The best heavyweights in wot. The best heavy tank in World of Tanks

World of tanks is a popular multiplayer online game dedicated to... tank battles. What is the purpose of this game? To a beginner it may seem that main goal is to get the most powerful tank in world of tanks. In principle, this is true, because at the start the player receives light tank and, gaining gaming experience and credits, gradually improves it. But during the game you will certainly come across the question: what is the most powerful tank in world of tanks? Let's try to answer it.

Vehicle classes in world of tanks

There are five classes of vehicles in WoT: light, medium and heavy tanks, as well as tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. Each of these classes has its own set of features and functions. Which of these classes can be considered the most powerful?

The answer is simple - heavy tanks. After all, they are created specifically to be the first to meet the enemy and engage him in battle.

The game has ten levels of technology. The highest level, naturally, is the tenth. It is at this level that the most advanced tanks available in WoT are concentrated. Therefore, the most powerful tank in world of tanks at level 10 is also the most powerful in the game. The game characteristics of the vehicle should help us determine the most powerful heavy tank.

Main indicators of tanks in the game

The tank has more than 20 various characteristics, which form its effectiveness. Important role in the game they have a communication distance, viewing range, silhouette and a number of others that are not described in the performance characteristics of the tank, but play a big role. But the most important characteristics of a tank in world of tanks are its armor, firepower and moving speed.

The tank's armor in the game is uneven and consists of two components: hull armor and turret armor. Each of these components has a characteristic armor thickness in three locations: forehead, side and stern. The most armored part is usually the frontal part of the tank (both the hull and the turret). The absolute leader in the thickness of the frontal armor of the hull is the American T110E5 (254 mm), but this is offset by the thin armor of the side (76 mm) and especially the stern (38 mm). Thus, this tank, despite its impressive frontal armor, can in no way be considered one of the most protected. To determine the most armored tank, it is better to look at the totality of its armor. The top three heavy tanks for this indicator include: Maus, E-100 and IS-4. The least armored Tier 10 heavy tank is the French AMX 50B. But do not forget that even the most heavily armored tank has weak spots, and when playing at high levels, there will certainly be an opponent who knows all your vulnerable points well. By the way, many WoT players love not only tanks, but also other powerful “equipment”, albeit a fantastic one - transformers, here you can try out all the transformers games, do not miss the opportunity to control large robots.

Very important characteristic A tank's firepower is its firepower. IN world game of tanks, all tanks have only one gun, which is characterized by a number of parameters. The most important of these are armor penetration, damage dealt, and reload speed. If all the guns of heavy tanks of the 10th level are approximately the same in terms of armor penetration (from 235 mm for the E-100 to 259 mm for the FV215b), then the values ​​of the damage dealt and rate of fire vary greatly. And here you must decide which of these two characteristics is more necessary for you. If you are a fan of high one-time damage, then among the level 10 heavies in this component, E-100 with its 750 units of damage is unrivaled. If you prefer a high rate of fire, then the FV215b with its ability to fire 6.9 projectiles per minute or one of the tanks with a loading drum (and there are two of them at level 10 - T57 Heavy and AMX 50B) will be more suitable for you.

And finally, speed. It would seem that the characteristic for a heavy tank is secondary, but there is nothing worse than being under fire from self-propelled guns on a barely crawling tank. So speed is very important. The absolute leader among all heavy tanks in this indicator is the AMX 50B with its 65 km/h. The top three also includes the IS-7 (59.6 km/h) and Chinese tank 113 (50 km/h). But the absolute outsider in this characteristic is the Maus with its 20 km/h.

As can be seen from the above listed characteristics in world of tanks, there is no tank that has the best performance in all three main characteristics. All of them are the result of a compromise and you need to choose the tank that suits you. Therefore, the very concept of “the most powerful tank” in the world of tank is meaningless, because each player has his own unique style, and the developers do their bit by constantly adding new tank models and changing the characteristics of existing ones. And since there is no “ultimate weapon” in the game, there is also no way to complete it. The main thing when playing world of tanks is not to acquire the abstract “most powerful tank,” but to gain experience that allows you to make any tank under your control such. And, of course, get maximum pleasure in the process.

Greetings, dear reader of our site! Many tankers have long been interested in the question of the best heavy tanks in World of Tanks. The game features a lot of heavy equipment, but not all of it has clear advantages; some tanks are difficult to play, others have a number of disadvantages, etc. In this article, we would like to compile a list of truly comfortable and “flexible” TTs that will give their owner real pleasure from the game. This top is based on reviews from experienced gamers and the opinions of leading WoT players.

First, let's discuss the Soviet branch of heavy tanks, which, by the way, is very good. The characteristics of the TT are as balanced as possible; the vehicle has impressive armor and damage. I would especially like to highlight the KV-1 tank (which was lowered by 1 level and was replaced by the KV-85), this is one of the best tanks in the game in principle, it is very comfortable, has decent armor and a powerful gun, at first (in stock) play this TT will not be very comfortable (slow and clumsy), but by leveling it up, you will get a truly formidable monster, capable of penetrating vehicles of higher levels.

