Artists and famous people who died from alcoholism. Russian stars who have overcome alcohol addiction

Many artists, including women, choose alcohol as a way to relax. There are quite a few alcoholic stars. Some people believe that celebrities drink more than other professions. The actors themselves (both men and women) say that they drink alcohol to relax. Some famous people they start drinking not out of grief, but out of great success.

Why do stars drink?

Especially Russian actors(men and women) start by drinking alcohol before filming or a performance “for courage.” And so every time. Gradually this becomes the norm, and great people turn into alcoholics. Often celebrities choose to celebrate the premiere or the end of filming with directors, actors or fans.

Some famous women abused alcohol, for example, Tatyana Dogileva.

Famous alcoholics of the world:

  • Vladimir Vysotsky;
  • Drew Barrymore.

Some interesting facts from the life of alcoholic stars

Charlie Sheen. Actor Charlie Sheen is a very famous alcoholic in Hollywood. He abuses alcohol and is often seen drunk. His drunken adventures arouse public interest, his page on in social networks has more than a million subscribers, where they see all his adventures. In the series “Two and a Half Men” he played a role very reminiscent of himself, his character abuses alcohol and has a lot of relationships with women. When the writers got tired of his drinking, they terminated the contract. Now he is not offered leading roles. And Charlie continues to drink.

Drew Barrymore. Actress Drew Barrymore started drinking alcohol at the age of 9, then switched to marijuana, and then to cocaine. By the age of 14, she had already changed more than one rehabilitation center. She was considered the youngest alcoholic in Hollywood. But after a suicide attempt, she realized that she could no longer live like this, and decided to live sober and healthy image life. She remembers how difficult it was for her during this period of her life, but now she no longer abuses alcohol, she still tries to restrain herself and drink less.

Kristin Davis. Actress Kristin Davis, who starred in the movie Sex in big city", started drinking alcohol when she was still an aspiring actress, "for courage." This “for courage” gradually drove her to alcoholism. Her friend helped her overcome her addiction. She took Christine to Alcoholics Anonymous. She also invited a friend to yoga classes. Now the actress leads a healthy lifestyle and has completely stopped drinking alcohol.

Yuri Nikolaev. The famous host of the Morning Mail program also loved to drink. He had a very strong love to alcohol. When he came to the bar, the establishment was closed for 3 days. These 3 days the presenter drank non-stop. Now he has given up alcohol.

Tatiana Dogileva. Actress Tatyana Dogileva began drinking alcohol in her youth; she believed that this was the only way to stay in the acting crowd. Constant drinking destroyed the marriage. Regular alcohol consumption can end tragically. Alcohol led Tatyana into deep depression. Doctors said that from constant drinking of alcohol in large quantities She stopped producing the “hormone of joy.” Tatiana was placed in mental asylum and prescribed treatment.

Enlightenment came when the actress's daughter asked if she would have to drink during adult life like a mother. After such a question, the actress took measures to recover from alcoholism. She managed not only to recover from drinking alcohol, but also to become a successful actress. Tatyana also helps girls not to make the mistakes of her youth.

Lera Kudryavtseva. TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva started drinking when she separated from her husband. She got divorced 2 times. She was very worried about the divorce from her first husband; she has a son from this marriage. The marriage did not work out, Lera became depressed and began drinking alcohol. A company appeared in which she began to drink often. The girl tried to relax with the help of alcohol. But one day she realized that she couldn’t drink to lift her mood, and decided to lead a healthy lifestyle. Now the TV presenter does not drink on holidays. She's happy and looks great.

Paris Hilton. About the fact that TV presenter Paris Hilton is not the best best company, recognized by many stars, such as Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan. Paparazzi constantly photographed her drunk and talked about her adventures.

Once she was even caught drunk driving a car. She was given a large fine and sent to prison for several days. Now she only drinks energy drinks and tries to be less in the frame. drunk.

Mikhail Efremov. Actor Mikhail Efremov drinks and has no intention of fighting his habit. He drinks and doesn't hide it. According to him, a hangover is the best state of the body; it can only be achieved by drinking alcohol. An actor performs better on stage when he is hungover. He believes that when you play with a hangover, your nerves are truly exposed.

