Celery recipes for weight loss soup. The most correct and healthy recipe for celery soup for weight loss

Root vegetables and celery leaves are rich in amino acids, microelements and essential oils, which slow down the aging process, help cope with nervous disorders, help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improve water-salt balance.

Thanks to the celery soup diet, deposits and toxins formed due to the systematic consumption of carbohydrates and sugar will be removed from the body, the risk of developing diseases such as hemorrhoids, allergies, arthritis, obesity, as well as diseases of the nervous, circulatory and urinary systems will be reduced, your body will become slim and beautiful, and the skin healthy and silky.

Celery soup for weight loss can be eaten every day in unlimited quantities, but at least 3 times a day. In addition to soup, you should eat boiled meat - chicken or beef, raw or boiled vegetables, fruits and rice.

Super healthy celery soup


To prepare celery soup, take 3 tomatoes, a bunch of celery, half a medium head of cabbage, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 500 g green beans, 1 bell pepper and 2 liters of tomato juice. Finely chop all the ingredients and pour in tomato juice. Place the pot of soup over medium heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

Celery soup can also be cooked in water. To prepare it you will need: 1 bunch of celery leaves, 6 medium-sized onions, 2 large sweet peppers, 2 medium ripe tomatoes, half a head of cabbage. Finely chop all the vegetables, put them in a saucepan and add 3 liters of water. Place over medium heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until the vegetables are soft.


First day of the diet: fruits, excluding bananas, grapes and melon, and celery soup.

Second day of the diet: vegetables and soup.

Third day of the diet: vegetables, fruits and soup.

Fourth day of the diet: in addition to soup, drink 1 tbsp. skim milk or 1 liter of low-fat kefir and eat a banana.

Fifth day of the diet: soup and 100 g of meat - lean boiled beef or chicken fillet, as well as 3-4 fresh tomatoes.

Day six of the diet: 350 g of boiled meat, lettuce and celery soup.

Seventh day of the diet: 300 g of rice, preferably wild, and soup.

Celery is an invaluable source of organic fiber.


On all days of the diet without restrictions, you can drink coffee and tea, but only without added sugar. But it is necessary to exclude from the diet any sweets, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, pickles, smoked foods, bread and flour products. According to numerous reviews, this diet allows you to lose 4–5 kilograms in 1 week.

The celery soup diet allows you to lose up to 3 kg in 3 days, and up to 9 kg in a week. On average, from 5 to 9 kg in 7 days, depending on the person’s weight and the individual characteristics of the body. At the same time, there are no significant dietary restrictions - the diet is balanced and varied.

You can stick to this nutrition system for as long as you like. The menu contains not only low-calorie celery soup, but also many other products from the list of permitted ones. To achieve the maximum possible weight loss, you must adhere to the list of recommended foods and eat them exactly on the days indicated in the diet.

Try to choose vegetables of the best quality - without external damage, signs of rot, or lethargy. Give preference to vegetables from the garden and farm products.

How to cook celery soup?


  • 400 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 250 g celery stalk;
  • 300 g onions;
  • 300 g ripe tomatoes;
  • 70 g bell pepper;
  • aromatic herbs and spices to taste.

Recipe step by step

  1. Wash all vegetables, dry, peel (whichever ones are needed), chop using a food processor, and place in a deep saucepan.
  2. Fill with cold water and put on fire. Cook for 5 minutes over high heat after boiling, then another 5-10 minutes on low. Give it a try. Vegetables should not look like a rag, they should crunch. Do not allow the formation of puree - all ingredients should be clearly visible in the soup.
  3. 3 minutes before cooking, add aromatic herbs and spices. A mixture of peppers and curry seasoning are perfect. You can add a little salt.

The soup turns out to be exceptionally lean, light with a subtle celery aroma. And the calorie content of a whole pan is only 340 kcal.

100 grams of celery soup contain only 11 kcal!

Serve the soup with fresh chopped herbs. Eat as soon as you feel hungry. In addition to soup, other foods may be present in the diet. But you must strictly adhere to your nutrition plan.

Menu for the week

  • Day 1: unlimited celery soup, any fruit (except bananas), tea and coffee without sugar or cream.
  • Day 2: unlimited celery soup, any vegetables (raw, canned, greens), green peas, corn. For lunch you can have some baked potatoes. Drinks are only water.
  • Day 3: unlimited celery soup, any fruits (except bananas), vegetables (except legumes and potatoes). Drinks are only water.
  • Day 4: celery soup without restrictions, any vegetables and fruits (bananas up to 3 pieces). Drinks include milk and water.
  • Day 5: unlimited celery soup, 300 g of baked beef, fresh vegetables (focus on tomatoes). We only drink water!
  • Day 6: unlimited celery soup, 500 g of boiled beef, fresh vegetables (everything except potatoes). We only drink water!
  • Day 7: unlimited celery soup, fresh vegetables. A little brown rice and natural juice are allowed. 6-8 glasses of water.

