Unified State Examination Russian language presentation lessons. Presentation "preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian"

Self-control is a confident look and a firm hand. Self-control is stability in any situation. Self-control is a quick calculation and accurate reaction. Self-control is control not only over one’s own, but also over other people’s emotions. Self-control is patience, tolerance and tact.

Benefits of Self-Control Self-control gives a person the ability to act rationally rather than emotionally. Self-control contributes to making the right decisions, especially in extreme situations. Self-control helps you see the world through the prism of calm and self-confidence. Self-control comes to the rescue in cases that unrestrained people later regret.

Introduction, - formulation of the problem, - commentary on the problem, - position of the author of the text, - position of the author of the essay, - first proof of his position (from literature), - second proof of his position (from literature or from life), - conclusion. Working on an essay

Typical constructions: 1. In the text proposed for analysis, the focus is…(who?)….. the current problem…….(what?). 2. The proposed text is devoted to the problem….. 3. The text examines, studies, analyzes the problem…. 4. In the text proposed for analysis, the author examines a number of important issues. The author pays special attention to the problem...

1. We express our opinion on the problem RAISED! Ethically correct! (No need to lose 1 point...) 2. Arguments (2!!!) - evidence, explanations, examples. 3. YOUR opinion – a small text inside the entire essay “C”: - thesis (your position on the problem with a dose of emotion!); - actually 2 arguments; - conclusion (overall).

Thus, systematic preparation of students for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is impossible without constant, thoughtful, purposeful work on each Unified State Exam task: diagnostic test, repetition of rules, training tests, followed by a control test. Without clearly planned, daily work, it will be difficult for students to complete the Unified State Examination tasks, therefore, they must work hard and conscientiously to improve their literacy level. Patience and hard work are the beginning of great success!

Unified State Exam (USE) in Russian language in 2017

four main aspects of verification

  • – linguistic competence
  • – language competence
  • – communicative competence
  • – cultural competence

Part 1

24 short answer questions

  • – open-type tasks for recording an independently formulated correct answer;
  • – tasks for choosing and recording one correct answer from the proposed list of answers;
  • – multiple choice task from a list.
  • The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers written without spaces, commas and other additional symbols.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

  • Part 2 contains 1 open-type task with a detailed answer (essay), testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text read

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

  • exercise 1:
  • Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?


  • Task No. 1.
  • Remember: the answer must be only two digits, no more and no less. To make sure your answer is correct, look carefully at the selected sentences. They must include same words, same information and can differ only in construction.


  • For example:
  • 1) When cooling or heating many substances change their state of aggregation– liquid, solid or gaseous, while acquiring completely different properties. 2) Under the influence cooling or heating changes state of aggregation And properties many things.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Task 3:

  • working with a dictionary entry
  • Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word PLAN. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


  • Task No. 3.
  • Following each value listed are examples in italics. Substitute this word as an example - you will see similarities in the desired answer point.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

  • Tasks 6 and 7 They check the knowledge of grammatical norms that are subject to compulsory study at school:
  • norms for the formation of forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verb forms, participles and gerunds
  • norms for coordination of subject and predicate
  • standards for using non-compliant applications

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Tasks 6 and 7:

  • norms for coordinating attributive phrases with combinations of words;
  • norms for coordinating the subject and the compound nominal predicate in a sentence built according to the “noun” model. – this is a noun.”
  • norms of prepositional control;
  • norms for the use of participial and adverbial phrases as part of a simple sentence

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Tasks 6 and 7:

  • norms for the use of homogeneous members in a simple sentence.
  • norms governing the order of words in a sentence (homogeneous members with double conjunctions: not only, but also...  norms for constructing a complex sentence;
  • norms for constructing complex sentences
  • norms for constructing a non-union proposal;
  • norms for constructing sentences with direct and indirect speech.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Tasks 8-14 check the spelling literacy of the examinees.

  • Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.
  • Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the blank E.
  • Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word


Task 8.

