Men are content php r. Socionics and sexual attraction

1. Befriend the PHP Reference

If you're new to PHP, then it's time to check out the awesome PHP reference. The PHP Reference is incredibly comprehensive and has really helpful comments on every article. Before you ask questions or try to solve the problem yourself, save time and just head for the guide. The answers to your questions are already conveniently placed in a useful article on the site.
In this case, we recommend that you look for reference books in Russian on your own, preferably php for beginners. We will be glad if you give a link to useful reference books in the comments to the article (Just keep in mind that this is a translation of the article).

2. Turn on error reporting

6. Indent and use spaces for readability

If you don't use indentation and whitespace in your code, the result looks like a painting by Jackson Pollack. Make sure your code is readable and searchable, because you will almost certainly make changes to it in the future. IDEs and modern text editors can automatically indent code.

7. Make your code layered

Tiering your applications is nothing more than splitting the various components of your code into parts. In the future, this will give you the ability to easily change the code.

8. Always use

Often programmers try to use abbreviations in PHP statements. Here's how it's usually done:

<% echo "Hello world"; %>

echo "Hello world" ;

<% echo "Hello world" ; %>

While this does save a few characters, these methods are all deprecated and unofficial. stick to the standard, as it is guaranteed to be supported in all future versions.

9. Use meaningful, consistent titles

Naming is not just for your own pleasure. There is nothing worse than tearing through another programmer's meaningless conventions. Help yourself and others by using meaningful names for your classes and properties.

10. Comment, comment, comment

In addition to using spaces and indentation to separate code, you will also need to use inline comments to annotate your code. You'll thank yourself later when you have to go back and look up something in the code, or if you just don't remember what a certain function did. It's also useful for those who need to review your code.

11. Install MAMP/WAMP

MySQL is the most popular kind of database used with PHP (though not the only one). If you need to set up a local environment for developing and testing your PHP applications on your computer, consider installing MAMP (Mac) or WAMP (Windows). Installing MySQL on your own computer can be a tedious process, and both of these software packages contain MySQL. Smart and simple.

12. Set Limits on Your Scripts

Setting a time limit for PHP scripts is a very responsible thing. There are times when scripts break, and when that happens, you'll have to use the set_time_limit property to avoid endless loops and database connection timeouts. Set_time_limit sets a time limit for the maximum number of seconds a script will run in (default 30). After this time, a fatal error is raised.

13. Use objects (or OOP)

Object-oriented programming (OOP) uses objects to represent the components of an application. OOP is not only a way to break up your code into separate logical sections, it also reduces code repetition and makes it much easier to modify it in the future.

14. Understand the difference between single and double quotes

Using single quotes in strings is more efficient because the parser doesn't have to sift through the code looking for special characters and other things that double quotes allow. Where possible, try to always use single quotes.

Objection: Actually, this is not necessarily true. Benchmark tests show that when testing strings without variables, there are some performance advantages to using double quotes.

15. Don't put phpinfo() in your webroot

Phpinfo is a wonderful thing. By simply creating a PHP file that has:

and by attaching it somewhere on the server, you can instantly know everything about your server environment. However, many beginners will place a file containing phpinfo() in the webroot of the server. This is an extremely insecure practice, and if someone with an inquisitive mind gains access, they could potentially jinx your server. Make sure phpinfo() is in a safe place, and as an extra measure, remove it once you're done.

16. Never, ever trust your users

If your application has places for users to log in, you should always assume that someone will try to enter a questionable code. (We're not implying that your users are bad people. It's just common sense.) A great way to keep your site safe from hackers is to always initialize your variables to protect your site from XSS attacks. has an example of a properly closed form with initialized variables:

if (correct_user ($_POST [ "user" ] , $_POST [ "password" ] ) (

$login = true ;

if ($login) (


17. Keep passwords encrypted

Many newbies to PHP often dump sensitive data like passwords into the database without using encryption. Consider using MD5 to encrypt passwords before sharing their database.

echo md5("myPassword"); // renders-

echo md5("myPassword") ; // renders-

Objection: However, remember that MD5 hashes have been compromised for a long time. Of course, they are more secure than not, but with the help of a giant "spectral table" hackers can recover your hash. For even more security, consider adding "salt" (white noise interference). "Salt" is usually an extra set of characters that you append to a custom string.

