Taught a lesson. You Taught Me Lessons: Text for Men

We, the below-named monks of the New Ararat cenobitic monastery, humbly we fall down to the feet of Your Eminence, praying that in your wisdom you will not turn your archpastoral wrath on us for your self-will and insolence.

His Zeila, bursting into tears, mournfully begged for mercy, Before him the vile Medina trembled, At his feet Berbera fell over.

Cramping to her, I pray for one thing - when I see the white flag, not to lower my guns, as poor Louis Roux did, and for the sake of all the joy of life, not to betray Fort St. Vincent, on which three blouses and a baby blowing soap bubbles still hold on.

Next to him crouching Hana, the old bagel woman, trudges on her lame leg.

Along the embankment, shyly crouching A frantic man, completely naked, was running towards the parapet, and the police were following him, whistling anxiously.

I I'm falling over to the feet of His Imperial Majesty and most submissively I ask you to grant me life.

So Zeus Atridov sent Paris, the unfaithful guest, to be executed so that the dispute would begin For a polyandrous wife, so that the hand would get tired of stabbing, so that the knee would be to the ground It fell, so that the spears break into chips, so that the Danaans and the Trojans in the battlefield, in the most brutal war, measure their strength because of a woman.

He jumped back and minced in front of the bull with square dance steps, fell on his knee, as if he were about to kiss a lady’s hand.

Noticing that Suvorov slightly falls on his leg, Prince Josiah of Coburg carefully inquired whether he was wounded?

Seeing the rabbits flickering among the trees, Maha, crouching to the ground, silently crept up to them.

Macha, frightened to death, crouching on her injured paw, she ran for a long time through large and small rivers.

Raising their muzzles questioningly at him, the piglets stopped running, grunted and backed away, then ran as fast as they could towards the house, and Ulrich barked, crouching to the ground, and waited for the gelding to chase him.

The lieutenant, apparently, tried not to detect his limp and walked slowly, but Maramball’s sensitive ear caught crouching one leg step.

But he did not see how the secretaries looked around, how fall to a stone on the path.

The grass is slightly springy under the wheels, the car goes smoothly and suddenly will fall down wheel into the gopher hole and straighten out again, running smoothly.

E-mail is convenient and fast for communicating and exchanging information with teachers.

Word forms of the word "fall"

To compose a letter correctly and impress your teacher, you need to know a few simple but important details.

In the subject of the letter, indicate the essence of the message in a nutshell, write your last name and group - then the teacher will recognize you and read your letter faster.

“Hello, Igor Semenovich!” – we definitely start the letter with an appeal. Remember, knowing the teacher’s name is a solid C in the exam!

After the greeting, put double enter. Clearly formulate your question/request/suggestion/appeal to the teacher and put it in a polite manner in the “body” of the letter.

Save your teacher’s time, he won’t be happy to see your wonderful poem on the topic “why wasn’t I in class yesterday...”. Briefly, concisely: “Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the seminar session on 02/02/12, when is it possible to close the pass?”

Avoid the words “yesterday”, “the day after tomorrow” - it is better to date the desired day.

Do not use abbreviations, slang, everyday expressions such as “univer”, “matan”, “kursach”, etc.

Set up automatic signature for your mailbox. By the way, the mailbox name “dimon666@_” is not the best option for sending a business letter. The signature contains the classic “With respect, surname and full name” - you can diversify, but within reason. Next is the social role: “student of the group_” (in the organization, for example, the position is indicated). Next are the contacts where you can be reached: telephone, duplicate your email. Make sure your text is correct! Please read the finished letter carefully before sending.

And about attaching files to the letter: At the end of the letter, be sure to write what exactly you sent; if there are a lot of files, indicate their number.

Rename the file from the original “my course” to the strict “Course by Ivanova L. ml-82”. Check everything again and submit.

Sent an email and forgot to attach a file? Well, the most important thing is that you noticed it. We are writing a second letter; in the subject line, indicate the presence of the file.

The Google service has a wonderful ability to cancel a sent email within 5 seconds.

