Gas cartridges: a means of self-defense or a deadly weapon. Gas cartridges for self-defense

There are some nuances that you should know about if you become the owner of a gas spray. Taking them into account, you can minimize the cases when the gas will affect you too, or its use may have legal consequences.

So, let's list:

In weather with strong gusts of wind, using gas can be not only pointless, but also dangerous for the defender. A jet or aerosol cloud can be unpredictably carried away to the side where strangers are located, while the attacker will remain outside the affected area;

In an enclosed space, an elevator or a car, when using aerosol cans, it will also hit everyone present without exception. Therefore, for such cases you should have a jet-type can with you;

According to the current legislation, it is PROHIBITED to use such means of self-defense against law enforcement officers in the performance of official duties. These include, for example, police officers, fish inspectors and nature conservation officers;

The gas canister should not be grabbed in front of the enemy, flaunted or intimidated by it. This will not have any positive effect; on the contrary, it will only anger the attacker and greatly complicate the situation. As we have already said in other articles, the main factor in the success of self-defense with a gas spray is surprise. It is surprise that will allow you to use it correctly, because if the enemy is ready to attack, he can simply close his eyes, hold his breath, turn away or jump away, and then all your attempts to defend yourself will be useless;

In winter, at severe subzero temperatures, the effect of a gas spray can be greatly reduced relative to normal conditions, especially if the can for a long time lay in the cold, for example, in a car. Remember this too;

There is an opinion that gas cans are useless against dogs or drunks. As practice shows, such statements are unfounded if you have a good gas cylinder, for example, “Weapon of the Proletariat”, with a high-quality active substance, which was correctly stored and used correctly. Such cans are equally effective against both dogs and persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

What should you do if, for one reason or another, you yourself have come under the influence of the gas? The rules here are quite simple: do not rub your face, especially when it’s dry, so the irritant will be absorbed into the skin even faster and bring more problems. Rinse your face and eyes big amount running water with soap, warm milk, or even get in the shower;

And finally, it’s also worth telling a little about the laws. If the use of special equipment resulted in harm to the health of the attacker, you are obliged to report this to law enforcement agencies. True, gas from a can can be truly dangerous only for those who suffer from asthma or severe allergies, which, however, does not detract from the importance of remembering this so as not to become a victim of prosecution;

On our own behalf, we can only wish you to avoid all unpleasant consequences using a gas canister, and generally not getting into situations where its use becomes necessary and justified;

03.05.2018 10075

Gas cans are perhaps the most popular means of personal protection among Russians. While completely safe for life, the GB is a weapon - legislation regulates many nuances of the use of these devices. Let's try to figure out which gas cans are allowed for purchase by citizens of the Russian Federation, at what age can you use pepper spray and how to do it without exceeding the norms of necessary self-defense.

Gas and pepper cans: which are legal and which are not?

Federal legislation (the 2013 edition of the Law “On Weapons”) classifies gas canisters as civilian means of protection. This means that any Russian can buy and use one of the approved GB models. Allowed for purchasing All Russian models (firms "TechKrim", "Heaton") and some foreign(Pfeffer KO Fog and KO Jet, Anti-Hund Spray). At what age can you buy a gas can? From adulthood, according to Russian standards – from 18 years old. In practice, you can also acquire a passport in an online store, where, of course, your passport will not be checked.

The following tear substances can be used in the canister (one irritant or two toxic substances together):

  • Oleoresin Capsicum (OS or simply “pepper”) – a natural compound based on pepper concentrate – capsaicin. The law regarding the use of pepper spray limits the content of this substance to 1000 mg in a concentration of up to 1.2% by volume. Excellent pure pepper GB – , .
  • Chlorobenzalmalonodinitrile (CS, "Lilac") – a popular synthetic poison with increased speed of action. Often used in a mixture with pepper - in models,. Maximum concentration – 1%, weight – 150 mg.
  • IPC - a synthetic analogue of “pepper”. It is less effective than natural OS and is rarely used.
  • Dibenzoxazepine (CR, "Algogen") - a lachrymator that is gaining popularity, its effect is similar to “Lilac”, but it acts faster and is less toxic. It is used, for example, in cartridges for APU - “Tarantula”, “Black Widow”. Concentration limit – 1%, mass – 60 mg.
  • Chloroacetophenone (CN) - an effective, but very toxic gas with a blinding effect, legal “conditionally” - only in special gas cans for dogs, for example, a spray. Maximum 100 mg, 1% concentration.

Pepper spray law. How to defend yourself correctly?

The questions of which GBs are legal and at what age you can use pepper spray have been clarified. The next nuance is how to use a gas cylinder without overstepping the bounds of the vague concept of “necessary self-defense”?