Lily Allen. Singer Lily Allen did not admit to being an alcoholic for a long time. Every time she went into the dressing room, she drank a bottle of beer. But one day she realized that her tour of the United States flew by unnoticed and that she did not remember anything because she was drunk.

This video talks about alcoholic stars:

She decided to stop drinking alcohol, locked herself in her studio and began writing a new album. Today she is focused on her career, is involved in charity work, is preparing for her wedding, and really wants to become a mother.


Alcoholism - serious illness. It destroys not only ordinary residents of our country (and other countries), but also famous people. There have been artists and stars who died from alcoholism at all times and among all peoples. Many people have heard tragic story Valentina Serova, Mussorgsky, Savrasov, Vysotsky. Talent did not become their salvation from addiction. Which celebrity and why became addicted to the “green serpent”?

Poets and writers

The list of famous alcoholics includes many deceased figures of Russian literature. These are pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern Russian wordsmiths. Moreover, the names of most of them are known to everyone.

The first to name is Sergei Yesenin. "Blonde Lel" spent most of his time in taverns. Sergei Alexandrovich began to drink when he moved to the city and began to gain fame in the literary circles of Moscow. His life ended early: he died at the Angleterre Hotel. Experts are still arguing whether it was suicide or murder.

In foreign literature, the “green serpent” destroyed Charles Baudelaire - he became interested in drinking and beautiful women V student years. Then he began to study law at the College of Saint Louis. Drunkenness and syphilis resulted in his death in 1867 at the age of 46.

Edgar Allan Poe, an American writer and founder of the detective genre, described the drinking owner of the “Black Cat” not by observing other people. He himself was fond of strong alcoholic drinks, as a result of which he died in the hospital from cerebrovascular disease. Although there is a version that he fell ill with rabies at that time. However, in any case, the writer led wandering image life - this was the cause of his death. And it was drunkenness that led him to such a life.

Edgar Allan Poe died from vascular and head disease due to alcohol

Ernest Miller Hemingway loved alcohol, especially wine and daiquiris. In the last years of his life, he suffered from cirrhosis of the liver and suffered from depression. Before his death he was undergoing treatment, but upon returning from the hospital he shot himself.

William Faulkner was fond of punch from his youth. As a result, in adulthood he turned into a real alcoholic. Things reached delirium tremens. As a result, the writer died.

However, these are not all the writers who were destroyed by the “green serpent”. There are other great people who suffered from this disease. These included:

  • Erich Maria Remarque;
  • Tennessee Williams (he was addicted not only to alcohol, but also to drugs);
  • Mikhail Sholokhov;
  • Olga Berggolts;
  • Alexander Tvardovsky;
  • John Steinbeck;
  • Yuri Olesha.


Artists are also prone to addictions. And both men and women. Which of the actors suffered from drunkenness? Let's name some Russian actors:

Name Cause of alcoholism Circumstances of death
1 Valentina Vasilievna Serova The addiction began in the process life together with Konstantin Simonov - in the late 1940s. Serious pressures and problems at work, or difficult relationships with mother and husband, or the experience of war could have affected Found dead at home. The circumstances of the death are still unclear
2 Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky He not only drank, but also abused drugs. In his memoirs they write that he began to drink only to relieve his cravings for the latter. Vladimir Semenovich experienced serious problems at work and in relationships with family, friends and colleagues because of this. He died in his own apartment. The cause of the tragedy was heart failure. However, there was no autopsy, so an exact diagnosis has not been established.
3 Victor Kosykh Drank due to overloads associated with acting profession. And it started in my youth. In adulthood the situation worsened. He lived only 61 years. The cause of death was an alcohol overdose. As a result, a cerebral hemorrhage occurred.
4 Georgy Yumatov Difficult relationship with his wife, Muse of Krepkogorskaya. The latter’s reluctance to understand her husband, domestic tyranny. Another reason is the lack of children he wanted (Muza Viktorovna had an abortion) An aortic aneurysm occurred - after recovery from drunkenness. In his old age, the actor no longer acted in films. But before that there was a scandalous incident with the janitor he killed.
5 Vladislav Galkin Vladislav started drinking because of depression. He had difficult relationships with women. This led to a tragic outcome. Due to constant exposure to alcohol, the actor developed problems with his pancreas. Then he gave up drinking. But he managed to blow up his heart (death was due to heart failure).
6 Oleg Dal He was demanding of himself and those around him. The star also had problems with her personal life. This led to immoderate libations. The actor suffered from cardiac problems due to alcohol. At the age of 38, he suffered cardiac arrest. This was the cause of Dahl's death.