18. Use database visualization tools

If you find it difficult to plan and modify databases for your PHP applications, you might consider using a database visualization tool. MySQL users can work with DBDesigner and MySQL Workbench to visually design their databases.

19. Use Output Buffering

Output buffering is an easy way to greatly improve the quality and speed of your PHP script. Without output buffering, your script will render the HTML on the page as it is processed - in chunks. Adding output buffering allows PHP to store the HTML as a variable and send it to the browser in one chunk.

To activate the output buffering function, simply add ob_start() like this at the beginning of the file.

Objection: While not required, it's generally considered good practice to just stick with the “ob_end_flush();” function. towards the end of the document. P.S. Do you also want to compress HTML? Just change "ob_start();" to "ob_start('ob_gzhandler')";




20. Protect Your Script From SQL Injection Attack

If you do not escape characters used in SQL strings, your code is vulnerable to an SQL injection attack. This can be avoided by using either the mysql_real_escape_string function or prepared SQL statements.

Here is an example of mysql_real_escape_string in action:

$username = mysql_real_escape_string($GET["username"]);

$username = mysql_real_escape_string ($GET [ "username" ] ) ;

And a prepared statement:

21. Try an ORM

If you are writing object-oriented PHP, you can use OR-mapping (ORM). An ORM allows you to convert data between relational databases and object-oriented programming languages. In short, an ORM makes it possible to work with databases in the same way that you work with classes and objects in PHP.

There are many ORM libraries for PHP such as Propel, and ORM is built into PHP frameworks such as CakePHP.

22. Cache Database Driven Pages

Caching database-driven PHP pages is a great idea to improve the loading speed and performance of your script. It's really not that hard to create and retrieve static content files with our good friend ob_start(). Here is an example taken from

// TOP of your script $cachefile = "cache/".basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"]); $cachetime = 120 * 60; // 2 hours // Serve from the cache if it is younger than $cachetime if (file_exists($cachefile) && (time() - $cachetime< filemtime($cachefile))) { include($cachefile); echo ""; exit; ) ob_start(); // start the output buffer // Your normal PHP script and HTML content here // BOTTOM of your script $fp = fopen($cachefile, "w"); // open the cache file for writing fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents()); // save the contents of output buffer to the file fclose($fp); // close the file ob_end_flush(); // Send the output to the browser

// TOP of your script

$cachefile = "cache/" . basename ($_SERVER [ "SCRIPT_URI" ] ) ;

$cachetime = 120 * 60 ; // 2 hours

// Serve from the cache if it is younger than $cachetime

if (file_exists ($cachefile ) && (time () - $cachetime< filemtime ($cachefile ) ) ) {

include($cachefile) ;

Xenia Chuzha

Often this is a monogamous, homebody, knows how to listen, appreciates stability and calmness, loves to be alone, laconic. And also a conservative, pays a lot of attention to his own person, strictly "guards" his personal space and is not particularly friendly. This is a typical portrait of an introverted man.

Introverted people do not want to be the center of attention, they are not particularly eager for noisy companies. They are more in-depth in their own inner world. The outside world interests them only as a field for passive observation. They often have one or more hobbies. And this hobby can become a bridge to the heart of an introverted man. However, one should not expect that a person will immediately become sociable, open. Its essence will remain the same. Which? Let's analyze more and pick up the keys to the closed doors of the soul of an introvert.

Introverts do not like to express emotions violently.

At first glance, it may seem that they are devoid of feelings. In fact, such people have a very developed emotional component of the psyche, they experience much deeper, but this is hidden from the human eye. They do not like to show their inner world. And even more so, introverted men do not like questions like: “What did you feel then? What do you feel now? What would you think if something happened?" The inner world of an introvert belongs only to him. And he will be reluctant to share it even with the dearest person.

Advice: This cannot be changed, only accepted as a fact. You should not expect an introverted man to carry his beloved in his arms or talk passionately about his feelings. His feelings in his actions: silent care, loyalty and honesty.

Every word of an introverted man is iron.

Not because it is long-awaited for the interlocutor, but because the introvert says only what he is sure of. His “love” may sound once in a few years, but it is one hundred percent. He keeps his promises and doesn't like to lie. Long conversations introvert prefers long-term joint activities in some common cause without further ado. The interlocutor from the introvert is not very good. But such a listener as this type of personality is hard to find.

