Snake catching: how to catch snakes? How to catch a viper with your hands: MN goes to visit Big snakes and how to catch a snake.

How to get rid of snakes in your summer cottage if you are not at all ready to meet reptiles? The question is interesting, because these reptiles are not among the pests with which every gardener meets every year, protecting the fruits of his labor. It is not surprising that even the most seasoned summer resident, when he meets, falls into a panic and is lost, not knowing how to ward off such an attack. Today you will find out that not everything is as difficult as it seems, and you will be able to get rid of an unexpected guest by following effective recipes.

Humane reptile control methods

You can get rid of snakes in the country by humane methods that will help scare away the guest and force her to change her habits and place of deployment.

  • Maintain order and cleanliness in the vegetable garden, in the garden and throughout the entire plot. Mow tall grass regularly, do not clutter the area with logs or bricks, which are most often the place of residence for reptiles.

  • Plant more garlic in the courtyard, whose aroma scares away snakes, or sprinkle mustard over the area.
  • You can hang Chinese bells around the yard, or any noise-making device. Reptiles do not tolerate noise.

  • You can purchase a special vibration repellant from any garden supply store or a chemical snake repellent.

  • Deal with insects and small rodents, which are the main food for snakes. The disappearance of food will force the reptiles to go in search of more "grain" places.
  • Use an anti-snake repellent that emits a strong odor that will scare away or make snakes difficult to move. They are sold in the form of powders that are scattered throughout the territory.

Interesting! Many owners are wary of this method, because they are worried about the health of pets. There is no reason for concern, because their composition is absolutely harmless to animals.

  • Bury the burrows of the rodents, because they also attract creepers.
  • Apply diesel fuel or any herbicide by scattering rags soaked in them all over the yard. It has long been known that snakes tolerate pungent odors extremely negatively.

  • Allow chickens to roam freely around the yard, they kill snakes at a young age.

  • A fence that is dug more than 5 cm into the ground will also help.
  • Operation Drunken Hedgehog. It is known that this pretty animal is able to deal with snakes as soon as it "takes on the chest." Therefore, to awaken courage in a thorny animal, place a saucer with beer or wine on the area. After that, hedgehogs are ready to exterminate uninvited guests in no time.

  • Cats and dogs. It is believed that these animals are able to tolerate even a double portion of snake venom. According to the testimony of summer residents, German hunting terriers cope most fearlessly with reptiles.
  • Manual extermination. This method is suitable for fearless summer residents who are ready to wait for intruders in rubber boots and a sharp shovel at the ready.

Important! The smell of the skin of a dead snake attracts the rest of the creeping reptiles. Remove the killed from the site with the help of garden tools, simultaneously removing the top layer of soil. In the same way, get rid of the skins found on the site.

How mothballs help against reptiles

Naphthalene will only help if the reptiles have just started to "come" to your home. Naphthalene will be a great solution to secure all small entrances to your dwelling - walls, sewers, etc.

  • The drug is obtained from resins, and it is a source of gas, the smell of which acts as a repeller.
  • Take moth balls and mix them with kitty litter. Scatter them around your garden or vegetable garden, as well as in areas where reptiles appear.
  • When working with mothballs, be extremely careful, as this remedy can affect health: jaundice, destruction of blood cells, intestinal difficulties, etc.

How to get rid of snakes in your home

As you know, driving a snake out of the house or getting rid of reptiles that have settled in a private house is a difficult task. With your own hands, you can take the following measures:

  • Examine all the ventilation holes in the basement under the house. If you have exposed holes of more than 1cm, this means that they need to be repaired.
  • Leaving the doors open in the hope that the reptiles themselves will crawl out of the house is not necessary. There will be no effect.

  • If you find a snake or a snake's nest in the basement, never try to deal with the reptile yourself. Remember that the most dangerous, venomous snakes live in the garden, but in the semi-darkness you cannot assess the situation.

  • Never take a reptile in your hand if you are not sure that the reptile is not poisonous.
  • Sealing. Walk around the whole house in a circle. Your goal is to find even the smallest holes near the ground. These are the points of penetration of the creepers into the dwelling. Plaster the holes with mortar or plug with unnecessary rags.

  • Pet food also attracts creepers into the house, so store it in containers with tight-fitting lids.
  • If, in fact, the snake is in the house, then it must be physically removed from there. For this purpose, it is better to hire a specialist and set special traps.

