Petrushevskaya three girls read in blue. Lyudmila Petrushevskaya three girls in blue comedy in two parts

Three girls in blue
Brief summary of the comedy
Three women “over thirty” live in the summer with their young sons in the country. Svetlana, Tatyana and Ira are second cousins, they are raising their children alone (although Tatyana, the only one of them, has a husband). The women quarrel, figuring out who owns half of the dacha, whose son is the offender, and whose son is the offended... Svetlana and Tatyana live in the dacha for free, but in their half the ceiling is leaking. Ira rents a room from Fedorovna, the owner of the second half of the dacha. But she is forbidden to use what belongs to her.

Sisters toilet.
Ira meets her neighbor Nikolai Ivanovich. He takes care of her, admires her, calling her a beauty queen. As a sign of the seriousness of his feelings, he organizes the construction of a toilet for Ira.
Ira lives in Moscow with her mother, who constantly listens to her own illnesses and reproaches her daughter for leading the wrong lifestyle. When Ira was fifteen years old, she ran away to spend the night at train stations, and even now, having arrived home with a sick five-year-old Pavlik, she leaves the child with her mother and quietly goes to Nikolai Ivanovich. Nikolai Ivanovich is touched by Ira’s story about her youth: he also has a fifteen-year-old daughter whom he adores.
Believing in Nikolai Ivanovich’s love, which he speaks so beautifully about, Ira follows him to Koktebel, where her lover is vacationing with his family. In Koktebel, Nikolai Ivanovich’s attitude towards Ira changes: she annoys him with her devotion, from time to time he demands the keys to her room in order to have privacy with his wife. Soon Nikolai Ivanovich's daughter finds out about Ira. Unable to withstand his daughter’s hysteria, Nikolai Ivanovich drives away his annoying mistress. He offers her money, but Ira refuses.
Over the phone, Ira tells her mother that she lives at the dacha, but cannot come for Pavlik because the road has washed out. During one of the calls, the mother reports that she is urgently going to the hospital and leaving Pavlik at home alone. Calling back a few minutes later, Ira realizes that her mother did not deceive her: the child is alone at home, he has no food. At the Simferopol airport, Ira sells her raincoat and on her knees begs the airport duty officer to help her fly to Moscow.
Svetlana and Tatyana occupy her country room in Ira’s absence. They are determined because during the rain half of them were completely flooded and it became impossible to live there. The sisters quarrel again over raising their sons. Svetlana does not want her Maxim to grow up to be a wimp and die as early as his father. Suddenly Ira appears with Pavlik. She says that her mother was admitted to the hospital with a strangulated hernia, that Pavlik was left alone at home, and she miraculously managed to fly out of Simferopol. Svetlana and Tatyana announce to Ira that they will now live in her room. To their surprise, Ira does not object. She hopes for help from her sisters: she has no one else to count on. Tatyana declares that now they will take turns buying food and cooking, and Maxim will have to stop fighting. “There are two of us now!” – she says to Svetlana.

Tragicomedy in two acts

Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna was born on May 26, 1938 in Moscow. Russian prose writer, singer, poet, playwright.

The first play, “Music Lessons” (1973), was staged in 1979 by R. Viktyuk at the Moskvorechye House of Culture studio theater, as well as by V. Golikov at the Leningrad State University studio theater and was almost immediately banned.

“Moscow Choir” was staged at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater and is being performed at the Theater of Europe under the direction of Lev Dodin

The play “Three Girls in Blue” was written in 1980 and staged in Moscow at LENKOM. As Petrushevskaya writes, the performance was banned for three years.

From a letter from Semyon Losev to Lyudmila Petrushevskaya “...for me you are a classic. This is not flattery. I consider a classic playwright who, with his own unique language and style, touches on an insoluble problem. The unsolvability of the problem makes the work eternal. And such authors need to be unraveled. I tormented myself and everyone around me, why is the name “Three Girls in Blue”, what does it mean, how can this be expressed in the play? I came up with my own version.

Yes, there is a struggle for a place in life, every unit of time, but in the play there is something behind the words that not only makes you fall, but also helps you rise, in the end there is the theme of motherhood, with all its troubles and joys, and this is poetry and space .

We have been working on your play “Three Girls in Blue” for a season now. We work with students (we have a branch of the Yaroslavl Theater), this will be their graduation performance. Unfortunately, our theater has been under major renovation for three years, we are huddled in a residential building, but we created a theater with 50 seats and produced a number of premieres, two of which were even brought to Moscow recently and, judging by the reception, they played quite successfully in the House of Actors . If the production of the play based on your play is successful, the play will be included in the repertoire. And after the renovation is completed, it will be transferred to one of the three stages. (I hope that from the new season we will have a large stage and two small ones). And successful performances live a long time in our country, “The Deadline” based on V.G. Rasputin has already been running for 10 years.

From a letter from Lyudmila Petrushevskaya to Semyon Losev:

“Dear Semyon Mikhailovich!

