Transit Venus in Gemini - we communicate just like that.

From July 5 to July 31, 2017 planet Venus rules relationshipswill be in the sign of Gemini. Unhurried, thorough and restrained in feelings, Taurus will give way to light and active Gemini.

How will dating happen during this time?

Fast and casual. A short conversation, fragments of words, a smile at a stranger on the street, non-binding flirting... After all, you will never see your interlocutor again. This is how relationships begin during the transit of Venus through the sign of Gemini. And only then, when the desire to continue communication arises, that same sympathy and deep interest in the interlocutor will appear. Who knows, maybe a random acquaintance at a tram stop will turn out to be exactly the one you've been waiting for.

Where should you meet in July 2017?

Relationships will be especially easy to establish on the road. Metro, trams, minibuses and trains. By the way, don't forget about shopping centers and supermarkets.

Want a secret? Research has shown that it is in supermarkets that people live in the evenings. greatest number single men. There is only one nuance - they are hungry.

And since, in addition to transport and movement, Mercury is also responsible for learning and receiving new information, then all kinds of seminars, libraries and excursions can become meeting places. In other words, we meet wherever we can learn something new or somehow expand our horizons.

And, of course, online dating! Whether it's correspondence in a forum, chatting in a chat, meeting people on a website - all this can also serve as the beginning of a relationship. Because the Internet, like all means of communication, is the domain of Mercury.

Of course, for many, such an acquaintance will be short-lived or will develop into a friendly relationship, but if it’s yours, feel free to act! Right now you have an excellent chance of meeting your soulmate on a dating site. Don't miss them!

What about money? I hope you haven’t forgotten that Venus is also responsible for material wealth. During her transit through the sign of Gemini, money has a habit of disappearing without a trace. That's what money is for, to spend it. But it’s better to protect yourself from spontaneous purchases and expenses.

By the way, at this time it is advisable to trust anyone less in financial matters and lend money, since you will no longer see your money. After all, Mercury is not only the god of trade, but also the patron of deception, resourcefulness and theft.

Aspects of Venus in Gemini in 2017

July 17, 2017 – Venus in Gemini will make a square to Neptune in Pisces. The aspect is negative, so deception or disappointment in a loved one is possible. Or there will be a strong desire for ideal love, a desire to find your ideal.

July 18, 2017 – Venus in Gemini will form a trine to Jupiter in Libra. Love disappointments will change favorable period in a relationship. There is a great chance to meet love on the road or meet someone from afar or from a different culture. In addition, this is a great day to register on a dating site with foreigners. A good start- half the battle. Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float.

July 30, 2017 - sextile Venus in Gemini and Uranus in Aries. A quick acquaintance and love at first sight is possible. But sextile is a weak aspect, and Uranus is an unpredictable planet. Therefore, what quickly arises will quickly disappear.

From the mysterious depths of Space, signals from the beautiful Venus reach us. They are in tune with the music of feelings and guide everyone along the path of love. Do you hear the voice of this planet?

Venus, like all other planets, travels through the Zodiac and moves from one sign to another every 3-4 weeks. Depending on this, our general emotional background and sensitivity change. You could say that Venus sets the same emotional weather for everyone.

You hardly want to go for a walk on a dank, gloomy day. Likewise, in some periods of the year (when Venus moves through certain signs of the Zodiac), you don’t want to get out of your cozy corner; establishing close relationships becomes more difficult or even impossible. But when the sun is shining, on the contrary, the mood improves, we are drawn to the street. There are periods of the year when Venus illuminates the path of your love, helps to improve relationships, and find the key to your lover’s heart.

Venus' movement around the zodiac in 2017


01.01 - 03.01 Venus in Aquarius
04.01 - 03.02 Venus in Pisces
04.02 - 03.04
R 05.03 - 02.04
Venus in Aries
04.04 - 28.04
R 04 .04 - 16 .04
Venus in Pisces
29.04 - 05.06 Venus in Aries
06.06 - 04.07 Venus in Taurus
05.07 - 31.07 Venus in Gemini
01.08 - 25.08 Venus in Cancer
26.08 - 19.09 Venus in Leo
20.09 - 14.10 Venus in Virgo
15.10 - 07.11 Venus in Libra
08.11 - 01.12 Venus in Scorpio
02.12 - 17.01 Venus in Sagittarius

You can find out the weather forecast that Venus promises in our table.

