Son of Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Maxim. The grown-up son of Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev is being discussed online

Liza Boyarskaya's husband Maxim Matveev is divorcing his wife! The reason for this is the affair between Liza Boyarskaya and her longtime friend Danila Kozlovsky. Is this true or not? And why, with such persistent rumors about discord in the Boyarsky-Matveev family, do the spouses continue to delight their fans with joint family photos from 2016, where Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev and their son look quite happy? The whole truth about the star’s divorce is in our material.

Beauty and... beauty: Liza Boyarskaya before and after nose surgery

“Liza Boyarskaya before and after nose surgery” - only the “lazy” yellow publication did not place a photo with such headlines on its pages. Why the girl, whose everything in her image was always harmonious, decided to go under the knife of a cosmetic surgeon is well known. There are no limits to perfection, as they say, so the young actress wanted to become even more spectacular and attractive. I must admit, these are daughters famous parents, we succeeded one hundred percent. Plastic surgery only emphasized the aristocratic, sophisticated appearance of the artist. It is not for nothing that not so long ago Boyarskaya was offered the role of one of the most famous Russian aristocrats in literature - Anna Karenina.

Liza Boyarskaya before and after nose surgery

The star of the film “Admiral” herself does not comment on the fact that she resorted to plastic surgery. Although carefully looking at the before and after photos surgical intervention, one cannot help but notice: the celebrity’s nose has become more chiseled. Many even talk about the similarity of Boyarskaya’s new nose to Michael Jackson’s nose. While in earlier photographs it is clearly visible that the future celebrity’s nose was not so “doll-like” and was very similar to the nose of her mother, actress Larisa Luppian.

Little Liza Boyarskaya with her mother

Plastic surgeons are confident that the actress has undergone at least two rhinoplasty operations. First, the star gave her nose a more refined outline, and then she reduced its tip, making it more upturned. Experts believe that not only the nose of the daughter of the most famous D’Artagnan of Russian cinema, but also her lips, underwent cosmetic plastic surgery.

Liza Boyarskaya after nose surgery (photo from the actress’s Instagram)

Noticeable “constriction” on upper lip Elizabeth's hair most likely appeared as a result of plastic surgery. Many also note that the actress’s cheekbones have become more chiseled and expressive. Perhaps Lisa should be grateful for this to nature and to the age-related changes that quite naturally occur with every woman at the age of 30. Or maybe facial plastic surgery gurus helped the artist with this? Boyarskaya herself questions about plastic surgery doesn't comment at all.

Liza Boyarskaya in the film “Admiral”

New appearance of one of the most popular Russian actresses conquered the Meladze brothers, who filmed the St. Petersburg beauty in three of their videos at once - “The Light of the Setting Sun”, “My Promised Heaven” and “My Brother”. In her latest work, Liza Boyarskaya appeared in the frame with fellow actresses Yulia Snigir and Victoria Isakova.

Scandal 2016: Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev are getting divorced because of Danila Kozlovsky

Another recent New Year's photo shows the family famous actors she looked so happy! But suddenly, like thunder among clear skies: Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev are getting divorced! And because of whom! Insiders claim that the reason for the breakup was one of the most beautiful couples Liza’s close friend became a part of Russian cinema, and in the not so distant past, also her lover, Danila Kozlovsky.

In their youth, Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky had an affair

The beginning of the scandal was the filming of Liza Boyarskaya in Danila Kozlovsky’s film project “Status: Free”. The actress herself has repeatedly said in an interview that when Danya (as Boyarskaya calls the actor) invited her to participate in the filming of a new film, she agreed without hesitation. Without even reading the script. But in vain! The script of the film was very similar to everything that happened in reality. A third man intervenes in the relationship between a boy and a girl in love... But the abandoned hero of Danila Kozlovsky does not agree to put up with the departure of his beloved girl, deciding at all costs to return the love of the heroine Liza Boyarskaya.

Maybe the actress’s husband, Maxim Matveev, understood the hint and did not want to interfere with his wife’s “play of love” with the star of “Legend No. 17” and “Crew”? The theater fraternity, who know Maxim Matveev well and are aware of the state of affairs in the Boyarsky-Matveev family, says that there really is a gap between the artists. The couple has already separated. Now Matveev lives in Moscow, and his famous wife lives in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, the gap is not in the best possible way affected the work in the theater of Elizabeth’s husband. Matveev is an actor at the Moscow Moscow Art Theater.

« Maxim was always secretive, and after breaking up with Lisa he completely withdrew into himself. At first, during rehearsals, he couldn’t get it together—he missed some comments, but we’re all human, so we treated all of this with understanding. We try not to touch on the topic of his relationship with his wife; he himself asked to refrain from commenting on this matter in his presence. But he didn’t hide from his colleagues that he and Lisa were no longer together.”

Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev celebrated New Year 2016 together

In addition, one very important detail did not escape the public. At the premiere of the film “Status: Single,” Liza Boyarskaya appeared without a wedding ring. Many saw this as the final break between the actress and her husband. Boyarskaya herself was able to explain this:

“We have very busy schedules, we don’t go to events, preferring to spend time at home with the child. We don't wear wedding rings– this is generally a personal matter for each person... This is our natural way of life. There's no reason to worry»

But journalists stick to their line, continuing to trumpet the fact that Liza Boyarskaya and her husband, Maxim Matveev, are not getting divorced only because the actress’s father, Mikhail Boyarsky, forbids them to do so. Like, you need to take care of the external family well-being, do not wash dirty linen in public. For this reason, after every weekend, when her husband visits Lisa with her little son in St. Petersburg, idyllic images appear on the artist’s Instagram family photos. “Let everyone think that everything is fine with us” is the motto of the Matveev-Boyarskaya couple.

Despite the breakup, Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev continue to act together

And everything was like in a fairy tale: Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev with their son, photo 2016

It really was more like a fairy tale. They were brought together... no, not by fate, but by the joint film work “I’m Not Sorry.” Friendly relations Lisa Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev on the set imperceptibly grew into something more. The young actress was not even embarrassed by the fact that she future husband was married at the time. Maxim's first wife was also a “servant of Melpomene” - actress Yana Sexte. Although according to external data ex-wife the star of “Hipster” was clearly losing to her rival from the famous acting dynasty, but still Yana could not even think that her adored husband would so treacherously betray her love, crossing out everything that was between them.

Liza Boyarskaya broke up the young family of Maxim Matveev and Yana Sexte

The new acting couple did not advertise their relationship for a long time, appearing in public separately. Only in the summer of 2010 did fans learn that Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev officially became husband and wife. The wedding was celebrated quite modestly in the style of “Hipsters,” which brought acting fame to the newly-made husband.

Wedding of Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev

In 2012, Matveev Jr. was born. The couple named their son Andrei. However, it is not so easy to find a photo of Boyarskaya and Matveev with their son. Caring parents jealously protect their offspring from prying eyes. And only the ubiquitous paparazzi sometimes manage to capture their son star couple. Either on a walk with the famous grandfather, or in the cradle in the hands of his father, Maxim Matveev. But one photo in which the entire famous family is assembled can still be seen. True, the cunning parents did everything to ensure that their faces were not visible in the photo small miracle. Anyone can even play a unique game: find a 2016 photo of Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev with their son on the Internet.

Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev with their son

An old song in a new way: Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky, novel 2016

Once upon a time, Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky already tried to build a relationship. They were young, passionate students at the theater institute and believed that their romance was not afraid of any obstacles. But Lisa’s dad, actor Mikhail Boyarsky, intervened in their bright dreams of a wonderful future. He did not see a promising actor in the young, slender youth, and therefore forbade his daughter to meet with Kozlovsky.

Mikhail Boyarsky was against the novel between Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky

If Mikhail Sergeevich knew then what heights the young man would reach in a few years... Apparently, Danila Kozlovsky will present his debut solo program not just anywhere, but in Bolshoi Theater, the Russian “Gascon” certainly did not suspect.

Danila Kozlovsky and Liza Boyarskaya at the Golden Mask awards ceremony

Then the lovers separated... but only to get back together. Even if not in real life, and on the stage and on the silver screen, the romance of Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky broke out with new strength. Just look how selflessly the actors play lovers on stage!

At the same time, Kozlovsky is constantly seen accompanied by model Olga Zueva. According to rumors, the couple is planning a wedding. How will the fate of this " love triangle“We’ll find out very soon. Are looking forward to latest news with irrefutable facts, who are Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky related to each other? And what role does the husband and father have in this relationship so far? only son Boyarskaya, Maxim Matveev?

Yana and Maxim managed to get a divorce without scandals and maintain friendly relations. They work together at the Doctor Clown charity organization, which they became involved with during their short marriage.


“When I was getting ready to come to your show, at first I decided that not a word about Maxim,” Menshova told Sexta. “And then I realized that everything was fine and there were already two happy family and two happy children."

The fact is that now everything is wonderful in the actress’s personal life. In November 2013, she married composer Dmitry Marin. On August 1, 2014, the couple had a daughter, Anna. A ex-husband Yana Maxim Matveev is married to actress Liza Boyarskaya. U famous couple son Andrei is growing up.

