Compatibility by year of birth - find the ideal partner for yourself! The ideal partner - myth or reality.

For hopelessly lonely people, finding an ideal partner seems like a difficult, impossible task. However, the truth about finding an ideal partner is very simple - people simply don’t know how to find one or where to start looking. If you're interested in swapping being single for a relationship, this article will help you figure out how to start finding your match.


    First, understand yourself. The first step to finding your ideal partner is pen and paper. No, you will not write a personal ad. You should write a list of your character traits and the traits you want to see in your life partner. This list should include: your character traits and those that your partner should have, your physical characteristics and those that your partner should have, as well as a list of hobbies, interests, religion and beliefs (should you and your partner belong to the same religion and have similar beliefs or not), desire to have children, willingness to accept other people's children, communication style, etc. To help you identify your desired human qualities, you can consider your friends or ex-partners. You will be able to more easily understand what types of people you get along with best.

    Turn the list into characteristics of the desired partner. It should resemble a human skeleton. This should not be a list of requirements, but general scheme your soulmate. The list should be realistic and prioritized.

    Keep in mind what other people tend to look for in a partner. You can find numerous studies on what men and women look for in a partner and use them to help you understand what others want in their partner. This will allow you to highlight your strengths, in whatever field they are, to make it clear that you have interesting traits, beliefs, or activities in which your potential partner is interested. Some of the most popular things men and women notice about each other are:

    Love yourself and your body. This is the biggest clue of the century - your ideal partner will love you for who you are and see you doing the same. If you can't come to terms with this reality, it would be wise to build a little trust so that the mental desire to conform to everything your partner says will disappear. To find your ideal partner, you must keep the following thoughts in your mind:

    • You deserve it. Yes indeed. To show this, you must walk upright, with your head held high, smiling and feeling confident. This looks attractive and will allow your potential partner to see that you are confident and ready to communicate.
    • List all the things you've excelled at - what makes you a great friend, what are your top 10 accomplishments in life, what you're proud of in life, and why you make a great partner.
    • Dress to look good, not to fit fashion, labels, or worse, your size tag. Are you a man or a woman - good and the right clothes makes you more attractive and distinguishes you from other people.
    • Be in harmony with your body. This is much more attractive than constantly worrying about the size of your butt or flabby arms.
  1. Start looking. Find social groups and events where your potential partner might be and where you can talk a lot with new people. It's important to go somewhere where you're likely to find a partner rather than just sitting at a bar and waiting to be introduced to you. The best place for dating - where to you enjoy spending time. This will be your first common interest. Places to find a potential partner include:

    • Groups for single people. These could be church groups, dating sites, or speed dating. These are the most obvious places, as people openly state that they are single and looking for a partner. Even if everyone has their own skeleton in their closet, all these people have the same goal. You may accidentally discover that your favorite person in the hiking club is married, or you may not find a suitable partner in the car club. This will not happen with groups where only guaranteed single people gather.
    • Hobbies and sports clubs. You'll need to check on your relationship status with these venues, but if you're taking part in something you're interested in, why the rush? You have a lot of time to get to know other people better and understand which of them interest you through your favorite hobby, sport or other activity. Your common interest will likely increase the chances of compatibility.
    • Workplace. At work, you will quickly understand who is free and who is not. The downside is that you'll be constantly in close proximity and surrounded by gossip, and striving for a single work goal or promotion can get in the way of the process. Overall career can be in a good way for some couples, and will also show how much you perfect couple.
    • Vacation. This is a great option for finding someone who is in a relaxed state. The downside is that he may live and/or work far away from you. It may also turn out that a person is simply looking for a holiday romance. So ask your potential partner a few questions before you jump into a new holiday relationship.
  2. Don't be too picky. You're not setting up a laptop—you and your future partner are looking for (or at least open to) someone you can get to know and make happier. Get to know different people in different contexts to become familiar with their basic attributes and compatible personalities. Keep an open mind about the small details that you and your potential partner could improve on in the future by making compromises.

    Produce good first impression. Dress up and produce good impression when you flirt for the first time or go on a first date. People often judge by first impressions, so you may only have one chance to make someone like you. Looking good, behaving decently and achieving the best you can from yourself is one of the important aspects of maintaining your own attractiveness.

    Take your time and let the relationship develop slowly. When you find someone who is right for you, take a deep breath and slowly develop the relationship. Spend a lot of time talking, listening and highlighting the main qualities in a person that are important to you. Of course you want there to be attraction between you, but you also want to get to know the other person. You also want to understand how you will interact in different situations: in leisure, during stressful periods, with family and in work situations.

    Make sure you clearly explain what you are looking for serious relationship. The worst thing you can do for yourself is to fall in love with a person who will leave you after three months because he is not yet ready to settle down. You should admit that you are looking for a serious relationship after the first few dates (it will be a little desperate to discuss this on the first date) or when you realize that you are interested in the other person. Take your time, just make sure you're both on the same page. Let him know that this is all you do. Keep in mind that you should use your common sense when voicing your desires - no one wants to discuss marriage on the second date!