Advice: Look for an active interlocutor among extroverts, and when you need to speak out, feel free to talk with your loved one. Understand that a dry tone of conversation and rare phone calls are not a sign of disrespect or dislike, this is a character trait. Fewer questions - and you will be more comfortable together.

Introverts prefer solitude.

The desire to be alone occurs to them more often than the desire to talk or just be in the same room with a loved one. If they don’t try to remake an introverted man, but accept it as it is, then over time he can spend more time together, provided that they don’t bother him with conversations. But this is a rare case.

Advice: It is better not to try to cheer up a person when he is not in the mood for it. The reaction may be the most unexpected. Just ask: "Do you want to be alone?". If instead of an answer there is silence or indistinct muttering, then this should be understood as “Yes”.

Frames and abs are not for introverts.

Patterns, traditions, restrictions or pressures make this type of man mad. He can quarrel with everyone on his birthday if someone wants him to behave "as it should." An introverted man cannot be on short rein. He either withdraws even more into himself if he feels pressured, or breaks off the relationship.

Advice: An introvert should always have freedom of choice. Independence and personal space are of great importance to him. If a woman wants to be easy with an introverted man, you need to get rid of the desire to keep everything under control. Speak directly what you want, calmly, without ultimatums and demands, always argue your desires. This is the only way to influence decision-making by an introvert.

Introverts don't rush anywhere.

Most men of this type do everything at a measured pace. Even if the matter requires speed, they rarely change their usual rhythm. Introverts also take longer to make decisions than extroverts. Everything, in their opinion, requires careful analysis. That is why they so rarely commit spontaneous acts, and most often, it seems that they just go with the flow.

Advice: Words to fit an introvert is difficult. He perks up a little when he sees a positive example nearby. In order for decisions to be made faster, a woman needs to take the first small and, most importantly, almost imperceptible step herself. Yes, unfortunately, if you want to speed things up a bit, then only the woman herself can do it.

Introverts love inconspicuously.

The love of an introvert is strong. But often they don't talk about it, and, worst of all, they don't express it. A rare introvert man will think that a woman wants attention in the form of small gifts or flowers. He just loves, just cares.

Advice: Tell us what you want. The satellite will not understand hints and silence. Specifically: “I want flowers at least a couple of times a month”, “I love you to give me something.”

Introverts are very attentive to personal things.

An introverted man will not understand a girl who will put on his shirt in the morning or wash her hair with his shampoo without warning. This is an encroachment on personal space and freedom - only this will be the interpretation. Introverts have the same careful attitude towards money. They are not misers, but rather, very prudent.

Advice: Do not rearrange things, take something without asking, or try to clean something up. Everything that belongs to a man is in his understanding something very personal. Even an ordinary ballpoint pen can be so valuable that he won't want to give it to you. Therefore, if you want to take something, shift it, first ask so that you are understood correctly.

We talked about male introverts briefly. But you can learn more from the book by Marty Olsen Laney. She wrote one of the most popular books on the subject, The Invincible Introvert. In it you can find much more information about this type of personality and advice on how to behave with an introvert, how to understand his behavior. Successful communication.

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How to make all the girls want you? Isn't this a dream covert or overt) the vast majority of readers of this site? your dream. If No, Honestly No, then please, no problem, there are still a lot of materials. And if Yes then this article is for you.

What do they all want from us? Mountains of jewelry, cool cars and fur coats? If you think so, then I agree with you. Yes, exactly this, if you can’t give them what they really want.

Then, apparently, they want to have fun with us at discos, go to the movies, have fun? Do they yearn to constantly laugh at our jokes and not get tired of our diversity? Then the main thing is not to let them get bored? Frankly, this is a little closer to the truth than the assumption of an expensive golden cage. There is already an emotional component. And the girl will be happy to strive for you if you know how to entertain her, because you really want not to notice that her true request remains unfulfilled. And she will hide her dislike for you, so cool.

Now, these women, who will understand them if they themselves do not speak directly! And by the way, they say something. All of them, to a single dream out loud about the prince on a white, of course, horse. Undoubtedly, they dream, because they have seen this picture since childhood in all Disney cartoons. They are taught this by their mothers from a young age. And all the young ladies, well, or almost all, sincerely believe that a noble knight of noble blood, doing noble deeds for them, will definitely act nobly and marry them all. All fairy tales for girls end with a beautiful noble wedding. But, as you understand, after the end of the fairy tale, the real part begins, which mothers prefer not to tell. Namely: the princess begins to understand that somehow white clothes and sublime songs are not enough for her. Wonderful feelings are, of course, wonderful, but this beauty makes you want to hide at least for a while more and more. And one day such a man will turn up at the court, in whose arms she will unexpectedly find for herself and those around her what she needs.

