Heat signature iskander rocket launcher. Iskander-M will receive new, terrible for the enemy, missiles & nbsp

The 9K720 operational-tactical missile system (according to NATO classification - SS-26Stone) appeared on paper as a concept back in the early 80s of the last century. Its creation is timed to one of the stages of the Cold War, when the superpowers decided to limit the use of nuclear weapons for military purposes. To maintain the combat effectiveness of the missiles, a significant increase in accuracy was required, which the inertial control system could not provide.

In addition, it was supposed to achieve the following aspects:

  • the ability to maintain control over the projectile along the entire trajectory to the target or most of it;
  • automate the bulk of calculation tasks, including data exchange;
  • use a rocket as a carrier for various warheads (in total, 10 of them are known at the moment).

The history of the creation of the Iskander missile system

Several design bureaus and institutes took part in the development of Iskander, but the leading enterprise was the Federal State Unitary Enterprise KB Mashinostroeniya (Kolomna). By that time, the organization had many missile systems on its account, and earlier the institution was engaged in the development of most of the mortar systems that entered service, both of the Soviet period and for the needs of the Russian army.

The development of Iskander was taken up by S. P. Invincible, a designer who had gained tremendous experience in creating similar systems using the example of the Oka complex. According to experts, the predecessor of the vehicle in question was the first in history capable of passing the means of destroying enemy threats from the air with a probability of almost 100%. Thanks to this property, it was intended to provide a high percentage of hits on the intended targets. However, the equipment was destroyed in accordance with the agreement between the main participants in the Cold War, concluded in 1987.But a small number of vehicles were in the ranks of the Russian army until 2003.

Valery Kashin, who to this day is the general designer and head of the design bureau, took over the development of the unique machine.

KBM received a difficult task: the rocket must destroy stationary targets and those in motion. It was important to guarantee a high probability of penetrating defense systems and hitting. A major difference from its predecessor was the fact that the warhead should not carry a nuclear warhead. To compensate for the weakening of the scale of destruction was supposed to be due to the minimum deviation from the target.

The ability to go unnoticed by anti-aircraft systems and missile defense is based on the following technical solutions:

  1. The surface of the case was created as smooth as possible, which made it invisible;
  2. Protection from radar equipment was obtained by applying a special coating;
  3. A unique feature was the maneuvering of the rocket in flight, which made it impossible to calculate the meeting point, therefore, to shoot it down.

It was not easy to achieve the ideal smoothness of the rocket, since during operation it is necessary to perform logistic operations, docking equipment, etc. All this is realized due to the integrated fastening elements, but at the time of the shot, all the irregularities are smoothed out. For this, several clips of two half rings are installed, which are connected by locks that detonate at startup and activate the automatic covers. Thus, the places of detachable joints are closed when the rocket leaves the guides. Sly, isn't it?

This set of capabilities made the rocket unique: so far no foreign development can match it. Experts argue that any analogs are an order of magnitude inferior to the Russian system and are incapable of solving such complex problems. During the development phase, all these aspects required numerous modifications, which made the car unique in comparison with the initial sketches.

The Iskander M complex product has been developed since 1993, when the corresponding decree of the President of the country appeared. The TTZ issued by the Design Bureau required an integrated and innovative approach. The design used and worked out all the advanced achievements of science within the country itself and abroad.

Special attention should be paid to the tests, which were carried out in the framework of three types: bench, flight and climatic. The proving ground for them was Kapustin Yar, where many missile novelties of the USSR and the Russian Federation were tested at one time. Some tests were carried out in other regions of the state.

The process ended in 2011, when the car was equipped with a 9M723 missile, which proved to be excellent during testing. In addition, a new guidance system was integrated - the correlation one.

The system was adopted by the Russian army in 2006. The complexes began to enter service in the Western VO (military district) 4 years after being put into service. The first batch of cars consisted of 6 units. The state program envisages putting into operation 120 complexes by 2020. In 2019, 7 brigades will be formed in the Russian army, in which Iskander-M vehicles will be involved. In the same year, two vehicles will be transferred to the formations of the Eastern and Southern districts.

The purpose of the "Iskander" complex

According to the assignment, the reconnaissance and strike complex was supposed to hit from 20 to 40 targets in an hour, which required a large amount of ammunition. That is why it was decided to place 2 missiles at once on one chassis.

The increased weight had to be compensated for by the development of a new chassis. If for the previous generations (Tochka, Oka) the base was designed by the Bryansk plant, the new four-axle chassis was developed by the Minsk plant. As a result, it was possible to place the entire complex of weapons and launch control on one base.

The main task of the complex is to defeat the targets of the following objects:

  • small targets with storage and supply functions;
  • strikes against targets behind potential enemy lines;
  • enemy tactical means of destruction - MLRS (multiple launch rocket systems), long-range artillery, similar to the RC;
  • aviation at the time of parking and service;
  • strategically important objects, points of communication;
  • key points of civil infrastructure.

The listed tasks are solved with the help of various warheads with which the missile can be equipped. Most often it is a cluster with 54 damaging components, or high-explosive fragmentation, penetrating. At the same time, the machine has a colossal potential, so more advanced units are expected to appear in accordance with more complex combat missions.

The practice of modern wars shows that the weapon itself does not guarantee victory, regardless of its characteristics, destructive ability and accuracy. If a technique is not included in the coordinated reconnaissance system or there is no possibility of operational exchange of information, its effectiveness tends to zero.

Taking into account the trend, the work of the complex is based on information from various sources: satellites, drones and reconnaissance aircraft. The data is sent to the training point, where it is converted into a task for the calculation, which is transmitted to the battalion's command and staff vehicles. After that, the task is put directly for execution. The system is controlled by local networks based on Russian computers, which can be easily upgraded and replaced with more advanced ones in the future.