  3. Once you get to know your partner better, find out if this is really the case. Your relationship is developing, you are becoming closer, but how do you understand that he is the one? Love can make you frivolous and cause you to miss little things. And these little things can actually turn out to be quite important points when you try to connect your life with your companion. Here's what you should know before you claim you've found your soulmate:

    • Is he/she a person of mood, and is he/she hiding something important from you?
    • Are there any money problems? Financial inequality and financial difficulties can cause you a lot of heartache, so honesty on this issue is a must.
    • Do you like being together for a long time?
    • How does your partner behave around your family and theirs? Are they respectful, dismissive, interested, or distant? Is irresponsibility a problem for you?
    • Does your partner agree with your thoughts about children, a career, or about volunteering abroad for 5 years? All these things are very important!
  4. Don't settle for anything less than ideal! If you realize that a person is not right for you, then do not cling to him, do not convince yourself that everything will get better and that you are too picky. You you know, what you want to see in an ideal partner (you have already made a list). You will find it. And when this happens, it will be very good! On the other hand, don't be a perfectionist, don't demand the impossible, and don't set your standards too high. Try to appreciate the other person's quirks, but don't settle for life with someone you're unhappy with.

    • Listen to your friends' opinions about your new lover, but don't take everything too personally. Listen to them, think about their words, leave those that matter, and mark the rest. Remember that friends are people too. They may make mistakes in their judgment or even be jealous. Use your own opinion and common sense!
    • Enjoy your solitude for a while. There is no point in being angry about it, but if you love your life, you will attract new people into it who may be interesting to you.
    • If you are looking for a man, then look at his father and how he treats his mother, etc., and also look at his mother to understand what he expects from you. This will help you find out what you need. Again, this does not always reflect a person's character and personal achievements. If a person grew up in a negative environment, look at how he treats children and animals around him weak people, To stressful situations and personal conflicts. Many people who are abused as children become strong and kind, but many others continue to be abusers throughout life. If you are dating someone who has been treated for alcohol or drug addiction, look how many years he has been “in the loop.” If three years or more, then this good sign. Most likely, everything will be fine with him.
    • If you are very young and/or religious, make sure that you both agree to be in a relationship before getting intimate. Get to know their family, and let them get to know yours. Chat with their friends, invite them to hang out with your friends too. It may seem strange to do this before intimacy, but often family situations help you understand whether your partner is right for you.
    • If you are looking for a woman, look at her mother and how she builds a relationship with her husband. Look at her father to get an idea of ​​what she will expect from you. All this will help you find out what you need. Again, this does not always reflect her character and her personal achievements. Also take into account the possibility that her parents may be the opposite of what she wants in life and what she believes in.
    • Also consider whether you may need a prenuptial agreement. Even ideal couples can become less than ideal due to unforeseen circumstances.


    • Never try to change someone to fit your ideal. It never works!
    • These days, you can never be completely safe. Don't be afraid to ask your future partner to take an HIV test or find out more about his past. Just be prepared to provide the same information. If you are going to ask for something like this, be sensitive when you say it. If you wait three months for your relationship to develop trust and love, and then tell your partner that you don't trust your partner, things may not end well. If you start this conversation too early, you will look a little crazy. The right moment is the moment when you realize that you would like to be with this person, not just as friends.

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About ancient creatures that combined masculine and feminine and therefore ideally harmonious, is first mentioned by Plato in the dialogue “Symposium”. The cruel gods, seeing their harmony as a threat to their power, divided the unfortunate people into women and men - who are doomed from then on to look for their soul mate in order to regain their former integrity. Quite a simple story. But even two and a half thousand years later, it has not lost its attractiveness for us. Fairy tales and myths fuel this idea of ​​an ideal partner: for example, a prince for Snow White or Cinderella, who with a kiss or tender attention restores life and dignity to someone sleeping in eternal sleep or to a poor thing in rags. It is difficult to break free from these patterns, but perhaps they should be understood differently.

We want to meet the figment of our imagination

Sigmund Freud was the first to suggest that in our search for an ideal partner, we only meet those who already exist in our unconscious. “To find an object of love ultimately means to find it again” - perhaps this is how the law of mutual attraction between people could be formulated. By the way, Marcel Proust meant the same thing when he said that first we draw a person in our imagination and only then meet him in real life. “A partner attracts us because his image has lived inside us since childhood,” explains psychoanalyst Tatyana Alavidze, “hence, a handsome prince or princess is the person we have been waiting for and “knew” for a long time.” Where?

We are especially attracted to those who have both masculine and feminine characteristics.

