Walkthrough of Mount Blade Warband. The most comprehensive guide to Mount & Blade: Warband

  • Bandit? No way, feudal lord!
  • The horse as a powerful argument
  • Where to go, under whose protection to surrender?
  • Hay is straw!
  • It's fun to die in company

“Nice little bandage,” he thought. “Oh, if it weren’t for politics, I would create such a gansa and move to the borderlands, rob, rape, kill and burn... To feel young again... Oh, if it weren’t for politics!”

Andrzej Sapkowski, "Tower of the Swallow"

Mount & Blade is an unusual game. The hero here is not at all the savior of humanity, and, by and large, it was humanity itself that sneezed at him from the high dungeon. There are us, there are no us - merchant caravans will still crawl slowly about their business, peasants will travel with caution between town and country, kings and lords will go around their possessions, besiege and defend castles and cities, and those who love easy pickings, as usual , rob the weak and escape from the strong. Our goal, regardless of the chosen path, is simple and unpretentious - to get from rags to riches. Or even to become a king... Mm, well, can we dream?

It’s up to you to decide who you want to be; circumstances can only make the task more difficult or easier. You can remain a free shooter and destroy bandits, or, on the contrary, take the slippery slope of robbery. The smartest move is to submit to the banners of one of the five kings, first as a simple mercenary, and then swearing an oath of allegiance to the overlord, although this does not exhaust the options for the game biography. And everything would be fine, but the principle of “entertain yourself” is not always good. A final goal wouldn't hurt either.

IN game world There is only one magic - the magic of money. Soldiers want to receive their sweat and blood-earned pay every week, and as their abilities increase and their equipment improves, the amount increases significantly. Maintaining a large army of scarred warriors costs the leader a pretty penny. You can get hard cash by selling trophies in cities and selling prisoners to galleys. The village brings in a good income, but you still need to get it. Those who choose the path of a merchant will be able to feed only a small detachment.

What about fireballs and other special effects? But they are not in Calradia! A completely earthly Middle Ages and no miracles. The period, however, is difficult to determine - here the Anglo-Saxon culture of the tenth century cheekily coexists with the Italian cities of the Renaissance.

As in life, peoples sometimes live peacefully with each other, but more often, of course, they fight. As arguments, everything invented by mankind at that time is used: clubs, swords, bows, axes, spears... Everyone can choose a weapon according to their hand - both those who like to keep their distance and those who prefer close, maneuverable combat. The defense is not far behind, you can wear anything from quilted armor to three-quarter armor. However, the more weight is placed on the hero, the slower he moves. If you get carried away, instead of a serious fighter you can turn into a barely crawling tin can!

Walk the horse, walk the horse!

The basics of the combat system are intuitive. We can chop - and if the weapon allows, then also stab - from the right, left or from above; We defend ourselves by exposing a weapon or shield to attack. Subtleties are learned in the process. For example, the inertia of the run-up will give your blow additional force, and the spear in the hands of the rider turns into an extremely powerful argument. In addition, the horse can be used like a bowling ball - point it at the foot soldiers, they will scatter like pins.

Learning how to use a bow or crossbow is a little more difficult - the arrow does not fly at the speed of a bullet and is subject to gravity. But the ability to make adjustments for the range and speed of the victim will come quite quickly.

It is better to meet the enemy on a hillock. Let him climb under our arrows!

Sir John Backsworth gathered a thousand Nordic archers on a campaign...

The battle is not only a crazy slashing, but also a series of tactical decisions of the commander. Send your infantry to that hill over there and wait until the archers thin out the enemy ranks, or attack right away? Pull the cavalry aside for a subsequent flank attack? At what point should you unleash all your forces on the enemy? The cost of each such decision is the amount of allied losses.

The composition of the army is already part of the victory. Cavalry is strong in an open field, but on hilly terrain it loses some of its advantages, and a meeting with a dense formation of infantry or, especially, spearmen in such a situation will be fatal for it. Archers are good as long as the enemy doesn't get too close. True, they also have broadswords, but this is of no use except to make the enemy laugh... The infantry inspires respect even without support, but victory will cost too much blood - some will die from enemy arrows, others will be trampled by horses.

There is only one way out - a combination of different types of troops in one army. Ideally, you should select troops for a specific enemy, but this is not always possible, and it is completely unrealistic to control the first castle.

Hay is straw!

Gaining levels traditionally gives us the opportunity to become stronger, more agile and sharper, and we choose which skills to learn ourselves. The list is extensive, the bush of combinations is tall and spreading. Some of the skills affect the entire party - fast movement, healing wounds, tactical advantage in battle... These tasks can be left to your companions. They develop in exactly the same way as the main character, only slower - and they are not able to crush enemies as effectively.

The greenhorn recruits recruited in the villages during their travels also receive new stripes and sooner or later turn into veterans, but the path to the heights of skill lies through three or four promotions. At some stages you need to assign a fighter to infantry, cavalry or riflemen. After such a difficult upbringing, you begin to appreciate all your warriors, together and separately...

You can, however, not be bothered by raising an army, but simply purchase the services of mercenaries in taverns - it’s expensive, but good troops are immediately available. But their death hits hard on the pocket - paying salaries regularly is much more profitable than hiring new ones over and over again.

Mount & Blade falls somewhat short of the epic game - the bias in fighting and the remaining points are frankly poorly developed. But it doesn’t get any worse - it’s a full-fledged role-playing game, wildly dynamic, with a very original concept and an elegant combat system.

the freedom of actionrepetitive tasks, no ending; sometimes the player has to entertain himself
Graphic arts
animationoutdated picture
Game world
living world, countries and their relationships, stories of fellow travelersNo
combat, movementminor interface flaws, some actions lead to dead ends

Where do they accept seniors?

Deliver me, God, from friends, I will somehow get rid of enemies myself...

Attributed to Cardinal Richelieu

Regardless of the initial choice, our hero appears in the world alone, unknown and with almost no money. To begin with, we will choose small groups of robbers (looters), we still cannot cope with someone more biting. Having dressed up and armed ourselves more decently, we switch to forest and mountain bandits. You can try to chase their steppe bandits, but horse archers will make you sweat, even if Khergits have signed up for our army.

Having pumped up your muscles, you can take on the most serious opponents - sea riders. With them we will gain not only experience, but also decent equipment for the average period of the game.

Advice: If you see some lord fighting bandits, join the party without waiting for an invitation. This will raise your reputation in the eyes of the warlike feudal lord, and in his country they will begin to treat you warmer.

For each battle, the character receives a bit of fame (renown), unless, of course, the victory was too easy. Fame, which is funny but logical, increases the size of our squad - by one person for twenty-five points. When enough of it has accumulated, it will be possible to hire a service to some ruler. Be careful, relations with all the states with which the overlord is at war will deteriorate to minus forty! The mercenary's bread is fresh, and his weekly salary is meager, so he will have to earn his own money for butter and sausage.

The next step is the vassal oath. This requires three things that can be easily expressed mathematically. Multiply your reputation in the country by your reputation in the eyes of the ruler personally and add fame. If the resulting number is more than one hundred and sixty, you can proudly call yourself senor. In exchange for a weekly bag of gold, you will be given ownership of a village, but bad luck - relations with its former owner will deteriorate.

In recognition of my considerable merits, I was asked to choose a coat of arms. From now on it will appear on the shields and tunics of my soldiers. And, of course, on a banner proudly flying over the squad. And then I will order them to decorate the tapestries in the throne room of my castle.

It is important: If the castle or town to which our village belongs is conquered, there will be no way to return the property. If our country re-captures the settlement, it will be in the possession of the one who is given the main lands.

If the royal face on the obverse of a coin gives you heartburn, you can stand on the other side of the barricades and support one of the contenders for the throne. Thanks to your efforts, a new faction will appear on the map - the rebels. Keep in mind that a dashing reformer needs either a thick bag of money or a developed skill of persuasion - he will have to win over to his side the lords who are still imprudently loyal to His Majesty.

You can raise an uprising on your own, but it will be a very difficult and pointless war. First, you will have to accumulate a huge fortune - you will need a serious army, including a hired one - and earn high fame to increase the size of your squad. At least scrape together a hundred thousand and a detachment of about a hundred people for the first time.

You will also need good relations with several villages - take care of completing the tasks there in advance. A high “mentor” skill will also be needed to quickly train troops. Then we free ourselves from the vassal oath and establish relations with all countries, with the exception of the future victim. Subsequently, this will be impossible to do - kings do not negotiate with upstarts and parvenus.