The composition of the Iskander missile system

Of course, without support, the installation is not able to perform the entire complex of tasks, therefore, many pieces of equipment are included in the support / supply group.

In addition to a self-propelled launcher with missiles (MZKT-7930 chassis), there is:

  • command and staff vehicle, based on KAMAZ;
  • transport-loader - on a chassis identical to the launcher itself;
  • mobile station for information preparation at the KAMAZ base;
  • control and maintenance vehicle, crew life support vehicle, equipment kits (training and arsenal), for which KAMAZ vehicles became the basis.

Taken together, the equipment is capable of performing a wide range of combat missions almost autonomously, taking positions.


The 9M723K1 rocket used is a single-stage, solid-propellant engine. The trajectory of movement is quasi-ballistic, that is, it cannot be predicted. In flight, active maneuvering is carried out, and gas-dynamic and aerodynamic rudders are used to control the movement to the target.

The projectile has unique characteristics. Manufactured using various advanced techniques to reduce radar signature, in particular, "stealth technologies" are involved: a case with special coatings, a minimum dispersion surface, protruding parts are minimized in size, the rocket becomes almost perfectly smooth in the air.

The main trajectory of movement is at an altitude of 50 km, but at the peak the values ​​can reach two times higher. At the initial and final stages of the flight, active maneuvering is carried out, when the probability of hitting the missile is greatest, while the equipment is affected by overloads of up to 20-30 units. Guidance to the final section (immediately after the salvo and on the main section of the trajectory) is inertial, and at the final interval - optical, that is, a combined method is used, due to which it is possible to achieve maximum accuracy with an error of 5-7 meters.

For the operation of the first type of guidance system, it is allowed to use GPS / GLONASS. Since 2013, electronic warfare devices have been integrated into the structure, which, immediately before the meeting, with the aim of covering the projectile from air defense.

The process has been implemented due to the setting of two types of interference:

  • active;
  • passive - at the level of surveillance / firing radars, which includes the emission of noise and false targets.

Self-propelled launcher

This is the main means of the group, which implements the transportation, storage and launch of missiles. The chassis of the product received the MZKT-7930 index.

The machine was developed specifically to perform tasks in this complex, capable of carrying a load of 19 tons, while developing 70 km / h on the highway and up to 40 on rough terrain. The combat crew includes three people. The fuel range reaches thousands of kilometers.

Transport and loading machine

On a similar base, another vehicle of the group was created, carrying two missiles on board.

A crane integrated into the structure and a two-man crew is used to load the main unit. The gross vehicle weight is 40 tons.

Command vehicle

An important decision was the use of a command and staff vehicle for automated control.

Created on the basis of KAMAZ. The equipment is unified for each link. To coordinate actions, a chain has been formed: the starting battery - the missile division - the missile brigade. Interaction is maintained in open and closed modes, the communication range on the march is 50 km, in a stationary position - 350, it takes no more than 15 seconds to transmit the command, the task is calculated in 10 seconds.

A calculation of 4 people is able to deploy / collapse the installation in half an hour, after which it operates continuously for two days.

Routing and maintenance machine

The abbreviation for this unit of the complex is MRTO. It is necessary to assess the performance of systems and devices, as well as onboard equipment in the field.

Everything needed for emergency repairs is on board. Deployment by two people takes up to 20 minutes, checking missile systems does not exceed a third of an hour.

Rocket complex life support vehicle

In the MZHO, people serving systems and equipment can eat and sleep while on duty.

For this purpose, two compartments are equipped, including 6 berths, a 300-liter water tank, two lockers in each of the blocks.

Performance characteristics of the Iskander missile system

The Iskander complex fully complies with the main provisions of the agreement between the countries aimed at limiting the use and sale of missile technologies.

According to the classification, the theses are as follows:

  1. It is forbidden to sell missiles with a range of more than 300 km (for Iskander - 20 kilometers less);
  2. The payload should be less than 0.5 tons (domestic development is capable of carrying 480 kg).

In addition, the carriers used operate on solid fuel, which means that their modernization to increase the range is difficult.

The smallest distance to the target, km 50
The largest varies from machine modification:

under the E / M / K index, km

280/500/2000 (R-500 cruise missile)
Maximum permissible warhead mass, kg 480
Weight of the vehicle with loaded missiles, t 42,3
Rocket engine Solid rocket motor;
Number of missiles: on the loading machine - 2 on the launcher itself, two more
Calculation, people 3
Operating temperature range, degrees -50 - +50
Operational periods / including in the conditions of use directly for the intended purpose, years 10/3
Hit error, m 5-30
Mass of the projectile at the start, t 3,8
Height, mm 7200
Caliber, mm 920
Cruising speed, m / s 2100
Ballistic ceiling, km Over 100
Time required to fire a shot, min 4-16
The period before the launch of the second rocket, min 1

No other similar weapon system can boast of such parameters, which makes the vehicle a unique means of warfare. Not only its functionality and multitasking are noted, but also the potential for deep modernization, which will extend the service life of the troops.

Combat characteristics of the complex

When developing, the machine has great potential thanks to the use of advanced technical solutions and achievements from the field of science. In fact, this is the latest generation of missile systems with the potential for modernization in accordance with the realities of the future. The combat efficiency of the vehicle makes it a leader among all existing Russian and foreign counterparts. For example, some experts compare the complex to the fourth-generation United States destroyer Donald Cook.

To obtain up-to-date intelligence and information on targets, interaction with various means is possible. It is used to process information about the location, the number of the enemy and other data necessary for an accurate strike. To formulate a combat mission, command and staff vehicles equipped with Russian computers are used, in addition, an order may come from artillery control points.

