Military review and politics. Military review and politics What equipment is better to put on Su 100


This game tactic is the most preferable for this tank destroyer, since the camouflage coefficient of the SU-100 is almost the best in the game. In combination with camouflage net, stereo tube And rammer this vehicle will be an excellent ambush sniper.


The first and second equipment slots are filled with standard first aid kit And repair kit in case of crits, the third can be placed either fire extinguisher, or tightened speed controller/lend-lease oil. A fire extinguisher is less preferable, since in the event of a fire, almost double the damage from the vehicle is removed, which leads to almost immediate destruction, considering that this AT is thrown towards level 7-8 tanks. Therefore, you must choose between a less expensive but more dangerous regulator and a safer but more expensive oil. Both perform the same function, the only difference is the result. When using the first, there is a possibility of breaking the engine, which will negatively affect the survivability of the SU-100, so it is recommended to use an oil that is more expensive, but more reliable. Actually, the oil itself will allow the SU-100 to accelerate much faster, which is a definite advantage when taking a position in a timely manner before an enemy attack.

Ammunition All ammunition is loaded with armor-piercing shells. It makes sense to take several high-explosive fragmentation ones in case the grapple is knocked down.


When choosing this tactic, the player must understand that the SU-100 ceases to be a tank destroyer. It becomes something between a tank tank and a tank tank, designed to support the attack of allied heavy tanks, pushing through the flank. Consequently, it is inevitable that the tank's firepower and driving performance will be enhanced. This is facilitated rammer, reinforced aiming drives And ventilation.


In this case, the equipment remains standard, namely: first aid kit, repair kit, fire extinguisher. When resorting to this combat tactic, every unit of strength is extremely important, as is every shot of this tank destroyer, so it must live as long as possible.

Ammunition is completely filled with armor-piercing shells. With such a game, it will no longer be possible to return to base, and the D2-5S gun penetrates absolutely all tanks of the level that this tank can encounter.


When choosing this tactic, the player must understand that the SU-100 does not cease to be a tank destroyer, but is called upon to be at the same time more active, like the ST, to support and cover the attack of allied heavy tanks and during base defense. Consequently, she uses active light and her camouflage to occupy more comfortable and better positions. In some cases it can replace RT. This is facilitated coated optics And ventilation. By resorting to this “active ambush” combat tactic, you will be able to suppress the enemy’s offensive, causing serious damage while defending the base.


Equipment remains standard, namely: first aid kit, repair kit, fire extinguisher.

Ammunition Filled with armor-piercing, sub-caliber shells to penetrate more armored vehicles at a higher level, and several high-explosive fragmentation shells in case the base is captured. With such a game, it is possible to return to base.

SU-100-Y is an experimental heavy Soviet self-propelled gun based on the T-100 tank, produced in a single copy in 1940.

History of the creation of the SU-100U

Even during the Winter War, the Red Army felt an urgent need for armored engineering vehicles. In 1939, it was decided to create an engineering tank based on the T-100 with anti-ballistic armor to transport explosives and sappers, build a bridge, evacuate damaged tanks and perform other similar tasks.

During the design process, an order was received - a cannon was required to be installed at the T-100 base in order to fight enemy fortifications. As a result, the plant was asked to change plans, that is, to start designing not an engineering vehicle, but an self-propelled gun. Permission was received, and in January 1940, the drawings of the T-100-X, a prototype of the SU-100-Y, were transferred to the Izhora plant.

During the production of the machine, the wheelhouse was replaced with a simpler one to speed up assembly, and by March 1940, the SU-100-Y or T-100-Y, as it was also called, went on its first trip.

Performance characteristics (TTX) of the SU-100U

general information

  • Classification – self-propelled guns;
  • Combat weight - 64 tons;
  • Crew – 6 people;
  • Quantity issued – 1 piece.


  • Case length – 10900 mm;
  • Case width – 3400 mm;
  • Height – 3290 mm.