Basic diet rules

  1. We eat strictly according to the schedule, we don’t change days. We do not add new products - you cannot deviate from the proposed menu.
  2. We don't fry anything! We bake, boil and grill all products.
  3. We consume celery soup almost without restrictions, as soon as we feel hungry.
  4. Monitor your daily caloric intake - consume no more than 1200 kcal per day.
  5. The last meal is no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  6. Alcohol, sweets, bread, and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited on the diet.
  7. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.
  8. Weigh yourself every other day. This will be an additional incentive not to fail. You can take measurements, but not often. For example, on the first and last days of the diet. Read how to take measurements correctly.

The results of the diet will be unexpectedly wonderful if you follow all the recommendations: in 7 days you can lose up to 9 kg of excess weight. In volume - up to 2 cm from the waist and hips.

In the presence of acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, losing weight on soup is not recommended. Pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, children and adolescents should also refrain from dieting.

Fat burning diet with celery soup

The celery diet for weight loss, without a doubt, is an excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds, for cleansing the body of toxins and normalizing metabolism.

This amazing vegetable crop contains a valuable set of vitamins, minerals, proteins and acids that can ensure the stability of the body’s cells and slow down the overall aging process.

Celery is useful for everyone - men and women, children and people of retirement age. In addition to the fact that it is low-calorie (considered a product with a negative calorie content), its advantages include the ability to be used in any culinary preparation - the root vegetable is equally useful both raw and fried, stewed, boiled and baked.

Celery for weight loss: health benefits

It is almost impossible to overestimate the beneficial properties of celery. It has been used to treat a variety of ailments since ancient times. Hippocrates often mentioned the healing properties of this green vegetable in his writings, and Casanova constantly used it to maintain male strength.

In modern medicine, celery has also found wide use. The powerful vitamin complex contained in its composition has led to its use in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • for diabetes mellitus, this vegetable can significantly improve the water and salt balance in the body and lower blood sugar levels, which makes it an indispensable ingredient in dietary nutrition for diabetics;
  • in case of cancer, the high content of vitamin A contributes to excellent prevention of tumor development - the composition of celery contains substances that minimize the effect of external carcinogens;
  • in hypertensive patients, it helps regulate blood pressure if it increases;
  • very useful for rheumatism, diseases of the stomach, kidneys and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In folk medicine, celery juice compresses are recommended for healing bruises, abrasions, burns and ulcers. And to strengthen the immune system, calm the nervous system, relieve insomnia and even hangover syndrome, fresh celery is traditionally considered an indispensable assistant.

This green vegetable plays a special role in raising male libido and treating impotence, so celery juice for men should become a constant companion to the diet. According to doctors and traditional healers, regular consumption of celery juice is the best prevention of prostatitis and other problems in the genitourinary system of the stronger half of humanity.

Celery diet programs have a number of undoubted advantages:

  • you do not have to deprive your body of warm liquid food;
  • due to the extremely low calorie content (100 grams - only 16 kcal), the product can be consumed in unlimited quantities;
  • These weight loss techniques contribute not only to the loss of extra pounds, but also to the overall health of the body.

The celery diet for weight loss also has significant disadvantages:

  • the diet is boring and quite heavy;
  • an excess of vegetables and fruits is not always a favorable factor for the body, so if you feel discomfort, you should give preference to soup - puree, chopped in a blender;
  • the diet can cause hypoglycemia (a sharp decrease in blood glucose concentration), which usually manifests itself on the second day of its adherence. In this case, you need to immediately eat the sweet fruit or completely abandon this weight loss technique.

Celery soup: recipes and cooking methods

Diets based on celery soup have gained the most popularity. The first dishes with this vegetable are very rich, aromatic and tasty, which makes weight loss programs based on them especially enjoyable. In addition, such soups are very healthy, as they contain a rich complex of vital vitamins and minerals.

Celery soup not only promotes the breakdown of fats, but also removes excess fluid from the body. This property is widely used to effectively relieve swelling of various origins.