Oh bitch, oh whore! Traitor! You yourself spoke of eternal love just yesterday! Yes, how could you? Just anger will certainly send the scoundrel to the stake, and therefore she will try to hide her act. It is for this instinct of self-preservation that we consider all women to be insidious liars. But that's another topic.

However, we are very concerned about what they still need? What do they always miss? Either they are waiting for a brutal mature alpha male, or an excited, trembling young man in love, or a defender-knight, or a patronizing dad ... Exactly, you say. All women compare men with their fathers, from whom they received a model of male behavior in childhood. This one also wrote about this ... like him ... well, the most intelligent psychologist. Yes, all psychologists write about it.

If you're still here, I'll explain to you. We were all brought up in a patriarchal civilization, where feelings, sensations, emotions are perceived as something that hinders success. No one will praise you for tears, for weakness. A girl acting like a tomboyish boy is admired in many films. The boy who shows his soul, at best, will be rewarded with indulgence. Everything masculine is welcomed, everything feminine is despised.

Although, this is only at first glance - in fact, male covers are welcome, and not the essence. But that's another conversation.

Now, neither girls nor boys in our civilization get enough intimacy with mom. We have all been deprived of this, and we all secretly want to make up for it. Precisely secretly, because obviously we don't need veal tenderness. We are quite mature and quite strong. Girls in this regard are more honest, they at least hug each other, kiss, exciting our fantasies of lesbian beauty. They do it because they are women. While we hunted in ancient times, providing food for the tribe, they were at home, building social bonds based on pleasant contact. They took care of the children by touching them, talking to them, kissing them.

From infancy, we get the experience of contact with another person from mom, and the experience of achievement, success, experience of strength from dad. And we are all traumatized from childhood by the rejection of intimacy from our busy mothers. From our mothers, frightened by excessive intimacy. And we are all extremely afraid of the intimacy that we so badly want.

And we, who received the first bodily pleasure from our mother, are looking for her, so that she would give more, we need to get it in abundance, we need to fill this void. This bottomless hole that we are trying to plug with respect, clothes, luxury. Or from which we want to distract ourselves by drowning out the crying of our inner child with the noise of discos and clubs, with our own laughter. The main thing is to prevent boredom, which will manifest a thirst for contact. Or we try to create a romantic mood. Or we turn to patriarchal reinforced concrete dogmas.

And the more we push out the baby's cry By the way, have you noticed that you are probably annoyed by baby crying?), the stronger the thrust becomes. And the more likely it is that about let some beauty let you know that she could be your mother, how do you complete your fantasy yourself and rush to her headlong.

Here is the secret weapon of every successful Casanova - be prepared for close contact. Consciously prepare yourself for the touch of souls, for the touch of words, for the touch of bodies, and the girl will not resist. No girl can resist the inner openness of a hug. Even the one that has a very impregnable appearance. This look is put on by those who are afraid that they will be deprived of maternal love, but this is another topic.

For him

b) only when we get tired of being together;

c) a couple of times a week such a thought comes ...

a) you tell each other about absolutely all your fears and dreams;

3. On your birthday, your girlfriend:

a) knows without prompting what would give you pleasure;

a) your girlfriend is the most fascinating person you know;

5. How do you fight?

6. Are you sure that your chosen one is what you need?

7. You come home after work tired and irritated. Your girlfriend:

a) engaging conversation;

b) to new acquaintances;

c) to meet new love;

9. You accidentally see your girlfriend in the arms of another. Are you concerned about:

a) Your inability to satisfy your partner;

b) lost attraction to her;

a) an excellent loving couple;

1. When you decide to dine out, is it easy for you to agree on exactly where to do it?

a) you both like the same food and restaurants

b) your chosen one does not share some of your tastes. You have to go to her...

c) you do not like almost any of the restaurants offered, and you insist on your choice

2. How close are your political views?

a) you are often even surprised to what extent you are ideologically close

b) there are a number of political issues on which you cannot agree

c) in your opinion, as far as politics is concerned, your beloved is a naive dreamer

