Victoria Makarskaya: After two IVFs, because of which I almost died, I gave birth without the help of doctors. Victoria Morozova, biography, news, photos Were you not afraid of such a reverent attitude towards your child?

Victoria Morozova was born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk. Her parents were military personnel. Younger sister- Monica.

The future singer spent her childhood in military garrisons in Belarus and the Baltic states. From the age of 5, Vika performed on stage. Morozova graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Vitebsk Music School, and later from GITIS with a degree in stage and mass performance director.

To improve her singing skills, the future star studied with vocal teacher Elena Sergeevna Chaplygina. Having moved to Moscow, he began to study solo career: recorded several successful videos that were often shown on television (“Hug”, “Someone”).

For several years, Victoria sang as a backing vocalist in the English-language group “Andy's Band.” She was also involved in the circus musical project of Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. “His Majesty the Fairy Tale,” in which she performed 88 performances.

In 1999, Morozova was invited as a soloist to the musical “Metro,” in which she performed until 2002. While auditioning artists to participate in this musical, Victoria met actor and singer Anton Makarsky. A day later, Anton proposed marriage to Vika.

Victoria Makarskaya: “Anton and I met exactly twelve years ago in Moscow. Long before that, he arrived from Penza, entered the Pike, and served in the army. And I arrived from Vitebsk, where my parents settled

HANDsome Anton Makarsky, who plays Prince Dolgoruky in “Poor Nastya” and so soulfully sings his part “Belle” in the famous musical, can be admired and admired.

THERE ARE COUPLES who talk about high feelings in newspapers and on television, but at home they communicate exclusively “on the mat.” The Makarskis do everything sincerely, I can confirm this. About two years ago we went to the AiF festival in the glorious city of Yaroslavl, and among the concert participants was singer Victoria Morozova. All the performers arrived at the bus sleepy and lonely, and only Morozov’s beloved husband Anton Makarsky came to see him off at six o’clock in the morning (!). They said goodbye and kissed, delaying the departure, then Anton waved his hand to the departing bus for a long time, and Vika, during the day of our communication, buzzed all her ears about “what a wonderful husband she has and how much she misses him.” We met two years later - nothing has changed. The Makarskys still looked happy and in love.

Bride in jeans and groom in bandana

VIKA: Anton fell in love with me as soon as he saw me, but I didn’t notice him at all. He still remembers what I was wearing when I entered the audience for the casting of the musical “Metro.”

ANTON: Not true. I didn't fall in love, I just had a crush.

- What does “fuse” mean?

A.: So, I just liked the girl. And I fell in love with her later... three days later.

- Do you really remember what Vika was wearing?

A.: In such a short T-shirt with an open belly, in a skirt, also not long at all, and in shoes with a fifteen-centimeter platform.

V.: We had a party for those who passed the casting, and Anton suddenly began to court Evelina Bledans and Katya Korneychuk. I'm offended. We didn’t have anything with him yet, we didn’t even really communicate, but for some reason I felt offended. Some people stayed with Masha Katz, and I said: “Guys, who wants to continue

me, let’s go to my place.” I then lived in a huge three-room apartment of my teacher in a house near the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, which was being prepared for demolition. I saw that Makarsky abandoned his girls and came with us. After all, men have iron instincts - they are hunters, so they should be given a chance to hunt. Sveta Svetikova, Pasha Maikov and the others went to bed, and Makarsky went to the servants' room. The house is very old, so there was such a tiny little light for the servants. I came to tell Anton “ Good night“... To be honest, I didn’t have any plans for him.

A.: Absolutely untrue. Firstly, before that I did my signature trick - I went to the bathroom and came out wearing only a towel. Then he came to the kitchen, where the celebration was going on, sat down next to Vika, began giving her a massage, after which he said that my shoulders hurt and asked me to massage them. In general, it was a banal square dance, and, what is most surprising, it gave results. And she says that she came without a second thought... Come on, don’t trust women.

V.: I remember the moment when I entered Anton’s room like a still from a movie. So I open the door, and a completely different life begins for me... This was from June 10 to 11 five years ago. And we never parted for a second. We were kicked out of Metro rehearsals because we were holding hands all the time. They laughed at us and jokingly called us rabbits. And no one could believe it - how is this possible?