  • Armor type - rolled steel;
  • Body forehead – 60 mm;
  • Hull side – 60 mm;
  • Hull stern – 60 mm;
  • Bottom – 20-30 mm;
  • Housing roof – 20 mm;
  • Turret forehead – 60 mm.


  • Caliber and brand of gun - 130 mm B-13-IIs gun;
  • Type of gun: shipborne;
  • Barrel length - 55 calibers;
  • Gun ammunition - 30;
  • BH angles: 45°
  • Firing range - 25.5 km;
  • Machine guns - 3 × DT-29.


  • Engine type - carburetor, 12-cylinder, V-shaped, 4-stroke, liquid cooled GAM-34BT (GAM-34);
  • Engine power – 890 hp;
  • Highway speed – 32 km/h;
  • Speed ​​over rough terrain – 12 km/h;
  • Cruising range on the highway – 120 km;
  • Cruising range over rough terrain – 60 km;
  • Suspension type – torsion bar;
  • Specific ground pressure - 0.75 kg/cm²;
  • Climbability – 42 degrees;
  • The wall to be overcome is 1.3 m;
  • The ditch to be overcome is 4 m;
  • The fordability is 1.25 m.

Use in combat

In March 1940, the SU-100-Y was sent to Karelia, but by that time the fighting there had already ended, and it was not possible to test the vehicle in combat conditions. Self-propelled guns fired at the Finnish defensive lines. The car performed well, but due to its large mass and size it was too difficult to transport by rail.

When the KV-1 and KV-2 were put into service, all work on vehicles based on the T-100 was completely completed. In the summer of 1940, the self-propelled gun was transferred to Kubinka, and in 1941 it took part in the defense of Moscow along with the SU-14-1 and SU-14. There is no other information about the use of the SU-100-Y.

Memory of a tank

The SU-100-Y, unlike its base, the T-100, has been preserved today and is on display in the museum in Kubinka.

Hello tankers!!! Let's talk about the Soviet tier 6 tank destroyer: SU-100.

Development history

The SU-100 was created on the basis of the T-34-85 medium tank by the Uralmashzavod design bureau at the end of 1943 - beginning of 1944 as a further development of the SU-85, due to the latter’s insufficient capabilities in the fight against German heavy tanks. Serial production of the SU-100 began at the Uralmash plant in August 1944 and continued until the beginning of 1948. In addition, in 1951-1956, its production under Soviet license was carried out in Czechoslovakia. A total of 4,976 self-propelled guns of this type were produced in the USSR and Czechoslovakia. The first combat use of the SU-100 took place in January 1945, and subsequently the SU-100 was used in a number of operations during the Great Patriotic War and the Soviet-Japanese War, but in general their combat use was limited. After the war, the SU-100 was modernized several times and remained in service with the Soviet army for several decades. SU-100s were also supplied to the allies of the USSR and participated in a number of post-war local conflicts, including most actively during the Arab-Israeli wars. By the end of the 20th century, the SU-100 was withdrawn from service in most of the countries that used it, but, nevertheless, in some of them, as of 2007, it still remains in service. The main weapon of the SU-100 was a 100-mm rifled gun D-10S arr. 1944 (index “C” - self-propelled version), which had a barrel length of 56 calibers / 5608 mm. The gun provided the armor-piercing projectile with an initial speed of 897 m/s. The gun was installed in the front slab of the wheelhouse in a cast frame on double axles, which allowed it to be aimed in the vertical plane within the range from −3 to +20° and in the horizontal plane ±8° (in the game we have ±12°). The technical rate of fire of the gun was 4-6 rounds per minute. During the Great Patriotic War, the armor penetration of the D-10S allowed it to destroy the frontal armor of most German tanks and self-propelled guns. The D-10S was capable of penetrating the frontal armor of the Tiger and Panther, including the upper frontal plate of the latter, which penetrated at a distance of 1,500 meters, exceeding the calculated capabilities of the gun. The side armor of German tanks, even on the heaviest production models, vertical or located at slight angles of inclination and not exceeding 82 mm, like the frontal armor of the main mass medium tanks and self-propelled guns - Pz.Kpfw.IV and StuG.III/IV, was penetrated from a distance 2000 meters or more, that is, at almost all real combat distances. The only problem for the 100 mm gun was the frontal armor of the Tiger II tank and the Ferdinand and Jagdtiger self-propelled guns produced in small series. At the same time, as shown by shelling tests on the armored hull of a captured Tiger II, carried out in Kubinka, hitting the frontal armor with 3-4 armor-piercing or high-explosive 100-mm shells from a distance of 500-1000 meters led to the formation of cracks, chips and destruction of welds, which ultimately led to tank failure. Uralmash engineers L. I. Gorlitsky, A. L. Kizima, S. I. Samoilov; engineers of plant No. 9 A. N. Bulanov, V. N. Sidorenko and mechanical engineer P. F. Samoilov for the creation of self-propelled guns in 1946 were awarded the title of laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree.