Celery soup can be prepared according to different recipes. Any parts of the plant (root and ground) can be used as ingredients. If you prefer greens, then put them in the soup 5 minutes before they are fully cooked, this will help preserve the vitamins in the finished dish as much as possible. Here are the most popular recipes for those losing weight:

Recipe 1:

  • 300 g celery, 500 g cabbage, 1-2 bell peppers, 5 tomatoes. Vegetables are cut and placed in a 3-liter saucepan with boiling water and cooked over high heat for 10 minutes. Then switch the stove to low heat and cook the vegetables until fully cooked.

Recipe 2:

  • celery root, 300 g cabbage, 2 bell peppers, 2 carrots, 5 onions, a bunch of celery sprigs, a bunch of parsley or dill, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 cup tomato paste, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 2 bay leaves. First, chop the cabbage and celery, pepper, 4 onions, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  • All this is poured with cold water (3-4 l), brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes. Fry 1 onion in olive oil, pour in tomato paste and simmer for 2 - 3 minutes. The contents of the frying pan are transferred into a saucepan, and garlic cloves (whole), parsley, dill, and bay leaves are thrown in. Cook everything for another 5 - 7 minutes.

Recipe 3:

  • 300 g celery root, small forks of cabbage, 600 g carrots, 6 onions, 2 green peppers, 400 g green beans, 6 tomatoes, herbs, 1.5 liters of tomato juice. Chop celery and other vegetables, place in a saucepan, and pour tomato juice.
  • To ensure that the contents are completely covered with liquid, you can add water. Bring the soup to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over high heat, then cover and simmer for 15 minutes. If desired, the soup can be whipped with a blender before use - in this form it is better absorbed.

Important note: celery soup for weight loss should not be salted; If it seems completely bland, you can add a little soy sauce to the plate before eating.

Celery soup diet: menu for 7 and 14 days

The basis of this dietary program is the use of celery soup, which can be eaten in almost any quantity and at any time of the day. The diet, of course, is not limited to soup.

Celery diet for 7 days: menu (by day)

  • 1st day: soup and any type of fruit (except bananas). For drinking, non-carbonated water, unsweetened tea, coffee without milk, cranberry juice or fruit drink are suitable - they are consumed throughout the entire diet;
  • 2nd: soup and vegetables - fresh, boiled or canned (except legumes). For lunch you are allowed to eat baked potatoes (2 pieces) with butter;
  • 3rd: soup, vegetables and fruits;
  • 4th: the same as on day 3 + a glass of skim milk;
  • 5th: soup, beef (300-400 g), tomatoes - fresh or canned;
  • 6th: soup, beef and vegetables;
  • 7th: soup, brown uncooked rice, fruit juices (preferably freshly squeezed).

Using this method of losing weight, you can lose from 4 to 8 kilograms of excess weight.

Celery diet for 14 days

The celery diet for 14 days is very simple and is used in cases where you are not entirely satisfied with the weight loss results achieved in a week and decide not to limit yourself to a seven-day program. In this case, you can extend it for another week. The diet menu in the second week completely repeats the diet of the first week.

Salads with celery

For those who want to somehow diversify their menu, in addition to soup, you can offer the preparation of a variety of vegetable salads:

  • Grated on a fine grater apple, carrot, cabbage and root celery fill up lemon juice. This salad will be a good prevention of constipation and will help cleanse the intestines, which will significantly speed up the process of losing weight.
  • Try another recipe: grate on a coarse grater celery, turnips And carrot. Season the salad with vegetable oil mixed with lemon juice.
  • At lunchtime, it is permissible to eat another salad option: cut eggs, boiled carrot, fresh cucumber and stems celery. The mixture can be poured lightly yogurt, low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil.

Everything turns out very tasty, nutritious and healthy.

Celery diet: reviews from stars and recommendations from doctors

An analysis of numerous fasting forums showed that reviews of the celery diet are mostly positive, since, despite the monotony of the menu, it is quite easily tolerated. In addition, which is very pleasant, this diet program maintains a sustainable weight loss result.

However, it is worth noting that, despite its amazing properties, celery is not useful for everyone. It also has a number of quite serious contraindications:

  • It is not recommended for pregnant women to consume this vegetable, as it can stimulate uterine contractions and cause miscarriage. There are also cases where, after taking celery, nursing mothers lost milk;
  • Epileptics should not use it - it can provoke an attack;
  • People suffering from urolithiasis should approach the consumption of this vegetable with caution - its composition can lead to the movement of kidney stones;
  • People with ulcers should not take it either - as a result of its use, patients may experience attacks of heartburn, vomiting and stomach pain;
  • Use the celery diet with caution for any chronic diseases (only after consulting a doctor).

