A retailer is an active subject of retail trade. What is retail: meaning, features and current state

A is intended for direct use.

Relationship between seller and buyer in the system retail are regulated by a special law. IN Russian Federation This is a consumer protection law.

The subjects of the retail trade process are the seller and the buyer. An indispensable attribute of retail trade is a cash register and a cash receipt. Retail trade includes the sale of goods through vending machines.

There is a concept format retail store. This is a set of characteristics inherent in any type of store. These characteristics are:

  • sales area
  • number of product items
  • level of customer service
  • product placement technology

There are the following retail trade formats:

  • cash&carry

Trading can be a powerful tool foreign policy. To this day, the ability to trade greatly influences the power of the state. If we compare retail trade as a branch of the economy, for example, with ferrous metallurgy, then retail trade has undeniable advantages: it does not pollute the environment and does not require raw materials for reproduction.

Retail history

The history of retail trade goes back a long way. Since the dawn of material relations, people have exchanged goods and services. In Russia in the pre-revolutionary period, retail trade was well developed. There is information that, for example, in Chelyabinsk in 1913, English bicycles of the 1912 model were sold. There were three guilds of merchants: the turnover of the merchant of the 3rd guild did not exceed 5 thousand rubles per year, the turnover of the merchant of the 2nd guild did not exceed 100 thousand rubles per year, the merchant of the 1st guild (the richest) traded per year for no less than 100 thousand rubles .

The economic basis of retail trade is the trade markup (margin). Trade margin is the difference between the purchase and sale prices. Trade margin is the main income of a retail enterprise; as a rule, in the grocery trade it does not exceed 25-30%, and, for example, in the clothing retail trade it can reach up to 200%. From the received trade margin, the merchant pays current expenses, such as: rent of premises, wage employees, security, telephone, cleaning, etc., profit is generated from the remaining funds trading enterprise. It ranges from 1-3% in a large chain grocery retail to 20-30% and even 50% in non-food retail.

But trade margins are not the only source of income for retail. Retail also makes money from advertising, holding promotional events, and selling retail space and shelf space. In order for a product (this is typical for food trade) to be sold in any of the Russian networks, it is necessary to pay a special “bonus for entering the network.” In this way, operators of this market increase the profitability of their business.

  • The total volume of global retail trade is approximately $10 trillion, with Western European countries accounting for about a third, and Russia accounting for about 2% of the world market.
  • The Russian retail market ranks 12th in the world in terms of volume; it is expected to rank 9th by 2008, ahead of Spain, Brazil and Mexico.
  • The largest retail chain is the American company "2005 financial year US$315.6 billion.




  • Barry Berman, Joel R. Evans Retail: a strategic approach = Retail Management: A Strategic Approach. - M.: "Williams", 2003. - P. 1184. - ISBN 0-13-026334-6

see also

  • Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers

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“retail trade, the sale of goods or services to the final consumer.” By the way, the spelling of “retail” is incorrect; it is more correct to write this word with the letter “i” - as heard in English transcription.

Markets, street bazaars, etc., traditional for any country in the world, can be considered the predecessors of modern retail. These are the prototypes of the so-called retail centers of our days.

Thus, retail is a set of all methods, techniques and tools for bringing goods and services to the final, retail consumer. Accordingly, a retailer is a company, firm, entity or individual entrepreneur who are engaged in the retail sale of goods and provision of services. The most obvious and understandable examples of retail organizations for most people include such trade brands as X5 Retail Group, Auchan, Metro, etc.

Retail as a sector of the modern economy

Despite the fact that retailers are engaged in selling goods to the end consumer, individuals, today the scale of retail trade in Russia and around the world is comparable in turnover to the sector wholesale trade.

Modern retail strives to serve as many people as possible with as little labor and time as possible. large quantity retail consumers of goods. This becomes possible thanks to special retail technologies, the implementation of which can be traced using the example of self-service supermarkets, as well as payment terminals and ATMs.

Huge shopping complexes, or malls, as they are commonly called today, are modern retail centers. They are the Mega complexes in different cities of Russia, Greenwich in Yekaterinburg, TSUM in Moscow, etc.