Find the period you are interested in in the left column.

The right column will tell you which sign Venus will be in at that moment.

. R- retrograde Venus. This is a special time when the planet slows down and gradually begins to move in reverse side. Any relationship also begins to develop in the opposite direction. People move back: they take back their words, do not fulfill promises... This is an unlucky period for love. It is advisable to simply wait it out: do not sort things out, do not enter into contracts. It is highly undesirable to start new romances while Venus is retrograde. This relationship will end quickly. Look for the most successful periods of love and be happy!

Venus in Aries. Anyone who needs to shake things up should definitely start an affair at this time. Emotions become brighter, experiences more passionate, and actions impulsive and provocative. We flare up from any, even fleeting, spark (look, word, gesture...). True, at this time people tend to rush to extremes. The saying “from love to hate is one step” is very suitable for of this period. We quickly light up, but we can also quickly cool down towards our chosen one. Partners behave more selfishly and begin to compete with each other. I want to receive more love, but there is no desire to share affection. Sexual attraction worsens. However, the initial fervor that was at the beginning of the romance quickly fades away, and the partners may get tired of each other. The emotions received at this time will be remembered for a long time. To save feelings, you need permanent shift impressions.

Venus in Taurus. good time for those who want stability and reliability, looking for their soulmate. Venus is now helping to strengthen existing relationships and establish new, strong relationships. During this period, sensuality intensifies, so the sexual side will play an important role. Particularly pleasing tasty food, comfortable environment. True, laziness and a sense of ownership are intensifying. Therefore, you need to be doubly careful and not give reasons for jealousy. If you fall in love now, the feeling will completely overwhelm you, and it will be quite difficult to switch to something else. You may feel stuck. Nevertheless, it is at this time that we can look at the situation soberly and make decisions, guided by common sense and our own benefit. Only sometimes we overestimate the material side (we look at the wallet rather than at the partner himself).

Venus in Gemini. Nowadays people are not inclined to make long-term plans and serious relationship. I want ease, non-binding flirting, friendly communication without obligations. As the classic would say: “Figaro here, Figaro there.” I want to be everywhere, but not stay anywhere for long. Making a choice is very difficult. Not only partners, but also we ourselves tend to change our desires: today we want one thing, tomorrow we want something else. We place the same varied demands on our elected representatives. The circle of contacts is expanding. It’s easy to make acquaintances during this period, but it’s just as easy (and, importantly, painless) to break up. Meeting during this period will most likely lead to tender friendship and, alas, short-lived love. But if you just need to have fun or take your mind off sad thoughts, Venus in Gemini is the best period for communication. Even someone who has always found it difficult to start a relationship becomes more sociable and friendly at this time, and is the first to make contact.

Venus in Cancer. This is a period of sentimental feelings, reverent care for a partner. Now strong attachments are emerging, relationships are family-oriented. True, people do not open up to each other right away, they take a long time to look closely, are cautious, and when misunderstandings arise, they withdraw into themselves. Demanding towards a partner, suspiciousness increases, but also sensitivity to the feelings of others and gentleness. People pay more attention to close relatives and children. Those who are without a partner feel loneliness more acutely, and the desire to start a family appears. If a conflict arises during this period, partners tend to first of all feel sorry for themselves and may become offended over trifles. Therefore, you should be very careful in your assessments and statements. This is one of best periods for dating if you are a serious and family-oriented person. If you are counting on a light romance, it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

Venus in Leo. Relationships during this period resemble a vivid performance. I want spectacular gestures, expensive gifts, passionate declarations of love. Feelings are a little exaggerated, everything is on display: tears to the point of hysteria, joy to the point of stupor. On the one hand, everyone is busy only with themselves, personal feelings are more important than the feelings of their partner. On the other hand, we are more inclined to show nobility and generosity than in other periods. There is a high probability that partners who met on Venus in Leo will be unequal: one loves, the other allows himself to be loved. It's easy to fall in love now famous person, because the heart is drawn to bright, charismatic people. In established couples, relationships reach new round, become more passionate. But if you are in a state of conflict, you (or your partner) can easily become carried away by someone else.