(SU-100 with 100 mm D-10S gun)

Leveling up

Characteristics of guns:

85 mm D-5S gun

13.3-13.6 Rate of fire (rounds/min)
120/161/43 Average armor penetration (mm)
160/160/280 Average damage (units)
0.43 Spread per 100 m (m)
2.3 Aiming time (sec)

85 mm gun D-5S-85BM

10-10.5 Rate of fire (rounds/min)
144/194/44 Average armor penetration (mm)
180/180/300 Average damage (units)
0.34 Spread per 100 m (m)
2.3 Aiming time (sec)

100 mm D-10S gun

8.45 Rate of fire (rounds/min)
175/235/50 Average armor penetration (mm)
230/230/330 Average damage (units)
0.4 Spread per 100 m (m)
2.3 Aiming time (sec)

122 mm D2-5S gun

4.69 Rate of fire (rounds/min)
175/217/61 Average armor penetration (mm)
390/390/465 Average damage (units)
0.43 Spread per 100 m (m)
2.9 Aiming time (sec)

Characteristics of radio stations:

Radio station 9R

325 Communication range (m)

Radio station 9РМ

525 Communication range (m)

Engine characteristics:

Engine V-2-34

500 Engine power (hp)

Engine V-2-34M

520 Engine power (hp)
15% Chance of fire if hit

Chassis characteristics:

Suspension SU-100

37.4 Maximum load (t)
34 Turning speed (deg/sec)

Suspension SU-100-60

38.7 Maximum load (t)
36 Turning speed (deg/sec)

Main performance characteristics:

580 Durability
50 Maximum speed (km/h)
75/45/45 Hull armor (front/side/stern in mm)
350 Obzor (m)

Any weapon is installed on a stock chassis. If you, while riding the SU-85, examined the 85 mm D-5S-85BM gun, then we go with it, if not, then we suffer with the stock gun and save 16,500 stars for the historical 100 mm D-10S gun (this gun is a worthy representative SU-100, but I’ll write about that below). Next, we will examine the 122 mm D2-5S gun for 17,000 experience. Well, in the end, the top engine, top chassis, and 85 mm D-5S-85BM (if not researched). The top radio we get is from the SU-85. I advise you to immediately research the SU-152 and SU-100M1 (even if your goal is just one branch of Soviet tank destroyers, an open tank of the 7th level will never hurt).

(guns from top to bottom: 85 mm D-5S, 85 mm D-5S-85BM, 100 mm D-10S, 122 mm D2-5S)

Crew and perks

Commander, gunner, driver, loader.
The first perk for the commander is a light bulb, the rest are repairs. The second commander gets repairs, the rest get camouflage, and then we reset and take everyone to the military brotherhood. The third one is downloading what was originally the second one. The fourth perk is radio interception for the commander, sniper gunner, mech-water virtuoso, charging a contactless ammunition.


