When is the nearest waning moon? How does the waning moon affect a person?

Waning Moon is a period during which the apparent size of the lunar disk decreases.
The waning of the Moon begins at the Full Moon and ends at the New Moon.

When is the Moon waning in January 2016?

In that calendar month The moon will be waning for 407.7 hours (17 days), which is 54.8% of the duration of the entire January 2016. The waning time of the January Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
First period of the waning moon January 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on December 25, 2015 to the New Moon on January 10.
During this January waning period, the Moon will transit the zodiacs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Second period of lunar waning in January 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on January 24th to the New Moon on February 8th.
During this time, the waning Moon passes through the signs of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

When is the Moon waning in February 2016?

In this calendar month, the Moon will be waning for 356.3 hours (14.8 days), which is 51.2% of the duration of the entire February 2016. The waning time of the February Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of the waning moon in February 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on January 24th to the New Moon on February 8th.
During this February waning period, the Moon will move through the zodiacs of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Second period of lunar waning in February 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on February 22nd to the New Moon on March 9th.
During this time, the waning Moon passes through the signs of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

When the Moon wanes in March 2016

In this calendar month, the Moon will be waning for 397.9 hours (16.6 days), which is 53.5% of the duration of the entire March 2016. The waning time of the March Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of the waning moon in March 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on February 22nd to the New Moon on March 9th.
During this March waning period, the Moon will move through the zodiacs of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Second period of lunar waning in March 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on March 23rd to the New Moon on April 7th.
During this time, the waning Moon passes through the signs of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries.

When the Moon wanes in April 2016

In this calendar month, the Moon will be waning for 366 hours (15.3 days), which is 50.8% of the duration of the entire April 2016. The waning time of the April Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of the waning moon in April 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on March 23rd to the New Moon on April 7th.
During this April waning period, the Moon will move through the zodiacs of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries.

Second period of lunar waning in April 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on April 22nd to the New Moon on May 6th.
During this time, the waning Moon passes through the signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus.

When the Moon wanes in May 2016

In this calendar month, the Moon will be waning for 382.2 hours (15.9 days), which is 51.4% of the duration of the entire May 2016. The waning time of the May Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of the waning moon in May 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on April 22nd to the New Moon on May 6th.
During this May waning period, the Moon will move through the zodiacs of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus.

Second period of lunar waning in May 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on May 22nd to the New Moon on June 5th.
During this time, the waning Moon passes through the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

When the Moon wanes in June 2016

In this calendar month, the Moon will be waning for 352 hours (14.7 days), which is 48.9% of the duration of the entire June 2016. The waning time of the June Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
First period of the waning moon June 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on May 22nd to the New Moon on June 5th.
During this June waning period, the Moon will move through the zodiacs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

Second period of lunar waning in June 2016
The Moon wanes from Full Moon on June 20th to New Moon on July 4th.
During this time, the waning Moon passes through the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer.

When is the moon waning in July 2016?

In this calendar month, the Moon will be waning for 372.1 hours (15.5 days), which is 50% of the duration of the entire July 2016. The waning time of the July Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of the waning moon in July 2016
The Moon wanes from Full Moon on June 20th to New Moon on July 4th.
During this July waning period, the Moon will move through the zodiacs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer.

Second period of lunar waning in July 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on July 20th to the New Moon on August 2nd.
During this time, the waning Moon passes through the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo.

When the Moon wanes in August 2016

In this calendar month, the Moon will be waning for 371.3 hours (15.5 days), which is 49.9% of the duration of the entire August 2016. The waning time of the August Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
The first period of the waning moon in August 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on July 20th to the New Moon on August 2nd.
During this August waning period, the Moon will move through the zodiacs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo.

Second period of lunar waning in August 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on August 18th to the New Moon on September 1st.
During this time, the waning Moon passes through the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

When the Moon wanes in September 2016

In this calendar month, the Moon will be waning for 350 hours (14.6 days), which is 48.6% of the duration of the entire September 2016. The waning time of the September Moon is divided into two periods (at the beginning and end of the month).
First period of the waning moon September 2016
The Moon wanes from the Full Moon on August 18th to the New Moon on September 1st.
During this September waning period, the Moon will move through the zodiacs of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

Second period of lunar waning in September 2016
The moon is waning from

The Moon has a significant influence on the processes occurring on Earth. Of course, we are accustomed to often seeing information only about solar activity, but it has long been known that the position of the Earth’s satellite affects people’s well-being.

The small size of the satellite is compensated by its proximity to the planet. Due to the fact that the waxing and waning moon affects the state of the human body, many peoples compiled calendars based on observations auspicious days for certain undertakings.

