Building the company's corporate culture. Goals and objectives of corporate culture

Among the creation methods successful business often called an organization corporate culture. This concept in one form or another is known to any person, no matter what kind of work he does. But in order for corporate culture to help the development of an enterprise, and not stop it, you need to have a good understanding of what exactly this phrase means and what points of collective psychology it involves.

What is corporate culture?

Many psychologists and managers have defined this phenomenon. If we bring together all the options, we get the following: corporate culture is a system that has proven its viability over a long time, combining the rules of behavior and communication within the team, the history and traditions of the organization, the code of reaction to external factors, a scheme for building relationships with clients.

What is included in the corporate culture?

Depending on the mentality of the residents of the country in which the organization operates, the principles for creating the internal culture of the organization can change significantly. In Japan, a country whose fast technological development made possible largely thanks to the corporate culture, the following methods are used.

  1. Creating conditions for immersing a new employee in the company’s atmosphere, adapting him to current rules.
  2. Introducing a wide audience to the elements of corporate culture.
  3. Lectures given by management and the most effective employees.

For Russian companies other elements of corporate culture are characteristic.

  1. Collective celebrations of significant dates.
  2. Joint recreation for employees.
  3. Formation of unique traditions.
  4. Creation of materials dedicated to employee hobbies outside the office.

An effective corporate culture should consist of elements such as:

  • an established order of relationships both vertically and horizontally;
  • regulation of conflict resolution within the organization and with clients;
  • the symbols of the organization, understandable to employees, and the principles of its work;
  • awareness of each employee’s place in the team.

Psychology of corporate culture

The corporate culture of an organization is formed based on past experience and is designed to solve two main problems:

  • adaptation to external changes;
  • changing internal processes for more effective adaptation.

Psychologist Edgar Schein proposed the following classification of elements of corporate culture.

  1. Artifacts. This is a visible part of culture - the form of clothing, rituals and beliefs common among workers, the design and layout of premises, and the patterns of verbal communication used in the team.
  2. Proclaimed values. The principles and strategy of the company, put forward by management, as a necessary basis for development. They must pass the test of time, after which they will move to a deeper level.
  3. Core values. The best way to describe them is “it has always been this way.” These are patterns of behavior that are not realized by employees, have previously proven their effectiveness and are strongly associated with this company.

Why is corporate culture needed?

Depending on the market segment in which the organization operates, the functions of corporate culture will differ from each other:

  1. For companies specializing in the service sector, corporate culture is a way of regulating attitudes towards clients. If all employees are equally friendly and attentive to customers, this creates an attractive image of the company.
  2. Companies operating in fiercely competitive environments need to unite their teams in the face of a common enemy. This is a familiar concept of unification that will make work more efficient and its results better.
  3. For organizations specializing in the production of something, it is important to create among employees a feeling of stability and comfort in the workplace.

Principles of corporate culture

The corporate culture of a company is a phenomenon that must be formed artificially; it must be created by specialists in this field, since incorrectly selected declared values ​​can destroy the team or stop the development of the company. The formation of corporate culture can occur in two different directions:

  1. By default, employees are recognized as unreliable individuals and incapable of working without strict control and a well-thought-out system of punishment.
  2. The attitude towards employees is built on the basis of the assertion that each person is capable of performing their duties well, but only in conditions that are comfortable for themselves.

Whatever direction is chosen, the following principles should be adhered to.

  1. Freedom. If a person realizes that actions for the benefit of the company are the result of a conscious choice, he begins to work better.
  2. Justice. If every person in the team knows that bonuses are distributed not according to real merit, but at the whim of the director or for some extra-work moments, there is a powerful loss of motivation among employees.
  • use fines and other punitive measures to maintain unity in the team;
  • appoint employees responsible for corporate culture;
  • use third-party specialists unfamiliar with the inner life the company and the position of its management.

Pros and cons of corporate culture

Depending on the impact on the team environment and the company’s performance, corporate cultures are divided into positive and negative.

  1. Negative. They do not have a uniform understanding of acceptable employee behavior; a common opinion about what is happening is not formed; The situation in the team is tense.
  2. A positive corporate culture is characterized by the cohesion of employees, the presence uniform rules behavior, comfortable friendly atmosphere.

Types of corporate culture

IN Russian organizations The following types of corporate culture are found.

  1. "Friends" originally from the 90s, when they invited friends and acquaintances to organize their own enterprise. Such a corporate culture often destroys established relationships due to competition and negative work issues.
  2. "Family"- this structure is characterized by hierarchy and the absence of clearly defined operating principles. The ability to guess what a boss or colleague wants is promoted, which is detrimental to the organization.
  3. "Boss". In this case, the decisions and actions of the boss are declared an unattainable ideal, and their criticism is unacceptable. The other side of the coin is that all mistakes are also attributed to higher management.

How to build a corporate culture?

Creating a corporate culture is a complex process that requires reasonable control and flexibility on the part of management. At the initial stages, a personal example on the part of management may be required, but this measure cannot be abused; in a large company, the boss simply physically cannot inspire everyone with himself. The following can help shape a corporate culture:

  • clearly defined principles and values ​​of the company;
  • rewarding employees for maintaining corporate culture;
  • transmission of the “company spirit” to the team through employees invited to the head office of the enterprise.

How to develop corporate culture in a company?

The corporate culture in an organization develops throughout the life of the company. Therefore, it cannot be ignored by management. To develop corporate culture in the right direction it is necessary:

  • promote corporate values;
  • do not neglect employee training;
  • organize events for the team;
  • reward and punish employees fairly.

Books on corporate culture

Literature on corporate culture will help you see what methods market leaders used.

  1. “Management according to Suvorov. The science of winning" Vyacheslav Letunovsky. Analysis of the commander’s life and leadership methods used by Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.
  2. “Toyota corporate culture. Lessons for other companies" Jeffrey Liker, Michael Joseus. Although the book talks about the Japanese, whose mentality differs from the European one, the book may also be useful for Russian managers.
  3. "McDonald's. How an empire was created" Ray Kroc, Robert Andersen. The success story of a small American fast food company.

Ural Socio-Economic Institute

Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Department of Management


on the topic of: " Formation of corporate culture»


student of group MSZ 302

Novikov V.A.

Chelyabinsk 2012


Types of Organizational Cultures

Types of organizational cultures, subcultures

Methods of cultural transmission

Changing the culture of the organization

Formation of corporate culture

Case Study


List of used literature


The purpose of writing test work is consolidation theoretical knowledge about corporate culture, its origins and application in Russian conditions.

Just a few years ago, the phrase corporate culture was little known, although in fact, of course, it has always existed. However, she was. And elements of the corporate culture of many Western companies with rich traditions had their analogues in the USSR: boards of labor leaders, badges, certificates of honor, and so on are a classic expression of corporate culture.