Three Girls in Blue is rarely staged these days. The last time it was staged was in Moscow, at the Palace of Culture named after. Zueva. They didn't even ask me, that's okay. But they didn’t call me (as had happened before) to watch the general meeting and talk to the actors. They just started the show and that’s it. I asked, “Did you laugh in the hall?” - They answered me: “No, what are you talking about!” And I didn't go to the premiere. But I tried so hard to make the first act funnier - in language, in situations. I would suggest that the deputy minister’s remark “I love being indoors when it rains” is pronounced with a pause after the word “rain.” In Lenkom the audience laughed. Mark Anatolyevich, thank you. There is a scene at the airport where Churikova (Ira) crawls on her knees and screams terribly, “I may not make it in time!” I always started crying at the first performances and went out to bow in tears.

I liked your letter so much that I posted it on my Facebook. And I keep this diary as my future book.

I answered you there.

Why Three Girls in Blue? Oddly enough, that was the name of an American film comedy of the 40s. But the sky is blue. Space. And in Lenkom they solved this problem easily - they dressed the girls in jeans. And one more thing - you have found the meaning of the drama. An insoluble conflict. The audience will leave the theater, but will not leave the performance.

I am grateful to you for these words - “an insoluble problem.” This is the essence of drama. Thank you.

I wish you to release the play and enter your renovated theater.”

Production: Semyon Losev
Scenography – Tatiana Sopina
Video editing and pedagogical direction - Nikolay Shestak
Costumes – Olga Afanasyeva
Composer: Andrey Alexandrov

The performance includes:

Ira - Valeria Ivlicheva
Svetlana - Maria Marchenkova, Tatyana Solovey
Tatiana - Anna Velichkina
Leocadia, Svetlana's mother-in-law - Olesya Nedaiborshch
Maria Filippovna, Ira's mother - Larisa Guryanova
Fedorovna, the owner of the dacha - Victoria Ostapenko
Nikolai Ivanovich, Ira's acquaintance - Andrey Gorshkov
Valera, Tatiana's husband - Ivan Pasazhennikov, Evgeny Chernousov
Young man - Igor Bogatyrev, Alexey Solonchev
Pavlik, son of Ira - Maryana Chernousova
Anton, Tatiana's son - (participant of the children's studio)
Maxim, son of Svetlana - (participant of the children's studio)

Premiere of the performance – February 1, 2017
The duration of the performance is 2 hours 50 minutes. with intermission
The performance is led by: Olga Afanasyeva, Asya Sukhomlinova

Three women “over thirty” live in the summer with their young sons in the country. Svetlana, Tatyana and Ira are second cousins, they are raising their children alone (although Tatyana, the only one of them, has a husband). The women quarrel, figuring out who owns half of the dacha, whose son is the offender, and whose son is the offended... Svetlana and Tatyana live in the dacha for free, but in their half the ceiling is leaking. Ira rents a room from Fedorovna, the owner of the second half of the dacha. But she is forbidden to use the sisters' toilet.

Ira meets her neighbor Nikolai Ivanovich. He takes care of her, admires her, calling her a beauty queen. As a sign of the seriousness of his feelings, he organizes the construction of a toilet for Ira.

Ira lives in Moscow with her mother, who constantly listens to her own illnesses and reproaches her daughter for leading the wrong lifestyle. When Ira was fifteen years old, she ran away to spend the night at train stations, and even now, having arrived home with a sick five-year-old Pavlik, she leaves the child with her mother and quietly goes to Nikolai Ivanovich. Nikolai Ivanovich is touched by Ira’s story about her youth: he also has a fifteen-year-old daughter whom he adores.

Believing in Nikolai Ivanovich’s love, which he speaks so beautifully about, Ira follows him to Koktebel, where her lover is vacationing with his family. In Koktebel, Nikolai Ivanovich’s attitude towards Ira changes: she annoys him with her devotion, from time to time he demands the keys to her room in order to have privacy with his wife. Soon Nikolai Ivanovich's daughter finds out about Ira. Unable to withstand his daughter’s hysteria, Nikolai Ivanovich drives away his annoying mistress. He offers her money, but Ira refuses.

Over the phone, Ira tells her mother that she lives at the dacha, but cannot come for Pavlik because the road has washed out. During one of the calls, the mother reports that she is urgently going to the hospital and leaving Pavlik at home alone. Calling back a few minutes later, Ira realizes that her mother did not deceive her: the child is alone at home, he has no food. At the Simferopol airport, Ira sells her raincoat and on her knees begs the airport duty officer to help her fly to Moscow.

Svetlana and Tatyana occupy her country room in Ira’s absence. They are determined because during the rain half of them were completely flooded and it became impossible to live there. The sisters quarrel again over raising their sons. Svetlana does not want her Maxim to grow up to be a wimp and die as early as his father.

Suddenly Ira appears with Pavlik. She says that her mother was admitted to the hospital with a strangulated hernia, that Pavlik was left alone at home, and she miraculously managed to fly out of Simferopol. Svetlana and Tatyana announce to Ira that they will now live in her room. To their surprise, Ira does not object. She hopes for help from her sisters: she has no one else to count on. Tatyana declares that now they will take turns buying food and cooking, and Maxim will have to stop fighting. “There are two of us now!” - she says to Svetlana.