Spelling of prefixes

There are three groups of prefixes in the Russian language.

1. Prefixes that never change in writing.

behind move, behind pour

above writing, above cut

By move, By eat

under move, under write

about move, about drive

before move, before write

O grip, O round

about move, about make sense

from move, from return

With move, With jump

V move, V run

in time, in go

before position, before accept

re move, re jump


2. Prefixes raz-/ras-, roz-/ros-, without-/bes-, from-/is-.

They change in writing depending on the root or stress.

-З- or -С- in the prefixes times-/ras, without-/bes, from-/is-:

-O- or -A- in the prefixes raz-/rac, rose/ros:

-S- or -SS- in words:

If the prefix ends in -S- and the root begins with -S-, then the word is written with two Cs:

calculate+calculate = count

demon + conscience = unscrupulous

In words calculation, prudent one letter is written -s-. The prefix dis- is added to the root -even-:

calculation + calculation = calculation

3. Prefixes pre-, pre-.

Their spelling depends on the meaning they attach to the word.

Console pre- is written:

Teach - word conjugation and stress, vocabulary word, synonyms

if used in the sense of “very, very”

2. if it can be replaced with a prefix re-

pre red - very beautiful

pre big - very big

pre tear - re tear,

pre break – re break

Console at- used in the meaning:

1. approach

2. accessions

3. proximity to something

4. incomplete action

at get closer, at being, at driving

at glued, at press, at compound

at school, at seaside, at breezy

at sit down at rise

In some words with prefixes pre-, pre- the meaning of the prefixes is obscured ( Quirky, Haunt) or the prefix has fused with the root ( obstacle, diligent, advantage).

But there are words that need to be distinguished by meaning:

Arrive (travel) by train to the capital, but STAY (be) in the mountains.

Such exception words with prefixes must be remembered.











president, presidential



preamble (introduction)



precedent, unprecedented




obstacle (obstacle)




preventive measure



elderly, old age


did not fail






keep an eye on

purchase prepare


come up with




adapt to attend
















impregnable rock

implacable enemy

  • STAY in Moscow, But Arrive in Moscow
  • WRONG (misunderstood) But gray-haired GUARDIAN (at the gate, close to the gate)
  • Make (transmit) public, But GIVE MEANING
  • THE LIMIT OF OPPORTUNITIES But CHAPTER (extension) in the church
  • SUCCESSOR (adopts) traditions, But Radio wave receiver
  • Despise the enemy But Look after (shelter) an orphan
  • immutable truth But not applicable to anything
  • argue (negotiate) with the teacher, But Push against the wall
  • Transgress (cross) the law, But START
  • Bring it to life But Close (close) the door
  • To endure (endure) changes, But Tolerate (get used to) pain
  • Transient (temporary) glory, But Babysitter
  • Bow before talent But lean your head to your shoulder
  • unconditional success, But not applicable in this case

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Lesson taught. Miniature

Galina Gosteva

I gave amulets with hope only to you alone, and in return from you
I received only contempt... You taught me in only four years ago,
what my whole previous life unsuccessfully taught.

And what did I expect, rejecting your cold cynicism?

What will you learn
understand all people patiently?

How to spell taught or taught? (+ rule for this word)

Understanding and forgiving their anger and rudeness,
excessive lyricism, to ascend without trying to proudly raise your soul above the crowd?

I am grateful to you for your science. Not loving. Without ruining. With male indifference,
condescendingly and casually, they taught me a lesson: “Change not others, but yourself!”
This is the only way you can inevitably change everything around you.”

Copyright: Galina Gosteva, 2015
Certificate of publication No. 215122400274

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Galina, you raise vital questions.
Oh, how difficult it is to change yourself when the response is rudeness or, at best, indifference. But if this is from a natural internal need, then such a person, when faced with difficulties, reveals his new capabilities, maybe even talents. And then everything will be beneficial.

Thank you for raising the topic.
Health, happiness and success to you.