Many stars are guilty of consuming celery. So, before going on the red carpet, such well-known personalities as Charlize Theron, Kim Kardashian and Denise Richards snack on them. Jennifer Aniston is a fan of chilled celery soup, and Katy Perry enjoys celery dipped in sauce or as an ingredient in shrimp salad.

A big fan of vegetarian celery soup is Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who advises everyone to include it in their diet as often as possible, combining it with cabbage, cucumbers, parsley and Japanese Chlorella seaweed, which helps improve metabolism and overall rejuvenation of the body.

Ideal weight is the dream of every woman. But how to achieve it quickly, affordably and, most importantly, safely. A proven recipe - celery soup for weight loss.

Composition and characteristics of the main product

Celery is a new discovery by nutritionists. All parts of the plant are equally useful for weight loss and differ only in their special taste. This is pleasing, as it allows you to diversify the menu. Some people are immediately stopped by its specific taste and smell, but there are others who like them.

Celery owes its popularity to:

  • negative calorie content (100 g of product contains 12 kcal);
  • the ability to rid biological tissues of toxins;
  • rich composition.

Let's talk about the last advantage in more detail. Celery is called a storehouse of nutrients because it contains:

  • Vitamin C for elasticity of blood vessels and firmness of the skin.
  • B vitamins necessary for metabolism and normal functioning of major organ systems.
  • Cellulose, which cleanses the intestines of toxins and improves digestion.
  • Esters with sedative properties.
  • Organic acids that have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium to strengthen the heart, bones, and immunity.
  • Luteolin, which inhibits the development of senile dementia.

Celery is unique due to its ability to:

  • improve sleep;
  • relieve nervous tension;
  • tone the body.

His diverse influence does not end there:

  1. It relieves hunger for a long time. Mainly due to fiber, which fills the stomach and creates tension in its walls. The brain perceives this as a signal of satiety and stops tormenting the owner with hunger pangs.
  2. The intestines are activated, by the way, also due to fiber. It is not digested in the human body, therefore it passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract, maintaining its original coarse fibrous structure, and resembles a brush that cleans everything in its path, namely the walls of the digestive canal. And as you know, waste and toxins are not the last culprits in the accumulation of fatty deposits.
  3. Celery soup has a slight diuretic effect, which eliminates swelling and cellulite.
  4. Celery solves another problem that arises when losing weight - sagging skin.

Celery is a famous herbal medicine. It helps with a number of diseases, including:

  • dermatitis;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney diseases.

In the matter of weight loss, it has no equal, since celery normalizes hormonal levels, regulates metabolism, and fat oxidation. Therefore, celery soup is not only a minus of excess weight, but also a plus of health and youth.

But if everything is clear with celery...

Why soup?

The reasons are quite logical:

  • The soup contains a lot of other ingredients that smooth out the harsh taste of celery.
  • A serving of celery soup contains 25-35 kcal. This is a real find for quick slimming. At the same time, a bowl of soup, unlike an appetizer or salad, gives you a feeling of fullness, and this, in turn, relieves stress due to food restrictions.
  • Hot soup is more soothing and warming.

Disadvantages of the diet

There are few of them, but they still exist:

  • specific taste;
  • nausea.

Some people consider the diuretic effect as a disadvantage, and others as an advantage.

It is better to lose weight on celery soup for a week, then take a 2-week break and repeat if desired.

The advantages are encouraging, and I want to start preparing it as soon as possible. Past negative experiences are not a reason to deny yourself new attempts.

Basic soup recipes

There are many recipes for celery soup. When choosing, everyone proceeds from their taste preferences, goals, as well as the desired rate of weight loss.

  • some are prepared only from vegetables;
  • in others you can add salt, garlic and tomato juice.

To defeat extra pounds, it is advisable to prepare the soup alternately, either according to the first or second recipe. You can add some potatoes to the soup or replace them with zucchini. Alternatively, pass the brew through a blender. If you stick to your chosen diet, you can lose 4-5 kg ​​in a week.

For those who like to lose weight quickly, there is a recipe for making celery soup in water, which is recommended to be eaten for 3 days in any quantity. The more soup eaten, the better the result. In 3 days, as a rule, 3 kg of fat deposits are lost. The correct recipe for celery soup for weight loss is prepared with water!


  • celery - 0.5 roots or 5 stalks;
  • tomatoes -2;
  • sweet pepper - 1 large;
  • onion - 6;
  • cabbage - about 400 g.

Cut the vegetables, throw them into boiling water and cook until tender, but do not overcook them.

For the second recipe for celery soup for weight loss take:

  • celery - 4 stalks or 0.5 roots;
  • 200 g bean pods;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 5 onions;
  • 300 g cabbage;
  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • laurel - 1.

