Azov worker for November 18. “Mariupol Life” and “Azov Worker”

K:Printed publications originating in 1918

"Azov worker"(Since April 1919 - “ News of the Mariupol Military Revolutionary Committee"; 20s of XX century. - " News of the Mariupol Revolutionary Committee and Party Committee», « Priazovskaya truth», « Our truth», « Azov proletarian"; from April 16 - " Azov worker") - one of the leading regional newspapers Ukraine. Distributed in the south of Donbass, it has the largest circulation in terms of the number of subscribers in the Donetsk region (based on the results of the 2010 subscription campaign). . Published in Mariupol since March 9, 1918.

The newspaper has its own printing house, trading network and a store. The number of employees (as of 2008) is about 100 people.

The newspaper's editorial office is part of the Priazovsky Rabochiy Newspaper PJSC, which also publishes the Week. Arguments, facts, events", "House of Soviets", "Hello, guys!", has an advertising agency. The actual owner of the newspaper is the SCM company, which owns 88.69% of the shares of PJSC Priazovsky Rabochiy.

In 2008, PJSC “Priazovsky Rabochiy Newspaper” took 5th place in the National Business Rating in the “Newspaper Printing” industry.

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  • - a subsidiary publication of PJSC “Newspaper “Priazovsky Rabochiy””

An excerpt characterizing the Azov worker

“Yes,” Natasha whispered.
-What are you crying about? “I’m happy for you,” said Princess Marya, having completely forgiven Natasha’s joy for these tears.
– It won’t be soon, someday. Think about what happiness it will be when I become his wife and you marry Nicolas.
– Natasha, I asked you not to talk about this. We'll talk about you.
They were silent.
- But why go to St. Petersburg! - Natasha suddenly said, and she quickly answered herself: - No, no, this is how it should be... Yes, Marie? That's how it should be...

Seven years have passed since the 12th year. The troubled historical sea of ​​Europe has settled into its shores. It seemed quiet; but the mysterious forces that move humanity (mysterious because the laws determining their movement are unknown to us) continued to operate.
Despite the fact that the surface of the historical sea seemed motionless, humanity moved as continuously as the movement of time. Various groups of human connections formed and disintegrated; the reasons for the formation and disintegration of states and the movements of peoples were prepared.
The historical sea, not as before, was directed by gusts from one shore to another: it seethed in the depths. Historical figures, not as before, rushed in waves from one shore to another; now they seemed to be spinning in one place. Historical figures, who previously at the head of the troops reflected the movement of the masses with orders of wars, campaigns, battles, now reflected the seething movement with political and diplomatic considerations, laws, treatises...
Historians call this activity of historical figures reaction.
Describing the activities of these historical figures, who, in their opinion, were the cause of what they call the reaction, historians strictly condemn them. All famous people of that time, from Alexander and Napoleon to m me Stael, Photius, Schelling, Fichte, Chateaubriand, etc., pass before their strict judgment and are acquitted or condemned, depending on whether they contributed to progress or reaction.
In Russia, according to their description, a reaction also took place during this period of time, and the main culprit of this reaction was Alexander I - the same Alexander I who, according to their descriptions, was the main culprit of the liberal initiatives of his reign and the salvation of Russia.
In real Russian literature, from a high school student to a learned historian, there is not a person who would not throw his own pebble at Alexander I for his wrong actions during this period of his reign.
“He should have done this and that. In this case he acted well, in this case he acted badly. He behaved well at the beginning of his reign and during the 12th year; but he acted badly by giving a constitution to Poland, making the Holy Alliance, giving power to Arakcheev, encouraging Golitsyn and mysticism, then encouraging Shishkov and Photius. He did something wrong by being involved in the front part of the army; he acted badly by distributing the Semyonovsky regiment, etc.”

Happy steel profession holiday!

Dear metallurgists! Happy professional holiday!

For each of us, Metallurgist Day is a special holiday. It is forged by the history of our city and will always be a part of us. The fates of thousands of Mariupol families are connected with this profession.

Over the years, you, metallurgists, have helped build and develop Mariupol. Your hard labour turned our house into the heart of metallurgy in Ukraine. With your own hands you create a powerful industry and a strong economy of the country.