Venus in Virgo. Modesty and restraint come to the fore. Even if you like your partner very much, it is difficult to show it or talk about your feelings. During this period, you can count on care from your chosen one. But there will be very little romance. When choosing a partner, people rely on common sense and calculation. Avoid deep feelings and strong emotions, sometimes they take each other too seriously (they find fault with little things, exaggerate shortcomings). We can say that the area of ​​feelings is blocked during this period. But people are becoming smarter, more decent, and they don’t waste words. Acquaintances made during this period will most likely develop into strong union without much emotion. But you can always count on responsibility and a strong sense of duty.

Venus in Libra. A very harmonious period. We hear the voice of our partner’s soul and understand his emotional needs. It is easy for us to establish contact with each other and communicate as equals. I want not just a loved one to be nearby, but an equal, close partner. We perceive everything that happens adequately, without rushing from one extreme to another. People compromise more easily and forgive insults. Venus in Libra, as it were, removes the husks and takes away everything unnecessary. We see a person without embellishment, as he really is. There is more romance in relationships. I want my partner to look after me beautifully, give compliments, and give gifts. We become more receptive to everything that surrounds us. Now more than ever, it is important to look good because people pay attention to appearance.

Venus in Scorpio. Time violent passions out of control emotions. This is good for those who are looking for bright sensations, strong impressions and an unforgettable sexual experience. The volcano of feelings is now seething, the emphasis is entirely moving to the intimate sphere. People tend to make mountains out of molehills and stir up conflicts. Controversial issues that have not been resolved before come to the surface. Often during this period, separation occurs because people are less tolerant of each other’s shortcomings, become terrible owners and want to literally tie their partner to themselves. Feelings are very strong, sometimes it is impossible to cope with them, they literally carry you in one direction. When you make a choice, you need to be extremely careful and prudent so as not to regret it in the very near future. Yes, there will be a lot of quarrels, but Venus in Scorpio promises you the most vivid sensations.

Venus in Sagittarius.“Life is a game,” teaches Venus in Sagittarius. People around us are now friendlier, and we ourselves are in a positive mood. Even troubles are experienced more easily at this time. I want to engage in self-improvement, gain new knowledge, and meet new people. People become more mobile, more sociable, relationships develop easily and naturally. Especially many acquaintances at this time occur on the road, traveling, there is a high probability of having an affair with a foreigner. Partners will treat each other warmly, but will not rush to the registry office. Venus in Sagittarius tends to open relationships, carefree. You can get involved in an adventure, agree to an unusual proposal from your chosen one - at this time, any risky actions bring a lot positive emotions, unexpected luck smiles on people.

Venus in Capricorn. If you dream of marriage, this is your time. Truth to understand true feelings partner, it will take time. Venus in Capricorn seems to freeze emotions, it becomes more difficult to express them, as if something is holding us back from within. Therefore, these days do not expect manifestations of tenderness; now rationality and reliability come to the fore. Moreover, a person can really love you, but it’s difficult to show it to him. Any connection that began these days must stand the test of time. The romance will develop slowly, but it will most likely end in a wedding. People react calmly to everything, romance leaves the relationship. I don’t want to flirt, just like I don’t want to start a relationship without obligations. Even going on dates is more difficult. But there is a desire to start a family, to find your person. People spend more time at home and expect mutual understanding and deep feelings from their partners.

Venus in Aquarius. During this period, feelings may well up that will be very difficult to contain. Although a friendship will arise between the partners, which in the rather distant future may still develop into love. The main thing during this period is not to limit each other’s freedom. In relationships, people behave unpredictably, and even trusted partners experience unusual situations and strange emotional impulses. If you're looking, the choice can be quite original because Venus in Aquarius draws our attention to people we haven't noticed before. During this period, there is a high probability of falling in love at first sight. True, the feeling may quickly fade, but even this temporary flash can incinerate your heart. The main thing that is especially valued during this period is freedom and activity. It is important that partners also have an active social life.

Venus in Pisces. People's romantic mood increases. I want to talk about love, hear reverent confessions, go on dates under the moon. Even inveterate “crackers” become more sensitive. New acquaintances are more likely to develop into a serious relationship. The main thing is to adequately assess the partner’s behavior and the situation as a whole, because Venus in Pisces inclines us towards impracticality. We hear and see what we want, and not what actually exists. During this period, a strong feeling, sacrificial love arises. You are ready to do anything if only your partner is nearby. This position of Venus is especially good for two creative people who will work together on a common cause, or for people with high sensitivity.