Also in the Soviet branch I would like to highlight the IS-4 tank, it has thick armor on the sides, has a very powerful gun, which is also very fast-firing and penetrating. The IS-4 is perfect for players who like to play from armor on leisurely TTs.

If you want to have speed in addition to armor, then you should upgrade the IS-7 tank, it is mobile and maneuverable, has strong front armor and a good gun.

Both of these vehicles are level 10, so you'll have to play quite a few fights to unlock these tanks, but they're worth it.

I would like to highlight “ younger brother» hundredth "E" - E-75. In stock, the car is difficult to play: slow, weak armor, poor penetration, but after upgrading this technique, you will immediately feel the difference, it will become much more comfortable to play, the main thing is not to expose the sides and lower armor plate for attacks (these are the weak points of this TT).

The “Royal Tiger” is another good representative of the German “heavies”; it has a very powerful weapon and excellent hitting, a large supply of HP and the “ability” to quickly spin in one place. The tank's turret copes excellently with enemy shells, and the power of the gun allows it to easily damage tanks of the ninth and tenth levels.

In the American branch of heavy tanks, first of all, I would like to highlight the T57 Heavy, the equipment is specific and requires skill, so it is more suitable for tankers who have already played more than one thousand battles. The “features” of this combat vehicle are a rapid-fire drum and fast reloading, and the weapon is also very accurate. The tank's armor is not thick, which can cause some inconvenience at the beginning of the game. The speed of this TT is also not a strong point; it is extremely low, so the T57 is not suitable for rapid trips around the map. However, in experienced hands, thanks to an excellent weapon, real miracles can be done with this level 10 tank!

The American T110E5 is another good representative of the TT class; the equipment is quite maneuverable, has a thick “forehead”, a strong turret and comfortable vertical aiming angles. The turret style of play is best suited for this tank (but it has a weak spot in the form of a large hatch). One of the main advantages of the T110E5 is the very fast reloading of the gun; by installing the necessary modules and upgrading several perks, reloading will take less than 8 seconds, which is very good, considering the impressive damage of the gun.

French heavy tanks are unique in their own way, but they are not suitable for all gamers. Distinctive feature This branch is “cardboard”, but this drawback is offset by the drum charge.

The AMX 50b tank is the best TT of the French, the car has practically no armor (a coma of the armor sheet on the bottom), but has an excellent speed of 60 km/h, only some LT can drive that fast! Add to this a drum with four charges, which can inflict up to 1600 points of damage and a very accurate weapon (one of the most accurate among the 10th level TTs), and you get lethal weapon, which is capable of unexpectedly appearing behind enemy lines, causing damage to opponents, and just as quickly disappearing. The variety of tactics on the AMX 50b is off the charts.

The AMX 50-100 is an excellent tier 8 TT, although it has the same drawback as its older brother - a small amount of armor, but a multi-charge drum for six shells with one-time damage - 300 and high penetration, corrects the situation. By successfully firing a drum at an opponent, you are almost guaranteed to destroy him (a level 8 tank for sure). Wide visibility and good maneuverability allow the AMX 50-100 to successfully use tactics unusual for a TT.

The British branch of “heavy trucks” is very ambiguous, it is certainly not recommended for beginners to go there, the cars are mostly “cardboard”, have little damage, and in terms of their characteristics they are more similar to ST than to TT.

But you can still choose one worthy representative, this is the FV 215b (10th level). The vehicle has a rear-mounted turret, so playing this tank takes some getting used to. The TT stands out for its very fast reloading and phenomenal accuracy, and its good maneuverability leaves a lot of freedom of action in battle. The small silhouette makes the tank unnoticeable, this is an important quality, because... The vehicle's armor is very weak.

The Chinese TT branch is often criticized by players for the lack of innovations and complete copying of USSR equipment, but this is not entirely true. Yes, Chinese TTs borrowed a lot from Soviet tanks, but they still added their own “zest”.

The IS-2 will delight fans of fast and maneuverable TTs; the vehicle has an impressive cannon that allows it to penetrate higher-level vehicles, causing considerable damage. The body features make the IS-2 ricochet; shells often “bounce” off the vehicle, saving it from damage. Overall, playing this TT is very pleasant and comfortable.

This is our list of the best heavy tanks in World of Tanks. We hope that you choose the appropriate option for yourself, each technique has its own advantages, you just need to use them correctly.

This top is compiled by the number of battles per month since the release of the vehicle, the average statistical value is used. This method is the most accurate, however, some new tanks received very low scores. In fact, only tanks that came out before 2017 take part in this top; newer vehicles simply do not have up-to-date statistics, because not all players have managed to get to them.

If we take the number of battles on a certain tank or how many people pumped out this equipment, then only the oldest models, such as the IS-7, and E100, are in the top. This type of calculation removed the old people from the first positions and put everything in its place.

