The most unusual sports (25 photos). The most unusual and forgotten sports games

There are hardly people who have not heard of football, basketball or baseball. These sports are spread all over the world. However, local sporting events deserve your attention no less. Let’s say right away that people’s creative approach to sports will not leave you indifferent. There are competitions for every taste: from simple interpretations of popular sports to completely unique games, the originality of which reaches the point of absurdity. So, here are the most unusual sports in the world:

Coopershildskaya cheese race

Every year, the picturesque Cotswold Hills host a game in which a crowd of daredevils race down the hill in pursuit of a wheel of Double Gloucester Cheese. People from all over the world come to Cooper's Hill to watch and even take part in this dangerous, but very fun competition.


Can you imagine combining football, baseball and hockey? And in Ireland there is already a game called hurling, which fits this description perfectly. A hurler's equipment consists of a football uniform, a protective helmet and a wooden stick. The goal of this game is to earn as many points as possible by scoring goals into the opponent's goal.

Finnish running with wives

In Finland there is a very funny competition in which men have to overcome an obstacle course with their wives on their husbands' shoulders in a strange position upside down and head down. And to make things even more challenging, the 250-meter obstacle course features two barriers and a water pit. Main prize - quantity beer , equal to the weight of the winner's wife.


The national sport of Afghanistan, in which players, while on horseback, must grab the carcass of a goat and hold it until they reach the goal line. Buzkashi resembles polo without a stick and ball, and in terms of roughness it is compared to American football, since Buzkashi involves hitting, kicking and even shooting.

Eton wall

A traditional sports game played exclusively for students at Eton College in England. Some compare it to rugby or football, but this is erroneous, as Eton wall is a completely different game in which playing field is the wall. Players move along the wall and lean on each other in the fight for the ball. If the player is close enough to the edge of the wall, he gets to kick the ball at a target, which can be a tree or a door. This game is not as simple as it seems, considering that last time the goal was scored back in 1909.

jai alai

Jai Alai is considered by sports fans to be a cross between badminton and handball. It is usually played singly or in pairs. The goal of the game is to use a scoop-like racket to throw the ball at a wall in the opponent's area. And the opponent, in turn, must catch the ball right in the air or at the first bounce from the wall. Otherwise, the player or team loses points.


Imagine the picture: chess players moving pawns and rooks with boxing gloves, and boxers sitting on a chair and thinking about how to beat their opponent in chess. Strange, isn't it? You will be surprised, but in Finland there is already a certain game where boxing and chess go hand in hand. Chessboxing is unlike any sport you know about. First, the players play a chess round, then a boxing round, and so on for 11 rounds.

Swamp ride on a mountain bike

It is truly surprising that a sport that involves riding a mountain bike while waist-deep in dirty and disgustingly stinking water has become incredibly popular all over the world. It involves not only local residents, but also contestants from different countries. What can I say - they even hold a world championship on it. To win, you need to drive through a ditch with swamp slurry back and forth in the most a short time.


This interesting game begins with one team sending an "invader" into enemy territory. If the invader touches someone from the opposing team and runs into his territory, he earns a point. But if the invader was touched or was captured before he could escape, then the point goes to the opponents. Any player touched is out of the game. And so on until one of the teams loses all participants.

Royal Shrovetide Football

Can you imagine a football match in which the entire city with a population of several thousand people participates, where even women and children reach for the ball, forgetting about everything else? This is exactly how one can describe the royal Maslenitsa football, which is held in the small English town of Ashbourne.

Shin Kick Championship

This rigorous competition is quite popular in the Cotswolds, where the Cotswold Cheese Race is held. The essence of the game is simple, like its name. You need to kick your opponent's shin until he falls. Victory is yours if you win two out of three rounds.


Many of those who play beach volleyball would like to jump high above the net and perform a powerful attacking shot. And although it seems that only professionals can do such a complex element, any player, even an amateur, can do it by playing the Brazilian variety of beach volleyball - bossaball. In this sport, a special inflatable platform with trampolines has been created especially for attacking players.


