The most effective and truthful fortune telling on the ring. The most truthful fortune telling on a ring at home

Fortune telling is considered a mysterious rite. Many consider it dangerous because it is caused by evil spirits. However, if you are not superstitious, then there is no need to fear. You can make predictions at any time of the day. There is a belief that the most faithful ritual occurs on holy days from Christmas (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19). Even in Rus' a lot was invented different predictions. Let's remember some true love fortune telling for marriage.

Fortune telling “When will I get married?”

Since ancient times, many girls have wanted to know at what age they were destined to find their destiny. The most truthful is considered to be on the ring. Only there should be no stones on it.

Pour water into a glass, a little less than half. Tie a thread to the ring so that it hangs. Hold the ring on a string directly above a glass of water. Dip it in water as many times as you are old. For example, you are 22 years old. You dip it into the water so many times, and at the last number, leave the ring in the glass. Now watch what happens. The ring will hit the walls of the glass, and you count how many times. Whatever number you get, at that age you will get married. If the ring hit the walls of the glass less times than you are, for example, 2, 3, or 5, then after so many years you will meet your fiancé.

Remember that any prediction for the future is a mysterious ritual. Each fortune telling for marriage on a ring must be done at midnight without strangers. If your mother or close friend is nearby, then the prediction will be false.

Fortune telling “I want to see the image of the future groom”

This ritual must take place in the dark. Fortune telling for marriage is a method of recognizing your future husband and seeing his image.

For this you need a regular glass, but a very smooth one. Fill it with water and place a gold engagement ring in it. This must be done very carefully so that the ring lies in the center of the glass. Then turn off the light and light two candles on both sides. Just not too close to the glass so that it doesn't break. Bend over the glass and look into it, saying at the same time: “My betrothed, the mummer - appear.” You need to look into a glass not for five minutes, but for a very long time. After some time (30-50 minutes) a male silhouette will appear. The image is not always clear. One thing is certain: this is your future husband.

This fortune telling must also be carried out without prying eyes. Only then can it be called truthful.

Fortune telling on the ring “Happy Marriage”

This ritual is performed with someone else's ring. That is, it must be borrowed from a woman who is happily married. It is better to get water into a glass not from a tap, but from a river or stream. Mandatory condition: the current must be south. That is, a river or stream flows to the south.

Now take a long hair from your head and put someone else’s “lucky” ring on it. You need to keep two or more hairs). Place the ring in the water and observe. If it hits a glass, it promises a girl a long time to get married. If the ring rotates strongly, you will be getting married in the near future. If it spins slowly, the girl has a double fate. That is, she will marry twice.

Fortune telling “My dear pillow”

Fortune telling for marriage on a ring has been invented since ancient times. These rituals are performed not only with water. You can also take a gold engagement ring, preferably from your mother or grandmother. Place it under your pillow at night and say the cherished words: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me, show yourself.” The image of a man will appear, who is your future husband.

The pillow should be yours alone. If it is someone else’s, then the image will not come. Sometimes a girl wakes up in the morning and cannot remember what she dreamed about. Don't despair, it means the wedding will happen later. Try to postpone fortune telling for 6-12 months, then repeat.

Marriage is considered more truthful. Only you can borrow it from the lady who has positive energy.

Fortune telling “Will I marry a rich man?”

For this ceremony you need a wedding ring. You can ask your grandmother, mother, girlfriend or sister for it. Fortune telling on a wedding ring for marriage should be done in a quiet environment. In order not to take on someone else’s energy, the ring needs to be cleared of it. To do this, place a glass of water in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Place someone else's ring in ice water for 1 hour to cleanse the energy.

Now you can start fortune telling. Place a ring or a piece on the table white bread and a small twisted spikelet. Cover this stuff with a dark scarf. Spin around yourself seven times. Stop in front of the table and quickly put your hand under the scarf. The first thing your hand touches will be your destiny. If there is bread, the husband will be rich. Straw is thin and poor. Ring - you and your husband will live not only in prosperity, but also in love.

Any fortune telling for marriage on a ring is considered the most truthful. It should be carried out only in the dark in peace and quiet.

Fortune telling for the company

Fortune telling on a ring for marriage can be done not only alone. There are rituals where several girls can participate.