Fantasy about ideal relationship, which can be summed up as “100% reward, 0% conflict,” makes us remember the early stages of life when a newborn perceives the adult who cares for him, that is, most often the mother, as an ideal and flawless being. At the same time, the dream of such a relationship seems to be more pronounced in women. “They succumb to it more often because they have an unconscious desire for replenishment,” says psychoanalyst Hélène Vecchiali. “We have to admit: no matter how much a man is in love, he hardly looks at a woman with the immense adoration with which a mother looks at a newborn child. And even if this is obviously not the case, the woman still unconsciously believes that she is inferior.” As a result, its “inferiority” can be compensated only by absolutely ideal man, the perfection of which “guarantees” the perfection of herself. This ideal, completely compatible partner is the one who will demonstrate that she is desirable just the way she is.

We choose the parent figure

The father figure is extremely important for the female unconscious. Does this mean that the ideal partner should be like his father? Not necessary. From the point of view of psychoanalysis, in mature relationships we correlate the partner with the images of the parents - but either with a “plus” sign or with a “minus” sign. He attracts us so strongly because with his qualities he resembles (or, conversely, denies) the image of his father or mother. “In psychoanalysis, this choice is called the “search for Oedipus,” says Tatyana Alavidze. – Moreover, even if we consciously try to choose a “non-parent” - a woman who is not like his mother, a man who is not like his father, this means relevance internal conflict and the desire to resolve it “by contradiction.” The image of the mother is usually associated with a child's sense of security, which can be expressed in the image of a large, plump partner. “A thin man in such couples usually strives for a “nursing mother,” who seems to “absorb” him and protect him,” says Tatyana Alavidze. “Women who prefer large men experience the same thing.”

“We are especially attracted to those who have both masculine and feminine traits,” notes psychoanalytic psychotherapist Svetlana Fedorova. – Seeing both male and female manifestations, we recognize in a person either similarities with our father or mother. This brings us back to the primary illusion of bisexuality, which is associated with a sense of infantile omnipotence.”

However, in general, it would be naive to believe that we “impose” the appearance of our parents on our partners. In fact, their image most likely coincides not with a real father or mother, but with those unconscious ideas about parents that we develop in deep childhood.

We are looking for different projections of ourselves

Do we have General requirements to a handsome prince or princess? Of course, they must be attractive, but the idea of ​​attractiveness changes from century to century and from culture to culture. “When choosing “the very best,” we inevitably use hidden ideas about ourselves, projecting them onto the object of adoration,” Svetlana Fedorova explains our predilections. Either we attribute to our ideal the advantages and disadvantages that we ourselves are endowed with, or, on the contrary, it embodies what (we think) we lack. For example, unconsciously considering herself stupid and naive, a woman will find a partner who will embody for her wisdom and the ability to make adult decisions - and thus will place on him responsibility for herself, so helpless and defenseless.

Dreams of a handsome prince or soul mate prevent us from developing

We can also “transfer” to another those qualities that we don’t like in ourselves - in this case, a partner constantly becomes a person who is weaker than us, who has the same problems as us, but in a more pronounced form. In psychoanalysis, this tactic is called “exchange of dissociations” - it allows us not to notice our own shortcomings, while our partner becomes the bearer of all those properties that we do not like in ourselves. Let's say, in order to hide her own fear of active actions, a woman can only fall in love with weak, indecisive men suffering from depression.

Another important aspect attractiveness is a combination of beauty and irregular, sharp, even grotesque features in appearance. “For us, beauty symbolically embodies the instinct of life, and the attractiveness of irregular, ugly features is associated with the instinct of death,” explains Svetlana Fedorova. – These two instincts are the main components of our unconscious and are closely interrelated. When they are combined in the features of one person, paradoxically this makes him especially attractive. Irregular features in themselves frighten us, but when they are animated by the energy of life, this not only reconciles us with them, but also fills them with charm.”

We have to bury the infantile ideal

Similarity to a partner is traditionally considered one of the most important criteria for an ideal combination of “halves”. Not only common character traits, but also common tastes, common values, approximately the same cultural level and social circle - all this contributes to the establishment of relationships. But this is not enough for psychologists. “We definitely need to come to love the differences in our partner. Apparently, this is generally the only path to harmonious relationships,” says Helen Vecchiali.

Staying with someone whom we have removed from the pedestal, that is, we have gone through the stage of accepting shortcomings, shadow sides (found both in him and in ourselves), means burying the “infantile” ideal of a partner. And be able to finally find the ideal partner for your adult self. It is difficult for a woman to believe in such love - love that does not close its eyes to shortcomings, not trying to hide them, believes Helen Vecchiali. She believes that women should undergo initiation - to finally find and recognize their own usefulness, without expecting that an ideal partner will bring it. In other words, reverse cause and effect. Perhaps this is logical: without finding harmony in your relationship with yourself, it is difficult to count on it in partnerships. Can't be built a strong pair, considering himself an unsuitable stone for construction. And your partner (an equally worthless stone) will not help here.

“It’s important to stop believing that the ideal partner is someone “like me” or someone who completes me, emphasizes Helen Vecchiali. – Of course, in order for the attraction in a couple not to die, there needs to be a commonality. But besides that, there must be a difference. And this is even more important." She believes it's time to take a fresh look at the story of "two halves." Dreams of a prince charming or a soul mate prevent us from developing because they are based on the idea that I am an inferior being in search of “what once was,” the known and the familiar. One must hope for the meeting of two full-fledged beings, wholly turned not backwards, but forwards. Only they can create new union two people. Such a union in which not two make up one whole, but one and one, each whole in itself, make up three: themselves and their community with its boundless future full of happy possibilities.