How to get rid of snakes

The most harmless representative of the creeping kingdom is the snake, but its appearance makes the heart beat faster, and the bite of sharp teeth does not give pleasant sensations, and the entanglement of a large individual can even cause a fracture. Most often, it is difficult to identify who is in front of you: a viper or already, so the reaction can either run away or cut the body with a sharp object.

But you can get rid of the harmless creeping humanely.

What are the snakes afraid of

All of the above methods are suitable for snakes, but there are a couple of effective methods in the collection of folk recipes. They are afraid if:

  • sprinkle mustard powder;
  • a smoke bomb if snakes are found in the cellar;
  • plant elderberry, garlic, ethereal herbs on the territory.
  • fence the compost pits with a fine mesh.

How to catch a snake

If there are few safe reptiles in the garden, then you can not drive them away, but catch and take them out.

  1. Wear ankle boots or high rubber boots on your feet.
  2. Make sure that it is in front of you, and not a viper. The harmless snake has two red or orange spots on the sides of its head.
  3. Try to behave naturally, slowly lower your hand, grab the creature as close to the head as possible.
  4. Hold it firmly in this position, lower it into a pre-prepared bag with its tail down.
  5. As soon as her head is level with the edge of the bag, release her head abruptly and tie the bag tightly.

How to deal with vipers

Snakes on the site are not always so harmless. But they regard the territory of your site as their own.

  • A poisonous snake in the yard hates empty space, noise, smells and people who are not tasty for it.
  • Vipers are afraid of goats. Strange, but if there is a goat in the yard, the snake will not appear there, and will never touch it.
  • The folk remedies given above are also suitable for vipers, but you just need to stock up on serum from viper venom just in case. You can buy it at the pharmacy and always keep it with you.

Important! Be sure to put the serum in your pocket, even when hiking in the woods.

  • If you do not have serum, then regular aerosols sprayed towards the snake will come to the rescue.

It is difficult to get rid of snakes forever, you must always maintain order in the country, even after their retreat. As folk wisdom says: "Do not step on the snakes, and they will have no reason to bite you."

Video: Review of effective snake repellents

Although we don't deal with them every day, snakes are an important part of our planet's life. They are different from any other animal that we know, and many people are very afraid of them. Fear is natural and often welcomed as snakes use venom to protect their own skin when they feel attacked. These are biorhythms, and they are completely different from ours, because they have cold blood, which makes them very susceptible to temperature changes, so you cannot see them if you live in a city.

This whole discussion about snakes makes sense because today we're going to talk about a snake trap. . Even if you are not into nature, you may need to know how to catch a snake and what to do with it after you have caught it.

If you live in a house, you can meet them in the garden, lying in the sun, waiting for it to warm up. You can also find them in the basement, where it is humid and cold, or in holes in the base. They prefer narrow, dark and humid places and feed on small animals such as mice, birds, eggs, and others.

There are many scenarios in which you can interact with a snake in its natural habitat, but there are the following scenarios that can lead to snakes being caught:

  • The snake decided that your garden is really good to build a house there, and now you see it almost every day. If you have children playing in the yard, the snake can scare or hurt them;
  • You raise your chicken in your backyard, but lately there are fewer and fewer of them. After careful investigation, you realize that the snake loves your chicken more than it should;
  • You go to the basement to look for something, but you realize that in the meantime you have been busy. The snake feels at home there;
  • You have a small snake and you ran away while you weren't looking (they are very elusive) and now you need to restore it;
  • You need to process snake venom for your experiments (poison is really useful in medicine);
  • You are in a desert where there is nothing to eat, and the only living creature around is snakes.

Whatever the reason, snakes are smart, and you have to be smarter than them if you want to catch them. We will talk about how to make a snake trap and how to handle them when they are trapped. Make sure you don't harm them unless they become extremely violent and threaten your life. If you want to get rid of a damaging snake, all you have to do is move it.

Remember that a home snake trap is for small snakes. If you come across a giant snake, don't try to approach it without professional supervision! Large ones are not dangerous because of their bite; they just wrap themselves around you and squeeze you until you can no longer breathe.

How to catch a snake that sets a house in your garden

There are several types of snake traps you can make at home using simple materials and free time. Let's talk about the most commonly used for catching small snakes. The main idea behind a snake trap is to place the snake in the trap and convince it to eat the bait there.

The snake does not chew its prayer, does not swallow, and then feels strong to digest it for several hours (speaking of small snakes). Large snakes consume large prayers, which means they will have a longer digestion process. If the snake eats the bait inside the trap, it will not be able to exit the same way it entered, because its body will be rounder (if you built the trap correctly).

How to make a snake trap for your pet.