A striking feature of retail is the wide variety of goods and services accumulated in one place. Moreover, in any direction of retail, be it the sale of food, clothing, banking services, etc. There is a focus on consumers of economy, middle, luxury, deluxe and premium classes. According to this gradation, all offered goods and services are divided.

The scale of modern retail companies can reach gigantic proportions. Thus, the turnover of the American retail chain Wal-Mart is 2.5 times higher than the turnover of a diversified corporation General Electric.

Anyone who has ever studied foreign language, knows that transcription. This is a system of writing a word as a sequence of special characters used to indicate different sounds.


Transcription (from Latin Transcription - “rewriting”) is a system of graphic notations for a series of sounds that make up a word, taking into account pronunciation and stress. This system is directly related to the rules for reading words that are in any . However, it is not always possible to have all the rules at once and practice their application in practice. Transcription immediately shows you how to read an unfamiliar word and allows you to gradually learn these techniques.

Transcription can be scientific and practical. Scientific, in turn, is divided into two types: phonetic and phonemic. Phonetic transcription used when creating bilingual dictionaries, and is given in square brackets, familiar to every schoolchild. Its goal is to accurately convey the sound sequence of a word, indicating the stressed syllable.

Phonemic transcription is given in oblique or broken brackets and, unlike phonetic, conveys only the phonemes of words. At the same time, when reading, it is necessary to take into account the phonetic laws of the language, in which each phoneme is pronounced in one way or another.

Scientific transcription is usually based on the Latin alphabet with the addition of special characters. Also common is the use of the universal alphabet created by the International Phonetic Association.

The practical one conveys its sound less accurately than the scientific one, especially for proper names and titles. In this system there are no special graphic signs; to indicate sounds, the own means of the so-called receiver language are used, i.e. language that is native to the foreign language learner.

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  • transcription is

IN works of art To enhance the impact on the reader, authors use the so-called stylistic figures. They represent special expressions and combinations of words that are practically not found in colloquial speech. Creating such combinations is distinctive feature author's style. Among figures of speech there is gradation (in translation from Latin - gradual increase).

The technique of gradation consists in the sequential arrangement of words, expressions, artistic images, means of expressiveness in increasing or decreasing characteristics. Each subsequent part of the statement contains an increasing (sometimes decreasing) semantic or expressive meaning of words or artistic images. For example: “Above, something hideously huge, broken from its chains, was raging, sobbing, roaring.” (V.M. Shukshin)

Depending on the arrangement of words in order of strengthening or weakening of the attribute, increasing (ascending) and descending gradation are distinguished.

Increasing gradation is used to gradually enhance imagery, emotional expressiveness and the influencing power of the text. The gradation series begins with the most “neutral”

Accustomed to the abundance of Anglicisms, our compatriots do not really think about what this or that borrowed concept means. Everyone knows the word “retailer”; it often appears in advertisements. But not everyone understands what its meaning is.

The meaning of the words "retail" and "retailer"

English word retail translated into Russian as “retail”. Retail- This is the sale of a product to the final consumer, or retail trade. Firms that engage in this type of activity are called retailers.

Thus, we are all customers of retailers. Retail trade is a truly large-scale business. It is enough to visit the hypermarket located on the outskirts once big city to verify the correctness of this statement.

How do retailers work?

Such companies deal in wholesale quantities, but sell goods at retail. There are special mechanisms - so-called retail technologies - that allow retailers to operate successfully. These technologies are based on targeting the mass consumer. It is beneficial for a retailer to maintain a small staff that can serve a large number of clients. This approach helps reduce costs through automation and universalization, which ensures increased competitiveness of the company in the market.

Vivid examples of retail technologies are hypermarkets, discounters, and ATMs.

The goal of retail is customers with different income levels

Retail offers consumers an impressive range of goods and services. It is also important that they are concentrated in one place. Retailers actively practice the class approach, which is widespread in other business areas - from banking services to grocery trade: they focus on consumers with different income levels and are therefore ready to offer them goods from the most different levels– from “economy” to “deluxe”. The class of goods and the qualifications of employees are directly dependent on the level of retail technologies used.

The retailer pays Special attention the design of the retail chain (since it is the design that ensures recognition), the layout of retail space, the arrangement of goods on shelves and display cases. Retailers spend a lot of effort and money on attracting visitors.

What makes up a retailer's profit?