Only on the fifth day did Anton ask for my phone number, because he needed to go get a razor from a friend with whom he was living at the time. He stands in the corridor and hesitates: “Can I get your phone number?” And this was after he proposed to me on the second day! True, at first there was a long prelude about how he was a beggar and had nothing but jeans and two T-shirts. I said, “None of this matters. Even if you take me to Siberia and order me to quit my career, I will go with you.” After that, Anton told me: “You will have everything. I will make sure that you have a house, a fur coat, and all the very best.” We stood with him on the balcony

in a house on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and were incredibly happy!

- Anton, remember how you proposed?

A.: There was no “marry me” as such. There were words of love, conversations about the future... A year after we met, we got married in a church, where there were only Vika and I and our close friends Sasha and Tanya. We got married and went to Gorky Park to ride the carousel. We bought one kebab for two with the last 90 rubles and ate it joyfully. And the next day they hung a big notice in the office of the musical “Metro”, in which they announced our wedding and invited everyone to celebrate... in the forest. It was crazy cool. We still look at those photos - what an amazing atmosphere! We drank beer, ate barbecue, swam in the river. The guys gave us our first dishes. At that time we had two forks and one teaspoon, which are still in use. And what clothes we were wearing! Vika is wearing a pink veil, pink glasses, jeans, sandals and a blue T-shirt. I’m also wearing jeans, a T-shirt with the sleeves torn off, a bandana and a red groom’s flower on my chest. Cars stopped and people asked if they could take a photo with us.

“So this is what he is, Morozov!”

- BUT did you arrive at the official registration in full dress?

V.: I gave Anton a colossal surprise. He thought that I would come to the registry office in jeans, and he himself was also not going to show off just to put a stamp in my passport. Secretly from my husband, I ordered a limousine and an incredible blue Wedding Dress, which I hid with a friend. In the morning she said: “Antosh, I need to get myself in order, I’ll come straight to the registry office,” and asked my friend to call Anton and tell him to put on a tuxedo. "For what? “I want it in a denim suit,” he objected. - Yes, and Vika...” “She will also wear something decent. They’ll take pictures of you there for posterity,” my friend tried to persuade him and finally convinced him.

I got out of the car in a blue cloud of a veil. When Anton saw it... I thought he would laugh, since I always called the veil a symbol of innocence. But he was happy and hugged me: “You are my beauty!”

After reg

stratus, we drove to Red Square, to Vorobyovy Gory, changed clothes in the car and - to Sheremetyevo. The day before they called us and said that on the evening of July 3 we were flying to France on the Fort Bayard. After the game we went to our friends in Vermont and spent several wonderful days there. So our Honeymoon took place in France.

- You had a church marriage, and only three years later you were ripe for a civil marriage... Why did you delay?

A.: We decided to register the relationship so that there would be no more civil problems.

V.: All this is nonsense. Makarsky wanted me to become Makarska. There was such a case. When my videos were already airing on MTV, the crowd, naturally, knew the singer Vika Morozova, but had not yet heard of Anton Makarsky. Anton and I came to the same party. Suddenly Lion Izmailov flies towards us and shouts: “So that’s what he is, Morozov! Finally we saw him! Anton simply turned white. And then I realized that according to my passport I would inevitably have to become Makarska. But Anton was never jealous of my creativity. The only thing was that he didn’t like that I earned a lot. I brought thousands of dollars, put them in a box, but Anton never took a cent from there. He rode the subway, wore only jeans, but never took my money. He had a very small salary as a musical artist. And when, almost simultaneously, Khotinenko did not take Anton to star in his film “72 Meters” and he was refused at Notre Dame de Paris, he simply got up and left. Said: “You are a star. You need a rich man who will help you,” and disappeared. I didn't know where to look for him.

- And where were you, Anton?

A.: I went to Sashka Golubev (performer of the role of a priest in the musical. - Author). We drank a little, talked about life... When a woman feeds her family, a man develops a certain complex. It took a lot of effort not to flare up or fall into depression. Then I didn’t have “Belle” yet, much less “ Poor Nastya».

- How long did your separation from Vika last?

A.: A week. We met at Leshka Makarov's.