All that remains is a little - to single-handedly destroy the enemy’s army of thousands, because it will not be possible to lure other feudal lords to your side. After capturing all the enemy's cities and castles and destroying all of their units, the enemy will disappear from the map... and that will be the end of it. There will be no coronation; for the whole world we will remain rebels.

This is a bug: if you conquer all the cities and castles of the state and only after that take on the challenger’s task, it will turn out to be impossible due to the absence of lords on the map.

If you don’t care about all this politics, you can put together a small gansa and, without further ado, plunder caravans and villages. Convinced pacifists will also find something to do - trade. But, paradoxically, you won’t earn much from it, and the reason for this is... lack of money among merchants. It will not be possible to resell more than a couple of units of expensive goods, such as spices. If you want to make good money, become a regular at tournaments and bet on yourself. True, all you need here is just a little - learn to win...

Commanding a squad in battle

1, 5 — select all.

2 - select infantry.

3 - select archers.

4 - choose cavalry.

F1 - hold position (troops only hit nearby enemies).

F2 - follow the commander.

F3 - attack! (the command is active by default after the start of the battle)

F4 - dismount/mount horses.

F6 - move forward ten steps.

F7 - move back ten steps.

F8 - tight formation.

F9 - sparse mode (default)

F11 - use only stun weapons.

Baron Germont went to war...

A real war - and I have seen several real wars - from the point of view of order and organization, is surprisingly similar to a brothel engulfed in fire.

Dandelion, “Half a Century of Poetry”

It is possible to do without battles, but it is difficult - since in skirmishes we mainly gain experience, and besides, we came here precisely to fight. Merchants generally don’t need the subtleties of horse combat, don’t you agree? You can quench your thirst for blood and amuse your natural aggressiveness either in war or in a tournament.

Battle in the field. Well, in the field - this is rather conditional; a battle can be started in the middle of a steppe as flat as a table, or in the mountains. Trees make shooting difficult, and rivers slow down progress. The number of participants depends on the size of the armies of the warring parties, including all surrounding sympathizers of a particular cause, and the tactical skills of the commanders. If we fight side by side with our allies, they control their troops independently and, I must say, sometimes quite stupidly.

We wait until the siege tower is rolled up to the wall. We can only hope that the archers will comb our ranks with a not too fine comb.

Storming the castles. The first step is to besiege the castle. Usually there are about one and a half hundred defenders, so don’t get down to business right away or look for garrisons that are understaffed after the last assault. Theoretically, you can wait thirty game days until the garrison, starved of crackers and corned beef, surrenders on its own, but this is difficult to implement. You yourself will need serious supplies of provisions in your inventory, and from time to time your allies will be annoyed by the allies of the besieged.

The second way out is to storm. First build a siege ladder (quickly) or a tower (more than ten times longer), the type of equipment for each point on the map is fixed. Then offer the besieged a choice - surrender on pain of death or release on their word of honor. If they don’t leave the castle, it’s their own fault.

It’s easier with a ladder - it’s already there, and the troops will only have to climb up to clash with the enemy; in this case, naturally, the attackers will be fired at from the flanks and pelted with darts. The tower still needs to be rolled up, so the mortality rate of soldiers during the preparatory stage is much higher. During an assault, we always control all available troops - both our own and those of others - unlike a battle in the field.

Assault on cities. Much more difficult than storming castles, since the number of garrisons can exceed three hundred people. It remains to either attack in waves and over and over again elite troops put, or, being a vassal, hope for the help of other countrymen lords.

The assault here takes place in three stages. In the first, the defenders place an army in front of the walls. In fact, this is an ordinary field kneading, but on a very limited patch of land - the troops are literally face to face. The second stage - the actual assault and capture of the walls - is the most massive and very bloody. The third and fourth - the battle on the city streets and in the castle; in both cases there are usually about a dozen fighters.

Advice: take care of yourself, especially in the second stage, so as not to lose the battle on the third or fourth because of one thrown stone.

Defense of castles and cities. Rarely, but it happens. There is no point in waiting inside; it is better to break through to help the defenders. Everything happens exactly the opposite - our soldiers are above, the enemies are storming below. It’s difficult to say what the defense of the city looks like, since I have never been in such a situation.

Gladiator fights. Let's leave the war and move on to the favorite activity of every self-respecting knight - tournaments. Although this is too loud a name for this competition. The initial conditions are simple: the player in his underwear and with whatever God sends in his hand is thrown into the arena. If five of the same hungry people win, you get a skinny bag of reward in your teeth. If you manage to manage ten, the bag will become pleasantly thick, and if you manage to fit all twenty, the super prize of two hundred and fifty dinars is yours.

In a word, at the beginning of the game, as I already said, this is a good way to make money, but the picture is spoiled by archers - they chew off precious health too quickly and with impunity, and if you get a bow, you won’t last long either.

The fight for the lady's honor takes place in the tournament arena, but we fight in combat gear. A shameful defeat awaits you, Mr. Impudent!

On a note: in the arena the character has the same health as he had at the start of the tournament battle, and he will be with this after victory or defeat. A healthy character naturally has a better chance of winning.

Big knockout tournaments. Full-fledged tournaments are held quite regularly in various cities. To win, you need to win six fights. It’s difficult to guess what they will be; you may get three teams of five people or two teams of two. And only in the last round you will always go head to head. The equipment is unified and depends on the city where the tournament is held: the Khergits will all be on horses and with darts or bows, the Nords love shields and axes, and so on. The only ones that stand out from the beautifully balanced picture are the Vaegirs - they have both pure archers and melee fighters with shields. I’ll say right away that the former cannot stand alone against the latter.

Before each round, you can bet on yourself from ten to one hundred dinars, but the further we move through the stages, the smaller the margin on the bet will be. Winnings are awarded only in case of victory. In addition, the attitude of the townspeople towards you will improve and your fame will increase slightly.

Fight for a lady's honor. Occasionally, one of the court ladies, blushing sweetly, instructs us to deal with the lord who is spreading rumors about her according to knightly concepts. If the matter cannot be resolved peacefully, the action is transferred to the city arena, but the opponents enter the field in their full combat gear, and not in tournament gear. Lady's honor - it's not a mosquito sneezing on you!

My dear Calradia is wide...

In between battles, we move around the map of Calradia. The speed of the squad decreases with the growth of its number, the total weight of items in the inventory and the number of prisoners, and increases thanks to the “pathfinding” skill of one of the characters in the group and spare horses. The higher the speed, the greater the chances of catching up with someone or, conversely, making a tactical retreat. Well, that is, to escape, in other words.

Am I a soldier or a cowboy?! But you still have to drive the cows...

On your travels you can visit villages, castles and cities. Each settlement belongs to one of the five countries and, most often, to one of the lords.

Villages - the smallest and most numerous settlements. Here you can hire recruits from one of the five nations, buy provisions and some goods, meet with the headman - or, if you like lawless entertainment, steal cows or rob residents. The number of recruits directly depends on the attitude of the settlers towards our character - the higher it is, the more there are at a time. This is important in the later stages of the game when losses are high. If the village belongs to us, it brings money and several buildings can be built in it - more, however, for the surroundings than for the useful ones. The village of an enemy nation can be plundered. The reward is not bad, but relations with the residents, the country and the feudal owner will worsen.

On a note: the nationality of the peasants remains the same, no matter how many times the village changes lord.

Locks. In a friendly castle you can relax for a small amount of money (wow, hospitality for reasonable money! Although, on the other hand, not every moneybag can afford to support such a crowd), and in the lord’s hall you can meet with the characters who are visiting there. If the castle is ours, we can leave part of the troops here - that’s what it’s for, the garrison goes beyond the limit on the number of troops. It becomes possible to form armies for a specific enemy. The castle almost always belongs to one village, which also comes under our control. It brings money, but very little, and there are only two improvements - a dungeon and Courier service. Nice set, makes you think...

Cities - as usual, centers of progress and civilization. Be sure to visit the main Cultural Center- tavern. There you can meet new characters who want to join our banners, hire a squad of adventurers, meet a slave trader or a bookseller, and raise the bartender’s reputation in the city (I wonder how? Should I give wine to everyone present or tell some clever gossip?).

In the arena, those who wish can take part in gladiator fights. There are four merchants hanging around the market square - you can get weapons, armor, horses and... let's say, other goods from them. You can visit the city residence of the lord and talk with the nobles present in the city. And if you walk around the city, there is a chance you will stumble upon something interesting - a prison where important prisoners are kept.

Sometimes a big tournament is held in the city - a separate line appears in the menu for it. If a player works as a city ruler, a city management menu will be added (with the same two buildings as the castle) and the ability to leave a garrison.