Is everything a foregone conclusion?

On whatever Venus the relationship began, that’s how it will develop. It is enough to know how Venus behaves in the sign in which it was during the period of acquaintance. This will help predict the development of relationships in the future. For example, if the romance began on pragmatic Venus in Capricorn, he. will most likely lead to marriage, but there will be little warmth between partners. Romantic Venus in Pisces, on the contrary, tends to be overly sensitive, while freedom-loving Venus in Aquarius promises long period courtship, but does not always lead to marriage.

12 April 2017, 19:41


From VENUS in difficult (Aries, Scorpio) or, on the contrary, pleasant positions for this planet (Taurus and LIBRA) let’s move on to normal flow ZODIAC and reflect on VENUS in GEMINI.

It is believed that VENUS in Gemini is in the so-called. kinship, i.e. the energy of the sign is favorable for this planet. GEMINI know how to communicate, and VENUS in LIBRA stands up for building relationships. Hence the concept of kinship. But in my personal opinion, that’s all there is to it. Because GEMINI themselves may love to communicate, but they don’t like to “grow” and go deeper into the relationship itself. And a planet, falling into a sign, must obey the requirements of the sign. And VENUS in GEMINI becomes a little... flighty. And cheerful. And easy. And smart. More precisely, sharply smart. VENUS also loves in GEMINI - especially not fools. Brains are what is important in a partner. And also the ability to be interesting. New. Unusual. VENUS IN GEMINI is a curious VENUS. Talking, going somewhere, learning something - that’s happiness.

Ideally, VENUS in GEMINI values ​​intelligence. Not ideally, these are frivolous ladies with kaleidoscopic thinking, whose main hobby is shopping. I would emphasize the last remark, because... For VENUS in GEMINI, shopping is a must. Let it be the purchase of something inexpensive, small and unnecessary. But-regularly.

Unfortunately, VENUS in GEMINI are bad at saving money. But they accumulate knowledge well.

I insist that there are VENUS in GEMINI who prefer to buy books and love to attend trainings, advanced training courses and just learn something. These are extremely inquisitive people! They can be very erudite. Their desire for knowledge is worthy of all praise and can only be envied. They can attend a lot of seminars at the same time, love to make new acquaintances and attend all kinds of exhibitions, rallies, and forums.

I forgot to say that modern VENUS can enthusiastically blog on social networks and collect gadgets. The heart of such a VENUS rejoices in communication, and the more subscribers, the better.

There is an opinion that such VENUS can be fickle in relationships, alas. Well, he certainly won’t bother. VENUS in GEMINI loves variety and does not like the pressure of authority. Therefore, you shouldn’t burden the girl here, but the best thing is to go somewhere and laugh together.

My experience has shown that the frivolous stereotype does not always work. The degree of involvement of a woman with such VENUS in a relationship may depend on a bunch of other factors that emerge as you work with her chart. But for the general approach, yes, let’s say that VENUS in GEMINI “doesn’t bother” and doesn’t “load” itself.

Please note - VENUS in GEMINI is not about appearance. This is an airy VENUS and an intellectual sign. Therefore, here we are talking about the joys of the mind. This will be more like a “guy” than a languid feminine beauty. The energy of such a girl is not warm! This is air, and Hermes, the patron saint of Gemini, was generally famous for his brains. Actually, he personified them.

Hermes. Fast and omnipresent as Thought.

In general, the archetype of Hermes is an eternal youth, restless, quicksilver, a clever deceiver and magician, whose tricks more than once made both gods and mortals shudder and laugh... Loki among the Scandinavians and our Veles are very close to Hermes/Mercury, the mental God-Logos. The main task of which is the Path of Knowledge. Not Feelings. That's why VENUS is visiting Hermes here. So think about how feminine she is.

Loki, God the Trickster (sorry, I couldn’t resist posting this handsome guy)

Damn, girl, stop...

And VELES the horned God, with the keys to the Three Worlds

This position of VENUS is not bad for public people, for those who need to speak or write well/beautifully. But I think this will not go further than journalism. A writer should be with his cockroaches, and VENUS in GEMINI loves adequacy and sanity.

With this position of VENUS, interesting girls were selected...

