for budget tourists: Antalya, Kemer, Side.

Going to Prague (Czech Republic) is another pretty good option for a budget tourist. Staying in Prague for 4 days, including New Year's Eve, is an acceptable option, since the price is only $820 for two. Of course, you can start planning your trip to the Czech Republic yourself. Then the price will be even lower, since air tickets will cost $230, and hotel rooms can be replaced with a regular hostel. But this will not make your vacation any less festive and fabulous. The latter option is suitable for students, but for a family on a small budget this would be a great place to relax in the winter.

Where to go in winter in Europe with a child?

If the question is where to go in winter in Europe with children, then the Munich Christmas market is the best option. Here you can buy not only original souvenirs, but also have fun with your children. The fair has a lot of different entertainment, music shows, carriage rides, and sweet treats in the form of gingerbread.

In addition, it makes sense to visit the festival of light in France, in Lyon. On this day, all temples and parks burn brightly, which is ensured by comprehensive illumination.

In the capital of Belgium, Bruges, a festival is held in winter where ice sculptures are presented. This will be interesting not only for children's audiences, but also for adult viewers.

Where is it warm in Europe in winter?

Traditionally, southern countries are considered warm in Europe in winter: Italy, Spain, Portugal.
Spain occupies a special place in this ranking because it will satisfy the interests of almost any tourist. In January it’s +20 here, so tourists are happy to swim. Seville is worth a visit, where events such as flamenco and bullfighting always pique the interest of visitors, both in summer and winter.

So, where to go in winter in Europe? The choice is yours:-))

Winter holidays in Europe can be very different. In the north, in Santa's residence in Lapland, in the gloomy mountains of Romania or in Greece, where the oranges bloom and the sun shines. We will tell you about the most interesting cities in Europe where you should go this winter.

1. Rovaniemi in the province of Lapland, Finland

3. Copenhagen, Denmark

In winter, life in the city is in full swing - tourists have been coming to the Tivoli amusement park in the city center, the third most popular in Europe, since 1843. Tourist boats sail along the snow-covered canals, Christmas themed tours are held at the castles of Rosenborg, Frederiksborg and Kronborg, and shops delight with winter sales.

4. Budapest, Hungary

5. Venice, Italy

It is beautiful all year round, but it is in winter, in February, that the famous carnival is held in the city and the city is filled with thousands of people in costumes and masks, costume balls and masquerades are held in ancient palazzos, musicians perform on their faces and magicians and acrobats give performances.

6. Brasov and Sighisoara in Transylvania, Romania 

It is a charming medieval town with Gothic churches, a medieval town hall, and art and history museums. 12 kilometers from the city is the best ski resort in Romania, 15 kilometers away is the fortress of the Teutonic Knights of Rasnov, and 30 kilometers away is the castle, better known as Count Dracula’s castle.

One of Romania's most picturesque medieval towns, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a 12th-century citadel, a Gothic-style monastery, a museum of medieval weapons and the house of Vlad the Impaler.

7. Bruges, Belgium