Several modifications were created depending on the purpose. Among them, there is an export option aimed at supplying weapons abroad:

  • Iskander-M - for the Russian army;
  • Modification K uses cruise missiles;
  • Complex with index E is an option for sale that fully complies with the MTCR.

Experts say that no other modern missile defense system can oppose anything to the tandem of the M and K modification. In the future, the machines will become the backbone of the land-based missile forces of the Russian Federation. By 2020, 120 units will be delivered to the army.

Combat use

There is no overwhelming evidence of practical use, but there is some evidence that iskandar was involved in the 2008 conflict between Georgia and Ossetia. The statement about the use of the installation was made by Shota Utiashvili, who was then the head of the information-analytical department of the Georgian police. According to him, the armed forces of the Russian Federation used vehicles at facilities in Poti, Gori, as well as along the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline.

Here is an informational occasion for me to learn more about this weapon. And at the same time I'll tell you :-)

More than 24 billion rubles have been allocated to 17 enterprises of the military-industrial complex for the renovation of production facilities for the serial production of Iskander-M missile systems, another 16 billion will be invested by the enterprises themselves.

Iskander-M is an operational-tactical missile system developed at the Kolomna OJSC NPK KBM. Iskander was first demonstrated in August 1999 at the MAKS aerospace show. The complex is designed to engage small-sized and area targets - missile systems, jet multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery, aircraft and helicopters at airfields, command posts and communication centers.

Iskander is a weapon capable of influencing the military-political situation in some regions of the world if the states located in them do not have an extended territory. The placement of the Iskander complexes, as well as their export supplies, are the subject of political consultations between the countries.

For serial production and delivery of Iskander-M, the production facilities of 17 specialized enterprises are currently being built and reconstructed. The total volume of capital investments of budgetary and own funds is 40 billion rubles. As of June 31, 14 cooperative enterprises have approved design assignments. Design assignments for three more enterprises are in the final stages of approval, and the start of reconstruction and technical re-equipment is scheduled for 2014.

On November 14, 2011, the Russian and foreign media reported about the next successful launch of the 9M723 guided operational-tactical missile of the 9K720 Iskander-M multipurpose modular missile system. The launch was carried out on November 10 at the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region as part of a four-day tactical exercise of the 630th separate missile division, which is armed with Iskander-M tactical missile systems.

According to Lieutenant Colonel N. Donyushkin, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense for ground forces, "at the final stage of the exercise, a successful combat launch of a rocket equipped with the latest equipment took place." However, he did not specify what new equipment the launched rocket was equipped with. Nevertheless, the Izvestia newspaper, citing a source in the General Staff, states that the guidance of the operational-tactical missile at the target was carried out using a photographic image of the area. That is, during the flight of the rocket, a comparison and comparison of the real image of the terrain with the digital image pre-loaded into the rocket computer was made, and, according to the same Izvestia source, “with such characteristics, Iskander-M will even be able to get to the metro.”

Apparently, we are talking about one of the types of correlation seeker, correcting the operation of the inertial control system of the rocket at the last stage of the flight trajectory, or rather, about the optical correlation seeker 9E436, created in the early 90s at the Moscow TsNIIAG and shown at Eurosatory-2004 ... Some experts believe that one of the disadvantages of this guidance system is the impossibility of hitting a target not photographed and not loaded into the computer in advance, but it should be noted that there is another type of seeker - radar-correlation. According to military expert K. Sivkov, “thanks to this guidance system, the missile's accuracy when hitting a target is no more than five meters. Considering that the mass of the 9M723 charge is 500 kg, this will make it possible to destroy almost any, even deeply buried, objects on enemy territory. Now the accuracy of Iskander missiles is no more than ten meters. " He also added that "these missile systems need to be deployed in the central part of the country, aimed to the west, which, if necessary, will make it possible to disable the missile defense system deployed in European countries in a few minutes."

The Iskander operational-tactical missile system (OTRK) (Iskander-E - export, Iskander-M - for the Russian army) was created under the conditions of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) and the refusal to use nuclear weapons in theaters of war by opposing sides. In this regard, the complex was created taking into account the fundamentally new requirements for newly developed missile systems, such as: the rejection of the use of nuclear weapons and the use of warheads only in conventional equipment, ensuring high firing accuracy, controlling the missile throughout (most of) its trajectory. flight, the possibility of installing warheads on the missile, taking into account the type of targets hit, a high degree of automation of information exchange and combat control processes.

At the same time, the complex should be able to use data from global satellite navigation systems (Glonass, NAVSTAR), hit mobile and stationary targets with a high degree of protection, have increased fire performance, and effectively overcome enemy air and missile defense systems.

The development of the Iskander complex in its original form was started at the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (Kolomna, hereinafter referred to as KBM) on an initiative basis by order of the chief designer S.P. Invincible and under his leadership in 1987. The competitor to KBM in the development of a new generation of OTR was the Tula Instrument Design Bureau under the leadership of A.G. Shipunov, which proposed its own project. A decree of the USSR Council of Ministers on financing the design of the complex was issued in 1988. When the complex was created, the task was set to ensure interaction within the RAC "Equality" with the M-55 target designation aircraft (developed by RUK - NIIEMI). In the initial project, it was possible to use the 9P76 SPU with one missile. KShM means of RUK "Equality" was designed on the MAZ-543 chassis (KShM is similar to KShM "Polyana").

The mobile high-precision operational-tactical missile system (OTRK) is designed to engage warheads in conventional equipment of small-sized and area targets deep in the operational formation of enemy troops.