While my troops are breaking through, we will help them by taking out the shooters on the tower.

This is interesting: In the Buluga castle, a real skeleton sits at a high table. Either the current owner was so fond of drinking with the previous one, or this bony evidence was left specifically for the edification of too arrogant guests.

The morale of your soldiers must always be kept at an acceptable level - at least above average. If it falls, people will begin to disperse little by little. The leadership of the commander and the diversity of the diet have a positive effect on the minds and mood of his comrades; the growth of the detachment and the lack of provisions have a negative impact. Gentlemen, you can’t fight much on an empty stomach, that’s an axiom. There is also a variable factor - the influence of recent events. If you have just won a series of brilliant victories, your squad will fly with joy, as if on wings, and vice versa. Over time, what is happening is “forgotten” and morale, so to speak, returns to a neutral level.

What is worth doing on long evenings during sieges is reading. Some of them increase characteristics and skills, while others should be carried in your inventory to improve skills. You can buy them from the bookseller in the tavern.

Very nice, Khan!

The whole world is divided between five large states, whose armies are strong and numerous. They are not particularly peaceful; the country is almost always at war with one or two opponents, or even with all of them at once. The status in most cases is determined at the start of the game, and during the game a truce or declaration of war rarely occurs. The attitude towards the player's squad depends on the reputation - if it is negative, expect guests armed to the teeth.

There are also troops roaming around the map without a specific nationality. Some are neutral towards countries and the player and only fight bandits. Human hunters do so on their own initiative, but refugees don’t have much of a choice. All other “no man’s” units are aggressive, they are trash of all stripes, from lowly robbers to high-level deserters.

Khergit Khanate

The Khergits are most similar to the Mongols. Their army consists entirely of cavalry, only some recruits do not have horses, and almost all fighters, in addition to melee weapons, are armed with either bows or javelins. But even the best Khergit soldiers are less armed and protected than the elite of other powers - such is the price for maneuverability. For obvious reasons, these guys are good on a battlefield that's as flat as the autobahn; hills negate their advantage. They are not suitable for assault due to their weak security, but for defense, where shooters have all the advantages, they are suitable.

The map was decorated with bloody scarlet strokes - it had begun Civil War in the Khergit Khanate.

Kingdom of the Nords

The prototype of the Nords was the peoples of Scandinavia. Their heavy infantry, the Huscarls, are the best in the game. Nord soldiers are most often armed with one-handed weapons and a shield, sometimes they use two-handed axes, and at the last stages they add throwing weapons to their arsenal. In addition to infantry, they can also be trained as archers, albeit of an average caliber. There is no cavalry at all, as well as spearmen capable of resisting it, so in an open field the army of the Nords will experience some difficulties, especially hard against countries famous for their cavalry. But when storming castles and cities, Nords are indispensable.

Kingdom of Rodok

But here we have guests from a later time - Rodok clearly comes from Italian cities of the Renaissance. Their armies, like the Nords, have two branches of development, but their infantry - spearmen, not swordsmen - are better at resisting cavalry than enemy foot troops. There are also crossbowmen who shoot rarely, but it hurts. All troops are equipped with large pavez shields, which can only be used on foot. The horses were spared for the Rodok armed forces.

It may seem that this faction is weaker than others, but in fact, its soldiers can do a little bit of everything, they just need to be used correctly. If there is cavalry against you, tell the soldiers to take the nearest hill and close ranks; let the infantry be destroyed by the crossbowmen as they approach, and just attack the shooters without any fuss. For a siege, you should only take crossbowmen; spears will not help you there.


One of the two original playable factions. The image is clearly a collective one, the prototype was European armies. In this kingdom there was a place for all types of troops - infantry, cavalry, and crossbowmen. The Swadian knights are the best cavalry in the game, but you won’t be victorious with them alone. So train everyone.


The second state that appeared in the vastness of Calradia in the very first versions of the game. Probably some of the inhabitants of Svadiya emigrated there. And although they replaced the European setting with a Slavic one, the tastes in terms of recruiting troops remained almost the same - heavy cavalry, infantry and archers instead of crossbowmen. But don’t be in a hurry to be disappointed - Vaegir shooters are famous throughout Calradia for their characteristics and equipment, and also perform well in the defense of castles. When fighting on green plains, they are also worth using, especially if there is some hill nearby.

This is for you, this is for me, this is for me again...

For defeating enemies and completing tasks, the character gains experience, and after gaining a certain amount of experience, the “age” counter increases by one. Naturally, the further you go, the more you need to work to improve yourself. With each level, the character gains one stat point, one skill point, and ten weapon proficiency points.

On a note: The twentieth level is gained quite quickly, but further progress is much slower.


Sometimes his comrades are forced to be frank. If you're bored, you can pass the time by listening to stories from them. past life.

Characteristics are the basic parameters of a character; everything else directly or indirectly depends on them.

Strength. Each point adds one point of health, and many types of armor and weapons are not available to very weak players. It’s the latter that we need to proceed from - for any object in the game, a strength value of eleven is sufficient, but for an even count and the development of skills, you can increase it to twelve. You can go higher - this will have a beneficial effect on the damage you deal, but it will be to the detriment of other characteristics.

Agility. Each point invested in the characteristic increases the speed of the weapon by half a percent and adds five points to the skills related to weapon mastery. Minimum requirement for a cavalryman - good horses require high skill! - twelve. There are no such strict requirements for infantry, but even here the higher the better.

Intelligence. Each point invested in this characteristic gives another one to increase your skills, and almost half of your skills depend on it. Intelligence is perhaps the main weapon of a commander, invest in it to the maximum.

Charisma. The second most important characteristic. Most characters are needed for the sole purpose of increasing the size of the squad (each point increases its size by one), but the further you go, the weaker the effect. But for the charming merchant prices will become more profitable, and the search for goods will be much easier.


Skills make the difference between characters. There are a lot of them, there won’t be enough points for them all, you’ll have to choose a specialization. But it’s not entirely narrow, since you won’t be allowed to develop one or two skills indefinitely - the upper limit depends on the characteristics associated with them: for every three points in a characteristic, a skill can be raised by only one.

Personal skills affect only one character, be it the main character, his fellow travelers or soldiers. They are usually classified as combat weapons. Group, such as movement or construction, for the entire squad at once. It’s better to develop them from your comrades. Skill leader similar to personal ones, but only matters for our gaming incarnation.

It is important: group skills do not work if the hero possessing them is seriously injured.

Ironflesh, personal, force. Each level increases health points by two. This is not much, the average value for a character is forty-five, but good health has never bothered anyone.

Power Strike, personal, force. One of the most important skills for any fighter is that each point invested increases the damage inflicted by non-range weapons by eight percent. But this enhancement does not apply to a ramming blow; the weight of the horse still matters there.

Power Throw, personal, force. The effect is similar to the previous one, but the enhancement applies to all throwing weapons and adds ten percent damage per level. In addition, a certain level of skill is required in order to use the best examples of throwing weapons. In general, the value is low; throwing axes and darts are not very useful in battle due to the small number of them in a bundle.

At the tournament, teams are selected randomly. This time we dressed in blue.

Power Draw, personal, force. Another analogue, but necessary for using bows. The advantages are even stronger - for each level there is fourteen percent increase in damage. If you live among nomads, it is mandatory to develop it; for others, it is optional.

Weapon Mastery, personal, dexterity. The initial level for the development of weapon skills, which you can rise to by investing the appropriate points, is sixty. Each skill level increases the limit by forty. It makes sense to study up to the second level, because the further you go, the higher the cost of growth. And no one canceled natural growth during use.

Shield, personal, agility. Reduces the damage from a blow received on the shield by eight percent, increases the “speed” of the shield and the area it protects. Another important skill is that the shield shatters during battle, and it’s better to happen late than early.

Athletics, personal, dexterity. Increases the speed of a character moving on his own two feet. Useful in two cases - with active participation in tournaments, where most fights are on foot, and with too aggressive single attacks, when the horse can be killed. Although the latter becomes irrelevant over time - horses in heavy armor rarely die.

Riding, personal, agility. Another key skill - the ability to ride a particular horse depends on it; the required value can be up to six. It also increases the speed of movement on horseback, which is important.

Horse Archery, personal, agility. Responsible for the accuracy of shooting from crossbows and bows from a horse in motion. At a low value, the sight “diverges” and accuracy decreases; at an increase, the spread decreases.

Looting, group, agility. Each level gives ten percent above the loot, and the loot increases not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively.

Trainer, personal, intelligence. And here is the number one skill in the entire game - each hero gives experience to each character in the party below him. The number depends on the level - 4, 10, 16, 23, 30, 38, 46, 55, 65, 80. The effect comes from each hero in the group - there will be five of them, all five of them will share experience.