If your pet ran away and missed you, you should try to build a simple snake trap to find it. However, there is no guarantee that you will catch the snake you are looking for.

You will need the following items:

  • the plastic bottle of juice is washed, rinsed and dried;
  • scissors;
  • A frozen mouse that you use to feed your snake.

Take a bottle and make sure it is clean so that there is no other smell. Use scissors to cut a small hole (just enough for the snake to enter) and place the bait in the bottle. Place a trap where you think your snake could hide and wait. If the snake enters and feeds, it will not be able to exit through the small hole. Make sure you check the trap every few hours.

Snake trap wooden box.

If you have a wild snake on your property, or worse, somewhere inside your house, it's time to take out a larger weapon. The wooden box is effective if you have identified a research location. This money trap is quite difficult to build, so we recommend looking for it in a specialist store.

The basic idea is to place it at the entrance to the den, so that when the snakes / snakes try to leave the den, they will enter the box. When the snake enters, the box closes, keeping the snake inside. You can now remove the box from your home and free the snake in the desert. They will not return, and you will happily get rid of them. Problem solved!

Snake cage trap

If you don't know where the den is, but you know where the snake likes to hang out during the day (they love the sun), you can trap at the funnel door with a little cable. You will need some wires, wire cutters, and something to help you keep everything together. The trap is easy to do in three simple steps:

  • First, make a cylinder with a diameter of 10 to 20 cm out of the wire, depending on the size of the snake.
  • The second step is to make a wire funnel. The small hole should be large enough for the snake to pass through while it is thin, but small enough that the snake cannot leave after feeding.
  • The third step is to collect everything and seal the non-funnel end with plenty of cable.

This trap is very similar to the plastic bottle trap. The only difference is that you can catch larger snakes.

Also, if you really want to convince the snake to enter, you must use live bait such as mice or large insects. The movement and smell of living prayer attracts snakes, not dead animals or food. Now place the trap where you think the snake likes to walk in the morning and wait for it to enter. Check the trap regularly, because as soon as the snake devours its prayer, it will thin out again and come out of your trap.

If you need visual aids on how to build a snake trap, here is a video tutorial on how to make a snake trap using a cable.

Snake traps

This type of trap is very common and effective, and many people prefer it. You can usually find it in specialty stores or ask your local fighter for one. The glue trap is actually a baited box and filled with some kind of special glue at the bottom.

An innocent snake comes to eat something good, and suddenly he realizes that he can no longer get out of the glue. The glue will not damage the snake, it will just keep it there until you get trapped. Make sure to check your traps regularly, because if you leave the snake there for a few days, it can starve and you will have an innocent soul in your mind.

When choosing a trap, make sure it is large enough to fit the snake you want to catch. If it's too small, the snake can get away with it. Since he cannot get rid of the glue, he may die somewhere in the garden. Once again, you will be with a guilty conscience.

Once you manage to catch the snake, take the box somewhere in the wilderness, where there is a lot of grass, and the presence of the snake will not bother anyone. Pour some oil into the glue and wait for the snake to free itself from the trap. Now you can be happy with yourself: you released the snake in a friendly environment and managed to get rid of the predator in your garden.

How to handle a trapped snake

The first rule when trying to catch a snake is: don't touch it! If you don’t know which snake you have dealt with and have worked with snakes before, don’t even think about touching it. They may look cute and helpless, but remember: they are not pets!

A wild snake doesn't like to be touched or manipulated at all, so it can become violent and bite you while you try to free it. In case this happens, go straight to the hospital. It's true that there are a few non-venomous snakes out there, but if you're not sure, it's not worth the risk. A snake bite, in addition to being very painful, can stop your heart.

Once you have trapped the snake, do not try to push or shake it. They don't like anything, and you're just angry. Also, keep small children or pets away from the trap while the snake is inside.

The first thing to do after you've caught the snake is to carefully lift the trap, put it in your car in a safe place, and drive to a location where you can release it.

The snake knows its territory, so try to drive at least 2 miles from your home. If you let him go too close to your home, you will find your way back and arrive even earlier than you. Try to find a place where there are no other nearby houses; You don't want the other person to go through what you just did, right? Plus, if you leave him in a densely populated area, the next person to worry about may not be as understanding as you are. If you've taken the trouble, at least make sure the snake is safe.

How to free a snake

This part is a little tricky because you don't know how the snake will react when you open the trap. Most of them are incredibly happy to be free again and will be lost in the grass in search of a new place. However, some may become you, so you must be prepared. Wear thick gloves and long pants to be protected in case the snake makes a quick turn and strikes. Watch this carefully and try to stay as far away from the trap as possible.