The goals can be:

· various means of fire destruction (missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery);

· anti-missile and air defense systems;

· airplanes and helicopters at airfields;

· command posts and communication centers;

· the most important objects of civil infrastructure;

· other important small and area targets on enemy territory.

High mobility and short preparation time for missile launch ensure covert preparation of Iskander OTRK for combat use.

The main elements of the Iskander OTRK are: a rocket, a self-propelled launcher, a transport-loading vehicle, a routine maintenance vehicle, a command and staff vehicle, an information preparation point, a set of arsenal equipment, training equipment.

Rocket complex "Iskander" is a solid-propellant, single-stage, with a non-detachable warhead in flight, guided and vigorously maneuvered missile throughout the difficult-to-predict flight path. She maneuvers especially actively at the start and end of the flight, in which she approaches the target with a high (20-30 units) overload. This necessitates an anti-missile flight to intercept the Iskander OTRK missile with an overload 2-3 times greater, which is practically impossible at present.

Group launch of OTR type 9M723K5 or similar 9K720 Iskander-M complex and OTR 9M79 complex 9K79-1 Tochka-U during the Center-2011 exercise, Kapustin Yar training ground, 09/22/2011

Most of the flight path of the Iskander missile, made using stealth technology with a small reflective surface, passes at an altitude of 50 km, which also significantly reduces the likelihood of its being hit by the enemy. The "invisibility" effect is ensured by a combination of design features of the rocket and the treatment of its surface with special coatings.

To launch the missile to the target, an inertial control system is used, which is subsequently captured by an autonomous correlation-extreme optical homing head (GOS). The principle of operation of the missile homing system is based on the formation of an image of the terrain in the target area by the optical equipment of the seeker, which the onboard computer compares with the standard introduced into it when preparing the rocket for launch. The optical homing head is distinguished by increased sensitivity and resistance to existing electronic warfare equipment, which allows missiles to be launched on moonless nights without additional natural illumination and to hit a moving target with an error of plus or minus two meters. At present, no other similar missile system in the world can solve such a task, except for the Iskander OTRK.

It is characteristic that the optical homing system used in the rocket does not need corrective signals from space radio navigation systems, which in crisis situations can be disabled by radio interference or simply turned off. The complex use of an inertial control system with satellite navigation equipment and an optical seeker made it possible to create a missile that hits a given target in almost any possible conditions.

The seeker mounted on the Iskander OTRK missile can be mounted on ballistic and cruise missiles of various classes and types.

To defeat various types of targets, the missile can be equipped with ten types of warheads (cluster warhead with fragmentation warheads for non-contact detonation, cluster warhead with cumulative submunitions, cluster warhead with self-aiming submunitions, cluster warhead with volume-detonating action, high-explosive fragmentation warhead, high-explosive fragmentation warhead - an incendiary warhead penetrating a great depth of warhead). The cassette warhead is deployed at an altitude of 0.9-1.4 km, where combat elements of various actions are separated from it and continue their stabilized flight. They are equipped with radio sensors that ensure their detonation at a height of 6-10 m above the target.

Iskander-M for the Russian army, a launcher for two missiles 9M723, 9M723-1, 9M723-1F or 9M723-1K (NATO classification SS-26 STONE), with a maximum flight range of up to 500 km (minimum range - 50 km) and a warhead weighing 480 kg (according to some sources, 500 kg). Single-stage solid-propellant rocket 9M723, guided at all stages of flight with a quasi-ballistic trajectory. The warhead of a cluster-type rocket has 54 fragmentation elements with non-contact detonation or also a cluster type with elements of volumetric detonating action. The equipped flight weight - 3 800 kg, diameter - 920 mm, length - 7 200 mm.

Iskander-K, a missile system for launching cruise missiles, such as the R-500, with a maximum flight range of up to 2,000 km.

Iskander-E, an export version of the missile system for the 9M723E missile (NATO classification SS-26 STONE B) with a maximum flight range of no more than 280 km and meeting the requirements of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

This is such a modern weapon of Russia

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Operational-tactical missile system "Iskander"(index - 9K720, according to NATO classification - SS-26 Stone "Stone") - is a family of operational-tactical missile systems: Iskander, Iskander-E, Iskander-K. The complex was developed at the Kolomna Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. The Iskander missile system was adopted by the Russian army in 2006; to date, 20 Iskander missile systems have been produced (according to open data from the Ministry of Defense).

The complex is designed to engage small-sized and area targets in the depths of the operational formation of enemy troops with conventional warheads. It is assumed that it can be a delivery vehicle for tactical nuclear weapons.

Most likely targets:

- means of fire destruction (missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery);

- means of anti-missile and air defense;

- airplanes and helicopters at airfields;

- command posts and communication centers;

- the most important objects of civil infrastructure.

The main features of the Iskander OTRK are:

- high-precision effective destruction of various types of targets;

- the ability to covertly carry out combat duty, prepare for combat use and launch missile strikes;

- automatic calculation and input of flight missions for missiles when they are placed on the launcher;

- high probability of completing a combat mission in conditions of active opposition from the enemy;

- high operational reliability of the rocket and its reliability during preparation for launch and in flight;

- high tactical maneuverability due to the placement of combat vehicles on all-wheel drive automobile chassis of high cross-country ability;

- high strategic mobility, which is ensured by the possibility of transporting combat vehicles by all types of transport, including aviation;

- a high degree of automation of the process of combat control of missile subunits;

- fast processing and timely delivery of intelligence information to the necessary levels of command;

- long service life and ease of use.