And the girl whose fate prompted me to create these posts is Maria Maksakova. July 24, 1977 Munich Germany

There are a lot of them, so I'll go through the bright ones distinctive features VENUS in GEMINI

So, Sher. Sherelin Sargsyan. Even without knowing the biography of this lady, after a quick glance at the card, I would say that she has obvious problems with feeling like a woman. She does not have feminine energies - warm, viscous, harmonious, unhurried, or rather suppressed. The fact that she is bright and shocking, yes, as much as you like. But this outrageousness covers up enormous shyness and tightness.

After all, VENUS does not need shocking, I will repeat this again. She is very traditional. Conservative, I would say. Everything that feminists struggle with is personified by VENUS. Rings, gifts, courtship, leisureliness, bliss, beauty... And Cher, it’s not for nothing that she became an idol LGBT community. She has colossal problems in the VENUS part.

Let me list: VENUS in GEMINI itself is already about intelligence (and an intelligent woman is a problem in terms of female fulfillment), Venus is in conjunction with URANUS! O-always bright! Unusual! Crazy! Or it immediately sends us into non-standard sexual stories. Or is it shocking? Or that unusual taste. Or are you a rebel/intellectual/rocker. Or you like/you like unusual people...Or, as in the case of CHER-VENERA, while managing the House of Children, she gave her a child who changed gender.

Where there is Uranus, there are always deviations from the conservative norm. And very often (!) - sexual deviations from the conservative, customary standard. For example, I saw a card of a very simple girl who, with such a position of VENUS, managed in a small town in the distant USSR to suffer a personal tragedy because her betrothed turned out to be gay. The only one, apparently, within a radius of 2000 km. She attracted...But this is not enough for Cher. Her VENUS is in the 12th house and conjunct the North Node. Those. it's like it's closed feminine energy under a lead sarcophagus. To make it clear: 1 of the influences I have cited is enough to limit VENUS in its natural manifestation. Charlene has 4. This situation is well understood by people with similar problems. But this again is not from a good life. Harmonious VENUS is not sexual perversion. This is the Yin principle in its purest form. Without any BUTs.

Now about Sandra Bullock.

I won't even go into details of her biography - we all know her. By the way, she doesn’t give off any sense of scandal, pay attention. I want to draw attention to her “normality” and the absence of feminine antics and feminine manipulations.. This is the energy of Gemini. She is “one of us.” And her roles are the same - you immediately begin to sympathize with her.
"While you were Sleeping"

"Practical Magic"

"Lake house"

I can’t imagine her in the role of a vamp or a queen-priestess... That’s not the inner message. But she is wildly charming. In a good way, in a “human” way, and not in a feminine way. VENUS stands in a very advantageous position - on the Ascendant. And it is supported by good aspects from both Saturn and the Moon. But if we look at her map as a whole, I’ll repeat it again. She's an intellectual type. Not sensual. The head works well there. A smart girl. More precisely, a smart PERSON. Feel the difference.

Catherine II

Here it is, to be honest, it puzzled me... I’ve seen cards of people in power... So that’s not what it’s about. Such a strong, sensible aunt, very sane. Very practical (apparently in German). Without problems and manic states. Venus in GEMINI conjunct the Moon and Jupiter in a deep, very meaningful position. In her case, this is curiosity. Good brains. Best vacation, sir a book. Jupiter and its position in the House will give depth of understanding. Insight! The feeling of a mother responsible for her children. Jupiter will also give you stature! To become special, representative. We will see this situation in another character later.

Well, "merry widow" Courtney Love is also on our list. And the lady is also interesting.

What is actually interesting here is the defeat of the light, broken VENUS from the heavy, destructive planets PLUTO and URANUS. The girl's VENUS is fast, agile, active (even too much) - and here it is! VENUS is our relationship! Our love relationship. And then a furious defeat. It's a kind of doom. And VENUS in her chart rules the house of Death and stress.

Soooo, now Maria Maksakova. Actually, it all started with her... Again, I won’t dissect her biography. I will dwell on points that explain a little the motivation for actions.

VENUS in GEMINI conjunct Jupiter. I have already written about this situation. In physics, this is reflected in a certain corpulence. Jupiter gives rise and representativeness. It ennobles the appearance. But Jupiter and VENUS together is about WANT with a capital letter. This is excessive desire. Or the desire for status, position, respectability! I want to be the mistress of the sea. It's about that.