Pour the chopped vegetables into water (2 liters) and cook for about 20 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil.

Diet for a week

By day, a diet based on celery soup looks something like this:

  1. We allow ourselves fruits, with the exception of grapes and bananas.
  2. We eat raw vegetables in unlimited quantities.
  3. Again, raw vegetables, but 1 baked potato seasoned with a teaspoon of sunflower oil is allowed.
  4. You can have kefir up to 1 liter per day and bananas (3).
  5. A little lean meat, such as chicken breast or lean fish (700 g), wouldn't hurt.
  6. Boiled meat (350 g) and raw vegetable salad.
  7. , vegetable salad, favorite fruits.


Lasting a week on such a diet is not a problem, but you still have to exclude some things from your diet:

  • alcohol;
  • canned foods;
  • fried and spicy foods;
  • flour products;
  • salt;

Limit coffee consumption to 3 times a day. It is much healthier to drink unsweetened.

Tips to help achieve the desired result:

  • Dishes should not contain fat.
  • A bowl of celery soup will satisfy even the most intense hunger.
  • Avoid sparkling water.
  • Do not introduce new foods into the diet.
  • Get on the scale every morning to see the result.
  • It is better not to combine the diet with intense physical activity.
  • Daily calorie content should not exceed 1200 kcal.
  • If the taste of the soup is unacceptable, you can dilute it with mushroom spice.
  • It is better to cook soup not from the root, but from celery stalks.
  • Ensure plenty of fluids: at least 2 liters per day, excluding coffee and tea.
  • Last meal no later than 19.00. It is advisable that dinner consist of vegetables and fruits, and in case of severe hunger, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Include celery juice and green parts of the plant in your diet.
  • Protein foods (meat and fish) are best combined with salads made from raw vegetables.
  • Include grapefruit and other citrus fruits in your diet, excluding starchy foods.

Rules for selecting and storing a quality product

  • The plant should have bright green, shiny, elastic stems and leaves. Stems with a yellowish or brownish tint should not be used.
  • You can check the quality of the product by breaking the stem. A juicy crunch is a sign of a fresh plant.
  • Celery, which has put out flower stalks, has grown and lost some of its healing properties, and besides, it is bitter.

Celery must be stored correctly. To do this, the plant is placed in a jar of water and stored as a flower bouquet. You can immerse the whole thing in water and store it in the refrigerator. This way you can always have a fresh product on hand throughout the week.

A diet based on celery is no less useful for the stronger sex. It helps improve potency, eliminates excess fat, and cleanses tissues of toxic metabolites. For older people, the benefits of celery include improving memory, strengthening bones, restoring minerals, and increasing the overall tone of the body.


No one can eat celery soup for a long time. After all, the diet is unbalanced and not recommended for long-term adherence, and is also contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;

Celery has a negative calorie content, so you can lose weight on it quickly and easily. At the same time, you can eat a lot and often. Get recipes for celery soup, salad and tea and lose up to 3 kg in one day!

Celery is a universal product that is used in dietary nutrition for weight loss, for medicinal purposes and to satisfy gastronomic needs. This is explained by the wide range of possibilities of the nondescript root vegetable: its presence on the table significantly improves the figure, health and appearance. Dishes with it are extremely low in calories, since 100 g of this vegetable contains only 18-30 kcal.

The celery diet is very simple and effective, so it is often chosen even by those who do not really like the unique taste of this vegetable, but appreciate all the advantages of this technique.

The benefits of celery for weight loss

The effect of this vegetable on your figure proves that there are foods that you need to eat in order to lose weight.

  1. It has a “minus calorie content”. This characteristic indicates that more calories are spent on digesting this product than are supplied with it during meals. It is for this reason that the more you eat, the faster you get rid of extra pounds.
  2. The mild diuretic effect allows you to quickly remove excess fluid from tissues, eliminate swelling and thereby reduce body weight and volume.
  3. Celery fiber is an excellent “brush” that cleanses stagnant masses from intestinal loops, thereby preventing putrefactive processes and the risk of developing slow toxicity. In addition, from the mechanical effects of fiber, the epithelium of the small and large intestines intensively evacuates dead cells, which makes it possible to more actively populate the mucosa with intestinal cultures.
  4. The substances contained in the vegetable affect biochemical metabolic reactions and thereby accelerate metabolic processes.
  5. Thanks to its special essential oil, celery activates the production of gastric juice, which accelerates the process of breaking down food in the stomach.

It is for these reasons that the opinion of nutritionists is clear: this root vegetable is an ideal vegetable for losing weight, correcting weight and body parameters.

