Competitive program for graduation. Graduation competitions - interesting and funny

Like in a magazine

Everyone has blindfolds on their eyes.
At the signal, the class must line up back to back in the order of last names in the class register.
(It is assumed that this order is well etched in everyone’s memory).
Which class will do it first?

Get to know your friends' parents

Parents bring their childhood photographs to the prom.
Photos are numbered and posted for everyone to see.
Graduates look at photographs, trying to identify the parents of classmates; Everyone writes down their own versions.
At a certain point, the DJ-animator asks who deciphered the most photographs.
Invites 2-3 leaders, they say who is whose parent.
The one who guessed the most wins.

Photos can be collected and scanned in advance.
Then they can be projected on the screen, which is more spectacular.

You can post a photo of the graduates themselves, about a year old.
Who can guess the most friends from their childhood photos?

Pack your briefcase

Relay race.

In front of each team at a distance there is a chair on which a briefcase and school supplies lie ( equal number for each team).
At the animator’s signal, the first number of the team runs up to the chair, puts one item in the briefcase, returns back and stands at the end of the line...
The last number brings to the starting line a briefcase filled with all the accessories that were “charged” on the chair.

Farewell autograph

The text of a memorial address to the school from graduates is prepared in advance.
Blank spaces are left in place of adjectives.
The animator asks the audience to come up with adjectives, which he writes (types on the keyboard) into the empty spaces of the text. Then reads (prints and reads) the resulting text.
Farewell autograph of graduates of the year 20__
_______ our teachers!
On this _______ day of farewell to school, we want to say only the most _______ words.
During 11 years of _______ school life, we experienced many _______ moments.
We will never forget you, our _______ teachers!
We, your _______ students, wish you _______ health, more _______ minutes in your life, _______ students, and may a _______ smile always shine on your faces.
With love and respect, your _______ children.

Who will he be in ten years?

During the feast, the animator distributes pieces of paper and pens to the graduates (previously placed on the tables).
– It has been proven that the most accurate forecast Your friends and girlfriends give information about your future. Not your parents, not your teachers, but your classmates.
Let's take advantage of this. Let everyone choose the classmate you know best. Let everyone write on a piece of paper who they think their counterpart will be in 10 years.
Sign with your name or pseudonym so that ten years from now you can find out who wrote it.
Place the sheets of paper in this large envelope, which I will seal and deposit with the school principal for 10 years.

The trained director plays along with the animator:
– I will keep the envelope in the school safe!
(You can stamp the envelope with the school seal.)
– In 10 years, at the alumni reunion, the envelope will be opened, and we will see who gave the most correct forecast!
(The trick has been used many times at graduation parties. Those envelopes are probably gathering dust in school safes. Or maybe someone opened them with trembling hands at a high school reunion...)

Advertising a school in 15 seconds

For the prom.
– Who, if not the graduates, knows their school with all its obvious shortcomings and hidden advantages? And who else but they can brightly advertise their school to future students?
The animator divides the audience into “advertising groups”.
Each group must:

  • run onto the podium for a “photo shoot”
  • portray an advertising “living picture”
  • recite the school's advertising slogan
15 seconds are allotted for everything (advertising time is expensive!)
Everyone is given 10 minutes (3 songs) to prepare the advertisement.
When all the groups have passed, the resulting advertising is shown digital photos on the screen.

Cool hit

The DJ surveys graduates about the most popular song.
(Experience shows that young people willingly write the names of their favorite bands. In addition, it takes up time, which is always so much on prom night.)
– A survey of graduates showed that the most popular song of the 11th “A” is such and such! 11th “B” – such and such! 11th “B” – such and such!
The first to occupy the center of the hall is the 11th... "B"! Simply because their song is already loaded in my player. 11th "B" is dancing!

(Then, for example, “A”, “B” and the entire episode - to the most popular song of the school. When processing the voices, we want the DJ to avoid excessive coincidence of tastes. The subsequent execution of individual requests helps to “eat up” time.)

Include teachers in the survey - what song is popular among them? Dance with the whole school to the teachers' favorite song.