After the snake is released, keep an eye on it for as long as possible to make sure it doesn't come back for revenge.

A snake trap is usually created for two purposes: to catch the snake and release it. Depending on the type of trap, there are different ways to free the snake:

  • If you are using a wooden box, simply place the box on the lawn and lift the lid. Step away from the snake's path and wait for it to come out of the box. Take your time and don't touch it with a stick. Snakes are able to jump into your prayer, so if they see you as a threat, they will attack you;
  • If you are using a funnel wire cage, you will be a little closer to the snake, so we recommend using thick gloves. First rule: don't touch it! Easily pull the funnel out of the cage and let the snake decide when it wants to get out. It does not take a lot of time.
  • With a glue trap, you must pour some vegetable oil into the snake's body and wait until it is free of the glue.

If you feel that the snake is seeking revenge, be sure to get out of the way and try to keep it at a distance. Do not kill the snake unless absolutely necessary.

How to catch a snake in the desert

Catching a snake for dinner in the desert can be a very dangerous job and is not recommended unless you know what the snake ate. The main danger here is what the snake ate before eating. If you ate a poisonous mouse or something very poisonous, it will penetrate your flesh and enter your body. Once you are sure the snake is clean, you can use your survival skills to catch it.

There are no specially designed cables or snake traps in the desert, so you must learn how to make a snake trap with branches and grass, or just use a stick. The stick part works very well with those who are not venomous, but if you are nimble enough you can catch any type of snake. Once you see the snake, approach carefully and use a long stick to distract the snake's attention. Move one end of the stick in front of your eyes, keeping your distance.

Once the snake focuses on your cane, grab its tail firmly and lift it up enough to keep its head close to the ground. Now the snake is disoriented and this is your moment to take action. Place the stick in the middle of the snake's body and lift it up with the tail in one hand. You now have a snake in the middle of your stick and can transport it to the location where you want to cook it.

Snake capture is not an activity for a surviving novice. You must know how to move and how to react if something goes wrong and the snake turns against you.

As you can see, it is not difficult to learn how to make a snake trap, but it should only be used to move the snake. Even if they scare you, snakes work in the environment and we must protect them. Even though their skin is cold and they look different, they are also living things that can learn to love a person. So don't make snake traps if you don't need them!

Fishing, hunting and catching

You will not receive a specialty of a snake-catcher in any university. People learn by themselves, adopting the experience of others and gaining their own in practice. Zmeelov needs to subtly understand the psychology of snakes, to know all their habits, natural features, habitats. Our photojournalist Konstantin Khilko managed to walk with one of these specialists.

Meet Alexander - serpentologist and snake catcher with 15 years of experience

Gyurza lives in dry foothills and on the slopes of mountains overgrown with bushes, in rocky gorges with springs, in river valleys and on cliffs along the banks of canals

Sometimes the gyurza are collected by the whole team. Often there were cases when up to 10 snakes were found under one small stone at once

Here she is the gyurza - the largest representative of the viper family in our fauna. It can reach almost 2 m in length and weigh up to 3 kg. An adult feeds on small animals, such as field mice, less often lizards, sometimes they may not disdain other small snakes

Without making any sudden movements, the snake catcher presses the head of the gyurza with a special tool, the so-called "hook", and carefully takes it just below the head

Since this is one of the most dangerous snakes for pets and humans, Alexander has to be extremely careful. In a critical situation, she is able to make throws towards the enemy.

After the snake has been securely fixed in the hand, the snake catcher places his trophy in a regular linen bag.

Landing in a bag requires a certain skill and sequence of actions. The snake is held by the head with one hand, and the bag is opened with the other. It is lowered into it with its tail down. When the snake's head is level with the edge of the bag, the animal is quickly thrown to the bottom.

It remains only to tighten the neck. By the way, it is sometimes more difficult to plant small snakes in a bag than large ones.

After a couple of hours of wandering, great luck smiled upon us: we came across the queen of snakes - a cobra. Or rather, a Central Asian cobra. This is a rather large snake, the length of which on average reaches 1.6 - 1.8 meters. Of the 10 species of cobras, the Central Asian cobra is the only one that can be found on the territory of the CIS

The characteristic threatening pose of the cobra is an innate element that is transmitted at the genetic level. Even newly hatched snakes raise the front of the body vertically and expand the neck at the slightest danger. If such a threatening pose is not enough, then the cobra can inflict a fake bite - it hits the enemy with its head, while not opening its mouth, thus protecting its teeth from damage

Because of this behavior in natural conditions, it is extremely rare to be bitten by a cobra. In general, most poisonous snakes, before attacking an enemy in the face of a person or animal that is not part of its diet, will warn the enemy by any means characteristic of this particular species. Be it just a loud hiss, a hooded cobra stance, or a tail twitch that has a horn rattle on it.

