Nikolai Karachentsov was in a serious accident. Video

The accident occurred at about 19.30 Monday in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, in the village of Zagoryansky, at the intersection of Pushkin and Tennisnaya streets. A Toyota Highlander SUV, in which a 72-year-old man was in the passenger seat, collided with a Gazelle cargo truck. According to unofficially confirmed data, the foreign car was driven by the actor’s wife. His relative and nurse were also in the cabin. According to unconfirmed reports, they also received various injuries.

Information about the accident was confirmed by the Moscow Region police, but the department did not name any names of its possible participants. Now the police are establishing all the circumstances of the incident and the degree of guilt of the participants in the accident.

The evil fate of the Karachentsov family

Car accidents have become real for the Karachentsov family evil fate. The first serious accident famous actor theater and cinema hit exactly 12 years ago - on the night of February 28, 2005 on Michurinsky Avenue in Moscow.

Karachentsov, while driving a Volkswagen Passat, lost control and crashed into a pole. The artist was in a hurry from his dacha to Moscow, excited by the news of the death of his mother-in-law, Nadezhda Porgina, without wearing a seat belt and exceeding the speed limit.

The car also contained the art director of a restaurant in the capital, who took Karachentsov to the hospital in a passing car after the collision. According to doctors, the actor suffered a fracture of the cranial vault, a traumatic brain injury, an internal cranial hematoma, and blunt trauma to the abdomen. His fellow passenger was practically unharmed - he was saved by a deployed airbag.

Karachentsov lay in a coma for three weeks. As a result of the injury, he developed aphasia - a speech defect due to damage to the temporal and lower parts of the cerebral cortex. Then doctors at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, where the artist was admitted, estimated the patient's mortality rate at approximately 20-30%.

In addition, according to doctors, “if the patient lives, it will be difficult to preserve his intelligence.” Karachentsov lay in a coma for about a month; he underwent several operations, including on the brain. The public's favorite survived, but the recovery period took several years, and the actor was never able to return to the stage.

At the beginning of November 2007, Nikolai Karachentsov underwent bypass surgery: doctors pumped out fluid from the cerebral cortex. Everything went well. The actor had a shunt inserted - a tube through which the fluid was drained. His condition improved so much that after discharge he presided over the jury of the acting song festival named after.

However, at the beginning of December 2007, he was again urgently hospitalized - this time with an epileptic seizure in the neuro intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute. The actor stayed here for less than a day and returned home. At the beginning of March 2008, he underwent two-week therapy at the clinic of the Institute of Human Brain (HBI RAS) in St. Petersburg.

At the hospital, Karachentsov was treated using a new technique, which is based on the effect of electric current on the brain and, according to the institute’s specialists, will help partially restore the actor’s speech. The artist spends most of his time at his country dacha.

Following Karachentsov, his daughter got into an accident. Fortunately, the consequences were less serious. On December 8, 2014, at about 8.20, in Leontyevsky Lane, the driver of a Hyundai car hit a nine-year-old girl at an unregulated pedestrian crossing. As a result, the child received minor injuries and was sent home by doctors after examination. It is reported that officers filed a traffic accident.

During the inspection it was established that the driver did not have the right to drive vehicle.

Nikolai Karachentsov began acting in films in 1967, and has more than a hundred roles to his credit.

Famous Russian actor Nikolai Karachentsov again got into a serious accident. The accident occurred in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The actor was hospitalized with injuries of varying severity.

The causes and circumstances of the accident are being clarified.

As TASS was informed by the regional law enforcement agencies, at 19:30 in the village of Zagoryansky on Pushkin Street at an intersection, a Toyota car, in which Karachentsov was a passenger, collided with a GAZelle cargo truck.

The accident is being investigated.

Actor Nikolai Karachentsov is 72 years old. 12 years ago (in 2005) he was in a terrible accident, after which he was unable to fully restore his health.

Doctors spoke about the condition of Nikolai Karachentsov

Actor Nikolai Karachentsov, who was involved in an accident on Monday, remains in the hospital, the help desk of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine told RIA Novosti.