For comparison, only level 10 upgraded equipment was used.

  • Release date: 07.2012
  • Win percentage: 49.52%
  • Number of fights played: 293 139 190
  • Hit percentage: 39.77%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 381,677
  • Average damage: 1,615

This self-propelled gun has undergone a number of changes, like other representatives of this class of equipment. This reduced the damage indicators, but the technique is very popular.

This is the only artillery in the game with a cassette loading system. It is very unusual in terms of gameplay and is comfortable to use. It is capable of holding the enemy in place for a very long time due to the systematic knocking down of the caterpillar.

In general, the concept of such artillery is very successful, since you can quickly release the entire charge and get some time to change position. This allows you to surprise your enemies and always be in the right place.

  • Release date: 03.2012
  • Win rate: 49.25%
  • Number of fights played: 347,410,786
  • Hit percentage: 80.97%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 859,366
  • Average damage: 1,881

This tank appeared in the game, replacing the T30 at level ten. It has one of the highest hit rates. This is not only because of the accurate gun, most often this vehicle is in the thick of battle.

IN different periods he showed very good results. The developers have nerfed and raised it more than once. Just recently he received a very strong commander's cupola, and then it was made weaker.

In this World of Tanks 9.20 patch he is very strong. A major rebalancing of the artillery was to its benefit, since this American tank has weak all-round armor and can only deflect shells with the forehead of the hull and turret.

  • Release date: 05.2011
  • Win percentage: 48.07%
  • Number of fights played: 422,045,489
  • Hit percentage: 38.06%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 570,615
  • Average damage: 1,630

This self-propelled gun is the most accurate “ten”. It also ranks first in the total number of battles and purchased vehicles on the server among the tenth level artillery. The absolute record holder for the number of fights played is German self-propelled gun G.W. Panther, players have ridden it into battle 637,871,435 times.

The disadvantages include very poor horizontal aiming angles. However, playing this artillery is very comfortable due to its very fast aiming. Most often this is what is recommended for beginners, but the leveling branch is about the same. 261 in World of Tanks is not very simple.

Her win percentage and hit rate are very weak. This is mostly due to the fact that Soviet tanks are most often pumped out by beginners and low-skilled players. Even the developers are positioning USSR technology as the choice of a beginner.

  1. E 100
  • Release date: 08.2011
  • Win percentage: 49.44%
  • Number of fights played: 459,425,939
  • Hit percentage: 79.62%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 1,114,901
  • Average damage: 1,808

German tank level ten for a long time was the only tank heavy in World of Tanks. Even many tank destroyers cannot penetrate its armor, and when it becomes a diamond, only monsters such as the Jagdpanzer E 100 can penetrate it with a basic shell and only at one point.

This tank is one of the most popular in battles on the global map. He gained this popularity because of his very good gun. If you use only cumulative shells, then any armor will not be a problem.

Its hit rate is also very high due to the fact that the E 100 in WoT is used at close range. It is also worth mentioning that its sides are protected by durable shields, which allow it to ignore most damage from high-explosive fragmentation shells that hit nearby.

  • Release date: 12.2012
  • Win percentage: 48.87%
  • Number of fights played: 360,472,958
  • Hit percentage: 78.81%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 832,757
  • Average damage: 2,061

The tank appeared in the game a long time ago, and at first it was a favorite of the extras. It has undergone many nerfs and is nothing special now. Compared to the excessively uprated AMX 50B and Kranvagn, this tank is no longer so interesting, but it is quite comfortable to upgrade and is one of the most popular vehicles in WoT.

He was popular at a time when he was at the peak of his power. Very a large number of extras raised their performance ratings on it. It had a sky-high damage per minute indicator and outperformed the AMX 50B in terms of stabilization and aiming speed. While the 50B deflated in 7.5 seconds, the Heavik did it in just 6 seconds. In addition, he did not have to close down after the shot; the release of the drum at any distance was equal to six seconds. 50B could not boast of this; shooting without additional aiming time was possible only with “Combat Brotherhood”, “Improved Ventilation” and additional ones. rations.

Now the AMX 50B has excellent armor, dynamics and damage per minute. And the Kranvagn is superior to this tank in almost all respects. His popularity has fallen greatly.

  • Release date: 09.2013
  • Win percentage: 48.26%
  • Number of fights played: 311,914,608
  • Hit percentage: 77.33%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 748,983
  • Average damage: 1,834

After its release, many tried to find in it at least a drop of differences from the T-62A, the debate about which of them is better does not subside. However, after its appearance, many experienced players chose it. Its turret is not as rigid as its competitor's, but the dynamics and stabilization are slightly better.

His winning percentage is less than half, this can be explained by the fact that a fairly large number of inexperienced players are pumping exactly Soviet technology. By the way, all upgraded tanks of the USSR have a victory percentage of less than 50%, only the Object 430 Option II has a positive indicator - 51.58%.