I am proud of you, our metallurgists. You are an example of hard work, support and steely will. Real patriots hometown. Together with you, we are building a strong, smart, inspiring city of new opportunities.

I am grateful to each of you, each metallurgy veteran. You are the soul of our city. With all my heart I wish iron health, happiness, prosperity, peace to you and your families!

Sincerely, Vadim Boychenko, Mariupol mayor

Dear metallurgists!

Thank you for your work, for sincere love to your factories and city!

Your work today deserves special respect - the factories are practically on the front line. Without you, Mariupol will not survive, and you continue to work courageously and responsibly for the good of the city and everyone? Ukraine. You honor traditions, your labor dynasties, generation after generation, lead Mariupol to success.

Congratulations on your professional holiday! I wish you peace and goodness! May the Lord protect you and your families.

Vadim Novinsky, head of the Opposition Bloc faction in the Verkhovna Rada

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

Please accept sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - Metallurgist and Miner Day!

The profession of metallurgist has always been and remains the work of strong, hardworking, persistent people.

In our difficult times, the Ilyich plant is developing dynamically, mastering modern technologies and enters new markets, invests

V environmental projects, implements social programs for its employees, and makes a significant contribution to the development of the city's infrastructure.

Today, the Ilyich plant is not only production facilities, it is also huge base knowledge and experience of our employees. We not only focus on the training and development of young people, we value the experience and knowledge of our professionals.

Special thanks go to our veterans and representatives of the labor dynasties of Ilyichevsk metallurgists.

I wish all workers in the metallurgical industry good health, confidence in the future, peaceful skies above their heads, success in implementing the most daring ideas, and happiness and prosperity to your families!

Taras Shevchenko, CEO plant named after Ilyich

Dear Colleagues!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on our professional holiday - Metallurgist and Miner Day!

We work in an industry that builds character, experiences the heat of red-hot metal and the hardness rock. For each of us, this is our favorite thing, into which we invest our soul, strength, knowledge, and experience. That is why the result is natural. Behind Last year We were actively working in the direction of capital construction, expanding the range of Azovstal products and improving their quality. Behind each of these achievements is your work, Azov-Stalians!

Of course, great credit goes to our labor veterans, who even today live by their native enterprise and love for their metallurgical family. Thank you for the inspiring passion that you give us, for your wise advice.

Thank you to all of you, colleagues, for the fact that day after day, step by step, we confidently move forward. For the support that the city and country feel in you.

I wish each of you new professional achievements and success, mutual understanding at work. May your families and loved ones be healthy and happy! Peace, goodness, prosperity to you, dear colleagues!

Enver Tskitishvili, General Director of the Azovstal plant

Our dear metallurgists! Dear veterans!

The honorable profession of metallurgist brings together reliable people who are confident in their abilities. You have always been distinguished by a special steel-like character, the ability to work conscientiously, to achieve your plans as a close-knit team of like-minded people.

The hard work of a metallurgist fills the budget of Mariupol from year to year and has been the key to the well-being and prosperity of our city and country for decades.

Hot metal bends only in steady hands, and best ideas and projects in our Mariupol were and are being implemented thanks to your work, your love for your hometown.

Peace and prosperity, goodness and happiness - to each of you, your family and friends!

Happy Metallurgist Day!

Sergey Magera, deputy of the Mariupol City Council

Azov worker

Dear readers!

On July 21, the day of early parliamentary elections, it will be open from 12:00 to 17:00 hotline"Azov worker." If you want to ask a question about the election or report violations at polling stations, call: 067-172-89-66, 47-45-60.

Azov worker

Azov worker

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What they wrote about on the pages of the newspapers “Mariupol Life” and “Priazovsky Rabochiy” 1913 - 1951.

"Mariupol life"

Educational matters. To Kyiv Polytechnical Institute only 25 Jews were ordered to be accepted. There will be no admission of Jews to the Kiev Commercial Institute.

Chronicle. For the departure of the police chief. Today he leaves Mariupol to his place new service– police officer of the Slavyanoserbsk district - Mariupol police officer. Ekk. Spanish police duties temporarily assigned to the bailiff of the 1st part of the city of Mariupol, Mr. Inosov.