Combat characteristics:

- circular probable deviation: 1 ... 30 m;
- launch weight of the rocket 3 800 kg;
- length 7.2 m;
- diameter 920 mm;
- warhead weight 480 kg;
- the speed of the rocket after the initial section of the trajectory is 2100 m / s;
- the minimum range of target destruction is 50 km;
- maximum range of target destruction:
500 km Iskander-K
Iskander-E in 280 km
- the time until the launch of the first missile is 4 ... 16 minutes;
- interval between starts: 1 minute
- service life: 10 years, including 3 years in field conditions.

The main elements of the Iskander OTRK are:

- rocket,
- self-propelled launcher,
- transport and loading vehicle,
- machine for routine maintenance,
- command and staff vehicle,
- information preparation point,
- a set of arsenal equipment,
- educational and training means.

Self-propelled launcher(SPU) - designed for storage, transportation, preparation and launch of two missiles on the target (in the export version, 1 missile). SPU can be implemented on the basis of a special wheeled chassis MZKT-7930 manufactured by the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. Gross weight 42 t, payload 19 t, travel speed on highway / dirt road 70/40 km / h, fuel range 1000 km. Calculation of 3 people.

Transport and loading machine(TZM) - designed to transport two additional missiles. TZM is implemented on the MZKT-7930 chassis, equipped with a loading crane. Full combat weight 40 tons. Calculation of 2 people.

Command vehicle(KShM) - designed to control the entire Iskander complex. Implemented on the KamAZ-43101 wheeled chassis. Calculation of 4 people. CHARACTERISTICS OF KSHM:
- maximum range of radio communication in the parking lot / on the march: 350/50 km
- time for calculating the mission for missiles: up to 10 s
- command transmission time: up to 15 s
- number of communication channels: up to 16
- time of deployment (folding): up to 30 minutes
- continuous working time: 48 hours

Routing and maintenance machine(MRTO) - designed to check the on-board equipment of missiles and instruments for routine repairs. Implemented on a KamAZ wheeled chassis. The mass is 13.5 tons, the deployment time does not exceed 20 minutes, the time of the automated routine check of the rocket onboard equipment is 18 minutes, the calculation is 2 people.

Information preparation point(PPI) - designed to determine the coordinates of the target and prepare flight missions for missiles with their subsequent transfer to the SPU. PPI is integrated with reconnaissance means and can receive tasks and assigned targets from all necessary sources, including from a satellite, aircraft or drone. Calculation of 2 people.

Life Support Machine(MZHO) - intended for accommodation, rest and eating of combat crews. Implemented on the KamAZ-43118 wheeled chassis. The machine is composed of: a compartment for rest and a compartment for household supplies. The rest compartment has 6 wagon-type berths with folding upper loungers, 2 lockers, built-in lockers, an opening window. The household supply compartment has 2 lockers with seats, a folding lifting table, a water supply system with a 300 liter tank, a water heating tank, a pump for pumping water, a drain system, a sink, a dryer for clothes and shoes.

Missile complex "Iskander" is a solid-propellant, single-stage, with a non-detachable warhead in flight, a guided and vigorously maneuverable missile along the entire length of a difficult-to-predict flight path. She maneuvers especially actively at the start and end of the flight, in which she approaches the target with a high (20-30 units) overload.
This necessitates an anti-missile flight to intercept the Iskander missile with an overload 2-3 times greater, which is practically impossible at present.

Most of the flight path of the Iskander missile, made using stealth technology with a small reflective surface, passes at an altitude of 50 km, which also significantly reduces the likelihood of its being hit by the enemy. The "invisibility" effect is provided due to the combination of design features of the rocket and the treatment of its surface with special coatings.

To output the missile to the target, it is used inertial control system, which is subsequently captured by an autonomous correlation-extreme optical homing head (GOS). The principle of operation of the missile homing system is based on the formation of an image of the terrain in the target area by the optical equipment of the seeker, which the onboard computer compares with the standard entered into it when preparing the rocket for launch.

Optical seeker characterized by increased sensitivity and resistance to existing electronic warfare equipment, which allows missile launches on moonless nights without additional natural illumination and hit a moving target with an error of plus or minus two meters... At present, no other similar missile system in the world can solve such a task, except for the Iskander OTRK.

It is characteristic that the optical homing system used in the rocket does not need corrective signals from space radio navigation systems, which in crisis situations can be disabled by radio interference or simply turned off. The integrated use of an inertial control system with satellite navigation equipment and an optical seeker made it possible to create a missile that hits a given target in almost any possible conditions. The seeker mounted on the Iskander OTRK missile can be mounted on ballistic and cruise missiles of various classes and types.

Warhead types
- cluster with fragmentation warheads of non-contact detonation (triggered at a height of about 10 m above the ground)
- cluster with cumulative fragmentation submunitions
- cassette with self-aiming combat elements
- cassette volumetric detonating action
- high-explosive fragmentation (OFBCH)
- high-explosive incendiary
- penetrating (PBCh)
The cluster warhead is located 54 combat elements.

The Iskander complex is integrated with various reconnaissance and control systems... He is able to receive information about the designated target for destruction from a satellite, reconnaissance aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle (such as "Flight-D") to the information preparation point (PPI). It calculates the flight mission for the missile and prepares reference information for the missiles.

This information is transmitted via radio channels to the command and staff vehicles of the battalion and battery commanders, and from there to the launchers. Commands to launch missiles can come from KShM or from command posts of senior artillery commanders.

Placing two missiles on each SPU and TZM significantly increases the firepower of missile divisions, and an interval of one minute between missile launches against different targets ensures high fire performance. In terms of its effectiveness, taking into account the aggregate combat capabilities, the operational-tactical the Iskander missile system is equivalent to a nuclear weapon.