V.: Lesha Makarov had a birthday, and his mother, Lyubov P

Olishchuk, organized a chic table. I then looked at Anton and realized that I had to somehow drag him home. Because he no longer reacted to anything.

A.: Come on, you were the same yourself.

V.: Of course, I cried for a week, did not sleep or eat. First she asked him: “Take me home, please.” He: “I’ll see you off and leave.” Then I say: “Anton, sit with me, I haven’t slept for a week because I can’t sleep without you.” “Just remember, I’ll sit and leave,” he says. And, of course, I didn’t let him go anywhere else. And the next day he was approved to sing the song “Belle”. So I'm lucky with him.

A.: All successes of men in one way or another depend on women. Would I have done this or that if it weren’t for Vika? Of course not.

V.: Can I tell you? Makarsky, when he gets incredibly tired, when he only sleeps on trains and planes, sometimes breaks down: “Why do I need all this?!” If it weren't for you, I would be working in the theater, doing what I love. Why do I need this money?

Makarsky is a homeless person

A.: EVERYTHING changed after the song “Belle”. They didn’t know me by sight, but they said: “We want this tenor to come to us and sing. Let's bash."

V.: I was shocked - they started calling me and offering me any money. Anton quietly ensured that I became Makarska, then he began to earn more than me.

A.: Not so quiet and not so slow.

V.: Once we went on tour with Anton. And he asks: “Who is being greeted like this?!” Really me?! Why do rooms with swimming pools and saunas give us?” I often came across how artists arrived and began: “They didn’t meet me in a Mercedes!” Gonna fly Now!" So Anton doesn’t care. He will be met at a penny, and he will be happy.

A.: Why am I like this? Yes, because I will never forget how I ate one oatmeal for a year and a half while studying in Shchuk and living in a dormitory. There was no money even to buy salt and sugar. I filled the rolled oats with water and ate this biomass. After a year and a half, he howled and switched to buckwheat.

I remember how as a child (we are four children in the family, and I am the eldest) we received food stamps as a large and low-income family.

had breakfast and lunch at school for free. I remember how, as a student, I worked as a rabbit in a store, jumping in this foam suit in 30-degree heat. And now, when they give me a room with a sauna and “all inclusive” so that I can go on stage and sing two songs, I don’t understand this. And I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

-Have you already acquired your own home?

A.: For now we are renting an apartment on the old Arbat. And, of course, I really want my own corner. I've been homeless for 11 years now. I checked out of my native Penza while I was living in a hostel, there was a temporary registration, then they registered with Metro for five years, but it will end soon. But there is no registration. Look: there’s a blank page in my passport, and this is for the police (takes out the “Notre Dame” disc) - I always carry it with me. But, I hope, we will soon resolve the housing issue.

Once we had already made the first contribution to the construction of our apartment in installments, but then the idea of ​​the play “Arshin Mal Alan” arose. Every penny was taken and invested in it.

V.: Anton is primarily a theater actor. By the way, that’s why I did this theater project for him. The filming of “Poor Nastya” ended at 8 o’clock in the evening, and at 9 o’clock rehearsals for our play began. After filming, he came dead, and after the performance - at one in the morning! - returned rested and cheerful. Because theater is living energy, it is impossible to get tired in it.

Are you hitting her?

VIKA, you were a singer, you showed promise... And suddenly you gave up your career and became your husband’s producer. Is this due to ligament surgery?

V.: My voice has recovered, everything is fine now. Ira Dubtsova, whom everyone recognized after the Star Factory, wrote an album for Anton a year ago. She was sitting at our house, and a very beautiful song was born to her, where there is the following line: “I call happiness by your name...” We sing it as a duet. And to do a solo project... Today the singers are mainly those whom I call “look, country, the one I have.” What I'm doing now is nicer to me. When Anton decided to record a solo album, I completely produced it. Unexpectedly for myself. Then she began to deal with Anton’s contracts with

foreign companies, produced her husband’s second album and finally produced the entire production - from purchasing copyrights to production. Sometimes, when Anton doesn’t want to be in a project for one reason or another, he says this: “Vikochka, please make sure that I don’t participate in this.” And I do. And then everyone starts yelling: “What a bitch! She makes decisions for him!” In fact the last word always behind Anton. And he signs the documents and puts a seal. And I'm a housewife. There was already a moment when Anton left... I don’t want that anymore.