Hornussen is positioned as a game for farmers. It combines the features of hockey and baseball. One team launches a rubber ball called a “hornuss” using a flexible rod. In order to earn points, their opponents must hit the ball with a special racket that looks like a huge poster. Otherwise, the point is awarded to the serving team


Throughout the winter, snowboarding and skiing They give us a lot of fun and thrills, but for beginners, riding at such breakneck speeds can lead to very unpleasant and even dangerous consequences for health. However, if you are a fan of winter extreme sports, then skibob will not leave you indifferent. Difference from others winter species sport in only one way: instead of skis and snowboards, you will have something like a bicycle.

Extreme ironing

The essence of this sport is very simple: you need to take an iron, ironing board and iron something in the very unexpected place. This is where a pure flight of fantasy begins. You can move an iron across a board while skydiving or calmly iron things while on the top of Everest. Unfortunately, there are no specific guidelines for extreme ironing yet. sporting events, however, ironers continue to show the world yet another crazy way to iron things.

Todd River Racing

Have you ever seen dragon boat races that move not on water, but on land? By the way, this funny competition is called the Todd River Race, which is held in Australia, in the town of Alice Springs. More than 20 teams are fighting for victory, among them are the names of famous corporations. All dragon boats have no bottom, so players must run in such a way as to reach the finish line without falling over.

A real beer storm

If you think this is a simple bike race on a quiet afternoon, then you are very mistaken. All is well as long as these guys drive straight and have a firm grip on the steering wheel. By the way, as part of the annual beer festival in Central Wales, an unusual cycling race is taking place. At control points, each participant is required to drink a certain amount of alcohol. The riders' task is to reach the finish line while being able to stay on the bike. Obviously, people with a high tolerance to alcohol have an increased chance of winning.

Worm Charming Competition

In the UK, worm charming is an official sport. It's so popular that Cheshire hosts the World Worm Charming Championships every year. The rules are quite simple. You are given a 3x3 meter plot of land, and you must lure out of the ground and collect as many worms as possible in 30 minutes. I bet this sport is ideal for those who need cheap fish bait.

Conker game

The World Conker Championship is held every October in the small British village of Ashton, located in Northamptonshire, where conker players, the number of whom exceeds three hundred, come from all over the world. The goal of the game is to break your opponent's conker. “What are these conkers?” - you ask. These are the fruits horse chestnut which are hung on a string. And the player himself must be fast and dexterous, otherwise his conker will be broken.

Bed racing

Back in 1965, only the American military organized bed racing, but over time this funny game became more popular. To win, you need to be the first to cross finish line. But there is certain rules that must be followed. First, a bed with only one person in it must be pushed by six people. And secondly, the bed must float on the water, since the last stage of the race is crossing the river. Although quite often the last stage neglected.

Well, perhaps the human brain, with the help of imagination, is ready to generate a variety of ideas. Sometimes you are surprised and ask yourself the question: “How could a person come up with this, what inspired him?”

Even in the field of sports games, people have come up with many ambiguous and incomprehensible competitions. There are a lot of them, so it’s difficult to choose the funniest sport.

The list of those that can be classified as humorous, causing a smile, is quite large. Let's talk about some of them, which are the most popular and funny.

Tractor racing

You won't believe it, but such races are very popular. And not only in Russia, but also abroad. In the USA there is even a special organization that organizes them - the National Tractor Racing Association, founded back in 1969.

Fans claim that it all started in the 19th century, when farmers measured the strength of horses. They tied some kind of weight to them and saw if they would be able to drag it along with them. The winner was the one whose horse was able to pull the heaviest load behind him. Then, when tractors began to appear, farmers began to measure their strength.