His hit percentage is slightly lower than the classic 80%, this is due to the fact that the vol. 140 has a very fast reload time, and he is often far from the battlefield.

  • Release date: 07.2012
  • Win percentage: 47.37%
  • Number of fights played: 486,802,525
  • Hit percentage: 77.79%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 1,036,752
  • Average damage: 1,649

This car didn’t end up in its place by accident. He surpassed his competitor, since he had been in the game a year longer and all this time was considered the best tier ten medium tank. Moreover, it is the most famous medium tank in the game, judging by the amount of information on the Internet and conversations in the community. But in our top it is only in second place in the list of the most popular ST 10.

Its concept has few analogues, but it is almost ideal for the game. It is very accurate, has a low silhouette, good penetration, a strong turret and excellent dynamics. It's hard to imagine a better and more comfortable tank. For complete happiness, all that is missing is a drum and a few vertical aiming angles; with modern, dug up cards, -5 is not a very good indicator.

Its low accuracy and win percentage only speaks to its popularity among inexperienced players, which is not surprising given its nationality and ease of control.

  • Release date: 02.2010
  • Win percentage: 47.32%
  • Number of fights played: 883,572,778
  • Hit percentage: 79.47%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 2,029,148
  • Average damage: 1,600

This tank is one of the oldest in the history of the project, it has become a legend of the game. It is not surprising that, by any count, it remains one of the most popular and discussed. His amazing fame also played a bad role, a large number of inexperienced players drained him, and his performance dropped significantly. His win rate is the lowest among Tier 10 heavy tanks and one of the lowest among all top ten.

This vehicle is one of the simplest in World of Tanks. Its complex armor with powerful screens allows it to catch many non-penetrations and ricochets completely by accident. The disadvantage is that the weapon is not the best, but it is compensated by the fact that the tank is always on the front line.

The popularity of the “seven” played a cruel joke on him; almost every player knows his weak points, although there are not many of them. However, it is quite difficult to hit them due to the spread.

  • Release date: 12.2011
  • Win percentage: 48.79%
  • Number of fights played: 699,442,732
  • Hit percentage: 78.39%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 1,043,575
  • Average damage: 1,771

This tank appeared in the game a long time ago, initially it was at level nine. Many consider him the best ST 10 in WoT. Its concept is completely different from that of Soviet medium tanks, but in the right hands this vehicle can work wonders.

“Batchat” has the lowest damage per minute among its classmates. However, its ability to deal almost 2000 damage in 11 seconds makes it indispensable for quickly capturing important points. The mobility of this tank is also excellent, the complete lack of armor and a powerful engine allow it to flutter on the battlefield like a butterfly, and sting with a drum like a real hornet.

In terms of the number of battles played and tanks pumped out, “batchatik” is the leader. And his low win rate is due to the very difficult gameplay. Indeed, in order to operate such a machine you need to be able to play cassette technology well, as well as have a lot of experience. Not all players are capable of this.

Now this tank is not very relevant, but at one time it was the choice of a platoon of extras. Which, behind the drum, could “eat” several enemy tanks in one go and quickly escape, receiving a minimum of damage. It has also gained great popularity on the global map due to its prohibitive damage from one reel.

  • Release date: 03.2016
  • Win percentage: 48.29%
  • Number of fights played: 195,921,055
  • Hit percentage: 72.13%
  • Total number of tanks on the RU server: 653,793
  • Average damage: 1,458

This car did not get first place on the list quite honestly. It was introduced instead of the well-known Waffenträger auf E 100. For this reason, many players did not have to pump it out, they simply received it instead of a tank that was pumped out.

But this car is not far behind the old guys in the game in terms of statistics. Moreover, it holds an honorable second place in the number of equipment in players’ hangars among all. Only O. could overtake her. 268.

There was a lot of talk about her imbecility, as well as about the “waffle”. Even now, rumors persist that it will suffer the same fate as its predecessor due to the inability to balance such a powerful technique. Just a few patches ago it was ideal for bush gameplay. Now, with the nerf to artillery, heavy weapons have become more relevant, but the power of this AT cannot be diminished.

She has enormous projectile speed, which allows her to hit at long distances much more often than her classmates. This also helps with very high accuracy and speed of mixing.


This TOP is the most objective in terms of popularity. It is based on data such as the number of battles played for each month the vehicle was in the game. This method of calculation allows us to exclude months of popularity, the date of release of the equipment and other indicators that make the level of popularity less objective. If you count only the number of battles played, then only the oldest tanks will be in the top.

On this moment More than 290 military vehicles of the past are available in World of Tanks. Each tank has its own strengths and weaknesses, however, there are some vehicles that are extremely comfortable to play on; these tanks really bend over backwards. We have selected for you the best tanks at each level so that you know what exactly to buy in order to have the greatest influence on the outcome of the battle. In general, if you want to bend over, read the material!