General characteristics of the period

It is quite logical to assume that in different days lunar cycle, this or that business, this or that activity will bring better or worse results due to the influence of the moon on people’s activities. Yes, and we notice this every day when, getting to work, we discover that everything is literally falling out of our hands, and on another day the same thing quickly goes well without significant effort. The moon has its effect on a person’s condition and his abilities. The lunar calendar allows you to draw up an optimal action plan for the coming period, in accordance with the lunar phases.

The period of the waning moon is excellent for renewing the body by removing waste and toxins. This is a great time to break burdensome ties and discard unnecessary things. The waning moon covers the third and fourth lunar phases. This period opens with a full moon, which greatly disorients people, especially those who tend to show acute emotional reactions to trifles.

From the sixteenth lunar day, the confrontation between the gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon begins. The feminine side of human nature is dominant, therefore, it is at the beginning of the third phase that emotionality, instability, creative enthusiasm and creativity shown by people sensitive to the influence of the moon are especially noticeable.

Surgery is not recommended at the beginning of the third phase. When any phase begins, this is a reason to be especially attentive to your health. The lunar calendar advises caution, because injuries at this time lead to dire consequences due to the plethora of organs and slow blood clotting. You should be more careful about your words and actions, at this time there is a high risk of saying or doing something that you will later have many regrets about.

The waning moon ends with a new moon after the fourth phase. The fourth lunar phase is characterized by a feeling of exhaustion, fatigue, and completion. It is better to spend this period thinking in solitude, without spending a lot of energy, mainly resting, completing things, summing up. Intense stress on the body is contraindicated. Emotional condition person is unstable.

In general, the waning moon is characterized by the fact that our body copes with stress more easily and uses up the energy that it managed to store during the period. It is easier for us to endure pain, we recover faster from injuries. The waning moon is an excellent occasion to spend cleaning procedures that require strength and energy. Most medical procedures are best postponed during this period. At this time, you can and should do what leads to cleansing and getting rid of something.

Care for body and soul

The lunar calendar reflects the experience of many generations, thanks to which the procedures and actions recommended in it will have the most positive and long-term effect. But we should not forget that recommendations remain only possibilities, and implementation falls entirely on the shoulders of the person himself.

What is best to do during the waning moon to achieve a harmonious state:

  • Cleansing diet. During a waning moon, weight comes off very easily, many times faster than during a waxing moon.
  • Enter a daily routine. You should go to bed earlier and allocate more time to sleep so that your body has enough strength for the entire period of the waning moon.
  • Cosmetic body wraps.
  • Development of physical endurance.
  • Get rid of unnecessary things. It is during the waning moon that it is much easier to part with dear but absolutely useless trinkets.


The waning moon is a period of contraction of the illuminated part of the moon and increase in the dark part, it looks mysterious and beautiful, this time is usually associated with the increasing power of Darkness. It is better not to take photos or videos of the moon during this period: photos and videos can be linked negative energy, which means becoming its translator.

Days of Hecate - last days lunar cycle - is considered a favorable time for fortune telling and rituals. It is during this period that you can do cleansing from negative influence, conduct protective rituals, rituals. Magic is very strong these days. At the same time, magic is used for good.

One of the old ways of using moonlight is to receive dead water. You can expose water in a glass container to the light of the moon when the lunar cycle comes to an end. And then wipe with this water for disinfection, but the wounds also need living water, which can be obtained already on the growing moon, collecting its light. The magic of the waning moon means that amulets created during this period have the strongest energy.

The lunar calendar allows us to adjust our affairs and plans so as to extract maximum benefit from the influence of the moon. The information that the calendar reflects has been collected over the years to improve human life and simplify it. Due to the fact that each day has its own characteristics, taking into account the recommendations that the lunar calendar gives, it is quite easy to create a schedule of tasks and protect yourself from mistakes.

Most often, errors arise from inattention and fatigue, which are largely formed under the influence of solar and lunar activity. However, even the best forecast will be meaningless if a person does not approach his affairs with enthusiasm and responsibility. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

It is called a waning period or a dissipating (aging) moon. The first half of this period is the most favorable time to complete unfinished business. The second is reserved for analysis and deep understanding of everything that was done earlier. During this period, you need to make peace and forgive, and complete previously planned tasks.

The influence of the waning moon

Before, the human body actively produced and accumulated energy as the celestial body grew. After growth there is always a decline and therefore the first period of the moment of the waning of the Moon is the time that needs to be spent on realizing the accumulated energy. This time is very favorable for athletes; right now they will begin to show results in their activities.