Take large nutshells, as many as the girls want to guess. Pour a lot of water into a large basin and lower the boats from the shells into it. Place items in them. For example, a hairpin in one boat, which means the girl is attractive. In another coin - wealth, in the third a note with a real wish, in the fourth - a ring, and so on.

Girls should stand around the pelvis and blow on the shells. Near whomever a boat stops, the young woman’s wish will come true.

This ring fortune telling for marriage is more like a game than a fortune telling. Here you can dream up your imagination.

Important! In any fortune telling, silence and a calm environment are very necessary for the accuracy of predictions. Don’t create unnecessary fuss, and you will definitely succeed.

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their fate, dreamed of lifting the veil of secrecy and looking into their future. Fortune telling became a favorite way to do this. There are a huge number of fortune telling and this sacrament involves various items and magical instruments. The most popular and truthful ones are on wax, on mirrors and on rings.

Great importance There is also a time of fortune telling. It is believed that the most true fortune telling obtained on the night of Ivan Kupala, Christmastide, Friday the 13th, and also on birthdays.

However, it is worth noting that the church does not welcome such activities and considers fortune telling a great sin.

One of the popular and truthful ways to get answers to your questions is fortune telling with a wedding ring. There are several options, but before talking about them, we should mention the preparation for this action.

Fortune telling is recommended in the evening. The day of the week must also be chosen correctly. You can’t guess on Monday - this day is deceptive, and Friday is considered the most favorable day. When starting fortune telling, you need to take off your crosses, rings and let your hair down.

It is advisable to light candles, as the energy of fire helps to tune in and concentrate.

An engagement ring doesn't have to be personal. Single girls They can borrow a ring for fortune telling from friends or sisters. It is advisable to use smooth gold decoration, without carvings or engravings.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 1.

For this fortune telling you will need a wedding ring, pieces of fabric and four deep plates. You need to guess together. The fortune telling girl leaves the room, and her assistant puts a ring in one of the plates and covers all the plates with a cloth. Then the fortuneteller enters the room and selects one plate. If there is a ring in it, then you can expect a wedding this year. If she guessed right the second time, she will get married next time. If a girl matches the plate with the ring the third time, she will get married in two years. If the ring was not found after three attempts, then the fortuneteller will not become married in the coming years.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 2.

This fortune telling should be done at midnight on holy days. In preparation for the action, the girl fills it halfway, it should be without edges and with a flat bottom. There should be no chips on it and it should be absolutely clean. Then the girl must place the glass in front of the burning candle and lower the ring to its bottom. Now she must peer into the water through the ring. Those who tried to tell fortunes in this way claim that they were able to see the face of their betrothed.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring. Option 3.

The most popular fortune telling using a ring is fortune telling on a ring with a thread. This method is used by girls who want to get answers to questions that are somehow related to time or numbers. This fortune telling will help you find out in how many years the girl will get married, how many children she will have, or in how many months this or that event will happen.

You will need a glass a quarter filled with water, a 20cm long black thread and a wedding ring. The girl must mentally ask the question that interests her and carefully lower the ring into the glass without touching the water. The ring should swing like a pendulum and touch the walls of the glass, making a ringing sound. It is necessary to carefully count each impact of the ring on the walls. The number of touches will be the answer to the fortuneteller’s question.

Fortune telling on the ring is one of the most reliable, but none of them will tell the truth if a person doubts them. Therefore, those who do not believe in the veracity of this action and are skeptical about this kind of ways to find out their future should not guess.

Several decades ago, when to get a deck magic cards or runes were much more difficult than now; predictions were made using improvised objects that are found in every home. So, for example, one of the favorite pastimes of girls on Christmastide and other holidays was fortune-telling using a ring with a thread. These traditions have been preserved until today- this way of looking into the future is still very popular in remote villages. And, I must say, the forecasts turn out to be very accurate. Let's try to tell fortunes the way our grandmothers did?