Expansion in desires. I want a lot, it’s overwhelming. Only for Catherine the Great this resulted in government, and for Maria it simply resulted in a desire to occupy a high-status position, and, alas, failure. Because Catherine has Jupiter in Cancer (in exaltation), and Mary has Jupiter in Gemini. In a very weak position for herself. With such a Jupiter it is extremely difficult to achieve recognition. He always wastes money on little things. And always automatically unauthorized. Alas. Venus also has an aspect from Neptune. Well, this is about idealism. More precisely, dissatisfaction. The girl comes up with ideal relationship and strive for them, literally getting into some kind of deception, murky schemes, getting confused and no longer seeing guidelines.

For light VENUS in GEMINI, this aspect is simply a punishment, because it undermines rationality. In the case of Maria, not everything is so sad - she has this idealistic aspect perfectly discharged and she easily makes her dreams come true beautiful life. Well, how can it, of course. So, take a look! She won't disappear.

We looked at so many different ladies - and they are all interesting in their own way!

There are no “bad” positions of VENUS. There is a little more difficult, or a little easier. But everything is interesting. And you can work on everything - and slightly correct the villainous fate! Everything can be fixed, believe me. Moreover, this is what is expected of us. Offer Space Game. But we don’t see this, preferring to suffer and reflect. All you need to do is show conscious interest.

Next post is about VENUS in Cancer!

Previous posts.

Venus, falling into the sign of Gemini, loses the power that it has in Corpuscle. Here she is in neutral position, so to attract money, you will need to work harder. However, you don’t always need to worry about money, because Gemini is an easy-going air sign that doesn’t like to bother with anything.

How to attract money to your home?

Increase cash reserves and attract financial flows during this period other people will help: relatives, brothers, sisters, neighbors, and in general people from the immediate environment. It is these people in your horoscope that are united by the Gemini sign. You can turn to them for help or use their knowledge and experience in achieving your financial goals.

Ease of contacts and a rich imagination are key to attracting money these days, so do everything to be as much as possible in sight, meet friends and acquaintances, communicate online.

Support from close relatives and friends, including financial support, is not uncommon at this time. However, it is possible that these people need help from you. In any case, you can also join forces to make money.

Perfect these daysCollect the information, which you need: Nowadays it is very easy to communicate and easy to find out about what interests you. For example, if you are interested in some new business that will allow you to make money, you can study all its intricacies, communicate with other people, find out the pros and cons of these activities, and also start learning something new. Information and knowledge during this periodwill come easily and simply, and you can quickly learn something new for yourself.

You can learn about how people think and act successful in financially People. There are now a lot of books devoted to this topic. Perhaps you will be able to learn a lot of new and important things for yourself. Listen to the advice and draw the right conclusions.

Also at this time money may come from different sources, but during this period most often temporary work or hack work comes. If you dream of a permanent job or source of income, it is better for you to choose a job associated with the symbolism of Gemini: translations, text writing, writing and journalism, trade, consulting services(for example, a beauty consultant or financial advisor), tourist services(but not over long distances, for example, within a city or district ), transport services, work with various kinds documents.

To attract money at this time can't be left alone and carry out normal work in solitude. You need to communicate more, act in cooperation with others.

Earnings will not be taken seriously. That is why, when you start looking for new sources of income, you should don't take everything to heart, then if you fail you won't be too upset.

Any long term and tedious work will be a burden for you during this period, you will not be able to achieve the desired financial stability. It is best to take a simpler approach to money at this time and not try to move mountains.

These days you may feel that you're doing the wrong thing You're wasting your time than you need to. If such thoughts come to you, try changing your occupation or at least adding something new to your usual routine. At that time need variety, routine will be very depressing and spoil your mood, especially in the area of ​​work and earnings.

How to attract money into your life?

How to spend money wisely when Venus is in Gemini?

During the transit of Venus in Gemini, your thoughts may be occupied not only with earning money and receiving money, but also with where to spend it. Now is a good time to go shopping, but your best bet is to buy the following:

1) Books, magazines, newspapers(including electronic ones). Geminis love to collect information in any form, so purchasing paper or electronic means mass media- the most ideal spending at this time.

2) Mobile or landline phones. It is best to buy inexpensive devices at this time that you plan to use for a maximum of several years.

3) Any electronic devices for obtaining information(tablets, players, e-readers) and programs for them. Also, don’t spend too much money, so choose not the most expensive devices.