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Lyudmila Petrushevskaya

Comedy in two parts

© Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, 2012

© Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2012

© Astrel-SPb LLC, original layout, 2012

© Sergey Kozienko, photo, 2012

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

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Ira, young woman, 30–32 years old

Svetlana, young woman, 30–35 years old

Tatiana, young woman, 27–29 years old

Leocadia, mother-in-law of Svetlana, 70 years old

Maria Filippovna, mother of Ira, 56 years old

Fedorovna, dacha owner, 72 years old

Pavlik, son of Ira, 5 years old

Maksim, son of Svetlana, 8 years old

Anton, son of Tatiana, 7 years old

Nikolay Ivanovich, friend of Ira, 44 years old

Valera, Tatyana's husband, 30 years old

Young man, 24 years

Elka the cat

Kitten Little Elka

The action takes place at a dacha near Moscow, in Moscow and in Koktebel.

Part one

Scene one

Child's voice. Mom, how much will it be - take one away from two? Mom, do you want to tell me a fairy tale? Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One is middle-aged, one is older and one is young. He was so small, small. And he went fishing. Then he took a scoop and caught the fish. She wheezed along the way. He cut it up and made a fish cutlet.

The scene is a country veranda. Ira prepares water with lemon. The door to the room, the door to the courtyard.

Ira. Pavlik, how are you feeling?

Fedorovna enters. She is wearing a rather old robe and has yellow rubber boots on her feet. She has a cat under her arm.

Fedorovna. Have you seen the kitten? The kitten is missing. Didn't you feed?

Ira. No, no, Fedorovna. I already said.

Fedorovna. The kitten has been missing for three days. Did your boys kill you? Was it hacked to death with a spade? (Looking into the room.) That you have it lying there during the day, get up, get up, that it’s like a sour gingerbread.

Ira. Pavlik has thirty-nine and three.

Fedorovna. Got a cold, or what? But don’t tell them, they sit in the river until the bitter end. So the mother then suffers. They are boys, they need it. Yesterday we went to raspberries. And there the ovary crumbles. I had a nail puller on my door, now I don’t know who to think about. The kitten was killed. Not since Thursday. The third day. I thought she kept it in the attic, I climbed into the attic, she meowed, and looked for it herself. Well, Elka, where is your pet? A? Meow! There's no meow here, there are evil guys here. I know. I'm watching them.

Ira. We were away on Thursday; we went to Moscow to wash.

Fedorovna. So you bought it, and now he got sick. You bathed him, and that same day he went to the river to wash away his sins. He needs it! I was right not to want to let you in, now there are three boys at the station, this won’t go in vain. The house will be burned down or something like that. The kitten was lured away. I noticed a long time ago that boys are interested in him. Either they would call him up from the attic with milk, or they would wield a piece of paper in front of him.

Ira. Fedorovna, I’m telling you, we weren’t there on Thursday.

Fedorovna. Probably neighbor Jack tore it up again. The dog tore it apart. It's not a dog, it's a thug! The kitten got scared, the boys chased after it, so it jumped to the neighbors. You need to know this!

Ira. This is Maxim and Anton, probably.

Fedorovna. Probably, but what's the point! You won't get the kitten back! It's definitely them! We gathered our strength. And also the Ruchkins, opposite their plot, they bought a gun from their great intelligence for their Igor Ruchkin. Igor Ruchkin bought, in short. And shot stray dogs. And he killed my Yuzik. Yuzik, who did he bother in the meadow? I didn’t say anything, Yuzika picked it up and buried it, but what should I tell them? Their house is famous throughout Romanovka. And well, a week passes, another passes, their Lenka Ruchkin drowned from drunken eyes. I ran into the river from the hillock with my head, and there the depth was thirty centimeters. Well? What a demand.

Ira. Pavlik has thirty-nine, and they are running under the window like horses, Anton and Maxim.

Fedorovna. The balsam is planted there, under the windows! I'll tell them! Celandine planted!

Ira. I say: guys, run in your half! They say: this is not your home, that's all.

Fedorovna. AND! Impudence is the second happiness. There's a house on the mountain where the Blooms live. The barracks are two stories high. All Blooms. How many times did the lower Blums sue to evict Valka Blum, he took the room and blocked the door to the half where Blum Isabella Mironovna died. Blum Isabella Mironovna was a music worker in my kindergarten. The music worker was weak and could barely crawl. He comes, catches his breath, cries over the soup, has nothing to dry himself with. “I’ve been playing concerts,” she says, “Now the Sun Above the Motherland” is getting lost, believe me, Alevtina Fedorovna. What can I believe, she herself is not deaf. And there was a famine, the year forty-seven. And one teacher started stealing from me and couldn’t stand it. I was strict with everyone. She steals, her daughter was an adult with a childhood disability. Apples for children, bread, our kindergarten was a sanatorium type for the weakened. So she puts everything in a stocking, the stocking in her locker. The technician told me: Yegorova has pieces of apples in her stocking. We confiscated all this and stuffed wooden cubes into Yegorova’s stocking. She went home with this stocking. They ate some cubes, that's it. On the second day she quit. And then Blum dies in the hospital. I visited her and buried her. Valka Blum immediately broke into her room and moved in with his family; he still had a family then, three children. And no one could prove anything to the police. He's Bloom, they're all Blooms there. Until now, the doctor Blum Nina Osipovna holds a grudge against him. Recently they received a pension, Nina Osipovna shouted to him in the corridor, he was the first to sign: yes, with these methods you will achieve everything in life. And he says: “What should I strive for, I’m seventy years old!” (To the cat.) Well, where did you put your pet? A? As soon as he lambs, all the kittens are counted, he will take him out of the attic, once once, once again, and not a single one! He will lose all the kittens. Jack, here he is. Back and forth, back and forth! Like the surf. In winter, I had three cats to feed; by summer, only Elka was left.