And here are 10 reasons why this combination makes people of this zodiac sign ideal life partners.

1. Taurus are calm people

Taurus do not seem like people who are ready to burn everything around at the slightest fit of rage. They extremely rarely become involved in vile quarrels, in general they always and everywhere remain calm and never start to become hysterical out of the blue.

People around Taurus always feel at ease, because people born under this sign radiate confidence and calm.

2. Taurus are devoted partners

When it comes to relationships, Taurus always defend the benefits of long-term, stable relationships. These people almost never meet just for one-time sex. They are representatives of the “old school”.

Taurus are selective when choosing a partner and begin to build a serious relationship only when they are 100% confident in him. They always look at people from the point of view of whether they can become partners for them for many years.

Taurus are loyal and will never become involved in a casual affair during a vacation or business trip.

3. Taurus are passionate lovers

If your partner is Taurus, you will never complain about boredom and monotony. In bed, people of this sign are active and willing to try something new. After all, their patron is Venus, the goddess of love!

In general, Taurus values ​​and always craves sensual pleasures. They are real hedonists and masters of entertainment. Sex for them is the highest manifestation of love, and not just a set of mechanical back-and-forth movements. They are always ready to give you a massage or play erotic games with you.

4. Taurus people are persistent and determined

Once Taurus has seen his prize, nothing can stop him. Even in hard times When life deals him blow after blow, he refuses to give up.

If they lack something, then this something immediately becomes their main fuel and motivator. The mantra "Keep Calm and Just Carry On" was probably coined by a Taurus.

Taurus people persistently move towards their goal, even if everyone around them tells them that nothing will work out. This is where their notorious stubbornness comes into play!

Of course, sometimes this trait irritates them. You give Taurus advice on why you shouldn’t even try to do the next ambitious stupid thing, but he does it anyway! But sometimes they turn out to be right and get their way!

5. Taurus know how to protect their own and stand their ground

Taurus people are considered strong and silent people. And for good reason: if they encounter difficult situation, then they are not afraid to accept necessary measures. If someone offends a person who is important to Taurus, he will first console the victim and then punish the offender.

When it comes to expressing their own opinions, Taurus will not hide the truth. But he knows how to present it tactfully.
Instead of "You look terrible in that dress," he'll say something like, "It's nice, but it's not the best choice. Try something different."

6. Taurus are rational and pragmatic

Taurus sees the world as it is. Unlike representatives of the “air” signs, Taurus’s head does not fly in the clouds.

Taurus people know how to set realistic goals and achieve them. They are famous for their logical and rational mind.

Therefore, Taurus value stability and predictability. This means that they are a reliable guarantor of, if not a luxurious, then at least a well-fed life.

7. Taurus people know how to appreciate the finer things in life.

There is one way to impress a Taurus - to immediately appeal to his five senses.

People born under this sign know how to enjoy majestic waterfalls, gourmet cuisine, and the joy of being wrapped in a blanket. Taurus people know how to appreciate the beauty of this world and enjoy all types of earthly blessings.

But don't worry. Their taste won't make a hole in your wallet. Taurus knows how to appreciate grandiose gestures, but watching a TV series with him late at night, lying in an embrace, is also great.

8. Taurus are creative people with a generous heart

Taurus people know how to express themselves - through music, poetry or, for example, painting. If you become a partner of one of them, then they will probably dedicate some romantic lines to you.

Stevie Wonder, Al Pacino, Jessica Alba, Salvador Dali - they were all born under this sign. It is important that Taurus, on the one hand, needs a muse, and on the other, they are always ready to express their love for their partner through creativity.

Even those Taurus who can hardly be called creative people are capable of creating a romantic collage or giving you a postcard, the design of which they came up with themselves.

9. Taurus are sensitive souls

They are unlikely to express their emotional condition on social networks. But they know the value of being able to cry on a friendly shoulder.

Therefore, Taurus are devoted friends who will always listen and support in difficult times. They are better than representatives of other zodiac signs at detecting that something is wrong with their friends. Even when they refuse.

10. Taurus - reliable and “real”

Taurus knows the value of words and deeds. He is always ready to help with something that you yourself cannot objectively cope with. For example, he will write an essay for you or help with repairs.

In addition, Taurus do not make too many friends: they know that where there is a crowd, genuine relationships cannot be built. Therefore, they usually have two or three true friends whom they are always ready to help out from any situation.

You know the expression: “ A true friend- someone with whom you can transport a corpse in the trunk? So, this is about Taurus.

All people dream of finding a soul mate - a person who is ideal for you in all areas of life. Not everyone knows, but this dream may well become a reality if you carefully study compatibility by year of birth. IN Chinese calendar a description of the twelve zodiac signs is proposed, replacing each other annually. Some animals from the horoscope have very good compatibility, others naturally cannot stand each other. From this article you can find out what kind of compatibility you and your partner have personally.