"Everyone has characters wonderful relationship. We are friends. Mitya, me, Lisa and Maxim. Of course, this was not even discussed; we are still working in the fund. “I am very glad that Maxim and I remained very close and dear people,” the actress admitted. Moreover, Sexte did not object when Boyarskaya joined Matveev’s charitable work. “What we do is several steps more important than failures in personal life,” says Yana.

In the Doctor Clown charity organization, stars of domestic show business help children and their families facing serious illnesses forget about their health problems for a while and regain the joy of life. During the years of marriage, Yana and Maxim entertained sick children in carnival costumes. One day they went to the Burdenko hospital to save a girl from a severe depressive state. Parents and doctors could not help her.

“Psychologists believe that clowns are needed. We sat at night and thought about what we could do. Early in the morning we went to a carnival store and bought some monstrous costumes. Just a terrible nightmare!” the artist recalls with a laugh. “We walked around the department for two hours. I remember the girl's face. Her name was Inna. She was eight years old. When we entered the ward, she turned away. There was no reaction. I don't remember what we did, but two hours later Inna followed us from ward to ward. She laughed ", however, silently due to the tracheostomy. And then Maxim and I realized for the rest of our lives that this works. To defeat the disease, you need to make the child laugh."

Liza Boyarskaya is an actress and model, the daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian. Continuing the Boyarsky acting dynasty, she had to make a lot of efforts to get out of the shadow of her famous parents, but she definitely succeeded! There are dozens of films with her participation, and in MDT she is deservedly called a prima.

Childhood of Liza Boyarskaya

Elizaveta Boyarskaya was born in Leningrad on December 20, 1985. The acting couple, Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian, already had a growing son, Sergei Boyarsky. Lisa younger than brother for almost six years.

Attentive viewers must have noticed Lisa has a scar on her left cheek. She received it in infancy. The baby twitched unsuccessfully in her mother’s arms and touched the lamp, which fell and shattered into fragments. One of them injured Lisa's face. Larisa did not lose her composure and quickly took her daughter to the hospital, where the scar was mended. By the way, the actress is not at all embarrassed by the mark and even considers it her highlight, so she does not cover her cheek with foundation unless it is required on the set.

Despite the star status of her parents, at first the girl did not intend to follow in their footsteps. She was attracted by being a journalist and the relatively new specialty of a PR manager at that time, especially since Lisa had the necessary inclinations - at school she easily managed to organize any parties.

She got her first film role by accident. One day the phone rang in the Boyarskys’ apartment. 15-year-old Lisa answered the phone. At the other end of the line they asked if they could hear Mikhail, but the famous musketeer was on set. Then the voice on the phone suggested Lisa to play in a movie. This is how her debut took place - in the thriller “Keys to Death” she played a little drug addict Alice, the daughter of rich parents.

However, the first shooting did not impress young Lisa, and she did not change her opinion about future profession. However, the parents, as the elder Boyarsky later admitted, did not see an actress in their daughter. In their opinion, who should have become the successor of the dynasty was the eldest son. But in their senior year, their daughter gave them a surprise.

At school, Liza Boyarskaya studied mediocrely; she had to improve all subjects with tutors. But outside of classes she led active life– attended a modeling school, studied jazz and classical dances. And in high school, the girl came to her senses and became one of the most outstanding students. Boyarskaya showed such zeal to enter the journalism department, but a couple of months before the entrance exams, she suddenly realized that this was not her profession at all. The introductory courses at the Faculty of Dreams brought the girl only disappointment, but visiting the opening of the educational theater on Mokhovaya, on the contrary, convinced Lisa to become the ninth certified actor in the family.

There was very little time for preparation. Lisa submitted documents to the St. Petersburg state academy theatrical arts(SPbGATI). At the entrance exams, the proud bearer of the legendary surname was not given any concessions, but, on the contrary, instead of the required ten minutes allotted for each applicant, Boyarskaya spent an hour proving that she was worthy of joining the ranks of students. As a result, Lisa was enrolled in the course people's artist Russia, professor and simply outstanding theater director Lev Abramovich Dodin.

Actor career

Liza Boyarskaya plunged into learning the basics acting. Already as a student, Boyarskaya received her first serious role. The girl performed brilliantly on the stage of the Maly Drama Theater in the play “King Lear”, playing the role of Gonerel, for which she received the prestigious “Golden Spotlight” award.