Irina Landes 04/26/2018 16:20 Report violation

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Thank you, Irina, for your understanding and such a thoughtful review. Lessons on the path to wisdom are sometimes very bitter and cruel, but they are also very useful and are remembered for a lifetime. It is almost impossible to change another person unless he himself is willing to change. It is better to understand him and change your attitude towards him, that is, change yourself.
With gratitude. Galina.

Galina Gosteva 04/26/2018 18:15 Report violation

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This work was written for 5 reviews, the last one is displayed here, the rest are in the full list.

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Teach - the meaning of the word in explanatory dictionaries

The meaning of the word Teach in Ozhegov’s dictionary

TEACH, -am, -ash, -ast, -adim, -adite, -adut; -odal and (colloquial) -odal, -odala, -odalo and (colloquial) -odalo; -ay; -odanny (-an, -ana and colloquial -ana, -ano); Sov., that (book). Inform, advise, instruct. Let me give you some advice. P. good lesson for someone. (translated: to do something.

To teach or to teach what is the right way?

instructive for someone, for the edification of someone). || nesov. teach, -I give, -you give.

The meaning of the word Teach in Efremova’s dictionary

Accent: teach

  1. Instructing someone about something, to report, to state something.
  2. Imagine, state something. somehow way.
  3. Give, convey something.

The meaning of the word Teach in the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

TEACH, teach, teach, teach, words-Teach">teach, teach, teach, command. teach, past tense taught, taught, taught, taught, ·sovereign (to words-words-Teach">teach" title ='what are words-Teach">teach, words-Meaning">meaning of the word words-Teach">teach in Ushakov's dictionary'>words-Teach">teach), what to whom (book rhetorician). Instructing whom -in something, to inform, to inspire. To teach a lesson of prudence. To give someone some advice.

Meaning of the word Teach in the dictionary Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznya

I'll teach
let's teach
will teach
will teach
who taught,
who taught,
who taught,
who taught,
who taught,
who taught
to the one who taught
who taught,
to the one who taught
who taught,
who taught,
who taught,
who taught,
who taught,
who taught
who taught,
who taught,
who taught
who taught,
who taught
who taught
who taught,
who taught
who taught
to the taught
to the taught

Teaches or falls

Anatole France very accurately noted the importance of an unusual presentation of educational material, saying: “The knowledge that is absorbed with appetite is better absorbed.” Many experienced and novice teachers are wondering how to conduct an interesting lesson? Such that the children would be afraid to be late for it, and after the bell would not rush to leave the class.

How to awaken students’ “appetite” for new knowledge? How to make each lesson interesting and unusual? How to competently use well-known pedagogical techniques and techniques to teach memorable lessons? Our material is devoted to this topic.

Secrets of preparing and conducting an interesting lesson

So, every lesson should arouse the child’s interest. Yes, yes, exactly everyone. A history and English lesson, an open lesson and a traditional one, should be interesting. In this case, the effectiveness of school teaching increases noticeably, and new material is easily absorbed. We will tell you how to prepare and conduct productive and fun lessons.