Corporate culture is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by members of an organization and expressed in the organization's stated values ​​that give people guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Corporate culture (sometimes called organizational culture) consists of the ideas, attitudes, and core values ​​that are shared by members of an organization. It is generally accepted that values ​​are the core that determines the corporate culture as a whole. Values ​​determine behavioral styles, communication styles with colleagues and clients, level of motivation, activity, and more. Therefore, one cannot take for corporate culture only a set of certain external signs, such as uniforms, rituals, etc.

Viewing organizations as communities sharing a common understanding of their purpose, meaning and place, values ​​and behavior has given rise to the concept organizational culture.The organization forms its own image, which is based on the specific quality of the products produced and services provided, rules of conduct and moral principles of employees, reputation in the business world, etc.

The term “organizational culture” covers most of the phenomena of the spiritual and material life of a team: the material values ​​and moral norms that dominate it, the accepted code of conduct and ingrained rituals, the way staff dress and the established quality standards of the product. We encounter manifestations of organizational culture as soon as we cross the threshold of an enterprise: it determines the adaptation of newcomers and the behavior of veterans, is reflected in a certain philosophy of the management team, especially senior managers, and is implemented in the specific strategy of the organization.

1.Types of Organizational Cultures

Power culture. In this organization culture special role plays the leader, his personal qualities and abilities. Organizations with this kind of culture tend to have a rigid hierarchical structure. Recruitment and promotion up the hierarchical ladder are often carried out according to the criteria of personal loyalty. This type of culture allows the organization to quickly respond to changing situations, quickly make decisions and organize their implementation.

Role culturecharacterized by a strict functional distribution of roles and specialization of areas. This type of organization operates on the basis of a system of rules, procedures and performance standards, compliance with which must guarantee its effectiveness. The main source of power is not personal qualities, but positionoccupied in the hierarchical structure. Such an organization is able to operate successfully in a stable environment.

Task culture.This type of culture is focused, first of all, on solving problems and implementing projects. The effectiveness of organizations with such a culture is largely determined by the high professionalism of employees and the cooperative group effect. Greater power in such organizations belongs to those who this moment is an expert in a leading field of activity and who has the maximum amount of information. This culture is effective in cases where the situational requirements of the market are decisive in the activities of the organization.

Personality culture.An organization with this type of culture brings people together not to solve some problems, but so that they can achieve their own goals. Power is based on proximity to resources, professionalism, and the ability to negotiate. Power and control are coordinating in nature.

2. Types of organizational cultures, subcultures

Organizations can be divided into dominant cultures and subcultures. Dominant culture expresses the basic (central) values ​​that are accepted by the majority of members of the organization. Subcultures are developed in large organizations and reflect common problems, situations faced by employees, or experiences in resolving them.

The subculture features of each structural unit of the organization influence each other and form the general part of the organization’s culture.

It is necessary to distinguish between strong and weak culture. Strong culture characterized by the main (core) values ​​of the organization, which are intensively supported, clearly defined and widely disseminated. The more members of an organization who share these core values, recognize their importance, and are committed to them, the stronger the culture. Young organizations or organizations characterized by constant rotation of opinions (concepts) among their members have weak culture . Members of such organizations do not have sufficient shared experience to form generally accepted values.

3. Methods of cultural transmission

In addition to obvious orientation and training programs, culture is communicated to employees in other ways. The most effective are information, traditions, symbols and language.

Informationcontains a description of events related to the formation of the organization; key decisions that determine the organization's strategy in the future; senior management. It allows the past to be compared with the present and provides an explanation for the current practical activities of the organization.

Traditions.Compliance with established traditions is a means for transmitting culture, since the main values ​​of the organization are associated with traditions.

Symbols.The design and layout of the territory and buildings, furniture, management style, clothing are material symbols that are transmitted to employees. The degree of equality in the organization provided by top management, the types and types of behavior that are considered acceptable, are also important.

Language.Many organizations and their subdivisions use language as a way of identifying members of the organization with its culture or subculture. By studying it, members of the organization demonstrate their acceptance of this culture and in this way help to preserve it. An organization's terminology acts as a common denominator that unites members of the organization based on a recognized culture or subculture.

4. Changing the culture of the organization

An organization's culture may be appropriate for a particular period of time and conditions. Changing conditions of external competition, government regulation, rapid economic change and new technologies require changes in the culture of the organization, which is holding back the improvement of its effectiveness. It takes a long time to create a new organizational culture because the old organizational culture becomes ingrained in the minds of people who remain committed to it.

The following factors influence the possibility of culture change:

Organizational crisis.It questions existing practices and opens up possibilities for the adoption of new values. Examples of a crisis can be the deterioration of the organization’s position, its financial takeover by some other organization, the loss of its main clients, or a sudden breakthrough of competitors into the organization’s market.

Change of leadership.Since top management is a major factor in shaping the culture of an organization, replacing its top leaders helps introduce new values. But new management in itself is not a guarantee that employees will accept the new values. New leaders must have a clear alternative vision of what the organization can be and have authority.

Stages of the organization's life cycle.It is easier to change the culture of an organization during periods of transition from its creation to growth and from maturity to decline. When an organization enters a growth stage, major changes in organizational culture will be necessary. The organization's culture is not yet ingrained and employees will accept changes if:

· previous success of the organization does not correspond modern conditions;

· employees are not satisfied general condition affairs in the organization;

· the image of the founder (founder) of the organization and his reputation are in doubt.

Another opportunity for culture change occurs when an organization enters a stage of decline. At this stage, staff reductions, cost reductions and other similar measures are usually necessary, which dramatize the mood of employees and indicate that the organization is experiencing a crisis.

Age of the organization.Regardless of the stage of an organization's life cycle, the younger it is, the less established its values ​​will be. Culture change is more likely in a young organization.

Organization size.It is easier to change culture in a small organization, since there is closer communication between managers and employees, which increases the opportunity to spread new values.

Level of culture.The more widespread the culture is in an organization and the greater the cohesion of the team that shares common values, the more difficult it is to change the culture. A weak culture is more susceptible to change than a strong one.

5. Formation of corporate culture

organizational culture corporate ethics

Public relations have been successfully developing in recent years and are actively used in practice, especially by large organizations. They contribute to the survival of companies in the market, help not only to maintain, but also to increase the market segment in which the enterprise operates. Small business owners and managers themselves often act as public relations specialists. They are involved in the process of interaction with the media, society, employees, customers, suppliers, financiers, as well as in political relationships.

