Which automatic keyboard switch should I install? Review of free language switchers on the keyboard. How to switch to English on your computer

Since the computer has the ability to type text, and this can be done in almost any language, there are several ways to switch from Russian to English and vice versa. Most often, the problem occurs among beginners, but sometimes even confident users they fall into a stupor and do not understand how to switch to the English font on the keyboard. There can be a lot of reasons for this: a failure, a reset, etc.

General information

After the PC has booted, you see the desktop. By default, you can set any keyboard language that you select during Windows installations. Most often it is English or Russian. You can find out which one you have as follows. On the desktop it is located in the lower right corner. You can also find the name “Trey”. There are icons for running programs, a battery status symbol (if it’s a laptop), and a language bar.

Depending on what operating system you have installed, you may see the designation “En” or “Ru” - English and Russian layouts, respectively. Now we will see how to switch to the English keyboard using the simplest method - “hot keys”. This is extremely easy to do, and now you will understand why. This method is suitable even for novice users.

Learning to use hotkeys

In fact, this method consists of pressing several buttons on your keyboard at the same time, which will automatically change the language, call the Windows task manager, and so on. If you are interested in how to switch to the English font on the keyboard, you can do this by pressing the Shift+Alt buttons. Remember, they need to be pressed at the same time, although this is not necessary, since you can first hold one and then, without releasing your finger, press the second. As a result, you will see that the language has changed to English, provided that it was Russian.

If this doesn't work, which may also happen, then it makes sense to try a different hotkey combination. To do this, you must first press Ctrl, then Shift. In any case, one thing should work. If you did everything correctly, then go to the Word document and try to type the text: if it is English, congratulations, you are taking your first steps towards mastering a personal computer.

How to switch to the English alphabet: method 2

If for some reason the methods described above do not suit you, know: there is a workaround that is no less simple and effective. For this we will need special software. So, there are programs that allow you to automatically change the language if necessary. For example, Punto Sweater. It works as follows. You start typing a word, the program recognizes that this particular sequence of letters is more typical for the English language and switches the layout itself. As you can see, nothing complicated.

There is another option to switch to English language. To do this, we need to look into “Settings”, then select the “Language” and “Input” tabs. After this, you will see that they are exactly what we need. There you can select the target layout, which will be turned on when the operating system starts. If it is convenient for you for it to be English, then you must select the desired item in the corresponding menu. But it is recommended to leave the Russian layout, as it may be needed.

What to do if the language bar disappears?

A fairly common problem that causes panic among most beginners. Such a problem can happen either because you deleted it yourself, or because the settings went wrong. In principle, it doesn’t matter why this happened, the main thing for us is to find rational decision. So, drag the mouse cursor to the panel where the language icon was always displayed before, right-click there and see a pop-up menu. We will be asked to go to the toolbar, where you will see the language bar. You need to check the box next to the inscription, and it will be displayed again.

You can also try to solve the problem in the following way: go to the toolbar (you can through Start or My Computer), select the “Languages ​​and Regional Standards” tab (for Win XP). Next, go to the next section called “Languages”, open the “More” and “Advanced” menus. There we need to leave only one checkbox, which is located at the very top. That's it, problem solved.

How to switch to English font on a laptop keyboard

If after large quantity effort, you still don’t get a positive result, install a program whose settings allow you to do a lot. For example, you will learn how to switch to english letters with just one button. Best utility- Punto Swither, it has flexible settings, but at the same time it is a worthy solution for beginners. In principle, it doesn’t matter what you use - or a laptop. Great importance only matters what operating system you are using. But even in this case, almost all actions are similar.

In addition, you can try combinations of “hot keys”, here they are exactly the same as on a regular computer. Of course, if you tried everything and nothing worked, then the answer to the question: “How to switch to an English font on the keyboard?” They will give it to you at the nearest service center, where it is recommended to take your equipment. Sometimes one of the necessary keys breaks, which is why you have similar problems.


So we looked at all the ways to switch to an English font on the keyboard. As you can see, this is not so difficult to do. You just need to understand a little about the hotkey combinations and learn how to use them. You can also install special software or use the settings to set the target language, which will be installed when turned on. Of course, over time you will be able to switch languages ​​automatically, and this will not cause any difficulties. It is advisable to install an anti-virus program, since clogging the system with various kinds of worms and Trojans can lead not only to the fact that you will not be able to switch the language at all. Therefore, always make sure that the operating system is protected, especially if you constantly use the Internet or flash drives.

Any user has to switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English and vice versa. There may be others, but these are the main ones. They have to be changed both when typing texts and when generating queries for search engines, and when commenting on posts.