Advice: It makes sense to develop the skill for all characters from the eleventh level in order to train not only recruits, but also second-level troops.

Reading traces (Tracking), group, intelligence. The first level, without much detail, shows traces of the movement of groups on the map, the second gives information about the number and time of passage. Further development of the skill is meaningless.

Tactics, group, intelligence. A very specific skill, its effectiveness depends on the size of the battle and the size of the units. If the second exceeds the first, not full armies fight, but parts of them. In this case, the numbers are compared, on the basis of this the advantage is calculated, and then groups of troops are deployed (the rest come in waves of reinforcements). It’s tactics that influence your advantage: every two points in a skill increases it by one.

On a note: when splitting up an army, the troops from the top of the list are deployed first, the rest arrive in order of location.

Path-finding, group, intelligence. The second most important skill is that the group's speed increases by three percent per level. Few? At one time - yes, but several points will give a noticeable increase. And this is an opportunity to catch up with the enemy or get away from him.

Spotting, group, intelligence. The group's vision radius increases by ten percent per level. Useful, but not the first thing.

Inventory packaging (Inventory Management),leadership skill, intelligence. Inventory capacity increases by six cells (base size - thirty). It is purchased as needed, but practice shows that there are not enough initial ones to store loot, food for troops and spare horses.

My troops are already on the wall, but from the gloomy faces of the soldiers it is clear that victory is still far away.

Wound Treatment, group, intelligence. The party's healing rate increases by twenty percent per level. The benefits are invaluable, unless you intend to create a squadron of “Combat Prostheses”...

Surgery, group, intelligence. And here’s another candidate for leadership among skills - each level gives a four percent chance that the fighter’s wounds will be non-lethal and after healing he will get back into action rather than try on a wooden suit. Perhaps this is the only group skill that makes sense to develop in the main character, since he is significantly ahead of his teammates in levels.

First Aid, group, intelligence. Immediately after the battle, heroes restore five percent of their health for each level. Such a medical orderly should be kept at the very tail of the squad so that he appears on the field as rarely as possible. However, this applies to all doctors.

Engineer, group, intelligence. Having a character with this skill in your squad reduces the time it takes to build siege ladders and towers during assaults on castles and cities, and also reduces the time and cost of constructing improvement buildings in your possessions.

Persuasion, personal, charm. Necessary when playing on the side of a pretender to the throne, in order to lure other vassals of the king, or during the “making peace” task. It will also come in handy in more prosaic situations - when completing a quest to repay a debt (you can reduce the amount of the deposit) and recruiting soldiers from among prisoners.

Prisoner Management, leader skill, charm. Each level increases maximum amount five prisoners. Three levels are more than enough, a yasyr rarely has more than fifteen people, and two are enough to complete tasks.

Leadership,leader skill, charm. Each skill level increases the squad size by three people, increases morale and reduces the cost of maintaining troops by five percent. The latter is especially important - the final troops of all factions are expensive.

Trade, group, charm. Each level reduces the penalty on prices when trading by five percent, that is, the fork when buying and selling becomes narrower, and selling trophies becomes more profitable. In addition, it affects the speed of searching prices in cities for profitable trade in goods.

Weapon Proficiency

When shooting from a bow, we give advance movement and correction for range. It sounds complicated, but after a while the prospect of shooting from fifty meters will not make you shudder.

It affects, as you might guess, the effectiveness of using a particular type of weapon. You can develop by investing the appropriate points, but only up to a certain limit. Initially, the value is sixty, but can be increased by developing the “weapon mastery” skill. Higher is also possible, but in a natural way, skills grow with use. But in both cases, progress slows down over time.

One-Handed Weapon. Everything that can be held in one hand, but is not a pole weapon - swords, axes, clubs and varieties of the above. It is preferable to use a two-handed weapon, since using a shield gives a huge advantage to survivability in battle.

Two-Handed Weapon. The same swords, axes and clubs, only held in both hands.

On a note: Some types of swords can be one-handed or two-handed, depending on the presence of a shield in the left hand. The skill with weapons also changes.

Polearm. This includes spears, staves and all types of halberds. They can be either one-handed or two-handed. However, there are exceptions - some light spears are considered one-handed weapons. For a cavalryman using a ramming attack, the skill grows very quickly, but to begin with, you can invest a certain amount of points.

Archery. Affects the use of only one type of weapon - the bow. To develop or not is a matter of play style.

Crossbows. The same, only for crossbows. Develop as desired.

Throwing. This category includes all types of throwing weapons - knives, axes, darts. Since all this is extremely ineffective in combat, there is no point in developing the branch.

Is the helmet on the wrong head, the sword in the wrong hands?

To prevent this from happening, dress yourself and dress your comrades correctly. This is done in the same way as in most games - with the help of a “doll”. The armor cells are fixed, each fragment protects its own part of the body. The helmet covers the head, the armor covers the torso (and many examples also cover the legs), shoes naturally cover only the legs, but gloves for some reason add protection to the torso.

But four cells are allocated for weapons, which we can arrange as we please. Everything fits here - swords, a crossbow and bolts for it, shields... This is already room for tactics: you can take a bow and three quivers of arrows, or a sword, a spear and two shields, or in addition to the right blade, grab throwing axes. There is also a special cell for a horse. It doesn’t matter that we have a whole stud farm hidden in our inventory, you will move in battle on the chosen horse.

All items of equipment in the game, in addition to combat qualities, have weight and requirements for the character’s characteristics (the lower they are, the better). The “price” is formed by the game based on all parameters: an excellent and light thing with low requirements will cost a lot. Almost everything can be obtained in battle. Really valuable things are rarely found, but above average quality is guaranteed. For the rest you will have to visit the merchants.

A hero with a pike is enough for any enemy infantry.

Weapons, as we have already seen, are divided into six large groups, but even within one of them you can find completely different objects. Let's take, for example, a sword... and we will see that there are a whole dozen options! Do you want them to only be able to chop or also stab? Or spears. Some of them also allow you to hit the enemy with the shaft, like a club.

Let's add three types to this damagecutting, piercing And stunning (blunt). The first two cause mortal wounds, and a stunned enemy can be captured. The previously mentioned capabilities of different attacks may differ in the type of damage.

Any melee weapon has similar characteristics. It is his type - one-handed, two-handed or polearm, kinds And damage magnitude, attack speed And length. We've dealt with the first ones, let's take a closer look at the remaining ones. Speed ​​is an important parameter, but not the main one; the higher it is, the faster you throw punches and the less likely it is that you will be “interrupted,” so to speak. But the length determines from what distance you can reach the enemy and whether it is possible to remain beyond his reach. It is especially critical for a cavalryman with a spear - in a clash, the one who hits first wins, and if you have a short weapon, there is a considerable chance of running into the enemy’s pike. A ramming blow will penetrate even the best armor...

Bows And crossbows are also similar in parameters, but the former require the “tension force” skill, and the latter require the “strength” characteristic. They also have damage dealt, attack speed, although in this case it can be called rate of fire, and accuracy - the higher it is, the smaller the spread of arrows. Required for bows and crossbows arrows And bolts. They have two parameters - quantity in quiver And damage modifier. A typical pack contains thirty arrows and twenty-five bolts; The quantity may vary slightly, which will affect the price.

It is important: While on horseback, shooting from bows and crossbows to the right is impossible, since the character holds small arms in his left hand. Alas, the rule “if you want to live, you won’t get so excited” doesn’t work here.

Throwing weapons it is arranged in the simplest way - number of items(usually there are only seven of them), view And amount of damage, and attack speed.

Shields For some reason in the game it was classified as a weapon, but despite this, you won’t be able to hit someone over the head with a shield. They differ from their “brothers” in the class in that they break in battle. The parameter determines how long the shield will last under a hail of blows strength. Of no less, and perhaps even greater, importance resistance, reducing damage. If it is equal to one and a half dozen, the shield is almost always enough even for the most difficult battle. The last value is coverage area, which provides passive protection from arrows and the likelihood of repelling a blow.

On a note: A shield destroyed in battle does not disappear forever and is restored after the battle. And when thrown behind his back, he passively takes damage from arrows and throwing weapons.

WITH armor everything is very simple. There are two options − armor And strength requirements. We are gradually replacing them with the best examples, dressing ourselves and our fellow heroes from the most skilled armor makers.

Horses are like people

A good horse is not a luxury, but a necessity; a hero on foot is much less useful than a horseman. The horse is mortal - it has its own health, albeit significantly greater than that of the heroes. Protects her armor, and knightly horses are more reliable than best armor.