In 2003, she got the main female role in the drama “Demon of the Afternoon”, then - an episode in the series “Cobra. Anti-terror" (series "Prince of Darkness"), where its heroine Nastya was lured into a satanic sect.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya. Temporarily available

In 2004, offers from directors began to arrive more often. During this period, Lisa was busy filming the German-Italian war drama “The Bunker” by Oliver Hirschbiegel, where she appeared in the role of nurse Erna. A year later, the girl received her first big role in Russian cinema - the actress tried on the image of the touching and hopelessly in love with the submarine captain Tanka from the military drama “First After God.”

In the same year, Lisa got another historical role, that of Françoise Faberge, in the drama “One Someone Else’s Life,” which told about the post-revolutionary period. After this, the girl admitted that she was close to historical costume paintings, since she considers herself completely out of date.

In 2006, Liza Boyarskaya tried her hand at the melodrama “You Won’t Leave Me.” In the film, the girl played the young actress Verochka, a rather eccentric person. Since her heroine was a bundle of energy: she constantly said something, sometimes cried, sometimes laughed, Lisa had to constantly “wind up” herself. By the way, it was in this film that Liza Boyarskaya starred with her dad for the first time. As the actress herself admitted, the experience was unusual. For the sake of this role, Lisa made a small sacrifice - she had to change her color from a brunette to a redhead several times. However, this did not bother the girl at all: the actress has repeatedly stated that for the sake of a worthwhile film, she is ready not only to dye her hair color, but also to shave her head.

In 2007, Elizaveta Boyarskaya graduated from the theater academy and was officially invited to work at the Young Studio of MDT - Theater of Europe.

Soon the girl was offered the role of d'Artagnan's daughter in the sequel to The Three Musketeers. Although Elizabeth loves “costume” films, she refused to participate, citing the fact that the script did not quite suit her.

One of the most striking roles, according to Elizaveta, awaited her in the remake of “The Irony of Fate” from Timur Bekmambetov. The girl who grew up watching the movie "C" light steam!”, admitted that at first she was afraid of the responsibility and the inevitable comparisons with the heroine of Barbara Brylska. However, she still agreed to participate in the filming. Elizabeth's partners in the film were Konstantin Khabensky and Sergei Bezrukov. According to the script, Sergei plays Nadya’s fiancé, and Konstantin plays a new lover.

Now Lisa is sure that her heroine in “The Irony of Fate” is the ideal St. Petersburg girl of our time. She is a little cold and infernal, at the same time self-confident, proud and sober, not a “glamorous” girl, but not ordinary, but with a rich internal content. Elizabeth likes this combination of qualities.

Liza Boyarskaya in “Evening Urgant” (2016)

Released in 2008 New film with the participation of Liza Boyarskaya and Konstantin Khabensky - the blockbuster “Admiral” directed by Andrei Kravchuk. The film told about the life of an outstanding military officer navy, polar explorer, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, and his beloved Anna Timireva.

After such success, films with her participation are constantly released on the big screen: “I Won’t Tell” (2010) with Maxim Matveev, “Five Brides” (2011) with Danil Kozlovsky, “Match” (2011) with Sergei Bezrukov , “Klushi” (2012), “Cinderella” (2012), “The Habit of Parting” (2013), “Courier from Paradise” (2013), “Headhunters” (2014) with Philip Yankovsky.

In 2012, Lisa starred in Valery Meladze’s video for the song “Heaven,” playing his lover and appearing in rather revealing images.

Liza Boyarskaya and Valery Meladze in the video “Heaven”

Personal life of Liza Boyarskaya

Liza Boyarskaya lived for a very long time under the same roof with her father and mother, never daring to free herself from parental care.

As a student, Boyarskaya fell in love with fellow student Danila Kozlovsky. At the academy they were immediately dubbed “Romeo and Juliet,” and the tabloids were already anticipating future details of the star romance, but then he intervened strict father Lisa, who said that he would not allow his daughter to date a little-known young man. The same fate, according to rumors, awaited Sergei Chonishvili and a native of Novosibirsk, actor Pavel Polyakov.

After two films in tandem with Khabensky in a row (“Admiral” and “The Irony of Fate”), Liza Boyarskaya began to be credited with an affair with the actor, but the rumors turned out to be groundless.

In August 2009, during the filming of the film “I Won’t Tell,” which took place in Kyiv, Boyarskaya met the actor of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, the star of the film “Hipsters” Maxim Matveev. As Lisa herself said, she had seen Maxim before and dreamed of working with him.

A month later, the entire film crew was in full swing discussing the new love affair at work actors. The couple hid their relationship from the public for a long time, since Boyarskaya’s lover was married to another actress, Yana Sexte from “Tabakerka.” But they didn’t last long; soon information about their affair was leaked to the press, and Maxim moved out of his wife’s place into a rented apartment.