Its habitat is similar to gyurza, it is found in the mountains at altitudes up to 1500 meters above sea level. Prefers hilly areas with plenty of cover. The main diet of the cobra is amphibians, reptiles, rodents and small birds.

The very manner of the bite of the Central Asian cobra is quite peculiar. If the gyurza inflicts an instant injection with its long teeth and in the next moment throws back its head, then a cobra, whose teeth are several times shorter, most often does not hope for a lightning injection. Usually she clings to her victim and not only does not lean back immediately, but also squeezes her jaws several times with an effort and, as it were, “fiddles” them, in order to probably sink her teeth and inject the required amount of poison

The venom of this snake is extremely strong - in addition to paralyzing the nerves, it also destroys the blood. It has a neurotoxic effect, causing convulsions, respiratory paralysis. However, deaths are recorded quite rarely, due to the preventive actions of the Central Asian cobra

Before work, Alexander changed his shoes, changed light sneakers to military boots with high ankle boots. Safety first

Zmeelovs are becoming less and less, because a person who works with poisonous snakes is in mortal danger every day

It is in such places that snakes hide from the unbearable heat, when the sun is at its zenith

By manipulating the hook, an experienced catcher can catch almost any snake. With a hook, he presses the snake's head for fixation and subsequent grip with his hand, or he can raise a lying snake above the ground and transfer it to a more suitable surface

We deliver the caught snakes in bags to the car. Here Alexander transplants them from bags into special shipping containers and takes these boxes to the serpentarium. During the day he managed to catch two gurzas and one cobra.

Before you put the snake in the place intended for it, you still need to carefully lay it out of the bag and again manage to carefully catch it. The first time, as a rule, it is not possible to press the cobra's head to the floor. The snake now and then strives to bite. Alexander skillfully dodges her attacks, holding the dodgy body with one hand and fixing her head with the other

Tools to assist with working with snakes (left to right):

- "grabber" is a humorous name from Alexander. Designed for removing reptiles from trees or bushes

Kornzang is a surgical instrument for grasping and supplying sterile instruments and dressings. It is used when catching small snakes. Vipers, for example, are simply grabbed by the neck and carried into a bag. As an auxiliary tool, the forceps are used when fishing for f-e, shitomordniki or medium-sized gurz. In these cases, the animals are pressed to the ground with their feet, and the head is clamped with tweezers, making it impossible to bite.

Laboratory fixation bar

The hook is also used in the laboratory. It is convenient for them to carry snakes for a short distance. For example, when taking biologically active substances

After catching, the so-called "milking" takes place, when the poison is taken from the snake, and then released back into the wild

The powerful and muscular body of a large specimen is not so easy to hold in the hand. Gyurza, trying to free his head, makes sharp and strong jerks. Sometimes she even manages to bite the catcher. From personal experience, Sasha was convinced of the resourcefulness of these creatures. This is where the fixing bar will help.

Gyurza poison has a pronounced hemolytic effect and is second only to cobra venom in terms of toxicity. When bitten, this snake injects 50 mg of poison, and without timely and correct treatment, deaths are frequent. The poison is obtained by mechanical "milking" - massage of poisonous glands. Then it is used to obtain antidote serum and, more importantly, for the manufacture of various medicines. According to its special properties, the venom of gyurza surpasses the venoms of most viper snakes.

In serpentariums, poison is collected from snakes once every 2-3 weeks. From small snakes, 20-40 mg of poison is obtained (in dry or, as they say, crystalline weight), from large snakes - 50-300 mg for one poisoning (for example, 300 mg - from gyurza, 194 - from cobra, 137 - from shitomordnik , 50 - from ef)

In case of a snake bite, in no case should a tourniquet be applied! Firstly, it does not prevent the penetration of the poison into the overlying tissues, and secondly, the tourniquet, especially with bites of a gyurza and a viper, pinching the vessels, contributes to an even greater metabolic disorder in the tissues of the affected limb. As a result, the processes of necrosis and decay are intensified, which is fraught with serious complications. Cauterization of the bite site is ineffective, because the length of the snake's venomous teeth sometimes reaches more than a centimeter. The poison penetrates deep into the tissues, and superficial cauterization is not able to destroy it. And at the site of cauterization, a scab forms, under which suppuration begins. Remember the main thing - a person after a snake bite must be taken to a hospital as soon as possible, even if it seems that the danger has already passed

Read our community also on VKontakte, where there is a huge selection of videos on "how it's done" and on Facebook.