How much does an excellent student's head weigh?

A piece of paper with the weight of his head, for example, 10 kg 350 g, is placed in the breast pocket of an excellent student’s jacket.
Auction: who can accurately guess the weight of an excellent student's head?

Miss Prom Night

The animator invites graduates (up to 10-12 people).

  1. The girls in the dressing room try on specially prepared outfits and come up with names for them.
    Fashion show with commentary by an animator.
  2. The girls sort out the colored ribbons (one at a time!), which are pulled from the bag in the hands of the animator.
    The animator releases the bag - a prize is tied to one of the ribbons. The lucky one is declared Miss Prom Night.
    The ribbons remain as souvenirs for the girls.

Mister Future

The animator asks each of the girls to write on a piece of paper the name of the “coolest” guy in their class, in her opinion.
(Girls are always willing to do this; you don’t have to sign.)
The animator counts the votes.
Invites the 9 most popular guys to the stage.

  1. The guys fold paper airplanes, write the name of the aircraft on the fuselage, and launch it.
    The animator awards consolation prizes to the three whose planes fell closest to the stage.
    They return to the hall.
  2. From the remaining six, the animator forms two teams of 3 people.
    Relay "Log between the legs."
    The losing trio receives prizes and leaves.
  3. Assignment to the semi-finalists: SIT AT THE “DIRECTOR’S TABLE” IN THE MOST DIFFICULT WAY.
    One loser gets a prize and leaves.
  4. Football:
    • everyone's choice of the name of a famous football player
    • the finalists go to the dressing room, each of them has a bunch of 5 balls tied to his leg
    • "football players" come out to the fans, loud greeting
    • match: crush all your opponent's balls while protecting your own (do not use your hands!)
    • rewarding the loser and the champion (rock it!)
The champion is declared Mr. Future.

Make a pair of oversized football shorts for the finalists to wear before the match.

Motto for this night

Each team draws 5 cards with random words from the deck (words are not repeated).
The team composes the “Motto of This Night” from the extracted words.
You need to use all the words, you can change cases and numbers, and add only prepositions.
The teams show the hall cards with their words and say “Mottos”.
Who has it better?

Teams receive sets of cards with the same set of words.
And who will combine the “Motto” more inventively?

Translators from Russian into Russian

The animator hands the contestants (teams) pieces of paper with the same phrase.
You need to “translate the phrase from Russian into Russian,” that is, convey its meaning in other words, without using a single word from the original phrase.
At the proms, we used a phrase-assignment, I think it was from Bradbury: “IN EVERY PERSON’S LIFE THERE SHOULD BE ONE NIGHT THAT HE WILL REMEMBER FOREVER.”

Duel of Erudites

The animator invites two of the smartest students (students, employees, etc.)
Asks them to stand opposite each other at a distance of 6-8 steps.
Animator (addressing one of the scholars):
– I’m asking you a simple question. You answer quickly. As soon as I asked the question, your opponent runs towards us and stands on the same line as you. If he gets there before you answer, he gets a point. If you answer first, the point is yours!
Animator (to first):
- Bird?
(The first one answers, the second one runs. After each question, the players take their starting positions.)
Animator (to the second):
- Fish?
(The second one answers, the first one runs to the second one and stands next to him on the same line. He tries to get there sooner than the answer is heard.)
- Check(For example) 2:0. But it was a rehearsal. Do you understand what to do? Then let's start the Duel of Erudites!
Animator (to first):
- Formula for water?
Animator (to the second):
- Alcohol formula?
To the first:
- Don Quixote's squire?
To the second:
- Footballer?
To the first:
- TV show?
To the second:
- Newspaper?
To the first:
– What is your favorite song?
To the second:
– Your favorite teacher?
To the first:
– Extend the sentence: Gentlemen...
To the second:
– Extend the phrase: Comrades...
To the first:
- Dad's son Carlo?
To the second:
– Erotic film?
First (the most difficult question!):
- How many legs does a cockroach have?(Six)
Second (also difficult!):
- Daughter ex-wife Philip Kirkorov?(Christina)
The animator has a sign where he writes down the current score. The number of questions during the game can be varied.
Questions must be asked quickly, using “Start” intonation.