4) Any products and items with short service life or shelf life.

5) Small items of clothing from the “fast fashion” category (clothes for one season).

6) Various items for children: clothes, shoes, toys, accessories. It is known that children outgrow things very quickly, so they constantly need to buy something. At this time, you should not buy things for future use. It is better to buy something that your child will wear in the near future, for example, in the summer.

7) Inexpensive sports equipment and mobility aids: skateboard, rollerblades, scooters and bicycles. You should not buy something serious, big and expensive at this time.

Money horoscope: Venus transit through Gemini for zodiac signs


This is not a bad time to attract money if you make an effort. It is difficult for you to sit still, and at this time you especially need more movement to get something. Take advantage of every chance to make money that comes your way.


During this period, it will be difficult for you to decide to buy anything, because you prefer to buy something of very high quality that will last a long time. Try to work in a team or in partnership with someone at this time, this is how you can implement your plans and earn money. Don't refuse help from your loved ones.


When Venus is in your sign, you will be especially driven by money, so you can plan various financial transactions or searches for work or sources of income during this period. Good mood and good luck in business at this time will help you increase your finances. Any business meetings will be very successful.

This is a neutral period for your sign: you can start new things and look for work or sources of income. Be generous to your loved ones, give them small gifts, even though you don’t particularly like to part with money.

In contrast to the more stable period Venus in Taurus, now your sign will have a completely different situation: expectations and reality will not coincide. However, do not be upset, you can take advantage of the chance if it presents itself to you. For example, if you found new source income, you should not miss it, even if the amount of earnings is not very large.


This is a bad time for your sign. You love order and stability, but with Venus in Gemini it’s better not to dream of any stability: sources of income may close, work can be quite disappointing, and the amount of income will not suit you. Be patient until Venus enters a sign more favorable to you, but now it’s better not to twitch. It’s bad to change jobs, look for new sources of income.


This period is very favorable for you: it is possible that you will find a new source of income. You should be creative, including art and design. Fruit creative work will be well received by others and will be recognized. At this time you can count on profit.


During this period, you should not spend much money. Otherwise, your purchases may be unsuccessful or will not make you happy. It will be difficult for you to attract money, as well as to find new sources of income, so it is best to save at this time. You are usually terrified of being left without money, so you are used to saving for a rainy day and working hard. Now you should be very careful with money. You are unlikely to be able to save more, but it is quite possible to save what you have accumulated.


This time will not be particularly pleasant for your sign: you may be dissatisfied with yourself, be offended over trifles, you may be haunted by dissatisfaction and Bad mood. However, you should not take everything too personally. If something doesn't work out for you, try again, but using different methods. Be patient and think that the time of bad luck will definitely pass. If possible, do not waste time at this time large amounts and buy only what you need.


This month, when Venus moves through Gemini, is not your month. You are used to working hard, but getting the desired profit will be much more difficult than you think. It is best not to count on large sums and not to expect big income. Try to do your work as usual and not look for anything new.


This period will allow you to make a lot of new acquaintances and receive information important for further growth, so do not miss these days and try to devote more time to communication and searching for sources of income. Great time for negotiations and meetings. You can contact your boss for a promotion, start new things. It will be possible to attract influential people to your affairs, who can subsequently provide you with considerable support.


Try not to count too much on profit and new sources of income at this time. It will be very difficult for you to attract money, so it’s better to tighten your belts and try not to spend too much. Collect necessary information. Communicate with people, but it’s better not to take any serious steps to increase your income: there is a high risk of failure.

If Venus is in Gemini in your horoscope

Changeability and tendency to constant updating very common to those born with Venus in Gemini. These are the qualities that give you a passion for shopping.

You love shopping and spending money, stores allow you to learn a lot of new things and give you another reason for communication, without which you cannot imagine your life. Shopping helps you get rid of stress, gives you pleasure, and you are ready to enjoy every little thing like a child.

You most likely have money won't stay long: as soon as you have an extra penny, you will immediately find where to spend it without any remorse. Mostly the money is spent on small things and any sources of information: books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

The passion for spending can sometimes significantly ruin your life if you have any specific financial goal. Therefore, it is best to save money giving them to someone for safekeeping, or by putting it in the bank without the opportunity to withdraw it for any period of time.