General rules for fortune telling on a ring

A ring is not just a decoration, but also magic talisman- this was believed back in the days of our great-grandmothers and long before their birth. That is why it is necessary to approach the mantic procedure in all seriousness, and not for the sake of a joke. The first piece of jewelry that comes to hand is not suitable for correct fortune telling on a ring with a thread. It is important that this magical decoration has its own history, for example, it was passed down to you by inheritance or belonged to one of your female relatives. Jewelry, bought in a regular store - not the best predictive tool - can you imagine how many people touched them, tried them on, left their energy traces on them?

The material of the decoration is also of great importance. Some people believe that fortune telling on a gold ring will be more accurate than on a silver one, but we do not see a fundamental difference, especially when we consider that silver is also a very noble metal. The only thing to avoid is inclusions of rhinestones and stones. The ideal option is a simple, smooth ring made of silver or gold. If you have found a suitable piece of jewelry, carry out the cleansing procedure by placing it in holy water for a day or burying it in ordinary salt.

It is best to carry out the magical procedure completely alone after midnight. If water is required for prediction, prepare spring or well water in advance, since tap water will not work. When using thread, use white, black or red, but not other colors. Turn off the TV, electric lights and all household appliances - light candles, creating a mysterious atmosphere. Most divinations require a ring on a string - simply cut 30-40 centimeters of thread, thread it through the jewelry and then secure the ends with a knot - you will get a pendulum about 15-20 centimeters long. Now you can start fortune telling.

Fortune telling for marriage with a ring

First, we will describe several fortune telling on a ring with a thread for marriage. Please note that the jewelry is in this case It should be exactly the same one that one of your relatives (mother, grandmother, great-grandmother) wore to their own wedding.

Option with photo

In this method, in addition to a pendulum made from a ring tied to a thread, you will need a photo of your loved one. Place the photo in front of you on the table, then take the thread by the tip (where the knot is located) and bring this structure to the photo so that the ring is above your lover’s face. Wait a little while for the pendulum to start moving. If a thread with a ring makes circular movements- in front of you is your future spouse, if he swings left and right - he will not become your husband, if the pendulum has frozen and does not move at all - you can be left completely alone.

Option with a glass of water

Can be carried out this option fortune telling on a wedding ring on a hair from your own head, or you can use a simple thread, as in the previous case. In addition to the homemade pendulum, you will need a glass filled with clean water by about a quarter. You need to take the container with water with your left hand, and the end of the thread or hair holding the ring with your right. Slowly and carefully lower the pendulum into the glass, without letting it fall into the water. When the thread with the ring swings, watch it carefully and count how many times the ring hits the walls of the glass. In fortune telling on a ring with a thread on water for marriage, one strike is one year of life. If there were three touches, you will get married in three years, if there was one, in a year, and so on.

Option without using a pendulum

Another simple way to find out who your betrothed will be is to fill an ordinary faceted glass with water about two-thirds, carefully place a ring at the very bottom, and then look into the container, focusing your gaze on the ring. When the water calms down, you will be able to see the face of your future spouse inside the ring. As soon as this happens, quickly close your eyes and turn away. The time that usually passes before the vision appears can be different - someone sees their soul mate within a couple of minutes, while someone can sit over a glass for a quarter of an hour.

Fortune telling with a ring for children

This fortune telling on a wedding ring on a thread is very similar to the option with a glass of water described above. The technique is absolutely identical, the only difference is in the interpretation. If in the previous case we counted the years before marriage by the number of strokes, now we determine the number of children by touching the ring. The ring hits once - expect one baby, two - two, three - three, and so on. You can additionally determine the gender of the child: if the decoration was swinging from side to side before hitting the wall of the glass, it will be a boy; if it was spinning in a circle, it will be a girl.

Fortune telling by ring for wishes

You can perform this fortune telling on silver ring or gold, preferably wedding gold, and the thread must be black. As in the method described above, we will lower a homemade pendulum into a glass, mentally pronouncing our desire, the possibility of fulfilling which we are going to find out. The main thing is to notice which wall of the glass the ring touches for the first time. If to the left - the wish will come true this year, if to the right - alas, dreams are not destined to come true.