An experienced user performs such a change without hesitation. There are no tricks here. But if a person is just starting to master a computer, then the following tips will help him switch to another language. On laptops and computers, there are several options for changing it.

The letter designation displaying the system language is located at the bottom of the screen, in the right corner next to the clock. Changing the computer layout is done using a manipulator: just click the left button on the panel to go to a pop-up window in which you can tick the desired one.

The language bar appears when the system uses more than one language. For example, if only English is specified, it will not be visible. To turn it on, you need at least two.

Using the keyboard

This method is most often used as the most convenient. Therefore, let's look at it in detail.

Switching from Russian to English and vice versa occurs using “fast keys”. These are combinations of buttons, pressing which activates a sequential change of system languages, making it possible to switch from one to another.
The required keys must be pressed simultaneously. “Hot” buttons are selected during Windows installation.

Use combinations:

  • Ctrl+Shift;
  • Alt +Shift (Alt, which is located on the left);

If you don’t know which option is set for your computer or laptop, go through the combination options, so you will understand which one you can use to switch from Russian to English or to another.

Using a specially configured keyboard

If for some reason you are not comfortable making the switch, it is easy to make a convenient combination of buttons yourself. To do this you need:

The described algorithm is suitable for all versions of the operating system; the names of the panels may differ slightly. But in terms of meaning, finding the right menu is quite simple.

If for some reason the required language is not available, it is not difficult to add it. English is usually the default. If you need to add, for example, Russian, you need to go to the same menu as to change the layout. But in the “General” tab.

After selecting the “Add” button, a list of languages ​​available for use will become available. After confirming the selection of the desired one, it will be displayed in the panel and will be available for switching from the keyboard.


Sometimes they use it to change the layout special programs, which determine what language is being typed in and automatically switch to it. This is convenient if you often forget about switching layouts, and discover this when some of the text has already been typed. The best programs were recognized as Punto Switcher, Key Switcher, Anetto Layout, Keyboard Ninja.

For experienced users switching languages ​​is an automatic process. However, for beginners, inept handling of the language bar sometimes turns into a serious problem, solutions to which are intensively searched on the Internet - this is evidenced by massive search queries on this topic. Switching the language on the keyboard is actually very simple. Let's look at how to do this, and at the same time learn how to use the language bar.

At primary Windows startup The language bar is pinned to the taskbar by default - it's a long strip at the very bottom of the screen. Take advantage of the most in a simple way switching languages ​​- hover your mouse over the language bar icon, focusing on the screenshot, and select the language you need.

If there is no panel with languages, then change the keyboard layout using a simple combination of buttons: “left Shift + Alt” or “Ctrl + Shift”.

Find the language bar and pin it to the taskbar. Type the phrase “Region and Language” into the Windows search bar.

In the window that opens, activate the third tab “Languages ​​and keyboards” → “Change keyboard...”, and in the window “Languages ​​and text services...” → “Language bar” → “Pinned to taskbar” → “Apply” → “Ok”.

To change the hot buttons for switching the default language and keyboard layout when the system starts, return to the “Regional and Language Options” window → “Languages ​​and keyboards” → “Change keyboard…” → “Switch keyboard” → “Change keyboard shortcut”. Make changes that are convenient for you and click “Ok”.

In order not to waste time searching for the language bar and not to get confused with key combinations, you can download from Yandex and install on your computer “Punto Switcher” - an application for automatically switching the keyboard, and it’s completely free.


How to switch input language in Windows

This note is intended for novice computer users and in it I will talk about how you can change the input language in Windows.

The current input language is displayed in the language bar, which is located in the notification area (near the clock in the lower right corner of the screen as in the figure on the left). But what does “current input language” mean? This means that if you now start typing text, then when typing, the characters of the exact alphabet that are indicated in the language panel will be used.

Typically, most computers have two languages ​​installed - English (En) and Russian (Ru). However, it is always possible to connect any other language if the need arises.

In order to see what languages ​​are installed in Windows, just click on the language bar (see the figure above). A drop-down menu will appear listing all available languages. You can choose any of available languages from the list and it will become current (a black bird will appear to the left of it as in the picture). But in order to switch the input language (they also say the keyboard layout language), you can use a keyboard shortcut - this is a faster and more convenient way.

The keyboard shortcut for switching the input language is usually configured when you install the Windows operating system, but you can always change it. Let's do this.

We need to get into the settings window. Call the context menu on the language bar icon in the notification area (right-click on the icon) and select “Options” from the context menu.

