Technical documentation for the manufacture of steel structures. Work order for work execution Form for processing orders in production

Work order for work (form and sample)

Work order is a document usually used by consumers to order services (or work) exclusively for home, family and other personal needs. The work order (the form must be filled out in at least two copies) must contain a number of mandatory items.

Forms and work order forms

Individual entrepreneurs and companies, when providing various services, have the right to carry out with the population:

  • payments by payment cards without the use of cash register equipment;
  • and (or) cash payments.

In such cases, the legislation provides for the fulfillment of a mandatory condition. Service providers are required to issue customer-citizens a document equivalent to a cash receipt. It must be issued on a strict reporting form.

The regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2008 N 359 define a list of mandatory details of such a document. These include:

  • document title, 6-digit number and series;
  • the name of the company and its legal form, and for an individual entrepreneur - his last name, first name and patronymic;
  • the location of the permanent executive body of the organization (if there is none, then another body or person who has the right to act on behalf of the company without a power of attorney);
  • individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • description (type) of service;
  • amount of payment;
  • cost of work (service) in monetary terms;
  • date of drawing up the document and carrying out the calculation;
  • the position of the person who is responsible for the transaction, his name, surname, patronymic, personal signature and seal of the company (or individual entrepreneur);
  • other details that contain the characteristics and specifics of the service provided.

In practice, such a document is called a work order (or work order, task order).

In 1995, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation approved forms of work orders for the performance of certain types of household services (Letter dated April 20, 1995 N 16-00-30-33). These forms can also be used in 2017 if they contain all the required details listed above.

The classification of services as household services is determined by the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population (OKUN). Therefore, the use of a specific form of the form is tied to OKUN codes.

Work order forms (Ministry of Finance dated April 20, 1995 N 16-00-30-33)
Number of the form used An example of the OKUN service provided
form BO-1 Repair:
- leather and fur products,
- knitwear,
— household radio-electronic equipment (and its maintenance).
Gasification services
form BO-2 Shoe repairMaking felted shoes
form BO-3 Furniture repair and manufacturing Repair of housing and other buildings
Construction of housing and other buildings
form BO-4 Repair of knitwear
Knitting and sewing knitwear
form BO-5 Dry cleaningDyeing leather jackets and coats
form BO-10 DM Jewelry making and repair

Guidelines for filling out forms are given in

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Accounting for work according to orders

Main features of the program:

    You will have a single customer database with all the necessary contact information

    Each request is easy to register, and the program will automatically offer you the most available employee

    You will receive an accurate record of the work time of each employee

    For each application, you can take into account the materials spent and attach electronic documents and photographs

    The program will show a list of planned applications for each employee for any date

    For each order, it will be possible to track the stage of execution and the employees involved

    The program will show you the most capable employees, those who are delaying applications, who is free, or how many requests have already accumulated in the queue

    You will control all your employees

    A whole range of management reports is provided for the director, which will help analyze the organization’s activities from different angles.

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your clients and deservedly gain the reputation of the most modern company

    The ultra-modern function of communication with a PBX will allow you to see the caller’s data, shock the client by immediately addressing him by name, and not waste a second searching for information

    The necessary data can be uploaded to your website to monitor the status of applications or display employee schedules - there are many possibilities!

    By installing a screen with a visual schedule for employees, you will undoubtedly raise the prestige of your company in the eyes of clients and increase your own control

    You can implement customer assessment of the quality of work. The client will receive an SMS in which he will be asked to evaluate the employee’s work. The manager will be able to view the analysis of SMS voting in the program

    Reliable control will be ensured by integration with cameras: the program will indicate data on services provided and other important information in the captions of the video stream

    The scheduling system allows you to set up a backup schedule, receive important reports strictly at a certain time, and set any other program actions

    A special program will save a scheduled copy of all your data in the program without the need to stop working in the system, automatically archive and notify you when it is ready


    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. This is done using convenient manual data entry or import.