/Alex Varlamik, based on materials from arms-expo.ru and wikipedia.org/

SS-26 "Iskander" is a missile operational-tactical complex designed to eliminate targets of the area and small-sized type, which may be located deep in the operational location of enemy troops. The Iskander operational-tactical missile system was destined to be created in an environment in which the 1987 Short-Range and Medium-Range Missiles Treaty operated. In addition, there was a refusal to use nuclear weapons in the war of the opposing sides.

It was for this that the Iskanders were created, and taking into account the new requirements imposed on them:

  • The use of a warhead only with standard equipment;
  • Refusal to deliver nuclear strikes;
  • Guiding missiles along all their flight paths;
  • High accuracy of firing;
  • The likelihood of changing combat units, taking into account the types of targets to be eliminated;
  • High level of automation of all processes.

The number of "Iskander"

Iskander, a tactical missile system, has been in service since 2010. At that time, six complexes were supplied to the military under the state defense order. The state armaments program provides for the purchase of 120 Iskander missiles by 2020. Since 2015, the Russian army has formed brigades in which the Iskander-M missile system is in service.

Some information from the history of the Iskander

"Iskander" was developed simultaneously with the help of several design bureaus and institutes. Nevertheless, the Kolomna Mashinostroenia Design Bureau was destined to become the parent enterprise. It is known for many legendary weapons, for example, "Tochka-U", SAM "Igloi" and "Arena", as well as many Soviet and Russian mortars.

The development of the Iskander began as early as SP Invincible, the legendary general designer. He took as a basis the RK "Oku", which was very successful at that time. It is known that it was the "Oka" that was the first in history that was able to pass through missile defense with a coefficient of almost one, which ensured a high probability of hitting the target. However, they were destroyed under the 1987 agreement between the USSR and the United States. Valery Kashin, the current general designer and head of the Mashinostroyenia Design Bureau, was entrusted with new developments.

KBM set the task: the new complex must destroy any targets, stationary or mobile. And this is with the main requirement - the highest degree of missile defense penetration with target destruction, but without nuclear charges.

The passage of the missile defense was based on:

  • Maximum reduction of missile dispersion surface. Their contours have become extremely streamlined and smooth;
  • The outer surfaces were treated with a special radio wave-absorbing coating;
  • Ability to quickly and actively maneuver, as a result of which the trajectory of the Iskander is unpredictable and missile interception is impossible.

No other operational-tactical and tactical missiles built on the planet have similar properties. In the process of development, the designers performed absolutely unique work. This led to a revision of many of the concepts included in the preliminary sketches of the project.

After the February 1993 Decree of the Russian President related to the development work on the Iskander M complex, a tactical and technical assignment was prepared. It indicated new approaches to the construction of complexes, as well as the optimization of all solutions.

For this reason, Iskander M had to become a completely new complex, and not a modernized old one. The complex has become the focus of numerous advanced domestic and world scientific achievements. Climatic, flight and bench tests had to drag on for many years. Basically, everything was carried out in Kapustin Yar, but some were also in other regions of the state.

The middle of autumn 2011 was marked by the completion of the first stage of tests carried out with the Iskander-M missile system, which ended with the receipt of new combat equipment. The 9M723 missiles had excellent characteristics, as well as a new, correlation guidance system.

Probable targets

Iskanders can strike at:

  • Missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems, long-range artillery;
  • Anti-missile defense and air defense systems;
  • Airplanes and helicopters at airfields;
  • Command posts and communication centers;
  • Especially important objects in the civil infrastructure.

Characteristic features of "Iskander"

The characteristic features of the Iskander are:

  • Presence of high-precision effective destruction of a wide variety of targets;
  • Stealth in carrying out combat duty, in preparation for launch and in delivering strikes;
  • Automation of calculations and inputs of flight missions to missiles on launchers;
  • High potential in the performance of combat missions in an environment of active countermeasures by the enemy;
  • High level of operational reliability of missiles, trouble-free launch and flight;
  • High level of tactical maneuverability;
  • High level of strategic mobility;
  • High level of automation of processes in the combat control of missile subunits;
  • Fast processing and timeliness of bringing intelligence data to the necessary levels in management;
  • Long service life and convenient operation.

Combat characteristics

The combat characteristics of the Iskander are called:

  • Circular deviation probability: 1-30 m;
  • Missile launch weight - 3 800 kg;
  • Length - 7.2 m;
  • Diameter - 920 mm;
  • Warhead weight - 480 kg;
  • The speed of the missiles after the initial section of the trajectory is 2100 m / s;
  • The minimum target destruction range is 50 km;
  • Maximum target destruction range:
    • 500 km - Iskander-K;
    • 280 km - Iskander-E.
  • Time to launch the first rocket 4-16 minutes;
  • Interval between starts: 1 min;
  • Service life: ten years, including three years in the field.

Elements that make up the "Iskander"

The main elements that make up the Iskander are:

  • Rockets;
  • Self-propelled launchers;
  • Transport and loading machines;
  • Routine maintenance machines;
  • Command and staff vehicles;
  • Data preparation items;
  • Arsenal equipment kits;
  • Educational and training means.

Self-propelled launchers - designed for storage, transportation, preparatory work and launches on targets of two missiles (in the export version of one missile). Self-propelled launchers can be made on the basis of special wheeled chassis, which are produced at the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. The tractors have a total weight of 42 tons, a payload of 19 tons, a speed of movement on highways 70 km / h on dirt roads of 40 km / h, a fuel reserve of up to 1000 km. The combat crew includes three servicemen.

Transport-loading vehicles are designed to transport an additional pair of missiles. The transport and loading vehicles are based on the MZKT-7930 chassis and are equipped with loading cranes. They have a total combat weight of 40 tons and a crew of two servicemen.