Before we start, let me tell you about how the tanks for the material were selected. Server-wide statistics for each tank were taken as a basis. The highest win percentage was counted. However, some corrections were made, because there were situations when the equipment was new and only experienced players upgraded it, which is why the percentage of victories on the tank was much higher without any reason. In addition, the material did not include such vehicles as, for example, the KV-220, the statistics of which are very high, but the tank is now impossible to get.

Some levels housed several tanks, because it was very difficult to choose the best one.

First level - MS-1 (49.08% wins on the server)

The undisputed leader comes from the USSR - MS-1. Thanks to its complex of characteristics, Moska mercilessly oppresses newcomers and faggots who have just entered the game and have tens of thousands of battles behind them.

The MS-1 does not have armor (at the first level no one has it), amazing dynamics or accuracy... But a 45mm gun can deprive the enemy of 47 HP, which is quite a lot. In addition, the tank is small in size, which reduces the likelihood of being hit.

Watch video about MS-1

Second level - PzKpfw 38H735 (f) (56.53% wins on the server)

Although I promised not to include in the article tanks that are impossible to obtain, I simply cannot help but talk about the Minimouse, since this unusually protected tank can simply brutally destroy random battles thanks to its luxurious armor.

Pay attention to the win percentage on the server - 56.53% is very, very high. And all because the PzKpfw 38H735 (f) has absolutely amazing 40mm thick all-round armor. Classmates by level break through Minimouse with great difficulty, and first-level machines may not even try to do this (unless the same MS-1 can try and it is unlikely to succeed).

In addition, this 40mm armor is located not only in the forehead and sides but also, attention, in the stern. Among the disadvantages of the PzKpfw 38H735 (f) it should be noted its low speed and not very high penetration. However, these shortcomings are easily compensated by the luxurious advantages of the car.

But enough choking on your saliva, let's move on to the machines that you can buy and on which you can bend no worse than the PzKpfw 38H735 (f).

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T18 (50.43% wins on the server)

Do you want to bend at the second level? Please, there is nothing complicated about this, for this you will need straight arms and a small accessory in the form of an American T18 tank destroyer. Why is T18 better than its classmates? It's simple - thanks to the huge one-time damage, a tank destroyer can literally one-shot enemies, and thanks to its excellent speed, you can quickly react to the situation on the battlefield, which changes at lightning speed in the sandbox. It is also worth mentioning the good 51mm armor of the tank destroyer, which can save you from shots in difficult times.

Of course, it was not without its drawbacks. You should always remember that you are a tank destroyer, not a tank - the T18 does not have a turret, so an enemy that gets behind the lines can cause you a lot of problems. And the enemy can get used to the board, which is also not very pleasant.

And one more thing - to guarantee high damage, carry Serbogold with you, if, of course, you have enough silver.

View about T18

T2 Light Tank (53.95% win rate on server)

If T18 is created for those who like to one-shot the enemy, then T2 Light Tank will appeal to players who love fast rides. This is one of the fastest tanks in the game, so you can always hope that the tank's engine will help you out in difficult times. For example, when a base is captured, you can quickly return and knock down the capture.

In addition, in addition to speed, the T2 Light Tank boasts an unusual weapon - a machine gun that destroys 12 units of HP in one hit. If you know how to use these weapons correctly, you can work real miracles.

The tank also has disadvantages, for example, a complete lack of armor and not very high maneuverability, which will play a cruel joke on you more than once.

T2 Light Tank in all its glory, watch video

As you can see, at the second level you can choose between two tanks. Consider what style of play you like.

Third level - FCM36 Pak40 (59.02%)

Phenomenal large percentage victories on this French tank destroyer FCM36 Pak40! This is not surprising - powerful weapons and good armor (machine guns are not scary) allow you to work real miracles.

In addition, the PT unit boasts phenomenal visibility at its level - as much as 400 meters! You see the enemy when the enemy does not even suspect that he is glowing like Christmas tree. Properly using the visibility and power of the FCM36 Pak40 gun, it can carry through the toughest battles. And don't let the fact that the FCM36 Pak40 costs scare you real money, the price is not very high, only 850 gold coins. Believe me, this is a small price to pay for bending.

The disadvantages include low speed and not very large horizontal aiming angles. The disadvantages are not very significant; the advantages outweigh them several times.

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Level four - Hetzer (49.45% win rate on the server)

At the fourth level, it was quite difficult to choose the most bending tank, since almost all the vehicles are quite average in their characteristics. However, an interesting tank destroyer at this level is also called “Hetzer”. True, for comfortable and effective bending you will need a lot of silver. Thick frontal armor and an excellent land mine, capable of depriving an enemy of 350 HP, make Hetzer a real monster. Of course, for a comfortable game you need to shoot with serbogold in order to maximize your chances of inflicting those same 350 units of damage.

The vehicle is quite unique and in inept hands the Hetzer will infuriate the tank driver with its low speed.