Prediction using the ring “Answer to a question”

This prediction is based on the principle of a pendulum. Since we are talking about using jewelry, you can do fortune telling on a ring with hair or thread - whichever you prefer. Having created a pendulum, you need to configure it. Take the thread by the tip, mentally ask the pendulum what movement the answer “yes” will indicate and wait a little: after a while the thread will begin to rotate either in a diagonal plane or in a circle. Remember this movement - it will be responsible for a positive result. Repeat the procedure for the answer “no” - the movement should be different. If nothing works and the pendulum rotates the same in both cases, work with it for some more time, asking simple questions, implying a clear unambiguous answer. For example:

  • Am I a woman?
  • I am 30 years old?
  • Do I have a husband?

As soon as you begin to receive the correct answers from the pendulum, you can begin fortune telling. Ask your question and then wait for the thread ring to move. It will give a yes or no answer depending on how you configured it. For some, a positive answer is indicated by a circular movement, for others, on the contrary, a swing from side to side. If the thread hangs motionless - in this moment the answer is unknown.

If you want to ask more complex questions, and not just from the category of “yes-no” answers, use the sector technique. On a sheet of white A4 paper, draw a large semicircle with a dot in the middle, and then divide it into several parts, in each of which write one possible answer with a pen. Then take the pendulum in your hand so that the ring is in the center of the semicircle, ask your question out loud and watch in which direction the instrument swings - look for the answer in this sector.

Similar diagrams can be created with the names of people, descriptions of problems, variations of future events - in a word, everything is limited only by your imagination. If you want to know something serious, for example, a person’s name or title settlement- create a semicircle with the letters of the alphabet. In this case, fortune telling will take more time, because in one approach the pendulum will show only one letter, then the next one - and so on.

Probably, after reading this article, you will wonder whether fortune telling on a ring with a thread is true or not? As numerous reviews confirm, in most cases the prediction turns out to be accurate, provided that you have chosen the right jewelry and prepared for the process.

Ring fortune telling is one of the most famous and quite simple. In addition, fortune telling with a ring is one of the most popular among. No special preparation is required to perform the ritual. You just need to remember the main rules, thanks to which fortune telling will be more accurate.

Rules for fortune telling on the ring:

1. For fortune telling, you must take a wedding ring that does not have stones or ornate details. Such a ring, especially if it
consecrated in the church, will provide more accurate data.

2. If fortune telling is done using water, then required condition so that the water is not from the tap, but from a well, which carries special energy. Tap water is “dead” and does not carry any information. Such water is unsuitable under any circumstances.

3. The room in which the fortune telling will be carried out must be quiet, without any electrical appliances turned on.

4. There should be no strangers in the room: only the fortune teller and the client.

5. The most suitable time for fortune telling is after midnight.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

For fortune telling, take a glass of water and a wedding ring.

Fill the glass a little to the brim with water. Very carefully lower the ring into the water. The glass should be placed outside in the cold. The result of fortune telling will be clear when the water freezes.

If the surface remains smooth, then the future will be cloudless, and if bumps and pits appear, then this can be interpreted as an addition to the family: how many bumps - so many boys, the presence of pits indicates future girls and their number.

Fortune telling on a ring with a thread

Human hair, of course, is best suited for the sacrament. But, if this is not possible, then take a thread of black, white or red. A ring is tied to a thread, making a kind of pendulum.

Water is poured into the glass, three centimeters below the rim. A pendulum is suspended above the water, at a distance of 1 - 2 centimeters above the water level.

Thus, the fortuneteller asks a question that worries him. The pendulum gives answers to specific questions: “yes” or “no”. The pendulum will also answer questions such as: “ At what age will I walk down the aisle?», « How many children will God give me?"and the like. How many times the pendulum hits the walls of the glass, this will be the answer.

Ring fortune telling for marriage

For more accurate fortune telling you need to take a wedding ring (mother or grandmother, women related by blood) and a glass of water. IN clean water you should lower the ring and, when it calmly settles to the bottom, peer into the center of the ring. There you can see the face of your future spouse.

If you already know the names of those you are going to guess at, then you should pay attention to the next option, for which you will need a pendulum (a wedding ring suspended on a thread) and pieces of paper, according to the number of gentlemen.

On pieces of paper, write the names of the candidates for your hand and heart, lay them out in a circle upside down. Point the pendulum at everyone's name.