“He lies in the neurosurgical intensive care unit,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

Nikolai Karachentsov was hospitalized after an accident in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The accident occurred on February 27 at 19.30 in the village of Zagoryansky. The Toyota Highlander, in which Karachentsov was traveling with his wife and two other passengers, collided with the Gazelle. The foreign car overturned due to the impact. Karachentsov was diagnosed with a concussion. Later, the actor’s son announced that his father was going to be transferred to a hospital in the capital.

The accident involving Karachentsov occurred 12 years after the accident on Michurinsky Prospekt, as a result of which the actor received a severe traumatic brain injury. He spent almost a month in a coma.

Doctors are ready to let Nikolai Karachentsov go home

National artist Nikolai Karachentsov, who was involved in an accident the day before in the Moscow region, is in the neurosurgical intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. He was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury. A Gazelle drove into the car with the actor and his family. It all happened exactly 12 years after the accident, in which Karachentsov received serious injuries and could no longer go on stage.

Nikolai Karachentsov is in the neurosurgical intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute. The actor was diagnosed with a closed head injury and concussion. Doctors are encouraging: Karachentsov’s life and health are not in danger. The actor can be discharged today - according to available data, his wife Lyudmila Porgina is already on her way to pick him up.

Nikolai Karachentsov was brought to the Sklifosovsky Institute late the night before from the Shchelkovo regional hospital, where the actor was admitted immediately after the accident. It happened in the village of Zagoryansky, where the family has a dacha. The accident happened around half past seven in the evening. The Toyota the actor was in collided with a Gazelle.

The impact was so strong that the car overturned. Karachentsov’s wife Lyudmila Porgina was driving the Toyota; the actor’s attending nurse Nadezhda Sergeeva and relative Elsa Ivleva were also in the car; they were also hospitalized with minor injuries.

Lyudmila Porgina herself was not injured. The Gazelle driver helped the actor’s wife get out of the overturned car. To do this, he had to knock out the windshield. Then help arrived - police and ambulance.

Everyone is talking about the amazing coincidence: this accident happened exactly 12 years after the first one. Then, on Michurinsky Prospekt, Nikolai Karachentsov suffered so badly that he lay in a coma for almost a month - also at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, so the local doctors are well aware of the actor’s health characteristics. Then it took years of rehabilitation in the best clinics in the world. Nikolai Karachentsov actually learned to live again with the help of his wife Lyudmila. And, of course, everyone hopes that this time everything will work out.

The media named his wife as the culprit of the accident involving Karachentsev

The culprit of the accident in which the famous actor Nikolai Karachentsev was injured may be recognized as his wife Lyudmila Porgina, who was driving the car, Interfax reports, citing an informed source.

“A preliminary analysis of the incident allows us to conclude that the rules were violated traffic Toyota driver. A protocol has been drawn up against her, which has been submitted to the administrative practice group,” he said.

This information has not been officially confirmed. Earlier, Porgina herself said that the Gazelle driver, who was driving onto the main street, was to blame for the accident.

The incident occurred in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region on Pushkinskaya Street. After the accident, Karachentsev, his relative and a nurse who were in the car were hospitalized. Later, the actor was transferred to the Research Institute named after. Sklifosovsky with suspected concussion. However, this diagnosis was not confirmed. Karachentsev himself feels fine, perhaps he will be discharged for home recovery today.

“In neurosurgery, where Nikolai Petrovich was hospitalized after DDT, comprehensive examination. No life-threatening injuries were identified. The diagnosis - a concussion - was not confirmed,” confirmed Lenkom deputy director Sergei Volter.

Let us note that 12 years ago, at the same time - on the night of February 28, 2005, Karachentsev was involved in a serious accident on Michurinsky Avenue in Moscow. Then he received a serious brain injury, lay in a coma for about a month, underwent numerous operations and has not returned to the stage since then.

Nikolai Karachentsov had an accident in 2017. Details of the accident.

