Winter statuses. The best statuses about winter in verse

  • Winter is not so important. It matters with whom.
  • Winter makes words of love warmer, hugs stronger, and meetings more pleasant.
  • IN snowstorm you are afraid of losing faith in eternal salvation... (Elchin Safarli)
  • Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter.
  • Beautiful statuses about winter - Winter is a time of year when nature creeps up very close to a person. (Olga Lucas)
  • Since childhood, I have experienced a kind of excitement in front of a fresh cover of snow... It’s as if you’re entering some kind of new world, and the joy of discovery, the first contact with something pure, untouched, undefiled, permeates you all. (John Steinbeck)
  • I don’t like winter nights - not because they are so long, but because only on winter nights do you clearly feel how time rustles. (Pavel Amnuel)
  • We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will happen, and not what has passed.
  • If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable. (Anna Bradstreet)
  • Laughter is the sun that drives winter away from a person’s face.
  • May everyone have a fabulously beautiful winter in the arms of a loved one!
  • Winter has come to the city, severe cold, how can I find someone who I really need in this world?
  • Winter is a slow time of year, busy with sitting by the fire, reading and poetry. (Jessica Brockmole)
  • Winter.. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable.. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love.. Love does not depend on the season...
  • Winter makes a sheet out of trolleybus glass that you can write on. Everyone seems to want to leave their thoughts on this sheet. To be read. So that it doesn't disappear.
  • Winter - best season, but only next to you.
  • A wonderful time - winter. Frosty, cruel, but magical. (Olga Gromyko)
  • Winter is the coldest and most beautiful time of the year and beautiful statuses about winter are proof of this.
  • Winter has come! But in my soul it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!
  • ....and in winter I met his gaze, now every winter is a fairy tale for me...
  • And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness...
  • My ideal winter is a lot of snow and lips kissed by my loved one))
  • Snow, snow, snow... flies from the sky without melting, you want to be near me - I know...
  • Her perfect winter. A lot of snow. Chapped lips. He.
  • Winter is a time to make plans and see perspectives. Time to sleep under the snow and other blankets. (Malin Kivelya)
  • Who likes to look at the falling snow from the window when there is a snowstorm outside, but it’s warm in the house?))
  • It was the most unforgettable summer... the most sad autumn... I hope this will be the happiest winter...
  • The beauty of spring is experienced only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. (Heinrich Heine)
  • Beautiful statuses about winter - I will pour raspberry syrup on your velvet heart, leaving on it the silky taste of sugar winter...
  • Winter is the best season, but only near you.
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Beautiful statuses about winter in verse

Best statuses about winter in verse

Like a princess, waking up from sleep, shaking herself, scattering snow, barely touching the ground with her lace, the beauty Winter began to spin!

What a miracle! It is raining with snow: the seasons are crowned - misalliance. I will forget the days of happy summer bliss. Winter is coming - let it be! She and I are friends...

Look out the window, like in a fairy tale, the snow has started to fall, and smile, wiping away your tears - the sadness will pass, the frost will end. Everything will certainly be fine!

The winter forest fell asleep in the arms of silence, wrapping its branches in snow. Now he will sleep peacefully until spring under the silver sky. How fabulously handsome he looks today in snow-white festive decorations! It really seems like a crystal-ice kingdom.

What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man, press your cheek to his cheek and bask together by the fireplace. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and to be loved, blizzards, heat, thunderstorms - it doesn’t matter, as long as the soul is happy!

There are only two weeks until spring, but in love there is a different calendar, well, don’t really wait until the snowy February ends?!

This winter again prophesies love, because I so want warmth on a cold, lonely evening... I lit a candle on the table so that she wouldn’t get lost on the way and would lead her to the house along a snowy path...

The streets are covered with snow again... Everyone is admiring its whiteness... Winter has finally arrived, I’m already tired of waiting for it!

A cheerful winter has come with skates and sleds, with powdered ski tracks, with a magical old fairy tale. Lanterns swing on the decorated Christmas tree. May the fun winter never end!

Bewitched by the Enchantress of Winter, the forest stands, and under the snowy fringe, motionless, mute, wonderful life it sparkles. And he stands, bewitched,he is dead and not aliveenchanted by a magical dream, all entangled, all shackled with a light downy chain... Is the winter sun casting its ray on him obliquely?nothing will tremble in it, it will all flare up and sparkle with dazzling beauty.

Winter is a bright, good time... It's time for magical snowflakes and happiness... In winter, the doors open for the New Year! Let there be an atmosphere of warmth in the family!

Winter is a special time, because snow hides everything around! The doors are open for joys, let there be no blizzards in life!