The “Languages ​​and Text Input Services” window will open, consisting of three tabs. In the General tab we can select the default input language. This means that this particular language will be automatically activated when opening programs or loading the Windows operating system.

For example, if Russian is selected and you are typing text in Notepad, then you do not need to additionally switch the language after starting the program. You can start typing right away.

If English is selected there, then you will need to switch the keyboard layout. To do this, you can use the icon in the notification area or a keyboard shortcut. Keyboard shortcuts are configured on the Keyboard Switching tab.

On this tab we will only be interested in the “Keyboard shortcuts for input languages” section. In this section you see the action – “Switch input language”, which corresponds to the key combination ALT on the left + SHIFT.

This means that if you press the Alt key (which is on the left side of the Space key) and, without releasing it, press the Shift key (which is in the leftmost row), you will switch the input language.

When you press this combination again, the input language will be switched again. That is, when you press a key combination, the input languages ​​will switch in order. The current input language will be displayed in the notification area (as in the picture at the beginning of the note).

If you are not comfortable with the Alt + Shift key combination, you can change it. To do this, click on the “Change keyboard shortcut” button. In the window that appears, you can change the keyboard shortcut to Ctrl + Shift.

Don’t forget to click OK in each window after making all the settings. Otherwise, your changes will not be applied and you will have to open the settings window again and change the settings.

Well, in conclusion of this note, I would like to recommend that all beginners take my free video course “Computer ABC”. It consists of 130 videos with text versions of lessons and this course outlines all the basic concepts of the Windows 7 operating system.

I am convinced that the information in this course will be enough to make a novice user feel much more confident when working on a computer.


This is interesting: how to change the language on the keyboard?

How to change the language on the keyboard? There are several combinations that will allow you to do this. If you don't know what we're talking about, then we suggest you read this article. We will tell you in detail how to switch the language on the keyboard and how you can change the key combination.

Options for changing layouts

For the convenience of users, changing the layout is carried out using two buttons. What they will be, you can choose yourself. But more on that later. Now we will look at possible combinations.

  • Shift key (on either side of the keyboard) + Ctrl (also any of the two buttons). Please note that the keys must be pressed simultaneously.
  • Shift + Alt key (either of the two buttons).
  • Spacebar + Win key (the combination is relevant for the Windows 8 operating system, as well as for some laptop models).

It is also possible to set the “language switch” function to the Tab key and the letter “е” key. How to change the language on the keyboard? If you use an on-screen keyboard, the principle of changing the language will be similar.

How do I know which language is currently activated?

When using a computer for the first time, determining the key combination to switch layouts is not so easy. You will have to use trial and error unless there is an icon on the taskbar that displays the current keyboard language. In addition to its informative function, it can also serve as a layout switch. Simply left-click on it and specify desired language.

How to change the language on the keyboard?

So now you know what keyboard shortcuts you can use. And now we will tell you how you can change them. If you have an operating system of the Windows family - XP, Vista, Seven - then you need:

  • go to the “Start” menu and select the “Control Panel” section on the right side of the window;
  • find the “Language and Regional Standards” item in the list;
  • select the “Languages” tab (or “Languages ​​and keyboards”);
  • click on the “Switch” link;
  • select the desired key combination;
  • apply and save the selected settings.

And here's how to set the language on the keyboard for computers running Windows 8:

  • go to the “Control Panel”;
  • select “Clock, language and region” from the list of parameters;
  • On the left side of the window, select the “Advanced settings” link;
  • in the “Switching” section, click on the link to change the language bar.

How to change the language on the keyboard automatically?

Programs for automatically switching layouts are needed by those who often have to use foreign words. The application allows you to instantly convert a set of letters into a word. For example, you are writing text in Russian letters and you need to insert the word “work”, but in English. You do not need to switch the layout if special software is installed on the system, for example, the Punto Switcher program. You just need to press the keys with in foreign letters, and the program will automatically translate them. The downside of this application is the fact that it can recognize some Russian words as foreign and, accordingly, translate them.


How to change the language on your computer keyboard

When working in text editors, instant messengers, the Internet, etc. We often have to change the input language on the keyboard from Russian to English and vice versa. Most advanced users do this automatically, but, unfortunately, there are those for whom this question still remains open. If you belong to the second category of users, then instructions on how to switch the language on the keyboard are for you. Here we will look at which keys are responsible for quickly switching the input language, how their combinations change, and what programs exist to automatically change the language layout of the computer keyboard.

Standard method

So, how do you switch the language on your keyboard using standard hotkeys? Everything is very simple. To quickly switch keyboard layouts in Windows, there are two combinations of hot keys. The first one, which, as a rule, is the default one, includes the “Shift” and “Alt” buttons. Pressing them simultaneously allows you to quickly change the input language from English to Russian and vice versa.