Infectious diseases. According to the city sanitary doctor cases of the following were observed in the city of Alakosa in the city of Mariupol infectious diseases from July 17 to July 24: typhoid fever - 9, dysentery - 4, whooping cough - 2, measles - 2. Total - 27 (there is information in the district).

Saratov – Taganrog – Mariupol. A representative of the projected society arrived in Taganrog. lines Mariupol – Taganrog – Saratov M.Ya. Nachalov. The founders of the company are former comrade. Minister V.I. Kovalevsky and engineer Kharchenko. The company is financed by one of the Russian banks.

...and between T. and M. the line should pass along the seashore through the village of Novo-Nikolaevskaya. In October of this year. the project of a new line, opening direct access to Siberian cargo, will be considered by the Commission on New Railways. roads.

Schedule of steamships of the Azov - Black Sea Shipping Company by L. L. Andreis. The shipping company, meeting the public halfway, reduced the tariff.

"Mariupol life"

Ads. The printing house of S. Kopkin sells lists of volosts, villages, farmsteads, towns and private estates that are part of the zemstvo sections of the Mariupol district, indicating the post office and postal volosts.

(In total 35 volosts, 169 societies, 7 Jewish colonies, 46 farms, estates, economies, partnerships). Price 30 kopecks.

Last week, prices for matches increased in St. Petersburg. Currently, a box of matches sells for 2 kopecks, and a pair of boxes for 3 kopecks.

"Mariupol life"

From the Mariupol Greek Vice-Consulate.

According to the order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all Greek citizens living in the city of Mariupol and the surrounding area must appear no later than December 20 of this year. to the Consulate to present your documents for verification, as well as indicate your place of residence and occupation.

Announcement. The Jewish public baths have been newly renovated and are exemplary in cleanliness. Every day from 9 to 11 at night. Kharlampievskaya street, opposite the Choral Synagogue.

Theater and art. Today at the Uvarov Theater there will be a sensational Lately Artsybashev's play “Jealousy”. As we have heard, pre-sales for touring performances of the Taganrog drama are going briskly.

"Azov worker"

February, 1946

On February 8, the workers of Mariupol celebrated a new achievement of the city’s rebuilders on the cultural front. On this day the opening of the restored city cinema took place. The theater was given the glorious name “Victory”.

Let's look into the future of our city. (1946-1950).

By the end of the five-year plan, the following will be completely restored and rebuilt in the city: 5 blast furnaces - out of 45 blast furnaces in the USSR; 4 rolling mills - out of 104 mills throughout the USSR; 350 thousand sq. m of living space; bakery; 28 schools will be restored. 7 sanatoriums and rest houses will open. Each citizen will have an average of 5-6 meters of living space. The catch will be 27.5 thousand tons of fish - out of 2,200 tons of fish in the USSR.

"Azov worker"

March, 1951

On the evening of March 22, the next session of the literary association took place at the editorial office of the newspaper “Priazovsky Rabochiy”. Poet V. Shutov (future author of the book “The Light of Kuindzhi” - approx. editorial staff ) read the poem “Komsomol Youth” he wrote.

The sculptor of the Zhdanov Association of Artists, Ivan Savelyevich Barannikov, recently made a design for a monument to the famous Russian artist, a native of our city, Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.

Prepared by Dmitry YAN.

