Clean slate: stars without makeup. Beauty secrets of Doutzen Kroes Doutzen Kroes without makeup

Model, young mother, philanthropist and one of the most famous “angels” of Victoria's Secret: in a special selection of BeautyHack all the beauty secrets of Doutzen Kroes.

1) Dutch top model Doutzen Kroes, who conquered the world's best catwalks, admits that having children makes you reconsider your attitude to beauty. In her free time from work, she forgets about hair styling and makeup. “I don’t always feel beautiful and sexy, although work obliges me. I just had to learn to “turn on” and “turn off” this feeling,” says Kroes.

“At work I am a model, and at home I am a mother. It’s very important to feel this contrast.”

2) Her love for sports and proper nutrition, but Doutzen considers genetics to be the decisive factor: “Everyone only hears horror stories about the fact that the figure will not be the same after childbirth. But this is not true - genes and the lifestyle you led before pregnancy decide a lot.”

3) As a child, Kroes rode a bicycle a lot and was fond of speed skating. After moving to New York, she took up boxing. And over the past few years, ballet has become her main hobby. Three days a week, the model works out according to the program of American ballerina and fitness trainer Mary Helen Bowers - she performs a set of exercises for different muscle groups.

4) Every morning the model begins with freshly squeezed juice from lemon, grapefruit and orange. For breakfast - scrambled eggs with avocado, for lunch - salad, and for dinner - fish and vegetables. Doutzen always brings something to snack on, like nuts and a banana.

5) Croesus has a more than minimalistic approach to skin care. “I jump in the shower and then apply moisturizer - that’s the whole beauty routine,” admits the model. Fights skin imperfections with vitamin E ampoules - apply to inflammation and add a couple of drops to face cream.

6) The model considers coconut oil an indispensable product for skin and hair. “I remove my makeup with coconut oil, I moisturize the ends of my hair with it, and sometimes I apply it to my face in the morning and leave it on all day - I don’t look very good, of course, but what an effect in the evening!” - says Doutzen.

7) Before long flights, Croesus never puts on makeup, but he always takes a spray with him. thermal water Evian and moisturizing mask. “And it doesn’t matter to me what I look like - I’ll never see these people again in my life!”

Thermal water Facial Spray, EVIAN

8) According to the model, young mothers sometimes need to devote the whole day to self-care and relaxation in general. To do this, Doutzen goes for a massage at the Soho Sanctuary or a beauty treatment at her favorite Advanced Skin Care Day Spa in New York.

9) In 2006, Doutzen Kroes became the face of the L’Orèal brand. Since then, she has presented many of the brand's collections, from Color Riche lipsticks to Elseve hair care products.

Hair mask Coriander Strength Potion, Botanicals Fresh Care

10) For her color-damaged hair, the model chooses shampoo and conditioner from the Elvive line, and a leave-in mask with coriander, Strength Potion, from the Botanicals Fresh Care series, L’Orèal, helps her restore her hair after numerous styling sessions.

Lip balm Rosebud Salve, Smith's

11) Doutzen's classic everyday look is hair in a ponytail and minimal makeup. Her makeup bag always includes lip gloss, her favorite Smith's Rosebud Salve, and mascara. On the advice of makeup artist Lucia Pieroni, the model always curls her eyelashes - even if she doesn't intend to dye them.

12) For the red carpet, the model most often chooses classic smoky eyes or “makeup without makeup.” In both cases, she prefers light foundations: BB cream from L’Orèal or Nude Magique cushion.

13) In 2014, the model became the face of the new Reveal fragrance from Calvin Klein. According to Croesus, the perfume reminds her of the smell of her own skin. Sandalwood, amber and orris root combined with notes of unrefined salt convey the aroma of tan and warm sea.

Text: Anastasia Speranskaya

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A famous fashion model, actress, owner of luxurious hair, for which she often appears in advertising companies cosmetics. At the beginning of 1985 - January 23, in the Dutch town of Ostermeer, Doutzen Kroes was born - a future supermodel with a rare Frisian origin named Kroes.

Doutzen Kroes: biography

Mine long haul blonde model with blue eyes Doutzen Kroes started after finishing high school by sending your photos to one of the modeling agencies. Currently, Cruz is one of the highest paid models in the world.

In 2005, the Vogue magazine website named her its best model, and in 2007 she took part in a photo shoot for the May cover of the magazine, along with models Agyness Deyn, Caroline Trentini, Coco Rocha, Sasha Pivovarova, Hilary Rhoda, Raquel Zimmerman, and others.

Doutzen Kroes: career

In 2006, Cruz signed a contract with the famous cosmetic brand Lоreal Paris. Doutzen Kruus can be called the only famous supermodel who got into the modeling business without anyone's help. Unlike most models, who are usually found by representatives of large modeling agencies (Natalia Vodianova or Kate Moss), noticed by photographers (like Karolina Kurkova or Ruslana Korshunova) or those who win prestigious ones, Cruz with her own “hands” opened the doors to the modeling world . Even low-quality photographs could not dim her beauty. Doutzen Kroes shone on the glossy covers of magazines such as Elle, Glamour, Vogue, Time, Harpers Bazaar, Numero, Seventeen, Marie Claire and many others.