Command vehicles - designed to control all processes in the Iskander complexes. They are based on the KamAZ-43101 wheeled chassis. The combat crew includes four servicemen.

Characteristic features possessed by KShM:

  • The maximum range of radio communication on site is 350 km, on the march 50 km;
  • Estimated mission time for missiles up to 10 s;
  • Time of command transmission up to 15 s;
  • The number of radio communication channels - 16;
  • The time of unfolding (folding) up to half an hour;
  • The time of continuous work is up to two days.

Routine and maintenance machines are designed to control instruments, missiles, on-board equipment and to carry out routine repairs. They are located on the KamAZ wheelbase. They have a mass of up to 14 tons, deployment time no more than 20 minutes, the time of automated cycles of routine checks of onboard missile equipment - 18 minutes, a combat crew of two servicemen.

Data preparation points are designed to determine the coordinates of targets and prepare data for missiles in order to transmit them to the SPU. Data preparation points are integrated with intelligence assets and can receive missions from any source, including satellites, aircraft or drones. There are two servicemen in the combat crew.

Life support vehicles are designed for rest and food intake by combat crews. They are located on the wheelbase of KamAZ-43118. The machines have: compartments for rest and compartments for household supplies.

The Iskander missiles are solid-propellant, single-stage, with non-detachable warheads in flight, guided and maneuverable missiles along the entire length of difficult-to-predict flight paths. The missiles maneuver especially smartly at the start and end phases of the flight, where they approach targets with high G-forces.

This is due to the need for interceptor missile flights to intercept Iskander missiles with overloads two to three times greater, which today is considered almost impossible.

Most of the flight paths of the Iskander missiles were performed using stealth technology with small reflective surfaces. The "invisible" effects are provided by the combined design features of missiles and their surface treatments using special coatings.

The launch of missiles on targets is used using an inertial control system. They are subsequently captured by autonomous correlation-extreme optical homing heads. The missile homing system operates on the principle of forming images by optical devices in the target area, which the onboard computer is compared with the data entered into it.

Optical homing heads are distinguished by an increased level of sensitivity and resistance to existing electronic warfare equipment. Thanks to this, it is possible to launch rockets on a moonless night without additional natural illumination and to eliminate moving targets within a radius of two meters. Today, such tasks, except for Iskander, cannot be solved by any other similar missile systems on the planet.

It is interesting that the optical homing systems used in rockets do not need to correct the signals generated by space radio navigation systems. The complex of using inertial control systems with satellite navigation and optical seeker systems has made it possible to create missiles that can hit target targets in almost any possible situation. Homing heads installed on Iskander missiles can also be installed on other missiles. These can be different ballistic and cruise missiles.

Varieties of Iskander warheads

The main types of Iskander warheads are:

  • Cassette, with fragmentation combat elements of non-contact explosions. They can be triggered at a height of approximately ten meters above the ground;
  • Cassette, with cumulative fragmentation submunitions;
  • Cassette with self-aiming combat elements;
  • Cassette, with a volume-detonating effect;
  • High-explosive fragmentation;
  • High explosive incendiary;
  • Penetrating.

Fifty-four combat elements are located in cluster warheads.

All Iskanders are integrated with a wide variety of reconnaissance and control systems. They are capable of receiving information about designated targets from satellites, reconnaissance aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles at data preparation points. They are used to calculate flight missions for missiles and carry out preparatory work on reference information for missiles.

Through radio channels, this information is broadcast and received by command and staff vehicles by battalion and battery commanders, and then by launchers. The missile launch command is carried out from command and staff vehicles. In addition, senior artillery commanders can also command using command posts.

Placed missiles (two) on each self-propelled launcher and transport-loading vehicle significantly increase the firepower in missile divisions. In addition, there are one-minute intervals between missile launches for a wide variety of targets, while ensuring high fire efficiency. Given the high efficiency, as well as the totality of its combat potential, the Iskander operational-tactical missile system is destined to become the equivalent of nuclear warheads and a reliable non-nuclear “shield of the Motherland”.

High-precision missile system of the ground forces "Iskander" designed for covert preparation and delivery of effective missile strikes against particularly important small-sized and area targets.

It was created as a result of the joint work of a group of research institutes, design bureaus and factories under the leadership of the design bureau of mechanical engineering (KBM), known as the company that created the Tochka and Oka missile systems.

In the context of the 1987 INF Treaty and the renunciation of the use of nuclear weapons in theater of operations, a number of fundamentally new requirements are imposed on modern tactical complexes:

  • the use of only non-nuclear weapons;
  • ensuring precision shooting accuracy;
  • control over the entire flight path;
  • a wide range of effective combat equipment;
  • the presence in the complex of a combat control automation system and an information support system, including the preparation of reference information for correction and final guidance systems;
  • the ability to integrate with global satellite navigation systems (GSSN - "Glonass", "NAVSTAR");
  • the possibility of hitting heavily protected targets;
  • increased fire performance;
  • the ability to effectively overcome the effect of air defense and missile defense systems;
  • the possibility of hitting moving targets.

To meet the above requirements, the missile system was created " Iskander", Which has incorporated the best scientific, technical and design achievements in the field of operational-tactical missile systems and, in terms of the totality of implemented technical solutions, high combat effectiveness, is a weapon of a completely new generation, superior in its tactical and technical characteristics to the existing SCAD-B missile systems, Tochka-U, Lance, ATASMS, Pluton, etc.

Iskander is designed to destroy:

  • enemy fire weapons (batteries, air defense missile systems, RK);
  • airplanes and helicopters at airfield parkings;
  • air defense and missile defense facilities;
  • command posts and communication centers;
  • the most important objects of civil infrastructure.