How to use celery for weight loss

This plant is presented in three varieties: root, petiole and leaf. All of them are equally good at improving your figure, but, depending on the variety, you need to eat different parts of the plant.

  • The root is used for preparing first and second courses. It is used both raw and after heat treatment. It is available for sale all year round, but in order to be completely confident in the quality of the root crop, it can be grown on a windowsill without any problems.
  • Petiole does not form such a powerful root as in the previous case, but forms juicy massive stems up to 4 cm in diameter. The cost of the petiole form is higher because the shelf life is much shorter compared to the root form.
  • The leaf contains a lot of chlorophyll, which is absent in large quantities in other varieties.

For weight loss, it is best to consume the plant in its raw form - in salads, cocktails or fresh juices. But it is also acceptable to use boiled, baked or stewed.

If after cooking there is an unused part of the plant left, the remainder must be tightly packed in cling film and stored in the refrigerator until next use.

Benefits of the Celery Diet

  1. The amino acids it contains accelerate recovery processes, which gives the body a rejuvenating effect and slows down cell aging.
  2. It contains an almost complete list of all trace elements and vital vitamins necessary for humans, which will prevent you from suffering from vitamin deficiency during a diet on celery.
  3. It has a calming effect, improves night sleep and regulates sleep cycles, making a person more resistant to stress.
  4. It improves the water-salt balance, which reduces the frequency of exacerbations of hypertension, eases the course of diabetes and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  5. Streamlines the digestive system, relieves constipation and flatulence.
  6. Helps digest complex multi-component dishes, especially proteins.
  7. It is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis and chronic colitis.
  8. It is a product that does not cause allergies.
  9. Since this vegetable is used as an aphrodisiac, when actively used in food, not only a surge of energy is felt, but also sexual desire (this effect is especially pronounced in men).
  10. Due to the fact that this plant improves overall tone, loss of strength and rapid fatigue are excluded during weight loss.

Basic Rules

In order for weight loss to be as effective and easy as possible, it is necessary to take into account special recommendations for the course:

  1. You should not deprive yourself of the first warm dishes, as you can make celery their main component.
  2. Since dishes based on this plant are very low in calories, you can eat them quite often and in large quantities.
  3. The consumption of sweets, flour, salty, smoked, pickled, canned, fried foods is prohibited.
  4. Alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks are not allowed, and tea and coffee must be drunk without sugar.
  5. A little-known fact, but nutritionists recommend using this method for those for whom pineapple weight loss is not available due to cost.
  6. A celery diet can cause a significant decrease in glucose levels. Most often, this condition intensifies during the second or third day. In this case, you need to eat one sweet fruit and your health will quickly improve.
  7. If the condition does not improve or the deterioration occurs again, then the course should be stopped immediately.
  8. Repeated use of the celery diet – after 3 months.


Despite the versatility of celery for weight loss, weight correction with the help of this plant has its contraindications. Since during its digestion the body wastes calories in excess, it is prohibited to combine this method with a water diet.

Celery should not often be present on the table after the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the seventh month), as it can provoke uterine contractions and the onset of premature labor.

Also contraindications for celery weight loss are:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • lactation (causes a decrease in the amount of breast milk);
  • perforated ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • kidney stones (may trigger the onset of stone movement);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • epilepsy.


The celery method allows you to choose different course lengths. It is best to eat freshly prepared meals - their use will ensure a greater supply of nutrients during weight loss.

For a day

Such unloading can cleanse the body and simultaneously get rid of 2–3 kg. Celery juice is used in all main meals and snacks.

Celery-apple unloading

  • Breakfast: 2 apples and 150 ml of juice.
  • Lunch: 150 ml juice.
  • Lunch: 1 juicy apple.
  • Afternoon snack: 250 ml fresh juice.
  • Before bed: 20 ml of juice.

You need to drink a lot of water throughout the day: at least 2.5 liters.

Celery-vegetable unloading

During the day you need to eat 300 g of celery and 2 kg of other vegetables (except potatoes). Vegetables can be raw or cooked. The entire volume of food must be divided into 5 servings and eaten at equal intervals.

From a set of vegetables you can prepare salads and even first courses, for example, okroshka with kefir. Due attention should also be paid to the drinking regime: herbal teas and water are acceptable drinks. The total volume of liquid is about 2.5 liters.

For 3 days

Losing weight with celery juice

With this approach, the technique allows you to become 1–3 kg lighter in 3 days. In parallel with this, the work of the gallbladder and intestines is activated.