Naturally, we set the horns, rammer and drives/ventilation to choose from.

Tank in the game

The SU-100, like its predecessor the SU-85, is a classic example of a tank destroyer. There are no features that allow this vehicle to do “unusual” things in battle. And I think any tanker with at least 1k battles knows how to play with this technique. We find a bush and work on someone else’s light. Naturally, you need to know all the bushes where you can get damage and the principles of camouflage, which will allow you not to receive unnecessary damage (all this comes with increasing combat experience). The safety margin of the SU-100 is 580 units, so we remember the rule of “three plops”. Contrary to the armor, the frontal part is 75 mm thick. and a tilt of 50 degrees, tanks of the same level will penetrate us without any problems. If you place the body in a diamond shape, thereby increasing the armor given, you can avoid damage. NLD has 45 mm. and an inclination of 55 degrees, i.e. I'll definitely try us there. The strongest place in the forehead is the junction of the armor plates (120 mm) and the gun mantlet (75 mm). Well, everyone knows the hatch in the VLD, where there is 65 mm, and where everyone who gets in gets through us.

(taken from the WOT Tank Viever program)

(taken from the WOT Tank Viever program, hatch)

The entire rear part of the tank is the engine and tanks; if the sides or rear are fired upon, there is a high probability of a critical attack or fire. Also often pleasing is the ammunition rack located in the front of the tank.
But in this section I would like to pay more attention to the topic of choosing a weapon for the SU-100. Which is better: 100 mm. historical weapon or 122 mm? I warn ardent fans of this PTshka: everything below is purely IMHO. Let's begin.

As a result, we get that 122 mm. the gun won in only one indicator: average damage. But without a doubt, this is enough to surpass all the advantages of 100 mm. guns. Let’s imagine a situation: you’re standing shotty in the bushes, and a KV-1S with 350 HP is coming at you, it doesn’t see you. If you fire a 122 mm gun, you will probably shoot the KV-1Sa. With a 100 mm gun. You will need a second shot to finish off the KV-1S, but by this time the KV-1S will illuminate you and finish you off. But it’s worth remembering that the enemy’s spawn is not next to you, but on the other side of the map, and while he’s moving towards you, you’ll be working on him from long and medium distances, standing in the bushes and staying out of sight. With the role of a 100 mm sniper. The gun does a better job. Penetration of 175 units. Both guns have enough armor for the 6th and 7th levels, but if you are thrown into the 8th level, then it is very difficult to penetrate the forehead of the same Lowe in the NLD with a penetration of 217 mm, provided that it is standing in a diamond shape. But 235 is enough to punish the entire 8th level. Having interviewed 20 of my friends who rode the SU-100, I found out: 16 of them rode all battles with 122 mm. gun and not about any 100 mm. They didn’t even want to hear the guns. But the other 4 friends claimed: “Everyone who drives with 122 mm. the weapon is the noobs.” Personally, after riding a couple of battles with a top gun, I noticed that my average damage on the tank dropped sharply, and I continued to fight through the remaining battles with 100 mm. cannon. And, of course, the conclusion: 122 mm. and 100 mm. guns are equally good. Yes, in some specific gaming situation 122 mm. the weapon will perform better, and in another - vice versa. But in general, the choice of weapon should depend on the playing style. To do this, you need to play with both that weapon and the other, and then simply compare the results. Where the results are better, there is your weapon . And finally, according to tradition, I suggest you familiarize yourself with this VOD:

SU-100 is a Soviet self-propelled gun of the Second World War period, belongs to the class of tank destroyers, medium in weight. The self-propelled gun was created on the basis of the T-34-85 medium tank by Uralmashplant designers at the end of 1943 and beginning of 1944. At its core, it is a further development of the SU-85 self-propelled gun. It was developed to replace the SU-85, which had insufficient capabilities to combat German heavy tanks. Serial production of the SU-100 self-propelled gun began at Uralmashzavod in August 1944 and continued until March 1946. In addition, from 1951 to 1956, the self-propelled guns were produced in Czechoslovakia under license. In total, according to various sources, from 4,772 to 4,976 self-propelled guns of this type were produced in the USSR and Czechoslovakia.

