An entertaining event at a summer camp - a fun fair. Games and entertainment for children at summer camp

Entertainment program "Let's dance." Scenario

Preliminary preparation. Selection of dance tunes, children's search for information about dances. Learning a dance by the host (at his choice).

The hall is decorated with multi-colored balloons and stars made of foil. It is also necessary to think about color music. A dance tune is playing. The presenter comes out to the audience.

Leading. Hello, Dear friends! We invited you not just to sit and listen to music, but also to have fun, dance, compete, and smile. Dancing is movement good mood. No one fun party can't do without dancing. It’s not easy to tell about the birth of dance, but it happened when humanity was still leading a semi-wild lifestyle. People imitated animals in dances, believing that this would help them hunt. Gradually the art of dance became more complicated. They became more flexible, distinguished by a variety of gestures, movements, and poses. I developed my own dance etiquette, my own posture and gait.

The fate of dances is different - some are born in obscurity and quickly die, others live for a very long time, sometimes for more than one century.

We can talk about dancing for hours, but it will be better if we dance now. Boys invite girls!

A slow dance tune plays.

Children are dancing.

Leading. What do you guys think, what types of dances are there? (For each correct answer there is a sweet prize.)

1. Folk dance (dance).

2. Stage dance (on stage).

3. Ballroom dance (at balls and dance floors).

Now we will watch the performance of the guys who specialize in dancing and attend a dance and choreographic studio.

Children show two dances (choice: tango, waltz, disco, etc.)

Leading. Let's check your “dance literacy” - what do you know about dancing? So, dance quiz! For every correct answer there is a sweet prize.

1. What is a dance teacher called? (Dancing Master)

2. Which dance is recognized as the “king” of dances? (Waltz)

3. Which composer was called the “King of the Waltz”? (I. Strauss)

4. Whose ancient dance is this - “Polka”? (Czech Republic)

5. What is the name of the Greek dance that was danced in Ancient Hellas? (Sirtaki)

6. Rock and roll - translate the name of the dance. Where did he appear? (“Swing”, “twirl”, America of the 50s.)

7. Whose dance is “Sheik” and how is its name translated? (English, “shake”, its essence is this: to imitate the behavior of the famous Beatles.)

8. Whose dance is “Mazurka”? (Dance of Polish riders.)

9. Which of you will name ballroom dancing Russia? (“Boyaryshnya”, “modern”, “chardash”, “Ermak”, “bal-burrt”, “ladies’ whim”, etc.)

10. What is the name of the Polish dance, the name of which is derived from the name of the city in which it was invented? In the past, the dance was very popular in Russia. ("Krakowiak")

11. Which country’s folk dance is “Gopak”? (Ukraine)

12. Which of the following dances does not actually exist: “Mamba”, “Papamba”, “Samba”? ("Papamba")

13. What is a hit? (Dance having this moment popularity.)

14. Name American dances. (“Boogie-woogie”, “twist”, rock and roll.)

15. What is this “white dance” and what is it also called? (An episode at an evening when the right to invite a woman to dance is given to her; it is also called “ladies’.”)

Leading. I announce the “white dance”! Girls invite boys!

Music is playing. Children are dancing.

a) waltz,

b) polkas,

c) gypsies.

The best dancers receive prizes. The “best” are determined by the audience.

The presenter learns a dance with the children. After learning the dance and performing it collectively, the leader conducts the following dance competitions.

Potato foxtrot

Two dancers take part in the competition. A string containing a medium-sized potato is tied around the waist. The potatoes should barely touch the floor. Placed in front of each dancer Matchbox. The dancer must push the potato boxes towards the finish line without using their hands. At the same time, be sure to perform dance moves to cheerful music until the very finish. The winner is the one who dances and pushes the potato boxes faster to the finish line.

Dance of wild macaques

Two dancers take part in the competition. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or potato in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and not let yours drop, while performing dance moves.

Dancing on an ice floe

Participants in the competition are given newspapers. You have to dance without leaving the newspaper. As soon as the music stops, everyone must fold the newspaper in half and the dance then continues. Music changes all the time. If anyone steps off the newspaper during the dance, they are eliminated from the competition. The last one remaining wins the competition.

Dance of the frogs

To play this fun game you will need several pairs of fins. The presenter invites several people (the number is determined by the number of fins) and invites them, putting on fins, to perform “lady” to the appropriate music. After the dance is performed, the audience determines the winner.