She took part in advertising campaigns for brands such as Calvin Klein, H&M, Dolce & Gabbana, GAP, Escada, GianfrancoFerre, Gucci, Guerlain, Hugo Boss, Loreal, Schwarzkopf, Mexx, Valentino, Versace and for one of the largest luxury retailers, Neiman Marcus.

Cruz is one of the Victorias Secret Angels. In 2008, she appeared on the pages of the calendar of the Italian company Pirelli. Cruz supports friendly relations with models Selita Ebanks, Alessandra Ambrosio, Marisa Miller, Heidi Klum, Miranda Kerr, Adriana Lima and Karolina Kurkova.

Doutzen Kroes: personal life

In November 2010, Doutzen married DJ Sunnery James, whom she had been dating for 14 months by that time. The couple had two children - son Fillen in 2011 and daughter Millena in 2014. Doutzen is a follower of the Dutch Frisian ethnic minority. Doutzen even agreed to participate in promotions for the Frisian society Afuk, which encourages residents of Friesland to speak their native Frisian language. Despite the fact that the fee for such an advertising campaign with the participation of supermodels is usually calculated in exorbitant fees, Doutzen Kroes decided to take part for free, because she was very worried about the fate of her native language. Doutzen Kroes communicates with his parents both by phone and during online correspondence in Frisian.

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Recently, one of the most enchanting events in the fashion world took place in New York - the fashion show underwear Victoria's secret brand. The most famous supermodels in the world swam onto the catwalk, stunning the audience with their unearthly beauty. But, perhaps, what was going on behind the scenes was no less interesting than what was happening in auditorium. After all, it was behind the scenes that Cinderellas were turned into princesses, practically giving them new faces. Photographers were clicking left and right, photographing supermodels without makeup. And now we have the opportunity to compare what the sexiest Victoria’s secret “angels” look like with and without makeup.

Another Brazilian Adriana Lima this time she categorically refused to be photographed backstage at the show without makeup. Perhaps the fashion model’s memory is still fresh of the photographs that the paparazzi took behind the scenes of Victoria’s secret a couple of years ago: then Adriana’s unmade-up and not very successful face made the rounds of many tabloids... Still, if you occupy fourth place in the ranking of the highest paid fashion models on the planet and you make 7.5 million dollars a year, the position obliges you to keep the mark!

Adriana Lima without makeup...

This time, several of the most famous Victoria's secret "angels" did not appear on the catwalk at once - but we decided to remember how they looked at the shows of past years. For example, this time there was no main “veteran” of the fashion show Heidi Klum: Not long ago, the 37-year-old German model announced her separation from the brand with which she had collaborated for 13 years. IN Lately paparazzi often photograph the model on the street disheveled and without makeup: the mother of four children has too much to do and too little time to always look perfect.

One might think that Doutzen Kroes is one of those correct, exemplary models who have a separate schedule for all the intricacies of caring for themselves and maintaining their beauty - this idea is suggested by the impeccability of her figure, silky wheat-colored hair, smooth and radiant young skin and much more in the star’s appearance. But they say that the charming Dutch woman is not so diligent. Skipping a workout is a common thing for her, as is disrupting her sleep schedule, indulging in French fries (or any other fast food delicacy) and succumbing to many other guilty pleasures. But many years of work in modeling business taught her the art of being stunning without depriving herself of her usual joys; Gratitude must also be expressed to her natural gifts.

It was thanks to them that, barely graduating from school, Doutzen signed a contract with the Paparazzi agency in Amsterdam. She was not predicted to have a meteoric rise in the modeling field - although Cruz was slim, she still had feminine curves, and the girl was told to lose weight. She did not agree to such conditions and therefore did not take those painful measures that girls suffering from a chronic desire to lose weight decide to take. This decision turned out to be correct - already in the first seasons of her career, Doutzen appeared in advertising campaigns for Gucci, Dolce&Gabbana, Valentino, Versace, Bottega Veneta, Escada and many other brands, and also participated in their fashion shows. 10 years ago she had the honor of becoming a Victoria's Secret Angel - and this despite the agents' dissatisfaction with her body! Later, in 2008, confirmation of Doutzen’s success was her participation in the shooting of the Pirelli calendar. A couple of years later she had a son, and last summer- daughter, and this not only did not interfere with the model’s career, but also attracted more attention to her. After the birth of two babies, she became another example of a woman whose motherhood only adorns her; she continues to monitor her beauty and slimness, delighting fans from all over the world.



Doutzen does not recognize complex systems for maintaining skin beauty. The model is for minimalism in this matter: to take care of her face, she performs a minimum of actions.