4th of July Venus left the sign of her power Taurus and entered the sign of the air element Gemini. The planet of love will stay here until July 31. Venus in Gemini tends to be fickle and promiscuous. During this time, you can have time to meet and quarrel, make small profits from various sources, take short exciting trips, and flirt. The transit of Venus through the Air sign requires renewal in love relationships. But at the same time, lightness and a penchant for novelty, a thirst for new love adventures do not always bring destruction to permanent relationships. July this year is not the best best month for those who are looking for a serious relationship and want to meet their soulmate. Dating made this month is unlikely to lead to a long-lasting relationship. Venus in Gemini allows you to express your feelings in the most different ways. This could be remote communication and flirting on the Internet, which will fill the void of loneliness. It’s good to go out more often, communicate with the most different people, which will significantly expand the circle of useful contacts. Venus in Gemini prudent and changeable. Any refusal can turn into consent the very next day. You shouldn't trust words, because Venus happens insidious, mixes truth and falsehood, hides the feeling behind beautiful turns of phrase.

The Power of Venus in Air Sign in the ability to adapt to any person, find common ground and common interests. This quality will allow you to achieve success in business. The luckiest there will be those who are involved in the areas information technologies and traders from various industries. Great time for short trips, exploring foreign languages and art activities. Money this month will be spent thoughtlessly, profits may disappear without a trace, and costs will unexpectedly increase. In this regard, it is recommended for all signs be more economical in your expenses.

During from 6 to 9 July Venus in Gemini and Mercury in Leo give you a chance to improve your affairs. This is a favorable time for negotiations and business in general.

July 17 – 20- a very ambiguous period when the influence of Jupiter and Neptune can inspire excessive optimism. Jupiter will promise too much, and Neptune will seduce with easy achievements, idealizing the situation. If an important deal or a long-awaited date falls on these days, it is worth asking advice from two different acquaintances and providing for two options for the development of events.

July 23 – 26- this is the period of influence of retrograde Saturn on Venus in the sign of Sagittarius. Possible cooling of feelings, separation or parting. To reduce negativity, you can remember your lover’s past achievements and sacrifice momentary joys for long-term plans for the future.

During from July 27 to July 30 Venus and Uranus will help you find a way out of any difficult situation in an original way. And the craving for freedom and independence will make the love affair unstable.

And now the forecast for the zodiac signs:

Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn can improve their financial affairs. Taurus- through new connections, women and investment of personal funds. Scorpion- through investments and investments. Capricorn will receive a slight increase in salary, his business in the service will go uphill. It is important to maintain the positions proposed by Venus.

Gemini and Aquarius will be able to get the desired and long-awaited embodiment of their cherished plans. It is important not to slow down the pace of work, to make efforts to overcome the inertia of others. Their weakness- high expectations, idealism, excessive gullibility. Don't let yourself be deceived and don't look for easy ways.

Aries risks being too superficial, and Scales may be considered too arrogant in communication. Overall, both of these signs will learn a lot about love, a great time for learning. Scales An exciting journey and popularity awaits you far from home. Aries He will not lose if he communicates on equal terms with a variety of people, is not overly strict with his loved one and listens to someone other than himself.

Cancer will hide his love and finances from prying eyes for a while. He should make sacrifices for the sake of his loved one and beware of frivolous connections that will not bypass him. Remote communication, sympathy and monetary donations will save you from large losses.

a lion will receive evidence of his indispensability in the professional community. His popularity, personal qualities and undoubted merits will be confirmed from various angles. Friendship can develop into love; common interests will help you get closer to your work colleague. It is important for Leo to remember that Venus in Gemini does not promise strong connections. Caution in relationships and sober self-esteem will help avoid problems.

Love affair at work Virgo And Capricorn may lead them to losses. Fortunately, Venus in Gemini can limit itself to verbal flirting. It's worth choosing that path career growth, which does not contradict your traditional values. Profits from intermediary services and small income from third-party activities are likely.

Sagittarius will fall in love with his partner again, will be ready for compromises in the relationship. He should not be too demanding and shy away from commitments. But you should also restrain yourself and not get married after three days of dating. Income will come from victories in legal disputes.

Pisces in July you should be more economical, both in matters of financial spending and emotional spending. A fresh look at family problems, creating home comfort will bring a long-awaited feeling of renewal. Several love affairs at once will have a bad effect on your health at the end of July. So, if you have excess energy, it is better to direct it towards career growth.