Dancing plus

The presenter reports that many modern dance performed with various items: umbrellas, scarves, hats... and offers the competition participants items well known from being on duty at school - a mop and a bucket:

a) perform a dance with a bucket to the music “Lezginka”,

b) perform a dance with a mop to music


After the dances are performed, the audience determines the winners.


Contestants dance to the music. The music is gradually changing. Spectators rate the dancers in the following categories:

a) the most flexible dance,

b) the most original dance,

c) the most fun dance,

d) the most tireless dancer,

d) the most resourceful dancer,

e) the highest dance technique. The winners are awarded prizes.

Leading(against the background of waltz music). Our dance evening is coming to an end. Let us remember the wonderful lines of N. Listov.

Competition program at the camp

Goals and objectives:

To develop children’s musical, theatrical abilities and imagination;

To develop in children observation, intelligence, resourcefulness and dexterity;

Teach children to work in a team.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Location: concert hall.

Props: scoreboard with competitions, air balloons.

To hold competitions, each team must choose the two most artistic children for the children's team. One counselor from each squad also participates in the program.



Any cheerful music sounds. The Presenter and his assistant enter the stage.

Leading. Dear ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, madams and monsieurs, mademoiselles and mademoisites! I am glad to welcome you to the Tic Tac Toe entertainment program. Your applause!

An assistant walks along the proscenium with a poster “Applause”.

I can't contain my emotions! I don’t have enough words, but nevertheless here, today, now - “Tic Tac Toe”! Even more thunderous applause!

The assistant walks along the proscenium in the other direction with the same poster.

Children come onto the stage and sit on chairs. Team of counselors!

The counselors come onto the stage and sit on chairs.

First, let's find out which of the teams will be “Cross” and which will be “Toe”.

The presenter invites the captains to go out onto the court and play one thing: heads and tails, pull out a match or SU-E-FA. The winner determines the team name.

The presenter then introduces the jury, which sits in auditorium. Each jury member has 2 signs with drawings of a cross and a zero; if, in the opinion of the jury, “Cross” wins, then they raise a sign with the corresponding sign.

Leading. The audience is ready, the teams too, the jury is impatient. And we begin! Although wait, I didn’t explain the rules of the game. Dear teams! You see a board with cells: in each cell the name of the competitions that await you. Teams take turns choosing any competition and participating in it. Everything is very simple, but don’t forget the main rule of the game - fill the line on the scoreboard horizontally, vertically or diagonally with your sign. Now we will find out who will be the first to complete this task.

The presenter is the first to address the team of children (“Cross”) and asks them to choose any field with competitions, for example, “Lantern balls,” after which the assistant goes to the scoreboard and draws a cross on it. If the competition is chosen by the counselors, then the assistant puts a zero in the box.

Lantern balls

The assistant gives balloons to all players. One player from each team enters the court and stands at a distance of 3 meters from each other. At the leader’s command, the child inflates the balloon, but does not tie it, but releases it towards the opponent. The counselor must catch the ball on the fly. Then they switch actions. The child catches the ball. Then the next couple comes out onto the platform. The team that catches the most balls wins (before the start of this competition, the presenter asks not to get too carried away, so as not to fall off the stage and not fill the “flashlight”).


The presenter reads the inverted names one by one. The team that gives the correct answer and names the fairy-tale hero wins.

Minalva (Malvina)

Ushivanka (Ivanushka)

Daughter (Fool)

Saloruchka (Little Mermaid)

Schoolhouse (Cinderella)

Yurkhash (Piggy)

Smack water (Thumbelina)

Rymdoydo (Moidodyr)

Burchekasha (Cheburashka)

Goskurechan (Snow Maiden)

Ovodnyai (Water)

Deloelp (Leopold)

Konguborg (The Little Hunchback)


Each team member must come out and show any animal without making any sounds. If the viewer guesses who the player is portraying, then the team scores 1 point.

And the opponent enters the court. Animals cannot be repeated. The team with the most artistic zoo wins.

Impromptu clip

The presenter asks the team of counselors to be the first to enter the site and line up in one line facing the viewer. On command, the DJ plays any well-known song, to which the counselors (without preparation) must show a clip. Then the children come out. Both “Noughts and Crosses” should show 2 clips. The jury selects the winners - the most artistic team, which, in their opinion, handled this improvisation better than the other.