It is worth remembering that the GB is a self-defense weapon, used exclusively for self-defense purposes. If not obvious signs threats from a potential enemy - he does not swing a fist, does not hold a knife in his hand, or is clearly weaker physically - then a stream of caustic irritant in the face will not be an adequate measure of protection.

The same applies to the use of GB against a child, an old person, a disabled person, a pregnant lady - in the absence of their own weapons. If the enemy has already been neutralized with tear gas, it is necessary to call the police, and not “finish off” him - such actions may be misinterpreted by the police.

By law, using pepper spray is a last resort and should only be used when other means have been exhausted. Remember that you have a weapon in your hands that cannot be pulled out on a whim! Use the defense wisely - and it will protect you without causing unnecessary problems!

Memo about the rules of use gas cartridges and liability for their misuse

Gas canister- an aerosol device equipped with tear or irritant(irritants), intended for self-defense from people and aggressive animals (dogs, and in some countries special cans against bears are produced, with increased volume and range).

Gas canister can only be used for self-defense and only in case of emergency. It is understandable that parents want to give their children a means of protection, but when handing over a gas canister, it is necessary to explain that it can only be used for self-defense and only in case of emergency. Under no circumstances should you spray gas as a joke, because it can cause serious harm to the health of others.

Gas cartridges are filled with substances that, in small concentrations, cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, upper respiratory tract, and sometimes the skin. The person against whom the spray was used is incapacitated for 5-15 minutes. Spraying an aerosol directly into the face can cause severe chemical burns to the nasopharynx and eyes. The gas can trigger an attack in children with allergies or asthma. There were such cases. For example, after one of the students of a Novgorod school, wanting to disrupt a physics lesson, sprayed pepper gas from a can into the room, three students with allergies ended up in intensive care. IN Irkutsk region 84 students and three teachers were poisoned by pepper gas from a “Shock” spray, in Solikamsk 11 schoolchildren, in Chuvashia – 13, in Altai – 65 became victims of hooliganism with a gas spray…. On October 20, 2011, in the courtyard of one of the schools in the city of Perm, a 3rd grade student carelessly sprayed pepper gas from a gas canister, and another student from the same class was injured.

The pranks of schoolchildren, of course, do not remain without consequences. Parents of children who cause emergencies are, as a rule, brought to administrative responsibility for improper performance of parental responsibilities.

So what to do if you are subjected to a “gas attack”?!

If you just happen to be in a room where a gas can was sprayed, open the windows and leave the room, let it be well ventilated.

What to do if gas gets into your face or eyes:

1. Take a stable position in space - press against the wall, sit on a bench or just squat. Let me remind you that under the influence of gas the eyes close (blepharospasm) and you can simply fall or hit something, losing orientation in space.
If gas is sprayed in a room, try to leave the room (if your eyes are not completely closed).

2. You need to remove any remaining substances from your face with a DRY soft cloth or napkin (just blot it - no need to rub hard) .
3. Try to relieve painful symptoms using available remedies (if you have any on hand:

a) You can only rinse with A LOT of water (preferably warm). For example, stand with your face in the shower for a while (or something like that), i.e. do not wash with small amounts of liquid (for example, from a drinking water bottle).
b) If you use PEPPER spray, you can wash your face with milk (from the bag).

But we must remember that all these methods only provide relief and do not relieve symptoms completely.

Hopefully you will never need these tips, but remember them anyway.

The gas canister is a means of civil defense. According to Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons” gas cartridges belong to civilian weapons self-defense. Article 24 of this Law defines the use of weapons in following cases: to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency. The use of a weapon must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning to the person against whom the weapon is used, except in cases where delay in the use of a weapon creates an immediate danger to human life or may entail other grave consequences. Moreover, the use of weapons in a state of necessary defense should not cause harm to third parties.

Gas cartridges – sufficient effective remedy self-defense, which, if used properly, can cause a lot of trouble to a potential offender. Structurally, the canister consists of a container with an irritant (irritant) under pressure and a valve. The effective range is from 0.5 to 2 meters, depending on the model. When used, the cylinder creates a cloud of irritant, so it is undesirable to use it indoors: there is a great danger of the irritant damaging not only the attacker, but also oneself and third parties in the room.

Most often, a surge in offenses involving the use of gas canisters occurs at the beginning of the school year. After the holidays, children have not yet switched to the business rhythm of life, they want to play pranks, and sometimes they do not realize that their pranks are turning into petty hooliganism.

What punishment can follow for using a gas spray?

It depends under what conditions you will use it. If hooligans attack in self-defense, then nothing will happen. But if for no apparent reason you suddenly spray an irritant in the face of another person, or simply in a passing citizen, then Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Code on administrative offenses RF) “Petty hooliganism.” And if you not only spray someone in the face for no reason, but also get it in the eye, and that eye becomes seriously inflamed, then these will already be articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for liability for causing harm of some gravity (small , medium, grave harm), and if he is allergic to this gas and dies, then this will be Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Causing death by negligence.”