  • When completing this task, you must exclude roots with alternation, then it will be easier to choose. Sometimes alternating roots are confused with unstressed vowels. For example, repented(fence). To avoid this, change the word so that a different letter appears at the root according to the norms of alternation. For example , bye…..(fence). There is no such word, therefore it is not alternation. Don't forget that in words understand, take away, compressalternating roots.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Tasks 15-19 aimed at testing punctuation literacy and the ability to correctly place punctuation marks.

  • Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of proposals in which need to be delivered ONE comma.
  • Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place There must be commas in the sentence.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Task 24.

  • “The author’s intense thoughts are conveyed with the help of such reception, as (A)________ (sentences 5-6, 22-23). The emotional sound of the text is enhanced with the help of such syntactic means, as (B) __________ (for example, sentences 16-20). Used trails: (B)___________ (for example, “the will is paralyzed by fear” in sentence 20, “the dedication and courage of a soldier can ruin the plan” in sentence 34) and (D)______________ (“a cunning plan” in sentence 34) – give the author’s judgments brightness and persuasiveness."


List of terms:

  • rhetorical appeal
  • metaphor
  • synonyms
  • epithet
  • interrogative sentences
  • question-and-answer form of presentation
  • dialectism
  • series of homogeneous members
  • spoken word


Task 24.

  • When reading this task, we do not pay attention to such combinations as figures of speech, tropes, techniques, syntactic and lexical means. And if you know what applies to them,

this will make your work much easier and give you a 100% chance of an answer, even if you don’t know the means of artistic expression very well.


  • The task contains three points (see highlighted in green). Words from the list of terms need to be divided into points.
  • Techniques: rhetorical appeal, question-and-answer form of presentation. Syntactic means: interrogative sentences, rows of homogeneous members. Trails: metaphor, epithet.
  • It's easier to choose from fewer terms.

Structure of the Unified State Exam in Russian

  • Essay based on text
  • The presence of a formulation of the problem of the text, a commentary on this problem, a formulation of the author’s position, a formulation of one’s own position, two arguments in favor of one’s own position, written speech (semantic integrity, verbal coherence, consistency of presentation), accuracy and expressiveness of speech, literacy and facts are assessed.
  • Minimum 150 words. It is not advisable to use more than 200 words (maximum 300)

Clue :

Task 25.

  • Before you panic after reading the essay text, study the text carefully tasks 24: here (if you're lucky) the problem may be formulated or hinted at.
  • In task 20 you will definitely find the author's position or aspects to comment on.

Grading system

Part 1. 24 tasks

  • For correct completion of each task of part 1 (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) 1 point is given
  • For the correct answer to tasks 1 and 15, 2 points are given. If at least one of the numbers given in the answer is incorrect, or one of the correct numbers is missing, 1 point is given. In all other cases, 0 points are given. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer does not matter.

Grading system

  • Part 1. 24 tasks
  • For the correct answer to task 7, 5 points are given, 1 point for each correct number. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer matters.
  • For the correct answer to task 24, 4 points are given, 1 point for each correct number. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer matters.
  • Maximum number of points – 33

Grading system

  • Part 2. Essay-reasoning based on the text read.

Criteria for assessing the answer to task 25:

  • Formulation of the source text problem

Presentations have been updated in accordance with changes for the 2018/2019 academic year. d. Material has been added to the new version of task 2.

We are offering to you materials to prepare for the most complex theoretical questions test part of the Unified State Exam in Russian language. Presentations for lectures are made in the same style and are related in content. The most important material is repeated in one way or another in several lectures.As you can see in the example below, we tried to visualize complex theoretical material as much as possible, which is very important for modern schoolchildren. The result is a short textbook on stylistics for high school students with presentations and additional exercises.

You can consolidate theoretical material in practice. Practical tasks are included in each presentation and are prepared for printing in A4 format. Large line spacing in texts will allow you to make inscriptions above words during analysis. The texts for analysis are selected in such a way that students see almost all the studied means of expression, means of connecting words, types of speech and types of errors.