To do this, you need to drink 1 tbsp half an hour before each main meal (3 times a day). l. celery juice and do not drink water. Juice can be prepared from the root or petiole part of the plant. The main rule is that the juice must be freshly prepared; it cannot be stored either in the refrigerator or at room temperature, since it very quickly loses most of its beneficial substances.

The rest of the diet consists of healthy foods, the calorie content of which is limited to 1200 kcal per day.

With this regime, the excretory system may be too active, so losing weight should be timed to coincide with weekends, vacations, or provide the opportunity for frequent visits to the toilet.

Salad weight loss

This celery diet allows you to lose 2 kg. The basis is salads, the main component of which is celery. You should not continue the course for more than three days, as this may negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The entire diet consists of salads, in which the ratio of plant foods to protein is approximately 4:1. They can be seasoned with a small amount of olive, sesame or flaxseed oil, biokefir, low-fat kefir, wine or balsamic vinegar, and yogurt.

Authorized products:

  • fish meat;
  • seafood;
  • chicken and turkey;
  • vegetables (except potatoes and beets);
  • fruits (except banana and grapes);
  • skim milk, yogurt, kefir (not more than 1% fat).

As for drinks, any unsweetened drinks, teas, coffee, and still water are allowed.

For 4 days

The four-day version of celery weight loss is more nutritious and differs in that the list of protein foods is more diverse. During this period, you can get the result in the form of a weight loss of 3-4 kg. In every salad mentioned in the menu, you must add celery in a proportion of 50% of the total volume.

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled chicken proteins, 200 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%.
  • Lunch: 250 g of steamed chicken, skinned, 250 ml of biokefir.
  • Afternoon snack: salad of 1 tomato and 250 g of boiled cauliflower.
  • Dinner: 150 g of shredded white cabbage salad, seasoned with flaxseed oil, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: 150 g of fish, cooked in a double boiler, 250 ml of low-fat milk.
  • Lunch: 200 g steamed fish fillet, 250 ml biokefir.
  • Afternoon snack: 250 g of grated apple salad with carrots, 300 ml of fresh apple juice.
  • Dinner: 3 pieces of ham without fat, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: 250 ml of low-fat kefir or yogurt, 3 slices of hard cheese, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, salad with 100 g of boiled or steamed cauliflower, 300 ml of low-fat milk.
  • Afternoon snack: 200 g of green leafy vegetable salad and 1 juicy apple.
  • Dinner: 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: 3 chicken proteins, 250 ml of biokefir or yogurt.
  • Lunch: 200 g of fish fillet, cooked in a double boiler, 200 ml of low-calorie kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g celery, 1 tomato.
  • Dinner: 200 ml yogurt.

To prepare salads, you can use all 3 types of vegetables: root, leaf and petiole. The root can sometimes be pre-boiled.

For 7 days

The weekly menu is based on the use of low-calorie celery soup, which is easily digested and perfectly absorbed by the body.

The exact quantity of the dish is not indicated; it can be eaten as desired, but do not forget that stretching the stomach leads to a constant increase in portions, which will inevitably affect weight after stopping the diet.

After using the celery diet menu for a week, the average weight loss results range from 5 to 7 kg.

The daily diet should be divided into equal portions.

  • Monday: soup and 1 kilogram of fruit (except bananas).
  • Tuesday: soup and 0.5 kg of vegetables of your choice (except legumes) fresh, boiled or canned, but always without adding vegetable oil.
  • Wednesday: soup, 0.4 kg of fruit and 0.5 kg of vegetables.
  • Thursday: Wednesday menu plus 300 ml of low-calorie kefir.
  • Friday: soup, 300 g of steamed or baked beef, tomatoes - fresh, baked or canned.
  • Saturday: soup, 300 g of steamed or baked beef, 1 kg of low-starch vegetables.
  • Sunday: soup, 3 tbsp. l. brown rice in water, 0.5 liters of freshly squeezed fruit juice.

For 14 days

The entire course of a two-week diet on celery must be controlled by the amount of water drunk and ensure that the norm is not lower than 2 liters, and on Friday and Saturday increase it to 2.5–3 liters. Celery soup and other products are on the menu daily. You cannot swap days or modify the menu, as this will slow down the progress of weight loss.

  • Monday: soup and non-starchy fruit, unsweetened juice, rooibos or coffee.
  • Tuesday: soup, 2 boiled potatoes with vegetable oil, vegetables (except legumes, green peas and corn).
  • Wednesday: soup, 1 baked potato, tea.
  • Thursday: soup, 3 bananas (preferably unripe ones), 1 liter of biokefir.
  • Friday: soup, 350 g of boiled fish, beef or chicken, 6 tomatoes, at least 8 glasses of drinking water.
  • Saturday: soup, 300 g of lean beef or boiled chicken, 2 kg of vegetables, at least 8 glasses of drinking water.
  • Sunday: soup, 2 tbsp. l. boiled brown rice, 1 kg of vegetables, 300 ml of fresh fruit.