Snow and ice, no snowdrifts yet, but the mood is frosty in winter! And it seems that soon New Year, prepare for it again seriously. It's time to go skiing, the snow will get stronger and we'll go to the forest! The skates have been waiting for their time for a long time, they are hanging, you won’t be able to ride them in the summer! We will feed the birds now; they have a hard time in winter! We live in a new way in December, and this is also a winter mystery.

Winter in a white sundress made of silver brocade. Diamonds burn on you like bright rays. Hello, Russian pullet, beautiful soul. Snow-white winch, hello, mother winter!

In the winter picture, everything is white with snow: the field, the distant hills, the hedge, the cart. But sometimes sunspots will flash on it in the middle of a clearing of cotton wool red-breasted bullfinches.

Autumn rustled like a crimson train and disappeared into the fog. And, lifting the downy cloak, winter reigned on the throne. Her temperament is known to be cool, joke with her– only more expensive for yourself. Without a fairy tale sometimes in winter We still can’t live.

Winter is already coming into its own, bringing with it a blizzard and cold, don’t let it scare you, look how beautiful the snowy city is.

Congratulations on the arrival of winter. Once again you can lick an icicle, immerse yourself in the excitement of the chaos, and whisper a wish to Santa Claus. The evening fireworks will go off again, again white magic snow, and the skating rink will certainly be flooded so that the ice can be conquered with a running start.

Only before winter will bewitch us with a fairy tale, a blizzard will spin in a white waltz and will be slightly sad, realizing that the fairy tale will be, as always, so beautiful and so short...

What do you associate with winter? Of course, snow, New Year, holidays, Christmas tree, Olivier salad - and why not? In winter, your deepest desires come true; this is a real time of miracles. We are so looking forward to the attack New Year holidays, holidays, family and friendly feasts. This time should be devoted to relaxation, family and friends. But how can you express everything that is going on in your soul during this wonderful and magical time of the year? Share an extraordinary status. Which will not leave anyone indifferent. You can easily find such statuses on this very page. There are many heartfelt, funny and romantic expressions published here - everyone will find something to their liking. Feel free to express your feelings and show emotions.

Students have two signs: the snow has fallen - the session is coming, the snow has melted - the session is coming. Conclusion: the snow is to blame for everything.

I'm sick of the frost, I'm ringing, I'm not gurgling. I'm completely frozen, I'm peeing like an icicle.

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird???

Cool status about winter: When parking in a snowdrift, you must first make sure that it is not occupied!

New Year's Eve good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a very good one decorates his wife!

Frost and sun. It's a bad day. When you walk early in the morning, and your cheeks and nose are stiff, and the question is frozen on your lips: “Why don’t you stay at home when it suddenly became minus twenty?

Well, there's a lot of snow! This is the fourth time I’ve dug up my car, and it’s still not mine...

This winter my laptop charger will keep me warm.

In Russia, even the snow thought it was time to fall!

Cold is when you open the refrigerator and warm up.

Only snot reproduces in the cold.

Cool status about winter: First he made a snow girl, and then made her a woman...

When Napoleon came to Moscow, there was no one in the city. Hah, what did he want - it’s winter, everyone is in Egypt!

Dear Grandfather Frost, this letter is not spam, but real opportunity earn money for the New Year...

Guys! Don't miss the moment: in the cold it's so easy to distinguish a smart girl from a fool...))) A smart girl is in a hat, a fool is with a hairstyle...)))

Winter... men are freezing in shorts, underpants and trousers (I don't mention other clothes), women are not freezing in tights, the question arises: Why... Because men's heating is crap, and women's is crap.

And winter will come up so quietly, on tiptoe, put a leaf hand on your shoulder, and whisper so insinuatingly - “How about some cognac?”

Winter... the birds have flown away...

Winter fitness :) while I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse... side bends... squats... obstacle course... Eh, the body is invigorated!!!

40% of women like winter, and 60% - not so much. The same survey showed that 40% of women have a fur coat, and 60% do not.

And the snow is spinning, flying, flying, He doesn't give a damn that May is coming...

Men fall at my feet... Long live winter and ice!

Climbers are like eggs: either hard-boiled or soft-boiled...

And it’s warmer here - you don’t have to button up your down jacket in your apartment.

Winter has come - screw your hair! Head needs a comb! He took off his hat and his hair stood up, You walk into school like a fool!

Cool status about winter: Winter. People walking backwards appeared again.

Winter has been especially good this spring...

It's hard to live in a country where frosts are stronger than vodka...

Don't wait for winter to come. Start begging for a fur coat now!