By mid-1944, it became completely clear that the Red Army's means of combating modern German tanks were clearly insufficient. It was necessary to qualitatively strengthen the armored forces. They tried to solve this issue by using a 100-mm gun on a self-propelled gun with the ballistics of a B-34 naval gun. The preliminary design of the vehicle was presented to the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry in December 1943, and already on December 27, 1943, the State Defense Committee decided to adopt a new medium self-propelled gun armed with a 100 mm gun. The place of production of the new self-propelled gun was determined to be Uralmashzavod.

The development deadlines were very tight, however, having received the drawings of the S-34 gun, the factory was convinced that this gun was not suitable for self-propelled guns: it has very impressive dimensions, and when pointed to the left, it rests against the second suspension, not allowing placement on the previous one. driver's hatch in place. In order to install this gun on a self-propelled gun, serious changes to its design were required, including its sealed body. All this entailed a change in production lines, displacement of the driver's workplace and controls by 100 mm. to the left and changing the suspension. The weight of the self-propelled guns could increase by 3.5 tons compared to the SU-85.

In order to cope with the problem that had arisen, Uralmashzavod turned for help to plant No. 9, where at the end of February 1944, under the leadership of designer F. F. Petrov, the 100-mm D-10S gun, developed on the basis of a naval anti-aircraft gun, was created B-34. The created gun had less weight in comparison with the S-34 and was freely mounted in the serial body of the self-propelled gun without any significant changes or increase in the weight of the vehicle. Already on March 3, 1944, the first prototype of the new self-propelled gun, armed with the new D-10S gun, was sent for factory testing.

The tactical and technical characteristics of the new SU-100 self-propelled gun allowed it to successfully fight modern German tanks at a distance of 1,500 meters for the Tigers and Panthers, regardless of the point of impact of the projectile. The Ferdinand self-propelled gun could be hit from a distance of 2000 meters, but only if it hit the side armor. The SU-100 had exceptional firepower for Soviet armored vehicles. Its armor-piercing projectile penetrated 125 mm at a distance of 2000 meters. vertical armor, and at a distance of up to 1000 meters it pierced most German armored vehicles almost right through.

Design Features

The SU-100 self-propelled gun was designed based on the units of the T-34-85 tank and the SU-85 self-propelled gun. All main components of the tank - chassis, transmission, engine - were used unchanged. The thickness of the front armor of the wheelhouse was almost doubled (from 45 mm for the SU-85 to 75 mm for the SU-100). The increase in armor coupled with an increase in the weight of the gun led to the fact that the suspension of the front rollers was overloaded. They tried to solve the problem by increasing the diameter of the spring wire from 30 to 34 mm, but it was not possible to completely eliminate it. This problem reflected the design legacy of the backward suspension of the Christie tank.

The body of the self-propelled gun, borrowed from the SU-85, has undergone, although few, very important changes. In addition to increasing the frontal armor, the self-propelled gun now has a commander's cupola with MK-IV viewing devices (a copy of the British ones). Also, 2 fans were installed on the vehicle to better clean the fighting compartment from powder gases. In total, 72% of the parts were borrowed from the T-34 medium tank, 7.5% from the SU-85 self-propelled guns, 4% from the SU-122 self-propelled guns, and 16.5% were designed anew.