How to catch a snake what to catch an atlantic sturgeon, a stick for catching snakes name, alteration of a pvc boat transom for a long leg, a reel for fishing with your own hands photo

How to catch snakes?

Zmeelov needs to subtly understand the psychology of snakes, to know all their habits, natural features, habitats. Our photojournalist Konstantin Khilko was able to walk with one of these specialists. Meet Alexander, a serpentologist and snake catcher with summer experience Gyurza lives in dry foothills and on the slopes of mountains overgrown with bushes, in rocky gorges with springs, in river valleys and on cliffs along the banks of canals Sometimes gyurza are collected by the whole team. When the snake's head is level with the edge of the bag, the animal is quickly thrown to the bottom. All that remains is to tighten the neck. By the way, it is sometimes more difficult to plant small snakes in a bag than large ones.After a couple of hours of wandering, great luck smiled upon us: Of the 10 species of cobras, the Central Asian cobra is the only one that can be found in the CIS.The characteristic threatening pose of a cobra is an innate element that is transmitted at the genetic level. The main diet of the cobra is made up of amphibians, reptiles, rodents and small birds. The very manner of the bite of the Central Asian cobra is quite peculiar. First of all, the safety of the Zmeelovs is becoming less and less, because a person working with poisonous snakes is in mortal danger every day.It is in such places that snakes hide from the unbearable heat, when the sun is at its zenith By manipulating the hook, an experienced catcher can catch almost any snake.

With a hook, he presses the head of the snake for fixation and subsequent grasping by hand, or he can lift the lying snake above the ground and transfer it to a more suitable surface We deliver the caught snakes in bags to the car. During the day he managed to catch two gyurzas and one cobra. Before putting the snake in the place intended for it, it must still be carefully laid out of the bag and again managed to carefully catch it. Alexander skillfully dodges her attacks, holding the dodgy body with one hand, and fixing her head with the other. In the serpentarium, snakes are placed in the terrariums reserved for them Tools that help when working with snakes from left to right: Teaching everyone to spinning fishing. Forum Flea market Notice board Real stick on the snake. Showing 1 to 2 of 2.

Snakehead fish

And what can be the opinion if no one used these sticks, except from the picture? Americans say they are good for their money. Number of users reading this thread: Dip the chunks in corn flour or breadcrumbs, or a mixture of both.

Serve with hot Louisiana sauce, Texas pepper sauce, or tartar sauce. Skin the snake and cut its meat into pieces for eating with chopsticks. Marinate the pieces in a mixture of soy sauce, garlic, ginger and bourbon whiskey. In our country, polyvalent serum includes an antidote for the poisons of the cobra, gyurza and efa - the three most dangerous snakes. Initially, the poisons were obtained from killed snakes. However, over time, people became convinced that poison can be taken repeatedly from living snakes, leaving them in special pens - aviaries. This removed the worry of catching if there was a need to get a fresh portion of the poison for injection into horses. The first batches of serum were obtained in the field, where temporary enclosures were built for keeping snakes, a camp for housing and the work of scientists, corrals and stables for horses. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Brazil, near São Paulo, on the basis of one of these camps, the first stationary center for keeping poisonous snakes, producing poisons and anti-snake serums, Butantan, was created. Currently, serpentariums have been created and operate in almost all countries of the world where poisonous snakes are common. Some, like Bhutantan, represent true complex institutes, in which they simultaneously study poisonous animals and their venoms, maintain snakes of various species, scorpions and spiders, produce serums, study organic poisons, conduct outreach work with the local population, and demonstrate animals to the public. Other serpentariums are limited only to keeping snakes and producing venoms. But in any case, working with poisonous snakes begins with catching them in nature. There are many methods for trapping snakes. They have evolved over many years, sometimes millennia, and differ from country to country. Sure, snakes can be dangerous, but with basic precautions, snakes can be caught with minimal risk. Community At random About us Categories Recent changes. Write an article Categorize articles Other ideas How to catch a snake 3 methods: Catching a snake Making and using a snake trap Catching a snake by hand Even an amateur can catch a snake, whether it is necessary to escort this creature out of your own garden or just to get a closer look amazing animal.