However, the addiction was not only of domestic, but also of foreign film actors. An example is fate. American actress Billie Holliday. The celebrity died from cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism.

The press also reports about alcohol addiction among the late actors Vasily Shukshin, Andrei Krasko, Nikolai Eremenko the Younger, Georgy Burkov and others. Popular love did not save them from family dramas, and as a result - drunkenness. The result was health problems (especially with the heart) and death.


Sport is good for health, but it is not a panacea for drunkenness. Among famous athletes world "green serpent" killed football player George Best. He was known as a playboy in the sports world. Because of this lifestyle, the man became addicted to alcohol. The result was death from liver cirrhosis and kidney disease at the age of 59.

In the history of the USSR and Russia, a similar famous example was Anatoly Kozhemyakin. He often attended feasts. One such day, when he (drunk himself and with drunken friends) got stuck in an elevator in the evening after drinking and signing autographs, a tragedy occurred. The elevator started moving when Kozhemyakin tried to get out of the cabin - the man was torn apart.

Show business stars

The concept of show business representatives includes not only actors, but also singers and musicians. Famous examples include Whitney Houston. She fell into a coma at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Her aunt saw her in this state, but she could not be saved. Whitney abused alcohol and drugs.

Of the domestic pop stars, drunkenness killed Yuri Klinsky. He developed problems with his liver (hepatitis) and heart. The latter led to his death - this happened on July 4, 2000.

Of the great people musical world In the past, Modest Mussorgsky became a victim of alcohol. The composer died of delirium tremens - the consequences of alcohol addiction. He started drinking because of his bohemian lifestyle.

The artist Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov also drank heavily. It was because of drunkenness that he separated from his wife. And the children of this famous man from another love - his cohabitant E. Morgunova - died in infancy. He himself lived to be 67 years old. The cause of problems with alcohol (dependence) was the lifestyle inherent in creative individuals.


Nothing human is alien to scientists. They also drank alcohol, especially on holidays. Some even abused it. Two examples can be given here.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev invented 40-proof vodka for a reason. He himself liked to drink. However, his addiction to alcohol did not prevent him from pursuing science. And he lived for 72 years.

Mendeleev - the inventor of vodka, also loved to drink

Omar Khayyam, a Persian poet and alchemist of the Middle Ages, was also a wine lover and encouraged his readers to drink it. However, he also lived a long life. Omar Khayyam died at 83.


The most famous alcoholics- these are singers, writers and poets, actors, artists. In other words, bohemian drunkards are called people of creative professions. There are especially many of them in show business - among actors, singers and composers. Often the causes of the disease are problems in personal life, hard work and features of a star’s lifestyle.

However, among scientists there are much fewer drunkards. This is due to the fact that scientific activity requires concentration of mind and attention. In addition, scientists are aware of the dangers of alcoholic beverages. For this reason, it is more correct to call them simply drunkards, but not alcoholics.

There are also few alcoholics among athletes. Typically, wild feasts are the lot of football players, and even then not always. We were able to give only 2 examples of football players who died due to problems with alcohol. Otherwise, athletes try not to drink alcohol. However, they have another problem - a tendency to use doping.

Representatives of the creative intelligentsia who died from alcoholism are found at all times and among all nations. This problem is the same in Russia and in the West, in Soviet time, in the 19th century and now. However, often even cured people’s health is weakened, so long-term consequences make themselves felt. Let us remember the story of the death of Georgy Yumatov.

Those suffering from drunkenness prominent figures and they themselves suffer because of their problem, and create trouble for their loved ones. For this reason, it is so important for a person with a penchant for creativity to take care of himself. Moreover, long life will allow us to give more roles, paintings, songs, books to humanity.

The most common cause of death for an alcoholic is damage to the heart (attacks), liver (cirrhosis) and nervous system(delirium tremens). In one of the cases - with the athlete Kozhemyakin - an accident occurred. The man's death was the result of his alcohol intoxication and associated disorientation in the situation.