3. Do cultural differences in background leave a certain imprint on your relationship?

a) both of you respect each other's cultural foundations, do you admire the opportunity to expand your cultural horizon with the help of your chosen one?

b) cultural differences sometimes cause a clear lack of understanding

c) you think that her strange behavior is determined by the origin

4. Do you agree on how children should be raised?

a) your love for each other easily extends to your offspring

b) each of you is more or less tolerant of the other's ideas

c) you think you shouldn't have children because raising them would cause great friction between you

5. Is religiosity a problem in your relationship?

a) in no way - we are both of the same faith

b) there are some differences, but you agreed to come to terms with them

c) your religious differences are the main source of your grief

6. Do you have disagreements about spending money?

a) you always agree on how to allocate your funds

b) from time to time you have clashes over money matters

c) do you think your girlfriend is a spender?

7. If your lover invited you to the theater or to a concert, would you:

a) looked forward to this event with joy

b) would go with some conditions

c) would suggest that she go without you

8. What do you think about your girlfriend's taste in clothes?

a) she dresses with impeccable taste, usually to please you

b) most of the time she looks dignified

c) sometimes you are so ashamed of her appearance that you try to pretend that you came with someone else

9. How do you feel about her friends?

a) they are charming, admirable girls

b) you don't like some of her friends

c) you prefer to hang out with your friends

10. How, in your opinion, should the roles be distributed between a man and a woman

a) you solve life problems as they arise and do not see the need to distribute responsibilities among yourself depending on gender

b) there is a mutual understanding between you as to which of you is responsible for what

c) your lady seems to be from the Middle Ages, she has such mossy ideas about this

For her

1. Have you ever thought about ending your relationship?

a) no, it would be very painful if we had to leave;

b) when you are fed up with your partner;

c) almost every day

2. How much do you and your partner trust each other?

a) you tell each other about all your most intimate fears and dreams;

b) both you and he have things in life that everyone would rather keep to themselves;

c) for the sake of maintaining relationships, they are ready to deceive.

3. On your birthday, your partner:

a) intuitively feels what would give you pleasure;

b) will probably buy you something that will then have to be exchanged;

c) spend a lot of money on something completely inappropriate.

4. Do you like to be alone?

a) your partner is the most fascinating person you know;

b) some rest from each other would strengthen your attachment;

c) sometimes it is worth escaping boredom by surrounding yourself with acquaintances.

5. How do you fight?

a) all disagreements are spoken out loud and quickly resolved;

b) there are topics that you should avoid discussing;

c) you constantly bicker on the most banal issues.

6. Are you sure that your partner is a good choice?

a) have never met anyone who brings you the same satisfaction;

b) life is a compromise and you are quite well settled;

c) you can put a good face on a bad game, maybe something better will turn up.

7. You come home after work tired and irritated. Your partner:

a) understands that you are in a bad mood and does everything possible to distract you;

b) turn on the TV for you and try not to catch your eye for a while;

c) unleash their own problems on you

8. Going to a party, you are always ready:

a) engaging conversation;

b) to new acquaintances;

c) to replace his partner;

9. You accidentally see your partner in the arms of a very attractive person. Are you concerned about:

a) failure to satisfy the partner;

b) lost attraction to him;

c) loss of material well-being;

10. How would you describe your relationship in general?

a) an excellent loving couple;

b) passionate love, but with clear ups and downs?

c) it's better than complete loneliness.

1. How well do you match temperamentally?

a) the individuality of the partner makes you sincerely happy

b) although you have different temperaments, you seem to complement each other well

c) your temperaments are polar

2. Do you rate your partner's intelligence highly?

a) he never ceases to amaze you with his vast knowledge and deep insights

b) although his intellect cannot be compared with yours, he compensates for this shortcoming with other qualities

c) big mind is not what makes your partner different

3. What annoys you the most about your partner?

a) you see the same flaws in him that you see in yourself

b) frequent mood swings

c) his disgusting habits

4. Is a sense of humor the basis of your friendship?

a) always happy to laugh together

b) it is not always clear what your partner found funny

c) rarely find the same thing funny

5. Do you like to travel?

a) yes, you both like meeting new people

b) you are both happy with your home life

c) one of you is a tireless traveler, and the other prefers to stay at home

6. Are your relationships clouded by outbursts of irritation?

a) it is easy for you to get along with each other

b) sometimes you have to restrain your displeasure

c) quarrels are both common and difficult

7. Do any of you experience bouts of depression?

a) are usually both cheerful and optimistic

b) if one of you "falls" into a bad mood, the other manages to get him out of this state