Efforts like these promote and protect small businesses and increase their profitability and profitability. Public relations should act as a recipient of subtle information that signals public needs and should provide information that helps improve the efficiency of the corporation. Public relations aims to improve the public's perception of a particular organization; designed to show that the company is trustworthy; are designed to reflect the attitude of the corporation to the individual on the scale of the entire society; are designed to convey the desire and will of the organization to lead society to favorable changes.

Public relations technologies are most widely and often used by large corporations. Businesses are forced to deal with and adapt to a dynamic and increasingly complex environment. Public relations manages relationships with various segments of society and seeks to strike a balance between competing needs. They are confronted with a series of complex and constantly pressing questions: business ethics, equal opportunities, quality of working conditions, consumption, protection environment, global commerce and many others.

Large corporations have significant resources that can support public relations efforts. However, they will not invest money until they are convinced that the funds they invest will bring a greater return.

Public relations techniques are used by all managers in their activities, and not just those for whom this is a profession. Senior executives spend enormous amounts of time and effort on public relations issues. However, while the status of public relations in business circles was rising, specialists in this field, possessing only traditional skills, risked being limited in the implementation of their activities to the point of performing purely technical functions.

In the field of business the following are used:

media relations - intermediary relations (obtaining support and approval in the sales market for printed and television products; creating a positive advertising image; producing a legend; minimizing negative reactions). mmunity relations - relations with society (a set of techniques and activities to support the seller, attract employees , improving the quality of services provided, supporting and reinforcing business initiatives, improving the quality of life of employees and managers).mer relations - relations with consumers (assisting in creating positive relationships with consumers, ensuring a quick and effective response to complaints, problems and needs of consumers, supporting efforts sales and marketing).relations - financial relations (creating opportunities to attract capital at a minimum interest rate, ensuring compliance with the needs of the investor, guaranteeing competent work with financial funds).affairs - relations with government bodies (interaction with government authorities at different levels ). Regulation, tax policy, labor laws, trade policy are just some of the government actions that can affect business decisions and its successful operation.ployee relations - relations with employees (labor relations, assistance in attracting and hiring competent employees, ensuring effective communication between employees, developing creativity among employees and stimulating output and improving product quality, increasing morale and improving work attitudes, increasing the level of customer service, increasing productivity).

Public relations (in the narrow sense) is the means by which a business seeks to improve its ability to operate and to shape its desired environment. The effectiveness of public relations contributes to the progressive development of the company, increases sales figures, and facilitates the company’s adaptation to the requirements and needs of society.

The demands placed on large corporations are significant and varied.

The activities of organizations must meet certain standards, and at the same time the company must successfully compete in the domestic and foreign markets.

In order for public relations efforts to create and maintain desired public attitudes toward private corporations to be effective, corporate public relations efforts must focus on the following factors:

trust in the corporation and corporate management;

a deeper understanding by society of the economic realities of corporate life, including profits, productivity, pricing, and the issuance of money;

the willingness of part of the business to contribute to solving society's problems;

demonstration of the corporation's interest in each person.

Any company, whether it has just appeared on the market or has been operating for a long time and is well-known, is interested in bringing information (positive, of course) about itself to its direct customers. A competent leader of an organization will use the slightest informational reason for this.

For example, in business publications, along with smiling photo models, you can always find several photographs of company general directors with their statements.

Meanwhile, when investing a lot of money in image advertising, managers often forget that their employees are also carriers of information about the company, and in some cases they are the ones who represent the company in customer service situations. Of course, such a disdainful attitude towards consumers as in pre-perestroika times can no longer be found almost anywhere. But, as before, a cleaning lady in a supermarket can wipe a customer’s shoes with a dirty rag, a security guard, checking documents, can drive a visitor “to the point of white heat”... The examples can be continued. And discuss your personal and family problems while working in the presence of strangers, it seems that Russian personnel will never forget how to do this. Why do we constantly encounter this? What is the reason for such indifference to your potential customers? The behavior of staff towards customers, like a mirror, reflects what rules are established in the company.

If psychological climate leaves much to be desired, there are many contradictions and conflicts between superiors and subordinates, this will inevitably affect the treatment of customers and, as a result, the image of the company. How can a leader of an organization determine that the company's internal image needs more serious attention? Manifestations can be varied, but are visible to the naked eye:

decrease in staff loyalty (employees stop staying after work to finish unfinished tasks, tend to leave early, come later, are completely uninterested in work and plans, mugs, pens, etc., given for the occasion, immediately disappear or are taken home);

work that requires coordination and concerted actions of representatives of several departments is performed very poorly, different departments “pull the blanket” on themselves, work as if there are no others or they are their competitors;

management orders issued by the company are hopelessly “stalled”, the staff discusses them for a long time and carefully, actively resists, in the end, the management simply “talks” them;

employees go to work in dark monastic robes with gloomy faces, gloomy and unfriendly, get tired quickly or often get sick, etc.

There can be a large number of reasons for such behavior of personnel in an organization, many of them are related to the ongoing personnel policy and ignorance of the basic principles of civilized business.

The axiom of a successful civilized business is simple: the main achievement of the company is its staff. They have always tried to encourage employees to work better. In the Soviet era, honor boards, free trips, bonuses, and the thirteenth salary were used. Currently, many managers are again beginning to realize that qualified personnel are wealth that must be protected and increased.

There are many theories of motivation. Traditionally, they are divided into content theories and process theories. The first analyze incentives and do not consider the process of motivation. The latter explore the process of motivation, describe and predict its results, but do not concern the specific content of motives.

One of the well-known theories belongs to A. Maslov. It assumes that human activity is determined by numerous needs that can be arranged in a certain order. Maslov identified five types of such constructions:

Physiological needs are the most basic. The employer must take into account such of them as the need for heat, air, wages ensuring survival.

The need for security is expressed in the desire for comfortable and healthy physically and emotionally living and working conditions. This desire can be satisfied by periodic encouragement and a guarantee of employment.

The need to belong to a certain social circle. A person needs recognition from a team, a boss, wants to have friends, to be loved.

The need for evaluation is the desire to have a positive image of oneself that is well perceived by others. To improve his image, a person is ready to take on more responsibility and in return expects gratitude and encouragement.

One of the actively developing areas in public relations is intra-corporate PR and the formation of corporate culture.

The concept of “corporate culture” came into use in developed countries in the twenties of this century, when there was a need to streamline relationships within large firms and corporations, as well as an awareness of their place in the infrastructure of economic, trade and industrial relations.