Value speed It is known in pursuit of horse archers, and it is not very pleasant to receive a spear in the back from a scoundrel chasing you. Maneuverability affects the horse's turning radius, and indirectly affects the number of attacks against enemies, especially infantry. The next characteristic, perhaps the most important, is swoop. The war horse, crashing into the midst of enemies, inflicts damage on them and knocks them to the ground. The higher the parameter, the less likely it is that the horse will get stuck. The best horses in the game generally cut through infantry formations like a hot knife through butter.

There is life in the old dog yet?

Some equipment will have to be kept in your inventory. Firstly, the food. The more numerous the detachment, the more it, excuse me, eats. A varied diet is the key to high morale, and if there is nothing to eat, get ready to watch sad, sour faces around you day after day. Secondly, stock up on horses to compensate for the penalties from the weight of the load. The quality of the horses does not matter; you can take the ones that are the most unavailable. Archers and crossbowmen can add to this small list spare arrows or bolts.

A cheerful company sits at the stove

Hero Level Friend Enemies Group Skills
Alayen 2 Imira Marnid, Nizar Tactics (1)
Artimenner 7 Lezalit Jeremus, Kleti Track Reading (1), Tactics (2), Engineer
(4), observation (1), trade (3)
Bakheshtur 5 Rolf Catherine, Marnid No
Borcha 3 Marnid Deshavi, Kleti Reading traces (3), finding a path (3),
observation (2)
Bunduk 9 Catherine Lezalit, Rolf Mentor (2), tactics (1),
first aid (2)
Deshawi 2 Cages Borcha, Rolf Reading traces (2), finding a path (3),
observation (3)
Firentis 6 Jeremus Catherine, Nizar Mentor (1)
Jeremus 4 Firentis Artimenner, Matheld Wound treatment (4), surgery (3),
Catherine 8 Bunduk Bakheshtur, Firentis First aid (1), trade (3)
Cages 2 Deshawi Artimenner, Borcha Reading traces (2), finding a path (2),
observation (2)
Lezalit 5 Artimenner Bunduk, Imira Mentor (4)
Marnid 1 Borcha Alayen, Bakheshtur Treatment of wounds (1), first
assistance (1), trade (3)
Mateld 7 Nizar Jeremus, Imira Tactics (1)
Nizar 3 Mateld Alayen, Firentis No
Rolf 10 Bakheshtur Bunduk, Deshawi Tactics (2), surgery (1),
first aid (1)
Imira 1 Alayen Lezalit, Mateld Wound treatment (1), surgery (1),
first aid (3), trade (3)

In addition to the nameless and faceless soldiers, there are other characters sitting in the city taverns who can be attracted to your side. This will allow you to develop group skills that affect the entire squad. In addition, heroes, like all other “famous” characters, are immortal; in battle they can only be wounded, but not killed, which will save us a lot of time. There are also disadvantages, and quite a few. Unlike soldiers, who gain experience much faster than the main character, heroes mature at a natural rate. And since they grow into adulthood, gradually killing their enemies, the pace of their maturation cannot be called fast.

Marnid is a legendary figure and appeared in one of the earliest versions of the game. Now this hero is just one of many.

On our travels we may meet sixteen different heroes. They all have their own preferences and tastes, in addition, each has a positive attitude towards one of the characters and a negative attitude towards two (the attitude is always mutual). You can gather everyone in your squad, but nothing good will come of it - squabbles will begin between hostile heroes, and someone may leave the group. However, two enemies get along well in the same company; it’s enough to ask them to shut up once. This is what the authority and personal charm of a commander means!

Some characters, with their own skills, can be useful from the very beginning, others cannot do anything at all. It must be said that professionals often have a skill that exceeds what is possible in terms of characteristics.

Advice: the lower the initial level, the easier it is to raise a suitable hero; the initial characteristics differ slightly.

As we can see from the table, the clear leaders are the engineer Artimenner and the healer Jeremus, and their conflict can be quickly hushed up. It’s worth taking Lezalit to use the “mentor” skill over time. Perhaps you should encourage someone to specialize in trading and develop charm - Marnid would be just the thing.

If you want to make heroes an important and combat-ready part of the army, choose conflict-free combinations.

Good luck on your path to the heights of fame and fortune!

The battlefields of Calradia are once again plowed by hundreds of shod hooves; knightly pikes prostrate enemies; the blades sing the sonorous song of steel; beautiful ladies praise the winner of the tournament, and proud lords in shining armor bow their heads before the new king!

But now we are not alone, and the sons of Calradia can meet face to face in battle - to find out over and over again whose ax cuts harder, whose horse gallops faster and whose helmet rattles louder...

If you haven’t played the first part, then know that you missed a very interesting game past your eyes, ears and mouse buttons. It’s not for nothing that “Corsairs” and GTA are on the list of similar projects - Mount & Blade is a great example epic game with free gameplay. First, like in a good role-playing game, we create a character, his appearance, characteristics and backstory. And then, riding a knight’s horse, we enter a fictional medieval world, devoid of religion and magic, without churches and orcs and elves. Here we fight, rustle cattle, serve the crown, recruit and become a real feudal lord. And most importantly, this is the first game where horse riding is realistically and thoroughly worked out!

What new have you brought, traveler?

At first glance, you won’t notice that anything new has appeared, except for the line “multi-user mode” in the menu. Almost the same angular graphics, the same faithful steed under the saddle, the same fearless robbers going out to cross our squad...

« Age of tournaments"is distinguished by the features of all the best original projects - the game is low-budget, and the developers focused on the gameplay, without the risk of spoiling the blankets of their horses with excessive heraldry, and the women of Calradia with chainmail and lace tops. Although in the end the game looks like an add-on, an attentive player will find a whole handful of raisins in it.

New role system will allow you to become the ruler of your own kingdom, grant lands and castles to your followers and accept noble knights as vassals. If your alter ego in the game is a man, you can win the hand of a beautiful lady. A female player is free to seduce and drag one of the unmarried lords down the aisle. Diplomacy factions have become more branched, you can threaten, bribe and deceive.

New combat system more chaotic and dynamic than the old one. We are waiting for parries, weapon blocks and changing the direction of the blow. You can now use thrown weapons in close combat and pick up any used projectiles. AI strained its electronic brains and began to behave a little more competently in battle. The soldiers do not hesitate to surround and press with numbers, and in case of great danger, they valiantly show their shining heels.

Well, the main decoration of our medieval table is the opportunity to hang on your neighbor in multi-user mode, with a hammer or a halberd... Officially, up to 64 players can face horse battles, but modifications work small miracles, and on some servers the number of participants in the bloody “banquet” reaches 128 people.

Picture dressed up in HDR and FSAA technology, characters, armor and weapons were drawn more carefully, and the assorted “drag-legs and hand-waving” were updated. The grass became thicker and the sunsets more beautiful. And with all this, the game retained low system requirements; Even on weak machines you can participate in online battles. The main thing is that the ping is good!

A sixth has joined the five familiar powers on the global map, Sarranid Sultanate, and subtly and delicately, without making almost any changes. The Sarranids live in oases in the desert, like the Kergit nomads, and prefer mounted troops. It’s a shame, but we didn’t get to see a single camel.

Kingdom at the tip of the spear

From his brother-in-law - “ With fire and sword“- the game is not different for the better. There was no meaningful campaign in it, and never appeared. Oh yes, there are more quests, and diplomacy is more branched and more complex, if we want, we’ll get married, if we want, we’ll conquer our kingdom. But where, excuse me, is the plot?! In the same " Space Rangers“We could rob or trade for our own pleasure, but at the same time there was a war going on, it was possible to solve the riddle of the Klisans or Dominators, or even simply destroy them. Time passed, technologies changed, some kind of development was felt and the denouement was approaching...

But Calradia is frozen in timelessness - states sometimes fight among themselves, castles change owners, princesses find husbands, and villages burn, set on fire by raiders. But globally nothing changes. Remember the lethargy of the opposing sides in Dawn of War: Soulstorm? If you don’t attack anyone yourself, but only make moves, then the geopolitical situation will not change one iota. One or two provinces change hands like balls, and that’s it! The world is not interactive, it waits for the player, like a bride on her wedding night, and is not capable of independent actions.

The Mongols do not invade, crusades are not declared, cities do not die out from the plague, heretics do not raise their heads, no one invents printing... A stagnant swamp, ladies and gentlemen! But nevertheless, the breath of the Middle Ages is felt in the game. A dirty, wild and cruel time, when the life of a peasant was not worth even a broken heller, when only the opinion of the feudal lord was taken into account, and then only if behind him an armed detachment meaningfully bristled with swords, arrows and pikes. When it was difficult to distinguish this feudal lord from the leader of a bandit gang...