You can catch a snake with a long, thin object like a badminton racket or tennis racket, or with a long broom handle with an insect net attached to its end. When you see a snake, act quickly. Place the net directly in front of the snake's head and lure it inside. The object to which the net is attached must be long enough to give you a safe distance from the snake while you are catching it. As soon as the snake is in the net, immediately lift it into the air so that the snake cannot get out. The method of placing the net in front of the snake's head is quite effective, since it seems to the snake a safe place for hiding and it willingly crawls inside.

Approach the snake quietly and carefully. Running noisily will provoke the snake into a quick escape or, worse, a bite. Use a trash can and a broom. Anti-snake serums in the way of preparation are no different from most others. For their production, first of all, you need fresh snake venom. The tackle is lowered into the water at a certain angle to the current. It will carry the tackle from the shore, and the boat will move to the middle of the river until it reaches the required place. In the case of a bite, which is perfectly felt by the hand, you need to perform a sweep: Pull it just because the water resistance is small.

Tackle and everything you need to catch a snakehead

He did not steal false teeth, but gave them to his human friend! But the cat on the tree is not to be envied. On the Internet, I managed to find a company in Texas that was making prof. The price was quite high - about bucks.

But that was in the distant x, and then there was no question of any purchase and delivery of this device. This prompted me to make the first hook By the way, it was a wonderful hook, I used it for many years. And whoever is not afraid is just a fool, because the viper is a poisonous snake. But if it worked out for me, then why can't others do it? Each of those who catch snakes did it for the first time. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer them. Let's talk now about a viper bite and about what first aid should be for such a bite. In pursuit of the previous articles, I offer information on how to get rid of a viper in the country. Seriously, thanks.

And if sarcasm, then specially focused attention on this. Because the viper cannot bite through rubber boots. And the pros catch in any shoes, if it is necessary, the truth, no longer stepping, and with simple sticks they can, those that are at hand. When I saw, sorry for the word, went nuts.


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You will not receive a specialty of a snake-catcher in any university. People learn by themselves, adopting the experience of others and gaining their own in practice. Zmeelov needs to subtly understand the psychology of snakes, to know all their habits, natural features, habitats.

Meet Alexander - serpentologist and snake catcher with 15 years of experience.

Gyurza lives in dry foothills and on the slopes of mountains overgrown with bushes, in rocky gorges with springs, in river valleys and on cliffs along the banks of canals.

Sometimes the gyurza are collected by the whole team. Often there were cases when up to 10 snakes were found at once under one small stone.

Here she is the gyurza - the largest representative of the viper family in our fauna. It can reach almost 2 m in length and weigh up to 3 kg. An adult feeds on small animals, such as field mice, less often lizards, sometimes they may not disdain other small snakes.

Having found the snake, Alexander cautiously approaches and slowly moves its head to the side.

Without making any sudden movements, the snake catcher presses the head of the gyurza with a special tool, the so-called "hook", and carefully takes it just below the head.

Since this is one of the most dangerous snakes for pets and humans, Alexander has to be extremely careful. In a critical situation, she is capable of making throws towards the enemy.

After the snake has been securely fixed in the hand, the snake catcher places his trophy in a regular linen bag.

Landing in a bag requires a certain skill and sequence of actions. The snake is held by the head with one hand, and the bag is opened with the other. It is lowered into it with its tail down. When the snake's head is level with the edge of the bag, the animal is quickly thrown to the bottom.

It remains only to tighten the neck. By the way, it is sometimes more difficult to plant small snakes in a bag than large ones.

After a couple of hours of wandering, great luck smiled upon us: we came across the queen of snakes - a cobra. Or rather, a Central Asian cobra. This is a rather large snake, the length of which on average reaches 1.6 - 1.8 meters. Of the 10 species of cobras, the Central Asian cobra is the only one that can be found on the territory of the CIS.

The characteristic threatening pose of the cobra is an innate element that is transmitted at the genetic level. Even newly hatched snakes raise the front of the body vertically and expand the neck at the slightest danger. If such a threatening pose is not enough, then the cobra can inflict a fake bite - it hits the enemy with its head, while not opening its mouth, thus protecting its teeth from damage.

Because of this behavior in natural conditions, it is extremely rare to be bitten by a cobra. In general, most poisonous snakes, before attacking an enemy in the face of a person or animal that is not part of its diet, will warn the enemy by any means characteristic of this particular species. Be it just a loud hiss, a hooded cobra stance, or a tail twitch that has a horn rattle on it.