Then, when iron machines began to improve, competition participants began to measure not only their strength, but also their speed. A lot of time has passed since then, and today there are 22 official tractor racing organizations in the world.

Since 2002 in Rostov region Tractor races are held under the auspices of the Bison Track Show competition. Since that time, these competitions have acquired a large audience of fans and participants, and were also included in the list of official attractions of the Rostov region. The same races have been held in Crimea since 2007, near the city of Simferopol.

Moreover, participants in such races improve their tractors no worse than drivers of street racing cars. Drivers of such monsters change the engine to a more powerful one, strengthen their suspension, and install turbines on them. Tractors are becoming so powerful that it is quite possible for iron monsters to overturn at competitions. This spectacle looks amazing.

Running in sacks

It is impossible to say exactly where this game was actually born.

It is believed that evil and bloodthirsty pirates who robbed ships and killed people could come up with such a form of entertainment as running in sacks. Of course, since then, very little information has been preserved about how the pirates had fun and how they came up with the idea of ​​spending their free time.

It is a known fact that captains gradually began to prohibit drinking and also to play gambling. These two entertainments led to constant fights on ships, as well as inciting hostility within the pirate crew. And, most likely, out of idleness, the pirates came up with sack running as an alternative to gambling.

According to another popular version, it was invented in Ancient Rus': this is how the landowners had fun, exposing their peasants.

Today, such entertainment is one of the most popular, and it is carried out at almost all corporate events. This type of entertainment is also in demand at children’s parties.

Coopershill Race

When trying to determine the funniest sport, one cannot fail to mention this type of competition. If you want to feel like a mouse chasing cheese, then this game is just for you. This event is held annually in the Cotswold Hills. Participants climb the mountain. The organizers launch a wheel of double Gloucester cheese from the slope. The winner will be the one who first catches the cheese rolling down the mountain.


Chessboxing is a very fun sport. Athletes refute the fact that you cannot be strong and smart at the same time. According to the rules of this game, participants compete with each other over 11 rounds. During the rounds, the game of chess and boxing alternates. You can win it by either knocking out your opponent with a blow, or by checkmate in a chess game.

Holding a ferret in your pants

This entertainment was included in the article because of its unusualness and danger. Daredevils, plucking up their courage, let the ferret into their pants. Their the main task- keep the animal as long as possible.

Such entertainment is quite dangerous, because no one knows how the ferret will behave. The animal can behave unpredictably, which adds spice to these competitions.

It only remains to add that to date the longest result is holding the ferret for five minutes.

Throwing Christmas trees

For those who like to throw weights, there is a sport called throwing Christmas trees. In some regions of Germany, this entertainment is a traditional event that is held annually. It's hard to believe, but the world record was set in 2007 with a spruce tree that was thrown 17.5 meters.

Mobile phone throwing

The popularity of this competition is very high. The Finns came up with this game. The first official competitions were held in 2000. Such events are attended by a very large number of participants and spectators. Guinness World Records judges are also often invited to record new throwing records, if any.

It's very difficult to choose. There is so much more fun competitions, than the small amount that was included in the article. Moreover, new funny sports appear every day. The list of them is large enough to describe them in one article. But they all bring considerable joy to the participants, even if they cannot be classified as serious sporting events.

Today there are a large number of sports. Every sport has millions of fans all over to the globe. Some sports are loved even more than actors or singers. However, there are also sports that only a small number of people know about. Many games can seem stupid and the rules are very complicated. Despite this, such games have many fans.

And, by the way, to practice these sports you don’t need special equipment, but the most common equipment used in ordinary sports, such as football, basketball, baseball, and that’s why you yourself can organize classes in these types in your city, and equipment - I can personally recommend the store - - you will find for yourself what you want: cardio equipment, sports corners. everything for boxing and martial arts.


Have you ever slipped on a railing? Exists whole view sport that is dedicated to this activity. For this purpose, special shoes are used, which have indentations so that you can glide well over the surface. Today there are even entire competitions in this sport, for which roller skates or snowboards are used.