    The program interface is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

We have completed business automation for many organizations:

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order an international version of the program, into which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. You can even easily translate the interface yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

The specific nature of the activities of some enterprises involves recording work according to work orders. In a general sense, a work order is a document that specifies the task to perform work with full instructions. It would be irrational to keep a manual log of work on orders in a modern enterprise. For this purpose, it is better to use automated accounting systems. Which will not only speed up the work process, but will also minimize the likelihood of errors in such important documentation.

The “Universal Accounting System” software allows you to keep track of access orders more efficiently and optimize your document flow. An electronic journal of orders and orders allows you to have access to any necessary information and easily work with it using search and filtering tools. You no longer need to waste time searching for hours in a paper archive for the right outfit. It is enough to enter its number, date or any other criterion in the system and the necessary information will be found in a matter of seconds.

The work order accounting program has the ability to individually configure the system configuration for the most convenient and comfortable work. The permit work order can be very simple or, on the contrary, contain many criteria, describing all the nuances of completing a work task from time and deadlines to safety precautions.

Systematized recording of work orders provides additional opportunities for monitoring and analyzing activities, which will definitely have a positive impact on the quality of work. This form of document as a work order, which includes contractual obligations, technical specifications and cost of work, requires special care when drawing up. Therefore, it will be much easier to maintain such documentation in an automated manner. Accounting for work orders using special software is the optimal and effective solution for a modern successful enterprise.

On our website, in the demo version, you can download the work order log, which presents all the capabilities of the program. For enterprises that use work orders in their work, the accounting program will become an indispensable assistant in optimizing activities.

The monitoring and control program can be used by:

  • Government agency working with the population;
  • Any private company;
  • Information support service;
  • Support service;
  • Support Department;
  • Technical support department;
  • Computer support department;
  • User support;
  • Service company;
  • Service center;
  • Service-center;
  • Help Desk Service;
  • Helpline;
  • Help Desk;
  • and so on.

By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

Possibilities for monitoring and managing work accounting according to work orders

  • The electronic work order log has automatic forms for filling out;
  • Automated accounting of work according to orders optimizes task completion;
  • The accounting journal for orders and orders in the accounting system collects and structures all information;
  • Accounting for access orders is quick and simple;
  • The automated accounting system has a convenient interface;
  • The work order program is capable of processing even very large volumes of information;
  • The admission order accounting system records all user actions performed in the program;
  • Accounting for work according to work orders in a special system disciplines the team;
  • The program is able to unite many divisions of an enterprise in a single system;
  • The logbook for orders and orders has a convenient navigation system;
  • You can quickly find any necessary information in the system using specified criteria or using contextual search;
  • The work order log has a rich set of tools for working with information: grouping, sorting, filtering;
  • A flexible settings system completely adapts the software to the needs of the company;
  • In addition to accounting for work on orders, the program can generate analytical reports;
  • The program is multi-user;
  • The work order program records the deadlines for completing orders;
  • Automated software facilitates and improves the workflow.

Individual entrepreneurs and organizations, when providing paid services, have the right to carry out with the population:

  • payments by payment cards without using cash registers;
  • and (or) cash payments.

In such cases, the legislation provides for the fulfillment of a mandatory condition: the contractor (usually the order acceptor) is obliged to draw up and issue to the client a document equivalent to a cash receipt (see Article 2 of the Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003). It must be issued on a strict reporting form. Such a document is a work order.

Form form

There are several different forms for performing certain types of household services. Their forms are approved. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (see Letter dated April 20, 1995 No. 16-00-30-33). These forms can also be used in 2019. The main thing is that they contain all the required details listed in the next section. The forms are printed on special paper and have their own unique identification number.

For example, form BO-1 is used to place orders for the repair of television and radio equipment, household appliances and electrical appliances, watches, car repair and maintenance, gasification services, furniture manufacturing, etc. It consists of three parts. The first of them is the work order itself, which specifies the task. The second part of the document is transferred to the organization’s accounting department. The third part contains a warranty card - a receipt that is given to the customer.

BO-2 is used in shoe repair organizations.