The Rat gets along well with other Rats, Oxen, Dragons and Monkeys. Marriages of Rats and with Rats are successful. But in them it is important that the partners do not compete with each other.

Rats and Bulls will find mutual language if there are common interests. Rats and Dragons represent perfect combination based on feelings and sexual attraction. Flattery from the Rat regarding the Dragon will not be superfluous.

Monkeys and Rats will understand each other well and forgive various flaws.

It is quite difficult for the Rat to find a common language with the Tiger due to its contradictory nature. Tigers strive to take power over Rats, and the latter do not want to obey them.

The Rat-Snake couple risks quickly falling apart due to the secrecy of the 2nd partner.

The Rat and the Rooster are closely related souls. They can be happily married if the Rat is patient.

The relationship with the Dog will become either very interesting or boring - here it is important to maintain a middle ground. The Dog strives for loneliness, and the Rat often puts its interests above.

Compatibility for Ox

Bulls go well with Rats, Roosters, Rabbits, Snakes and Monkeys. They have quite a lot of similarities in their characters, common goals and aspirations.

It is possible to develop relationships with Bulls, Tigers, Dogs and Pigs. It is problematic for bulls to get along with representatives of their sign, because they always try to be in the first position and do not recognize subordination.

Bulls and Dragons, Horses and Goats do not suit each other well. In the first union, the partners show stubbornness; the Dragon is dreamy, which the Ox does not tolerate.

In the second case, the Ox will not appreciate the Horse’s sociability.

For a representative of the Goat sign, the Ox is too rude and prone to despotism, which the gentle and romantic Goat will not tolerate.

Compatibility for Tiger

Tigers get along best with other Tigers, as well as Dragons, Dogs and Horses.

The Tiger-Dragon pair is simply perfect! Thanks to the Dragon, the Tiger's secret wishes easily become reality, there is romance and dreams.

The Dog strives to communicate, which the Tiger does not always understand, and the Tiger is prone to depression.

Horses and Tigers get along well, but the Tiger tends to be jealous of his partner

Relationships between the Tiger and Rats, Goats, Roosters, Pigs and Bulls are difficult. There are different characters, life principles, behavior patterns and much more here.

Astrologers strongly advise against entering into relationships between Tigers and Rabbits, Snakes and Monkeys.

In the first case there is no support. In the second, the increased vulnerability of the Snake, to which the Tiger treats rather coldly, is hampered. And the connection between Tigers and Monkeys is fraught with constant conflict situations.

Compatibility for Rabbit

Ideal options for Rabbits: Goats, Pigs and Dogs.

In a relationship with a Goat, it is important that the Rabbit takes responsibility and devotes enough time to its partner.

Paired with a Dog, the Rabbit will give it its vitality, and the Dog will always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Rabbits and Pigs easily find mutual understanding due to the similarity of characters.

Not so lucky are the connections of Rabbits with Dragons, other Rabbits, Snakes, Bulls, Horses and Monkeys.

Combinations of two Rabbits can be destroyed by idealization and lack of money.

In the second case, it is important that the Rabbit obeys the Dragon.

Rabbits and Snakes should not throw out all their problems on each other.

It is necessary to work in alliances between Rabbits and Horses due to the energetic disposition of the Horse and the Rabbit’s desire for constant rest.

Rabbits and Monkeys are too freedom-loving for joint relationships.

It is very difficult for Rabbits to find a common language with Rats, Tigers and Roosters.

Compatibility for Dragon

Dragons and Rats, Roosters, Monkeys and Tigers are a great match for each other..

The Dragon-Monkey pair is based on complete mutual harmony. The main thing is that the Monkey does not forbid the Dragon to have his head in the clouds because of his natural pragmatism.

The relationship between Dragons and Roosters will last a long time if sound rationalism is present in them.

Events are not developing so well for Dragons and Rabbits, other Dragons, Snakes, Horses and Goats.

Dragons are born leaders, so they constantly strive to take the lead. It is important to learn humility and the ability to give in.

Dragons and Snakes strive to have financial independence from each other. It is important for them to pay more attention to creativity rather than everyday life and not to forget about spirituality.

The relationship between Dragons and Horses is based on romance, but the difficult nature of the stubborn Horse can greatly harm the partners. It is important that the Dragon pacifies her, but rather delicately.

Goats need to turn a blind eye to the Dragon’s desire to “soar in the clouds”, then everything will be fine.

Find out also how they complement each other different signs Zodiac by year of birth in the next video

Combinations of Dragons with Bulls, Pigs and Dogs are contraindicated.

The Dog-Dragon pairing is based on self-interest, not feelings. It is important that the Dragon makes concessions to the Dog, and she takes care of him and praises him.

Pigs cannot stand the pompousness and dreaminess of Dragons, so this union is doomed in advance.