The SU-100 self-propelled gun had a classic layout for Soviet self-propelled guns. The fighting compartment, which was combined with the control compartment, was located in the front part of the hull, in a fully armored conning tower. Here were located the controls for the self-propelled gun mechanisms, the main armament complex with sighting devices, gun ammunition, a tank intercom (TPU-3-BisF), and a radio station (9RS or 9RM). The bow fuel tanks and some useful tools and spare parts (spare parts) were also located here.

In front, in the left corner of the cabin, there was a driver’s workplace, opposite which there was a rectangular hatch in the front hull. 2 prismatic viewing devices were mounted in the cover of its hatch. To the right of the gun was the position of the vehicle commander. Immediately behind the driver's seat there was a gunner's seat, and in the left rear corner of the conning tower there was a loader's seat. In the roof of the cabin there were 2 rectangular hatches for boarding/disembarking the crew, a fixed commander's cupola and 2 fans under hoods. The commander's cupola had 5 viewing slots with armored glass; MK-IV periscope viewing devices were located in the commander's cupola hatch cover and the left wing of the gunner's hatch cover.

The engine compartment was located immediately behind the combat compartment and was separated from it by a special partition. In the middle of the MTO, a V-2-34 diesel engine was mounted on the sub-engine frame, developing a power of 520 hp. With this engine, the self-propelled gun weighing 31.6 tons could accelerate on the highway to 50 km/h. The transmission compartment was located in the rear of the self-propelled gun, there were the main and side clutches with brakes, a 5-speed gearbox, 2 inertia-oil air cleaners and 2 fuel tanks. The capacity of the internal fuel tanks of the SU-100 self-propelled gun was 400 liters, this amount of fuel was enough to complete a 310-km march along the highway.

The main armament of the self-propelled gun was a 100-mm rifled gun D-10S mod. 1944. The length of the gun barrel was 56 calibers (5608 mm). The initial speed of the armor-piercing projectile was 897 m/s, and the maximum muzzle energy was 6.36 MJ. The gun was equipped with a semi-automatic horizontal wedge bolt, as well as a mechanical and electromagnetic trigger. To ensure smooth aiming in the vertical plane, the gun was equipped with a spring-type compensating mechanism. The recoil devices consisted of a hydropneumatic knurler and a hydraulic recoil brake, which were located above the gun barrel on the right and left, respectively. The total mass of the gun and recoil mechanisms was 1435 kg. The SU-100 self-propelled gun ammunition included 33 unitary rounds with BR-412 armor-piercing tracer shells and OF-412 high-explosive fragmentation shells.

The gun was installed in the front slab of the wheelhouse in a special cast frame on double axles. Pointing angles in the vertical plane ranged from -3 to +20 degrees, in the horizontal plane 16 degrees (8 in each direction). The gun was aimed at the target using two manual mechanisms - a screw-type rotating mechanism and a sector-type lifting mechanism. When firing from closed positions, the Hertz panorama and side level were used to aim the gun; when firing direct fire, the gunner used a telescopic articulated sight TSh-19, which had a 4x magnification and a field of view of 16 degrees. The technical rate of fire of the gun was 4-6 rounds per minute.

Combat use

The SU-100 self-propelled guns began to enter service with the troops in November 1944. In December 1944, the troops began to form 3 separate self-propelled artillery brigades of the RGVK, each of which consisted of 3 regiments armed with SU-100 self-propelled guns. The brigade's staff included 65 SU-100 self-propelled guns, 3 SU-76 self-propelled guns and 1,492 average personnel. The brigades, numbered 207th Leningradskaya, 208th Dvinskaya and 209th, were created on the basis of existing separate tank brigades. At the beginning of February 1945, all formed brigades were transferred to the fronts.

Thus, brigades and regiments armed with SU-100 self-propelled guns took part in the final battles of the Great Patriotic War, as well as in the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army. The inclusion of these self-propelled guns into the attacking mobile groups significantly increased their striking power. Often the SU-100 was used to complete a breakthrough in the tactical depth of the German defense. The nature of the battle was similar to an attack on an enemy hastily preparing for defense. Preparations for the offensive took a limited time or were not carried out at all.