The accident with Nikolai Karachentsov in 2017 occurred exactly 12 years after terrible accident 2005.

According to TASS, Karachentsov was traveling in a Toyota as a passenger. The accident is being investigated.

Nikolai Karachentsov’s son Andrei confirmed that his father had an accident on the way to Moscow.

“I haven’t been to the scene of the accident yet, I’m just on my way there. But I know that dad was hospitalized, but I can’t say for sure whether this is the Shchelkovo hospital or the Korolev hospital. Later I will find out in detail how things are,” he noted.

As I wrote earlier, the actor was diagnosed with a concussion, and the women who were in the same car with the actor were diagnosed with a forehead hematoma and a bruised forehead wound. They did not require hospitalization.

As Ren-TV learned, the windshield of the Toyota Highlander in which the actor was driving shattered. Apparently, the SUV and the Gazelle did not have time to pass each other wide road. According to some reports, the car with Karachentsov overturned, and the specialists who arrived at the scene had to put it on its wheels.

At the time of the accident, Karachentsov’s wife Lyudmila Porgina was driving the foreign car. She was taking her husband, a relative and a nurse from the dacha to visit her son.

Let us remind you that new accident with Nikolai Karachentsov, ironically, happened exactly 12 years after the terrible accident in which he got into on the night of February 28, 2005. Then the Russian cinema star suffered a traumatic brain injury and spent 26 days in a coma.

The legendary actor, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, 72-year-old Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov, again had an accident. This time as a passenger.

Road accidents almost every day with the same tragic event, because of which Karachentsov had to leave the stage. 12 years ago, in 2005, returning from his dacha at night, he had an accident, received a severe head injury, and was in intensive care.

He had to learn to walk, talk, write again... The stage was out of the question. But the actor not only survived - he began to appear in public. One can only guess what it cost him. He himself prefers to remain silent about this.

And now, 12 years later, almost to the day, there was another accident. It's like mysticism. The accident occurred in the Moscow region, near Losiny Ostrov, where the actor has a dacha. More precisely, in the village of Zagoryansky, at the intersection of Pushkin and Tennisnaya streets. A Toyota Highlander, driven by, as it later turned out, Karachentsov’s wife, artist Lyudmila Porgina, and a Gazelle truck collided. The actor was in a foreign car in the passenger seat. His nurse and relative were in the car with him. Both women suffered bruises. But they did not require hospitalization.

The date of the accident coincided with the day of the tragedy 12 years ago

And Nikolai Petrovich ended up in the hospital. Doctors diagnosed him with a concussion, closed head injury and numerous other injuries.

Dossier "RG"

Nikolai Karachentsov with his wife Lyudmila Porgina. Photo: AUTHOR

Nikolai Karachentsov was born on October 27, 1944 in Moscow. In 1963, Nikolai entered the Moscow Art Theater School (course of V.K. Monyukov), from which he graduated with honors in 1967. His roles in student performances "Metelitsa" and "Ivan Vasilyevich" received high professional assessment. Usually, school graduates were automatically “assigned” to the Moscow Art Theater, but in 1967, at the Lenin Komsomol Theater (since 1991 - “Lenkom”), due to the resignation of the chief director Anatoly Efros, a catastrophic situation arose of a shortage of actors, and Karachentsov was among The ten best students were assigned to this theater.

The actor began actively acting in films only after the triumph of “Til”. Mark Zakharov did not involve him in his screen works, with the exception of small roles in the television films “12 Chairs” (1976) and “The House That Swift Built” (1982). Nevertheless, already at the beginning of his film career, Karachentsov played one of his best roles - Busygin in the film adaptation of Alexander Vampilov's play "The Eldest Son" (1975). This role brought him his first fame. Starting from the second half of the 1970s, Karachentsov became one of the most filmed actors; he always performed all the complex stunt tricks in films himself.