Ira. Why is this not your home? Whose is it? Is it their house? They borrowed and live for free, but I have to rent! And I will be the same heir as they are. I also have the right to that half.

Fedorovna. Yes, Vera is still alive, still suffering. And I warned you, it’s expensive here, you yourself agreed.

Ira. I was in a hopeless situation, I was burning with a blue flame.

Fedorovna. You always burn with a blue flame. And I have my own heirs. I need to buy Serezhenka shoes. Will she buy it for him? I'm retired, grandma, buy it. Fifty hundred pension, yes insurance, yes gas, yes electricity. I bought him a black drape short coat, a yellow ski suit, knitted gloves, Vietnamese sneakers, I bought him a briefcase and gave him money for textbooks. And for everything about everything, the pension is half a hundred rubles. Now Vadim has hiking boots and a winter hat made of rabbit. Will she even think about it? Give her a Zhiguli, what a deal! And I still had two thousand from my mother, my mother bequeathed it. Summer resident Seryozhka stole last year. I see that he is still heading for the attic. And then they leave the dacha, I looked behind the pipe, the money had been lying there for fifteen years - no, two thousand rubles!

Ira walks around, takes the drink, comes back, takes out a thermometer, goes to set it, comes back and sets the alarm clock.

More precisely, six thousand, my mother left us: me, my sister and brother. Six thousand went to the thief Seryozhka. I went to see them in Moscow, and immediately I saw: they bought a Zhiguli. For my six thousand. I didn’t say anything about what to say to them, I just said: “Well, how did my Zhiguli suit you?” His father, Serezhkin, blushed, all red as a lobster, and muttered: “I don’t understand anything, I don’t understand anything.” Seryozhka himself came, wiped his hands, did not raise his eyes, and smiled. They bought a car with the old woman's money. How can I report to my brother and sister now? My brother wanted to come from Dorogomilovka to install a latrine. He promised to help my Vadim with his Zhiguli car: he gives seven thousand, excluding those that I have lying around, but they whistled at me! My sister came and brought two kilos of meat and Yuzik’s bones, and Yuzik was killed. She brought me a sarafan, she brought a can of tomatoes, a five-liter container, she brought ten bags of soup. And they still remain to this day. But Yuzik is not there! Yuzika's mother was a real shepherd, her father is unknown. The mother is a shepherd dog, she was running and running here, apparently got loose, last spring she was shot by the same Igor Ruchkin. She was running, and in March at the pioneer camp, I came behind the door, took the door off the hinges, looked, this shepherd was lying, and next to her were five fat badgers. Then I gave her bread, soaked the dry pieces, I have no teeth. And Igor Ruchkin shot her. I went on the third day and took one for myself. They had already begun to crawl away, and the blind crawled from hunger. This same Yuzik was there.

The alarm clock is ringing. Fedorovna shudders, the cat breaks free and runs away. Ira runs into the room.

Ira, how much money do you get?

Ira. One hundred twenty rubles.

Fedorovna. And where are you going to pay me that kind of money for a dacha? Two hundred and forty?

Ira (comes out with a thermometer). And what?

Fedorovna. What?

Ira. How much should I pay?

Fedorovna (fast). How much did we agree? I say, how do you get that kind of money?

Ira. I'm surprised myself.

Fedorovna. Maybe let me let you have one vacationer from the holiday home? A woman came and asked. She will be at the holiday home on the mountain all day and will only spend the night. She has a husband there in the holiday home, not a husband.

Ira. I'll get by for now.

Fedorovna. Otherwise I would have let him in. One bed, she and her husband will spend the night on the veranda, twenty-four days, twenty-four rubles. Or he is not her husband, I don’t know.

Ira. No need, no need. I barely fought off my mother, no need.

Fedorovna. And I also told her: I’ll ask, but I can’t guarantee. What is twenty-four rubles in our time? She would have given more.

Ira. What is one hundred twenty-four rubles in our time!

Fedorovna. I also said - I don’t need your thirty-six rubles, her ottoman is not one and a half. No one can guarantee what if you want to rest for a dead hour, and there are children at the station, here she has a child, here these two each have a child. Three boys, this is a company! That's all. She then began to ask: would you put my hives on the site? She has three hives.

Ira. News!

Fedorovna. What kind of hives! First her bed, then her husband, then her hive! Listen, do you have a husband?

Ira. Yes it was. We separated.

Fedorovna. Does he pay child support?

Ira. Pays. Twenty-five rubles.

Fedorovna. It happens. Blum Valya recently matched me, and he also receives a pension of seventy-two rubles. He has three grown children, and two rooms, and I have half a house. He is seventy years old, and I am seventy-second. I pour thirty buckets a day under the apple trees. Marya Vasilyevna Blum brought us together. I put on yellow shoes, teeth, a blue cloak, and a blue shawl with roses, which my daughter-in-law gave me once in my life. It's hanging in the wardrobe, I'll show you. It’s here that I… find myself, and I’ve had an astrakhan fur coat hanging in my daughter-in-law’s closet for some time now, and my boots are on my waist. Someday I will come to you in Moscow as a circus princess. Saving for better times. My godmother, my daughter-in-law’s mother, keeps bragging: how much do you have on your book? And I: what about you? Perhaps the number five? She says, yes, I won’t cheat, about that and higher. She wears diamond earrings to work; she works as a cashier at Supersama. And then two Georgians come up to her: “Listen, my mother urgently needs exactly the same earrings.” She listened, and the next day she didn’t come out wearing earrings. Uprooted! Why do I need Valka, I don’t like men. Caring for an elderly pensioner is beyond my strength. I didn’t love my husband either.