-What are you quarreling about?

A.: Because of everything. We swear a lot at work, argue in a raised voice, and people who watch us at such moments get scared: “Well, I came and destroyed the family.” Nothing like this. We're both just very emotional.

- I see that Vicky has a small scar on her face. Anton, are you hitting her?

A.: No, what are you talking about? You can't hit women. When a woman is already crossing some boundaries of a quarrel, you can grab her and crush her a little. Then she will cry, and then you have to feel sorry for her. This is the system. What about hitting? No. The scar is a dog that bit her when she was a child, and it was so bad that half her cheek fell off. But the doctors did a great job, leaving only a small scar.

- We are all about love and love, but we have completely forgotten about everyday life...

A.: But we don’t have it in our family. If you want to eat, you can go to the store and buy yourself something instant cooking. I am very picky about food, I can eat buckwheat or rolled oats.

V.: When I start cooking, Makarsky yells: “Stay with me! Stop cooking!” On one of the programs he said: “My wife is my beloved woman, not a cook.” In general, I cook delicious food, but I don’t have time to do it.

- But do you have time to have children?

V.: Of course. We will begin to multiply very much when we have our own corner. Although, if God sends them now, it will be great...

A.: We will have a lot of boys. And I will play football with them in the yard.

V.: You are my joy! (And the loving spouses kissed. - From the author.

Anton Makarsky And Victoria Morozova(according to her passport she is now Makarska) a very extraordinary couple, with 1999 they've been together for years. At the time of this writing, it is eighteen years old life together, and although these two are completely different people in temperament, worldview and interests, over the years they have lived together, a miracle has happened - they have grown together and are not going to separate, no matter how difficult it is sometimes to be near each other. Anton Makarsky And Victoria Morozova They gave interviews about their family more than once, and if you look at at least half of them, it will become clear how this family lives and what their well-deserved happiness is built on.

On the one side Anton Manarsky a house builder, he likes everything in his family to be as he says, he can shout and hit the table with his fist and even break down doors. But on the other hand, Victoria The character is complex and not very sugary. Of course, she makes it clear to her man in every possible way that he is the head of the family, that he has the last word, but is this really so?

In all of my joint interviews Makarskie chatter vying with each other, most of all, of course, he broadcasts Vika, she literally doesn’t let her husband get a word in, but Anton He has already learned to fit his remarks into the general conversation, otherwise, if he didn’t have such a temperament, he would sit and be silent, and his wife would talk and talk about everything in the world, about how they met, about how they fell in love, about what a tyrant he is and a tyrant, and she is moderate and wise, but she does it all with humor, fun and edifying. What is the difficulty of living with this man? For example, Anton Makarsky likes to put everything in its place, Victoria It won’t seem like much if anything is moved even a couple of centimeters from its usual place. Makarsky does not allow his wife to wear bright makeup, wear short skirts, fishnet stockings, lace underwear, eat dried roach, checks her mobile phone and literally sniffs his betrothed when she returns from some business meeting.

Yes, this guy has such oddities. But is it weird? This is such proof of love and concern for the woman you love from the outside Anton. But no matter what she says Victoria Morozova on all television programs and in interviews, she is far from being such a submissive and humble wife as she wants to seem. Of course, in some ways she is inferior, she has learned over the years of living together, but all wise women do this, everyone needs to listen to their man, otherwise you won’t cook porridge - divorce and maiden name, or a henpecked husband who is not able to make a single independent decision. What Vika resists - this is even very good, because otherwise tyranny Anton would take on grandiose proportions, and so the wife extinguishes his outbursts, yielding to her beloved in the little things.

In general, each of this couple slows down each other's foolishness. But in some ways they are similar, for example in their faith in God. Both Orthodox, first they got married and only then, two years later, they signed at the registry office. In fact, looking at people like Makarskie, I understand what it's for Christian faith. For these two, for example, everything is tied to the Lord. If they sin, then they go to confession; absolution and a conversation with their confessor gives them new strength in the fight for their marriage. In principle, if these people were even stronger and wiser, they could do all this without faith in Christ, but they chose this path as a basis and walk along it, holding hands, with an eye on the righteous wrath of God. But people must remain people in any case, whether they live among such believers, or whether they were destined to be born in the wilds of the Amazon, or whether they were miraculously brought to Mars. This does not mean that they are essentially a couple Makarskikh weaklings are very integral, harmoniously developed personalities, accomplished not only in their careers, but also in building family relations. In addition, they are kind, sacrificing themselves for the good of others, living in harmony with their conscience.