The formation of a corporate culture is facilitated by the use of unique standards of corporate ethics, mandatory standards of behavior for all employees. The formation of a corporate culture involves creating for a person working at a company such social, everyday, psychological and other conditions in which he feels comfortable. To do this, along with material incentives, it is necessary to recognize the importance of the role of each employee in common affairs, expand their participation in management, and involve them in contract negotiations. This also includes the employee’s loyalty to the company, its ideology and practical activities. The company's indifference to its employees will result in the indifference of these employees to the company itself, which will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of its entire work.

Corporate culture cannot be reduced only to external or even some organizational aspects; its essence also includes those value systems that managers and all employees of the company follow in their work. The company’s activities are necessarily based on a corporate philosophy - a complete, detailed, detailed statement of moral, ethical and business standards, principles, credo that guide the company's employees. Corporate philosophy performs the function of an internal organizing principle formalized by a social contract.

In many credos, the key concepts are “quality”, “trust”, “excellence”, “pride”, “care”, “attentiveness”. Let us list the five principles that guide the Mars Corporation in its work:

Quality. Our owner and director is the consumer, our work is about quality, and producing products worth the money we pay for them is our goal.

Responsibility. As individuals, we demand full responsibility from ourselves; As partners, we hold others accountable.

Mutual benefit. Mutual benefit is a distributed benefit, and such benefit becomes permanent.

Efficiency. We make full use of our resources, do not waste extra money, and do only what we can do better than others.

Freedom. We need freedom in order to build our future, we need profit in order to remain free.

Whatever the principles, they will not be implemented on their own; an atmosphere of commitment to them must be created. Employees must learn about them, understand them, appreciate and support them, only then will people follow these principles. A PR manager should help them with this, who will combine these positions into a single whole and plan their implementation.

One of important means This connection is corporate training, which involves continuous training of employees to better understand the principles and their subsequent use in practice, as well as the ability to easily and painlessly adapt to changes. Thus, the Procter and Gamble company has a corporate monitoring program that includes more than 20 educational courses.

It should be noted that corporate rules and laws should not contradict existing state laws and regulations, although quite often the corporate philosophy directs employees to fulfill requirements that are more stringent than those provided for by the code of laws.

For example, Procter & Gamble's EMPLOYEE CONDUCT RULES state that these rules in some respects "exceed the requirements of law and industry practice." For example, if persons in the service received bribes or gave a certain amount of money to persons in the service of the customer, they will be strictly punished according to the laws of the company, even in those countries where “such actions from a formal point of view may not be considered illegal ".

And further, “under no circumstances do you have the right to accept, in connection with your work, any invitations to entertainment, travel, sporting events, or accept gifts, tickets, paid vacations, personal gifts in cash, etc. Of course, this does not apply to such low-value items as cheap pens and calendars. You can accept tickets if you pay for them yourself. Business meetings in restaurants are possible, if in some cases a Procter & Gamble employee pays the bill ... "

The rules also state that “the employee and his immediate family must not have a property or financial interest in the activities of any competing company or in the activities of a supplier or customer company with which this employee interacts in the course of his work...”.

A company employee is required to bring to the attention of management that any employee is violating the law or company principles. If he wishes to remain anonymous, he can call the "Hotline...". An official investigation will be conducted into the presented fact.

This kind of rigidity of requirements determines the strength of the “corporate house”, which the PR manager is called upon to maintain through the formation of a corporate culture.

. Case Study

Ways to form new values ​​of corporate culture using the example of the Mirax Group company

Description of the situation

The successful ten-year history of the Mirax Group company is the history of its implementation "signature" style of work: focus on unique/super complex tasks, strong energy, incredible pace of work. This style is a manifestation of corporate culture, which was initially formed under the determining influence of the personal characteristics of the company’s founders. This culture is based on the values ​​of activity and energy, competition with leaders, non-standard solutions, and focus on results. Downside its advantages are rejection of regulation, instability of activity processes and a tendency to “emergency”, a mobile emotional background of the atmosphere, weak control. The intensive development of the company and the level of business challenges facing it required significant internal changes. In the language of organizational theories, a transition is necessary from the entrepreneurial period of the organization’s development to the stage of regular management. Project goals and objectives

The task of personnel management was to shift the emphasis in corporate culture from entrepreneurial values ​​to the values ​​of technological stability and efficient teamwork . The image of the company as a “friendly family of stars” in the perception of employees must be transformed into the image of a “single super-professional team.” At the same time, it is important to maintain the high energy and creative atmosphere of the company, since

these features of corporate culture provide the company with competitive advantages

they are characteristics of the management style of the company president and top management team.

To implement such a project, from our point of view, is only possible based on the principles of continuity of new cultural elements in relation to the previous stage of developmentcorporate culture and systematic approach in the implementation of programs that should cover all key elements of corporate culture: basic values; standards of behavior and activities of employees, traditions and symbols.

Short description project

The project began in early 2004 and is currently ongoing. As part of a project in the company the following programs are being implemented:

1. Company rebranding, held in the internal and external environment to mark the company’s transition to a new stage of development. The brand change entailed a change in corporate symbols. The new symbols are used to the maximum in corporate souvenirs (on jackets - windbreakers, T-shirts, baseball caps, stationery, children's gifts).

2. Creating an original employee handbookas a key document establishing basic standards and norms. The reference book includes the texts of the company's Constitution, corporate Rules of Business Interaction, and a collection of motivating aphorisms. New elements of the content of corporate values ​​and norms are formulated in an energetic and emotional form, actively using humor, which supports the traditional style of communication in the company.

3. Creation of an internal website (Intranet)as a virtual communication environment that allows company employees to receive the positive effect of interpersonal interaction without significant time expenditure and personal contacts. The intranet provides access to informal communication forums, corporate news and films, general databases (telephone directory, employee birthdays, brief information about employees with their photographs, documentation of corporate computer programs, the corporate canteen menu for the current day and a picture from a web camera installed in the canteen), etc.

4. Creation of a corporate "Kunstkamera", which presents examples of incompetence and unprofessionalism of company employees. Thus, a standard of mandatory quality of work is introduced.

5. The use of competitive models when selecting candidates for positions.The company has created professional tests (MiraxTestPro program) and actively uses business games. Competitive selection, in addition to purely economic benefits, gives new employees an idea of ​​the company's requirements for their level of professional training.

6. Induction seminar program for new employees, which includes a story about regulations and standards, a tour of facilities under construction, a screening of videos about the history and activities of the company, and corporate leisure.

7. Attracting talented university graduates to work in the company. Graduates and 4th year students are enrolled in internship programs through competitive selection, upon successful completion of which a decision is made on admission to the staff. Trainee companies allow you to “infuse” young energy into the company, as well as influence the formation of professional and personal competence of trainees in accordance with the company’s requirements.