The team enters the court and stands in a line facing the spectator. The presenter approaches the captain and, so that no one can hear, tells him a word of 4 letters. The captain's task: in 1 minute, build letters from the members of your team so that the viewer can read this word. If he succeeds, then the team wins. Then the opponents come out. Word options: elephant, clock, mole, horse, chair, hedgehog.

Game with the audience

Each team plays some kind of game with the audience so that all spectators are involved in it. You have 1 minute to prepare this task. The jury selects the winner.

Music casino

Before the event, the DJ selects 12 musical excerpts with a distinct slow and fast rhythm. During the game, the presenter approaches the teams one by one and asks what tune the DJ will play now - fast or slow. The team gives the answer. After which the DJ turns on the music. If the players guess the melody correctly, they win.

Kolobok and Turnip

This game requires team preparation. The presenter invites them to dramatize the fairy tales “Kolobok” and “Turnip”. When the players decide on the choice of fairy tale, the presenter asks to put “Turnip” in the thriller genre, and “Koloboka” in the comedy genre. The teams go to prepare, during this pause the guys perform on stage with creative numbers. After the fairy tales are shown, the jury selects the winner.

Dance rhythm

Each team selects 6 dancing players who enter the court. The DJ plays music: rock and roll, lady, lezginka, letka-enka, country, waltz. The participants' task is to dance so that the jury declares their team the winners.

After the competition program, the presenter invites the jury to the stage, which awards the winners: both “X’s” and “O’s”, because in this game only friendship can win.

Based on materials from the book “20 ​​days in the life of a counselor.”

Children are divided into teams. The players of one team show a small scene without words, in which some well-known proverb is encrypted, and the players of the second team try to guess this proverb. The game is played against time. If a team is unable to give the correct answer within 5 minutes, then the right to “show the proverb” goes to the other team.

I know more

Players are divided into teams. The presenter names a specific topic. For example, “sports”, “flowers”, “baked goods”, “ female names"or another. And the teams try to remember and write down as many words as possible related to the specified topic for five minutes. The winner is the team that can come up with large quantity suitable words.

Trainers and predators

Players are divided into two teams - trainers and predators. A circle is drawn in the center of the playing area. The “trainers” are given stickers. The “trainer” must catch up with the “predator” and be able to stick a sticker on it, after which the “predator” is considered caught and is taken to the circle. The “trainers” team tries to catch and bring into the circle all the players from the “predators” team.

Air pointer

Players are divided into teams. Each team is given Balloons and tape. Participants in the game need to inflate as many balloons as possible and use tape to connect them into a long pointer chain. The team whose air pointer is longer wins.

Let's tell fortunes by hand

A curtain or curtain is pulled in the room, in which there is a small hole for the hand. On one side of the curtains there is one team, and on reverse side- another. Players on one team take turns putting their hand into the hole, and players on the other team try to guess who exactly the hand belongs to. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.


A player from one of the teams is invited - a “word bearer”. A topic is voiced to him, for example, “space,” “shop,” “school,” “sea,” or others. On this topic, he names the words that come to his mind. These words are written down. And then the rest of the team players are invited, the topic is announced to them, and they try to guess the written words. The winner is the team that guessed the most words, called the “word noser”.

Unbreakable connection

Players are divided into pairs. One of the pair names the word, and the other comes up with an association for it. For example, “elephant - trunk”, “bread - butter”, “key - lock”. Then all players are blindfolded and taken in different directions. After which they, shouting only one word, exactly the one their partner called, try to find each other and hold hands.

Indian name

Each player writes any adjective on one piece of paper, and any noun on the other. All adjectives go into one box and nouns into another. The contents of the boxes are then shuffled and each player goes to the boxes and draws one noun and one adjective. A combination of these words becomes his name for the whole day. Phrases can be very unexpected and funny. For example, “blue eye”, “cheerful cucumber”, etc.

The game program "Summer Fun" is designed forpupils summer camp CVR "Harmony".In the summer, I want to relax and play, and improve my children’s health.Therefore the content game program not complicated, matches age category- Jr school age. Does not require expensive preparation. Can be implemented in any spacious room. Required pprops: costumes for presenters (optional), tokens for games, balloons or jump ropes, musical screensavers for conducting competitive stages. As the game progresses, you can add concert numbers prepared by children and surprise moments of your choice to the script. Good luck! Don't be bored, invite you to visit us in summer!



Scenario of the game program “Summer Fun”

for summer health camp

Date and time:

Venue: assembly hall.