Video clip under spoiler

Fifth level

KV-1 (49.1% win rate)

Don’t look at the fact that the KV-1 has such a low win rate on the server. This is due to the fact that the tank is extremely popular, and the statistics on it correspond most closely to the concept of “balance”. Excellent protection at its level, excellent weapons, but poor mobility and visibility - these are the key features of this tank. Getting into the TOP, the KV-1 drags the battle and is the main combat unit of the team.

View about KV-1

S-35 CA (52.21% win rate on the server)

The second machine for bending at the fifth level is the S-35 CA, which has absolutely lethal weapons - a 105mm gun can upset the enemy by as many as 300 hit points, which is a record among its classmates. Huge number! If an evil VBR throws you to the top of the list, then you can be punished mercilessly.

The machine's disadvantages are standard - lack of armor, low speed and low strength. But believe me, these shortcomings are compensated by crazy damage. And the visibility of the S-35 CA is excellent - we can see as much as 400 meters. If you install an enlightenment and a pipe... Soviet blind tanks will suffer, suffer a lot;).

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AT 2 (52.23% win rate)

This tank destroyer is suitable only for those players who adore the sound of shells bouncing off them. Thanks to the record thickness of the armor, AT 2 survives where the rest of the team would have already merged. Just imagine, at the fifth level we have access to as much as 203mm of frontal armor! Damn, this is so cool that you can’t even ask for anything better.

The stern and sides, of course, are less armored, but 101mm is also very helpful.

What characteristics of the AT 2 were sacrificed for the Serb? Weapons and speed. We move with the speed of a turtle and bite the enemy with the strength of a mosquito. Which, however, does not prevent this tank destroyer from bending brutally, especially on city maps where there are many narrow passages.

Playing on AT 2 became even more comfortable after update 0.8.6, since the evil SU-26 imba was nerfed. Feel free to buy if you like armored tanks. A lot of emotions are guaranteed.

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Sixth level

KV-1S (49.06%)

A recognized imba in World of Tanks. The most brutal one-time damage of 390 units, enemy tanks burst in two shots. In addition to an excellent gun, Kvass has good mobility, which is quite unexpected for a tank that deals such wild damage.

The advantages are compensated by not very good armor (but there are ricochets, and quite often) and a high probability of fire (perks will help you).

The most popular tank in the game - it’s not for nothing that the “quaskaktank” meme is alive and well. "Kwaskaktank, can it take a hit?"


M18 Hellcat (51.31% win rate)

High speed and excellent weapons are a deadly combination, especially in the realities of the World of Tanks. The Cat from Hell M18 is capable of not only dragging out battles, but also giving the tanker completely new emotions, because it is in this tank destroyer that you will find speed and a good gun. But a weak penetration is not a problem.

M18 Hellcat is a chic alternative to Kvass.

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Level seven - PzKpfw VI Tiger (P) (50.19% win rate)

The seventh level, like the fourth, is also difficult to choose a bending technique. Many, of course, will prefer the Soviet IS, but I choose the German PzKpfw VI Tiger (P), which I advise you to do too, because if you use this wonderful machine correctly, you will enjoy every battle.

Excellent armor penetration and good 200mm armor make the tank truly interesting. Of course, low mobility and low one-time damage should be taken into account. But even despite these disadvantages, the PzKpfw VI Tiger (P) can bend. And if you place the tank in a diamond shape, enemy shells will regularly bounce off the vehicle.

Watch the video

Eighth level - IS-3 (48.69%)

And again we have an undisputed leader at our level. Enough a rare event, but it is the IS-3 at level eight that is the best tank. It has everything - a great weapon, good armor, mobility... The disadvantages are very insignificant - poor visibility and long aiming times are easily offset by its advantages.

Feel free to buy if you are looking for the most bending tank at the eighth level. The IS-3 is especially transformed after purchasing the 122 mm BL-9 gun, which increases armor penetration to 225 mm.


Ninth level

T54E1 (51.83% win rate)

Despite its weak armor, the T54E1 is still capable of firing randomly, using its loading drum, which is capable of delivering 1560 damage. In addition, the T54E1 also has good dynamics, allowing it to quickly respond to a changing situation on the battlefield.

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T-54 (49.32% win rate)

Armament, armor, speed - the T-54 has no disadvantages, only advantages. An extremely nice tank in World of Tanks, which is capable of bending not only in straight hands.


T57 Heavy Tank (51.66% win rate)

And again our guest is a relatively new American tank with a loading drum. Powerful weapons, good dynamics and very fast reloading of the drum are compensated by weak armor and small reserve strength.

However, if you don’t expose yourself to enemy shots, you can hit record numbers in the “damage” column. One of the most enjoyable tanks at the moment.

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AMX 50 Foch (155) (53.54% win rate)

How can we do without Focha, who after patch 0.8.6 became especially popular due to the almost complete absence of artillery in battles. It has excellent armor, a loading drum for three shells and excellent dynamics. AMX 50 Foch (155) is perfect example how one car can have the most significant advantages.