Nikolai Karachentsov starred in films of various genres with equal success - musical, children's, adventure, drama. His popularity was increased by his roles in such films as “Dog in the Manger”, “Pious Martha”, “Yaroslavna, Queen of France”, “The Adventures of Electronics”, “The Trust That Burst”, “White Dews”, “Battalions Ask for Fire”, “The Man from Boulevard des Capuchins”, “One, two - no trouble!”, “Criminal Quartet”, “Bright Personality”, “Deja Vu”, “Trap for a Lonely Man”, “Crazy”, “St. Petersburg Mysteries”, “ Queen Margot", "Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky", "Secrets of Palace Coups", and many others. In total, Nikolai Karachentsov’s track record includes more than 100 film roles.

At the end of February 2005, the famous Russian actor Nikolai Karachentsov was involved in an accident, after which he was in a coma for almost a month and, as a result, actually ended his career. Last night, exactly 12 years later, the artist was involved in an accident again. “360” tells the main thing that is known about the incident.

The accident occurred on the evening of February 27 in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The Toyota Highlander car in which the 72-year-old artist was in collided with a Gazelle.

The accident happened not far from the actor’s dacha. He and his family were going to go to the cinema and then to Moscow, reported TASS citing a source at the Lenkom Theater.

The impact caused the jeep to overturn and stand on its wheels. The actor was in the front passenger seat and was hospitalized as a result of the accident. The actor has a concussion. The media also reported that in addition to him, his relative, a nurse and his wife Lyudmila Porgina were in the jeep.

Versions of what happened differ. Law enforcement agencies, according to preliminary data, considered the Gazelle driver to be the culprit of the accident, reported, citing a source. According to the publication, the truck driver did not notice the Toyota driving into the intersection and hit it in the side.

At the same time, the Gazelle driver himself denies his guilt: REN TV channel that the Toyota in which the actor was driving overtook and hit the minibus. The driver admitted to journalists that he had never heard of Karachentsov.

Later, information appeared that the culprit of the accident could have been the actor’s wife Lyudmila Porgina, who was allegedly driving the Toyota. Interfax reported this with reference to a source. However, there is no official confirmation of this information.

Reports about Karachentsov’s condition also differ: on the morning of February 28, the help desk of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine told RIA Novosti that Nikolai Karachentsov remains in the hospital and is in neurosurgical intensive care. At the same time, earlier a REN TV source from the actor’s family circle reported that Porgina went to the hospital to take her husband home.

Photo: Ekaterina Chesnokova/RIA Novosti

12 years ago

Many media outlets drew attention to the fact that another accident, which actually put an end to Karachentsov’s career, occurred exactly 12 years ago. On the night of February 28, 2005, on the icy road of Michurinsky Prospekt in Moscow, a Volkswagen Passat B5, driven by Karachentsov, crashed into a pole. The actor hurried to Moscow from his dacha because of the news of the death of his mother-in-law. He was not wearing a seat belt and exceeded the speed limit.

As a result of the accident, the actor received a severe traumatic brain injury. Karachentsov underwent craniotomy and brain surgery, after which he was transported to the Sklifosovsky Institute. The actor was in a coma for 26 days.

The recovery process took a long time, only in May 2007 the actor was able to go on stage. Another time, the artist appeared in public at the presentation of a joint CD with composer Elena Surzhikova, but Karachentsov’s speech did not recover; he reacted to environment sluggishly.

In March and April 2011, Nikolai Karachentsov underwent treatment in a clinic in Israel. It was reported that the artist's speech had improved.

Karachentsov is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

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The famous Russian actor Nikolai Karachentsov was again in a serious accident. The accident occurred in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The actor was hospitalized with injuries of varying severity.

As TASS was informed by the regional law enforcement agencies, at 19:30 in the village of Zagoryansky on Pushkin Street at an intersection, a Toyota car, in which Karachentsov was a passenger, collided with a GAZelle cargo truck.

The accident is being investigated.

Actor Nikolai Karachentsov is 72 years old. 12 years ago (in 2005) he was in a terrible accident, after which he was unable to fully restore his health.