In this world, a position in society can only be achieved with weapons in hand. Having finished chasing robbers and burning caravans, our alter ego enters the political arena. You can influence the situation directly - by helping to conclude a truce or storming the castles of neutral states - or indirectly, by making false accusations, challenging them to fights, or stealing prisoners. You can manage your possessions or enter into a dynastic marriage.

Subsequently, if you want, you can become a marshal and the right hand of the king - anyone. You can personally seize the throne and unite all of Calradia under your hand, distributing lands and castles to loyal vassals. And then consider that the game is completed for you.

Now we are a gang!

The main innovation of the game is the ability to fight a living opponent. If the enemy's behavior is unpredictable, unconventional solutions are used! But no global map, role-playing elements or management of small squads, no, no. You can choose your appearance and coat of arms, and then - only an uncompromising battle!

What is friendship of peoples? This is when the Swadians, Sarranids, Nords and Kergits go to beat the Rodoks!

In the list of servers we select one of seven battle modes. Having loaded - class, then we buy equipment for a fixed amount, and the battle begins with the start of the next round.

There are many modes, but only three of them are of cultural value. " Battle" And " Find and destroy" are good because players get one life per round of combat and act carefully. " Siege"Attracts attention because the attackers are required to take coordinated actions. All other game modes turn into an endless bloody brawl. Sometimes fights even take place at “safe” spawn points between players who have just appeared!

Coordinating efforts with allies is almost impossible - there is no voice chat, no mini-map, no breakdown by squad. During a siege, it is generally unclear what is happening on the battlefield. Yes, this is close to reality, but to storm it, to be honest, is inconvenient. The composition of the team is also impossible to see. When in Team Fortress 2 I see that our team lacks a medic or engineer, then I put aside my favorite flamethrower and pick up a syringe or adjustable wrench. And in the “Era of Tournaments” we have to wonder whether there are too many archers on our side and whether it’s time to go into the field as a spearman...

The developers kept their promise and redesigned the combat system, making it useful and effective various classes- not only horsemen, but also infantrymen and archers. The only difference between them is the uniforms offered for purchase. Horses are available only to riders, archers do not get heavy armor, but they have a wide selection small arms, like the infantrymen - melee weapons. The advantage of horsemen is further limited by the fact that during assaults and on city maps they are practically useless.

Regarding procurement equipment the rules vaguely resemble Counter-Strike - For each enemy killed, the amount for purchase in the next round increases. The player himself chooses the things that he will take with him into battle, but to equip the “asphalt skating rink”, you need to play on this server for an hour or two. And this is where the very bad dog of the multiplayer mode is buried... A good player, after playing for some time and earning a bag of gold, is so equipped that the gap with other players increases even more and it becomes almost impossible to kill him.

In principle, you can unethically rob the dead, but you will only “inherit” weapons and sometimes shields. And the class difference is felt here too - an infantryman or an archer will not be able to saddle an orphaned horse.

The second flaw is much more noticeable. In Game no ratings, achievements, list of best players, as in Battlefield. There's no way of knowing whether the green rookie or the best player this side of the channel has just put you in the mud. There are no statistics, you can’t see which weapons are more loved by players, which ones are less loved, and with which class you achieved what. Online battles, unfortunately, are just as pointless and merciless as a single-player game, devoid of plot.

Best the enemy of the good. But this is not about Mount & Blade: Age of Tournaments. An excellent role-playing game in the free world has been enriched not only with new features - we have a multiplayer mode at our service. And unencrypted resources and masses of fans will bring what the developers started to perfection.

In this short guide we will focus in detail only on what is new. We will refer the curious to the article by Konstantin Zakablukovsky, published in issue No. 11 (84) of LKI for 2008.

Blood-hungry sword in my hand

Bloodshed has become much more varied in the game, especially in fighting on foot. The blows have become directional, you can use WASD from the keyboard to set exactly how you will chop or poke the enemy. You can kick the enemy, forcing him to open up, you can fight off enemy attacks with a swing, or simply block with a weapon - however, this does not save you from arrows. False swings and feints are now a mandatory part of combat with live opponents. Only a good reaction will allow the young knight to parry the blow, especially if the shield has already fallen apart into separate boards.

The halberd has become more versatile - it can stab like a spear and chop like an ax. A heavy hammer in your hands can quickly destroy a shield, break through any block, stun and stun. A good blow can even knock your opponent down. The fallen one is open to all your blows while, groaning, he tries to get up.

The shield now only protects what it covers, so a cutting blow to the legs is great for knocking the enemy to the ground. And a shield thrown behind your back covers your back well from arrows.

Horse archers are all right, but on foot arrow place only on the castle walls. It is possible to hit decently only at short distances. A couple of arrows - and it’s time to engage in close combat.

Parrying doesn't save you from cavalry charge. When you see a horseman, it’s always easier to step aside behind a tree or stone and poke him in the side on the sly. But for the riders, in turn, with the new combat system it became easier to stab - just set the pike correctly and skillfully control the horse.

Choose your horse wisely. On a light horse, other riders will not catch up with you and you can safely poke the enemy with arrows, like a pincushion. A heavily armored stallion breaks through the formation. And if you get stuck in the infantry, take out a nimble short saber. Strikes from horseback are increasingly landing on the head, and opponents are left stacked on the ground with bloody faces...

You can dismount only by stopping the horse completely, but orders to your subordinates can be given at full gallop. But the two-level menu, hung on F1-F6, is inconvenient. Once you reach the second level of commands, you cannot go back. And you can’t make your own settings either! But you can divide the units before the battle into several groups, rename them and give them different orders during the battle. Directly Total War without getting out of the saddle...

As a result, the battle became more varied, but at the same time more chaotic and confusing. A beginner’s hand will not immediately adapt to moving and at the same time cutting in exactly the direction that was intended. For those who are accustomed to impaling enemies on a pike in " Hero stories“, here you will have to relearn.

The road to the throne

First steps

While we are young and no one recognizes us as the new emperor of all Calradia, we need to behave carefully. The local population recognizes only money, and nothing but money. Therefore, first of all, you need to get hold of some gold.

Honest earnings

How to earn money honestly without killing anyone?

Firstly, trade. The most profitable schemes:

  • buy cattle in the village, slaughter them for meat, sell them to the city;
  • buy fish and wool in the north and sell to the south;
  • buy clothes in the south and sell them to the north.

Other schemes must be developed on the spot, based on price differences. It is important not to travel the same routes over and over again.

Secondly, you can become vassal one of the kings. The monarch pays you a salary - small, but enough to feed the troops. Subsequently, for good service and fulfillment of orders, you can receive ownership of a village or even a castle, and little by little a stream of money flows from it. Besides, marriage may not be a good business, but it is profitable! It’s not so difficult to win someone’s heart - poetry, courtship, demonstrations of courage, completing tasks for relatives and other ritual dances... And the property of your soulmate will also begin to generate income.

Gangster earnings

The dishonest candidate for king in the “Age of Tournaments” has plenty of room to roam. If you catch a feudal lord on a military campaign and talk to him correctly, you can receive from him the task of collecting taxes in his village. You can dial two thousand. And, of course, no one plans to give them to the owner!

In villages you can steal livestock, slaughter it and sell the meat. Having recruited a squad of more terrible thugs, you can already rob villages and caravans. Here the income is already about five thousand per visit. The main thing is to have time to hide from retribution in the fortress of another nation...

Military earnings

A warrior does not earn as much as a bandit, but at the same time he gains experience and does not spoil relationships with anyone. You can make relatively good money from robbers. It is best to find their lair and keep watch near it. The bandit camp can be identified by a large number scurrying around the same kind of scum. If you drive right next to it, it appears on the map. By ruining it, you can also make good money. And after some time, the lair appears again - a holy place is never empty.

The second income is selling people. To do this, arm your people with stunning weapons, then by the end of the battle more wounded opponents will survive. Gathering a line connected people, find a slave trader in a tavern in the nearest city - and sell it. Knights are significantly more expensive than ordinary robbers. By the way, in the same taverns you can start a drunken fight with one of the visitors.

Royal wedding

Royal Road

How to become a king? It's not that difficult. Don’t accept vassalage from anyone, save up money, recruit soldiers, take some run-down castle by storm. If there is no opportunity for an assault, ruin relations with this faction - for example, by killing peasants. An alternative option is to find the exiled heir to the throne, swear allegiance to him, seize several possessions, appropriate all this luxury, and then sever all relations with him.