Compatibility for Snake

The ideal connection between Snakes and Bulls, Monkeys and Roosters.

Snakes and Roosters will easily understand each other if the Snakes spend more time on their partner rather than on others.

Snakes and Monkeys are connected by common hobbies, but it is important that partners do not try to get into each other’s personal space.

You can create relationships between Snakes and Rats, Rabbits, Dragons, Horses and Dogs.

The Snake-Horse couple is imbued with mutual love and care.

The dog should provide more support to the gentle Snakes, because they often suffer from depression. Social life also plays a big role in this couple.

The relationship between Snakes and Tigers, Snakes, Pigs and Goats will not be very harmonious.

Snakes are able to find an approach to each other, as they have a similar mindset, but their connection is more dramatic. It is extremely important for them to have common interests.

Snakes strive to control Pigs, which has a bad effect on the latter’s condition.

To preserve the marriage union with Goats, effort is also required. Goats are too eccentric and tend to bring Snakes into stressful situations.

Compatibility for Horse

The creation of relationships between Horses and Tigers, Goats and Dogs is shown.

The Horse is overly sociable, which may not be to the liking of the obstinate Goat. Partners need to share their experiences.

Excellent complementarity is observed in Horses and Dogs. They understand each other perfectly.

Medium alliances develop between Horses and Rabbits, Dragons, Pigs and Roosters.

The Horse-Rooster pair can work out, but the partners need to look for common ground and do not seek to dominate each other.

Long-term connections between Horses and Pigs are possible if the latter works more on herself.

It is very difficult for Horses to get along with other Horses, as well as Rats, Bulls and Monkeys.

The connection between two Horses is often destroyed due to mutual stubbornness, excessive emotionality and desire for independence.

Horses and Monkeys should strictly separate responsibilities to maintain their relationship.

Compatibility for Goat

The most successful alliances of Goats with Rabbits, Horses and Pigs.

The marriage of Goats and Pigs is very successful if the Goat does not dominate its partner, and the Pig shows a more sincere attitude towards the Goat.

An average relationship awaits Goats with Tigers, Dragons, Snakes, other Goats, Monkeys and Roosters.

Two Goats get along well with each other if they provide mutual support, show sincerity and naturalness, and are not under illusions.

Goats have a hard time with Monkeys, because the first partner strives for order and precision, while the second partner loves variety and often makes Goats jealous.

There are many good things in Rooster and Goat couples, but conflict situations often arise.

The alliances of Goats with Rats, Bulls and Dogs are characterized by instability.

Goats and Dogs cannot find a common language, as they are stubborn and capricious. It is important to show tolerance.

Monkey Compatibility

Monkeys, Rats and Dragons complement each other perfectly.

The average ones include connections of Monkeys with representatives of the sign of Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Goat, Monkey, Rooster and Dog.

Monkeys often cannot get along together because they strive for praise and exaltation. They are not prone to constancy and often cheat on their partners. Their increased independence is also a big hindrance.

Monkeys and Roosters get along well, but it is important to learn to help each other in everyday matters.

The Monkey-Dog pair will be harmonious if the latter cedes the role of leader to the Monkey. Also, partners should not strive to change each other, but should seek mutual understanding.

It is risky for Monkeys to have relationships with Tigers, Horses and Pigs.

Both Monkeys and Pigs tend to “withdraw into themselves,” while Pigs are quite stubborn and cold towards their loved ones. Advice: communicate more, tell each other your doubts and joys.

Compatibility for Rooster

Complexity is observed in the connections of Roosters with Rats, Tigers, Horses, Goats, Monkeys and Pigs.

The Rooster and Pig are particularly selfish individuals, plus the Rooster shows increased activity, which is not always included in the plans of the calm Pig. If you want to maintain an alliance, look for common goals and give in to each other.

The most unfavorable connections of Roosters are with Rabbits, other Roosters and Dogs.

Roosters fight with other Roosters for the desire to be first in everything, they also tend to be jealous of their partner and are often in a negative mood. To maintain relationships, you should learn mutual trust and take control of your emotions.

Roosters and Dogs are not inclined to get along due to the fact that the Rooster is too sociable and has an inflated ego. It is common for a dog to have doubts about him and sacrifice his interests in order to preserve the relationship. Because of this, she often begins to feel depressed and the connection will be destroyed.

Compatibility for Dogs

Not very successful combinations of Dogs with Rats, Bulls, Snakes, Monkeys, Pigs and other Dogs.

It is difficult for Dogs to get along with Dogs, because they tend to be depressed at the same time. This also adds to the problems of the material plane, because Dogs tend to spend money thoughtlessly.

Dogs and Pigs generally complement each other quite well. The dog must forgive its partner for a little coldness and spend more time on itself, without concentrating only on the relationship.

Relationships between Dogs and Tigers, Rabbits and Horses are favorable. Relationships with Dragons, Goats and Roosters are difficult for Dogs.

Compatibility for Pig

Pig goes well with Rabbit and Goat.