Where the pendulum is motionless, relationships will not work out. Where the pendulum moves, relationships can begin. The name that will be on the piece of paper, over which the pendulum moves most of all, will become your destiny.

Fortune telling the gender of a child using a ring

In order to determine the sex of the child, you will need a wedding ring and a woolen thread. We make a pendulum and install it over the belly of a pregnant woman. If the ring draws circles - wait for your son, if it starts to oscillate from side to side - wait for a girl.

Divination wedding ring for children

A pendulum with a wedding ring is used in a similar fortune telling, but this time over the palm of a pregnant woman. First, the ring must be held between tightly clenched palms by the woman being told fortunes. If the pendulum swings from side to side - expect an heir, circles - a girl.

A ring, a thread, a glass of water - that's all you need for fortune telling.

Divination by rings has been used since time immemorial. With the help of simple actions, the girls found out when and who they would marry, how many children they would have, and what else fate had in store for them. life path. Various versions of fortune telling by rings were found among the Persians and in Rus'. Sometimes fortune telling with a ring even decided the fate of states: in some countries it was used to choose a suitable ruler.

Fortune telling on a ring with a thread

Although there are a great variety of fortune-telling with a ring, the most common is still fortune-telling with a ring with a thread. In the first option, this is fortune telling with a ring; you will not need any ring, but a wedding ring. Hang it on a thread, preferably black, take it in left hand and put it in a glass. If the ring hits the right wall of the glass, your wish will come true; if it hits the left wall, it will not.

Using the second option of fortune telling on a ring with a thread, you can determine the gender of your unborn child. You will need a helper and a glass of water. The person must lower the ring on a string into a glass that stands near your hand. If the ring moves in a circular motion, you are having a girl. If it's pendulum-shaped, it's a boy. Well, if the ring doesn’t move, you won’t have children. At least in the near future.

By the way, actress Kate Hudson, on the air of one of the American programs, arranged another version of fortune telling on a ring with a thread. True, Hudson was already pregnant and threaded not a thread through the ring, but several of her own hairs. She brought the resulting pendulum to her stomach and followed the movement of the ring. Once it began to make circular movements, the actress concluded that she was expecting a girl.

Fortune telling by rings for the betrothed

This ring fortune telling is usually done at Christmas. Again, you will also need a wedding ring. Pour water into a glass, place two candles next to each other and lower the ring on a thread into the glass, but so that it does not touch the water. Listen: the ring will tap the name of the betrothed on the walls of the glass. If the name cannot be made out, count how many times the ring is knocked on the walls. After so many years you will get married.

Another option for fortune-telling by rings for your betrothed: at midnight, pour water into a glass, throw a ring into it and try to see the face of your future chosen one in the reflection and rings on the water.

The third option for fortune telling by rings for your betrothed is quite simple. Also at midnight you need to take the wedding ring and look through it at the candle flame. It is believed that you will see the groom in its flame.

Divination by rings in water

This ring fortune telling is best done frosty winter, but a regular freezer will also help you. Before going to bed, pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it in the cold. In the morning, look how frozen the water is. If it has a clean, smooth surface without bubbles, you will have success in the future. And if there are pits and tubercles, you will know the number of your future children: the pits are daughters, and the tubercles are sons.
By the way, this fortune telling with a ring also fulfills a wish. Wait until the water melts and put the ring on your finger, making a wish.

Fortune telling by rings and alphabet

For this variation of ring divination with a string, you will need to write all the letters of the alphabet and hold the ring over them. When it starts to swing, remember which letters it points to. This way you can literally read the future.

Fortune telling by rings for prosperity

Take four rings: gold, silver, copper and semiprecious stone. Place them on the table. For this fortune telling by rings you need an assistant. He should blindfold you, spin you around and direct you to the table. You, in turn, must take one ring. Which one did you choose? Golden ring- to wealth, silver - to moderate profits, copper - your financial situation will not change, with a stone - losses await you.

Whichever ring fortune telling you choose, be careful. After all, this is one of the variations of fortune telling using a pendulum. It is believed that a pendulum in inept hands brings trouble to its owner. Respect magical rituals and approach them responsibly, only in this case you will be able to look into the future and attract good luck without negative consequences.