Svetlana, Tatyana and Valera enter.

Valera. Baba Alya is right there! Hello, grandma!

Fedorovna (not listening). Well? I didn’t love her, as soon as Vadima gave birth, she immediately went to her mother. And I don’t know where he’s buried.

Valera. Baba Alya!

Fedorovna (subtly). Ay.

Valera. How are you, grandma? (Puts a bottle on the table.)

Fedorovna (wipes the corners of his mouth with two fingers). Well, you have guests, I went, I went.

Svetlana (this is a very thin woman, like a pole, she speaks in a deep voice). Well, Fedorovna, for the company!

Tatiana. Grandma, where, where! (Giggles.)

Valera (important). Sit down.

Fedorovna. Well, the monk married for company. I just need a spoon, a dessert spoon. I'll bring. (Leaves.)

Valera. Hm!

Everyone sits down, he stands. Ira stands and closed the door to the room.

We don't really know each other, but we are relatives. One litter, so to speak.

Tatiana (giggles). You'll say the same.

Svetlana. Why is this litter?

Valera. Litter! (Raises fist.) This is when one pig farrows at a time. This is immediately called litter. Farrow. I read it with my own eyes in a local newspaper during a business trip. Slogan: “For a thousand tons of litter from one pig!” I thought they raised pigs there for fertilizer. But! Explained. Litter. Swords on the table bricks!

Tatiana. People are sitting, and you are talking about fertilizers. (Giggles.)

Ira finally moves from her place, puts down the cups, cuts the bread.

Svetlana. Tatiana! We forgot. We also have cheese. Mine is in cellophane, yours is in paper.

Tatiana (giggles). Bring it!

Svetlana runs out. Ira goes into the room and closes the door tightly.

Tatiana. Why did you take my wallet again?

Valera. For a bottle, well!

Tatiana. Keep in mind that I'm not going to feed you.

Valera. A fool is a fool.

Tatiana. On the contrary, I'm not even a fool.

Valera. Such matters can only be solved with a bottle.

Tatiana. She won't agree.

Valera. Shut up! Other things were also done with the bottle. Actually, you asked - I came. Ran for a bottle. Because of you, fools!

Tatiana. Why did you take my wallet? Duralei.

Valera. Do you know what debts are for men?

Tatiana. For eight years you have all the debts and alimony. All cases are cases.

Valera. Can a man receive one hundred thirty in his hands minus thirty-five alimony monthly?

Tatiana. Whose fault is it for you, you got into an accident due to drunken eyes.

Valera (angrily, whistles). Remember!

Tatiana. He gave birth to children.

Valera (perked up). Who gave birth? Me, or what?

Tatiana. You. You. The Bible says. Isaac gave birth to Jacob.

Valera. Mind you! When a child is born, the man dies again. And so every time. No man wants this. There is even such a novel: “We only live twice.” Understood? (“Got it,” he says with emphasis on the “o.”)

Tatiana. Why spread nonsense? They came here for nothing.

Valera (joking). Maybe. (“He probably speaks with an emphasis on the “o.”)

Tatyana giggles because Ira comes out with a pot in her hand.

Ira. Now.

Valera. Yes, pour into our toilet, don’t be shy. I'll treat you.

Ira comes out.

Tatiana. It’s always like this: whether you’re going to the store or buying vodka, you grab my wallet.

Valera. Again, pennies for fish!

Tatiana. Listen, let me file for alimony against you!

Valera. Got it! Do you know what you'll get? Remains! I already thought. One hundred forty-three salary, thirty-three percent. Subtract two from four... Forty-seven rubles and kopecks.

Tatiana. Forty-seven rubles sixty-six kopecks.

Valera (gloatingly). Yes, divide it in half! A? Twenty-three rubles and kopecks! And this is per month! And I give more!

Tatiana. Twenty-five, yes.

Valera. Well!

Tatiana. How much can I tell you: you eat, you sleep, you need to pay for the apartment, you need to pay for the light!

Valera. Should I also pay for my sleep?

Pause. Tatyana blinks her eyes.

Tatiana. What about underwear? I take it to the laundry.

Valera (cheerfully). Set ruble per day night!

Uncorks the bottle. They pour it into cups, clink glasses, and drink. Tatiana giggles and stretches. Svetlana enters with cheese.

Svetlana. My Leocadia has sat down and is sitting. He's afraid of the rain, obviously. That she would choke while lying down.

Valery pours it for Svetlana, she covers the cup with her hand, then gives up. Tatiana giggles. Svetlana drinks.

Tatiana. There are actually so many holes in the roof! (“In general” she pronounces it as “vosche”). In general, it’s a nightmare, after one winter there was only one sieve left.

Svetlana (wiping his hand, sniffs the cheese). Yes, it was you who brought the house to a state of disrepair. Everything is rotten. You tried that hard.