Participants can sit on chairs at a distance of 5-6 steps from each other, and then the runner needs to jump up, run to the opponent and sit on an empty chair next to him.

Girls, do you like boys?

This feature completes the disco, New Year's ball, prom.
The DJ asks all the young men to come to him. Only boys and girls are asked to stay put!
When the guys surround the DJ in a tight ring, he is not on the microphone! - explains to them what needs to be done:

  1. become one after another “locomotive”;
  2. when the music starts, start moving around the site;
  3. when the DJ asks: “Boys, do you like girls?” - answer unanimously: “Yes!”
During this briefing, the girls wander around the hall and are terribly curious about what secret the DJ is telling the guys?
Finally, the DJ becomes generous and asks the girls to come closer to the stage. The girls surround the DJ, and he asks them:
  1. do as the boys do
  2. move the way boys would move
  3. when the DJ asks: “Girls, do you like boys?” - answer in unison: “No!”
The young men line up like a train and “ride” around the hall. The girls follow them.
- Boys, do you like girls?
- Yeees!
- Girls, do you like boys?
- Nooo!

Every year, when we go to school on September 1, we think that it will soon be graduation and graduation. And now it has come true - your graduation has arrived! Have you prepared for it? Cool competitions at the graduation party in 11th grade will help you spend your time usefully and fun. See all the competitions for your prom below and choose the ones you liked the most.

Competition 1 – guess the object.
Graduates need to guess from the description what it’s about. we're talking about. For example:
- from this thing you can easily understand who will become who after graduation. In this item you will find all the information about each student and you will be able to make a dossier or incriminating evidence on him. (Answer - magazine)
- if he is not there, then the school will be a mess. If you don’t know him, you won’t get to them. If it is changed, then someone is happy, and someone is worried. (Answer - lesson schedule)
- only two teachers at school have this. And not because these teachers can afford it, it’s just easier to teach and remember. (Answer - wall maps in the history classroom and geography classroom)
- If there is trouble, then we immediately go there. If you need to get out of class with a real excuse, then we also go there. (Answer: school nurse, nurse's office)
- You can't fight at school. But he is often beaten, both with hands and feet. Who is this “lucky guy”? (Answer: a ball in physical education class)

Competition 2 – find out what it is!
In this competition, graduates are invited to find out or guess what it is about. For example:
- at home we walk on it, and at school we go out to it (answer - blackboard)
- what happens if geographical map roll into a ball? (answer - globe)
- you are not waiting for him at home from the director, but you are waiting for him at school during lessons (answer is a call)
- when this is appointed at school, then all parents immediately have urgent matters (the answer is a parent-teacher meeting)
- only the teacher decides what it will be like. You can give it to the teacher later (answer – assessment)

Will you write wishes in the graduation album to your classmates? Then see our article -. In it you will find exactly the words that you need to write as a memory.

Competition 3 – remember everything.
In this competition, we invite graduates to remember not only school subjects, but also fairy tales. So let's get started.
1. How to measure the area of ​​a kolobok? (the same as the area of ​​a circle, because the bun is round)
2. Why did the bear break the tower? (because a body placed in a liquid displaces as much liquid as the body itself. So the bear displaced as much air as he himself)
3. What do Adam, Newton and Eve have in common? (Answer: apple)
4. In the old days it was a vessel for wine. And now the reward for the winner (Answer - cup)
5. These words are read the same in any direction. And this is a turbine at the station (the answer is a rotor)

Competition 4 – in alphabetical order.
Often teachers called students to the board in alphabetical order. In this competition we will also try to arrange ourselves in alphabetical order, but first we will play a little.
All graduates take the stage. They are encouraged to take a young graduate course. And to do this, they must first build in height. Time is recorded. If you do it within 20 seconds, then you have passed the first test. Afterwards they need to line up separately: boys separately, girls separately. Boys are lined up by tie length from longest to shortest. And girls according to the length of their nails from largest to smallest. They have 30 seconds to do everything about everything. Did you manage? Well done. And now we need to put everything in alphabetical order, like in a magazine. Afterwards, the class teacher checks everyone using the log to see if everything is in place!

Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team is given a piece of paper and a marker. The task of graduates is to remember all human organs and depict them in as much detail as possible anatomical structure his. It will be more interesting if a team of parents also takes part. The most accurate drawing, or rather the team that draws it, will receive a prize.

Song competition

The competition can be done both for each participant and for teams, that is, either the game is for the elimination of participants or for the elimination of a team. Participants must take turns remembering and singing a couple of words from songs that mention school, for example: “School, school, I miss you,” “They teach at school,” “The school romance is over,” “School time,” and others.

Duet with teachers

Each student chooses a forfeit in which a specific item will be indicated. Then teachers of these subjects are invited to the students and their task is to sing songs in accordance with the name of the subjects. If there are many graduates, for one forfeit, that is, for one subject there may be 2 or 3 graduates. Examples of songs: Biology - Via GRA “Biology”, Physical Education - Vysotsky - “ Morning exercises", Mathematics - Fidgets "And they tell us that the leg is shorter than the hypotenuse", Physics - Tretyakov "Physics" and so on.

Think and use your imagination

Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team is given the word “applicant” and “student”. Teams must be the funniest and most cheerful to decipher these words as abbreviations, for example, “student” is the most seriously tired, truly tireless talent, and so on. Those who can decipher the words best will receive prizes.

Farewell quest

Graduates are divided into 2 or 3 teams. At the command “start” the teams receive a task in the form of a quest. The fastest team to find the treasure is the winner. A cake with the number “5” - an excellent mark, or the year of this issue - can serve as a treasure. The quest can have the following content: 1. you need to run to where you sweated and got into shape (gym), there graduates find the next task in envelopes 2. there the boys planed, sawed and made crafts (work room for boys), there they find next task 3. disobedient students and violators of discipline, all poor students and mischief-makers are called there (principal’s office), there is the next 4. the majority’s changes are taking place there, it smells delicious and buns are being baked there (dining room), and there may be the main prize (treasure).

Knowledge Rocket

Today this rocket launches into the sky. But in order to start it, you need to stock up on fuel and go through several stages of refueling: stage one - remember the formula of Ohm's law, stage two - Square root of 16, stage three - the formula of the Pythagorean theorem, stage four - draw a house, stage five - the 5th element of the periodic table, stage six - sit down 5 times with the whole team. Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams, each given whatman paper and a marker (for completing tasks). The team that completes all stages and fills the rocket with fuel the fastest is the winner.

Graduation is a special day both for the former students themselves, and for their parents, and for teachers. At the end of the ceremony, the most interesting thing begins - the graduation party with and. It should be perky and cheerful, non-trivial and definitely memorable. An important component of this celebration is graduation competitions.

In addition to the fact that they should be interesting and exciting, it is good if they are somehow related to the school theme, because students have to say goodbye to it, so why not enjoy it one more time?

"Who's in the photo?"

Some mini-competitions require preparation in advance. So, you need to ask the parents of graduates or, even more fun, teachers, to bring their old photographs where they are depicted in childhood or adolescence.

The pictures need to be collected in advance and indicated in the back with a pencil who is depicted on them, but in such a way that none of the players can see this inscription. For example, hang them on a stand along with clean sheets, intended for guessing. After summing up the results, a winner is chosen - the one who correctly guessed the people in the photo.

The same can be done with photographs of the graduates themselves, where they are depicted as babies.

If possible, you can scan the photos and then display them on the screen. The game is very funny, exciting and entertaining.

Relay race “Collect a briefcase”

The competition will require chairs with some accessories on them, as well as briefcases. On each chair the number of items should be the same.

  1. Teams need to line up at a certain distance from the chairs.
  2. At the signal, those participants who stand in front run to the chair and put one of the objects on it into the briefcase.
  3. They return to the back of the line and the baton passes to other team members.
  4. When the participant puts the last item on the chair into the briefcase, he brings the assembled briefcase to the jury.