But have you noticed how much these two annoy many people? What do they write about them in the comments under articles with interviews on websites? In particular, I personally like them, I admire them and turn a blind eye to some of their eccentricities. What is the reason for the irritation of the army of non-admirers? And there are many reasons for this. And the first one is that Anton Makarsky handsome: face, figure, voice - he is almost perfect - moderately sweet, very courageous, certainly talented and hardworking, moreover, he is not a lover of women, although he is gallant towards them, and is successful in his profession. In this man, women saw a certain ideal, and of course they want to see with him a certain woman who, like him, could be positioned as perfection. But taking a quick glance at Victoria Morozova, they do not see her as more of a woman, most likely they begin to notice her shortcomings. This is the kind of society we have - there are a lot of stereotypes imposed by gloss, television, and cinema. For the modern woman It is very difficult to live up to these ideals. About spiritual qualities many people forget.

So what? Victoria Morozova? She is undoubtedly attractive, but her appearance is not glamorous, look at these photos, before us is a faithful wife, mother, hostess, not a mysterious and fatal diva of the world of show business. All the beauty Victoria Morozova in her charisma, in her feminine wisdom, naturalness and simplicity, in her boundless love for her man. And the viewer sees the discrepancy, because there is chic glitter all around, the wives of film actors on the red carpet are dressed in designer dresses, they have stylists and fitness trainers. In many photos Victoria Morozova Even if you look very good, others look ridiculous. It seems to me that if she really wanted to, she could always look great, but perhaps then she would lose her natural charm.

The second reason for the rejection of this couple is that not all spouses are happy, and when Makarskie they begin to broadcast to the whole country about their happiness, those people who are not very successful in marriage begin to lose their temper, they say, how can this be, not everything is so smooth for you, go and beat you to death and walk to the left. We have such a mentality: only those who hide their personal lives from the public and give very rare, discreet interviews are respected. well and Makarskie- they are very emotional, interrupt each other, let me tell you, no, let me. Moreover, they are very frank, they literally do not hide anything. But nevertheless, this couple also has a lot of fans, but it’s difficult for a sane person to have a negative attitude towards them. One thing is how Anton Makarsky loves his long-awaited daughter I wave, and the couple only had a child after thirteen years of marriage, it’s touching, he loves his son, of course Ivana, but as often happens, dads are waiting for their sons, but most of all they adore and love their daughters!

Victoria Morozova not just a wife famous actor Anton Makarsky– she’s also a great singer with a really strong voice. Together with her husband, she tours around the world with the program "Live Voice". And when they met, Anton Makarsky was an unknown aspiring actor, but she was already a fairly popular rock singer, earning decent money, a role in a musical "METRO" she got it without casting, whereas Anton Makarsky I had to stand in kilometer-long queues in order to get one of the roles in it. Victoria Morozova believed in her man, she in every possible way inspired him that success awaited him in acting career and it turned out to be right! Why herself Victoria didn’t find the same success as her husband? IN 2002 year, this singer lost her voice, she had nodules on her ligaments and after the operation she did not go on stage for about six years, but then she finally decided to do it.

Many prim ladies old school They believe that if you go to bed with a man on the first date, this will lead to the guy not taking you seriously, but life shows that relationships that begin in bed can be very strong and long-lasting. Victoria Morozova couldn't resist the charm Anton Makarsky, on the day they met, he tried to charm her, they were in the same company, the aspiring actor invited all the girls to dance in a row, but when it was his turn Victoria, she refused him the dance. Then Makarsky decided to surprise her with songs accompanied by a guitar, all the girls were mollified, but not Victoria, she stood up defiantly and went into the next room. And then the heavy artillery came into play, Anton went to freshen up in the shower and came out wearing a towel, jauntily tied around his hips, Victoria I was struck by the beauty of his legs. Further Makarsky decided to stretch my back Vick, gave her a massage, but then, you know, everything went like clockwork, the lovers never parted again!