Tatiana. Listen! Vice versa! The house would have been left behind for a long time. A house without an owner rots. We supported him. Valera is either with a spatula or with a hammer! He carried dirt to the ceiling in buckets.

Svetlana. The most important thing is that the roof has been completed.

Tatiana. We didn’t finish it, we lived! Actually. When you don’t live in your own home, you know, you would also think with your head. To cover the roof is four hundred. Yes, we would rather rent from the owners and live for two summers! Four hundred. (Giggles.)

Svetlana. Have you used it? You pay for it.

Tatiana. Are you using it now too? Let's pay.

Svetlana. You've opened the roof.

Tatiana. We didn't dance there. It's time, time! Would you live, would you fly?

Valera. No!

Tatiana. You wouldn’t wing someone else’s.

Svetlana. My Leocadia is sitting with an umbrella, all twisted up. He knows the flood is waiting.

Valera. Is this your mom? Is it the old lady?

Svetlana. This is my mother-in-law, I inherited it from my husband. My husband is her son. He died, she lived with us and still lives from old memory. I'm mostly on night duty; after all, Maxim doesn't sleep alone. In my situation, you don’t choose your relatives.

Valera. Maxim - who is this?

Tatiana. Yes Maxya, her boyfriend.

Valera. Ah, boy. Are they the ones who got into trouble with us today?

Tatiana. I work during the day, she works at night... When she has a day off on the weekend, I sit with the guys... Hard labor, in general.

Valera. It's good, Anton has his own friend. And here the Ruchkins are dancing... Everyone is asked the question: “Who is the mustachioed-striped one?”

Svetlana. Who?

Valera. And this is your mattress!

Tatiana giggles, covering her mouth. She's uncomfortable.

Svetlana. What a hooligan.

Valera. And the Blooms are bandits, the top ones. They are seven or eight years old and smoke.

Svetlana. No, I didn’t expect you to lure me into such a prison.

Tatiana. I lived here, in general... And nothing. Try renting a cottage here. Here are the Gosplan dachas. River, forest, airport. And you are free.

Valera. Like Gosplan!

Svetlana. But without a roof, understand! What if the summer is rainy?

Valera. Free in the rain.

Tatiana. Valera! There is no way out, we need to cover the roof with roofing paper.

Valera. Tolem! I have an aversion to physical work. And the mental one makes me sick.

Tatiana. At least cover it with straw, or something.

Valera. Where can you get straw now, fool! At the beginning of summer. Everything has been eaten.

Svetlana. Where are we going to take the children?

Valera. In general, tinsmiths make good money! These are the Zhigulis that are being restored after major repairs. Eh, I’ll become a tinsmith!

Tatiana. So they were waiting for you there.

Valera. Remember.

Tatiana. Well, what kind of husband is this, is this a husband? Your son will be in the rain with bronchial asthma.

Valera. I had to toughen it up! You didn't give it!

There are two boys on the threshold - Anton and Maxim.

Maksim. And Aunt Ira locked herself in our toilet!

Valera. Come on, kids, go play! Don't hang around, don't hang around here. Climb that tree over there. Your wounded comrade is there! There's your wounded comrade up in the tree! Do it.

The boys look at each other and disappear.

Children love me. And dogs. And drunk, by the way.

Tatiana. A brother-in-law sees his brother-in-law from afar.

Valera. And I will harden them! I'll teach you! I will come.

Tatiana. Now. (“Now” she pronounces “right now.”)

Svetlana. How did I just fall for this bait of yours! It’s not enough that I crawl on my hands and knees after your Anton: Antosha, have lunch, Antosha, wash his hands, and Antosha curled up with a string, remember how they called him.

Tatiana. Don't call him! He runs around hungry and comes back himself.

Svetlana. Yes, and he’s great again – warming up? Am I the cook found here?

Tatiana. It will heat itself up, not small. It warms the house. He comes home from school, the key is around his neck, he warms himself up.

Svetlana. No, I won’t let him near the gas stove. It explodes in adults, and even more so when they play with matches. No, no. Whatever you want, I can’t live without a roof.

Valera. Just a minute.

Svetlana, let's have a drink and get to know each other. My name, as it has long been known, is Valerik. (Takes her hand and shakes it.) I will still be useful to you, I can feel it. You just need to get the roofing material.

They pour and drink. Ira enters.

Ira! You are proud! Understand this!

Tatiana. Oh, the long-awaited one! Ira, come in, sit down.

Svetlana. We're sisters! Well, let's drink to get acquainted.

Ira. Yes, I won’t... The child is sick.

Tatiana. The three of us... (stammered) second cousins

Valera. I need a drink. So as not to fall.

Svetlana. We had one great-grandmother and one great-grandfather.

Ira. I don't know that far. I had a step-grandfather, Philip Nikolaevich.

Tatiana. But I don’t remember any of my own. We stayed in the village.

Valera. You shouldn't remember. Now they would send yours to the village. For free.

Tatiana. You have to take clothes to the village and give them as gifts. Backpacks and parcels.

Valera. Well, now no one takes from dead relatives!

Tatiana. Nowadays they bring crimple suits to their children.

Ira. I'm married. And after Chantsev’s father.

Svetlana. And I am Vygolovskaya by my husband. And my father's last name is Sysoev. And my mother’s last name is Katagoshcheva.