8. Formation of personal involvement of employeesto the overall performance of the company. Among the most successful ideas are a joint “clean-up day” of employees and homeowners at a facility (residential complex) and a Council of Young Professionals, created to influence the formation of corporate norms and standards in the interests of young people. On the Intranet, with the help of modern IT technologies, events in the company are actively and sincerely discussed; employees began to adhere to the rules of the dress code during the four days of the working week and admit that they now take great pleasure in going to work on a “free” Friday.

9. Maintaining corporate tradition- bright, prestigious, non-standard holidays. Unique scenarios include surprises (theatrical performances with the participation of employees, the arrival of "doubles" of celebrities, a loved one music group hero of the day, etc.), which are remembered for a long time and form an emotional involvement in the company.

Results achieved.

Currently, we can talk about achieving the main result - the internal value context of the company has been clarified. The key values ​​have been reformulated taking into account the new stage of its development:

1.activity and energy for technologically stable operation,

2.competition with leaders for your own development,

.focus on quality results,

.non-standard solutions to improve technology,

.dialectic of personal and general responsibility.

The dynamic atmosphere and positive components of informal communication among employees have been preserved. Clients and partners of the company note that the atmosphere of the office feels dynamic and cheerful, and at the same time businesslike, professional competence and prestige.


The effectiveness of the transition to a new stage of company development is directly related not only to economic and technological changes, but also to the renewal of the value context of the corporate culture. Practice confirms theory!


Organizational culture- this is a system of socially progressive formal and informal rules and norms of activity, customs and traditions, individual and group interests, behavioral characteristics of personnel of a given organizational structure, leadership style, indicators of employee satisfaction with working conditions, the level of mutual cooperation and compatibility of employees with each other and with the organization , development prospects. A person’s organizational culture is influenced by habits and inclinations, needs and interests, political views, professional interests, moral values, and temperament. The elements of the components of organizational culture include the following personal qualities: a positive reaction to people in power, a desire to compete, the ability to persuade, the desire to play the role of an informal leader, tolerance for routine administrative work.

Organizational culture in an organization can be formed in four ways:

· long-term practical activity.

· activities of the manager or owner (own OK).

· artificial formation of organizational culture by specialists of consulting firms,

· natural selection the best standards. rules and standards introduced by the leader and the team.

Organizational culture may have features depending on the type of activity, form of ownership, position in the market or in society. There is an entrepreneurial, state organizational culture, an organizational culture of a leader, an organizational culture when working with personnel, etc.

List of used literature

1.Ansoff I. New corporate strategy. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 1999.

2.Goncharov V.V. In search of better management: A guide for senior management personnel. - M.: Souvenir, 1999.

.Drucker P. Management challenges in the 21st century. - M.: Williams, 2000.

.Kravchenko V.F. Organizational engineering: Textbook. - M.: PRIOR, 1999.

.Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production. - M.: INFRA-M, 2000.

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In this article you will read

  • What is corporate culture
  • Rules for the formation of corporate culture
  • How to convey company values ​​to subordinates
  • Why corporate spirit is dying

Many businessmen have encountered a situation where, after purchasing profitable business, they invested heavily in the company and planned to receive a stable income, but almost all employees decided to quit and left the company. It would seem that they are provided with a motivational package and a good salary, but their decision does not change. Despite all their paradoxical nature, such situations are quite real – as the experience of Euroset will confirm. The company acquired the USSR network of communication stores - and everything seemed perfect. After all, the network used to work smoothly, there shouldn’t have been any problems. However, in practice, everything was completely different - employees were informed about the prospect of working in one of the leaders of the European market, they were promised stable salaries, career and current motivational programs. But we still faced serious mistrust from employees. As a result, out of 250 employees, about 230 left in 2 weeks.

To avoid a serious shortage of employees, the management of the Euroset company had to urgently transfer more than 200 people to Voronezh to work in a branch of the network. It took about 3 months for the situation to stabilize. The reason for this situation is the drastic changes in corporate culture/

When it is necessary to formalize the company’s corporate culture

If the formation of a corporate culture was initially built on an informal principle (from the “do as I do” category), then over time, with the expansion of the company, it will be eroded. New employees appear, so the manager can no longer influence everyone by personal example. Instead of the director's personal example, various unwritten rules, stories, corporate traditions and anecdotes appear. During this period, it is necessary to formalize the corporate culture.

The practitioner tells

Alexander Reznik,

With the development of the company, the need arises to structure all corporate processes, including personnel management. Top managers and HR specialists should help the CEO in this matter. The manager is required to form such a management team, with inspiration for work and setting strategic goals.

In a developing company, increasing the distance between management and employees is required. Of course, it is most difficult for long-time employees to succumb to such changes - one colleague becomes a boss, another remains a subordinate. There may be dissatisfaction among old employees, but new employees quickly accept the established rules of the game while maintaining a given distance. And the old, established culture is being destroyed. Old and new teams arise in the team - the general director must choose which of the groups to work with, or take the necessary measures to unite them. Only a common goal will allow us to unite the team. The CEO will have to create this goal and convey it to his employees.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director ZAO BDO Unicon, Moscow

The most durable value system is considered to be one based on leadership. After all, such a system combines authority, visibility and administrative support. The key aspect in the formation of a positive socio-psychological atmosphere is the leadership role. But will such a system be able to transform and develop in the future in the context of the rapid growth of the industry? Hardly. In our practice, there was a situation when many employees began to leave an organization with an excellent corporate culture. The frequent change of foreign partners simply did not suit them - each of them quickly destroyed many things, but simply did not have time to create new ones.

What measures should be abandoned when creating a corporate culture?

  1. Administrative controls. With the introduction of a system of fines, control over employees and other deterrent measures. As a result, a business is built on certain conditioned reflexes, the main place being given to the cult of power. Despite the minimal bureaucracy, this approach involves many factors of emotionality and subjectivity in decision making. There is usually a problem of insufficient training of middle managers, with high staff turnover and arbitrary appointment of managers. In the work of such companies, statements about informal values ​​and collectivism are often heard. In reality, company values ​​are characterized by subjectivity, interpreted each time in the most convenient way. All attempts to form a corporate culture are unsuccessful. Interestingly, the weakening of the center leads to destructive consequences for the company - the normal operation of the system is disrupted. The search for a new center of power does not bring results. The company is stagnating or collapsing, or there will be serious consequences when recovering from the crisis.
  2. Appointment of employees who are responsible for creating and integrating the corporate culture. Entire departments are often formed, whose employees begin to clearly define the term “corporate culture” and develop its principles. The developed principles of corporate culture are indicated in official documents. But the implementation of such measures faces serious obstacles. With insufficient understanding of this subject, employee measures are limited to creating a pseudo-culture that will not be fully accepted by the team. After some time, you simply have to completely reduce or restructure this business, and the idea of ​​​​creating a corporate culture is abandoned for a long time.
  3. Attracting external specialists who will solve internal problems of the company. Recognizing the shortcomings of the corporate culture, but not understanding how to compensate for them, the CEO begins to attract external consultants. But even an excellent ideologist will not be able to set up an ideal corporate culture. After all, it will build its principles on its own ideas, which may differ radically from the opinion of the general director. Correcting mistakes made in the formation of a mission or ideology turns out to be a rather lengthy and difficult process with not always predictable results.