  • Plan a lesson taking into account the age characteristics of the students, their emotional mood, and their inclination to work individually or study in a group. The concept of every interesting activity should have a creative beginning.
  • Put yourself in the place of a child, do not limit the flight of your imagination - and non-standard solutions will definitely come up. And impeccable mastery of the material and pedagogical improvisation will allow you to conduct the prepared lesson in an interesting way.
  • Always remember that a great start to a lesson is the key to success! Start the lesson actively (maybe with a little surprise!), clearly formulate its objectives, check your homework using.
  • An interesting lesson is always divided into clear fragments with logical bridges between them. For example, do not dump a portion of new knowledge on students, but smoothly and logically move from one stage of the lesson to another. Each individual part of the lesson should not be lengthy (on average, up to 12 minutes, with the exception of explanations of new material).
  • Use a variety of techniques to create an engaging lesson. Using a computer or electronic projector, you can simply and easily make both open and traditional lessons in any discipline interesting. Thus, presenting a significant event on the big screen or watching military newsreels will help the teacher teach an interesting history lesson.
  • Be flexible! Equipment breakdown, student fatigue or unexpected questions are situations from which the teacher must be able to quickly and competently find a way out. For example, in order to relieve tension in the classroom, you need to have simple and fun tasks on the topic (preferably in a playful form).
  • How to conduct interesting lessons for high school students? Don't be afraid to break stereotypes! Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise! Avoid templates! After all, the lack of interest in the lesson is most often due to the fact that students know all its stages in advance. This chain, which is pretty boring for the guys, can and should be broken.
  • Don't do all the work for students to avoid silence and help them! Encourage constant student activity. Give children simple and logical instructions for completing tasks of any complexity. Make the most of every task.
  • Use group work: such activities are not only interesting, but also teach children to make collective decisions and develop a sense of partnership. This form of work is often used to conduct an interesting open lesson.
  • To teach interesting lessons, constantly search and find unusual and surprising facts about each topic that are not in the textbook. Surprise your students and never cease to be surprised with them!
  • Create and constantly replenish your own methodological collection of the most successful, interesting and exciting tasks and forms of work, use entertaining material in every lesson.
  • Thematic games will make lessons interesting in any classroom. The game creates a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere in the lesson, in which new knowledge is well absorbed. For example, by passing a small ball along the rows, you can arrange an active blitz poll. And role-playing games will help you conduct an interesting English lesson.

The focus is on the personality of the teacher

It is no secret that children often develop an interest in a subject thanks to the bright personality of the teacher who teaches it. What does that require?

  • Leave your fatigue, worries, and troubles outside the school door! Open up to communication with students! Children really appreciate appropriate and accessible humor in the classroom and dialogue on equal terms.
  • Behave outside the box! Go beyond the usual boundaries, because the personality and behavior of the teacher in the classroom are extremely important. Do you traditionally wear a business suit? Wear a bright sweater to your next lesson! Is energy always in full swing? Conduct the lesson in a calm manner. Do you prefer to explain new material while standing at the board? Try talking about a new topic while sitting at the table. As a result, children will follow the teacher with interest, subconsciously expecting something new and unusual from each lesson.
  • Give more interesting examples from personal experience, because a teacher, first of all, is a creative person and an extraordinary person. Vivid life examples are remembered much better than fictitious ones.

We hope that our recommendations will help teachers in preparing and conducting new, fun lessons. Remember that the desire for personal and professional self-improvement is the basis of successful and effective teaching activities, the guarantee that each new lesson will be interesting.

If you start to regret the past, remember: nothing in our lives happens without a reason.

Everything that happens in our lives is not accidental. Change helps us realize that we cannot control absolutely everything. And is it necessary? Everything that happens to us is part of a long chain of events called life.

People come into our lives for a reason, too. They help us learn the most important lessons.

Do you regret wasting your best years on a relationship that didn’t lead to anything good? You need to realize that this painful, negative experience was necessary for you. He changed you.

These experiences helped shape you into who you are today. And today youthe best version of yourself yesterday. You have become wiser and stronger.

Every person we meet is destined to leave a mark. Friends, colleagues and partners - they all contribute to our personal growth and development. Even if you were not close, the person still played a role in your life.

Not to mention those who caused you suffering and destroyed your dreams. They come into our lives for a reason. You can deny this fact. You may regret that you ever met and started a relationship with this or that person. But you must admit, they are the ones who made you who you are. The way you wanted to be.

With every new acquaintance our lives change in one way or another.

Someone is destined to come into our lives to inspire us to great achievements, help us become stronger and prepare us for the difficult challenges ahead.

Some of these people will remain in our lives forever, while others will not stay in it for long. Some of these people may simply be a messenger. We won’t even have time to blink before this person disappears from our path.

Someone is destined to come into our lives in order to destroy everything that we have and everything that we have created. These people cause suffering and wounds that never fully heal. But it is thanks to these people that we learn to rise from the ashes. The pain and suffering we experience brings changes to our lives.

You can't just pretend that these people didn't exist. Even though we don't like it, we have to give them credit. They contributed to our growth and development.