Wedding photos Anton Makarsky And Victoria Morozova.

And this baby photo Anton Makarsky.

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF: Victoria, you have experience of unsuccessful IVF. Could you warn women so that they know what the dangers of artificial conception can be? What happened to your health then?

Victoria: I know from my own experience: when a woman decides to undergo IVF, she does not even imagine what health consequences may arise from a hormonal attack on the body. Personally, the doctors did not warn me about possible consequences, and when we encountered hyperstimulation syndrome, I barely survived. In general, each woman decides for herself whether to do IVF or not, but, as they say, it is still necessary to warn about the consequences.

- You call children begged. Why?

Anton: Our children are not only begged for by us. A lot of different people asked for children to be given to us - our mothers, relatives, friends, acquaintances! You can talk about this for a long time. But we became parents when we ourselves, at least to a small extent, became ready for this.

Victoria: The most important miracle is the internal change of a person. I was tormented by the question why we don’t have children. The doctors said that we were healthy, but they themselves did not understand the reason for our childlessness. It all started with communication with one very wise and religious doctor, academician, who advised us to pay attention to the spiritual component of our lives.

- Are there any specific shrines with which you associate your mother’s happiness? stva?

Victoria: We visited the holy relics of Matronushka of Moscow and Alexander Svirsky, and went to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

Mashenka and Vanechka were born in Jerusalem, we baptized them there. Soon, God willing, we will go with them to those places that we were lucky enough to visit while filming the project “Shrines of Russia” for the Spas TV channel. Honestly, every day I thank God that we have been given this unique opportunity- travel to holy places, after visiting which you want to shout to the whole world: “People! You can’t even imagine how many blessed shrines that heal soul and body are located in Russia! They are very close to us!”

Photo: From personal archive

We need to work and not overeat

- With two children, family life changes. What has changed for you?

Anton: Priorities. This word now appears most often in our lives. If earlier we could travel around the world, now everything free time We spend it at home, in Sergiev Posad, with our children.

Victoria: And a lot has changed in attitude towards people! Now all people on Earth, regardless of age and nationality, for me personally are someone’s children who need to be pitied and loved.

- What do you do to be physically healthy?

Anton: I have a rule: once every three, maximum four days I arrange for myself strength training. No matter where I am. You can do push-ups anywhere, but instead of a horizontal bar you often have to use a regular door. If there is a desire, there will always be funds!

Victoria: At the age of 94, my great-grandmother told me the main rules of health: don’t envy anyone, always work happily and don’t overeat. But, of course, at the age of 45 I have accumulated a lot of my own own recipes and secrets for good health and wellness. But my main conclusion is that the more you load yourself, the stronger you become.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that any physical illness has a root cause - resentment, anger, aggression. What do you think mental health is?

Anton: But this will be more serious than push-ups. To see your external flaws, just look in the mirror. Where can one find such a spiritual mirror to highlight inner flaws? I know the answer: the Gospel. There are all the answers to the questions that concern us. And only by comparing yourself with the Gospel Ideal can you identify your illnesses and, in sports language, create a training program.

Victoria: A person living in constant negativity cannot be healthy. Love for people and good mood- the key to not only mental health, but also physical health. If you can’t love those around you, at least don’t envy and don’t wish harm on anyone.

- What are the rules healthy image do you instill in children?

Victoria: I tell my daughter: “Mashunya, evil girls grow old and get sick early. Be kind!” I teach children to drink more water, do exercises with them without straining, so as not to discourage them, but to develop the habit.

Anton: Our children will still be like us. Therefore, first of all, we need to work on ourselves, confirming by personal example the correctness of the words we speak.


The girl spent her childhood in secret military garrisons in the Baltic states. The parents dreamed of making their daughter a celebrity, albeit a local one. They saw Victoria working in a Belarusian orchestra. By the way, the future star has been performing there since she was fifteen.

Victoria was assigned to the capital Musical Theatre. But as soon as the girl arrived in Moscow, she simply ended up at the Belorussky railway station. In desperation, the provincial woman tried to get a job in Grand Theatre, but the HR department was closed. The fate of the young artist was decided by chance. An Englishman approached her and offered to work as a soloist in his band.