Be careful! Use gas canisters only for protection!

The gas canister is a means of civil defense. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons,” gas cartridges are classified as civilian self-defense weapons. Article 24 of this Law defines the use of weapons in the following cases: to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency. The use of a weapon must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning to the person against whom the weapon is used, except in cases where delay in the use of a weapon creates an immediate danger to human life or may entail other grave consequences. Moreover, the use of weapons in a state of necessary defense should not cause harm to third parties.

Gas cartridges are a fairly effective means of self-defense, which, if used properly, can cause a lot of trouble to a potential offender. Structurally, the canister consists of a container with an irritant (irritant) under pressure and a valve. The effective range is from 0.5 to 2 meters, depending on the model. When used, the cylinder creates a cloud of irritant, so it is undesirable to use it indoors: there is a great danger of the irritant damaging not only the attacker, but also oneself and third parties in the room.

Algorithm for using a gas canister for self-defense: canister in dangerous places carried in hand; in the event of an attack, they try to distract the attacker, suddenly and from a minimum distance they spray the contents in the face, immediately (or even in the process) inflict an unexpected painful blow, and suddenly, without waiting for the effect, they begin to run away. In the process, it can be very useful to create as much noise as possible, since the attacker, who is already very upset by previous actions, will not be happy about the possibility that the noise created will attract the attention of someone who will completely upset him.

What punishment can follow for using a gas spray? It depends under what conditions you will use it. If hooligans attack in self-defense, then nothing will happen. But if, for no apparent reason, you suddenly spray an irritant in the face of another person, or simply in a passing citizen, then Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Petty hooliganism” will be evident. And if you not only spray someone in the face for no reason, but also get it in the eye, and that eye becomes seriously inflamed, then these will already be articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for liability for causing harm of some gravity (small , medium, grave harm), and if he is allergic to this gas and dies, then this will be Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Causing death by negligence.”

Gas cans of aerosol or jet type remain one of the most affordable and popular means of self-defense. Despite the opinions of skeptics about the ineffectiveness of “chemistry”, spray cans have their advantages:

Gas cartridges are officially approved weapons of self-defense (Federal Law “On Weapons);
. sold in any gun store without a license;
. practically trouble-free to use, controllable in action, can be used against several people;
. are inexpensive (used - thrown away, lost - don't mind);
. Thanks to its small dimensions, it easily fits into any pocket.

A significant argument in favor is the fact that gas canisters are in service with private security companies and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To neutralize criminals, law enforcement agencies use GB “Violet”, “Reseda”, which work equally effectively against dogs, drug addicts and drunks, as well as “Cheryomukha” and “Lilac” spray cans with a fairly high concentration active substances. Interestingly, similar aerosols (containing CS gas) were withdrawn from American police service back in 1973. In Russia, these drugs are still allowed. Obviously, someone decided that our people were stronger.

Naturally, the “ordinary” owner of a gas spray will require some skill in self-defense. You need to simultaneously be able to grab the canister, calculate the distance to the enemy and choose the exact direction - all these actions must be done in a couple of seconds. And then, while the attacker is rubbing his eyes, call for help or run away.

A little history

The use of foul-smelling substances to scare away evil spirits and living forces did not begin yesterday. Back in the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci proposed filling a bottle with “stinking quinoa, beets, cabbage, human feces and urine,” then sealing it tightly and placing the container in a dung heap for a month. After which it was proposed to “make a stench” by breaking the bottle into right time in the right place.

At the end of the 18th century, the “phenomenon of carbonated drinks being pushed out of a stoppered bottle” was first recorded in France. And, as they say, the process has begun. The siphon was invented, insecticides appeared, wars arrived... In 1943, thanks to the joint efforts of two Americans - Lyle Goodhue and William Sullivan - the world's first usable aerosol canister, an “insect bomb” filled with a toxic substance, appeared. The widespread use of gas canisters against people began 20 years later during the Vietnam War (1965-1963). Who was the first to think of this, history is silent. But it was from this date that the “era” of gas cans began.

In our country, the first customer of gas “devices” was the KGB. In the 80s, the “Jasmine” complex with the “Violet” aerosol can was developed (what explained the love for “flower” names is unclear, but that’s not the point). Then, in the wake of perestroika and market needs, active development of civilian spray cans began, which now anyone who has reached the age of majority can buy in any “gun shop.”