Ira. Dad's last name is Chantsev, but he's been gone for a long time. My mother's surname from my stepfather is Shilling.

Valera. England?

Ira. He is one of the Russified Germans.

Tatiana. And my mom and dad have the same last name. Kuznetsovs! Grandfathers and grandmothers, again, are all Kuznetsovs!

Valera. And keep in mind: namesakes. Not relatives. And my last name, I’ll spell it out: Kozlos-brodov. Kozlos! (Pauses.) Brodov.

Svetlana. Through a dash?

Valera. No, why.

Tatiana. And I am Kuznetsova!

Valera. And Anton - Kozlosbrodov!

Tatiana. Let's change, let's change. We’ll put ten in the teeth of whoever needs it, when it’s needed, and change it.

Valera. Remember! So... There is a proposal to raise a toast to patronymics. I don’t mean biological relatives, I mean everyone present here!

They raise the cups. Fedorovna enters in a blue silk cloak, a blue shawl with roses, yellow shoes, shining with false teeth. She has a dessert spoon in her hands.

Fedorovna. Welcome! So I pulled the lettuce... It came up. Washed it in a barrel. So eat up your vitamins! Watercress.

Valera. And you, Panteleimonovna. (Pours it into her spoon.)

Fedorovna (drinks, winces and chews on the salad). I'm Fedorovna. This was my husband Panteleimonovich. Their father was a merchant of the second guild, he had a mill and two bakeries. There were twelve of them: Vladimir, this is mine, Anna, Dmitry, Ivan, Nadezhda, Vera, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, I don’t know the rest. And their father is Panteleimon. Vera Panteleimonovna is still alive in Drezna, in a home for the disabled, may she rest in heaven. And you are some kind of their grandchildren. I don’t know anyone myself, Vladimir was a pilot, I don’t know where he is, I’m divorced from him. Your mother, Ira, remembers someone.

Valera. You are fake grandchildren, that's what I say. This Vera probably also has children.

Fedorovna. These are her children, she outlived them, but where the children are is unknown.

Svetlana. Were there many such children?

Fedorovna. There are three of you from three, and from nine others the same ones are wandering around unknown where.

Valera. So this is no one’s house, it’s common!

Svetlana. Maybe twenty more grandchildren.

Fedorovna. No, we gave birth one at a time... and even more so you. I gave birth to Vadim and went to live with my mother. I got along with my husband so simply, I didn’t love him. Vadim was born, I didn’t deal with him at all. I remember there was a fire at the neighbors’ fence, I grabbed Vadim at night, wrapped him in a blanket, ran out, put him on the ground, and I myself started carrying water in buckets. By morning, everything had burned down, including our fence, but nothing had spread to the house. And I wondered - where is my Vadim? And he lay on the ground all night. I was active! Vadim's son, Serezhenka, is an excellent student!

Valera. Don't they visit you, grandma?

Fedorovna. But no, no! Previously, there was a big age difference between children. The eldest, for example, is sixty... and the youngest is forty. You, too, can give birth in another fifteen years.

Valera. Only over my dead body!

Svetlana. I don’t want to impose a stepfather on the child’s head.

Ira. You don’t know how to put this on its feet. And you pray and pray, just to live!

Valera. Need to harden! Every morning cold water ear, throat, nose. I tempered Anton!

Tatiana. Who hardens himself in winter, you fools!

Valera. If it weren't for Tatyana, I would have toughened him up. You need cold, open windows, dousing with water...

Svetlana. Now we will have such conditions. There will be dousing. I’m not on duty today... Tanya and I will cover everyone with tablecloths and plastic... You can’t dry anything anywhere... There’s nothing to say. Thank you, Tatyanochka, for inviting me to babysit your Antosha for free while you are resting at work, and even without a roof over your head. Although I have the same rights to live in this dacha alone and without your consent.

Valera. Once again! The last one. (Spills it.)

Everyone drinks. Ira went into the room.

Fedorovna, do you have any calendula tincture medicine?

Fedorovna (carefully). What is this from?

Valera. It's from the throat.

Fedorovna. No, no, Valerik, I’m rinsing with burdock. Are you going to pick it?

Valera. Do you have Schisandra tincture, Eleutherococcus cosmonaut extract?

Fedorovna. No, no, Valerik. What is this from?

Valera. This is due to low tone. Is there any tincture?

Fedorovna. On alcohol?

Valera. By itself.

Fedorovna. Yes, Valerik, but it won’t suit you. Tincture of iodine.

Valera. Sweeter than anything.

Fedorovna. I'll find something. (Comes out.)

Ira enters.

Ira (decisively). What do you think, I also have the right to live on that half, my mother has some documents. So don't think so. If you moved in earlier, then I have to rent for two hundred and forty rubles!

Svetlana (fast). Nobody speaks! Let's switch.

Tatiana. We'll move here and that's it. You're there!

Valera. What did I say? You can't go anywhere without a bottle! And everyone had fun.

Ira (excitedly). Fedorovna called my mother and said that there was no one to live on that half, the house was falling apart without tenants. I arrived, washed everything, whitewashed the frames in the room, washed the glass... A week later I arrive with my things, with a refrigerator, with a child, in a car, and here you go! You already borrowed what I washed. Interesting. (Sits with her head hanging. She's in awe.)