The point is to see which team is more nimble and agile.

Such competitions for 11th grade graduation can be very fun, taking into account exactly what items the organizers put on the chair. If everything is simple with stationery, then it will be funny to watch how graduates try to fit skates, a soccer ball or a long crib sheet into their briefcase, which also needs to be folded first. In general, everyone will laugh.

"Apple Catching"

For the competition you will need ordinary apples, a large bucket and a towel.

  1. A bucket of water must be placed in the center, and the organizers must pour apples into it so that the entire surface of the water is covered.
  2. All competitors are given a towel.
  3. The player must try to pull out the fruit using only his teeth.

Such competitions for 9th grade graduation are best held outdoors. If you have to do this indoors, you need to take care of covering the floor to protect it from water.

Competition "Take a bite of the apple"

Another little competition involving apples. The fruit is hung tightly by the stalk. One by one, the participants approach him and try to bite off a piece, holding their hands behind their backs. It's not as easy as it seems - you have to try.

To arrange such a competition between teams, you need to take two apples. The winner will be the group that manages to eat the apple first.

"Dance Partners"

This team game has no winners and losers, its task is to make everyone present dance. First, a guy and a girl are selected and begin to dance. When the music stops, they go into the hall and choose other couples among those present. The music stops again and the procedure is repeated, the number of pairs increasing.

This game lasts until the dance floor is completely filled.

Competition for experts in your school

A very fun competition that will help not only determine the most attentive student, but also give graduates the opportunity to remember everything that was once a part of their life, but is now a thing of the past. The game takes place in three rounds.

The first involves the participation of everyone present in the room. Questions can be asked to each person individually or to a specific group. Afterwards, those who managed to give at least one correct answer will be invited to the stage.

Special prizes and titles of real experts are given to those who give the most correct answers. Approximate questions that may include: interesting competitions for graduation may be as follows:

  1. In what year was the school founded?
  2. How many classrooms does it have?
  3. What color are the school principal's eyes?
  4. Whose portrait hangs in the center of the language and literature classroom?

In fact, you can come up with an incredible number of such questions. The main thing is to show imagination and creativity. Students will probably have to rack their brains to remember the answers, but they will refresh their memory of many key moments of school life. By the way, teachers can come up with similar questions. They will help test how much they know their issues, and how they are able to take an unconventional approach to finding the answer. In any case, everyone will have fun.

Competitions for fourth grade graduates

For former fourth-graders, the moment of graduation is also important, because they are standing on the threshold of high school, where a different educational system and a different life await them. To make this day memorable, you need to make sure that competitions for 4th grade graduation are interesting, funny and exciting:

  1. "Primer". In front of the participants on the table will be an ABC book open on a certain page, and their task is to blow on it as hard as possible in order to turn over as many pages as possible. Whoever ends up with the highest open page number will be the winner.
  2. "A deuce again." The teacher should draw on the board a number of twos of the same size, similar to the number of participants. Whichever one of them can erase the two first wins.
  3. "Map of the country." You need to print out a map of the state with a clear division of the country into regions. Participants will have to carefully cut the map along the boundaries of the areas and say how many there are. Afterwards, other participants will have to glue these pieces together to get the correct full map again.
  4. "Noodles on the ears." Not all elementary school students always do their homework diligently and conscientiously. Which of them hasn’t at least once pulled the wool over teachers’ ears? The game will show who does it as professionally as possible. You need to divide the participants into two teams. In each team, half of the students sit on chairs, while the others receive ropes of the same length. After the leader’s command, those equipped with ropes run to their seated classmates and wrap ropes around their ears, then the next participants do the same. The one who wraps his ear first wins. In this case, you need to wrap the rope tightly, because if it falls off, it needs to be retied, and the result does not count.

Graduation games and competitions - great way make it brighter and more fun. Graduates, as well as teachers and parents, happily take part in them, receiving unforgettable emotions and bonuses to add to their school memories.