Karachentsov's wife was deprived of her driver's license for 18 months

Karachentsov's wife was deprived of her driving license for 18 months. In addition, she will pay administrative penalty 30 thousand rubles.

Earlier it became known that the artist’s wife, Lyudmila Porgina, stated in court regarding an accident in which she got into it with her husband that she did not understand what she was accused of. According to investigators, she was driving in drunk. The woman herself insisted that she did not drink that day.

A medical examination showed that Porgina had about 0.39 ppm of alcohol in her blood.

Karachentsev’s wife was drunk at the time of the accident. Video.

Nikolai Karachentsov’s wife could have been drunk at the time of the accident. News agencies, citing their sources, report that 0.35 ppm of alcohol was found in Lyudmila Porgina’s blood. The accident occurred last Monday in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region.

Recently, the famous actor Nikolai Karachentsov had an accident. After arriving in medical institution the man attacked the nurse, hitting her in the stomach.

The Karachentsov family's car overturned due to a strong impact. On February 27, his wife was in the SUV with the legendary actor.

It became known that it was the man who suffered the most. According to the nurse who was on duty that evening and provided medical care star family, Nikolai did not like the procedures she performed on him. As a result, the actor punched the woman in the stomach.

From Lyudmila’s words, it became clear that her husband would soon be transferred to a regular ward. On this moment Karachentsov feels well and even moves around the hospital and talks with its workers.

Actor Karachentsov was transferred from intensive care

Nurse Nadezhda S. has already arrived to Nikolai Karachentsov, who will be with him in the hospital.

This evening Nikolai Karachentsov was transferred from intensive care to the neurosurgery department. According to Life, the actor’s condition is stable, his life is not in danger.

Let us remind you that the day before, in the Moscow region, a Toyota Highlander car, in which Nikolai Karachentsov was with his wife, relative and nurse, was involved in an accident. At the time of the accident, the actor’s wife Lyudmila was driving.

It was also reported that doctors diagnosed Nikolai Karachentsov with a closed craniocerebral injury and a concussion.

Nikolai Karachentsev was again hospitalized with serious injuries after an accident

The famous and legendary Uriy from "Adventures of Electronics", performer leading role in the musical “Juno and Avos,” Nikolai Karachentsev again, like many years ago, was hospitalized after being seriously injured as a result of an accident.

According to information from the family of the famous film actor, Nikolai Karachentsev, who practically lost his ability to work several years ago, was again injured after an accident with a concussion. An accident happened last night in the Moscow region. In the actor’s car, in which Karachentsev’s wife was, he collided with a Gazelle.

No details have been provided about the actor's condition. Also about the condition of his wife.

Several years ago, Nikolai Karachentsev already received serious injuries as a result of an accident. After that, thanks to my wife, long time was undergoing rehabilitation.

Russian actor Nikolai Karachentsev is in a “fighting” mood after an accident, but doctors decided not to discharge him from the hospital today. This was reported by his wife Lyudmila Porgina.

She said that Karachentsov had neither a concussion nor a hemotom after the accident. But the doctors decided to “do IVs” and not discharge him yet. The actor’s wife said that he was in a “fighting” mood and even told his favorite joke about Chapaev.

Porgina noted that she considers the driver of the Gazelle to be at fault for the accident, since the Toyota she was driving was moving along main road, and the minibus was leaving a secondary road and did not notice the foreign car.

Let us remind you that an accident involving the car of actor Nikolai Karachentsov occurred on February 27 in the Moscow region.
Exactly 12 years ago, on the night of February 28, Karachentsov was involved in a serious accident in Moscow, after which he was in a coma for a month and underwent brain surgery.

Doctors spoke about the condition of Nikolai Karachentsov

Actor Nikolai Karachentsov, who was involved in an accident on Monday, remains in the hospital, the help desk of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine told RIA Novosti.

“He lies in the neurosurgical intensive care unit,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

Nikolai Karachentsov was hospitalized after an accident in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The accident occurred on February 27 at 19.30 in the village of Zagoryansky. The Toyota Highlander, in which Karachentsov was traveling with his wife and two other passengers, collided with the Gazelle. The foreign car overturned due to the impact. Karachentsov was diagnosed with a concussion. Later, the actor’s son announced that his father was going to be transferred to a hospital in the capital.