However, one should not condemn those who suffer or have suffered alcohol addiction of people. Alcoholics and drunkards need help from loved ones. Only then will the patient be able to decide to undergo treatment and stop drinking. And then there are chances for a real refusal of alcohol. This applies not only to a famous actor or writer, but also to your loved one if he suffers from drunkenness.

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Despite the fact that alcoholism is often found among disadvantaged people, the world also knows famous alcoholics. Sometimes even great people (politicians, rulers, actors, writers) could not resist addiction. Many greatest people ended their days in poverty, oblivion and illness due to alcohol addiction, but others were able to overcome addiction and become popular and loved again. When you are a rich and famous person, alcoholism becomes a shameful stigma that deprives you of work, friends, and fans. In our article we will look at the fates of the most famous people in our country and around the world who suffered from alcohol addiction.

The most famous male alcoholics

Many famous people were unable to give up alcoholic beverages; some great commanders, writers, reformers and even modern politicians depended on alcohol. So, the greatest drunkards in the world are the following people known to many of us:

  1. The first on the list of great people who are not indifferent to the bottle was. Alcohol killed him at the age of 33.
  2. The greatest philosopher Diogenes could never deny himself a drink. However, oddly enough, alcoholic drinks did not at all prevent him from learning the truth, making new discoveries and thinking logically. This man, despite his addiction, was able to live to the age of 85.
  3. Such the greatest commander and Tsar of Russia, like Peter the Great, also could not refuse alcohol.
  4. Even Joseph Stalin was a big fan of feasts with alcoholic libations. His favorite alcoholic drink was wine. He could drink it almost every day. And this did not prevent him from solving important state issues.
  5. The famous Turkish commander Mustafa Kemal Ataturk made a great contribution to the creation of modern Turkey. But death overtook him not in battle, but through the fault of alcohol, since alcohol destroyed his liver.
  6. Another fan of Bacchus can be called Prince Vladimir, who was very fond of entertaining feasts with drinking alcohol.
  7. Bogdan Khmelnitsky did not disdain alcohol. He was convinced that wine should be drunk as a cure for various problems. That is why he became famous in history as a lover of drunken celebrations.

Perhaps great writers, rulers and politicians drink alcohol because they are constantly under stress and their lives are quite busy and complex, and alcohol allows them to relax. As for our time, the following famous people of our time suffered from alcoholism:

  • Quite often, Ukrainian politician Yuriy Lutsenko became the hero of jokes, press jokes and humorous shows due to his alcohol addiction. Although today we can say that this man was able to cope with his addiction and take the path of a sober life, which allowed him to continue a successful political career.
  • Suffered from alcohol addiction and great actor times Soviet Union Radner Muratov. Many of us remember him for his role in the film “Gentlemen of Fortune.” The life of this famous man ended in loneliness and poverty due to his passion for alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol has ruined many talented writers and poets of our country:

  • Since the age of 24, Sergei Yesenin has been an ardent fan of Bacchus. But, nevertheless, this did not stop him from writing wonderful poetry. He repeatedly tried to cope with his addiction, undergoing treatment in a clinic and turning to psychiatrists.
  • The writer Edgar Poe died due to inflammation of the brain due to severe alcohol intoxication when he drank to the point of insanity.
  • Among famous writers who suffer from alcohol addiction, it is worth mentioning Remarque and Ernest Hemingway. These people didn’t even try to hide the fact that they were drinking and drank from the bottle regularly. It is known that Hemingway committed suicide. Alcohol is considered to be the culprit of this tragedy.
  • The well-known drinking poet Omar Khayyam also could not refuse alcohol and drank from the bottle regularly, which did not stop him from writing wonderful works.
  • Among the famous people addicted to alcohol, it is worth mentioning the writer Jack London.

Such famous Russian and Ukrainian writers as Alexander Kuprin, Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Blok also drank a lot. If we talk about famous foreign alcoholics, we can name Stephen King, who claims that he created most of his great horror films precisely in a state of alcoholic delirium.

You can also mention the great artist Vincent Van Gogh, who more than once turned to psychiatric clinics for the treatment of alcohol dependence. In death famous composer Modest Mussorgsky is to blame for alcohol, which brought a man to a state of delirium tremens. One can only guess how many wonderful, great works these people could have created if they had not been hampered by alcohol addiction, and if alcohol had not taken their lives.