Owning your own property greatly simplifies the gameplay. The ability to collect taxes and manage your units will attract the attention of anyone! But what to do if your castle comes to besiege a good thousand enemy soldiers? To begin with, don’t lose heart, but stay strong. And then lure the lords out of the group one by one and defeat them in small detachments. If the assault has already begun, remember - cities and castles have emergency exits through which only the player can get through.


Simple recruits and city mercenaries equally grow in levels, equally require bread, cheese and cabbage for food and a couple of dozen coins to change equipment upon reaching a new level. The only difference is that mercenaries are better and much more expensive. You can also recruit troops for free - when you defeat an enemy detachment that was leading prisoners with it. Happy and immensely grateful, they joyfully join your army. In this way you can get into your army exotic troops- for example, forest bandits or ordinary farmers.

But your main assistants are still not soldiers, but heroes. You can meet them in taverns, give them a generous paw and convince them to join. Their main useful property is that they are as immortal as your alter ego. Therefore, they are constantly improving their combat skills, and they can be equipped no worse than real knights. In skills, they should be given Riding, Iron Skin, and Power Punch or Power Shot first. A horse and leather give them a good increase in health, and a cavalry pike or bow is the optimal weapon for heroic associates.

Seven fights to the death

In an online game, only players usually fight. Settings sometimes allow you not only to buy equipment, but also to hire bots. Money earned during your successful game is reset when you change map or server.

How are the game modes different? In the first five modes, dead players are revived after a short period of time, and in the last two - only at the beginning of the next round.

  • Fight to the death (deathmatch). Bloodbath as it is. Everyone is hitting everyone non-stop, the players come to life almost instantly. The one who scores the most frags in the allotted time wins.
  • Team deathmatch. Here, unlike the previous regime, we have comrades. Friendly fire is quite present, and hitting your comrades can seriously get you into trouble. The side that earns more frags wins.
  • Conquest. How in Dawn of War, in this mode the players' task is to capture and hold control points. Points are awarded for keeping flags on a point, and points are deducted for the death of one’s own or the loss of points. The team whose score reaches zero loses.
  • Capture the flag. The rules are classic - we capture the flag at the enemy base, carry it to our flag, and get a victory point. In this game mode, the advantage of cavalry is undeniable.
  • Siege. The battle, which is logical, takes place on a map with a castle. One team rolls a siege tower up to the walls, storms the castle, makes its way into the courtyard and captures a control point with a flagpole. Dead besiegers are restored after five seconds. The defenders prevent the invaders from entering the castle courtyard, but their losses are recovered only after twenty seconds. Cavalry is rarely used, and with proper play, attackers have few chances.
  • Battle. As in team battle until death, the players' task is to destroy the enemy unit, but those who die are not revived until the start of the next round. If none of the teams suffer losses for a long time, then the “King of the Hill” mode is activated. A control point appears on the map, and victory is awarded to the team that can capture and hold it.
  • Find and destroy (fight and destroy). One team protects two destructible objects - a catapult and a trebuchet, while the second team tries to break them. Players do not respawn. The round ends when both objects are destroyed, one team loses all players, or time runs out.

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Mount Blade is not a linear game, there is no specific goal in it, the player always sets the goal for himself, but it is generally accepted that conquering the entire map is the complete completion of the game. This article will describe the optimal process, in the author’s opinion, for achieving this goal. This guide is more of a collection of tips on how and what to do, there will be little specifics here, but to the maximum useful tips. We will start with the first level of the hero and the bullets in his pocket.


At the beginning, you shouldn’t spray everything and try to tear off a piece everywhere. In the beginning, you need to properly prepare for large-scale expansion. What do we need for this? Money, cool NPC heroes, the ability to lead large armies alone, a wife for the holidays. It is also important to choose the starting stats for your character wisely. Be sure to select “Artisan Apprentice” in the second option for selecting a character, and in the third “Carrier of Goods” this will give you two additional stats, but at the start what they are does not matter, but in the future you will quickly achieve the desired results. To level up, it’s optimal to make strength 15, agility 12, intelligence 12, and then pump everything into charisma, if you don’t get 27, with such charisma you will have 9 leadership, and for the 10th point, read the book “Alexen’s biography” to get the last + 1 to leadership.

You need to remember two nuances.

If you have completely defeated a faction, then leave it one possession, otherwise if you capture everything, then their lords will not be able to change faction and, more precisely, they can, but they will do it very rarely. But when only one possession remains, the lords will scatter like rats from a ship and some of them will go to you.

Second point. Since you will pursue an aggressive policy of conquest, most of your battles are castle sieges. And in sieges, cavalry is useless. Therefore, it makes more sense to pump up a lot of infantry, the best infantry. And the best infantry are the Nords. Especially when there are a lot of them, the Nords have the best shields, the best armor, and throwers that simply mow down the first ranks of the enemy. Also very important for sieges are shields and axes. Axes are shorter than swords and sabers, and the damage is no worse, so during sieges, when the ranks of infantry converge closely, the Nord infantry proves to be the best side. The same Rhodok sergeants with spears stupidly cannot swing, they do not have enough space to swing. Swadian sergeants are also good, but there is no point in pumping them up; it’s better to pump up Swadian knights. In general, for me personally, the optimal combination is: Nordic infantry, Vaegir archers and Swadian cavalry. This is also another reason to bring down the Nords first; if you let them get stronger, the sieges of their castles will turn into a living hell.


And so we managed to partially seize the territory of the Nords. How to strengthen your kingdom there was a link to the article above and everything is clearly described there and there is no point in repeating it. The main thing is to leave yourself as a marshal, because the AI ​​is extremely slow. Further, after you deal with the Nords, the Vaegirs will most likely become your enemies. They themselves will declare war on you. Vryatli by this time you will have more than a dozen lords and you are still ready for a head-on confrontation. It is also necessary to catch the Vaegir lords one by one and take them prisoner. When the quantitative advantage is on your side, then you need to seize the plots. But don’t rush to go to the border with the Kerigits, you don’t need one more potential enemy. Leave all the areas bordering the kerigites to the vegirs, and eat the core. And if possible, make peace.

That's it, you don't need to capture anything further yet. In Mount Blade there is a kind of balance of factions, and if one of the factions suddenly becomes noticeably larger in territory than the others, then all factions begin to declare war on it with only one goal - to weaken it. Therefore your the main task is to recruit as many lords as possible. You should have at least 15 pieces, preferably 20+. You have possessions, do not hesitate to distribute them to the lords, for yourself it is best to leave 3-5 cities in different parts cards, and then to have quick access to the pre-recruited recruits sitting there. You will remain a marshal, so it is better to convene the lords during campaigns, but even if you have a better relationship with everyone, then everyone will hardly come running to your call, usually 4 out of 5 lords come.

Relations with lords are difficult to maintain at a high level when there are so many of these lords. But there are ways to improve them. It's holidays and fighting together. With the help of holidays, everything is clear here. talk to your Wife and have a party. During the holiday, talk to each lord present, this will raise the ratio by 1, so at the end everyone will receive from 2 to 4 in plus relationships. You can also increase your relationship by fighting together with lords. After any battle, relations increase by 1 point with each lord. BUT, if you are a marshal, then relations do not always improve, but if the marshal is someone else, then it always does. Therefore, if you have bad relations with the lords, then it makes sense to put someone else as a marshal, and at the same time run with the middle cavalry detachment yourself, so that you have the opportunity to catch up with any detachment and fight together more often. Also, if you declare war without reason, then relations will worsen, but if you respond to a provocation, then relations will increase by 3.


Once you have captured the territory of the Nords and part of the Vaegirs, there is no need to capture anything else until you have enough lords and you have good relations with all of them. The best is from 20, and the number of lords is also around 25-30. It doesn't even make sense anymore. You simply cannot please everyone, and your relationship with them will not be very good, but with 25 lords it is quite possible to balance, although it will be difficult.

There is not much point in writing further. You will still be able to fight haphazardly, because they themselves will declare war on you. But it’s worth remembering one thing, choose one faction and hammer it until you destroy it, and don’t put up with it under any circumstances, but you can put up with the rest. And so on in turn. Taking a bite from everyone and making peace is a very hemorrhagic option, because you will give the factions a chance to recover, and therefore it will be more difficult to fight. And so you need to destroy each faction in a chain. But in between such blitzkriegs, take a break to improve relations with the lords with the help of holidays, because during the distribution of allotments, relations will deteriorate. You can spend 4 holidays in a month, and that’s at least +12 with everyone in a relationship.

That's basically all the advice about passing mount & blade, then everything depends on you.