Participants: students of the summer camp of the Center for Educational Institutions "Harmony".

Props: costumes for presenters, tokens for games, balloons or jump ropes, musical backgrounds for the design of competitive stages.

Host: Hello, dear guys! The game program “Summer Fun” gathered us in this cozy room. I suggest you don’t get bored, but invite me to visit you this summer.

1st reader: If there are thunderstorms in the sky,

If the grass has bloomed,

If there is dew early in the morning

Blades of grass are bent to the ground,

2nd reader: If in the grove above the viburnum

Until the night the noise of bees,

If warmed by the sun

The sea has all the water to the bottom,

Together: So summer has come,

So spring is over!

1st reader: What is summer?

That's a lot of light

This is a field, this is a forest,

These are thousands of miracles!

2nd reader: There are clouds in the sky

This is a fast river

These are bright flowers

This is the blue of heights!

Together: This is a hundred roads in the world for bare childish feet!

Host: In the summer I want to play. So we'll play! Children with blue and green tokens are invited. Since summer is a fabulous time, we will now identify the best experts on fairy tales. To do this, we will divide into two teams (questions are asked to each team in turn).

Round 1 “Warm-up”.

1. How many years did the old man live with his old woman until he caught a goldfish?

2.What did the fairy make the carriage for Cinderella from?

3.The name of the girl who was thrown into a magical land by a hurricane?

4.What remedy helped Carlson get rid of his high fever?

5. In what fairy tale dirty dishes decided to run away from her mistress?

6. How many heroes were there in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

7.Fairytale coachman with a long tail.

8.The first woman to fly in a mortar.

Round 2 “Add the name.”

Host: Guys, many fairy-tale heroes have double names. For example, Princess - Nesmeyana. I will name the first part of the name, and your task is to name the second. Get ready, let's start!

Koschei the Deathless)

Elena the beautiful)

Boy - (with a finger)

Ivan Tsarevich)

Finist - (clear falcon)

Brother - (Ivanushka)


Tiny - (Khavroshechka)

Baba - (Yaga)

Round 3 “Guess the fairy tale.”

1.Boy, panther, wolves, tiger, jungle,

2.Castle, field, boots, hat.

3.Nose, hearth, dolls, beard, log,

4. Pies, forest, woodcutters, grandmother.

Presenter: Well done, guys! It's time to go on a long but fun journey. At each station various tasks will await you. So,

Station 1 “Warm-up”.

The teams at this station must solve riddles.

Riddle for 1 team:

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Riddle for team 2:

In the summer you will find it in the swamp.

If the song croaks, you will die. Who is this?

Riddle for 1 team:

There is a curl in the field.

She's wearing a white shirt

Heart of gold. What it is?

Riddle for team 2:

White peas on a green stem.

Host: You did a good job with the warm-up competition. Now let's move on.

Station 2 "Fitikulnaya".

1. We select 1 person from the team. The participants' task is to inflate the balloons as quickly as possible.

Or you can use jump ropes. Who can ride the longest?

2. We choose 2 people per team. They stand back to back and do squats. The couple that does the most joint squats wins.

3. We select one person from the team. The winner is the one who can stand on one leg as a swallow the longest.

Station 3 “Blitz tournament”.

Host: I ask you humorous questions, and you answer as quickly as possible.

1.Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

3.Which month is the shortest? (May)

4.Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

5.Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (For wet).

6. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)

7.What can you see from eyes closed? (Dream).

8.When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare).

Host: It’s true that summer is a time of joy and fun. Let's have some more fun! My favorite animal riddles. Be careful! The riddles are not simple, they are tricks!

Knows a lot about raspberries

The owner of the forest is brown (bear)

Who is beating like a drum?

Woodpecker sits on a pine tree

The tail is a fan, there is a crown on the head,

There is no more beautiful bird than (peacock)

In the thicket, with my head raised,

Howls from hunger (wolf)

In your warm puddle

Croaked loudly (little frog)

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

Jumps deftly (monkey).

Who likes to run around on branches?

Of course, red (squirrel).

Presenter: Well done, guys! Bravo! You did a great job at all stations! Teams! You are the best in the world, have a great holiday, children, and good mood!

1st reader: We celebrated the summer holiday,

Festival of the sun, festival of light!

2nd reader: Fly here to us, birds!

Let's sing and have fun!