The background information is collected in compact tables that can be printed and distributed to students.


  • Presentation "Task 5. Paronyms" (14 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 6. Lexical errors" (17 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 7. Errors at the morphological level" (49 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 8. Grammar errors" (39 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 22. The meaning of the text" (29 slides)
  • Presentation "Task" 23 . Types of speech" (20 slides)
  • Presentation "Task" 24 . Lexicology" (42 slides)
  • Presentation "Task" 25 . Means of communication of proposals" (17 slides)
  • Presentation "Task" 26 . Lexical means" (34 slides)
  • Presentation "Task" 26 . Lexical means of expression" (23 slides)
  • Presentation "Task" 26 . Syntactic means of expression" (30 slides)
  • Presentation "Task" 26 . Practice on FIPI open tasks" (11 slides)
  • Exercises to prepare for task 6, keys and glossary of common pleonasms (9 pages)
  • Table for the task 26 (1 table jpg)
  • Tables "Forms of words" (3 pages with tables "Form of accusative and genitive cases of some words", "Plural form of some words", "Gender of nouns", "Declination of numerals")
  • List of paronyms.
  • Texts for stylistic analysis (10 texts prepared for printing)
  • A set for a lesson on phraseological units (lesson notes, exercises and cards for practical work, ready for printing).
  • Brief phraseological dictionary.
  • Functional parts of speech for task 2 (lists of words and text for analysis).
All texts and presentations in pdf format

A few slides from one of the presentations as an example

Users withstatus Teacher can download these materials for free using this link:download presentations to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian >>>
Use the filter to select presentations on the desired topic. Enter the Unified State Exam tag.

Fundamental peculiarity preparation for the Unified State Exam

Joint, collective work of the school and the teacher, the graduate and his parents in preparing for the exam:

  • participation of all three stakeholders in each stage of preparation;
  • pooling of resources;
  • coordination of actions;
  • clear distribution of roles

Stages of preparing a graduate for the Unified State Exam

  • Formulate the goal necessary for each USE participant:
  • I’m taking the Unified State Exam just to get a certificate;
  • I take elective subjects to enter a university;
  • I want to get a point ( only 100; maximum for me ).

Specify personal target

and understanding of common paths and

ways to achieve it

Specify tasks

1. Determine a set of elective exams.

2 . Get acquainted with the general format of the Unified State Exam and KIMs for each subject.

3. Specify the criteria for successful passing (how many points you need to score, how many and what tasks to complete) for each subject.

4. Correlate the initial level of preparation and the level of aspirations.

5. Highlight your own deficiencies: gaps in preparation, inability to work with forms, other problems

Mastering the Unified State Exam technology

  • Practicing skills using the proposed test technology:
  • general academic skills, skills in performing tasks of various types, including multiple-choice ones; time management skills; skills in writing a solution, recording answers on a form, correcting an answer; the ability to preliminarily evaluate the result (in primary scores).
  • general academic skills, skills in performing tasks of various types, including multiple-choice ones;
  • time management skills;
  • skills in writing a solution, recording answers on a form, correcting an answer;
  • the ability to preliminarily evaluate the result (in primary scores).
  • Filling training gaps.
  • Self-monitoring and self-diagnosis.
  • Output individual strategy completing tasks.
  • Rules of conduct during the exam.

Teacher Help

1. Explanation of the features of the Unified State Examination procedure and the content of KIMs 2012.

2. Performing a number of “tests” by the graduate.

3. Joint discussion of the results of the “tests”.

Joint activities of a teacher and a Unified State Exam participant

  • Preparation for the Unified State Exam in the classroom.
  • Participation in regional diagnostic work.
  • Participation in the performance of work in the preliminary final certification.
  • Analysis of the results of work completion and satisfaction with the results.
  • Planning work to improve the results of preparation for the Unified State Exam.