c) you drive each other into depression

8. Do you have an implicit hierarchy?

a) yes, but each of you recognizes the superiority of the other in certain areas

b) one of you dominates everything

c) there is a constant struggle for power between you

9. Are you adventurous?

a) equally

b) a man is more prone to novelty than a woman

c) a woman is greedy for sensations, and a man runs away from them

10. Do you have fears and worries?

a) not at all, you are both quite balanced

b) one tends to worry about everything, but the other has a calming effect

c) sometimes both are on the verge of a nervous breakdown

What are the results? Sum scores individually (a=3 b=2 c=1). Compare your results with those of your partner, but remember that the key to the relationship is still in your hands.

27 - 30 You are extremely lucky: you have an excellent relationship with your partner. Your future together seems long and happy.

24-26 Your relationship is quite satisfying and, apparently. You will manage to happily support them long enough. A little more tolerance and consideration on your part won't hurt your relationship. Do not forget that mature love is the willingness to give without demanding in return.

19 – 23 Your relationship is quite ordinary, but there are clear signs of dissatisfaction. If you are not yet married, you need to think carefully before making such a decision. If you're already married, it's helpful to ask yourself if your relationship would improve if you tried to put in a little more effort and be a little less selfish. It may be worth reviewing your answers to the test questions with a family therapist.

To consider sexual relations between types, let us divide them again into 4 subgroups, similarly to what we did earlier, but at the same time we will use two other pairs of characteristics, namely: sensory-intuition on the one hand and discutivity-resolutivity on the other. The last pair are not Jungian features, so let's say a few words about them separately.

With the help of this pair of features, 16 types are divided into two pairs of quadras. The second and third quadras turn out to be "resolutive" - ​​resolute (lat. resolvo - I resolve, unravel, untie), i.e. prone to tough, sharply resolving contradictions of volitional acts. The first and fourth quadras are "discussive" - ​​deliberative (Latin discutio - I discuss, discuss), i.e. prone to open and broad discussion of the contradictions that arise in the course of action. This pair of typological features, closely related to the life values ​​of the quadras, apparently originates in the Jungian archetypes of the collective unconscious.

We will analyze the groups identified using these two axes through the prism of the hidden psychosexual tendencies of sociotypes. Here we will rather talk about the instinctive, carnal aspect of erotic relationships, as opposed to the spiritual, platonic, which the first half of this article is devoted to. So, the "sensorics - intuition" axis, intersecting orthogonally with the "resolutivity-discutivity" axis, form four psychoanalytic groups of sociotypes:

1. Resolutive sensors - "aggressive" or "hunters" (Zhukov, Gorky, Napoleon, Dreiser).
2. Resolutive intuits - "victim" or "victims" (Yesenin, Hamlet, Balzac, Jack London)
3. Discussive sensorics - "caring" or "father-mother" (Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gabin)
4. Discussive intuits - "infantile" or "son-daughter" (Robespierre, Don Quixote, Dostoevsky, Huxley)

Consider male and female types separately.

Female types

"Caring" woman, or woman-mother
(Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gabin)

Tends to patronize her male partner. She is attracted to weak, but intelligent men who obey her in everyday affairs. She likes to protect, support, cheer them up. Such qualities of character, which in the mass consciousness do not cause respect for males, this woman forgives or considers quite acceptable.

Woman - "Aggressor"

All the time trying to compete with a man, including in erotic relationships. Prone to irony, mockery of the opposite sex. Likes to feel more competent than a man in any business. During a love game, she expects fawning from a man, ostentatious weakness, emotional instability.

"Victim" woman or female victim

The ideal of such a woman is a physically strong man, reminiscent of supermen from American action films. She wants to experience his strength, resist his onslaught, feel like a victim. In love games, she prefers various forms of confrontation that kindle the partner's passion. Women of this type are sometimes immanently inherent in masochistic features. True, not all of them are aware of this.

"Infantile" woman, or woman-daughter

The ideal of this woman is a kind and experienced man, well adapted to life, usually older than her. In the presence of such a man, she feels like a little girl, dependent on him for almost everything. In a love game, preference is given to the psychological factor - sincere conversation, inviting music, and the creation of conditions for relaxation. Above all, she appreciates condescension and care.