Great Women Alcoholics

We all know that alcoholic celebrities are not only men but also great women who are addicted to alcohol. Among them are many Russian celebrities and world-famous stars:

  1. Worldwide famous singer from France Edith Piaf became addicted to alcohol in her youth. She often drank to the point of unconsciousness, which was the cause of her death in her youth.
  2. History knows another alcoholic woman - Galina Brezhneva. Due to her passion for alcoholic beverages, she lost her mind, which led to death within the walls of a mental hospital.
  3. Famous Russian actress Tatyana Dogileva still drinks. The reason for his addiction to alcohol was deep depression. This subsequently led to alcohol addiction.

Important: everyone knows that female alcoholism develops much faster and is more difficult to treat, however, there are famous women who were able to cope with alcohol addiction and continue a successful career and a fulfilling life.

The following famous women gave us a wonderful example of successful recovery from addiction:

  • TV presenter and actress Larisa Guzeeva was very fond of holidays and fun parties, where she could not refuse alcohol. She became addicted to alcohol during her marriage to her drug-addicted first husband. However, later she was able to completely overcome her addiction and continue working on television.
  • Another TV presenter who was able to cope with her addiction is Lera Kudryavtseva. She became addicted to alcohol after her first divorce, which plunged her into deep depression. But then the girl was able to give up alcohol. Now she does not drink alcohol even on holidays.
  • Despite her successful career and fame, Drew Barrymore also became addicted to alcohol. But then the girl was able to control herself and completely gave up drinking alcohol, which allowed her to get rid of alcohol addiction.
  • Another one famous woman, who successfully recovered from alcohol addiction - Kelly Osborne. Kelly maybe a clear example how much a person changes when he gives up alcohol and takes the path of a sober life. Before that, she was quite plump and unattractive, but after giving up alcohol she took care of her appearance, lost weight and became a very beautiful and successful girl.
  • Everyone knows the singer and actress Britney Spears, who after her divorce found solace in alcohol and drugs. But later she came to her senses, recovered from her addictions and continued her successful career. Her personal life also improved.
  • If Kristin Davis had not drunk alcohol, she would have been able to build a career as an actress much earlier. But at the age of 25, she simply could not imagine life without alcohol, and only after getting into a group of anonymous alcoholics, she was able to completely get rid of addiction and become successful.
  • Previously, Paris Hilton was repeatedly detained for drunk driving. But Lately She was able to overcome her craving for alcohol and no longer appears in public drunk.
  • The famous fashion model Lara Stone, due to frequent stress and a busy life, quite often relaxed with the help of alcohol. But after she realized that she had developed an addiction, she turned to specialists and completely got rid of her addiction.

Not many great and famous people have overcome alcoholism. Unfortunately, there are not many examples of celebrities being able to cope with addiction. Many of them do not admit that alcohol has completely taken over their lives and are not going to seek treatment. So, today, unbridled drunkenness has captured actress Courtney Love and Lidsay Lohan.

Famous alcoholic actors in Russia and the world

It has been proven that every third celebrity is prone to alcohol abuse. Most likely, this is due to great popularity, awareness of their greatness and substantial fees. Alcoholism is especially widespread among actors:

  1. The famous actor, singer and poet was treated many times and still could not cope with his addiction. Due to alcoholism, he had repeated episodes of cardiac arrest. Despite the fact that everyone knew about the addiction, even after his death there are fans of Vysotsky’s work.
  2. Such people have been noticed to be addicted to alcohol: famous actors, like Andrey Panin, Yuri Bogatyrev, Vladislav Galkin. The last of them died due to alcoholism, completely alone at the age of 39.
  3. Numerous life shocks caused actor Georgy Yumatov to become alcoholic in old age.
  4. Some talented Russian celebrities still cannot cope with their addiction. These are Alexander Domogarov, Mikhail Efremov, Marat Bashirov, Alexey Nilov.

Alcohol has a significant impact on the image of famous people because they are constantly in the public eye. As a result, such celebrities may lose their health, popularity, and good appearance. Over time, their careers decline due to lack of professional demand. Often this contributes to even greater dependence, as the person begins to seek solace in alcohol.

Alcohol, unfortunately, has been and remains a reliable “friend” and companion of many creative people. He helps them find new ideas, look for inspiration and survive difficult moments in their careers and personal lives. But the price they pay for it is too high. In this collection we remember some Soviet and Russian stars who were destroyed by the “green serpent”.