Thanks to the implementation of terminal control and guidance methods, control along the entire flight path, a wide range of powerful warheads and the integration of an onboard control system with various correction and homing systems, as well as a high probability of completing a combat mission in conditions of active enemy opposition, typical targets are hit by launching only 1– 2 Iskander missiles, which is equivalent in efficiency to the use of a nuclear weapon.

For the first time in the world, a missile system with a firing range not exceeding 300 km is capable of solving all combat missions using non-nuclear warheads and has two missiles on a launcher, which significantly increases the fire performance of missile formations.

The main features of the Iskander RK:

  • highly accurate and effective destruction of various types of targets;
  • the possibility of covert training, combat duty and effective delivery of missile strikes;
  • automatic calculation and input of the flight mission of missiles by means of the launcher;
  • high probability of completing a combat mission in the face of active opposition from the enemy;
  • high probability of failure-free operation of the rocket in preparation for launch, as well as in flight;
  • high tactical maneuverability due to the high cross-country ability of combat vehicles mounted on all-wheel drive chassis,
  • strategic mobility due to the transportability of vehicles by all modes of transport, including transport aviation;
  • automation of combat control of missile units,
  • operational processing and delivery of intelligence information to the appropriate levels of management;
  • long service life and ease of use.

In terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, the Iskander fully complies with the provisions of the Missile Technology Nonproliferation Control Regime. It is a "deterrent" weapon in local conflicts, and for countries with limited living space - a strategic weapon.

According to NATO classification, the complex received the designation SS-26.

The complex includes:

  • rocket;
  • self-propelled launcher;
  • transport and loading machine;
  • command and staff vehicle;
  • mobile point of information preparation;
  • mobile units of technical and household support, as well as sets of arsenal and training equipment.

Iskander can be equipped with a cluster (with 54 warheads), penetrating, high-explosive fragmentation, and, in the future, other warheads.

The rocket itself is single-stage, has a solid-propellant engine with one nozzle, and is controlled throughout the flight path using aerodynamic and gas-dynamic rudders. The designers have incorporated in the Iskander the potential for overcoming missile defense, which is comparable today only with the Topol-M. Estimates show that the promising American Patriot air defense system PAC-3 Iskander will be too tough.

Iskander's flight path is not ballistic, but controlled. The missile is constantly changing the plane of the trajectory, which dictates the need for developers of air defense systems to invent new methods of interception. She maneuvers especially actively in the area of ​​her acceleration and approach to the target - with an overload of 20 to 30 g. In order to intercept the Iskander, the interceptor missile must move along a trajectory with an overload two to three times higher, which is practically impossible. In addition, the rocket is made according to the technology " stealth»And has a minimal surface of reflection.

The missile is brought directly to the target using an inertial control system, and then captured by an autonomous optical homing head. A similar homing principle is implemented in the most modern American cruise missiles " Tomahawk" and CALCM, capable of identifying the terrain in the target area according to previously entered photographic data. The effectiveness of such guidance systems was confirmed during the US military operations in Iraq and Yugoslavia.

The Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics, a leading Russian developer of guidance and control systems for tactical and operational-tactical missiles, created similar equipment for the Iskander. Moreover, the homing head created at TsNIIAG can also be used on ballistic and cruise missiles of various classes and types. The head has already passed flight tests and showed accuracy no worse than that achieved by the Americans on their Tomahawks.

The principle of operation of the Iskander homing system is that the optical equipment forms an image of the terrain in the target area, which is compared by the on-board computer with the standard entered during the preparation of the missile for launch. All existing active means of electronic warfare are powerless against the optical head. It is so sensitive that it allows successful missile launches even on moonless nights, when there is no additional natural target illumination, hitting a moving target with an error of plus or minus two meters. No other tactical system in the world can solve such a task, except for Iskander.

In addition, optical systems do not need signals from space radio navigation systems, such as the American NAVSTAR, which in crisis cases can be turned off by its owners or disabled by radio interference. At the same time, the integration of inertial control with satellite navigation equipment and an optical seeker makes it possible to create a missile that strikes a given target in almost any conceivable conditions.

The practice of wars in recent decades shows that no matter how effective a means of destruction is, it cannot make a significant contribution to victory if it is not integrated with intelligence and control systems. Iskander was created with this pattern in mind. Information about the target is transmitted from a satellite, reconnaissance aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle to the information preparation point (PIP). It calculates the flight mission for the rocket, which is then broadcast over radio channels to the command and staff vehicles (KShM) of the battalion and battery commanders, and from there to the launchers. Commands to launch missiles can be formed both in the command and control squadron, and come from the command posts of the senior artillery commanders. The PPI and KShM equipment is built on the local networks of Russian computers, and the functional purpose of the control complex depends only on the software and can be easily upgraded to control various fire weapons.

The most important feature of the launcher was the placement of more than one on it (as in " Point" and " Oke"), But two missiles. One minute after the start of the first of them, the second can start. The fire crew does not leave the cockpit. The launcher itself was developed by the Volgograd Central Design Bureau "Titan" and, in addition to missiles, carries a full set of equipment for preparation and launch.

The large firing range, which allows the complex to be used from the depths of the location of its troops, and the short time spent at the starting position make the complex practically invulnerable to conventional weapons.

Research carried out by specialists from leading Russian military research centers has shown that Iskander is 5–8 times better than the best foreign counterparts in terms of the cost-effectiveness criterion.

The structure of the complex, its command and control systems, automated combat control and information support make it possible to respond promptly to new requirements without significantly modifying its combat assets and, as a result, guarantee it a long life cycle.