Male types

"Caring" man, or man-father
(Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gabin)

A partner who is experienced and attentive to the spiritual world of a woman, who knows how to win her over with patronizing courtship. In a love game, he greatly appreciates female tenderness and insecurity, waiting for admiration for his life experience and skill.

Man - "Aggressor"
(Zhukov, Gorky, Napoleon, Dreiser).

This sociotype has a tendency to forcibly take possession of a woman. In a love game, he likes to demonstrate the struggle. Can afford rudeness, sometimes hurts women - both physical and moral. Expects a woman to submit to force.

"Victim" man
(Yesenin, Hamlet, Balzac, Jack London)

Idealizes a powerful woman. Adjusts to her tastes, respects her strong-willed qualities. In behavior, it either emphasizes its dependence and obedience, or it breaks out of control. In a relationship with a woman, she subconsciously expects orders, tricks, reproaches. Not receiving such reactions, involuntarily provokes their manifestation.

"Infantile" man, or man-son
(Robespierre, Don Quixote, Dostoevsky, Huxley)

Dependent, naive in everyday affairs, expects business and emotional support from a woman. He involuntarily emphasizes his neglected attention, his ruined abilities, his inability to fight in life. Respects in women experience and responsiveness to his problems.

Psychosexual Compatibility

"Caring" woman.

Does not accept strong, but rough caresses from a man. Deprived of foreplay, the power erotic game depresses her sexuality, so male supermen disappoint her. The behavior of a man compatible with her must be infantile, i.e. timid, expectantly alluring. Such a woman loves caresses, which are expressed in gentle, childishly weak touches to erogenous zones. The relationship with the Victim man does not suit her either, because his capriciousness, tricks and provocation of force surprise and repel her. Relationships with a Caring man, identical in terms of psychosexual aspirations, disappoint her over time, although, in principle, she has nothing against it. Sooner or later, in the midst of the comfort with which she was surrounded, she will feel a lack of spirituality.

"aggressive" woman

He is looking for an object for his imperious and active erotic actions. Most of all, she is satisfied with a man who behaves obediently with her, but capriciously. Then she has a reason to be aggressive. A victim man idolizes such a woman and at the same time is afraid of her. His behavior can be compared with the behavior of a page who devotes himself entirely to serving the "beautiful lady". Constant play is the best cure for satiety. In a relationship with an Infantile man, she will not have enough playful humility on his part. His unwillingness to adapt to aggressive attacks cannot but put such an alliance on the verge of breaking. Relationships with the male “Aggressor”, on the one hand, flatter her and spur her excitement, but, on the other hand, they repel her, since they do not lead to the desired victory. Therefore, they can only have varying success. A caring man will irritate her with his attitude towards her as a small child, which she perceives as a humiliation.

"Victim" woman (victim)

Skillfully plays on his weakness, insecurity or disorganization, thereby provoking the Aggressive man to active and decisive action. In love games, strong hugs and the strength of the male body are of the greatest importance to her, yielding to which she demonstrates her obedience to the will of a man. Men of the Caring type seem to her comfortable, but too boring partners, and in her heart she considers the Infantile ones to be completely weak-willed weaklings. With men of a similar type, the Victim woman enters into complex, subtext relationships, competing with them in sacrifice and demanding special privileges for this. Quite often similar games literally exhaust both. At this point I think it necessary to mention that psychoanalytic groups are considered without special detail, so that individual finer distinctions within them disappear. Particularly overlooked among Victim T-types is the fact that they are usually subdivided into "tragic victims" (ET and TE) and "comic victims" (TR and RT).

"Infantile" woman (child)

In the erotic life of a woman of this type, subtle caresses and psychologism of relationships are of the greatest importance. She, having no special intentions, demonstrates her fragility and childish naivety by her actions. An infantile woman easily accepts the affairs and hobbies of a partner whom she sympathizes with. In love games, she gladly takes up the initiative of a caring man, showing her own sophistication and imagination. On supermen, i.e. men of the Aggressive type, such a woman, of course, pays attention, but she is afraid to approach them because of their instinctiveness and rudeness. A man of the Victim type suits her only partially: he starts romantically, but then he bewilders with his demonstration of suffering and unpredictability. With men of the identical Infantile type, she is sure to feel discomfort from the lack of care for her daily needs. In such a pair, the degree of alienation will slowly increase.