There are no changes yet on the emotional background - the person feels a lot of accumulated energy and longs to realize it. Changes will occur when the period comes. Physical activity will be replaced by spiritual enlightenment. A person will begin to better understand the essence of things and the structure of the world around him. This extraordinary altered state of consciousness will not last long, so it is important to take full advantage of it.

  • Analyze your actions for errors;
  • Develop a plan or strategy to correct them;
  • During this period of spiritual enlightenment, it will be easier to decide on plans for the future, so it is important not to miss the chance;
  • Make peace with your loved ones, ask for forgiveness from those you offended.

The end of the waning moon, when it is about to be reborn, is better spent spending time with your family. At the end of the period of this lunar cycle, a person can ruin his own mood with unconstructive self-criticism and drive himself into deep depression. Refrain, at this moment review your mistakes, but refrain from judging them, in 9/10 cases it will be wrong.

beauty and health

Waning Moon period conducive to various operations that require surgical intervention. However, only the first half of it, but during this time it is better to refrain from this, because the risk of failure is too great.

  • Visit hairdressers and beauty salons;
  • During the waning Moon, visit a dentist or surgeon if you need their help;
  • Diet because to lose excess weight best during this period.

Everything bad or harmful to the body will be painlessly removed precisely on the waning moon. You can devote yourself to diets and philosophical conversations with family or friends. Since your mood is gradually declining, such conversations will help take your mind off problems, and diets will keep your body in good shape.

Business and work

Businessmen should refrain from signing new contracts, looking for partners, and other things. If you are going to launch any innovative development in your business, put it off for . Stock brokers and investors need to do their analysis and betting more carefully because there is a very high chance of unprofitable investments. If you are going to invest, invest in proven projects with low level risk.

World statistics show that most layoffs occur during the waning moon. People evaluate their work and often come to the conclusion that this is not what they wanted and go in search of something else to do. This happens to those who have reached a certain level in their work and, not seeing ways for their development, simply quit the race. Be careful and do not make hasty conclusions and the same decisions.

The lunar cycle has four phases. In the first two phases, in the third and fourth it decreases.

The first phase is the new moon. During this period, the moon is not visible in the sky. In the second phase, the moon appears in the form of a crescent. Gradually it becomes perfectly round - the second phase has ended. In the third phase, the moon gradually loses its round outline. In the fourth phase, the moon has the shape of a sickle, as at the beginning of the second, only it is curved in the other direction.

To determine whether the moon is waxing, pay attention to which direction the sickle is bent. If the shape of the crescent looks like the letter “C”, then this is a waning or aging moon. If the sickle has the same shape, deployed in the opposite side, and by mentally drawing a stick to it, you can get the letter “P”, then in front of you is a growing moon.

How else can you tell whether the moon is waxing or waning?

Information about the phases of the moon can be found in a regular tear-off calendar. More detailed information about lunar days are contained in special astrological reference books or reference books for gardeners and gardeners, which are published annually.

The moon affects the human psyche, his mood, emotions. Listening to yourself and observing natural phenomena, determine the waxing and waning moon over time.

The waxing moon generally has a beneficial effect on a person. The body feels a surge of strength. A person becomes more emotional, more active, stronger. During this period he is capable of a lot. There is no fatigue, you can feel the presence of energy necessary to achieve new ideas.

If a person often feels nervous, agitated, and noticeable mood swings, it means that the full moon has arrived. This phase is especially influential. They may experience insomnia nervous disorders. During the full moon, frequent quarrels arise.

During the waning moon phase, a person feels a decline in energy. Activity and enthusiasm decrease, and more and more often you want to rest. It seems to a person that everything is falling out of his hands. When the moon is waning, there may be a desire to retire, to be alone.

If you notice that plants absorb water better and more than usual, leaves, flowers, and fruits are developing well, then most likely this is the period of the waxing moon.

Watch the animals and birds. If they become more mobile than usual, it means that the full moon has arrived and the moon will soon begin to wane.


  • Lunar calendar for November 2013 when is the new moon

Just as the tides depend on the lunar cycle, so do human body tuned to the signals of this celestial body. All more people feel the influence of the phases of the moon on their condition. How to adjust your life according to the lunar calendar?


The beginning lunar month It is considered to be the New Moon. The period takes 1-2 days, while the moon is practically invisible in the sky: it has “shrinked” so much after the previous cycle. The next day after the new moon is considered the beginning of a new lunar month, that is, from this time the moon begins to “grow.” The time of the waxing moon is considered the best for accomplishing feats. If you want to start a new one: quit smoking, start exercising, change - the growing moon will help you in all your endeavors!