The death of Vladislav Galkin in 2010 shocked the whole country. He was only 38 years old. Viewers will remember Vladislav Galkin primarily for his roles in the TV series “Truckers” and “Saboteur.” The main cause of death was acute heart failure followed by cardiac arrest. During the autopsy, doctors came to the unequivocal conclusion that the actor’s body was seriously deteriorated due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Star of the films “Officers”, “Admiral Ushakov” and “They Were First”. The actor drank heavily. Once, while intoxicated, he even killed a man. In 1995 he transferred major surgery to remove an abdominal aortic aneurysm, and in October 1997 died from a rupture of this very abdominal aorta.

All-Union fame came to Bogatyrev after the release of the film “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own,” in which he played Yegor Shilov. He was an idealist and a moneyless man. His money never lasted. In recent years, the actor became addicted to alcohol, lost his form, and was less invited to films. Friends explained this by the actor’s feelings about his homosexuality. He tried to fill his lack of demand and creative dissatisfaction with alcohol. Died at 41. The diagnosis is acute heart failure.

The actor died at 39 from a heart attack. He drank heavily. So, he was eventually kicked out of the Moscow Art Theater. And this, despite the fact that, according to the testimony of Oleg Ivanovich’s widow, Elizaveta, he had poor health and diseased heart. Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981 in a hotel room, during a creative business trip in Kyiv. According to the widespread version, the heart attack was provoked by drinking alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, who was “wired up” with an anti-alcohol capsule.

Like many creative individuals, alcohol helped him create and inspire fellow artists. But at the same time, naturally, it shortened his life. The actor tried many times to get rid of his addiction, but to no avail. He died at 72 years old.

From childhood, Andrei grew up as a sickly child. His mother even had to quit her job in order to spend more time with her son. And yet, already an adult actor Andrei Krasko suffered from severe alcohol and nicotine addiction. And this despite the fact that he had asthma. He died at the age of 49 from heart failure, the so-called alcoholic heart attack.

The talented Soviet actor died at the age of 57. The official cause of death was thromboembolism - a blood clot broke loose. But by that time, Georgy Burkov’s health was severely undermined by alcohol. So much so that after the autopsy the doctors said: “How did he even live with such vessels...”.

A brave handsome man of Soviet and Russian cinema, a Russian macho. Women literally fell at his feet. But he, the favorite of millions, was also ruined by alcohol. The doctors' official diagnosis was stroke. But only a few years later, Nikolai’s relatives revealed the secret of his death. He simply could not get out of another binge. And he drank a lot before that.

Last years In his life, alcoholism and drug addiction began to greatly interfere with Vysotsky’s work. Just shortly before his death, he decided to finally and irrevocably give up drugs, but did not have time - he was overtaken by a heart attack at the age of 42.

Founder and permanent leader of the Gaza Strip group. I was never a teetotaler, I drank a lot and often. The official cause of death was a heart attack, although he had never previously had any heart problems. By unofficial version, Yuri suffered drug addiction and was sick with hepatitis, which was the cause of death.

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It's nice to have something strong to drink in a decent campaign once or twice a month. But what about those who are truly addicted to alcohol? It is often said that alcoholics make no real contribution to society. However, the list below can be a great argument to argue against this!

15. Ernest Hemingway

A classic of American literature and the famous author of For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea, Uncle Ham was as famous for his drinking as he was for his literary gifts. However, in conversations he stubbornly denied the existence of an addiction. He was able to completely indulge in it while living in Cuba, where he enjoyed a variety of cocktails. They say that it was he who invented “Bloody Mary”! Who knows...

14. Vincent Van Gogh

One of Van Gogh's passions was the strongest alcoholic drink- absinthe. They say he drank it regularly and suffered not only from well-known mental illnesses, but also from alcoholism. His diet consisted mainly of coffee, cigarettes and booze.

13. Stephen King

Stephen King is one of the most prolific authors of his time, with more than 350 million books sold worldwide to date. Many of King's characters, such as Jack Torrance in The Shining, struggle with drinking problems - and in this case, art reflects life. Fortunately, King has not tried to kill his entire family (yet?), but he admits that there is a problem. Most of his most successful books were written while intoxicated, and, according to him, he even fears that he is not capable of creativity when completely sober.