General Director speaks

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

Changes in the formation of corporate culture are a rather delicate task, for which an HR specialist is needed. You can’t just appoint someone responsible for creating a corporate culture; it’s just that the boss and the thought leader cannot share the same concept. The leading role should be entrusted to the top manager, who will be able to “charge” his subordinates. This task is not just carried out by an administrator. He must be an integrator in relationships and an entrepreneur in spirit. This role is assumed by the owner at the company's formation stage. In the future, this can be done by the general director, who shares the values ​​of the business owner.

As a CEO, I consider it necessary to assess the microclimate in the team. If a company has 100-200 employees, they all remain visible - the peculiarities of people’s communication, their conflicts, and who they listen to will be noticeable. To use formalized tools with personnel, the company needs to reach a certain level. Our company has at least 100 employees. Although this amount is individual, it depends on the business. In my opinion, some companies require a clear definition of everything even with 20 employees on staff. The main condition is to maintain the spirit of entrepreneurship in the company.

Summing up, I can talk about the development of the company’s corporate culture at each stage according to its own laws. With more large sizes company, there should be more formalized and structured work with it.

Formation of corporate culture in an organization step by step

The role of the CEO in shaping corporate culture

The CEO and founders of the company should act as the ideologist and bearer of corporate culture. In my opinion, this way of forming a corporate culture and preserving the corporate spirit is the most effective and natural.

Fundamental principles for the formation of corporate culture

Freedom. Every person has dreams of freedom and a search for truth. However, the greater the level of knowledge, the more a person will depend on it. As you gain more freedom, its degree in life only decreases. This paradox became the basis of the first principle of creating a corporate culture. With a greater sense of freedom in the company, the more faithful he will be to the principles of the team.

Justice. Corporate culture is designed to bring a community of people together. Their personal freedom is limited by the general values ​​and goals of the company. However, this restriction should not cross the line, overcoming which a feeling of lack of freedom appears. Such a barely perceptible boundary is considered injustice.

The corporate culture is based not only on justice and freedom, but also on other universal spiritual values ​​that are necessary for a person in society.

Polar principles of corporate culture formation

The work of Douglas McGregor notes 2 basic principles on which management theory is based:

  1. All people, by definition, are initially thieving, lazy and non-performing. Therefore, they require absolute control. The formation of corporate culture in this case is carried out according to the principles of carrots and sticks.
  2. Man is a rational being. To embody the best qualities of a person, it is necessary to provide the proper conditions conducive to this.

These two principles define the extreme poles, and the truth always hides in the middle.

The practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova,

The corporate culture of our company is based on the principle of “professionalism in everything.” This rule and became the credo of the company, uniting all employees. In a company's work, attitude towards employees becomes an important component of corporate culture. Investments are made in the development of its personnel. Perhaps our company will be the first to propose the introduction of options for each employee.

For the successful operation of the company, it is important that corporate values ​​are fully accepted by the entire team. Situations arose when it was decided to part with employees only because of non-compliance with the norms of the company’s corporate culture.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director of CJSC BDO Unicon, Moscow

Corporate culture can be based on the principle of individualism - taking into account the individual characteristics of the company's employees. Modern business is at the height of individualism, so the CEO needs to understand human psychology. Only individuals can form a true team, so it is important to respect and value your employees. At the same time, if possible, it is better to get rid of careless employees who do not deserve respect. In the dynamic environment of modern business, there is practically no time for re-education. It is necessary to motivate employees. Sometimes the opinion is expressed that a well-known brand instills patriotism in a company, but this turns out to be wrong. A common corporate spirit will be formed and strengthened when the entire team understands the results achieved.

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

When working on corporate culture, important importance is given to the formation of the proper microclimate. People must have a desire to work in the organization, they must have a sense of pride in their work and a sense of comfort. Job satisfaction is demonstrated by loyalty to the company, despite another place of work, and pleasure in going to work and completing tasks.

As long as the microclimate in the team is an important factor for a person, he will remain in the company. When priority begins to be given to other factors (including social status or salary), a search for other offers is noted. In corporate culture, mutual understanding between employees is important. It is difficult to expect success in conditions of regular conflicts and lack of agreement.

How company type affects corporate culture

When forming corporate values, the type of activity of the companies must be taken into account. In particular, in the services market, attitude towards people is of fundamental importance. Including important true love to clients. Only in this case can the client really fall in love with the company in order to regularly seek its services. Companies in the service market should have an atmosphere of creativity, mutual respect and initiative. To maintain this state of affairs, postulates are needed that will capture the company's values. When hiring new employees, you need to make sure whether they will share similar values.

Employees production organizations What matters most is stability. The reason for this priority is that in production personnel are focused primarily on processes. And stability becomes the main factor of success.

For companies in a market segment with significant competition, it will be useful to merge against the backdrop of an external threat. In particular, it is possible to unite employees against a competitor, becoming a real well-coordinated team in the name of a common goal.

How to make corporate culture work for your company

For corporate culture to work, it is necessary to change its main principles. This condition is extremely important for large organizations. Transformations appear as a result of constant contact between managers and employees, due to informal communication conditions. If there is a sense of consistent, fair implementation of the principles of corporate culture, when actions correspond to words, one can count on the success of such changes. There is really painstaking work ahead, but the result fully justifies such measures.

Examples of corporate culture in Japan, the USA and Russia

Japan and the United States of America:

  1. Corporate onboarding for newcomers to help them understand the work process.
  2. Placement of corporate culture values, rules and slogans in various messages, brochures, stands, and media pages.
  3. The company's management regularly organizes speeches, during which they discuss in detail the corporate values, rules and goals of the organization.
  4. Methods of inspiring employees to work - through the performance of the best employees highlighting the goals to the team, singing the anthem, etc.


  1. Celebration of federal holidays - in the company’s office or restaurant.
  2. Singing the corporate anthem.
  3. Carrying out sporting events.
  4. Joint tours.
  5. Videos dedicated to employee hobbies.
  6. Joint leisure activities - including bowling, hunting, curling, etc.
  7. Special traditions in the company - for example, organizing skit parties in honor of the organization’s birthday.