The disadvantages are insignificant - the lack of armor in the stern and sides, as well as the low margin of safety, practically does not play a role in random battles. Foch 155 is now bending like never before.

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Well, friends, that's all for me. Of course, not everyone will agree with this list of tanks, but I tried to collect the equipment taking into account all factors as much as possible - the percentage of wins on the server, player voting, as well as personal feelings and observations. But in the end I will say one thing - even the most disgusting tank can bend. It all depends on your hands, the characteristics of the car are in the background, they only complement your skill.

Good luck in your battles and quickly level up!

World of Tanks is a tank simulator with arcade controls. It is published by the Belarusian company Wargaming and is very popular among players all over the world. There are five types of vehicles in the game - light, medium and heavy tanks (LT, ST and TT, respectively), and also implemented anti-tank self-propelled guns(PT), in addition there is a support class - self-propelled artillery. The game features technology following countries: USSR, Germany, France, Great Britain, USA, Japan, China and Czechoslovakia.

When first looking at the technology research tree for the first time, any beginner will have a reasonable question: What to strive for? Which branch of development should I choose? Which tank at the top is the best?

With such a variety of branches and nations available for leveling up, it’s not easy to make a choice. Let's look at the candidates in more detail.

Tank destroyer

This self-propelled gun is distinguished by excellent all-round armor, as well as a powerful 170 mm caliber gun. The damage from its shells is great and terrible; many players, only seeing this creation of the gloomy Teutonic genius in the distance, begin to frantically press themselves to the shelters. The only disadvantages that stand out are poor mobility, as well as low maximum speed. This PT did not have time to make its mark in the history of the Great Patriotic War, remaining at the drawing stage. The Germans were going to produce it on the basis super heavy tank E-100 (the finished chassis of which, produced in a single copy, became the prey of the Allies in 1945). And, despite all the controversy among players around, JagdPanzer is one of the most powerful machines at level 10, capable of destroying any enemy.

FV215B (183)

This tank destroyer was developed on the basis of the British heavy tank Conqueror, the main idea during its creation was to fight the heavy armored vehicles of a “probable” enemy. To do this, they were going to place a ship's 183-mm gun in the turret. But while they were walking design work, cheaper means of fighting tanks were developed. By the time the development was closed, a wooden model had already been made. Here is such a trace in history. In the game, this self-propelled gun has the most powerful high explosive projectile(only artillery is better). Exactly big gun attracts players to this tank. The ability to inflict damage without penetrating armor is priceless, but you have to pay for everything - the reload time of this self-propelled gun is terribly long, which is often taken advantage of by opponents. Aiming and accuracy also suffer - it will take a long time to aim the enemy, but this can be corrected with modules or crew skills.

The vehicle's armor is quite holey, you can get a ricochet, but this is the exception rather than the rule, the turret is better armored, but it should not be exposed to heavy enemy fire either. The element of this tank destroyer is medium distances, at which it is most effective and in many ways superior to other tanks of the 10th level.

Medium tanks

T-62A (Object 165)

The basic version of the T-62 tank (Object 166), they were developed simultaneously, but due to the release of new modifications, Object 165 inevitably became outdated and was discontinued in 1963. All work on it was stopped. In the game, this tank is the crown of the branch of Soviet medium tanks. The D-54TS rapid-fire 100-mm caliber gun has excellent accuracy, penetration, aiming and the highest projectile speed in the game! A strong turret is capable of repelling most projectiles, and excellent speed and maneuverability allow you to be the first to take an advantageous position. As a result, the T-62A is capable of causing suffering to the enemy at any combat distance. A skilled player who competently controls this tank becomes a real car of death. However, there are also disadvantages. The frontal armor plate, although it has good slopes of 60°, is still vulnerable to cannon fire with a penetration of over 230 mm. Vertical aiming angles are also not encouraging, only -5° down and +16° up, respectively. Many players consider this CT to be the strongest in its class, playing on which can bring a lot of positive emotions.

In 1950 two alternative developments of the Tank General Purpose" - Skoda T50 and Praga T51 have been combined into one program. TVP 50/51 is the culmination of independent Czechoslovak projects. The key feature of the tank is the automatic loader for four shells. The Czechs managed to produce and test some components of the vehicle, but due to delays in development and growing political pressure, the project was canceled in 1952, and the good old T-34-85 went into production.

This shaitan machine, in the hands of experienced players, is capable of performing real miracles on the battlefield. A powerful engine of 1000 l/s gives excellent mobility, the chassis provides good stabilization of the gun, which allows you to comfortably deal damage to enemies. There are also controversial points. After four shots totaling 1500 strength points, TVP is defenseless against attacking enemies for more than 20 seconds. The tank has no armor, the cast turret can catch non-penetration or ricochet, but only the masters of this vehicle are capable of this. This technique is a direct embodiment of the hit-and-run tactics; an accurate weapon with excellent penetration by sub-caliber shells, it will definitely give the enemy an unpleasant feeling.