  1. Firstly, she tries not to use too much “decorative” so that a “mask” of cosmetics does not form on the skin. The model prefers either the lightest products, or no products at all - she is sure that the skin needs to be given a break from makeup, then it will express its gratitude in an impeccable appearance.
  2. Secondly, Doutzen does not forget about hydration. This one is simple and everyone known method The model does not fail in skin care - thanks to moisturizers, her skin glows, remains soft, smooth and beautiful.
  3. Thirdly, the model advises using an oil solution of vitamin E - it is known for promoting the renewal of skin cells, the production of estrogen, which is known as the female “beauty hormone”, protects against the harmful effects of UV rays and helps maintain water-lipid balance. The product is rubbed into the skin. This was enough for Doutzen to look her best - she completed the look with mascara and lip gloss and could go out.

Makeup and hairstyles

  1. In life - outside of filming and red carpets - Doutzen says no to makeup. According to the model, she always experiences unusual sensations in the studio - speaking about makeup, it is “a fantasy that will not come true.”
  2. The best technique that Doutzen “picked up” on the backstage of shows was curling her eyelashes with a curling iron. In one of her interviews, the model said that she was taught this by a fashion week regular, makeup artist Lucia Pieroni. The star liked that after this procedure, your eyes look completely different, even if you haven’t used mascara yet.
  3. Curls and messy waves are Doutzen's favorite styles, judging by her looks from celebrity events. The model sometimes tints the strands, making them lighter and thereby obtaining a “sombre” effect. This, however, then requires her to take more careful care of her hair - the model uses shampoo and conditioner specifically for colored hair, and she smears coconut oil on the ends that suffer from dryness.


  1. After the birth of Doutzen’s second child, only 5 weeks passed when the star returned to work, including on herself. “I've always been accustomed to running and boxing, but the latter causes you to grow muscles,” Cruz says. — When my son was born, I took up ballet - it makes you so long and flexible! I study with ballerina Mary Helen Bowers three times a week.”
  2. Doutzen’s priority is outdoor activities. When the model has the opportunity, she works out in nature, and not in four walls - according to the star, this is much better than “being in an air-conditioned gym, inhaling who knows what after other people.”
  3. Doutzen has repeatedly told reporters how much she loves French fries. But the model does not abuse it and basically eats right. Her morning begins with a mix of orange, grapefruit, lemon juice and wheat germ. It is complemented by a breakfast of eggs and avocado, lunch of the star - salad, dinner - fish with vegetables. As for snacking, Cruz does not allow himself to satisfy his hunger with sandwiches, chocolate bars and other “random” things. She always has mixed nuts with her.

Being a Victoria's Secret angel is not so easy: not only do you need to have a pretty face, you also need to constantly monitor the changes that naturally occur in the body of every woman with age, which may not be the most in the best possible way affect the state of the ideal body. And this is even more difficult if you are a mother of two children and at the same time no longer a young girl with narrow hips and small breasts. And yet, Doutzen Kroes , which combines all these qualities, manages to remain excellent successful model. Let's find out how she does it, and at the same time remember everything we know about this pretty girl.


The model has quite rare name. Agree: you are unlikely to be able to remember at least one other woman bearing the name Doutzen. It turns out that everything is simple: the girl has Frisian roots, and in Friesland this name is one of the most common.


Since we are talking about the nationality of Doutzen Kroes, it is worth noting that she is a representative of the Frisian minority living in the territory of modern Holland.


Doutzen is not indifferent to the fate of her native language - she took part in several events encouraging Frisians to speak their native language. And she did it completely free of charge. By the way, we note that the model herself still speaks Frisian with her parents, preferring it to Dutch and English.


Doutzen Kroes married DJ Sennery James in 2010. Before the official wedding, the couple dated for more than a year.


In 2011 and 2014, Doutzen gave her husband two children – a son, Fillen, and a daughter, Millena. As the model herself notes, it is difficult to maintain an impeccable figure after two births, especially if you are approaching the age of thirty.


Doutzen Kroes belongs to that rare caste of models who forged their own destiny. Unlike most of her friends in the industry, she personally sent her photographs to the agency, not counting, however, on a big career as a model. However, fate decreed otherwise.


Cruz is not at all shy about posting in social media your photographs, in which the girl appears as others see her in real life. The model herself has repeatedly stated that she does this not without intention: she would like girls not to blindly follow the pictures they see on the Internet, in magazines and on television. That is why Cruz strives to show her many fans that she is just like them. But even without makeup and photo editing graphic editors Doutzen manages to look great.


Cruz loves French fries very much, but, unfortunately, he can’t afford them very often. By the way, about potatoes: if the model eats them, then with a generous portion of salad or fish.


To look great, Doutzen Kroes does not have to constantly go on debilitating diets. Although, of course, there are still some restrictions. For example, products with dyes and preservatives automatically acquire persona non grata status for her. Instead of them (and also instead of an abundance of fried and sweet foods), the model happily eats vegetables and fruits. Well, protein bars are a great help for a girl during snacks between filming.