Based on materials from the book: Samukina N. Effective motivation personnel at minimal financial costs. M.: Vershina

The practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova, Director of the HR Department at Arpicom, Moscow

Training may be one of effective means creating a corporate culture. The main requirement is that the employee who has received this knowledge can use it in practice. As I have already noted, the corporate culture in our company is based on professionalism. To implement this principle, about a year ago we began implementing the General Manager Training program. The program is carried out by the general manager, the goal is to train employees to be proud of their profession. As a tool for this, we use information sheets, a corporate newspaper, corporate events, etc.

General Director speaks

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

The most effective (although not always simple) way to formulate new rules in a company is to invite new employees. Because all new employees usually follow the established requirements. In my own practice, I have seen many similar examples - an employee who is not satisfied with certain procedures leaves the company, and a new employee is hired in his place who is ready to follow these standards. The reason is that he is not forced to confront the new corporate culture, but immediately becomes one of the building blocks in the organization. It is necessary to initially hire employees who fit into the current corporate culture.

When spreading corporate culture across remote departments, it will be necessary to take into account 3 factors:

  1. Public core values ​​and ideology.
  2. Key employees of branches need to regularly visit the head office to absorb its energy. After all, they are entrusted with the role of agents for introducing a common corporate culture in the work of the branch.
  3. Corporate principles must be formalized (described in documentation). Otherwise, the transfer of corporate culture norms to branches will occur with distortions. In addition, this formalized documentation is necessary to familiarize new employees with the rules of behavior and features of the company’s corporate culture.

The role of corporate culture in a company

  1. You should regularly communicate to your staff information about corporate values, rules, etc. Speeches by key employees, stands, or corporate media are suitable for this.
  2. If the process of erosion of the corporate culture in the company begins or several strong groups operate with different rules, you need to decide which group will be more comfortable to work with.
  3. Control of informal corporate culture is required - take into account informal leaders, who should become your assistants to promote initiatives in the organization.
  4. You don't need to resort only to administrative levers to manage corporate culture. After all, any instruction or order must be accompanied by explanatory communication with its employees.
  5. There is no need to appoint people responsible for corporate culture - a top manager should deal with this issue by vocation.
  6. Nothing can strengthen a team better than joint corporate events. Therefore, do not forget about organizing joint sports competitions, holidays, skit parties, various trips, etc.
  7. You need to be a fair leader. There must be predictable, objective decisions about sanctions against employees.
  8. Corporate training should be used to communicate the organization's values ​​and goals to its employees.
  • Personnel policy, Corporate culture


An organization is a complex organism, the basis of whose life potential is organizational culture: that for which people became members of the organization; how the relationship between them is built; what stable norms and principles of life and activities of the organization they share; what they think is good and what is bad, and much more that relates to values ​​and norms. All this not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also significantly determines the success of the functioning and survival of the organization in the long term. Corporate culture is not so clearly visible on the surface; it is difficult to “feel” it. If we can say that an organization has a “soul,” then this soul is the corporate culture. Corporate culture is the basis of the organization’s image, its authority in the external environment and in the eyes of employees, which is very important for the organization and for its effective activities. The image of the organization determines the attitude of suppliers and its partners towards the organization, as well as the attitude of buyers and clients towards the organization and its product. Demand for products depends on corporate culture and, in general, corporate culture influences the entire activity of the organization as a whole, right down to the question of the existence of the company.

The issue of corporate culture is relatively new and little studied in our country and abroad. Even in the USA, research into this problem began only in the 80-90s, and in Kazakhstan even later. Therefore, the time has come to seriously study the activities of the organization from the perspective of organizational culture. Interest in this problem is evidenced by requests from managers and specialists, as well as actual orders from organizations to carry out research projects.

The growing dynamism and variability of the business environment creates the need for organizations to constantly communicate with partners, consumers, and employees. The growth of education, qualifications, and awareness of workers and the public as a whole requires management to use more complex and subtle management methods. To control events, it is no longer enough to control people's behavior. Today it is necessary to manage what people think and feel, to shape public opinion and mood. Such management involves the establishment and maintenance of targeted, systematic communications with various public groups - with partners, with the general public and funds mass media, with the local community and government agencies, with the financial community and, of course, with employees. When working with the latter, there is a need to create a unified system of values, norms and rules, i.e. corporate culture that allows you to achieve efficient work, focus on achieving the company’s goals, and self-realization for the employees themselves. This is where public relations specialists come to the aid of “managers”. After all, their competence includes not only working with external environment, but also internally, to create a favorable image of the company and among its employees.

In Kazakhstan, the concept of “corporate culture” was practically not used until recently, but this does not mean that there are no organizations with a developed corporate culture in our country. There are quite a few such enterprises in the banking sector, mechanical engineering, energy, mining and other leading sectors of the economy. This is enough large organizations with a long history of existence and a large number of employees. It’s just that most organizational cultures have historically been implicit in nature, since their role and influence on the work of enterprises as a whole was not emphasized. Recently, in a highly competitive and dynamic business environment, people have increasingly begun to talk about the importance and necessity of forming a company’s philosophy and developing a corporate culture.

Since culture plays a very important role in the life of the organization, it should be the subject of close attention from management. Management not only corresponds to and is strongly influenced by corporate culture, but can in turn influence the formation and development of corporate culture. To do this, managers must be able to analyze corporate culture and influence its formation and change in the desired direction.

The term "corporate culture" arose relatively recently. It refers to a system of common opinions and values ​​shared by all members of the organization. In the case of an organization with a strong culture, it begins to exist independently of each of its members. Thus, organizations have value in themselves, regardless of the type of goods and services they produce. This provides them with long-term recognition. If the original goals of the organization lose their meaning, the organization still remains in business. Most likely, it will transform and change in accordance with new needs.

The relevance of the topic is due to increased competition in the service sector, production of goods and services, and the formation of competitive advantages is necessary, one of which is corporate culture.

The purpose of this work is to study the formation of corporate culture in an organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks will be required:

1) consider theoretical basis formation of corporate culture and its content. Consider the types, types, and main elements of corporate culture;

2) Conduct an analysis of the formation of corporate culture at enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan (using the example of Kazkommertsbank JSC)

3) Consider the main ways to improve corporate culture at an enterprise.

It is these questions that we will consider in this work. Many people are currently dealing with this problem; it will develop and remain relevant for a very long time.

The object of study of this work is the corporate culture of the organization, and the subject is the process of formation of corporate culture.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the works of foreign and Kazakhstani specialists in the field of management on the problem under study, and an analysis of modern practices in the formation of corporate culture. When writing the work, reference manuals and regulatory documentation were used.