Here's another game you haven't heard of. This sports game is very popular in Ireland. How to describe this game? It is a mixture of baseball, hockey and football. Interesting, isn't it? When playing, special clubs are used, which are needed to throw the ball into the opponent’s goal. The team that manages to score wins greatest number heads The game was born more than 2 thousand years ago. When there were holidays in Ireland, this game could be enjoyed by 100-200 people at once, and sometimes more. One game could even last more than one day.


This game uses horses. Players ride on them. Looks like a familiar game? However, don't rush to conclusions. The game is played using the carcass of a goat without a head. The players' task is to hold onto the animal carcass for as long as possible. This game appeared thanks to the Mongol raids. Nowadays buzkashi is a game, but in the past this was how warriors were trained to practice their skills. Gradually this developed into this game. By the way, people like to play the game in Tajikistan and Afghanistan. However, the animal carcass is not always used. Very often they take a regular dummy.


Chess? Boxing? All this together? How is this possible? It would seem that this looks like a real joke, but a sport really appeared that includes chess and boxing. This sport appeared quite recently, in 2003. The game has 11 rounds. Athletes show their skills in the ring, and therefore immediately in chess, one by one.


This sport involves descending a snowy slope on a vehicle that vaguely resembles an ordinary bicycle. However, this type of transport does not have wheels, but it does have skis. Think skibob is a recent thing? However, oddly enough, this sport is over 100 years old. Many people who love extreme sports have already tried skibob. It has special rules. Each athlete uses special tools for descent.


Each of you knows such a sport as volleyball. Imagine that you are playing volleyball on the beach, but there are inflatable trampolines under your feet. This is bossaball. The most interesting thing is that you can not only play this game, adhering to the standard rules, but also perform various interesting tricks that are nice to look at.

Jai alai.

If you want to visit Spain, you can enjoy this sport. In principle, now other countries are gradually showing interest in jalai-alai. It's safe to say that this is the fastest sport on the entire planet. The game even made it onto the pages of the book of records. The ball in the game flies at enormous speeds, reaching 300 kilometers per hour. To launch the ball, a glove resembling a regular basket is used. What is the essence of this amazing game? It is necessary for the opponent to be able to catch the ball as it flies into the wall behind him. The rules allow you to catch the ball after it bounces off the wall, but it must not touch the ground.


Now let's move to Switzerland. Imagine a long but narrow field. Players stand on it, and each of them has an object in their hands. You can describe it as a wooden shovel, which is usually used to remove snow. This item is worn unusual name- shindel. They are the ones who need to hit the puck, which is launched with a whip with a wooden knob. This puck can easily reach the 300 meter mark. Previously, the washers were wooden, but in Lately They are made of dense rubber.


This sport was officially included in the Olympics back in 1998. The essence of the game is to rub the ice with a brush in front of a moving stone, which weighs about 20 kilograms. This must be done in order to change the trajectory of the stone. This sport has only recently appeared at the Olympics, but in Scotland it has been played since the 16th century.


The last game we will talk about was born 4 thousand years ago. Today, the game of kabaddi is officially included in the Asian Games program. The game requires two teams. Each team must have 7 people. There are two parts of the field that are separated by a line. These parts are team territory. A team member is sent into enemy territory. His task is to cross his side of the field to end up in enemy territory. Once he is on the opponent's side, he must constantly shout "Kabaddi!" You need to scream in one breath. While the player is screaming, he must touch as many opponents as he can. When the air in the lungs runs out, the attacker must retreat to his territory before his opponents grab him. If the player manages to reach his area, then the opponents he touched are eliminated from the game. If you managed to grab the attacker, then the right of move now passes to the opponents. Do you know how “Kabaddi” is translated? "Not breathe!"