BO-3 is used when placing orders for the production of photographs, funeral services, rental, and repair work, the implementation of which does not require the cost of materials. The first part of the document is the work order. It accompanies the order at the time the service is performed and is needed to calculate salaries for employees directly involved in production. The receipt is the second part and is issued to the customer to confirm the service performed. The third copy, a copy of the receipt, is used to record cash proceeds.

BO-4 is often used in the studio when sewing/repairing knitted clothing.

BO-5 is used in dry cleaners.

BO-10 is used in jewelry workshops.

Rules for filling out a work order

Regulations, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/08 No. 359 defines a list of mandatory details of such a document. The work order form for work must contain:

  • title of the document, its number and series;
  • name of the enterprise and its legal form/full name. for individual entrepreneurs;
  • location of the permanent executive body of the legal entity (in the absence of a permanent executive body of the legal entity - another body or person entitled to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney);
  • type of service provided;
  • amount of payment;
  • cost of the service in monetary terms;
  • date of drawing up the document and carrying out the calculation;
  • Full name, position and signature of the person responsible for the transaction and seal of the organization or individual entrepreneur;
  • other details that contain the characteristics and specifics of the service provided.

Rules for storing work orders

Blank work order forms are stored in a specially designated room, in the organization’s safe. At the end of the working day, the place where the forms are stored is sealed or sealed.

For services provided to them for household, family or personal needs, consumers receive work orders— documents confirming the work performed. They are drawn up according to special established forms and issued to the customer and the contractor.

Contractual agreements cannot be called work orders because they contain detailed instructions By:

  • names of work performed;
  • materials used;
  • diagnostics and repair.

These documents contain following information:

  • who is the performer, name and legal address;
  • client contact details;
  • all necessary work and services to complete the order;
  • proper materials and spare parts;
  • estimated period for completing the work;
  • tariffs for services provided;
  • calculation procedure.

A work order may have several different shapes, depending on the type of services and work provided. When it is accepted for sale, a contractual relationship is established, taking into account the possible consequences associated with non-compliance with the conditions agreed upon by the two parties.

Where is it used and why?

Work orders combine clauses of contracts and technical specifications along with the calculation of price indicators. These are the primary documents for accounting.

They can be used to carry out internal business payments in organizations and for orders related to next:

  • washing clothes;
  • photography;
  • hourly rental of things;
  • funeral services;
  • repairs and so on.

The work order is used for settlements with individual entrepreneurs or organizations in cash or using bank cards, if a cash register is not used. This condition is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the work order you must indicate in the appropriate columns and columns:

  • document serial number;
  • Company name;
  • number of the all-Russian classifier of management documentation;
  • date of registration of the order;
  • department for its formation;
  • Full name of the employee who is responsible for the document, as well as the boss.

All this information is located in the first part of the form. Then it is compiled seven column table:

  1. Serial number of the type of work with description.
  2. Discharge.
  3. Units of measurement used to keep records.
  4. Tasks, depending on the production rate, their quantity and timing.
  5. Volume of work performed and accepted.
  6. Number of days worked, including hours.
  7. Additional information regarding surcharges, if any.

Fully completed document certified by signatures the employee of the organization who provided the work and the person performing it.

At the end it is fixed analysis, at what level the work was performed, including the relationship with established norms and standards. Next, the person accepting and delivering the work signs and deciphers it, and the total output in monetary terms is indicated.

Examples of forms

As examples we consider the following forms.

Vehicle repair

It is drawn up in order to regulate the relationship between the company carrying out repairs and the customer. The document must contain all names of the working stages produced, including material and spare parts taken into account when calculating the cost of services of the performing organization.

This form can replace an invoice for payment or a repair agreement. It is important that the execution of the document complies with the standards for vehicle maintenance and repair adopted by the legislative body.

The form must indicate information on services provided, consisting of:

  • information about the company, the work performed, its name and location;
  • client contact information;
  • all necessary work and services to obtain the result;
  • material and spare parts used for repairs;
  • estimated time for complete completion of the task;
  • price level of the service provided;
  • settlement process with the contractor.