1 Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of corporate culture at an enterprise

1.1 Concept, essence and role of corporate culture in an organization

Experts in the field of organizational management believe that organizations, like nations, have their own culture. The process of forming a corporate culture is interesting for an organization, first of all, because of the possibility of regulating the behavioral attitudes of personnel based on those values ​​that are acceptable to the organization, but are not a priority, and sometimes deviate from the values ​​​​established in society.

In modern literature, there are quite a few definitions of the concept “corporate culture”. Like many other terms of organizational and legal disciplines, this one does not have a single interpretation. In modern educational and scientific literature There are about 50 concepts of “corporate culture”. Let's look at the most common ones:

Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations, interacting with each other, inherent in a given company, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment.

Corporate culture is a specific system of connections, interactions and relationships characteristic of a given organization, carried out within a specific entrepreneurial activity, way of setting up and conducting business.

Corporate culture is a system of principles, customs and values ​​that allow everyone in the company to move in the same direction as a single entity.

Corporate culture is a set of the most important provisions accepted by members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, which give people guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Corporate culture is unique general psychology organizations.

Corporate culture is a set of assumptions, beliefs, values ​​and norms that are shared by all members of an organization.

Corporate culture is a complex set of assumptions, accepted without evidence by all members of a particular organization, and sets the general framework of behavior accepted by most of the organization. It manifests itself in the philosophy and ideology of management, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, and norms of behavior. Regulates human behavior and makes it possible to predict his behavior in critical situations.

Corporate culture is the ideas, interests and values ​​shared by a group. This includes the experiences, skills, traditions, communication and decision-making processes, myths, fears, hopes, aspirations and expectations as actually experienced by you or your employees. Your organizational culture is how people feel about a job well done, as well as what allows equipment and staff to work harmoniously together. It's the glue that holds, it's the oil that softens... This is why people do different jobs within a company. This is how some parts of the company see other parts of the company and what forms of behavior each of the divisions chooses for itself as a result of this vision. She manifests herself openly in jokes and caricatures on the walls, or she keeps herself locked up and declares herself only one of her own. This is something that everyone knows about, with the possible exception of the manager.

Today you can often hear such a new term as corporate culture and in Russian business still rare. But many people understand it completely incorrectly, believing that the culture in the company is the need to come to work at a certain time, wear certain clothes and celebrate holidays together.

Essentially, it involves a set of basic principles in the company with a set of social norms and values ​​that are shared by the majority of employees. Corporate culture is a complex set of different systems of behavior relating to both personnel and managers. In a sense, it plays the role of a carrot and a stick, motivating employees to comply with accepted rules, and, at the same time, giving confidence in the future and the opportunity to advance in their careers.

Absolutely everyone is the bearer of corporate culture in a company - from a simple cleaner to the general director.

Every adult develops his own model of behavior and perception of the world around him, which is almost impossible to change. When working in a team with other employees, these different worldviews inevitably lead to disputes and conflicts, which sharply reduce the efficiency of the company.

Therefore, in those companies where there is no established corporate culture, there is no established teamwork.

The company's office, without exaggeration, should become the second, and, for many, the first, home for employees, in which its own rules apply and certain goals exist. Accordingly, the relationship between team members must be such that they understand each other without words, and the likelihood of conflicts is minimized.

Corporate culture is an entire model of behavior and relationships that cannot be reduced to a simple charter or set of rules. It cannot be universal and must take into account the specifics of the company’s activities, the composition of its employees, relationships with clients and a number of other important points.

In any team, relationships and rules are inevitably formed, their own leaders and those who, as they say, “can be ridden” appear. If this process is left to chance, its result may be negative in terms of the effective operation of the company. Therefore, it is necessary to initially form a corporate culture in a direction that is beneficial to the manager. It is easier to foresee any problem in advance than to deal with it later.

So, let’s summarize and define what corporate culture consists of:

  • Symbols, ideology, values, goals, motto, rituals of the company;
  • social norms of behavior in the company;
  • communication systems in the company;
  • position of each person in the company.
  • approved leadership system;
  • styles of resolving conflict situations;

Basic principles of corporate culture formation:

Freedom. Every person vitally needs a sense of freedom, otherwise a person, squeezed into an unacceptable framework, will come to internal conflict. There should be a gentle limitation of personal freedom by the general values ​​and goals of the company. With a greater sense of freedom in the company, the more accurately the employee will follow the principles of the team.

Justice. Corporate culture is designed to bring a community of people together. All activities and policies must emphasize the equality of freedoms and privileges of employees regardless of their position.

Universal spiritual values. Do not lead to internal conflict among employees in choosing between universal spiritual values ​​and your corporate culture.

Ineffective measures to form corporate culture:

  1. Administrative enforcement of rules and regulations. Introduction of a system of fines, monitoring of employees and other deterrent measures. As a result, a business is built on fears, and the cult of leadership will occupy the main place. All attempts to create a corporate culture are unsuccessful.
  2. Appointment of those responsible for the creation of the CC. Entire departments are often formed, whose employees begin to clearly define the term “corporate culture” and develop its principles. The developed principles of corporate culture are indicated in official documents. But the implementation of such measures faces serious obstacles. With insufficient understanding of this subject, employee measures are limited to the creation of an inorganic pseudo-culture that will not be fully accepted by the team.
  3. Involvement of external specialists. When realizing the shortcomings of the corporate culture, but without understanding how to compensate for them, the director begins to attract external consultants. But even an excellent ideologist will not be able to set up an ideal corporate culture.

Some techniques for implementing corporate culture in an organization.

  1. Placement of corporate culture values, rules and slogans in various messages, brochures, stands, and media pages.
  2. Regular presentations by company management, during which they discuss in detail the corporate values, rules and goals of the organization.
  3. Special traditions in the company - for example, organizing celebrations in honor of the organization’s birthday, federal and professional holidays.
  4. Methods of inspiring employees to work - through speaking famous people, coaches, best employees, highlighting goals and achievements to the team.
  5. Training staff in professional skills, leadership, personal effectiveness and setting them up for success.
  6. A clearly developed and transparent system of staff motivation and the formation of self-motivation.
  7. Adaptation of newcomers, with familiarization with corporate culture and ethics of behavior in a team.
  8. Team building events.
  9. Carrying out sporting events, excursions, tours, joint leisure outside the walls of the organization.
  10. Videos dedicated to the hobbies of employees, events and celebrations.

For a corporate culture to work for a company, it is necessary to adhere to the main principles of its formation. This condition is extremely important for rapidly growing Russian companies. If there is a sense of consistent, free and fair implementation of the principles of corporate culture, when actions correspond to words, one can count on the success of such changes. It's really coming hard work, however, the result fully justifies such actions.