The accident involving Karachentsov occurred 12 years after the accident on Michurinsky Prospekt, as a result of which the actor received a severe traumatic brain injury. He spent almost a month in a coma.

Doctors are ready to let Nikolai Karachentsov go home

People's Artist Nikolai Karachentsov, who was involved in an accident in the Moscow region the day before, is in the neurosurgical intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. He was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury. A Gazelle drove into the car with the actor and his family. It all happened exactly 12 years after the accident, in which Karachentsov received serious injuries and could no longer go on stage.

Nikolai Karachentsov is in the neurosurgical intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute. The actor was diagnosed with a closed head injury and concussion. Doctors are encouraging: Karachentsov’s life and health are not in danger. The actor can be discharged today - according to available data, his wife Lyudmila Porgina is already on her way to pick him up.

Nikolai Karachentsov was brought to the Sklifosovsky Institute late the night before from the Shchelkovo regional hospital, where the actor was admitted immediately after the accident. It happened in the village of Zagoryansky, where the family has a dacha. The accident happened around half past seven in the evening. The Toyota the actor was in collided with a Gazelle.

The impact was so strong that the car overturned. Karachentsov’s wife Lyudmila Porgina was driving the Toyota; the actor’s attending nurse Nadezhda Sergeeva and relative Elsa Ivleva were also in the car; they were also hospitalized with minor injuries.

Lyudmila Porgina herself was not injured. The Gazelle driver helped the actor’s wife get out of the overturned car. To do this, he had to knock out the windshield. Then help arrived - police and ambulance.

Everyone is talking about the amazing coincidence: this accident happened exactly 12 years after the first one. Then, on Michurinsky Prospekt, Nikolai Karachentsov suffered so badly that he lay in a coma for almost a month - also at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, so the local doctors are well aware of the actor’s health characteristics. Then it took years of rehabilitation in the best clinics in the world. Nikolai Karachentsov actually learned to live again with the help of his wife Lyudmila. And, of course, everyone hopes that this time everything will work out.

The media named his wife as the culprit of the accident involving Karachentsev

The culprit of the accident in which the famous actor Nikolai Karachentsev was injured may be recognized as his wife Lyudmila Porgina, who was driving the car, Interfax reports, citing an informed source.

“A preliminary analysis of the incident allows us to conclude that the Toyota driver violated traffic rules. A protocol has been drawn up against her, which has been submitted to the administrative practice group,” he said.

This information has not been officially confirmed. Earlier, Porgina herself said that the Gazelle driver, who was driving onto the main street, was to blame for the accident.

The incident occurred in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region on Pushkinskaya Street. After the accident, Karachentsev, his relative and a nurse who were in the car were hospitalized. Later, the actor was transferred to the Research Institute named after. Sklifosovsky with suspected concussion. However, this diagnosis was not confirmed. Karachentsev himself feels fine, perhaps he will be discharged for home recovery today.

“In neurosurgery, where Nikolai Petrovich was hospitalized after DDT, a comprehensive examination was carried out. No life-threatening injuries were identified. The diagnosis of a concussion was not confirmed,” confirmed Lenkom deputy director Sergei Volter.

Let us note that 12 years ago, at the same time - on the night of February 28, 2005, Karachentsev was involved in a serious accident on Michurinsky Avenue in Moscow. Then he received a serious brain injury, lay in a coma for about a month, underwent numerous operations and has not returned to the stage since then.

Nikolai Karachentsov had an accident in 2017. Details of the accident.

The accident with Nikolai Karachentsov in 2017 occurred exactly 12 years after the terrible accident in 2005.

The accident with Nikolai Karachentsov 2017 occurred in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region exactly 12 years after the first accident

Famous Russian actor Nikolai Karachentsov got into an accident in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region and was taken to the hospital.