People have always been interested in sports, but apparently due to the fact that popular competitions are already pretty boring and ordinary amateurs are unable to break records in them, some are starting to come up with new competitions.

in the world

Lovers active rest constantly but standard rules over time they begin to get boring, and you have to look for alternative ways to have fun, strengthen the body and get another dose of adrenaline.

Developing your own competitions is a rather difficult task, during which you need to decide on the rules, restrictions and, most importantly, come up with the type of competition itself. The easiest way is to take a popular competition and modernize it to get the desired effect, such as diving and orienteering, mud football and ice-climbing.

What is the best unusual sport? To this question, any athlete will answer that the best is the one that he himself practices. Therefore, when choosing competitions, you need to focus on, for example, a football fan would be at home in the same football, but in the mud.

Unusual sports in Russia

Russians, just like residents of other countries of the world, are beginning to look closely at non-standard competitions, but in our country it is not so much “strange” types of competitions that are developing, but rather extreme ones.

The Tver region of Russia is actively gaining popularity among fans of conquering ice peaks; underwater orienteering gathers followers not only in the Volga region but also in the northern parts of the country (Novosibirsk).

Unusual sports in Russia are interesting for athletes solely because of the increase in adrenaline levels, and not because of entertainment, because for fun it is easier to use ordinary types of competitions.

Boxer or chess player - who is stronger?

Chess is a game for the mind, during which one develops, but, apparently, thinking alone was not enough, and they decided to come up with chessbox, in which the competition takes place both at the level of the mind and with fists.

A chess boxing match consists of 5 boxing rounds and 6 chess rounds. Each of the boxing rounds lasts two minutes, while a game of chess takes 4 minutes for each round.

The winner is determined based on the number of points scored in boxing and victory in the chess game. But if a boxer wins in chess and loses in boxing (or vice versa), a draw is declared.

Strange competitions on beds

All people are used to sleeping on a bed, but one of the American military (it was they who started the first competitions in these unusual competitions) in 1965 decided to organize a race on beds.

After some time, ordinary residents became interested in the non-standard sport, which led to its popularization.

The rules of racing on beds are simple - you need to overtake your opponents and reach the finish line first, but there are 3 conditions: 6 people must push the “car”, there must be 1 participant in the bed, and the device must be able to float.

On the one hand, this sport seems simple, but its complexity lies in the fact that before the finish line the bed must be transported over a water obstacle, which creates many difficulties for the athletes.

Drunken racing

A group of cyclists decided to diversify their riding and began holding competitions, complementing the race big amount alcohol, well, and then residents of the city, country and some parts of the world joined in.

The point of a bicycle race is to come first, but in this case Each athlete, arriving at the checkpoint, is required to drink a certain amount of beer and move on. The complexity of the competition lies in the fact that the route can be laid through 6 points, and at each you need to drink a liter of beer, and it will be very difficult to get to the finish line, because it is difficult for athletes to walk.

Fighting underwater

Military sailors undergo special training, during which they are taught to eliminate a target on great depth without visible vibrations of the water surface. The wrestlers understood the advantages of combat sports in water - strengthening muscle mass, monitoring the condition of the lungs - and began to practice underwater fighting as

Aquathlon competitions are held in a pool measuring 5 by 5 meters and a minimum depth of 2 meters, and to win you need to remove the bandage from your opponent's ankle.

Slippery extreme

Iceclimbing - the name of this unusual sport - does not yet have large quantity followers, but is actively practiced among professionals in conquering peaks based on rocks.

In fact, there are no rules in this sport, here the athlete simply conquers a new peak, but the complexity of the climb allows you to get more adrenaline than ordinary mountains.

Underwater racing

It’s not an easy task, and walking a certain path indicated on the map while being at a depth of several meters is an even more difficult task.

Underwater orienteering is a sport for those who love diving and are ready to be at great depths quite long time, and at the same time not look at the flora, but concentrate on looking for the next checkpoint.