Ev_Reshif, one of the first players Mount & Blade with Fire and Sword, an active member of the Sich community, shares his experience in completing tasks in the initial stage of the game

So, the main character (GG) enters the huge world of Mount & Blade, living its own life, full of dangers and adventures, with Fire and Sword. The first character the GG met was Chevalier Jacques de Clermont, a rather interesting and extraordinary personality. You shouldn’t refuse a conversation with a Frenchman: firstly, the GG will learn a lot of interesting things about the situation in Eastern Europe, secondly, Clermont can give some useful advice on where to start, and thirdly, you can practice shooting with a firearm weapons and try yourself in close combat with an experienced fighter.

After talking with the Chevalier, the first task appears - talk to the headman of the nearby village of Zamoshye. We go into the village, look for the headman - a person doing nothing on the mountain to the left. You can take as many as three tasks from this elder, or you can refuse or choose, for example, just one. I advise you to do everything, since they are designed precisely to gradually introduce the GG into the world of O&M.

So the headman's first task: destroy a detachment of robbers who are not allowing peaceful peasants to live. We are looking for robbers in the nearest forest - they will be highlighted in a special blue color. A small fight with robbers - yes good opportunity practice horse shooting, wave your trusty saber, and generally feel like M&B (on horseback and with a blade), and of course collect some trophies, after all. The GG returns to the headman and receives a well-deserved reward - something from the rations (but for the first time this will do).

The headman's next request- convince the Smolensk governor to reduce taxes from poor peasants. GG goes to Smolensk. Here, I would advise novice players to look into a tavern, chat with the visitors, walk along the city streets, visit the market square - you will see and learn a lot of interesting things. So the GG meets with the governor so that he does not offend the peasants of Zamoshye with excessive taxes. In principle, theoretically, there are three ways to do this: 1. simply convince - but it’s unlikely to work, because the GG’s fame is still practically zero, and throwing skills into the persuasion skill when creating a character is stupid, “combat” skills are much more important; 2. improve your relationship with him by completing small tasks - delivering a letter, punishing an adversary robber, returning escaped peasants, etc.; and the third option is to stupidly pay the governor out of your pocket; this dubious pleasure costs 200 money. At the beginning of the game this is a fairly large amount, but fortunately the GG has some goods in his inventory that can be sold. Again, we return to Zamoshye - we receive some money and goods from the headman.

And the third quest of the village elder– buy and bring three bags of salt to the village. At first glance, everything is simple, but no - a bag of salt costs probably 350 rubles, and it will be difficult to find salt. The task is intended to teach the player trading skills. In general, you will have to run around a little, my advice is that it is better to run around the villages; although there are fewer goods there than in cities, they are usually cheaper. Subsequently, in trading, if anyone is not too lazy, it will be possible to make normal profits. We return to the headman - we receive 900 money.

Another tip that you should always remember when playing O&M is all tasks, dialogues, information, messages, letters, etc. you need to read and remember carefully, because, as a grizztsa, M&V O&M does not like it when this matter is scrolled through diagonally, especially since the information obtained during the dialogue is not displayed directly in the quest body and not always. You have to live in this world.

Now advice on the initial Mount & Blade quests with Fire and Sword, the so-called “special tasks”, which can be issued by lords at the request of the GG. In principle, these are NOT storylines yet, but they allow you to determine for yourself at the very beginning of the game which faction is closer to you. “Special tasks” are several mini-plots where the GG will need to make a certain choice, as a result of which relations with one state will improve, but with another they will sharply go negative; in almost every mini-plot the GG gets his hands on a big jackpot, there is a temptation and the opportunity to pocket other people’s money, but of course making enemies for himself in the process. In general, gamers who plan to play freeplay for a certain faction or go through a specific storyline need to be careful and attentive when completing special tasks.

1. GG meets Zaporozhye Colonel Zolotarenko, who will issue the task of delivering a captured Tatar to Ataman Gomon to the city of Sich and will even give a couple of Zaporozhye infantrymen to help. The prisoner, of course, is trying to convince the GG that the vile Cossacks will deceive him, even a compromising letter will show. You can shove a load of lard into his mouth and deliver it to Gomon - then relations with the Zaporozhye Army will improve. Or you can release the Tatar for money or take him to Perekop, in the latter case relations with the Crimean Khanate will improve.

2. Quest “Seven Samurai”. The first Crimean lord he comes across will ask the GG to protect the village of Sivash from robbers, for which the detachment must have at least 6 fighters. We go to Sivash and talk to the headman. When the robbers appear, the GG talks to their leader, and it turns out that these are Zaporozhye Cossack foragers. If the GG decides to fight them, then relations with the Khanate will grow and the happy peasants will share their simple belongings. Or you can not interfere with the Cossacks, then the GG will lose -1 honor for an uncompleted quest, but relations with the Cossacks will improve quite well.

3. “Secret cache in Dunaevtsy”- the task is issued by any Zaporozhye lord. You need to pick up the treasury in the village and deliver it to Bogdan Khmelnitsky, to do this you need to tell the village headman the password - the battle cry of the Don Cossacks. GG asks the Cossacks about the battle cry, but the password turns out to be incorrect. Here you can think a little and remember a little history, or you can simply ask the lords of each faction. As a result, a lot of money will fall into the hands of the GG to start the game. If you squeeze the treasury of the Zaporozhye Army for yourself, then Khmelnytsky will become the sworn enemy of the GG. If you complete the quest, then relations with the Zaporozhye Army, personally with Bogdan and with a couple of Cossack colonels will improve significantly.

4. "The Elusive Convoy". Advice: to complete this quest, it will be useful in the Fedot detachment (where you can find him from travelers in taverns for 30 money). The quest is given by the first lord of the Moscow Kingdom you meet. You need to go with a letter to Moscow to the city mayor, receive goods and take them to Ataman Vasilyev in Cherkassk. The GG does just that, although you can send the head along with the ataman and sell the whole thing. In Cherkassk, Naum Vasiliev was dissatisfied with civilian goods - he was waiting for weapons from Moscow. Therefore, the GG gives two fighters and orders the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth caravan to be plundered with weapons. This convoy is leaving Krakow and needs to be intercepted before the caravan reaches Bakhchisarai. This is where I strongly advise you to save. You can be cunning and wait for the convoy at Perekop - like, where will it go? But the caravan passes along a route simply filled with all sorts of bandits, and there is a very high probability that it will not reach Perekop. Personally, I immediately rode from Cherkassk without being distracted by anything and waited for the convoy, cutting circles behind Kazykermann. We rob the caravan - we return to Naum Vasiliev for a reward, after which relations with Crimea deteriorate a little and significantly with Poland.

5. One of the lords met asks the GG to deliver a horse to the ruler of his state. Having accepted the order, a fairly strong detachment of robbers will attack the GG along the way. You can give them the royal horse and leave in good health, or you can fight. If the GG delivers the horse, then relations with the faction will improve, but if the task is failed, then relations will go negative.

6. Mission “Recruiting Clermont”. Issued by the first available lord of Sweden. It is necessary to recruit a Frenchman into the service of the Swedish king. It all seems simple - the Chevalier hangs around Smolensk all the time, but that’s not the case: just try to find him! The lord’s hint “Travel through the cities” is somehow not encouraging, but the deadline for the quest is as much as 14 days. I will only say that Jacques de Clermont is located not far from the Swedish possessions. In order for a Frenchman to follow the GG, a detachment of at least 10 soldiers is needed. GG meets with Carl Gustav and receives the promised reward.

7. The first lord of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth proposes to burn and plunder the village of Maslov Brod to intimidate the Cossacks. GG begins to ruin, the headman asks to take pity on the poor peasants. If you don’t do this immoral crime, then Bogdan Khmelnitsky personally will be very grateful.

8. When relations with the Moscow Kingdom will be 5+, we are still talking with the same Chevalier Clermont, who will give GG a letter of recommendation to Trubetskoy. Trubetskoy will be given the task of ruining three villages of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Personally, I don’t like such quests, but oh well, let’s cast aside all doubts and go ahead to the villages! But again, not everything is so simple: for some reason the peasants do not want their huts to be burned down and their livestock to be slaughtered. And in each village the GG is waiting for a fairly decent (by the standards of the beginning of the game) detachment of cosiners, half of which are very good at shooting self-propelled guns. Well, the villages are burning, the task is completed. Relations with the Moscow Kingdom are increasing, Trubetskoy gives GG a reward, but relations with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and specifically with the owners of devastated villages are going into the negative.

We remind you that you can ask questions about completing Mount & Blade with Fire and Sword on our forum!