We will spend this winter together, wrapped in one blanket.

This winter will be the coldest... Because without you(

*** are so bring joy to some, and cold and sadness to others, but still you are so beautiful...white, snowy...

What's going on in the world?? just winter..

Spring, wake up! Winter sucks!

After reading funny statuses about winter you can learn how to make ostriches out of friends by sticking their heads in a snowdrift.

It’s winter, and I can’t sleep, I haven’t been able to sleep for days now...

White Angel of Tenderness - Winter...

What does winter smell like?... Miracle... After all, everything about it is fabulous... =))

Winter is snow. Snow is happiness. Oh, how I want real winter..

Snow fell, touching my lips, merging with tears and pain...

Winter... the birds have flown away...

When winter comes and there is cold in her heart, she will think for a moment that she is going crazy...

And it’s warmer here - you don’t have to button up your down jacket in your apartment.

-Why, when we walk on snow, does it crunch? -Perhaps the snowflakes' spines break...

Praise and respect to the person who tramples a path in the snow every morning!

And I’m running like this... And my hair is so backward. And your feet are so forward... And there is ice under your feet. And I'm such a dick.

The most long relationship those who met in winter. If he liked you in a thick sweater, an awkward down jacket, a stupid hat and a red nose - that's love!

Fear in the soul, eyes on the forehead. I'm walking on ice in heels!

From tomorrow there will be only my winter. Personal. Without any “shitty people” there.

Winter awakens the appetite. While there is snow on the streets, chocolate cake is the best medicine.

I want his hands to warm me in winter, not gloves. Statuses about winter. Statuses about winter

A cold winter is ahead.. but I don’t worry, because you will be there and warm me.

It’s good in Siberia; in the summer there is no snow for a whole month.

We have such a pleasant frost. the snow crunches and your nose falls off.

On the eve of cold winter, I'm looking for a warm bed)))

It is in winter that we begin to believe in miracles...

The warmth of my hands depends on whose palms are squeezing them...

- What's wrong with you? - Winter is with me... my heart is frozen... and I am alone.

Very soon we will start buying tangerines)))))


I love hot bath- you can hide your frozen ass in it!

Snow... frost... skating rink... and warm mittens for two.

Winter is hope. Winter is the ringing of thin crystal accompanied by the chimes. Winter means soft mittens and snowballs. Winter means tangerines and persimmons...

In winter I met you... Santa Claus.

Winter has covered itself with white snow, you know, my love, I have stopped loving you....

Men are like snow. You never know when it will happen again, and how many centimeters you will lose...

Winter has come, and with it the old one good proverb: “If you don’t lie around, you won’t get there.”

....and in winter I met his gaze, now every winter is a fairy tale for me...

Winter is an increased feeling of the need for warmth loved one.

Every winter is small miracle...

There is winter, there is snow... no vodka...

Statuses about winter. Statuses about winter

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Statuses about winter and New Year

The best statuses about winter and New Year

I want winter not only because of the snow and the New Year. It’s just that in winter you believe in miracles more.

Somewhere closer to December 25th, you somehow begin to believe that snowflakes are alive, that Santa Claus exists, that wishes come true!

The snow has fallen and the Christmas tree is fluffy and green! New Year is approaching! Hurray!

Snow... Adults say it's–frozen water... but children know betterThese are little stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

I already want winter to go white snow, listen to your favorite music and see all this New Year's fuss.

Winter, snow, New Year, holidays, I love you!

No matter what they say, it’s winter–It's time for magic! First snow! Sleds, skis, Christmas tree, New Year... You can say that you don’t like winter, but you still look forward to it...

Winter is a bright, good time... It's time for magical snowflakes and happiness... In winter, the doors open for the New Year! Let there be an atmosphere of warmth in the family!

Snow and ice, no snowdrifts yet, but the mood is frosty in winter! And it seems that the New Year is coming soon, we need to start preparing for it again seriously. It's time to go skiing, the snow will get stronger and we'll go to the forest! The skates have been waiting for their time for a long time, they are hanging, you won’t be able to ride them in the summer! We will feed the birds now; they have a hard time in winter! We live in a new way in December, and this is also a winter mystery.

Winter... I love it very much!))) I'm looking forward to the snow and the New Year!)))

I love winter, snow and New Year's bustle!

The holiday of Christmas tree and frost comes to our house in winter. Away with grievances, grief, tears - we look forward to visiting you again in winter!

The circle is coming to an end– only a month until the New Year. Winter is standing on the threshold in its snow-white attire. The snow swirls quietly, sweeping away past adversities, settling like silver in its bottomless bins...