Meet Anton Makarsky

However, there are many blank spots in the biography of Victoria Morozova. The artist is reluctant to talk about herself in interviews. Lately She devotes not to her solo career, but to the career of her husband, the star of the most popular musical “Notre Dame de Paris” by Anton Makarsky. And to almost all meetings with representatives of funds mass media the couple comes together.

But Anton and Victoria talk about their love story and their meeting with enthusiasm. Makarsky recalls how he participated in auditions for the musical “Metro.” During the casting, an unknown woman came into the audience, but beautiful girl in a short T-shirt, a miniskirt and shoes with a huge platform. Moreover, this young lady was very similar to Anton Makarsky’s grandmother. The artist claims that he fell in love with Victoria literally at first sight.

At that time, Victoria Morozova had already had enough famous singer and graduated from the directing department of GITIS. The artist’s video was constantly played on TV - these were two videos for the songs “Hug” and “Someone”, and singer Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. just took her into his musical project “His Majesty the Fairy Tale”.

By the way, by this time Victoria Morozova had managed to work in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. There she worked for 88 performances in a row. At the same time, the girl flew under the dome and almost crashed.

However, during the first meeting, Victoria did not pay attention to her future husband.

“I started working at Metro, and at that time there was a very difficult period in my life, and, of course, I didn’t notice anyone around me at all. Anton, on the contrary, immediately drew attention to me, probably because I came “on huge platforms and with a bare stomach,” recalls Victoria.

She was able to take a closer look at the young man only at a party that took place after the end of the casting. The young man, according to Victoria, was inimitable and charming. The result of the meeting was solitude in Morozova’s house on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. The young man stayed overnight.

Victoria Morozova on video

And in the morning Anton Makarsky proposed his hand and heart to Victoria. The picture looked quite solemn. Anton addressed Vika with the following speech: “I have no right to make you proposals. I clearly understand where you are and where I am. Now I only have two T-shirts and jeans, and my possessions include a guitar and a razor. But if you become my wife, then you will have everything.” Despite everything, Victoria agreed.

Victoria was amazed by Anton with his sensitivity. Morozova told Makarsky about the crazy love of Marc Chagall and Bella. He was so moved that he even cried. “At that moment I realized that I had been looking for this kind of romance all my life. And at that moment, I probably fell in love with him,” says Vika.


By the way, everyone around was just talking about the fact that Makarsky and Morozova were not a couple. Vika's friends openly mocked Anton. But the only one who singled out young man and supported the lover, it was Boris Krasnov. He once even said to the singer: “Vika, is your boyfriend that handsome, muscular Jew over there? He is very talented! He's great!

A year later, Victoria and Anton got married. But they had a real wedding only three years later. This happened just when Makarsky was offered the fateful role of Phoebus in the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”, which made the man a celebrity. However, after this, Victoria Morozova’s career began to decline.

Victoria says that on stage she doesn’t just sing, she plays her songs like little stories. The girl chooses the works she likes, works on them and creates a face loving woman, which is capable of joy, sadness and suffering. At the same time, the artist is sure that it is necessary to produce only positive music so that people leave the concert with a huge charge of positive energy.

The girl says that the reason for leaving the stage is the loss of her voice. The artist toured a lot. She went on stage even with a high temperature. And once, at a solo concert in Kharkov, she lost consciousness. However, this happened several months before meeting Anton. The girl was then called “ ambulance“and it turned out that I had pneumonia for a month now. The singer's health worsened after the musical "Metro". There Victoria needed to hit very high notes. Sometimes the girl could not utter a word, but she sang.

Since 2002, Victoria Morozova became Anton Makarsky’s assistant, his right hand, and completely devoted herself to producing it.

For quite a long time, Vika managed all the affairs herself. But one day the management of the Moscow International House of Music insisted on a joint concert of the spouses. The Makarskys approached the preparations responsibly; many organizational and creative issues had to be resolved. Victoria assured her husband that she probably wouldn’t be able to return to the stage, since they didn’t have a producer or PR director. However, the performance was destined to take place, and it took a completely unique and original form. Since then, the couple have gone on tour exclusively together. They have seven musicians in their group different ages– from 19 to 42 years old. And everyone is united by the desire to make high-quality music and sing it only “live”.