Its habitat is similar to gyurza, it is found in the mountains at altitudes up to 1500 meters above sea level. Prefers hilly areas with plenty of cover. The main diet of the cobra is amphibians, reptiles, rodents and small birds.

The very manner of the bite of the Central Asian cobra is quite peculiar. If a gyurza inflicts an instant injection with its long teeth and the next moment throws back its head, then a cobra, whose teeth are several times shorter, most often does not hope for a lightning injection. Usually she clings to her victim and not only does not lean back immediately, but also squeezes her jaws several times with an effort and, as it were, “fiddles” them, so that she can probably sink her teeth and inject the required amount of poison.

The venom of this snake is extremely strong - in addition to paralyzing the nerves, it also destroys the blood. It has a neurotoxic effect, causing convulsions, respiratory paralysis. However, deaths are recorded quite rarely, due to the preventive actions of the Central Asian cobra.

Before work, Alexander changed his shoes, changed light sneakers to military boots with high ankle boots. Safety first.

There are fewer and fewer Zmeelovs, because a person who works with poisonous snakes is in mortal danger every day.

It is in such places that snakes hide from the unbearable heat, when the sun is at its zenith.

By manipulating the hook, an experienced catcher can catch almost any snake. With a hook, he presses the head of the snake for fixation and subsequent grip with his hand, or he can raise the lying snake above the ground and transfer it to a more suitable surface.

We deliver the caught snakes in bags to the car. Here Alexander transplants them from bags into special shipping containers and takes these boxes to the serpentarium. During the day he managed to catch two gurzas and one cobra.

Before you put the snake in the place intended for it, you still need to carefully put it out of the bag and again manage to carefully catch it. The first time, as a rule, it is not possible to press the cobra's head to the floor. The snake now and then strives to bite. Alexander masterfully dodges her attacks, holding the dodgy body with one hand and fixing her head with the other.

In serpentariums, snakes are placed in designated terrariums.

Tools to assist with working with snakes (left to right):

"Grabber" is a joking name from Alexander. Designed for removing reptiles from trees or bushes;

forceps are a surgical instrument for grasping and supplying sterile instruments and dressings. It is used when catching small snakes. Vipers, for example, are simply grabbed by the neck and carried into a bag. As an auxiliary tool, the forceps are used when fishing for f-e, shitomordniki or medium-sized gurz. In these cases, the animals are pressed to the ground with their feet, and the head is clamped with tweezers, making it impossible to bite;

fixation bar, which is used in laboratory conditions.

The hook is also used in the laboratory. It is convenient for them to carry snakes for a short distance. For example, when taking biologically active substances.

After catching, the so-called "milking" takes place, when the poison is taken from the snake, and then released back into the wild.

A venomous snake can be easily distinguished by its wider head than the body.

The powerful and muscular body of a large specimen is not so easy to hold in the hand. Gyurza, trying to free his head, makes sharp and strong jerks. Sometimes she even manages to bite the catcher. From personal experience, Sasha was convinced of the resourcefulness of these creatures. This is where the fixing bar will help.

Gyurza poison has a pronounced hemolytic effect and is second only to cobra venom in terms of toxicity. When bitten, this snake injects 50 mg of poison, and without timely and correct treatment, deaths are not uncommon. The poison is obtained by mechanical "milking" - massage of poisonous glands. Then it is used to obtain antidote serum and, more importantly, for the manufacture of various medicines. According to its special properties, the venom of gyurza surpasses the venoms of most viper snakes.

In serpentariums, poison is collected from snakes once every 2-3 weeks. From small snakes, 20-40 mg of poison is obtained (in dry or, as they say, crystalline weight), from large snakes - 50-300 mg per poison (for example, 300 mg - from gyurza, 194 - from cobra, 137 - from shitomordnik , 50 - from ef).

In case of a snake bite, in no case should a tourniquet be applied! Firstly, it does not prevent the penetration of the poison into the overlying tissues, and secondly, the tourniquet, especially with bites of a gyurza and a viper, pinching the vessels, contributes to an even greater metabolic disorder in the tissues of the affected limb. As a result, the processes of necrosis and decay are intensified, which is fraught with serious complications. Cauterization of the bite site is ineffective, because the length of the snake's venomous teeth sometimes reaches more than a centimeter. The poison penetrates deep into the tissues, and superficial cauterization is not able to destroy it. And at the site of cauterization, a scab forms, under which suppuration begins. Remember the main thing - a person after a snake bite must be taken to a hospital as soon as possible, even if it seems that the danger has already passed.