Valera. What happened will not come back. Law of the jungle!

Ira. They created a scandal for me.

Valera. They are fools! Fools. They themselves do not understand their own happiness. Now alive! Wash everything and hand it over to her. They didn't spit there. And you drive in there, and I’ll haul the refrigerator in a wheelbarrow.

Ira. No, I no longer have the strength to move. I propose that we have the same rights. We all pay eighty rubles for me. Otherwise you live for free on my square.

Valera. Okay, let’s chip in eight chervonets each, and what will happen? What will we gain from this?

Ira. Why should I pay if you borrowed everything?

Ira. I stay here, you stay there.

Svetlana. No. You did not understand. We just take on all the payments and move here.

Ira. Wonderful. And I am homeless with a sick child.

Tatiana. OK. Let's do this: we cover the roof, Valerka will cover it, and you let our children and her grandmother under the roof.

Ira. On the terrace?

Svetlana. To the room, to the room. There is cold.

Ira. And we? He's thirty-nine and six!

Svetlana. What do we always do? We doctors? We fence it off with what we have: a screen, blankets... We wash it with bleach.

Ira. But there is no rain.

Tatiana. It’s barely holding on, look!

Svetlana. We will fence him off, the most important thing for him now is warmth. We'll breathe. Ira. And we take expenses for three. Eighty each.

Tatiana. But to cover the roof - you heard, four hundred rubles. What a huckster, I don’t understand. You are eighty, and we are two hundred and eighty?

Valera. Others would have taken six hundred. But for our own...

Ira. I don’t understand... You are two hundred... And I am two hundred and forty, but how many people are in one room?

Svetlana. The roof is shared! And yours too!

Ira. Why mine!

Valera. It won't work that way. Girls, let's reset! Little by little! Otherwise the tent will close! Tatyana and I have already contributed four.

End of introductory fragment.

Thanks to two very good people, I got to the rehearsal of the play “Three Girls in Blue” at the Zuev House of Culture. It should be noted that this was my first acquaintance with the Other Theater.
The story itself is practically “about nothing.” Three young women with children live in a dilapidated dacha. There are also the owner of the dacha, the son of the main character, the mother-in-law of one girl, and the drunkard husband of another. At some point, a neighbor in the countryside enters the game and begins to court the heroine (quite funny courtship, yes... but it’s sad to watch). Well, on and on... What is happening moves on as usual, events develop slowly and are insanely predictable in general, although they are full of such absurdities, illogicalities and idiocy (I’m talking about the actions of the heroes) that it’s time to say “I don’t believe it” (c). .. Although that’s the trouble and the sadness - that I believe... There are a lot of stories that aren’t even stories, but just ordinary events for someone. All the characters in the play are not accidental, each has its own history, character, is recognizable and understandable. In just two hours we saw, at a glance, so many life stories... It’s even, in a sense, difficult - because there’s not much light there at all.
In general, for me this performance evokes associations with the project “behind the glass” - everything that happens is painfully naturalistic. It’s as if it’s not a play or a stage, but in fact, by some miracle, the door to someone else’s life with its sorrows, joys, adventures, and disappointments has been opened. There is also an association with a viscous, half-drunk nightmare from which it is difficult to emerge - they probably drink too much during the course of the play :) And the thought of time has not yet left me... Leocadia - as a symbol of the bygone past, a quiet shadow is present throughout the entire performance with almost one sides of the stage. Pavlik is our future, almost the entire performance is just as quiet - on the other hand... And all the time the present struggles between them, suffers, rejoices and seeks a better life.

And I can’t help but say about the actors and characters. Yesterday we saw:

Ira, young woman- Alisa Grebenshchikova
Svetlana, young woman- Olga Prikhudaylova
Tatiana, young woman- Anna Nakhapetova
Leocadia, Svetlana's mother-in-law- Alena Reznik
Maria Filippovna, Ira's mother- Olga Khokhlova
Fedorovna, owner of the dacha- Albina Tikhanova
Pavlik, son of Ira- Kuzma Yaremenko
Nikolai Ivanovich, Ira's acquaintance- Andrey Barilo
Valera, Tatiana's husband- Stanislav Sytnik
Young man- Leonid Lavrovsky-Garcia

I liked everyone, oddly enough. That's all there is to it :)
Irina (A. Grebenshchikova) - in my opinion, 100% fits the character. Well, as far as I can tell, at least :) The other two young women are also good in their own way. I can’t help but admire once again Anna Nakhapetova’s ability to transform.
Nikolai Ivanovich (A. Barilo) is wonderful. or rather, Andrei Barilo is beautiful :))) You can look at him even regardless of what is happening on stage, he’s lovely :)
It would be completely impossible to watch without Pavlik and Leocadia, it seems to me. Especially without these particular Pavlik and Leocadia. I absolutely admire Alena Reznik, in fact. And I can’t help but mention the performer of the role of Pavlik - Kuzma Yaremenko. A five-year-old kid plays a five-year-old boy (according to the play) ... he doesn’t play - he lives. In fact, he was a little bright in the performance, like a breath of fresh air. Talented child. Brave, strong, responsible and passionate. Playing in an evening adult play, a lot of time on stage, lines... Smart girl :) I did a great job, more than enough. And most importantly, it was so easy, as if he had always played.