There are also people who come into our lives when we least expect it. These people help to regain lost hope. They restore our faith in true love. They are the light that illuminates the path even in the darkest times.

The next time you start to regret something that happened in the past, remember: nothing in our lives happens without a reason.

The decision you once made was the right one. At that moment it was correct. The person who came into your life at that time did not come by chance. This is your experience. Someone teaches us, and someone helps and supports us.

Translation articles - via

Ecology of consciousness: Psychology. Friends' marriages are falling apart. Strong and solid, they fall like houses of cards. Divorces bring out the worst in people.

I'm quitting...

Friends' marriages are falling apart. Strong and solid, they fall like houses of cards. The reasons are vague and not obvious, especially to their mothers. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t hit, carries money, loves children, what else do you need?

Yes, what? How to explain?

Divorces bring out the worst in people. The most generous people become stingy, the kindest become ruthless, the quietest people shout and break dishes. The days become clumsy as jelly, they flow slowly and evilly. And in the morning you were already tired of this day, flooded with disappointment in the one you loved for many years.

The friends have changed a lot, even outwardly, right before our eyes. One lost 12 kilograms and cut her hair into a bob. The second one, on the contrary, became rounder, had rosy cheeks, and began to look very good. Out of spite for everyone.

Stress hit me from different directions, but it hit me.

We didn't plan a meeting between the three of us. It happened by chance. But when they met... I was amazed at how in tune women are in pain, how they coincide in sensations.

Both are over the abyss in lies.

Both are in some kind of black and white movie that doesn’t seem to be with them...

Two different stories with the same ending.

How important it is to understand that divorce is a happy ending, how important it is to stop dragging the past into the present, because the past has grown and changed and essentially no longer exists.

I introduced two friends who are going through a divorce. And she left. I think they didn't notice, caught up in the discovery that their pain was not unique...

I dedicate this text to Vika and Alina.
I love you very much, girls.
And I support it.

You taught me lessons. But not at all what I expected.

At first you screamed and didn't apologize. I became submissive.

You interpreted submission as an awareness of your rightness.

And this is just fear.

I hid in it from the scream and listened to your throbbing pain from there.

You offended. He said hurtful words.

But these words were not about me. They were about you.

Your darts flew at me, but did not reach me. More precisely, they flew, but were mirrored back and returned to your heart.

Did it hurt. I felt sorry. You.

I won’t lie, I also felt sorry for myself. But pity for me is tears, and tears are only an indicator of an unresolved problem.

And unresolved problems need to be solved.

Abuse is psychological violence.

You were so proud that you didn't hit me.

But you beat.

And the bruises were not obvious, but these unfulfilled promises of yours, humiliating conversations when you look at the phone and not at me, cold dinners, this debilitating silence, the manipulation of my dependence on you, the leveling of my role in the family - this is also violence.

Don't let me go to my friends, don't keep promises, forget about the anniversary, don't care about my problems.... That's all it is.

That's exactly how I feel - raped. I'm ashamed and hurt. I'm bleeding. And I'm afraid that I myself provoked the rapist.

But I just don’t know what.

You wanted to show how much you did for me. And he took away what he gave.

He took it away from me so that I would be scared and realize: I am nothing without him.

But I didn’t understand.

Why submit invoices?

You gave it yourself, I didn’t ask.

You liked to give, buy, protect, pamper.

By taking away fur coats and jewelry, you don’t take away my memories of happiness, you take away my respect for you. A fur coat is fur. Every lint warmed me with your love. I already felt warm in her and you can’t take that away.

And the fact that I’ll be wearing a down jacket this winter doesn’t scare me. The only thing that scares me is that You, having lived with me for ten years, are sure that if you take away my fur coat, you can teach me a lesson.

You left to make me realize how much I've lost.

And I just tried to live without you and I liked it.

Without you is without humiliating service to your mood, without waiting for you “as long as necessary,” without the fear that you will scream simply because out there, in the big world, you were offended, andThis one, our little one, you created in order to spit out the blood here from the lips that were broken there.