The second combination consists of the “Shift” and “Ctrl” buttons.

Which combination you have can be checked experimentally by monitoring the process using the language bar icon in the notification area.

Changing the key combination to switch the input language

If you are not satisfied with the combination of quick buttons for switching the input language, then you can easily change it. For example, instead of the “Shift+Alt” combination, it is more convenient for you to switch the language using the “Shift” and “Ctrl” buttons. This can be done from the “Regional and Language” section. To do this, go through the Start menu to the control panel.

In the next window, go to the “Keyboard switching” tab and click “Change keyboard shortcut”.

Finally, change the settings as you wish.

Third-party software for automatic language switching

To simplify your task when typing texts, without paying attention to the keyboard layout, there is a wonderful program “Punto Switcher”. Essentially, this is an automatic language switch when working with texts. With it, the language switches automatically. For example, when typing a Russian word in Latin letters, the program automatically changes the input language, correcting the incorrectly entered word. The program is free and intuitive.

As you can see from the picture, the program is replete with settings. Thus, it can be customized to suit you.


How to switch to English font on keyboard?

Any user has to switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English and vice versa. There may be others, but these are the main ones. They have to be changed when typing texts, when generating queries for search engines, and when commenting on posts.

An experienced user performs such a change without hesitation. There are no tricks here. But if a person is just starting to master a computer, then the following tips will help him switch to another language. On laptops and computers, there are several options for changing it.

Through the language bar

The letter designation displaying the system language is located at the bottom of the screen, in the right corner next to the clock. Changing the computer layout is done using a manipulator: just click the left button on the panel to go to a pop-up window in which you can tick the desired one.

The language bar appears when the system uses more than one language. For example, if only English is specified, it will not be visible. To turn it on, you need at least two.

Using the keyboard

This method is most often used as the most convenient. Therefore, let's look at it in detail.

Switching from Russian to English and vice versa occurs using “fast keys”. These are combinations of buttons, pressing which activates a sequential change of system languages, making it possible to switch from one to another. The required keys must be pressed simultaneously. “Hot” buttons are selected during Windows installation.

Use combinations:

  • Ctrl+Shift;
  • Alt +Shift (Alt, which is located on the left);

If you don’t know which option is set for your computer or laptop, go through the combination options, so you will understand which one you can use to switch from Russian to English or to another.

The first thing a person remembers when becoming a PC user is the key combination Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift. It is responsible for changing the keyboard layout, or rather, changing the input language. Sometimes, having forgotten about the current setting, the user writes and writes something, and then, looking at the monitor, falls into despair. The entire text resembles a set of letters that must be deleted and retyped. To prevent this kind of misunderstanding from preventing the user of Windows 10 (and earlier builds of Windows) from working with text editors, the developers of some software have provided the ability to automatically switch the language to the one that was already in use. Sometimes such concern for convenience causes confusion and the user does not know how to disable automatic language switching in Windows 10 and simultaneously type in both Russian and English.

Disable auto-switching in Windows 10 programs and settings

Windows 10 developers have given the user the opportunity to choose how the system behaves with the text input language in a particular application. Unfortunately, not all text editors support automatic language switching. However, in the input method settings of the operating system itself, you can specify the need to remember the desired language for each application. To do this, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select Control Panel.
  • A new window will appear. Select the “Language” section.

  • A window with language settings will appear. Click on the “Advanced options” link. Here we check the box “Allow you to choose an input method for each application” if you want to enable automatic language switching or uncheck the box to deactivate the function.

After making changes in this section of the Control Panel, automatic language switching can be turned off or on in a specific program. Let's look at an example using the Word program, as it is the program most used by owners of PCs with Windows 10.

  • A small window will appear. In the menu on the left, select “Advanced” and check or uncheck (depending on the purpose) the item “Automatically switch keyboard layout according to the language of the surrounding text.”

  • Save the changes. Now, auto-switching will not work and you will be able to change the input language yourself (or vice versa).

It is important to note that only in editors that allow you to create text documents, you can enable or disable language autosave. This cannot be done in other programs.

A programmatic way to disable auto-switching of the input language

You can enable or disable automatic language switching when entering text using the Punto Switcher program. This program will monitor your typing and, if necessary, change the input language. At the same time, it is important to note that the program switches the language not only in text editors, but also in games, programs and Windows itself. You can configure it as follows.

Install the program. We launch it on our PC. Call up the settings. Select “General” and indicate when and how to change the keyboard layout.