12. Lord Byron

George Gordon Byron represents one of the finest poets this world has ever seen, and one of the leaders of the artistic movement of Romanticism in the 17th and 18th centuries. Lord Byron is known for his sexual adventures (with both women and men), as well as his addiction to alcohol. He especially loved to drink strong drinks from his favorite cup - it may seem terrible, but it was made from... a human skull.

11. Queen Elizabeth I

Lady Elizabeth Angela Margaret Bowes-Lyon, mother of the current Queen of England, Elizabeth II, was the wife of King George VI, shown in famous film"The King speaks." Britain's beloved Queen Mother has become something of a national icon. However, this does not stop her from being an ordinary person with the usual vices: according to stories, she drank alcohol at least 8 times a day - it could be wine, vodka and even a good old pint of beer. Contrary to all the myths about people suffering from alcohol addiction, Elizabeth I happily lived to be 101 years old.

10. Nero

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Roman Emperor from 54 to 68 new era, was a force to be reckoned with in order to survive. Nero is one of the craziest and most frightening figures in ancient Roman history. Many Roman emperors in history wanted to constantly indulge their passions, but Nero succeeded in this more than anyone - and became famous for his drunken orgies.

9. Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse was one of the greatest musical talents of the 21st century; We will probably never hear a voice like the one she had. Amy's addiction to alcohol and drugs began with early youth, and it ultimately destroyed her: at the age of 27, Winehouse died from alcohol intoxication, 5 times exceeding the maximum permissible dose.

8. Billie Holiday

Another singer on this list, owner of one of the golden voices of American jazz, is Billie Holiday. Drugs and alcohol, which she began taking with young age due to a difficult childhood, seriously interfered with the development of her career. Due to her addictions, her voice began to weaken and she had to stop performing; In the end, her addictions got the better of her - in 1959, she died of cirrhosis of the liver.

7. Boris Yeltsin

Legendary figure of the 1990s, ex-president Russia's Boris Yeltsin also suffered from alcoholism. He is known not only for drunken appearances in public, but also for drunken antics - such as “playing a drum” on the head of Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev.

6. Alexander the Great

Founder of one of greatest empires in the history of mankind, who created it before the age of 30, Alexander the Great is considered one of the best military commanders of all time. There are legends about him - including his love for copious libations. According to chroniclers, he could stab a friend in a drunken brawl after drinking peacefully with him all evening. His death is also linked to alcohol. Perhaps he is the greatest drunkard in the world!

5. Mel Gibson

Gibson is notorious not only for his numerous chauvinist statements, but also for sad episodes related to alcohol and drunk driving. He started drinking when he was 13 years old, and it developed into an addiction, addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, encounters with the police and rehabilitation clinics.

4. Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is perhaps one of the darkest figures on the list, an American writer known for his “black” prose. He suffered from severe alcoholism and opium addiction. Alcoholism was his main vice and led to his untimely death at the age of 40 - he died from alcohol poisoning under unclear circumstances.

A representative of the Beat Generation literature, writer Jack Kerouac, is known for his novels On the Road and Dharma Bums. Kerouac was always not averse to enjoying a couple of cocktails, and also suffered from drug problems and often wrote about his drunken antics. More and more often, Kerouac appeared drunk in public, including on a television show in 1968. He is famous for the quote "As a Catholic, I can't commit suicide, but I can drink myself to death." When Kerouac's body could no longer bear his abuse, he actually drank himself to death!

2. Dean Martin

It's hard to find photos of crooner Dean Martin without a cigarette in his mouth and alcohol or women in his immediate vicinity; this star has developed a certain reputation in society. He and his friends Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. were a group that was never averse to throwing a drunken party. Martin claimed he drinks because his body "needs alcohol." However, many claimed that even when those around him were already in a stupor, he remained sober because his cocktail contained more juice than alcohol. Now that he has already passed away from lung cancer, we will never know.

1. Betty Ford

Yes, yes, the same Mrs. Ford who was the First Lady of the United States, the wife of President Gerald Ford, from 1974 to 1977. During this period, Betty Ford generally developed a good reputation - especially in connection with her support of feminist values, but also in connection with her painful addictions. In the fight against alcoholism and addiction to more strong substances Betty Ford founded a clinic to solve such problems. She died of natural causes in 2011.