I won't say a bad word to my children about you.

But what they saw was their relationship with the world and with you.

All these years I have been working as your lawyer, inventing reasons to justify your actions and feeding them to your children.

I am resigning from this position. From now on, you are responsible for your own mistakes.

And if you pushed me in front of your daughter, if you didn’t congratulate your son on his birthday, then it’s not “dad had a hard day,” but “dad is doing very badly.”

You taught me a great lesson, for which I am very grateful.

You stuck a knife in the back, and there was a chain holding the wings. And I straightened them out. I can fly. And I didn’t know this myself.

I I almost believed youwhen you said that I am empty without you.

What a big world it turns out to be around.

And before I thought that you were my big world.

Until you turned my world into a trash bag into which you threw all the waste of your mood. Oh, how grateful I am to you for your care.

You took yourself from me and wanted me to suffer. And by doing so, you gave me me, and this is the most valuable gift in my new life.

You know, it turns out that a down jacket warms better than fur.

Fur - the warm silence of small other people's deaths stitched into one canvas. And I walked wrapped in the violence you gave me.

The down jacket is made of fabric, and no one was harmed during its production. And I am wrapped in natural warmth, not built on the torment of others.

And yesterday my daughter knitted me a stunning bracelet from multi-colored threads. And it is more expensive than any of the most expensive necklaces you have ever given.

Because it’s about unconditional love, which will not end with the conductor’s wave.

And here, above the copybook in lies, I tell you with all my heart, with all sincerity: thanks for the divorce to whom. TEACH A LESSON to whom. Book Show by example; teach. Batartsev, a man accustomed to managing economic affairs from the heights of his responsible post, is taught by Potapov’s work team a lesson in a truly state approach to business, a lesson in courage and honesty(V. Samoilov. To be a citizen means to create).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Teach a lesson” is in other dictionaries:

    Teach / give a lesson- to whom. Book Show what l. to whom l. For example; teach someone F 2, 87 ...

    TEACH- TEACH, teach, teach, teach, teach, teach, teach, led. teach, past vr. taught, taught, taught, taught, absolutely. (to teach), what to whom (book rhetorician). Instructing someone in something... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    LESSON- To conduct a lesson. Pomor. Study. ZHRKP, 170. To class. Yarosl. Quickly, without rest (work). YaOS 6, 79. Teach / teach a lesson to someone. Book Show what l. to whom l. For example; teach someone F 2, 87. Nudistry lesson. Jarg. school Neglected Unloved... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    TEACH- TEACH, am, ash, ast, adim, adite, adut; odal and (colloquial) odal, odal, odal and (colloquial) odal; ah; given (an, ana and colloquial ana, ano); sovere., that (book). Inform, advise, instruct. Let me give you some advice. P. good lesson for anyone. (translated:... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    lesson- noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) what? lesson, what? lesson, (see) what? lesson, what? lesson, about what? about the lesson; What? lessons, (no) what? lessons, what? lessons, what? lessons, what? lessons, about what? about lessons 1. Lessons are tasks that... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    teach- to whom what. Teach children a good lesson. Give advice to a friend... Control Dictionary

    teach- B/C chapter see Appendix II teacher and taught 235 persons see Appendix II taught/taught/lo... Dictionary of Russian accents

    teach- I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give; teach; taught, la, lo; taught; given, a and a, o; St. What. Instructing, advising, informing, expounding. P. first ideas about the origin of life. Let me give you some advice. He was taught a good lesson... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    teach- yes/m, yes/sh, yes/st, dadi/m, dadi/te, dadu/t; teacher; taught/gave, la/, lo; prepo/given; dan, a/ and a, o; St. see also teach that Instructing, advising, informing, expounding. Teach the first pre… Dictionary of many expressions

    To whom. TEACH A LESSON TO SOMEONE. Book Show by example; teach. Batartsev, a man accustomed to managing economic affairs from the heights of his responsible post, is taught by Potapov’s work team a lesson in a truly state approach to business,... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language


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