The basis of a retailer’s profit is the trade margin. But, of course, this is not the only source of income for the retailer. It is known that many domestic retailers, when negotiating with manufacturers on the sale of their goods, require them to pay for “access to the consumer.” In addition, retailers make profit from promotions, advertising and the sale of retail space.

Nowadays, retail is an independent industry and plays a significant role in the economy of the country and the world.

Retail sales - the entire range of retail outlets from a kiosk to a large chain of stores. Everything except wholesale enterprises trade.

Retail uses special technologies aimed at the mass buyer, which are called retail technologies. It is a mistake to think that retail is only about trade; it is more correct to say that it is about working with many clients. All these are types of retail:

  • provision of loans by banks to individuals (for the purchase of cars, real estate),
  • issuance of plastic cards,
  • currency exchange,
  • bank transfers
. One of the key aspects of retail is accessibility and publicity. Anyone can get a loan or make a purchase. In order to reduce costs for each client, retail technologies imply a minimum of staff with a maximum of consumers. Examples:
  • self-service in large stores,
  • creation of payment terminals and ATMs.
To others hallmark Retail is a greater variety of goods and services offered, collected in one place. For example, user mobile phone can use his money both for calls and for accessing the Internet. In addition, the ability to pay for services via SMS sent from the same phone has become popular. The success of retail depends primarily on purchasing power, or on average per capita income. Due to the fact that in last years The standard of living in Russia has improved significantly, and many retail campaigns have become widespread. Now about 10% of food products fall to the share of several large retail companies; in 5-6 years the share of large market players will already be about 50%. The most ancient form of retail, of course, is street retail, or street trading. In other words, any city market is a prototype of a retail center.

Retail- retail sales, retail, retail trade, store - sale of goods and services to the end consumer. The literal translation of English retail is retail. In a broader sense, retail It is necessary to consider not only any retail outlet, but the principle of organizing trade. The definition of retail includes any work with any buyer who can freely come and buy a product.

Retail point- dot retail sales, shop. The very first example that fits the definition of retail is the well-known market and shops. The most ancient form of retail is street retail, or street trading.

Retailer is a company engaged in retail trade - be it a supermarket, a clothing store, a car dealership, or a bank that sells services to private clients.

Retail uses special retail trading technologies:

  • placement of retail trade enterprises certain rules locations;
  • offering a grouped assortment of goods of constant demand;
  • application commercial equipment;
  • Application trade marketing;

  • minimum sales staff;
  • application of customer self-service;
  • automation of accounting, procurement and storage of goods;
  • optimization of logistics and retail space;
  • and etc.

A distinctive feature of retail is a wide variety of goods and services offered, collected in one place. All this reduces the cost of servicing each client, reduces costs, and therefore increases competitiveness. The use of these retail technologies makes it possible to sell goods at retail in large volumes, comparable to wholesale sales volumes.

Network retail- a network of single-format (less often multi-format) stores united by one owner, a single logistics and purchasing system, and a single product policy. All this allows us to further reduce costs, which means offering the buyer prices for products that are significantly lower than in non-chain retail outlets. With low prices and constant availability of the main assortment, accessibility of retail outlets, network retail attracts a large number of consumers and receives large profits due to turnover.

In large chain hyper- and supermarkets, it is customary to make large-volume purchases about once a week, while consumers prefer to buy (repurchase) everyday goods in small stores “near their homes.”

Retail classification. A detailed classification is presented in the marketer’s note “Classification of Chain Retail,” which presents a classification of stores by size and ideology, and a classification of stores by approaches to pricing.

Retail income. The retailer's main income comes from the trade margin on goods supplied to retail. However, this is far from the only source of income for the retailer. For example, there are additional services paid for by product suppliers, from which retail also receives income. The opportunity to supply your goods to retail, the opportunity to display goods on the shelf desired by the supplier, payment for trade marketing services - all this is “sold” by retailers to product suppliers as a marketing service. Retailers also make money from promotions, advertising, and the sale (rent) of retail space for non-core goods.

Retail branding– creating a brand in the retail segment. Retail branding is essential marketing activities, caused by a fierce competitive environment in the retail segment between owners of retail outlets and network operators of the retail market. A brand in retail is the image in the customer's mind of a physical place to shop.

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