  • In the process of preparing for the Unified State Exam, bring to absolute perfection your skills in working with forms:
  • fill out all fields of the registration form with the utmost precision, in full accordance with the sample characters;
  • correctly fill out the answer fields and make corrections;
  • strictly follow the instructions of the KIM when entering answers to assignments IN .

Individual work of a Unified State Exam participant

  • during the foreign language exam, take into account the sequence of tasks;
  • do not forget to transfer answers from KIMs to answer forms;
  • when completing a task WITH fill out the answer form carefully, in legible handwriting;

Individual work of a Unified State Exam participant

When performing work, you must very carefully read not only the CONDITIONS of the task, but also the FORMULATION of the task (what exactly needs to be done), and INSTRUCTIONS for completing the task (how to write down the answer).

Individual work of a Unified State Exam participant

  • familiarize yourself in advance with the rules of conduct for a Unified State Examination participant during the exam; observe correct behavior; comply with the instructions.

Individual work of a Unified State Exam participant

  • Independent completion of demo version tasks (FIPI website).
  • Attending elective classes.
  • Participation in city, regional and federal competitions.

Intermediate control

  • comparison of the results of the trial exam with previously planned ones;
  • adjustment of individual training program

  • www.fipi.ru website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements - recommended literature on individual subjects is listed here

Information support for Unified State Exam participants

  • www.ege.edu.ruUnified State Exam support portal, where all the basic information about the Unified State Exam is posted

The Unified State Examination participant has the right

interrupt the exam for a valid reason (health condition);

  • contact the medical officer on duty at the PES and get a certificate ;
  • contact exactly on this day to your clinic to see a doctor and receive a stamped certificate to submit to the conflict commission along with an appeal, on the basis of which the results of the interrupted exam can be cancelled.

The Unified State Examination participant has the right

including one who was removed from the exam for violating instructions after passing the work before leaving the exam point file an appeal about a violation of the examination procedure

The Unified State Examination participant has the right

To file an appeal about a violation of the examination procedure, a Unified State Examination participant must contact responsible organizer in the audience or to the head of the exam reception center who must provide the exam participant with an appeal form.

The Unified State Examination participant has the right

Appeals regarding the procedure will NOT be accepted. :

  • on the content and structure of CIM;
  • on questions related to the examination participant’s violation of the instructions for filling out the answer forms (the answers were entered incorrectly and unclearly into the forms, he did not have time to transfer the answers, the personal form was damaged);
  • drafts as appeal materials NOT are being considered ;

A graduate with disabilities has the right to choose the form of final certification: Unified State Examination or GVE (state final examination)

In this case, a combination of both forms of state final certification is allowed: in the form of the Unified State Exam and in the form of the final exam.

In the form of a state final exam You can only take mandatory exams ( Russian language and mathematics).

Optional subjects only give up in the form of the Unified State Exam .

Test materials (KIM) is a special type of unified test work used during the unified state exam.

Specification – the main document for the development of CMMs. It indicates all the main characteristics of CMM: structure, type of tasks used, execution time, evaluation system, etc.

Unified State Examination Terminological Dictionary

Setting an open form - a test task in which there are no answer options, and the examinee must formulate his own answer. The Unified State Exam uses two types of open tasks: "IN" with a short answer and "WITH"

with a detailed answer.

Unified State Examination Terminological Dictionary

Primary points – grade for the examination paper, which is determined by the number of completely or partially solved tasks.

PPE – examination point.

Unified State Examination Terminological Dictionary

Test scores – assessment for the examination paper on a 100-point scale. It is determined by recalculating primary score based on complex procedures involving “levelling” of different work options according to difficulty.