However, the SU-100 self-propelled guns were not only able to attack. In March 1945, they took part in defensive battles near Lake Balaton. Here, as part of the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, from March 6 to 16, they participated in repelling the counterattack of the 6th SS Panzer Army. All 3 brigades formed in December 1944, armed with the SU-100, were brought in to repel the counterattack, and separate self-propelled artillery regiments armed with the SU-85 and SU-100 self-propelled guns were also used in defense.

In the battles from March 11 to 12, these self-propelled guns were often used as tanks due to large losses of armored vehicles. Therefore, an order was given at the front to equip all self-propelled guns with light machine guns for better self-defense. Based on the results of the March defensive battles in Hungary, the SU-100 earned a very flattering assessment from the Soviet command.

Without a doubt, the SU-100 self-propelled gun was the most successful and powerful Soviet anti-tank self-propelled gun during the Great Patriotic War. The SU-100 was 15 tons lighter and at the same time had comparable armor protection and better mobility in comparison with the identical German tank destroyer Jagdpanther. At the same time, the German self-propelled gun, armed with the 88-mm German Pak 43/3 cannon, surpassed the Soviet one in armor penetration and the size of the ammunition rack. The Jagdpanther gun, due to the use of a more powerful PzGr 39/43 projectile with a ballistic tip, had better armor penetration at long distances. A similar Soviet projectile, the BR-412D, was developed in the USSR only after the end of the war. Unlike the German tank destroyer, the SU-100's ammunition load did not include cumulative or sub-caliber ammunition. At the same time, the high-explosive fragmentation effect of the 100-mm projectile was naturally higher than that of the German self-propelled gun. In general, both of the best medium anti-tank self-propelled guns of World War II did not have any outstanding advantages over them, despite the fact that the possibilities of using the SU-100 were somewhat wider.

Performance characteristics: SU-100
Weight: 31.6 t.
Length 9.45 m, width 3.0 m, height 2.24 m.
Crew: 4 people
Reservation: from 20 to 75 mm.
Armament: 100 mm D-10S gun
Ammunition: 33 rounds
Engine: twelve-cylinder V-shaped diesel engine V-2-34 with a power of 520 hp.
Maximum speed: on the highway – 50 km/h
Cruising range: on the highway – 310 km.

5 years and 9 months ago Comments: 20

A little bit of history.

So, the SU-100 Soviet self-propelled artillery unit (tank destroyer) was created on the basis of the T 34-85 tank. Production began in 1944 in the USSR and ended in 1948. Production was also established under a license from the USSR in Czechoslovakia from 1951 to 1956 . A total of 4976 pieces were produced.

A little about the tank.

The SU-100 is at level 6 in the Soviet tank destroyer branch. Its main purpose is as a heavy tank destroyer, it has a very good weapon, a good frontal weapon, and very good mobility and speed.


First of all, I want to start with this module, because in the future it will be much easier to get frags and earn experience. In we have, 85 mm gun penetration is 120 mm armor-piercing, average damage 160.161 mm sabot(gold), average damage 160, and 43 mm (mainly for destroying enemy artillery), average damage 280. The rate of fire of this weapon is 13,64 rounds per minute, not bad, but the downside is the small penetration, and we can’t penetrate level 8 or 7 tanks head-on.

I advise you to put 100 mm gun D-10S, will be installed on a standard chassis, so don’t worry and save up for a gun. Here we have penetration 175 mm armor-piercing, average damage is 250, 235 sabot damage is also 250, and 50 mm high-explosive fragmentation, the damage is 330. The rate of fire is about 8 shots in a minute.