In addition to the listed items, in the work order Necessarily availability of the vehicle's license plate number, make, model, color, engine number, as well as other individual characteristics of the vehicle, including its price parameters, agreed upon by the two parties.

At the end of the document indicate procedure for resolving disputes regarding automobile repairs, time to eliminate defects after work. Both parties must also sign.

For freight transportation

When transporting cargo with the presence of an accompanying person, without taking into account the movement of goods or materials, they use a work order drawn up in a form approved by regulations for the transfer of a truck, agreed upon by both parties.

The document is handed over by the charterer to the carrier, who, in turn, examines it within three days from the date of receipt. After this, he makes a decision whether to pick up or return the task, and discloses in writing the reasons for the decision.

For transport of citizens and cargo

The work order for transport of citizens and cargo must indicate the following information:

  1. What document is this and when was it issued?
  2. Personal data of the customer, which can be either a legal entity or an individual. For a physical person, his last name with initials, place of residence, telephone number, and passport details are required. For a legal entity, you must note its name, location, telephone number and TIN.
  3. Similar information as in the previous paragraph about the company performing the transportation.
  4. The model and make of the truck along with its state registration plate.
  5. List of persons driving the vehicle by last name and initials.
  6. Place of departure of passengers or cargo, what date and time the transportation takes place.
  7. Indication of the point of arrival of transport, including intermediate places where it stops during the route.
  8. Tariffs for the use of the provided car, indicating rubles and kopecks.
  9. The position of the employee responsible for the calculations made for the transport used. In the same section, he must put his signature, his last name and initials.
  10. Detailed time, down to one minute, when the vehicle arrives at its point of departure, when it leaves back after shipment.
  11. How many people were delivered?

At the end of the document, the customer or his representatives must put their position, signature, and also decipher it, confirming the completed order.

For the production of culinary or confectionery products

This form is required for restaurants, cafes, canteens that own their own confectionery shops and other production shops. These catering organizations may have on their staff independent specialists, who are not confectioners or masters in the kitchen, but are responsible for the production process of the products.

The work order for confectionery and other products is drawn up according to form OP-25. The upper central part of the document should contain information about the organization, including structural unit, type of employment according to OKVED and OKPO number. This part also notes the date of creation of the order or the period during which it is filled out.

Further in this form on the same page in the table you must indicate name of manufactured products together with the assortment and planned quantity of execution of all types of products. The document must contain the signatures of the production manager, chief and responsible accountants, and general director of the enterprise.

The purpose of the work order is to forming a plan for the production of culinary and confectionery dishes with the calculation of the necessary ingredients spent on the creation of various types of products. In addition, in accordance with this form, the accounting department calculates how many products are needed and releases the required quantity from the warehouse to the production workshop.

Thus, work orders help regulate the relationship between consumers and suppliers. They have the meaning of contractual agreements for the provision of services and the implementation of work. In work orders, sections on contractual obligations, technical specifications and determination of price indicators intersect.

The unified form OP-25 of the work order for the production of confectionery and other products was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 N 132 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording trade operations.”

Where is work order OP-25 used?

Large catering establishments cannot manage with just one kitchen. Therefore, additional structural divisions are being created - confectionery production workshops. The main task of a confectionery shop is the production of culinary and confectionery products.

When considering the activities of a confectionery shop, two main areas should be highlighted: accounting of consumed raw materials and production of finished products.

The work of confectionery shops is regulated by a daily (weekly, monthly) planned target for the production of products in physical terms, the frequency of which can be determined by the head of the public catering enterprise.

Work order– is a document for establishing a production task for the manufacture of confectionery products and contains information about the products consumed in the process of preparing confectionery products with a recipe (prefabricated products).

Confectionery product– is a multi-component food product, ready-to-eat, having a certain specified form, obtained as a result of technological processing of the main types of raw materials - sugar and (or) flour, and (or) fats, and (or) cocoa products, with or without the addition food ingredients, food additives and flavorings.

The order specifies the name of the confectionery products in the assortment and the planned quantity of production of each type.

How to fill out an order correctly?