You can determine the phases of the moon by appearance night luminary. If the moon is not visible, then this is a new moon, the beginning of the lunar month. The moon begins to “grow” from the right side, each night approaching the left, increasing to a bright luminous disk. When the moon “grows” to maximum sizes, full moon. You see a luminous disk in the sky. The moon is waning in the same direction as it was waxing. Its right edge fades and becomes less visible, and the crescent curves to the left. Gradually it becomes thinner and thinner, and disappears again by the new moon.

Remember the method of determining the lunar cycle that we were taught since childhood. Mentally place the vertical stick towards the crescent. If you see the letter P, then the moon is waxing, if you see the letter U, the moon is waning.

There are 4 nights in the lunar cycle in which the moon stops its “movement”. These breaks are usually called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters, respectively. Two of them occur during the waxing moon, two occur during the waning moon.

It is difficult to independently monitor the lunar calendar: as a rule, it does not coincide with the traditional one, but the moon sometimes you can't see it because of the clouds. Buy a lunar one at any press kiosk or make a corresponding request at search pages. There will be a "" lunar and traditional calendar and basic recommendations for actions in each of lunar days.

Helpful advice

People who live according to the lunar calendar fast every time there is a new moon and a full moon. To cleanse your body, try not to eat for 24 hours, but drink more water and herbal teas. Hunger can be suppressed with sugar-free juice, milk and vegetable broth.

Everyone knows that the success of a particular enterprise depends not only on the presence of all the necessary conditions and the psychological attunement of people who are ready to get down to business. Success also depends on the right moment chosen to implement the business. The ancients always focused on the position of celestial bodies before starting any business. In particular, they paid attention to the phase of the moon.

You will need

  • - astrological magazines and websites;
  • - observing the moon.


Analyze the dreams you have at the stage when the Moon is waning. There may be things that need to be completed. Pay attention to such dreams, use them as a guide for yourself. On the waning moon, dreams are often very emotional, permeated with a lyrical mood. This lunar phase provokes the active functioning of the nervous system. It is during this half of the month that a person (through feelings and emotions) comes to decisions that he could not find before, with the help of reason.

Video on the topic


Engage in healing your body, taking into account the lunar phases. There are 4 of them. Carefully study the features of each to achieve the best healing effect.

Helpful advice

Pay attention to the meaning of lunar days, each of them is favorable for certain type activities.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 03/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Moon phase today, March 18, 2019

On the date 18.03.2019 V 03:51 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 12 lunar day V lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Leo ♌. Illumination percentage The moon is 90%. Sunrise Moon at 14:40, and sunset at 05:56.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 12th lunar day from 13:16 03/17/2019 to 14:40 03/18/2019
  • 13th lunar day from 14:40 03/18/2019 until the next day

Moon influence March 18, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Leo (±)

Moon in a sign a lion. The Moon in Leo favors all energetic and effective undertakings: from organizing sports or cultural events before corporate party aimed at uniting the team for fruitful cooperation.

Many people are drawn to communication and entertainment. These days, almost all entertainment venues receive stable income. This is especially true for casinos, betting shops and slot machine halls, since the moon in Leo brings a penchant for adventure and increases reckless risk-taking.

For the same reason, it is worth postponing all serious financial matters related to large funds. To avoid losses, you should not formalize transactions with real estate, shares or sign serious contracts. Most people on this day show a tendency to inflated self-esteem and the tendency to flattery becomes more acute than ever.

12 lunar day (−)

March 18, 2019 at 03:51 - 12 lunar day. Not a particularly favorable day for love and other interpersonal relationships. Increased likelihood of conflicts and disagreements and business sphere. It is better to devote the day to charity, giving alms, making gifts, fulfilling the requests of other people.

Waxing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, and strongly expressed activity.

In the business sphere it begins favorable time to carry out planned activities, solve difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

In the second lunar phase may be useful physical exercise, it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes in absolutely all areas of activity are favorable, both in relationships on a personal level and in business.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Life energy gathers more and more and closer to the full moon its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Monday, this day is ruled by the “night Sun” - the Moon. It is called a hard day not at all because it immediately follows a relaxing weekend. On this day we are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, successes alternate with failures, successes with defeats. Everything becomes unreliable, relative. To the point that faithful friends can let you down, and enemies... help.

On Monday, astrologers advise relying only on your intuition in everything, since the arguments of reason do not work on this day. Business agreements concluded on this day, as well as heartfelt victories, may turn into shaky uncertainty tomorrow.

However, all the pitfalls and obstacles of Monday can be avoided by those who “feel in their hearts” what needs to be done. Those who trust their intuition, as a rule, achieve success on this day.

And those who put off some important things until Monday are forced to redo everything later, since the mind has no power over Monday.