During the second week, you need to repeat the diet menu from Monday to Sunday.


Because celery has an interesting and distinct taste, it has many adherents. But for those who have not tried such dishes before, it will be interesting to know that this component is used in the preparation of first and second courses and many salads.

Celery soup for weight loss

The dish can be consumed both hot and cold. It will show all its properties better if it was prepared shortly before the meal, so preparing large quantities for future use is not the best solution. Moreover, preparing such a dish does not take much time.

In order to prepare the right soup for weight loss on a celery diet, with the help of which fat deposits will quickly melt, you can use any of the recipes below. For successful weight loss, each of them can be eaten in its classic form, but if desired, you can grind it in a blender and use it as a puree soup.

First option


  • medium-sized cabbage forks (approximately 1.5 kg);
  • 6 onions;
  • 2 pcs. knobby pepper;
  • 6 tomatoes (canned);
  • 300 g root or large bunch of green celery.

Wash everything, cut into small pieces: the smaller the pieces, the faster the cooking process will be completed and the fewer vitamins will have time to be destroyed.

Fill everything with water so that its level is 2 fingers higher than the vegetables. Bring to a boil over high heat, and then cook for 20–25 minutes. over low heat with the lid closed.

The soup should not be salty, but the use of natural herbal seasonings will enhance the taste.

Second option

  • 300 g of celery root and a bunch of its leaves;
  • 300 g broccoli;
  • 2 pcs. sweet carrots;
  • 1/3 leek stalk;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 ml tomato paste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oils;
  • 2 laurel leaves.

Wash and peel the celery and broccoli, chop finely, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Place all these vegetables in a saucepan, add three liters of water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Coarsely chop the onion rings and quickly fry them in oil. Add tomato paste to the onion and simmer for 2 minutes.

Place the contents of the frying pan into a saucepan, add whole peeled garlic cloves, finely chopped herbs, bay leaves and cook everything together for another 5-7 minutes.

Third option


  • 200 g celery root;
  • small forks of white cabbage;
  • 600 g carrots;
  • 6 onions;
  • 2 large green sweet peppers;
  • 0.5 kg of green beans;
  • 6 tomatoes;
  • 1.5 liters of tomato juice.

Chop all the vegetables, place everything tightly in a saucepan and pour in tomato juice. If necessary, add water so that the liquid covers the remaining ingredients.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil over high heat, and cook for another 10 minutes, covered, reducing the heat to low.

Diet salads

Salad with ginger


  • 150 g celery;
  • 50 g ginger;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

Wash both root vegetables, cut into small strips and season with lemon juice.

Apple salad


  • 2 juicy apples;
  • 300 g celery root;
  • 3 knobby peppers;
  • ½ bunch of parsley;
  • salt;
  • low fat yogurt.

Peel the skins from the roots and apples. Cut the apples and peppers into strips, and the celery into cubes. Sprinkle everything with herbs and season with yogurt sauce, salt to taste and mix.

Salad with carrots


  • 100 g celery;
  • 100 g turnips;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • lemon juice.

Wash, peel and grate the root vegetables for the salad. Season everything with salt and juice, mix. You can eat the salad after 30 minutes, when it gives juice.

Ginger-celery tea


  • ginger;
  • lemon;
  • mint.

Pour boiling water over a few circles of each root, mint leaves and lemon rings and let steep for 5–10 minutes. Add honey to the cup to taste.

You cannot drink tea that was brewed yesterday. Also, the drink should not be drunk too hot; it is better to let it cool slightly.

Quitting the diet

Returning to a normal diet after a celery diet should occur gradually. The daily amount of food increases gradually, approximately 100 kcal per day or two.

During the first week, the ban on flour and sweet soda continues. During the first three days, you can expand your diet with raw fruits and vegetables, then allow yourself stewed dishes. By the end of the week, introduce whole grain porridges and first courses.

You need to pay attention to a sufficient supply of fluid and keep this figure at the level of 2 liters. Carbonated drinking water should not be consumed.

To consolidate the result obtained, it will be correct to apply physical activity: this will allow you to smoothly adapt to the new caloric intake without changing the scale readings upward. As an alternative, you can use jogging or long walks in the morning and in the evening.

Continued use of celery first courses, salads and juices from this plant in the diet will help control body weight after stopping the diet.