Criterias of choice

When choosing a security guard, first decide who you are going to defend yourself from: hooligans or dogs (this is important, since the same Chemical substance affects people and animals differently). Based on this, pay attention to the following parameters:

Concentration of active substance ( most important factor, affecting efficiency; indicated on the can);
. power and range of the jet (this determines how much content will reach the target, including when strong wind);
. filler release time (depending on the volume and power of the cylinder). Typically, the maximum continuous action time is indicated on the can, usually five seconds;
. housing design and workmanship. The button should not be too tight, the lid should not keep popping off, there should be no burrs on the body, etc.;
. convenience and accessibility when wearing and using. A self-defense gas canister should only be carried in an outside pocket, so consider the time of year - for example, large canisters are not always suitable for summer clothing.

The most popular are gas cartridges for self-defense, containing a mixture of two toxic substances: MPC (about 1000 mg) and CS (135 mg). A classic example is the “Weapons of the Proletariat” cylinder (manufactured by Tekhkrim CJSC). The volume of the cylinder is quite large (65 ml), the body fits well in the hand, and the valve produces a powerful, fine jet. The indicated range is 5-6 m (in reality it is less, but not critical), operating temperature is from -10°C to +50°C. Not a standard, but selling well.

What determines the effectiveness of GB?

The main circumstance that influences the possibility of using a spray can, which should be remembered, is the Russian climate. In winter, at low ambient temperatures, the gas pressure inside the can decreases, therefore, atomization worsens, and the working fluid thickens in the cold. If a really severe frost hits, the active substance precipitates.

In practice it looks like this: instead of the expected powerful flow of dispersed droplets, a sluggish stream will escape from the balloon. While you are perplexedly turning the aerosol in your hands, the enemy will not waste time. In addition, cold air reduces a person’s overall susceptibility to “ chemical attacks" In principle, it is possible to fight this. While you are walking along a dark street, continuously warm the cylinder with the warmth of your hand, i.e. keep your hand in your pocket (at temperatures down to -10-15°C this method will work). But the colder it is, the more difficult it is. Therefore, in winter it is advisable to have with you not only a gas canister for self-defense, but also an additional means of protection.

One more thing. They say that toxic substances have almost no effect on drunks and drug addicts. Partially true, at least in relation to gas cartridges running on a mixture of CS and MPC. Simply put, if you have to fight off an aggressive character who can barely stand on his feet, don’t count on the aerosol being particularly effective.

The first thing you need to learn once and for all: you should not perceive the presence of headache as a panacea for any bad individuals. Without basic knowledge and simple skills, you can easily get hurt yourself, completely angering your attacker. On the other hand, there are known cases of successful use of a gas spray for self-defense by 4-5 people. It’s quite possible to fight off one or two.

So, grab the cylinder from your pocket, remove the cap and choose the distance. Your advantage is surprise; everything needs to be done quickly. Don’t get too close and don’t hold the cylinder in front of you at arm’s length! The optimal distance is considered to be from which the enemy cannot reach you with his hand or foot. In other words, avoid physical contact. It makes no sense to move further than 1.5-2 meters, because... the stream will dissipate uselessly without reaching its target. Do I need to press the button for a long time, releasing half the balloon into the scoundrel’s nose, or should I limit myself to “short bursts”? For cans with a high concentration of OM, individual “sprays” lasting 1-2 seconds are most effective. For cans with a low concentration of the active substance, the time can be increased to 5 seconds. But be careful - the enemy will not stand like a pillar for these five seconds either. You need to “press on the gas” until the attacker, let’s say, gives up hostile actions. Immediately turn around and run, if necessary, call the police or ask passers-by for help, because it is possible that the enemy will quickly recover and give chase.

If the canister is empty, but the enemy has not abandoned his intentions and it comes to hand-to-hand combat, you can clamp the empty container in your fist and use the canister to deliver mechanical blows.

Precautionary measures

Do not use a gas spray for self-defense against persons armed with pneumatic weapons or, moreover, traumatic or firearms. The few seconds that you need to use the canister will be enough for the attacker to make an aimed shot.

If you see a knife in the attacker's hand, immediately step back. And never stand against the wind. The directed jet will not fly at the enemy, but straight into your face.

Legal consequences

In terms of wearing - practically none. Gas cartridges for self-defense, permitted for free sale, can be carried with you and not particularly hidden. If you are found to have a gas cylinder, you will not be punished for it, but just in case, take a certificate from the store.

After using the can, options are possible. For example, if the attacker receives physical harm (you get it in the eyes and the enemy develops conjunctivitis), he will easily write a statement that you jumped out of the gateway and splashed some kind of rubbish in your face. In the absence of witnesses on your part, it will be difficult to prove the fact of self-defense. Therefore, use GB, like any other means of self-defense, only in extreme cases.

Keep in mind that the law prohibits the use of gas spray against law enforcement officers, fishery inspectors and other persons on duty.