The essence of the competition is that a group of divers must dive at point “A”, go through all the control points, constantly being under water, and be the first to reach the finish line.

The whole difficulty lies in the navigation itself at depth, where the only assistant is a compass, without which it is impossible to reach the finish line.

Extreme flight

Parachuting has been constantly gaining followers since its inception, but some extreme sports enthusiasts, after conquering heights, stop getting a surge of adrenaline and are thinking about changing the rules of the jump and increasing the dose of adrenaline.

BASE jumping is the most unusual sport, but in essence it is a parachutist’s jump from a huge building, bridge and other structures, and the whole danger lies in the athlete’s close proximity to the structure from which he jumped, and the lack of time to open the parachute.

During the flight, the extreme sports enthusiast needs time to determine the correct position in the air, otherwise the parachute may open incorrectly and get tangled, after which the athlete will have a chance to open the reserve parachute, but in this case there is no chance for error, and if he jumps incorrectly, he will not be able to to land.

Although base jumping allows you to get a huge surge of adrenaline, only professionals can take part in it.

Sports and fitness


02.07.15 11:00

Fantasy lovers sports entertainment has no boundaries. In addition to the well-known popular competitions, there are many competitions in the world that at first glance may seem absolutely absurd. Despite this, even the funniest sports find their fans and gather a wide audience. Some of these areas are of historical value of a certain area, others appear completely by accident, but are spectacular, attracting more and more supporters to their ranks.

The funniest sports: it's time to have some fun!

  • Swamp football. Already from the name it is clear that it will be dirty, noisy and a lot of fun. The competition is held in a swamp or a specially prepared area of ​​60 by 25 m with a lot of mud and water. Two teams of 6 people play 2 halves of 13 minutes each. The game does not stop for substitutions; you cannot change clothes or change shoes even during breaks. Historically, the funniest sports have had to involve falls, confusion and minimal restrictions. Despite the fact that spectators come to tournaments for the spectacle, the one who scores the most goals wins.
  • Cheese race. The essence of the game is simple - participants line up at the top of a hill and throw a wheel of cheese weighing at least 3.5 kg down the slope. The winner is the one who catches the cheese and the foot of the mountain. Despite the spectacular nature of the sport and the delight of the spectators, it is rare that a tournament takes place without sprains and fractures, so not everyone is allowed to play.
  • Lawn mower racing. The competition arose as a result of attempts by American farmers to organize races, but at the same time save money on cars. The spectacle is very fun and exciting, but for the participants themselves such races cannot be called easy. Today, participants are even divided into several groups according to the level of equipment of their vehicles.

  • Throwing mobile phones. Despite such a frivolous name, competitions in this sport are held even at the level of world championships, and with a substantial prize fund. The winner is not the one who threw his phone the farthest, but the one who did it in the most artistic and fun way.
  • Tourwrestling. From the title it becomes clear that this is a struggle, but not a simple one, but thumbs... legs. World championships in touring wrestling have been held for almost half a century, although the sport itself is many centuries old. It originated in Scotland, thanks to witty knights who tried to have fun during long campaigns.
  • Tractor rally. This type of competition can be included in the funniest sports just because the mere sight of huge, sometimes very old and collapsed tractors causes wild joy in the audience. The speeds here are not the same as in Formula 1, but quite decent. IN last years The direction has begun to be considered quite prestigious, so cars are now put forward for races, pumped up and equipped with racing parts.
  • Racing through swamps on a mountain bike. Who would have thought that waist-deep racing in dirty swamp water would become so popular. The winner is the one who covers the distance in the shortest time. You can use various devices to make the work easier and make the audience laugh.

  • Championship in keeping a ferret in your pants. A sport associated with injuries to participants and great mood audience. The idea of ​​the game is simple - the one who can keep one or two angry ferrets in his pants the longest wins. The record, more than 5 hours, has been held for quite some time and the number of contenders for the new title is not getting smaller.