By going to the “Hot Keys” section, you can configure language switching control. It is enough to double-click to select a parameter and set a key combination for it.

If you do not want automatic language switching to work in some program, you should select the “Exception Programs” section and add software in which automatic layout switching will be disabled.

Thus, using such a lightweight program, automatic language switching in Windows 10 and installed programs can be turned on or off. The main thing is to set the necessary parameters correctly.

Good day everyone!

It would seem like such a small thing - switch the keyboard layout, press two ALT+SHIFT buttons, but how many times do you have to retype a word because the layout has not changed, or you forgot to press it in time and change the layout. I think that even those who type a lot and have mastered the “touch” method of typing on a keyboard will agree with me.

Probably due to this Lately Quite popular are utilities that allow you to change the keyboard layout automatically, that is, on the fly: you type and don’t think twice, and the robot program will change the layout in time, and at the same time correct errors or gross typos. It is precisely such programs that I wanted to mention in this article (by the way, some of them have long become indispensable for many users)…

Punto Switcher

Without exaggeration, this program can be called one of the best of its kind. Almost on the fly, it changes the layout, and also corrects an incorrectly typed word, corrects typos and extra spaces, gross mistakes, extra capital letters, etc.

I would also like to note its amazing compatibility: the program works in almost all versions of Windows. For many users, this utility is the first thing they install on their PC after installing Windows (and in principle, I understand them!).

Add to everything else an abundance of options (the screenshot is shown above): you can configure almost every little thing, select buttons for switching and correcting layouts, configure appearance utilities, set up rules for switching, specify programs in which you do not need to switch layouts (useful, for example, in games), etc. In general, my rating is 5, I recommend it to everyone without exception!

Key Switcher

A very, very good program for auto-switching layouts. What captivates you most about it: ease of use (everything happens automatically), flexible settings, support for 24 languages! In addition, the utility is free for individual use.

Works in almost everything modern versions Windows.

By the way, the program corrects typos quite well, corrects random double capital letters (users often do not have time to press the Shift key when typing), when changing the typing language, the utility will show an icon with the country’s flag, which will notify the user.

In general, using the program is comfortable and convenient, I recommend you check it out!

Keyboard Ninja

One of the most famous utilities for automatically changing the keyboard layout language when typing. Edits typed text easily and quickly, saving you time. Separately, I would like to highlight the settings: there are quite a lot of them and the program can be customized, as they say, “for yourself.”

Keyboard Ninja settings window.

Main features of the program:

  • auto-correct text if you forget to switch layout;
  • replacing keys for switching and changing languages;
  • translation of Russian-language text into transliteration (sometimes a very useful option, for example, when your interlocutor sees hieroglyphs instead of Russian letters);
  • notifying the user about a change in layout (not only with sound, but also graphically);
  • the ability to customize templates to automatically replace text when typing (i.e. the program can be “trained”);
  • sound notification about switching layouts and typing;
  • correction of gross typos.

To summarize, the program can be given a solid four. Unfortunately, it has one drawback: it has not been updated for a long time, and, for example, errors often start to appear in the new Windows 10 (although some users do not have problems in Windows 10, so here, depending on your luck)…

Arum Switcher

Very skillful and simple program to quickly correct text that you typed in the wrong layout (it cannot switch on the fly!). On the one hand, the utility is convenient, on the other hand, it may not seem so functional to many: after all, there is no automatic recognition of the text being typed, which means that in any case you have to use the “manual” mode.

On the other hand, not in all cases and not always you need to immediately switch the layout; sometimes it even gets in the way when you want to type something non-standard. In any case, if you are not satisfied with the previous utilities, try this one (it will definitely be less annoying).

By the way, I can’t help but mention one unique feature a program that has no analogues. When there are “unclear” characters on the clipboard in the form of hieroglyphs or question marks, in most cases this utility can correct them and when you paste the text, it will be in normal form. Isn't it convenient?!

Anetto Layout

Website: http://ansoft.narod.ru/

Quite an old program for switching the keyboard layout and changing the text in the buffer, and you can see what the latter will look like (see example below in the screenshot). Those. You can choose not only to change the language, but also the case of letters, do you agree that it is sometimes very useful?

Due to the fact that the program has not been updated for quite some time, new versions of Windows may experience compatibility problems. For example, the utility worked on my laptop, but it did not work with all the features (there was no auto-switching, but the rest of the options worked). So, I can recommend it to those who have old PCs with old software, but for the rest, I think it won’t suit...

That's all for me today, happy and fast typing everyone. Best wishes!