Good afternoon, dear editors!!! Big greetings to everyone from the Village of Vashura. I recently read a fairy tale about our zoo in the section In the Animal World in the Friday issue and decided to bring to the attention of your readers a more truthful story. To the north of Mariupol lies the picturesque Greek village of Sartana. Unexplored distances, a fast-flowing river, a land that has never been seen in the whole world. Here the Village is Vashur, it is full of beauty. The abundance of animals always makes my heart happy!!! There are bears and llamas here, They are waiting for guests in the morning. Tigers, lions and monkeys... Come, kids!!! Yes, now we have more than 50 species of birds and animals. Let's remember how it all began. 7 years ago, on the site of an abandoned park, a cozy picturesque corner with an artificial lake appeared, where waterfowl swans, ducks, and geese settled. Guests came here to relax, admire the Dutch mandarin ducks, and feed the inhabitants of the reservoir. Soon, majestic peacocks appeared and walked freely through the park , delighted the guests. The stork Zhorik met visitors at the entrance, greeting them with chirping. We were all so happy about the new arrivals of animals. Remember the Vietnamese striped piglets that scurried back and forth around the zoo? Rabbits ran freely around the zoo until predators appeared in the zoo. No, I’m getting ahead of myself. After all, the bears Masha and Misha arrived to us first It looks like a couple, but they live in separate cages. When the family reunion happened, you should have seen this picture... Everyone happy families happy equally. Happiness came to the home of our bear family. The first-born Potap was born in cold January. He was taken from his mother to a warm room, where he slept in a pram and ate baby formula from a bottle. We nursed him with our entire friendly team. When Potapchik became growing up, he began to live in the same room with his owner, the founder of the zoo Savely Vashura. In vain they called him grandfather in the previous fairy tale. Yes, Anatolyevich has four grandchildren, but he is such an optimist, young at heart, hardworking and cheerful person. Every morning he gets up very early and patrols his possessions. He looks to see if they ate well and if the animals are in good health, if the kids are comfortable in their cages, if the bear cubs have enough food. -Pelikasha, son, have you eaten? He pours balm on the bird's souls. Both birds and animals love him. After all, there is no kinder person. And what about our Potap? He grew up, got married, got a separate two-room cage and is happy to meet guests. By the way, his girlfriend’s name is Nastya. They live together, sometimes quarrel, like many in young families. One of the visitors will give a keg of honey , you go feed the bears. And the gift is personalized for Potap and Nastya. Somehow it turns out that you start feeding with Potap and forget about your daughter-in-law. So she gets angry, hits the other with her paw... Our Potap is not the only child in the family, he has brothers. Brother Balu . This name was given to him by the guests. Then the editors of Priazovsky Worker staged a show at the zoo, during which Baloo was given this historical name by voting. Baloo is alive and well, lives alone, and invites you to visit. Twin bears Chuk and Gek were born a year after Baloo. Huck is still in early childhood went to live on his own bread, and Chuk lives in our spacious cage, eats well and does not complain about his fate. Have you counted how many bears we have? That's right - six! And they are all relatives!!! We still have families. So a couple of kangaroos gave birth to a girl, Katyusha, and a couple of monkeys, Vasya and Chita, gave birth to little Gosha. Just as Kanga—that’s the name of the young kangaroo mother—doesn’t let her firstborn out of her pouch, so young Chita holds her only cub tightly in her arms. You can take pictures of Chita and Gosha, but you will be responsible for the flash. I won't tell you how. Come and see. But the lama family also doesn’t like it when their daughter Manyuna gets a lot of attention. Mom Klava tries to isolate her daughter from annoying visitors. And dad Petrovich, he is not shy, he immediately spits. Although camels should act so ugly, but our sedate, moderately educated camel girls Dune and Zyuna cannot afford such disgrace. Everything got mixed up in the Village of Vashura when Savely Anatolyevich brought a two-month-old lioness to the zoo. He brought it himself, and named it himself. Bagheera is a fabulous name. The predator walked freely around the zoo. This caused a lot of trouble for the staff. She hid in some secluded place and slept. That's it!!! The pasties are not fried, the bartender is not pouring food, the waiters are not serving. Everyone is looking for Bagira. Now Bagira is already 5 years old and lives with Samson. They have spacious apartments. They don’t have children, but they really dream about them. A strong couple, Zeus and Hera, are tigers. Mars and Venus are handsome leopards. What can I say... It’s better to see once than to hear! Unfortunately, we don’t have a giraffe. It’s true that about 4 years ago we got one as a result of a light joke from an Azov worker. A giraffe named Gaddafi appeared in the village of Vashura... During the week there is an endless stream of people at the zoo, and everyone needs to be explained that this is an April Fool's joke. I hope that we will still have both a giraffe and an elephant. In the meantime, we are still waiting for you in Sartana throughout April, and on May 1 - Welcome to new zoo on Metallurgov Avenue, next to the extreme park. Find me, I’ll tell you a lot interesting stories from the life of our zoo. Sincerely, zoo worker Galina Stepanovna.