The work of a teacher in preparing students for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language Valentina Konstantinovna Muravyova, teacher of Russian language and literature MCOU “Chunoyarsk Secondary School No. 13” Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian Knowledge only becomes knowledge when it is acquired through the efforts of one’s thoughts, and not through memory. L.N. Tolstoy. Presentation for speech at the regional seminar for Russian language teachers and literature. Olympiads, participation in which brought not only success, but also serious preparation for the exam

  • Little squirrel
  • Philological youth championship
  • Russian bear cub
  • All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (literature)
My mission
  • Teachers may be different, but they all have the same mission. According to the world organization UNESCO, the mission of a teacher is to:
  • Learn to gain knowledge. Learn to work and earn money. Teach to live. Learn to live together.
  • The Unified State Examination form is not suitable for a literature lesson (more than 75%) The Unified State Examination does not provide an objective assessment of knowledge (9%) * Was there a feeling of being “trained for tests” (44%) Possibility of writing an exam “at random” (22%)
  • Is the Internet a Helper? (yes - about 70%)
  • There were tutoring services (courses) in the Russian language - 1% of the Unified State Examination - Getting rid of teacher bias? - (yes 20%)
The path to the Unified State Exam. Where to begin?
  • Information stand with replacement materials
  • Memos for graduates
  • Reminders for parents
  • Introduction to the codifier, specification, CMMs, answer forms
  • Through keywords, emphasizing in kims, start with the easy ones, i.e. from part A
  • Skip! !
  • Read the task to the end!
  • Think only about the current task!
  • Eliminate!
  • Plan two laps!
  • Check it out!
Memos for graduates OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES
) Solving test tasks
  • According to KIM collections
  • FIPI website
  • Sites September 1
  • Website Pedsovet.su
  • ReshuUSE website
  • http://4ege.ru/ http://www.ctege.info/ http://egerus.ru/ http://ucheba.pro/
I inform students of the addresses of sites for independent preparation for the Unified State Exam http:/ www.mon.gov.ru- website of the Ministry of Education http://pedsovet.org- All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council. http://www.edu.ru- Central arr. portal http://www.internet-scool.ru- website of the Internet school of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie". http://www.intellectcentre.ru– website of the publishing house "Intellect-Center" Active forms of work with students
  • Maintaining a spelling dictionary (in the notes of Drabkina’s book), a dictionary of paronyms
  • The student as a teacher when repeating difficult topics
  • Digital dictations
  • Individual consultations
  • Comprehensive text analysis
I use the resources of elective courses
  • Secrets of style
  • CAT as one of the ways to develop textual competence
  • Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian.
  • trap tasks that are present in all CIMs. These are questions on topics that are only mentioned in textbooks and are not studied in detail in Russian language lessons. For example, which is correct: “the battle of Borodino” or “the battle of Borodino”?
Working with blocks of vocabulary words I offer texts for memorization in class
  • Poetry five minutes not only in literature lessons
  • poem: “You can’t understand Russia with your mind”
  • "No, I'm not Byron, I'm different"
  • "Mountain Peaks" and others
Types of assistance to graduates

multi-level consultations,


3 groups per week!

The schedule of individual consultations was drawn up for a week based on the results of the work performed


  • Parent meetings
  • SMS – plan – tasks for the week
  • Email
  • Individual meetings
  • Social media
  • Memo for parents - it should contain advice on selecting additional literature to prepare for the final exam. This section should constantly change recommendations on which sections or topics students should pay attention to when doing homework.
Weekly task plan
  • 1. Tuesday, 27.01
  • in the Russian language lesson there will be a theory test to learn N and NN A 13 (based on Drabkina’s book)
  • 2. in a notebook for preparing for the Unified State Exam, write out the following meanings from the explanatory dictionary. words antithesis, apostrophe, aristocracy, argument, gospel, bureaucracy, veterinarian, exorbitant price, genesis, citizenship, grenadier, dramaturgy, heretic, life, frosty, hieroglyph
  • THURSDAY 29.01 (for work during consultation) learn A 16 from Drabkina’s book (verb endings, suffixes of participles, verbs)
MAY 2016 bring HARMONY AND LUCK to everyone!!!