Pigs are characterized by increased sensuality of nature, emotionality and romance. Communication with each other is based on warmth, physical attraction and complete mutual understanding. It is important that partners pay more attention to everyday life and avoid conflict situations.

Good relationships are possible for Pigs with Rats, Bulls, Tigers, Dragons, Dogs and Roosters.

The greatest complexity is inherent in the connections between Snakes and Monkeys.

Knowing your compatibility by year of birth, you can easily choose a partner for yourself, a relationship with whom will bring you exceptional pleasure and fill you with happiness, joy and other positive emotions!



We too often forget that love is given to us from above and prepared by the stars themselves. And the stars are the horoscope of men and women. Which woman suits which man perfectly according to the horoscope? Find out your other half by zodiac sign.

So the stars say...

The Aries woman has a hot temperament and masculine character. She is full of energy and knows how to overcome difficulties with her characteristic determination and resilience.

Compatible signs

Cancer Man: The Aries woman is able to captivate timid Cancer men with her enthusiasm and activity. He will undoubtedly be attracted to her unpredictable and sometimes eccentric character.

Pisces Man: A sensitive Pisces man, like no one else, is able to understand the feelings of an Aries woman and surround her with attention and care.

Incompatible signs

Gemini Man: At first they may be united by uncontrollable passion, but the excessive sensitivity of Gemini men will push away the more rational Aries woman.

Leo Man: The freedom-loving Aries woman will not tolerate the Leo man’s desire to curb her. Conflicts in the struggle for leadership are inevitable.

The Taurus woman has good taste, loves luxury and knows how to create coziness. She is a very devoted life partner; you can safely trust her to keep any secret.

Compatible signs

Taurus Man: He is capable of becoming a “soul mate” for her. Two Taurus - without a doubt good couple. There are few obvious contradictions in their union; they both value stability and have similar life goals. Cancer Man: A man of this sign meets all the requirements of the Taurus woman. The emotional similarity of the two signs will unite them and ensure a harmonious union.

Incompatible signs

Leo Man: They will find the Leo man too demanding and emotionally unstable. While the measured lifestyle of the Taurus woman, the Leo man finds it too boring.

Sagittarius Man: This couple has little in common. A practical Taurus woman who values ​​stability in the future will find it difficult to accept the frequent changes in the life of a Sagittarius man.

A woman born under the sign of Gemini is romantic and exciting. She sincerely believes in love and knows how to enjoy life. She makes friends easily and has many talents.

Compatible signs

Cancer Man: Both signs, always in search true love, will be able to understand each other perfectly.

Libra Man: A very harmonious couple. They are never bored in each other's company, and they are also perfectly compatible in bed.

Incompatible signs

Scorpio Man: Trying to take control of the carefree Gemini women, the Scorpio man will create endless scenes of jealousy.

Virgo Man: The Virgo man is capable of infuriating his Gemini lover with his calmness and equanimity.

She is ambitious, but at the same time kind. The chosen one of a Cancer woman can only be someone who shares her interests. She is distinguished by her emotionality and excellent sense of humor.

Compatible signs

Libra Man: A Libra man is reserved and confident. For him, the most important thing, both in professional and personal life, is maintaining balance. The Cancer woman will appreciate these qualities, in turn, the Libra man will give her a feeling of reliability and security.

Taurus Man: A sincere and rational Taurus man will be able to balance an alliance with an emotional Cancer woman.

Incompatible signs

Scorpio Man: Mutual jealousy is the reason for the Incompatibility of this couple.

Virgo Man: The inability to express even the strongest feelings for each other leads to their rapid cooling.

A woman born under the sign of Leo has a big ego and loves to be the center of attention. She is distinguished by her strong-willed character and stubbornness.

Compatible signs

Gemini Man: He is attracted to the fortitude of Leo women, and she is grateful to him for his ability to understand her stubbornness.

Scorpio Man: This is a wonderful union of strong, proud and powerful people. Despite frequent quarrels, they are both faithful to their chosen one and remain together for life.

Incompatible signs

Aquarius Man: Despite the fact that the Aquarius Man is ready to devote himself completely to her, the ambitious Lioness prefers partners who are equal in strength to her.

Capricorn Man: The freedom-loving Capricorn man will prefer to remain free rather than submit to the order imposed by the Lioness.

The Virgo woman thinks a lot and loves to spend time alone with her thoughts in silence. She is easily offended, but she skillfully hides her feelings. A man who can unravel her complex personality will be able to win her heart.

Compatible signs

Libra Man: A determined and sensitive man born under the sign of Libra will not have any difficulty winning the attention of a Virgo Woman.

Capricorn Man: This man is also capable of melting the heart of a Virgo woman. The Capricorn man will not be at all intimidated by Virgo's mistrust, so he will wait patiently for her to open up to him.

Incompatible signs

Cancer Man: The union of two very sensitive signs is doomed to mutual reproaches and resentments.

Pisces Man: The silence of Pisces and Virgo will create a wall of misunderstanding between them.

Libra women know exactly what they want from life and will stubbornly achieve their goal. They are rational and practical. Their ambitions will not allow them to settle for less than “the best.”