Catering enterprises, starting from January 1, 2013, has the right to use independently developed forms, so unified forms primary accounting documents that approved by the Accounting Policy.

The unified work order form consists of three sections.

In the title The forms indicate the details of the organization, structural unit, and period of compilation.

In the first section “Plan-order” For each specific confectionery product, fill in:

  • full name according to the price list,
  • product number according to the Collection of Recipes flour confectionery and bakery products;
  • weight confectionery product;
  • indicated order in in quantitative terms according to the planned production target for a certain period and at sales prices. Here are the prices accepted by the organization as estimating the cost of finished products in accounting(at standard cost, at accounting prices, at actual production cost, at negotiated prices).

In the second section “Calculation of raw material requirements” raw materials and products, used according to the recipe in the preparation of the range of confectionery products listed in the first section, are indicated by name and units of measurement(pieces, liters, kilograms).

In this section, the amount of required raw materials is calculated based on established consumption rates for each type of confectionery product.

In the third section “For vacation” reflected calculation of raw material requirements for the entire order confectionery products by summing the required amount of raw materials for the range of products in established units of measurement. Separate columns indicate the price per unit of raw materials and the cost of raw materials in accounting prices. Based on the data in this section, performers are taken data for filling out other primary accounting documents, registering the fact of economic activity. When the total quantity needed to produce a certain amount of confectionery products is calculated to release them from the pantry, the contractor issues a request, and then, as a storekeeper - invoice, which are the primary accounting documents for the release of products from the warehouse to the confectionery shop.

The work order is signed by the person who drew up the document, the production manager, an accountant, and approved by the head of the organization.

After calculating the needs in raw materials and releasing them from the organization’s storeroom according to the invoice, no changes are made to the work order without appropriate recalculation of raw materials and approval of such recalculation by the manager.

If the production plan for confectionery products is known, and the products that will be required to prepare the planned volume will not spoil in the confectionery shop, then the work order can be made for several days. However, it is not recommended to make this period too long, as this interferes with operational control over the use of raw materials for the preparation of confectionery products. Therefore, many confectionery shops in organizations draw up daily(rather than a weekly) planned target for production in physical terms.

In addition to the fact that the document defines plans for the production of finished products and the consumption of raw materials, it is used to calculate salaries for confectioners, if they have an employment contract piecework wages established. To do this, it is accompanied by a time sheet for the confectionery shop employees involved in the production of products according to this order.

The work order is drawn up in 3 copies:

  • head of the confectionery shop to fulfill the order and submit a request to the pantry,
  • accountant for materials and finished products accounting to control the movement of products,
  • payroll accountant, after the end of production will serve as the basis for calculating wages.

In a confectionery shop consisting of several teams, an order is left to each of them.

The work order is presented electronically in the program 1C "Enterprise" in the form of a document "Production report for the shift". The first tab lists the assortment of confectionery products (nomenclature) planned for release on this day, the second tab lists the raw materials and their quantity required for the manufacture of products in the first tab. The document makes it possible to automatically fill in the consumption of raw materials for the production of confectionery products based on a reference book of specifications for each product name (nomenclature). This directory indicates the list and quantity of products that are required to prepare a specific confectionery product in accordance with the recipe and approved standards.

The work order, like all primary accounting documents, must be stored for the period established by the organization, but not less than 5 years after the reporting year.

Who issues the work order OP-25?

According With document flow schedule approved by the organization head of the confectionery shop draws up an order for the production of confectionery and other products based on:

  • production and sales opportunities finished products,
  • determines the amount of raw materials available in the pantry of a public catering establishment according to established standards (recipes) quantity of raw materials to be released from the storeroom.

The release of all products specified in the recipes from the pantry to the confectionery shop is carried out daily within the limits established by the order. Organizations that operate a confectionery shop, in order to internal documentary control of the safety of raw materials establish a procedure for rationing inventory consumption:

  • develop and approve standards,
  • ensure compliance with them when releasing raw materials to the workshops.

Deviations between actual and planned expenses, as a rule, are insignificant and are determined during the inventory process.