(the program ends with concert numbers prepared by children)

Scenario of the game program “Merry Children”

Compiled by: teacher primary classes T.M. Chernysheva

The purpose of the event: to introduce children to games that are new to them, to develop the emotional sphere, imagination, attention, children’s speech, and constructive communication.

1). Today we are going to the Land of Childhood to have a fun and interesting time, play with each other, and communicate. To get into this country you need to purchase tickets.

Game “Tickets”: two circles in pairs: the inner circle is “tickets”, the outer is “passengers”, in the center of the circle is a free rider “hare”. The command “Let's go!” sounds, the circles rotate in different directions. The command “Controller!” sounds, the tickets stop on the spot, and passengers must quickly find new pair. The hare also chooses a mate. The one who is left without a mate becomes a hare.

Game "What are you?" I will ask questions, and you can agree or not:

Are you brave? - Yes!










We continue to travel around “Merry Children”.

And it’s really fun, because today you and I will be playing different games, hold fun relay races.

That is, have fun!

I suggest playing a game right now called “Hedgehog Bunnies”

Attention game “Hedgehogs - bunnies” (Children repeat the words and movements after the leaders):

They came running - 2 times (children make movements as if running)
Hedgehogs – 2 times (make “flashlight” movements with their hands)
Anvils - 2 times (knock on each other with fists)
Scissors – 2 times (cross arms)
Running in place – 2 times (running in place)
Bunnies – 2 times (hands show bunny ears)
Come on, let's go together, let's go together
Girls, boys (they shout loudly: boys say “boys”, girls say “girls”. Who is louder?)

2).And now I suggest everyone stand in pairs, one after another.
(when the children stand in pairs, the leader walks between them, thus dividing special effort children for 2 teams)

We have formed two wonderful teams. Let's get acquainted. (children discuss the name of the team and announce their names and captain to the leader)

Wonderful! It's time to start our competition. Well, who will win?

And the strongest will win! So let's begin!

The first players are given a bag. At the signal, they must put the bag on their head, run to the flag and back.

In front of each team, “puddles” (cut out of cardboard) are laid out at a distance of 50 cm. Children, when given a signal, run forward, when they reach a puddle, jump over it and run further, etc. The reverse is exactly the same.

In front of each team there are pins at a distance of 1 m from each other. Children place their hands on the shoulders of the player in front. It turns out to be a “snake.” At the signal, the “snake” begins to move between the pins. The relay is considered completed if not a single pin is touched and the players do not split.

3).Now we suggest you take a little break. Let's play the game "Say the Word." The little ones play.

There's one game for you
I'll read the poems now.
I'll start, and you finish,
Add in unison.

Not visible from the garden bed,
Plays hide and seek with us.
Pull tight
It will come out..TURNIP.

Cunning cheat
red head,
Fluffy tail is beautiful,
Who is this? FOX.

So that I can take you
I don't need oats.
Feed me gasoline
Give me some rubber for my hooves,
And then, raising dust,
A CAR will run.

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled him out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous.
This is doctor..AYBOLIT.

There's not a bird on the branch -
Small animal
The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle.
Who is this?.. SQUIRREL

4). And we play again:

Game "Boys, girls":

They read books about the war

Only the brave... (boys)

Sew vests for dolls

Needlewomen - ... (girls)

Playing with dolls and bears

Of course, only... (girls)

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in the pocket of ... (boys)

All in lace, fingers in rings

Going out for a walk... (girls)

They tie bows for themselves

From different films, of course... (girls)

Test your strength in front of everyone

Of course, they only love... (boys)

They chat for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses... (girls)

Dandelion flowers in spring

Of course, only... (girls) weave

Game "40 seconds" In 40 seconds you need to complete all tasks:

Sit down 2 times

Jump on your left leg 5 times

Raise both arms up 2 times,

Shout your name loudly

Meow 3 times

Turn around your axis 3 times,

Touch 3 people of your choice with your hand,

Jump on your right leg 5 times

Do 2 inclines.

5). Guys, why do you think all children love to play so much? various games? (children's answers)

We quarreled, we made up
And sometimes they argued
But we became very good friends
Behind our game.

Game is replaced by game,
The game ends
And friendship never ends
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Games from childhood for adults (present):

“Chains”, “Broken telephone”, “I know 5 names...”, “Edible and inedible”, “Cities from A to Z”, “The third wheel”, “Fishermen and fishes”, “Handkerchief”.

6). Summarizing. Sweet surprises.