Compatible signs

Sagittarius Man: This is a harmonious union of the free-spirited Sagittarius man and strong Libra woman. He is able to reveal her talents, and she will bring him down to earth from time to time.

Leo Man: Both signs are very devoted partners. The Libra woman is one of the few who is able to curb the ego of the Leo man. He, who loves to win in everything, will gladly accept such a challenge.

Incompatible signs

Capricorn man: In her opinion, Capricorn is a narcissistic dictator, under whose pressure the freedom-loving Libra woman will quickly run away.

The Scorpio woman is a very ambitious person. Passionate, jealous and sensitive, the Scorpio woman has high demands on her future partner. She is one of the few women who is ready to openly express her sexual fantasies.

Compatible signs

Capricorn Man: The dreamy and courageous Scorpio woman is attracted by the cool mind and patience of the Capricorn man. The sexual compatibility of these signs is beyond doubt.

Leo Man: This is a union of two passionate zodiac signs. The Leo man is attracted to the sexual liberation of the Scorpio woman. He will be able to win her attention with his devotion and determination.

Incompatible signs

Scorpio Man: The union of two Scorpios is a dangerous combination. Despite incredible compatibility in bed, the relationship will become unbearable for both.

Gemini Man: According to the Scorpio woman, the man of this sign is boring and overly romantic.

Sagittarius women are very brave, always in search of adventure and new experiences in life. They often follow their hearts and do not compromise. They choose as a partner someone who can share with her the desire to comprehend the whole world.

Compatible signs

Aries Man: They adore change, strive to experiment, reform their lives, completely coinciding in these desires and impulses.

Aquarius Man: The Aquarius man is capable of coloring sex life Sagittarius women with bright colors. They may be united by common interests.

Incompatible signs

Taurus man: A Taurus man, who strives for stability and home comfort, will never be able to understand the impulses for experimentation of the Sagittarius woman.

Virgo Man: This kind of man loves order and is used to living according to a schedule. It will be difficult for him to keep up with the Sagittarius woman, who strives only forward without looking back.

The Capricorn woman is very ambitious and hardworking. Patience and a cool mind allow her to almost always achieve her goal.

Compatible signs

Pisces Man: At first glance, it may seem that emotional Pisces men are not the most suitable sign for practical Capricorns. The Pisces man is an incorrigible dreamer and romantic, always with his head in the clouds, but it is precisely these qualities that attract the pragmatic Capricorn woman.

Virgo Man: Virgo and Capricorn are couples with good compatibility due to their related temperament. What they have in common is restraint in expressing emotions, perseverance and isolation. There is little intensity of passion in the relationship of this couple, however, this does not prevent them from enjoying each other.

Incompatible signs

Leo Man: The Leo man constantly needs attention, while the Capricorn woman is busy with more important things. He might mistake her seriousness for coldness.

Aries Man: A difficult union. The Capricorn woman will perceive the Aries man as a careless and unreliable partner. Practical Capricorn will not share his desire to receive the maximum dose of pleasure from life.

The Aquarius woman is a creative person who is always open to new knowledge. She does not like to limit herself to conventions. Despite the fact that outwardly she seems open to communication, in fact, she is reluctant to share her feelings. She values ​​freedom of personal space and expects the same from her partner.

Compatible signs

Libra Man: They understand each other perfectly. Both signs feel great in society, as they are extroverts by nature. The Libra man will appreciate the creativity and enthusiasm of the Aquarius woman.

Gemini Man: Representatives of both signs have a lot of charm and do not go unnoticed when they are together. Their ingenuity gives them incredible sexual compatibility. The lively mind of a Gemini man is able to captivate the intellectual and independent Aquarius woman.

Incompatible signs

Scorpio Man: The attempts of a jealous Scorpio man to control his freedom-loving Aquarius lover will be unsuccessful.

Pisces Man: This man needs constant attention and all his attempts to get closer to the Aquarius woman will be perceived by her as an encroachment on freedom of personal space.

The Pisces woman is the most sensitive and emotional type of the zodiac sign. The characteristic qualities of Pisces women are artistry and very developed intuition. The timid and dreamy representative of this sign often lacks self-confidence.

Compatible signs

Cancer Man: A gentle and caring Cancer man will make an ideal match for Pisces women. Similar in temperament, they will easily find a common language and be able to open up to each other. Their union, as a rule, is built on great love.

Capricorn Man: The romance and femininity of Pisces attracts Capricorn men like a magnet. Pisces is impressed by the wisdom and caring nature of Capricorn men.

Incompatible signs

Gemini Man: Such a union is filled with contradictions. Gemini men, in love, try to avoid unnecessary obligations and a woman of this sign will experience a lack of attention, which she urgently needs at any stage of the relationship.

Libra Man: Sensitive Pisces will not be ready for the straightforwardness of the Libra man. Accustomed to avoiding noisy companies, the Pisces woman will not be able to come to terms with his desire to constantly be in society.