Heavy Tanks


The first drawings of the “model 113” were released in 1963; the main idea of ​​the new tank was the ability to fight heavy Soviet armored vehicles (T-10, IS-3). In the same year, plant number 617 in the city of Baotou received an order for the production and development of a turret for a 120 mm gun. The creation was completed a year later, and the first tests were carried out at the same time. Then the Chinese leadership decided to create a chassis for this tank. But fate decreed otherwise. There was no further development of the project, since heavy tanks had lost their former power. With the advent of the class of main battle tanks (MBT), all work on the project was curtailed.

In the game “Model 113” it turned out to be one of the most versatile TTs of its kind. The Chinese are capable of supporting flank attacks of the ST or going head-to-head with other heavy brothers. In general, the 113th strongly resembles the famous T-54 level 9, the game tactics are similar to them, only the Chinese have frontal armor located at more rational angles, which allows it to calmly deflect any projectiles. The “cast iron” tower of this TT is also very difficult to penetrate. It’s strange, but you rarely see the 113th in normal combat. Players are scared off by the terrible elevation angles of -4° down; the gun rises normally, by as much as +18°. As a result, the gun loves to look at the sky, you just need to drive over a small bump. However, to people who have passed the KV-85 (-3° there), even these declination angles will seem like manna from heaven. The Chinese gun has an average penetration of 249 mm for level 10, while at the same time having decent damage of 440 units. The reload time is about 9 seconds, which gives a great advantage in head-on collisions, for example with the IS-7.

Also, this tank began to gain popularity in eSports, having managed to shine in several tournaments, gradually displacing the “grandfathers” who had stayed too long. The Chinese has rightfully occupied the niche of one of the most versatile tanks, the disadvantages of which can be completely corrected by the right set of skills of the crew and modules.

T110e5 is the best tank in the game!

This TT has become the latest prototype the whole series (earlier versions are available in the game, these are T110e4 and e3). During the development of the project, many difficulties arose, ranging from the unsuccessful location of the power plant to problems with mounting the 120-mm gun mantlet into the turret. Despite the fact that most of the problems were solved and a mock-up was even built, the vehicle did not go into production, since the American leadership decided to focus on lighter vehicles.

Brought to life by Wargaming, the T110e5 turned out to be the strongest heavy tank, capable of standing up to two or three opponents at once in a head-on firefight. The cunning armoring of the lower frontal part (NLD), although weak, but a correctly selected position, allows the American to calmly catch non-penetration and ricochets in unlimited quantities. The gun depression angles are excellent, -8° down and +15° up, which dictates the game against uneven terrain, because it is possible to show only a small piece of the tower to the enemy. Excellent stabilization allows you to fire on the move while simultaneously hitting vulnerable spots, and 400 units of average damage will not leave anyone indifferent.

The vehicle is effective in duels, its high rate of fire and dispersion allow the use of the “swing” technique. The meaning of which is the following “body movements”: you need to find a pile of garbage (a burnt enemy/ally is also suitable if you can hide the body behind them), and then you start driving back and forth or left and right. It is necessary to shoot without aiming, especially under overwhelming fire from opponents. The main advantage of this technique is the difficulty of targeting the weak spots of the player who used this feint. Opponents are forced to follow their guns behind the constantly moving turret, increasing their chances of embarrassingly missing. The tactic works well against Soviet, Chinese and some German vehicles (E-100 or Maus), whose aiming parameters are far from ideal.

The versatility of the T110e5 makes it possible to turn it into a sniper specializing in long ranges, an attack aircraft that feels comfortable on the front line, some may well like the dueling option. There is only one key point here - the “Combat Brotherhood” skill, it is necessary for assembling an attack aircraft or a sniper, increasing all the parameters of the tank, except for speed and cross-country ability. But it should be excluded if the emphasis is on shooting accuracy on the move. It is quite possible to specialize in everything at once, but this is best done by those who have extensive experience playing this technique.

All tanks have holes in their armor, and the T110e5 was no exception. The commander's turret immediately catches your eye; formally it is armored (180 mm on all sides), but most competitors at level 10 have penetration well over 250, armor-piercing and sub-caliber ones can easily cope with armor and cause damage. WITH cumulative shells things are more interesting, the turret can easily absorb them without harm to itself, but you shouldn’t count on this all the time.

The sides and rear are quite thin (76/38 mm), if the enemy comes from behind, the only chance for the player to survive is to have time to turn the forehead, then with the side armor everything is much more complicated. Branded feature American tanks are wide tracks, they love to absorb damage and are able to, but there is a dependence on the situation, because it is not always possible to find a position so that the enemies see only the chassis and nothing else.

If you look at the totality of characteristics, the American is head and shoulders above all other candidates. The cherry on the cake was the TT branch leading to it, all the cars in it are devoid of malicious disadvantages, having strong positive qualities(a typical example is T29, level 7). The vehicle is suitable for both beginners and WoT veterans, being the best and most versatile tank in the game.