There is also Top 122 mm gun D2-5S. So, penetration of 175 mm armor-piercing, average damage is 390, 217 sabot damage is also 390, and 61 mm high-explosive fragmentation, the damage is 465. Rate of fire is 4.7 rounds per minute. To be honest, I didn’t install a Top gun, why do you ask? I answer in the first case, reloading, in the second case, the spread is greater than that of its predecessor, and the aiming time has also increased by half a second. In short, it’s not for everyone, but the problem is, if you want to buy a Su-152 tank, you will have to research the top gun and gain 17,000 experience to research it. If you want, sing along the branch su-100m1, then you’ll have to examine the weapon 85 mm D-5S-85BM. Breakthrough 144 mm armor-piercing, average damage is 180, 194 sabot damage is also 180, and 44 mm high-explosive fragmentation, the damage is 300. Rate of fire 10 shots in a minute.


In stock we have a V-2-34 engine with a power of 500 hp, the probability of fire is 15 percent.

Top engine V-2-34M slightly better than its brother, it has a power of 520 hp. s, and the probability of fire is also 15 percent.


Stock the SU-100 chassis can withstand a maximum load of 37.4 tons, the turning speed is 34 degrees per second.

Top the SU-100-60 chassis can withstand a maximum load of 38.7 tons, turning speed is 36 degrees per second. I advise you to install a top-end chassis, since the control unit will turn faster, and it will be more dynamic to drive in pairs with a stop engine, of course.

Radio communication.

Standard radio station has a communication range of 325 meters, this is very little for a level 6 tank, often you will not know what is happening on the far flanks with your allies and enemies, so installing a top radio station will not hurt.

Top radio station 9RM has a communication range 525 meters, this is quite enough to know where and whom to help, to assess the situation on one side or the other of the shelling.

Armor and strength.

The strength of the tank is 580 hp. forehead 75 mm, sides 45 mm And feed 45 mm. It is best to keep your stern and sides away from enemies, since in those places we are cardboard, and it will not be difficult to penetrate us or blow up the ammunition rack. But with the frontal part it is possible, but you shouldn’t be so self-confident, there are weak points in the frontal part, the radio operator’s window (he is also the crew commander) is very easily broken through and rivals often take advantage of this.

Crew and skills.
1.Crew commander(seventh sense, military brotherhood, repair)

2.Gunner(sniper, combat brotherhood, camouflage, repair)

3.Driver mechanic(virtuoso, military brotherhood, camouflage, repair)

4.Charging(non-contact ammunition, military brotherhood, camouflage, repair)


I advise you to put gun rammer It helps a lot, since our reloading is not the fastest. You can also choose either stereo tube or coated optics. The third module I installed camouflage net, but you can choose to install improved ventilation.

Combat tactics.

. you ask, now I’ll tell you everything in detail. Having gone through a lot of fights, the best position is bushes or shelters such as houses or rocks. Accordingly, cards with good, dense greenery are just right for us. Based on someone else's light, we help the allies dismantle tanks, mostly heavy ones, and medium tanks are a tasty morsel for us, due to the fact that we move well and the speed of the tank is as much as 50 km. Ch.

If we're at the top of the list then you don’t have to be afraid and go head-on to medium tanks and fight with them, I don’t recommend driving up to heavy tanks like . Don’t rush into battle alone, be sure to look for an ally with stronger armor, or better yet a couple, and actively help them.

As for the middle and the situation here can be deplorable for us, since 2 shots and we can be sent to the hangar, so bushes or houses are the best means from which to shoot at enemies, they shot and drove back, you know that you can’t handle it, it’s better to turn around and drive to a safer place. It is best to place a tank; there is a high probability that you simply will not be penetrated if they are illuminated.

Bottom line.

Decide on the choice of a gun, either 100 mm or 122 mm, I advise, of course, to try both and choose the best for yourself. Our advantages are good weapons, good speed and mobility of the tank, good visibility. The disadvantages are the armor of the stern and sides, we need to take care so that we don’t get set on fire, reloading is not very fast, the ammunition rack is located in such a way that it is very easy to hit.

Prepared by: Frostninzya163
